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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺灣年輕家戶之住宅權屬選擇-世代分析 / The housing tenure choice for young people in Taiwan:generation analysis

黃靖容 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用「華人家庭動態資料庫」RI1999與RI2003兩年資料,以多元羅吉特模型 (Multinomial Logit Model),探討27歲至46歲的年輕家庭對於住宅權屬 (自有房屋、租屋、父母所有房屋) 的決策。 文中主要針對不同世代之重大生命歷程事件 (結婚生子) 對住宅權屬選擇的影響差異進行比較分析。研究結果發現,生命歷程事件 (結婚生子) 對自有房屋的影響力隨世代不同已逐漸減弱,但住在父母所有房屋的傾向卻愈來愈強烈。然而,小孩個數愈多,住在父母所有房屋機率增加、自有機率下降,婚後住宅權屬發生改變的機率也會增加。此外,研究亦發現,對新生代家庭來說,都會區家庭自有房屋的機率比非都會區家庭高,更凸顯出原生家庭的資源與支持對新生代家庭的重要性。

社會住宅對所得分配影響之探討 / An Analysis of the Impact of Social Housing on Income Distribution

張綱龍 Unknown Date (has links)
過去國內社會住宅之研究多著重於住宅問題面,較少探討對於所得分配之影響。各縣市目前提供的無論是國民住宅或合宜住宅等,數量不多且未考量到縮減貧富差距。為了解社會住宅對於縮減貧富差距是否有所助益,因此本文運用文獻回顧及實證分析法,研究所得重分配的2個問題。 研究結果發現:第一、社會福利支出的所得重分配效果大於租稅的所得重分配效果。近年來,無論是臺灣或國外,社會福利支出已成為限縮所得差距擴張的主要因素。本文利用1980年至2013年間之家庭收支調查資料計算,並採用多元線性迴歸模型進行實證分析。迴歸結果顯示:1.經濟成長率對於所得差距倍數、社福支出改善所得差距的倍數、賦稅改善所得差距的倍數,都有顯著負向影響。2.時間趨勢對於所得差距倍數、社福支出改善所得差距的倍數、賦稅改善所得差距的倍數,都有顯著正向影響。3.大學學歷以上就業者年增率對於所得差距倍數、社福支出改善所得差距的倍數都有顯著正向影響。在臺灣,尤以經濟不景氣時,社會福利支出相較於租稅,有更為顯著的所得重分配效果。 第二、社會住宅戶數越多、租金折扣越高,越有助於縮減所得差距。社會住宅不僅僅是在於解決住宅問題,更可以做為所得重分配的工具。本文利用大島指數對臺北市松山寶清段的692戶社會住宅進行分析,結果顯示:社會住宅提供後,無論是臺北市或松山區的所得差距倍數皆呈現下降。而且當社會住宅戶數越多、租金折扣越高時,所得差距倍數下降幅度越大,所得重分配之改善效果越強。

都會區發展與住宅價格差異關係之分析 / The Relationship Between Urban Development and Housing Price in Metropolitan Areas

郭哲瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣各都會區因經濟與社會發展程度不同,使各都會區房地產市場特性有所差異,住宅價格波動情形亦有所不同。過去於台灣雖已有許多文獻探討過區域經濟與社會變數和區域住宅價格之關聯,卻少有文獻討論不同區域彼此間住宅價格差異與區域經濟與社會變數差異關係,且多數探討區域房地產市場文獻亦僅將研究範圍限縮在單一都會區,對於全國都會區之綜合性討論較為缺乏。是故,本文以台灣六大都會區為研究對象,探討各都會區彼此間住宅價格差異時間與空間變動情形,分析其與各都會區彼此間經濟與社會發展差異關係,進一步釐清當中之主要影響因素。 本研究使用台北市、新北市、桃竹都會區、台中都會區、台南都會區與高雄都會區等六大都會區由1993年至2010年共270筆住宅價格兩兩相除之比例資料,透過縱橫資料模型(Panel Data Model)探討國內六大都會區,兩兩間住宅價格比例變動於經濟與社會面的主要影響因素。實證顯示,當兩兩都會區經常性所得、知識密集服務業就業機會、公共投資、交通可及性、辦公室使用執照樓地板面積、治安狀況與空氣品質差異越大,住宅價格差異亦隨之擴張。且各都會區知識密集服務業就業機會、公共投資、交通可及性與經常性所得落差對住宅價格差異影響最大。此外,兩兩都會區住宅價格差異亦受到其地區特性與景氣影響。建議政府可透過於弱勢都會區發展適宜知識密集服務業發展之環境,吸引相關產業進駐,提供當地更多知識密集服務業就業機會,降低國內都會區所得落差。此外,應合理分配各都會區公共投資金額,強化弱勢都會區大眾運輸服務水準,以降低國內各都會區住宅價格懸殊情形。 / In Taiwan, because of the dissimilar levels of urban development, housing prices in different metropolitan areas change in sundry ways. This paper uses panel data analysis to identify the relationship between the development gap and the difference in housing prices in metropolitan areas of Taiwan during 1993-2010. The empirical results reveal that the income gap, the employment of knowledge-intensive services gap, the mobility gap, the public investment gap, the office quantity gap, the public security gap, and the air quality gap had significant effects on the difference in housing prices, and the difference in housing prices is also influenced by local characteristics and real estate cycles. Besides, we also discover that the employment of knowledge-intensive services gap and the public investment gap are two key determinants of the difference in housing prices.

大眾捷運系統對房價影響效果之再檢視 / The reexamination of the impact of metro system on residential housing values in Taipei metropolitan

戴國正 Unknown Date (has links)
大眾捷運系統帶來之快捷與便利,使其成為許多都會區民眾依賴之交通工具。捷運系統對鄰近不動產交通可及性提升,所伴隨之便利性將透過資本化效果反映於其價格之上,帶動周邊不動產價格上漲,過去不論國內外關於捷運對周邊房價影響之研究,實證結果亦多支持捷運對於房價有正面影響,且該影響隨著與捷運車站距離增加而遞減。捷運房價效果的區位差異與類型差異過去雖已有研究論及,但對捷運房價效果差異與其變化趨勢未能有明確細緻描述。此外,該等研究均忽略空間相關因素,將影響其估計結果。   本文使用國內某金融機構2007、2008年間台北都會區內台北捷運初期路網沿線車站周邊住宅為實證對象,應用空間迴歸模型檢視捷運系統對鄰近住宅價格之影響效果。實證結果顯示,就整體樣本而言捷運對房價確有正向影響但並不如想像之大,且該影響隨區位與類型之不同確有差異。 / Many previous studies have showed that metro system has a positive impact on the property values due to its accessibility benefits and the effect should decline as distance increases. While the pattern of the change and its difference between stations located in different locations has yet not been fully discussed, most of the studies failed to allow for spatial autocorrelation over space. This research uses spatial econometrics to estimate a residential housing model that considers spatial autocorrelation. The empirical results show the difference in the price effect of metro stations between urban and suburban areas does exist. The effect tends to get stronger in certain area, the closer the property lies within to the suburban area the greater the effect is. Also, we find price gaps between different metro station categories. Generally, underground stations and transfer stations have greater positive effect on residential property values.

影響都市更新事業實施之關鍵因素分析 : 以臺北市中正區某整建住宅都更案為例 / The analysis on the influential factors for an Urban renewal project in Taipei

李世雄, Lee, Shih-Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於都市地區建築物老舊衰敗、避免重大災害發生、區域環境逐漸惡化以及復甦都市機能,政府自民國87年發布實施都市更新條例以來,迄今已20載,惟事業實施速度緩慢成效堪慮;以台北市為例,35年屋齡之老舊住宅幾達住宅存量之55%以上,目前所能更新者僅11,388戶(包含違建戶),為總存量之1.12%而已,對於如何加快都更速度已廣為各方關注;然近年來若干都市更新事業之實施糾紛頻傳,以致各界議論紛紛,評論不斷;本研究之宗旨無意再行發掘更多潛藏問題與實施障礙,乃針對台北市所存11,219戶屋齡超過40餘年重建迫切之整建住宅,就20年來專家學者之評論、理論基礎、文獻回顧、實務案例等所生之影響因素,加以綜合整理,藉由邏輯性的統計分析,冀能釐清都更事業實施過程中住戶及專家所關切之關鍵影響因素之相對關係,俾便有助於供各界參考。 本研究以台北市中正區某整建住宅實施都市更新重建事業為實例,就文獻回顧之理論基礎、法律規範之要件及程序、透過實務訪談與問卷調查方式,探討影響『整建住宅自力更新』之評估準則與指標要素,歸納為「法規制度面」、「共識整合面」、「分配制度面」、「規劃設計面」、「財務金融面」等五項評估準則,並由實務訪談延伸「法規明確易行」等二十個影響要素,依此建置層級架構,運用「分析網絡程序法,ANP」進行定量定性分析,其間輔以專家決策分析軟體(Expert Choice 2000版)及運用微軟Excel軟體2010版,進行問卷調查統計分析。 問卷調查結果分析整宅自力更新首重評估準則為「分配制度面」、權重為24.60%,在五項準則中約占整體權重四分之一比例;而影響要素中指標整體優先排序最高為「公平公開的分配方式」8.23%,達平均權重值5%之1.65倍之多,無論專家或住戶咸認都市更新後所創造的再發展價值應以公平公開方式進行再分配為優先選項,其後另二優先指標為「第三部門介入輔導」及「信任關係」的建立,其要素權重分別為8.13%及6.33%,對於繁雜的都市更新重建事項,住戶顯示專業弱勢地位,亟需公正第三方部門進行介入輔導;而團體中住戶領導者的無私奉獻將有助於群體中產生信任、凝聚向心力,順利推動以再開發利潤為共同資源、社區重建為目標的集體行動-都市更新事業之開展。 研究建議在類屬整建住宅等相對弱勢居住族群區域中進行都市更新重建事業時,應優先考慮以公平公開方式進行分配更新後價值,藉由公辦都更抑或自組更新會方式實施皆屬之。由於相對經濟弱勢族群之都更相關專業知識欠缺,應藉由第三公正單位積極介入進行輔導,以導正部分錯誤訊息與觀念。而財務金融面之強化將有助於都更得以順利推動實施,主要在於融資貸款興建成本費用之廉價取得,並藉由信託機制以保障重建事業得以完成。關於後續之研究建議繼續進行後半部實施決策之選擇分析,以完整(整宅)都市更新實施方式決策之分析。對於統計操作之建議為:於各影響評估準則中,慎選具指標性之相同個數影響要素以進行問卷調查,以免優先權重遭遇稀釋之疑慮以致結果數據難以客觀相互比較;篩選指標要素亦不宜繁多,期評比者免於評斷疲累以致統計數據之信、效度頓減。 / In view of the old decay of buildings in urban areas, to avoid the occurrence of major disasters, the gradual deterioration of regional environment and the revival of urban functions, the fulfillment so far has been 20 years since the enforcement of the Urban Renewal Ordinance in 1998, but the slow pace of its implementation have been worried; in Taipei City, for example, the old building over 35 year-old scales housing stock 55% above, up to now which can be rebuilt amounts only 11,388 households including some of illegal’s, for the total stock of 1.12% only. How to accelerate the urban renewal has been widely concerned, but in recent years, several renewal implementation disputes emerged, making controversies constant; The purpose of this study intends no longer to explore more potential problems and obstacles of implementation, but aims the 11,219 resettled tenements in Taipei, aged more than 40 years old and being urgently reconstructed, Integrates the reviews of theories, literature and practices to find out the influential factors of the renewal implementation. Through logical statistical analysis, try to clarify the relative relationship between the key factors of concern to the residents and experts in the process of implementation, so as to facilitate the reference to the field of urban renewal. This study takes an project of the urban renewal and reconstruction in Zhong-zheng District of Taipei City as an example, based on the theories of literature review, the elements and procedures of the legal, and through practical interviews and questionnaires, this study explores the influential criteria and indicators of the "Urban Renewal", and concludes the five criteria of "legal institution", "consensus integration", "allocation system", "planning and design" and "financial support". Besides, from the practical interviews, it derives "clarity and feasibility of the regulations" and other 19 factors. According to these factors, it organizes the hierarchy, and using the "Analysis of Network Process, ANP" for quantitative and qualitative analysis, while supplemented by analysis software of Expert Choice 2000 and Microsoft Excel 2010, carries on statistical analysis of the questionnaire survey. According to analysis results, it appears the first priority criteria to be "allocation system" weighting 24.6%, about one-fourth proportion of the overall weight of five criteria, and it’s main factors "fair and open distribution method" weights 8.23% , priors to all the others, up to 1.65 times the average value of 5.0%. Ether experts or residents recognize the value of the redevelopment created by urban renewal should be redistributed in a fair and open manner. The subsequent two priorities show "intervention and guidance of third party" and "the erecting of trust relationship", the weight for each is 8.13% and 6.33% respectively. For complex urban renewal reconstruction matters, the residents acknowledge the professional deficiency, the urgent need for counseling of impartial third party, and the community leaders with the selfless dedication will help to generate trust, cohesion, and smoothly promote such a collective action with the redeveloping benefits for common resources and community reconstruction as the goal. This study suggests that in the case of urban renewal and redevelopment in areas of relatively disadvantaged living groups such as the Resettled Tenements, priority of the influential factors should be given to “fair and open distribution method”, with government implementation or self-renewal will be accomplished either. The lack of expertise for the disadvantaged residences could be guided by a third impartial organization to modify some of the error messages and inappropriate concepts. The enhanced financial measures will help smoothly implementing the project also, the main reason lies in the low cost of construction financing, and the guarantee of the reconstruction completion by trust mechanism. The follow up study should be suggested to continuously study the second half of the decision-making to carry out the choice of analysis of urban renewal as a whole. The suggestion for statistical operations is to carefully select the representative same number of influential factors in each criteria for conducting the survey, so as to avoid any weight dilution and cause difficulty for objective comparison with each other.

組合土地区画整理事業によって作られた民間開発郊外住宅地に関する研究 : 多摩田園都市を事例として / クミアイ トチ クカク セイリ ジギョウ ニ ヨッテ ツクラレタ ミンカン カイハツ コウガイ ジュウタクチ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : タマ デンエン トシ オ ジレイ ト シテ

石橋, 登 25 May 2009 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(工学) / 乙第12366号 / 論工博第4022号 / 新制||工||1469(附属図書館) / 27268 / UT51-2009-F504 / (主査)教授 髙田 光雄, 教授 川﨑 雅史, 教授 門内 輝行 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当

台湾の日式住宅における居住空間の変容過程に関する研究 - 台北市青田街を対象として -

郭, 雅雯 23 March 2010 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第15362号 / 工博第3241号 / 新制||工||1487(附属図書館) / 27840 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市環境工学専攻 / (主査)教授 髙田 光雄, 教授 小林 正美, 教授 川﨑 雅史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当


増渕, 昌利 26 November 2012 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(工学) / 乙第12704号 / 論工博第4085号 / 新制||工||1557(附属図書館) / 30002 / (主査)教授 髙田 光雄, 教授 加藤 直樹, 教授 中島 正愛 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当

購屋貸款變數與住宅市場關聯性之研究 / The Relationship between the Mortgage Lending Variables and Housing Markets

江佳玟, Chiang, Chia-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
近十年來,因投機需求、游資充斥等原因使台灣房價成長之上升趨勢明顯高於許多國家,房屋交易方面則呈現明顯起伏不定之走勢,台灣政府單位為達成物價穩定、金融穩定與經濟成長等目標並且避免金融危機再度發生,透過制定及執行貸款管制政策,期能有效抑制假性需求與房價上漲趨勢。 然而,貸款管制是否能有效抑制房價,過去未有文獻針對購屋貸款管制工具與房價及住宅交易量觀察長期趨勢關係並缺乏整體性探討,故本研究欲藉由探究貸款成數與購屋貸款餘額占國內生產毛額比率與住宅市場間是否存在長期、短期影響或其間因果關係,以得知是否政策的投入能夠確切影響標的、達成目標。 本文嘗試以 2000 年第一季至2016 年第二季之貸款管制工具變數及總體經變數資料,運用 ARDL Bounds Test、ARDL-ECM 模型及Toda and Yamamoto 因果檢定探究購屋貸款管制變數對於台灣住宅市場間之長期與短期動態關係及因果關係。研究結果顯示,購屋貸款管制變數對於房價及交易量有顯著之影響,尤其對於住宅交易量方面具有較為明顯之效果,因此,期望透過本研究對於台灣未來金融、房市政策規劃提出建議。 / Over the past decade, an abundance of money and speculative demand from the Quantitative Easing (QE) monetary policy drove the housing price in Taiwan to rise sharply, and the volume of housing market is unstable. To stabilize the financial markets, the government have formulated policies on housing markets and mortgage control to curb rising housing prices. In order to understand the effect of mortgage control on curbing housing price, this study examines the long-run and short-run relationship and causality effect among loan-to-value ratio and mortgage-to-GDP ratio and housing markets. This study used ARDL model, bounds test and Toda and Yamamoto causality to analyze quarterly data over the period 2000-Q1 to 2016-Q2. Empirical results show that mortgage control has significant effects on the housing market. Results further shown that the influence on the volume is more obvious than on the price. Results of this study provide precious policy implications for future housing financial sectors.


宮地, 茉莉 24 September 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地球環境学) / 甲第22106号 / 地環博第192号 / 新制||地環||37(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院地球環境学舎地球環境学専攻 / (主査)教授 小林 広英, 教授 柴田 昌三, 教授 牧 紀男, 准教授 浅利 美鈴 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Global Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM

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