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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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動畫電影品牌商品化與購買意願之研究 / Effects of Brand Avatar on Purchase Intention─A Study of Animation Industry

張雅絜, Chang, Ya Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
商品上隨處可見形形色色的的知名動畫電影角色肖像在上面。動畫電影原本所要吸引的消費族群是以孩童為主,然而,仍有許多青少年族群以及成年人會購買動畫角色的周邊商品。本研究試著以成人消費者的角度,探討不同類型之動畫電影角色吸引消費者的原因所在,以及購買動畫電影角色授權商品的消費者又具備何種特性? 本文研究架構包含喜愛度、熟悉度、相似度等與動畫電影角色吸引力有關之變數,以及個性一致性、認同效果、參考群體等與購買動機有關之變數。本研究將利用問卷調查與統計分析探討消費者對動畫電影角色的品牌態度、產品態度與產品購買意願之關係。 研究結果顯示:消費者對於角色喜愛度與相似度較高會產生較佳的角色品牌態度。而消費者對動畫電影角色的品牌態度,會透過影響產品態度進而影響產品的購買意願。影響產品購買意願的另一因素為消費者對於授權產品的認同效果。另外,本研究發現,消費者對產品態度與購買意願,會受到非人類與虛構人類的角色類別差異的影響。

汽車行銷的適配組合: 企業品牌個性、代言人類型、廣告類型、消費者生活型態 / The Optimal Composition of Marketing in Car Industry: Brand Personalities, Endorser Types, Advertisement Types and Consumer Life Styles

張睿涵 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣汽車市場競爭激烈,台灣市佔率前12大汽車品牌中,沒有一個品牌能夠獲得過半的市占,除了TOYOTA占了3成的市占率,其他11家品牌都只分別占了10%左右以及更少的市場份額。這說明了台灣汽車市場屬於高度異質寡占的性質,在此種性質的市場之下,消費者不只一種選擇,也有充足的資訊來比較各品牌間的差異,因此各品牌的行銷策略就變得格外重要。從各品牌市占率分析中也可以發現,台灣消費者對汽車的偏好相當具有多元性,汽車品牌商很難一網打盡,在資源有限之下,為達到最大效益,如何尋求最適合自身品牌特質的廣告、代言人等型行銷手段就成了研究課題。因此,汽車產業的廠商在行銷上,如何將資源做最適的分配,並能吸引目標消費者,便是一件極端重要的事情。 有鑑於汽車行銷策略中針對不同市場做出差異化的重要性,本研究透過聯合分析法,試圖歸納出何種汽車行銷組合最能受到何種類型消費者的偏好。首先選定汽車品牌個性、代言人類型和廣告類型三大構面作為行銷組合的構成要件,並以聯合分析法為主、單因子變異數分析以及人口統計變數為輔分析出不同類型消費者對於不同行銷組合之偏好正負與多寡。最後分析歸結出以下5點: 1. 對「群體社交集群」而言:此集群最偏好「想像的本田」、「名人周杰倫」以及「功能型廣告」三種屬性所組合而成的汽車行銷組合。 2. 對「領導自主集群」而言:此集群和群體社交集群相同,也最偏好「想像的本田」、「名人周杰倫」以及「功能性廣告」所組成的汽車行銷組合。 3. 對「流行時髦集群」而言:此集群最偏好「想像的本田」與「驚奇廣告」的組合,對於代言人類型則較不影響。 4. 對「精打細算集群」而言: 此集群最偏好「專家郭台銘」與「親情廣告」的組合,對於品牌個性則較不影響。 5. 對「重視家庭集群」而言: 此集群只重視家人給予的建議,因此並無偏好任何一組合。 / The automotive industry in Taiwan is very competitive, for the brand having the biggest market share only accounts for 30% of the whole Taiwan market, and the rest of the other top 11 car brands all have about 3%~10% market share. From the market share, we can also tell that the consumers’preferences on cars differentiate a lot among different types of consumers. Therefore, to efficiently use the budget on marketing and maximizing the effect, it is of upmost importance for automotive companies to find the endorsers and adverstisement types that best matches their own brand personalities and also attract their target audiences. In this research, we attempt to summarize what kinds of marketing combinations would attract the most attention from certain types of consumers by conjoint analysis. We first choose brand personalities, endorsement types and advertisement types as 3 major variables in the marketing mix. We then use conjoint analysis, ANOVA analysis and demographic variables to analyze the preferences of consumers with different life styles. We find the best optimal compostions as follows: 1. Social groups: Combination of imaginative Honda, the celebrity Jay Chou and functional advertising. 2. Leadership groups: Same as social groups. 3. Fashion groups: Combination of imaginative Honda and amaze advertising. 4. Scrimp-style groups: C.E.O Mr. Guo and emotional advertising. 5. Family valuing groups: No significant preference on any combination.

行動通訊企業原創貼圖設計與置入型式對置入效果之影響——以LINE為例 / The impact of product placement effectiveness on mobile brand stickers design and product placement methods-- example LINE

張家瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著行動通訊貼圖的興盛與普及,其商業價值更被多數企業相中以作為軟性的品牌置入行銷溝通方式。透過與品牌相關的貼圖設計,將品牌訊息巧妙融合於貼圖中並吸引使用者成為品牌好友以下載使用,讓使用者彼此之間傳散達到短時間內累積龐大粉絲數之效益,更可能將使用者對品牌貼圖之好感度轉嫁到品牌上。因此,如何創造有效的品牌貼圖設計成為企業亟欲了解的課題。 根據過去研究之探究,可發現目前對於品牌貼圖行銷之效果衡量尚未具有量化的數據分析作為實際執行之參考依據,因此本研究將品牌免費貼圖行銷模式視為新型態之置入性行銷方式,整合品牌貼圖設計要素與虛擬代言人、置入性行銷文獻,擬訂一整合品牌貼圖設計之分類架構,以虛擬代言人產品相關性(高vs.低)、品牌露出顯著程度(高vs.低)、品牌置入貼圖情境整合程度(高vs.低)作為自變項,以2x2x2的三因子設計,在共八種不同的品牌貼圖置入設計下,以實驗法進行,並透過問卷調查使用者對其置入效果,以認知、情感、行為意圖效果作為依變數的測量。 研究結果顯示,虛擬代言人產品相關性為品牌貼圖置入設計之最關鍵影響要素,高度相關時其置入效果皆顯著,顯現品牌免費貼圖角色設計為首要優先考量,此時當品牌顯著露出時,更能提昇強化虛擬代言人產品相關之置入效果。而品牌置入貼圖情境整合程度僅體現於貼圖之背景,較難以吸引使用者注意,雖不具顯著影響效果,但與其他因素交互作用下能對認知效果產生顯著影響。而所有置入型式及其交互作用皆對使用者之認知效果產生顯著影響。 / With the popularity of mobile stickers, many companies begin to pay attention to LINE stickers’ marketing influences and consider them as new means of marketing placement. Brand-related stickers design, usually cute and interesting, makes brands attract users to download and use stickers so that brands naturally slip into users’ private conversation space. In this way, millions of users not only become fans of the brand, but also are fond of stickers and the brand itself. To maximize the stickers marketing benefits, how to design useful brand-related stickers is the crucial part. In this research, the experimental design is used to investing the marketing evaluation affected by sticker’s animated spokes-character design (brand-related vs. brand-unrelated), brand exposure (prominent vs. subtle), and context integration (integrated vs. non-integrated). Then, 2x2x2 factorial design is conducted and 8 different scenarios are created online. Questionnaire is set to find the product placement effectiveness including cognition, emotion and behavior. The result indicates that brand-related character design is the crucial factor in sticker’s placement effectiveness. This reflected that stickers use animated spokes-character to attract user’s notice, feelings, and behaviors. Besides, brand-related character and high brand exposure has the best effect. And other factors all influence cognition effect.

公益平面廣告研究於動物保護:女性模特兒反對殘酷時尚 / A study on the animal protection public service print advertising: female models against cruel fashion

尤莉婭, Chashchina, Yulia Unknown Date (has links)
殘酷時尚議題已成為當代的芒刺,對動物保護團體及人權組織形成挑戰。善待動物組織(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals:PETA)是目前規模最大、發展最完善的動物權利組織,其廣告往往能在人們心中喚醒善待動物的意識。PETA首次在時尚雜誌上發起的反對毛皮廣告活動,即獲得「非營利組織最佳廣告獎(Best Ads Produced by a Nonprofit)」。 本研究的宗旨為,展示公益內容廣告運動可在任何市場導向的經濟體中運作。本研究列舉PETA的PSA廣告範例如下:「我寧願裸體」(“I’d rather go naked”, 1992年) 、「毛皮代表死亡」(“Fur is dead”, 2001年)、「對皮膚感到自在」(“Be comfortable in your own skin”, 2003年)、「拯救海豹」(“Save the seals”, 2009年)。「毛皮」 (“Skins”)主題上述廣告皆由知名女性代言。 本研究為質量研究,採用射影技術(projective technique)及深入訪談,調查結合訊息與圖像的PSA廣告在傳達動物權力相關議題時的效果。本研究將指出這些廣告可如何透過1.有創意、逼真的圖像、2.說服力的寓意訊息及3.知名代言人,加強傳遞人與自然關係的概念。 本研究發現,具說服力的訊息必須擁有逼真、富含寓意、簡潔、清楚等特性,且僅有在搭配適當的圖像時,才能發揮效力。此類圖像必須擁有不含混、非情色誘因、有創意、外來風或暗中使用性訴求等特性。廣告必須同時訴諸感性訴求及現實主義,並由知名、受人敬重的代言人出演。當公益廣告意圖以幽默感營造有利的風趣情境時,就不應使用嚴肅形象,或要求觀眾訴諸行動。至於訴諸恐懼類的公益廣告,則結合令人反感的圖像特徵及寓意訊息,仍可營造有利觀眾回應的情境,然而太過強烈的反感特徵有時會造成觀眾無法掌握寓意,導致觀眾無法回應。訴諸恐懼類平面廣告所引起的觀眾回應差異,以及本研究的局限性,可歸因於應答者的文化差異。 本研究做出結論為,擁有優良公眾形象及正面背景的知名代言人,可成功向大眾傳遞寓意訊息。再者,有創意、逼真,但不過度暴力、過度情色的圖像可吸引觀眾目光,促使大眾意識並做出反應。 / In the Modern Age the problem of killing fashion has become a thorny issue for the fashion industry, animal rights protection organizations, animal world and humanity. In this respect, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) performs as the largest and most highly developed animal rights institution in modern countries. PETA’s advertising has made a revolution in people’s minds concerning the ethical treatment of animals and already the first advertising campaign by PETA received the “Best Ads Produced by a Nonprofit” Award for its anti-fur advertising campaign in fashion magazines. The purpose of the study is to show how such social content advertising campaigns can work in all countries that are learning to live under market-driven economies. This research concerns properly selected print PSA samples of “I’d rather go naked” (launched in 1992), “Fur is dead” (launched in 2001), “Be comfortable in your own skin” (launched in 2003), and “Save the seals” (launched in 2009) campaigns presented by a number of celebrity spokeswomen posing for PETA’s “Skins” print advertisements. Based on qualitative research with the use of projective techniques and in-depth interviews, the study investigates the impact of a combination of PSA specific messages and image characteristics concerning animal rights using Public Service Print Advertising. The research will show how these ads hopefully can improve their effectiveness in order to achieve more respect for the human-nature relationship by using 1) Creative, realistic images, 2) A powerful educational message, and 3) A highly respected and appreciated celebrity spokesperson. The study found that a strong persuasive message is defined as realistic, educational, laconic, clear and the advertisement is ultimately effective only when used with proper image characteristics. Such image characteristics are non-vulgar, non-sexually distracting, but creative, exotic, or latent in sexual appeal. An advertisement should use emotional appeal and realism, presented by a celebrity spokesperson with a respected personal background. While PSA uses a high degree of humor to produce favorable and amused attitude, they do not present a serious image or promote a call to action. Regarding using fear appeal, strongly unpleasant image characteristics combined with educational messages still may produce a favorable and responsible attitude. However, it was found that unfavorable perceptions caused by strongly unpleasant images sometimes distracted viewers from the educational message or failed to produce a responsible reaction. The striking differences among public responses regarding fear appeal in print ads and study limitations can be attributed to cultural differences within respondents. The study has concluded that strong educational messages spoken by highly trustworthy celebrities with positive background activity makes the public listen. Furthermore, creative, realistic, but not overly-violent or overly-sexual images catch the viewer’s attention, makes the public more aware and encourages responsible thinking.

各商品類別的電視廣告與廣告型態之關聯性研究 / The association analysis between consumer advertising of TV commercials and advertisement types

徐凱玲 Unknown Date (has links)
在行銷策略、品牌推廣中,廣告一直是不可獲缺的重要角色。因此如何有效的傳達廣告中產品的訊息、品牌的理念,讓消費者接收到商品及品牌的優點並且產生消費的意願,一直是廣告行銷者最大的挑戰。然而每一支廣告從拍攝購買播出時段往往需花上龐大之金額,是故欲拍攝廣告之廠商,希望將每一塊錢都花在刀口上,期望能以最適當之廣告型態來為其商品拍攝廣告,準確地達成廣告之目的。故本研究將國內5年來登記上映之電視廣告挑選八大商品類別作為研究對象,以廣告型態(代言人、手法、調性)及秒數作為研究變項,探討各商品類別的電視廣告與廣告型態間之關聯性,進而找出最適合各商品類別之廣告型態。 本研究使用卡方獨立性檢定、單因子變異數分析及羅吉斯廻歸等方法,將廣告代言人分為名人、素人及動畫;廣告手法分為故事式、生活片段式、名人推薦式、真人反應及意見式、一般廣告歌式、動畫廣告歌式、訊息直接敘述式等七種;廣告調性分為Kuso(幽默)、輕鬆、感性,研究各商品類別、廣告型態及廣告秒數間的關係。研究結果發現: 1. 廣告代言人中以素人之比例為最高、動畫之比例最少,而以名人之成長率最為穩定。 2. 廣告手法以生活片段式及訊息直接敘述式之比例為最高、動畫廣告歌式之比例最少,而以故事式及訊息直接敘述式之成長率最為穩定。 3. 廣告調性以輕鬆之比例為最高。 4. 不同商品類別傾向選擇不同之廣告代言人。 5. 不同商品類別傾向選擇不同之廣告手法。 6. 不同商品類別傾向選擇不同之廣告調性。 7. 不同廣告手法、廣告調性對於廣告播出秒數有顯著性差異。

消費者觀看美妝Youtube之動機與業配影音對購買意願之影響效果 / Customers’ Motivation Toward Watching Cosmetic YouTube and the Influence of Sponsor Video On Consumers’ Purchasing Intentions

劉曼綺, Liu, Man Chi Unknown Date (has links)
現代的行銷管道已經不同於以往,不會只透過單一的行銷管道與消費者做溝通;相反的,行銷人員較常使用整合行銷溝通的方式,透過全方位的溝通媒介,向消費者傳遞廣告資訊。除了傳統的溝通媒介以外,更誕生了不同的新興媒體,像是Youtube影片行銷、論壇口碑行銷等等。本研究將鎖定在美妝產業,並研究新興媒體之一的Youtube平台,探討消費者觀看美妝Youtube的動機,以及廠商利用Youtube業配影片對於消費者購買意願的影響究竟為何。本研究盼給予未來品牌商找Youtuber合作影片實務上的建議。 本研究使用質化訪談焦點團體的方式,訪談對象篩選標準為平常會觀看美妝Youtuber且擁有上妝習慣的女性消費者,以四人一組的方式,總共進行一場前測,兩場正式測驗,共訪談12位女性,研究結果歸納如下: 1. 觀看美妝Youtube的動機為獲得產品新知識、使用心得和學習化妝技巧。 2. 教學性的內容行銷業配影片較受觀看者喜愛,並可以減少對於業配影片的排斥感。 3. 教學性的業配影片同時有要加強產品的介紹以免模糊焦點。 4. 觀看者很在乎Youtuber是否具有「誠懇」、「親和力」、「相似性」、「聲音真誠」等特質。 根據研究結果,本研究將針對Youtuber和品牌廠商提供實務建議,同時也提供未來研究參考。 / Marketing channels have evolved over the years. Nowadays, marketers can use a number of channels to communicate with and approach their target consumers. While the word of mouth (WOM) has always been the way to promote a product, new ways of Integrated Marketing Communications, such as the use of Social Media including Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, have widened the reach of marketers and product endorsements. Thus, this thesis focuses on one of the new marketing channels - YouTube Marketing, particularly studying Youtube videos in the Beauty Industry. The study aims to find out what motivates a consumer to watch videos made by Beauty YouTubers, and whether video sponsorships influence a consumer’s willingness to purchase the merchandise. This study adopts focus group interviews to collect qualitative data. Individuals who have make-up everyday and frequently watch Beauty Youtube Videos were invited to be the respondents. We arranged four people in a group, and there are one pre-test interview and two official interviews, the amount of interviewees are twelve in total. Results and discussions are summarized as follows: A. The motivation of watching Beauty YouTubers’ videos are getting new product information, reviews and learning makeup skills. B. People prefer the sponsored videos with educational contents as it decreases their boredom toward sponsored videos. C. To avoid blurring the focus, sponsored videos with educational content should enhance the details of product usage and characteristics. D. Those Beauty YouTubers who are considered persuasive by YouTube Viewers have the following characteristics: Honesty, affinity, similarity, and sincere tones and attitudes. The study provided pratical advice, notes, and tips for YouTubers, Beauty Brands, as well as further research suggestions on the new channel of social media marketing.

代言人道德問題與產品適配度對購買意願之影響 / The effects of moral issues and product fit of endorser on purchase intention

高煒哲, Kao, Wei Che Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的為探討代言人與產品適配度不同時,其發生不同類型的道德問題,對購買意願之影響。當代言人與產品適配度不同,代言人與產品間之連結程度就會不同,因此,當代言人發生不同類型的道德問題時,就會對購買意願產生不同的影響。故本次研究採用兩個自變數:代言人與產品適配度(高/低)及道德問題類型(違情/違法),來檢驗是否會影響消費者對產品之購買意願,並以受試者之主觀道德程度(高/低)以及客觀道德程度(高/低)作為調節變數,利用實驗設計的方法,進行一個2×2之組間實驗,並以虛擬的代言人作為實驗對象,取得有效樣本126份。本次研究利用獨立樣本t檢定、雙因子變異數分析以及三因子變異數分析檢驗所得之結果,並獲得以下之結論: 1.當代言人與產品適配度較高時,消費者購買意願會較高。 2.道德問題類型對購買意願有顯著影響,相較於代言人發生違情的道德問題,當代言人發生違法的道德問題時,消費者購買意願會較低。 3.代言人與產品適配度與道德問題類型無交互作用,不論代言人代言何種類型的產品,相較於代言人發生違情的道德問題,當代言人發生違法的道德問題會有較低的購買意願。 4.受試者的道德程度與道德問題類型無交互作用,不論受試者之道德程度高低,相較於代言人發生違情的道德問題,當代言人發生違法的道德問題,消費者會有較低的購買意願。 5.道德問題類型對代言人可信度有顯著影響,相較於代言人發生違情的道德問題,當代言人發生違法的道德問題時,代言人可信度較低。 6.不論代言人發生違情或違法的道德問題,受試者皆認為廠商需與代言人暫停合作關係,然又以發生違法的道德問題時,更應與代言人暫停合作。 / The purpose of this research is to understand the effects on purchase intention when product fit and moral issue of endorsers are in different level. When product fit is different, the connection between product and endorser will be in different degree. Therefore, endorser have different types of moral issues which will have impact on purchase intention. There are two independent variables: Product fit (High vs. Low), Moral issue (illegal vs. unfaithful) and two moderator variables (subjective moral level vs. objective moral level) and we conduct a 2x2 factorial research to test whether they will have influence on purchase intention. There are 126 effective questionnaires and the following is the results: 1.Different type of moral issues will affect purchase intention. When endorser has illegal moral issue, customers will have lower purchase intention. 2.There is no interaction effect between product fit and type of moral issue. No matter how product fit is, when endorser has illegal moral issue, customers will have lower purchase intention. 3.There is no interaction effect between moral level and type of moral issue. No matter how moral level is, when endorser has illegal moral issue, customers will have lower purchase intention. 4.Different type of moral issues will affect endorser credibility. When endorser has illegal moral issue, he or she will have lower credibility. 5.No matter what kinds of moral issues, customers think companies should stop cooperation with endorsers. When endorser has illegal moral issue, customers think companies should stop cooperation with endorsers much seriously.

代言人廣告中產品涉入與推荐疲乏對廣告效果的影響 / The advertising effectiveness of product involvement and recommendation fatigue in celebrity endorsement

洪茂光 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在探討代言人的選用策略、代言人代言數量、產品涉入程度與廣告效果之間的意涵;分析人口統計變數對廣告效果的差異性;檢定產品涉入程度、代言人代言數量多寡之間對廣告效果的關係。根據量化分析及質化訪談的研究分析,對代言人的選用策略提出整合研究建議。 研究方法採取量化的實驗法及質化的深度訪談進行,以實驗法進行的過程,先針對代言人代言數量多寡進行人選的前測,再與涉入程度高低不同程度的商品搭配,設計出一組3*2的實驗組合。透過統計檢定導出結論,再輔以實際廣告業界當中,從廣告主及廣告代理商的深度訪談佐證,最終再提出名人代言的選用策略建議。 根據實驗的結果統計歸納,摘要四點結論如下: 一、名人多品牌大量代言等於高知名度,廣告效果仍佳。 二、代言人代言數量過多導致推荐疲乏雖然存在,但對廣告效果影響有限。 三、在商品涉入程度的關係中,名人代言策略建議用在低涉入產品中,高涉入產品效果較差。 四、代言人的選擇應考慮目標對象的性別及教育程度進行遴選標準。 根據廣告主及廣告公司等業者的訪談,提出八項建議如下: 一、依據代言人性格及品牌關聯,為名人量身打造廣告,破解可能的推薦疲乏。二、經由代言人成為「品牌大使」的角色,發揮品牌精神。 三、為避免折損名人價值,名人應嚴選合作品牌,與品牌適配結合。 四、創造虛擬偶像或素人明星為操作代言人的奇兵策略。 五、整合性名人代言的傳播決策路徑 六、避免喧賓奪主效應,發展名人與品牌之間的雙贏及共生關係。 七、用名人自己平常慣用的語言及消費者認同的語言來溝通。 八、理性與感性建立品牌人格化模式。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the strategy of choosing advertising spokesperson, the number of endorsements, the meaning between product involvement and advertising effectiveness. Analyze the demographic variables toward advertising effectiveness. Test product involvement level and relationship between the number of endorsements of advertising spokesperson and the advertising effectiveness. The conclusion is based on the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative research to provide the integrated suggestion for choosing advertising spokesperson. Methodology is based on the quantitative and qualitative (in-depth interview) research. In the course of an experimental method, conduct the pre-test of the candidates for the number of endorsements by advertising spokesperson, the next step is to design a set of 3 * 2 experimental combinations with varying degrees of product involvement. The conclusions derived through a statistical test, and then supplemented with the actual advertising industry which, from the advertisers and advertising agencies in support of in-depth interviews and eventually made the choice of celebrity endorsement strategy proposals. According to the experimental results of statistical induction, four-point summary of the conclusions are as follows: 1. Celebrity endorsement for a large number of brands increases the total brand awareness which means the advertising effect is still good. 2. Lead to an excessive number of spokesmen for endorsement recommendation fatigue exist, but a limited impact on advertising effectiveness. 3. The relationship between the degree of product involvement, the celebrity endorsement strategy proposes to use in low-involvement products, high-involvement products seems less effective. 4. Choosing the advertising spokesperson should take into account gender and educational level of the Target audience as the selection criteria. According to the in-depth interview with advertisers and advertising agencies. The eight suggestions are as follows: 1. Based on the spokesperson personality and association with the brand, it is recommended that the advertising should be tailored to reduce the recommendation fatigue. 2. Through the advertising spokesperson become a "brand ambassador" role, to play the brand spirit. 3. In order to avoid impairment value of celebrity, celebrities should be carefully selected co-brand fit and brand integration. 4. The creation of a virtual idol or a prime people as the advertising spokesperson is an innovative strategy. 5. Integrated decision-making path to celebrity endorsement. 6. To avoid overwhelming and reduce the advertising effect, it is necessary to build the symbiotic relationship between celebrities and the brand to create the win-win situation. 7. Using its own language of the celebrities to communicate with the target audience. 8. Sense and Sensibility patterns to build brand personification.

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