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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


宋南國, Song, Nan-Guo Unknown Date (has links)
第一章共分二節:本章闡明研究動機、研究目的及研究方法。 第二章共分六節:本章闡明住宅建設的目標、住宅市場之特性、影響住宅供需因素之 分析、台灣地區住宅問題發生之背景、住宅供需失調之影響、台北縣住宅問題之概況 。 第三章共分九節:本章闡明國宅調查分析,包括台北縣家庭狀況、住宅狀況、居住水 準、居民改善計畫、願意承購、承租國宅之意願及居民住宅財務分析。 第四章共分五節:包括住宅需求之分類、台北縣住宅之人口需求估計,台北縣住宅之 有效需求分析、台北縣住宅供給之分析、台北縣住宅價格及居住費用負擔能力之推計 。 第五章共分二節:包括前項調查之總結及今後國宅政策之建議。


余智生, Yu, Zhi-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
其目的為研究構成住宅價格之各種因素,并運用「非計量多元尺度法」去探討,住宅 供給者及購屋者雙方對「價格因素」評斷之差異性;從而溝通雙方的意見以供建築業 定價時之參考。 第一章導論-敘述研究動機、目的及方法,定義名詞并說明研究限制。 第二章文獻探討-研究房屋價格之特徵及構成因素,國內外學者的實證研究。 第三章理論定價與實務定價-討論理論定價之原則及方法,評論實務上業者之定價策 略。 第四章-敘述研究程序及結果。 第五章-結論及建議。


林盛杰, Lin, Sheng-Jie Unknown Date (has links)
主要目的為了解造成營建業務波動之因素,營建公司的組成,及營建業在促銷上所反 應出的現象。 全文分四章: 第一章:導論-說明研究動機、目的及方法。還有研究架構、文獻探討。 第二章:說明房地產市場的特性、組成波動的因素、不歷年的主要波動。 第三章:以個案的方式,說明營建公司的組織、融資、決策方式、及在促銷上所顯示 的現象。 第四章:為結論與建議。說明研究結果及以後營建業可能走的方向。


黃寶崧, Huang, Bao-Song Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


莊玉雯, Zhuang, Yu-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
論文提要:本文主旨在探討房屋預售方式及所生糾紛的內容和影響,並試擬可行之改 革對策,減低問題發生的可能性,以改進房屋預售方式。玆將各章提要簡述於後: 第一章 緒論。說明本文研究動機、研究目的及研究方法。 第二章 房屋預售概說。第一節說明房屋預售的意義及其法律關係,第二節就近年不 動產市場的波動,探討房屋預售的源起及發展;第三節則以不動產市場的理論及住宅 政策,說明房屋預售的背景。 第三章 房屋預售問題之分析。本章利用對消費者的問卷資料,以及報章雜志糾紛案 例的統計資料,探討房屋預售有關之問題。第一節就預售方式的內容作一說盡的說明 ;第二節則就統計資料進行分析。 第四章 改進房屋預售之建議。第一節現在對預售問題的解決辦法;第二節說明目前 各方所提出之改進意見;第三節則對預售糾紛之癥結擬定有效、可行的對策。 第五章 結論。就以上各章所論述分析之結果作一綜合性評定,期以明白房屋預售之 利弊得失及未來之發展。


林進南 Unknown Date (has links)


何垂芬 Unknown Date (has links)
預售屋制度在臺灣地區已行之多年,惟預售屋交易金額龐大、興建期間長又不固定、簽約到履約歷時久,且涉及諸多法律及地政登記等專業知識,此外,投入預售屋交易者,除消費者外,還有建設公司、代銷公司、提供土地之地主、承包工程廠商、金融服務業等,預售屋交易模式極為複雜,再加上消費者購買經驗有限,及購屋資訊不足,其衍生出之消費糾紛不勝枚舉。 內政部公布之『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』 及修訂公布之『預售屋買賣契約書範本』,其中『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』依消費者保護法第17條第2項規定違反公告之定型化契約之一般條款無效,使該上開公告事項具有法律上強制規定之效力,而該公告事項依內政部(90)內中地字第9083627號函稱「本應記載及不得記載事項自公告六個月後生效」,所以該公告事項自91年3月6日起對預售屋交易之當事人發生強行法規之拘束力,締約雙方對此應有所認識。本文以91年3月6日『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』生效後,最高法院對預售屋定型化契約條款見解,作一分析,希望能分析出內政部公布『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』及『預售屋買賣契約書範本』,對預售屋實務上產生之影響及產生何種新型態的紛爭,並尋求解決之道。

老人住宅公共空間規劃設計之研究-以長庚養生文化村為例 / Public Space Planning for Senior Housing-An Example of CHANG GUNG SILVER VILLAGE

廖佳展, Liao, Chia Chan Unknown Date (has links)
台灣已於1993年邁入高齡化社會,因社會結構及傳統觀念的改變,高齡者逐漸重視自己退休後的個人生活,而選擇獨自或與配偶一起入住專為高齡者規劃設計之老人住宅的比例也逐年攀升;為有效促進高齡者從事對身心有益的休閒及社交活動,老人住宅應該配合提供安全、適當的日常活動公共空間及設施來支持。因此,老人住宅的公共空間規劃與設計就顯得相當重要。究竟老人住宅之公共空間是否可以真正滿足高齡者的使用需求?是否可促使高齡者積極使用?正是目前規劃、興建或改善老人住宅的重要課題之一,亦為本研究所欲探討之主要動機。 本研究運用資料調查、實地觀察、深入訪談及問卷調查等多元調查與評估方法,並選擇擁有多樣室內、室外之公共設施及共用空間的「長庚養生文化村」作為研究案例,分別針對「公共服務設施」、「室內休閒設施」、「戶外活動空間」及「共用服務空間」等4類公共空間進行使用及規劃等議題之探討,即藉由老人住宅用後評估,深入探討高齡者對於所居住的老人住宅現有公共空間規劃的滿意程度,探究高齡者對於老人住宅公共空間規劃設計之真實反應與感受;並依據評估分析成果,提出老人住宅公共空間之規劃原則建議,以供未來興建高齡者安居住宅之公共空間規劃參考。本研究結果及建議如下: 一、高齡者對公共空間需求滿意度以戶外森林步道及健康中心最高,以健康為主軸的休閒性設施仍為未來規劃重點。 二、老人住宅公共空間滿意度與「教育程度」、「身體狀況」、「子女探訪情形」等三項因素有關。 三、目前老人住宅公共空間議題,關心度低,容易被忽視及犧牲。 四、老人住宅公共空間規劃設計之主要議題包括: (一)餐廳為入住老人住宅之高齡者社交活動的重要空間,也是假日與探訪家人聚餐的重要場所,而餐廳的寬敞、舒適程度,及社交機會之提供,是高齡者關心的議題之一。 (二)設置報紙的交誼廳使用率較高,而設有書報的交誼廳,其照明及管理等議題必須加強考慮。 (三)中央式的走廊,因為通風及採光較不佳,降低了高齡者的社交機會。 (四)活動量大的活動休閒空間(如籃球場、桌球室等)僅能供探訪家人使用,效用不大,未符合高齡者需求。 五、規劃適合每一位高齡者的居住空間,建議朝向「通用設計原則」來進行規劃設計。 六、老人住宅基本生活之公共空間(如交誼室、洗衣室等),應配合生活單元作可及性高的簇群式配置,以增加高齡者使用機會;至於提供全部高齡者共同使用之休閒空間(如學習教室、娛樂室、會議室等),建議集中配置,以方便管理。 / Taiwanese society has become an aging society since 1993. Due to changes in societal structure and traditional concepts, phenomenon such as aging people started to emphasize more on their personal life after retirement and increasing ratio of aging population, either single or with domestic partner, move into specially designed retirement apartment have brought up to attention. In order to effectively encourage aging resident to exercise beneficial recreation and socialization activities, safe and proper common activity areas in retirement apartments are necessary and thus, the design and planning of the common recreation areas has become an essential issue. Questions regarding whether the retirement apartments will fully satisfy the needs of their aging resident and whether the aging residents actively utilizing those facilities are two of the most essential regards for planning, building, and improving retirement apartments; this is also the motivation for conducting this research. Our research focuses four main issues regarding as utilization and planning of public area such as “public service facility”, “in-door recreation facility”, “out-door activity space”, and “shared service space” in Chang Gung Health and Culture Village which possesses varieties of in-door and out-door public facilities and public areas; the research itself is conducted by data investigation, on-site observation, detailed interview, and paper-based survey to insightfully investigate the degree of satisfaction of aging residents toward existing planning of shared area and real feeling and reaction toward existing planning of public area. Suggestions for planning of shared areas, as results from analysis of conducted surveys, are provided for the reference of future planning of shared areas in aging resident village. The suggestions are as followed: 1.Out-door forest trails and healthcare centers are the two types of facilities that are listed among the highest degree of satisfaction by aging people. Health-oriented recreation facilities are still regarded as the most essential element in future planning of retirement apartment construction. 2.The degree of satisfaction in retirement apartment is directly associated to three factors which include “degree of education received”, “physical condition of the aging person”, and “the frequency of family visits.” 3.The current issues for public area in retirement apartments are low degree of attention and easily neglected or sacrificed. 4.Issues regarding the planning of public areas in retirement apartments includes: A.Cafeteria is one of the most important socializing space for aging residents in retirement apartment and an important space for family visits. Degree of comfortableness and spaciousness of cafeteria and whether the cafeteria offers socializing opportunities to aging residents are the two main concerns of aging residents. B.Utilization degrees in lobbies that provide newspaper are higher than lobbies that do not provide newspaper. The lighting and management of such lobbies are needed to be emphasized. C.Socialization opportunities decrease due to the facts that lighting and aeration in central hallway are not quite satisfactory. D.Recreation areas that involve physical activities such as basketball and table tennis are only for family members that visit the aging resident and are not satisfactory to the demand of aging residents. 5.Plan the resident area for each aging resident by utilizing principles of universal design is suggested. 6.The public space of retirement apartment for daily live, such as social room or laundering room, shall be disposed fitting Cluster of Living Style for accessibility to increase the using of the elderly; As for the common space of leisure for all elderly, Such as learning room, recreation room, conference room, it is suggested be allocated together for the convenience of management.

臺北市國民住宅社區轉型政策執行影響因素之研究 / A Study of Affecting Factors in Implementing Public Housing Community Transformation Policy in Taipei City

陸美君, Lu, Mei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
國民住宅社區的興建,原是政府為了解決地狹人稠所造成之環境惡化,以及舒緩都市住宅需求的壓力所採取的社會福利措施,並由政府完全肩負起國民住宅社區管理維護之責任。然而,當政府面臨無法以有限的資源滿足住戶龐大需求的「雙環困境」時,便開始採取國民住宅社區轉型政策,試將國民住宅社區管理維護業務真正回歸社區自管自治。然而,臺北市國民住宅社區轉型政策執行已逾4年,轉型進度均未達到預期目標,本研究從政策執行影響因素的角度,以「政策本身因素」、「執行機關與人員因素」、「標的人口因素」、「環境因素」等四個面向分別切入探討轉型政策執行結果不如預期之原因與困難。 本研究採取的研究方法為質化研究取向的文獻探討法、深度訪談法及參與觀察法,兼採量化研究中問卷調查法之敘述性統計方法,透過27篇訪談大綱、訪談逐字稿及42篇參與觀察紀錄,深入瞭解影響轉型政策執行之因素及執行困難之原因。經研究發現,轉型政策執行不順利的原因: 一、在「政策本身因素」方面,係受到政策本身明確性不足、欠缺法令上之強制性、欠缺國民住宅社區住戶贊成政策的誘因機制、以及相關法令、經費、人力、資訊等資源不完備等影響。 二、在「執行機關與人員因素」方面,係受到執行機關彼此間權責分配不明、執行人員結構性問題、欠缺促使執行人員推動轉型政策適當的誘因機制、執行人員欠缺專業能力以外的訓練等影響。 三、在「標的人口因素」方面,係受到住戶抱持仰賴政府管理的態度、國民住宅社區管理維護基金幾乎用罄或太過龐大、住戶組成分子參差不齊、原國民住宅社區管理委員會未運作或不配合轉型政策執行等影響。 四、在「環境因素」方面,係受到政策執行的監督情況仍有不足、未型塑支持轉型政策之外在環境等影響。 在改進建議方面: 一、對涉及「政策本身因素」問題方面,應將轉型政策的具體內涵、利弊得失、影響等加以統整、加速住宅法通過時程、相關法令不完備或有疑義之處,執行機關應統一解釋、轉型政策的相關資訊可從多個管道提供等。 二、對涉及「執行機關與人員因素」問題方面,應成立轉型政策的溝通平台、保障執行人員成功推動轉型政策之輔導轉業、建立執行人員推動轉型政策適當的誘因機制、加強執行人員專業能力以外的訓練等。 三、對涉及「標的人口因素」問題方面,應強化社區自管自治的重要性、針對不同性質的國民住宅社區,採取不同的宣導作法、加強執行機關、人員與住戶間的溝通、化解國民住宅社區管理委員會與住戶間歧見等。 四、對涉及「環境因素」問題方面,政策執行機關應適時提出協助、加強大眾傳播媒體的宣導等。

社區公設民營老人安居住宅之研究- 以新店屈尺社區「頤苑自費安養中心」為例 -

謝幼緯 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著政府職能的改變,面對財政壓力,引進民間企業的活力和專業創新的能力,委外經營模式成為政府推動各項為民服務業務的主要策略,而以「公設民營」的方式,結合民間資源共同推動老人福利服務工作。 「高齡化」是當今世界各國共同現象與趨勢,近年台灣人口老化迅速,在工商社會變遷與晚婚少子化下更形突顯。為因應「老人照顧」多元化的發展,以何種「老人安居住宅」的型態,達成融入「社區」、「在地老化」的政策目標,引發了研究者之研究動機。 本研究係採質化研究,以文獻分析,問卷調查深入訪談法等方式進行探討,由高齡社會學、公共選擇理論、社會資源整合等理論為分析導引,探討老人安居住宅需求重要性、老人照顧需求層面內涵、公設民營發展、政府及國內學者專家對老人住宅政策規劃方向,最後再結合個案入住老人、社區住民、公民營專家深入訪談,歸納並提供適合社區老人安居住宅之公設民營建議與結論。 本研究發現「毗鄰居住」的社區老人安居住宅,適合台灣傳統家庭的維繫;而公設民營模式可適合老人社會普遍性需求,以全政府照顧弱勢的社會責任。最後,本研究研擬幾項建議如下: 一、 硬體設施:政府擇定設置示範老人安居住宅,委由民間專業團隊經營,建立有效的監督機制與評鑑規範、以公設民營模式建構老人連續照顧體制的初級系統。 二、 醫療支援:政府應整合社會醫療資源,規劃多元醫療體制;及早實施長期照護保險政策;提供老人連續性服務之多功能窗口。 三、 在地老化:政府應推廣社區老人安居住宅概念,落實社區照顧,儘量讓老人在自己熟悉環境中在地老化。 四、 居住安養:運用居住空間「通用設計」概念,建構設置社區公設民營老人安居住宅,以使有限資源運用效益最大化。 五、 資源整合:政府應整合社會福利、現行老人補貼等相關政策資源,以發揮整體效益。 / To cope with the change of the functions and financial pressure, the government conveys the works to private sectors to make good use of their innovative and professional ability, or adopts outsourcing model to promote the social services. Therefore, the strategy of “government owned and private sector operated,” combined with non-governmental resources are provided jointly to promote the welfare of the elderly services. "Aging" is a common phenomenon and trends in today's world. In recent years, as Taiwan's population is aging rapidly, the birthrate is declining and late marriage is prevailing highlighted the need for reform. In response to development of "elderly care", my main question is to investigate what kind of "residential homes for the elderly" to attain the policy objectives of integrating with the "community", "aging in place". This study reviews the literature concerning the sociology of aging, public choice theory, theory of social resources and adopts qualitative research method, such as questionnaire and in-depth interviews to examine the importance of housing demand for the elderly care needs, development of public-private partnership, government policy planning directions for the elderly housing. Finally we work through the case study with the data collected from the elderly, community residents, public and private experts, and draw conclusions for providing the elderly suitable community-dwelling homes and the strategy of “government owned and private sector operated.” This study finds that adjacent to the community residential homes for the elderly, is suitable for maintaining the traditional family ties; and the government owned and private sector operated mode is suitable for the elderly needs. By doing so, the government can fulfill the social responsibility to take care of the disadvantaged. We make some suggestions for further efforts: 1. Hardware facilities provided The government selects the model residential homes for the elderly, and run by non-governmental professional team, and sets up effective monitoring mechanisms and evaluation standards in order to help civil organizations to run the elderly care system continuously. 2. Medical care support The government should integrate social and medical resources, planning pluralistic health care system; early implementation of long-term care insurance policies to provide multi-functional window for services of the elderly. 3. Aging in place The government should promote the concept of community-dwelling for the elderly, the implementation of community-based care as much as possible so the elderly can be aging in familiar environment. 4. Nursing homes provided in the neighborhood To use concept of "universal design" for living space, and build the “government owned and private sector operated” housing in nearby community in order to maximize the benefits of using limited resources. 5. Resource Integration The government should integrate social welfare resources, the current subsidies for the elderly and other related policy resources in order to increase the overall efficiency.

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