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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

專家意見評價結果與品質和主併公司股價關聯性-以台灣上市公司為例 / Appraisal Outcome & Quality In Fairness Opinion For Acquiring Firms

盧作倫, Lu, Tso Lun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2002年至2013年台灣主併公司為上市公司的併購案件為樣本,探討專家意見評價結果和品質對主併公司短期股價影響。本研究結果有兩項發現: 1. 於意見書揭露日時,若專家意見書評估價格高於雙方約定交易價格愈多時,即評價溢酬愈大,主併公司會有負向的累積異常報酬率。 2. 於意見書揭露日時,若併購溢酬越大、或是併購溢酬大與評價品質高,主併公司會有負向的累積異常報酬率。 故本研究認為,台灣獨立專家制度相較歐美國家仍不成熟,相關配套措施及規範未規畫周詳,對於獨立專家的獨立性、專業性之確保,以及出具意見時評價方法的選擇標準、意見書應記載事項等規範過少,使得專家意見書於揭露時評價結果易受到市場及投資人懷疑。另外評價品質與主併公司異常報酬的關聯性在少數的樣本下無法表現出顯著性,市場及投資人較傾向以併購溢酬做為交易出價是否過高之依據。 / This study analyses the relation between target firm appraisal outcome and quality disclosed in the fairness opinions and acquiring firm performances by using the samples of Taiwanese listed company in M&A transaction between 2002 and 2013. We find that the stock price reactions to the public disclosure of fairness opinions are negatively related to the difference between target firms valuations contained in the fairness opinion and the merger offer price. In addition, the greater the acquisition premium for or acquisition or high acquisition premium with high appraisal quality would result in negative stock price reactions as well. Under these conditions, this study suggests that Taiwan's independent expert system in Taiwan still appeared to be immature, including that related supplementary measures are not careful planned, the independence of the independent expert, the professionalism of independent expert, and the criteria of valuation methods are not carefully regulated by the government. Therefore, the outcome and the quality of the fairness opinion may not to be trusted by the market and investors. Also, the association between appraisal quality and abnormal unable to be significant could result from the lack of number of samples.

國際併購後整合與管理之研究-以臺灣企業併購德商為例 / International Post-merger Integration & Management – The Case of a Taiwanese Firm Merging a German Firm

呂孟達, Lu, Meng-Ta Unknown Date (has links)
企業進行併購的目的是要將企業之間各自擁有的資源和優勢結合、互補產生綜效,最終達到增強企業競爭力、擴大企業規模之目標。全球化的趨勢之下,企業搶占市場最快的方法之一就是靠國際併購。然而,併購併並不是簡單的買賣而已,研究顯示其失敗率約為70-90%。有效的併後整合(Post Merger Integration, PMI)不但是決定企業併購案是否成功的主要因素,也更是最複雜且失敗率最高的部分。成功的併後整合在實務上,必須要有嚴謹的計劃與執行,投入足夠的財務及管理資源,重視文化上的整合,更重要的是高階管理的參與,讓整合的指令與工作能貫徹執行,減少失敗風險。 本研究個案為一臺灣企業併購德商的併後整合之研究,主併公司期望除了透過併購買回品牌在當地的商標權之外,更重要的是擴大市場佔有率及銷售的實質成長。過程中,經由併購協商,訂定出併後整合之目標,形成雙方共識。而由於兩國經濟發展、民族及文化上的差異,雙方文化的融合與兼容並蓄是一個重要的課題。因此主併公司透過建立正式與非正式的溝通管道,由專人負責併後整合與管理,將併購的目標透過日常的溝通與合作中貫徹執行。個案主併公司在這項國際併購案中,設法留住人才,並投入相當資源以穩定軍心,也鼓勵員工發揮讓併購的成果極大化,更在併後的人力資源與管理上達到100%留住人才,且得到員工對併後整合感到滿意的成果。 研究發現,若能事前縝密的規劃併後整合計畫,交由適當的專人領導管控團隊監督整個整合過程,相互尊重雙方組織與當事者母國文化,遇到困難或問題能適時溝通、調整流程、平息雙方可能的歧見,將能更順利地完成併後整合,並且達到新組織設定的預期目標。 / The purpose of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is to combine and complement two companies' own resources and advantages to create a synergy, and ultimately achieve the goal via enhancing the competitiveness and expanding the business scale. Under the trend of globalization, one of the fastest ways for companies to seize the market is to rely on international M&A. However, M&A is not simply buy and sell only. Research shows that the failure rate of international M&A is about 70-90%. Effective Post Merger Integration (PMI) is not only the main factor determining the success of a M&A. Successful PMI practices must be rigorously planned and implemented, be invested sufficient resources, pay attention on cultural integration, and involve high-level management, so that the integrated instructions and work can be implemented. The case is a study of a Taiwanese business merging a German firm. The Taiwanese company wanted to buy back the trademark rights in European market and also to expand the market share with sales growth. In the process, through the negotiation process of acquisition to set goals for PMI, then mutual consensus was reached. Due to the economic conditions and cultural differences between two countries, the integration and compatibility of both cultures is an important issue. Therefore, via building formal and informal communication channels and the PMI management team to implement the goal of M&A through daily communication and operations. Company tried to retain talents and invested considerable resources to stabilize the morale of employees. They also encouraged employees to contribute their talents for maximizing the results of M&A. After those efforts which company has made, employees are all satisfied with the results of current stage of PMI. The study found that if PMI projects can be properly planned in advance, appropriate management teams could be assigned to supervise the entire integration process, mutual respect for both parties’ cultures involved can lead to timely adjustment of the process in case of difficulties or problems. Suppressing the possible disagreements between the two sides will enable them to complete the PMI process more smoothly and achieve the expected goals set for the new organization.

國家文化與企業跨國併購 / National Culture in Cross-border M&A

陳怡如, Chen, Yi Ju Unknown Date (has links)
文化常被認為是跨國併購失敗的重要原因,許多文化因素在研究與調查中仍屬薄弱。在本論文中,國家文化是衡量跨境併購文化差異的重點,我們使用了Hofstede 六維度來分析兩種家公司併購情況,即使聯想案例文化維度距離高於TCL案例,但聯想理解在最短時間內和解文化差異,聯想最終解決了問題並變成了利潤。研究表明,溝通是必要的,大大提高了併購的成功性,管理層在合併前,文化評估是必要決策收購的成敗的重要因素。 / The failure rate of cross-border M&As is still high and culture is often blamed for hampering performance. If substantial research has been devoted to investigating M&As performance, cultural factors remain largely unexplained. In this research, national culture is the focus to measure cultural differences in cross border M&As. we used Hofstede 5 dimensions to analyzes two cases, even though Lenovo case cultural dimension distance is higher than TCL case, but Lenovo understand reconciling cultural differences in the shortest time, Lenovo eventually solved the problems and turn into profit. The studies reveal that communication is a necessity, drastically improving the success of a merger, and a cultural assessment of both fit and potential are important factors for providing direction and guidance for necessary decision making and planning initiatives required by management throughout all stages of a merger or acquisition. The purpose of this conceptual paper is to highlight the tensions generated by national culture in cross-border M&As and Chinese enterprises want to increase the success rate of Cross-border M&As, they have to pay close attention on the cultural problems, make a good cultural assessment and manager the cultural integrating work in the cultural integrating process.

併購關鍵成功因素之研究─以明基西門子為例 / Research on Key Success Factors for Mergers and Acquisitions - A Case Study of BenQ-Siemens

鄭凱元 Unknown Date (has links)
在國際化的趨勢與全球化的競爭下,併購已經成為企業成長的重要手段之一。全球併購活動正蓬勃發展,台灣企業也投入併購的風潮當中,併購的目標公司不僅局限於台灣,更包括世界各地。明基收購西門子手機部門是眾所矚目的國際併購案,卻在全球的驚嘆聲中落幕。根據研究資料,企業併購案具有高失敗率,顯示企業併購不僅帶給企業新的機會,也帶來許多新的挑戰。 面對全球併購風潮之興起與併購之高失敗率,本研究專注併購關鍵成功因素,採用歸納法,綜合文獻探討、個案研究、業界訪談等方法,探討併購應注意的事項,歸納併購關鍵成功因素,促使企業在併購時創造最高價值。 本研究提出下列命題,做為企業在併購時之參考。 命題一:併購前,企業應謹慎評估本身的管理能力。 命題二:併購前,企業必須掌握本身經營狀況,尤其是財務能力。 命題三:併購過程中,實地查核是企業選擇併購標的和整合計畫的基礎。 命題四:併購過程中,留住人才是核心議題。 命題五:國際併購時,語言、文化、與法規面是容易忽視的問題。 命題六:併購後,在價值鍊上需要整合的價值活動越多,整合的難度越高。 命題七:併購程序的每一步驟皆是高度相互關聯,任何一個環節的錯誤,皆可導致企業併購的失敗。 命題八:併購時,企業應建立併購指南與關鍵成功指標,或由外部專家協助。


張文嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
併購是企業成長最快捷的手段,題企業經營的大戰略,然而併購決策可能隱含著經理人或制股東的自利動機,而不是為長遠的股東權益著想,可能作出錯誤的併購決策而讓股東血本無歸。本研究探究主併企業之公司治理機制可否有效監督管理階層作出審慎的併購決策,從股權結構觀點出發,以發生於1996年至2003年間,主併公司為公開發行公司之併購案件共112件為研究樣本,探討主併公司各種股權結構與併購後長期財務績效的關聯性。 實證結果顯示,未擔任董監事的經理人持股比例與併購後績效呈現顯著的正相關,與利益一致假說相符,機構持股比例與併購後績效亦呈顯著的正相關,符合效率監督假說,衡量控制股東負面侵佔誘因的席次盈餘偏離倍數則與併購後績效呈現顯著的負相關。此實證結果隱喻,控制股東是否具有強烈的侵佔誘因係影響併購決策優劣最重要的因素。 / Mergers and acquisitions are one of the most efficient ways to meet the need of corporation expansion, and therefore are the most important business strategies. Nevertheless, the past studies indicate managerial incentives as well as self-interests of controlling stockholders may drive some mergers that ultimately reduce the long-run value of the firm. This study examines whether corporate governance mechanism helps management make acquisition decisions based on stockholders’ interests. Using a sample of 112 acquisition cases during the period of 1996 to 2003 which the acquiring firms are public traded firms, the study empirically investigates the effect of ownership structure of acquiring firms’ on post-acquisiton long-run financial performance. The primary empirical results show that the shareholdings of managers who don’t serve as directors or supervisors of the board have a positive impact on post-acquisiton performance, institution ownership also has a positive impact on post-acquisiton performance, while the deviation between the seat-control rights ratio and cash-flow rights of controlling stockholder has a negative impact on post-acquisiton performance. The results thus imply that whether the controlling stockholder has strong incentive of expropriation is the key to the quality of acquisition.


韋國彬 Unknown Date (has links)
合併與收購,是企業達成企業目標或進入不同的產品市場快速成長之最佳方法,不論在時間或成本之花費皆優於企業內部之成長。再加上「全球化」一詞之出現更使得企業併購如火如荼地展開。 然而許多人卻對此感到憂心。因為企業併購現象如此之頻繁,不是一件好消息。只要有企業併購之情事,那麼就會有人失去他的工作。留用下來之員工還必須面對勞動條件之變更、企業的管理方式、企業內部政策等等之大幅大的改變,此外還必須經歷一段時間相當長的摸索期去適應整個公司的文化以及制度。由於人是公司最重要之資產,若企業需要用併購方式來達成企業本身策略目標,那麼必須留意企業併購對勞動契約之潛在衝擊及影響,舉例來說:在企業併購過程中對員工之保護是否得宜,以及若因企業併購而有工作條件變更之可能性時,受新舊雇主商定留用之員工,是否有拒絕留用之權利。這些勞動議題都是值得被探討以及思考的。 大體上來說,企業併購都會有人才流失之情形。若希望能留住關鍵人才,那麼就必須要對併購過程以及程序處理得宜,透過遵守勞動法令規範配合及早進行以及詳細規劃之一些管理措施方案,如:留才管理、確保雙向溝通之可能等,皆能有效增加員工對組織之承諾以及經營效率之提升,也就能符合併購所要達到的「縱效」。我們也必須對因併購衍生出勞動權利保護進行了解並對此作一深入之探討。 / Mergers and acquisitions are quick ways of attaining the critical mass necessary for reaching global markets, rather than organic growth. Globalization is currently the main reason for organizations to merge or acquire. Nearly everyone agrees that being on the subordinate or acquired side of a merger and acquisitions is bad news. Many people lose their jobs. The survivors often have to make severe adjustments to new routines, management, policies, jobs, and a protracted period of ambiguity and uncertainty. With respect to the potential impacts from business merger and acquisition to labor contract, such as: protection to employee in the process of business merger and acquisition; if the employee to be continuously hired under mutual agreement of both old and new employers can reject such continuous employment; change of working conditions in the wake of business merger and acquisition, etc. In a word, Merger and acquisition activity creates vulnerability to talent loss. In order to begin the healing process and to ensure employees remain engaged, management and labor related laws must clearly state a tangible vision and plan of action. Also, We require further observation on whether or not such regulations are capable of addressing all kinds of possible labor contract issues arisen from and relating to the business merger and acquisition.

私募股權基金法規規範之理論與實務 / The theory and practice of the legal system of private equity funds

陳育惠, Chen, Yu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究主題是「私募股權基金法規規範之理論與實務」,透過比較法之方式,本論文首先說明外國私募股權基金之實務運作、風險及相關法規規定,再者分析外國私募股權基金在我國之具體個案,瞭解其失敗或成功之原因,以探討我國法律適用於具體個案之相關問題。 本論文分為七章。第一章說明論文研究動機、目的及範圍。第二章闡述私募股權之定義,並探討私募股基金之種類,復剖析私募股權基金之特點及優缺點。第三章分析私募基金可能造成之風險。第四章主要探討先進國家對私募股權基金之規範及監管方式,包括美國、英國、日本等國。第五章說明外國私募股權基金在我國之發展及分析我國私募制度之規範。第六章探討我國政府就私募股權基金併購活動之現行相關法律規範,並探討我國目前法令之缺失或不足。第七章為總結。 關鍵字:私募股權基金、私募、併購 / This thesis focuses on the issue concerning “the theory and practice of the legal system of private equity funds.”By adopting the method of comparative legal study, the author first illustrates the practice, risk and regulations of foreign private equity funds. Further, this thesis discusses the actual transactions conducted by foreign private equity funds in Taiwan. Through the analysis of the reason for the success or failure of such transactions, the author discusses the problems arising when applying current laws to such transactions conducted by foreign private equity funds. This thesis is comprised of seven chapters. Chapter One explains the motivation, purpose and scope of the thesis. Chapter Two illustrates the definition of private equity fund as well as types, pros and cons of private equity funds. Chapter Three analyzes the risks caused by private equity funds. Chapter Four discusses regulations and supervision over private equity funds in developed countries, such as the U.S., U.K, and Japan. Chapter Five states the development of foreign private equity funds in Taiwan and introduces the private placement system of Taiwan. Chapter Six discusses the current regulations concerning M&A transactions conducted by foreign private equity funds and analyzes the demerit or deficiency of these regulations. Chapter Seven finalizes the issues raised in the previous chapters and reaches the conclusion of this thesis. Keywords: private equity fund, private placement, merger and acquisition

公司理財兩篇論文: (1)產業競爭,併購,及主併方報酬 (2)借殼上市之動機及長期績效:以台灣為例 / Two essays related to corporate finance: (1)Product market competition, mergers and acquisitions, and acquirer returns (2)Motivations and long-term performance of reverse mergers: evidence from Taiwan

劉晉吉, Liu, Chin Chi Unknown Date (has links)
First Essay: Using a sample of 15,835 completed M&A transactions in U.S. from 1985 to 2015, we document three main empirical results. First, consistent with the notion that the disciplinary effect of competition on corporate management, acquiring firms in competitive industries experience significantly positive announcement returns, while the abnormal returns of acquiring firms in non-competitive industries are insignificant. Second, market competition is correlated to the shareholder value in different types of M&A transaction. Horizontal and vertical integrations have positive announcement returns, while conglomerate integrations have negative announcement returns, irrespective of the condition of market competition. Third, the return of small acquiring firms is higher than the return of large acquiring firms, and this size effect is more profound in non-competitive industries. Second Essay: This paper examines the long-term performance of the reverse merger (RM) transactions in Taiwan stock market. Shell companies tend to conduct private placements to raise equity capital in the year following RM transactions. Based on the intended use of capital, issuers of private placements are classified into three categories: investment, recapitalization, and general corporate purposes. We find that shell companies in the investment category experience better long-term performance in the subsequent three years, which is consistent with the view that RM firms with strategic plans to increase in investments in capital expenditures are signaling profitable investment opportunity. However, shell companies in the recapitalization or general corporate purposes categories experience no or poor subsequent underperformance, suggesting that RM deals in these two categories are speculative in nature and short-sightedness that destroy the long-term shareholder wealth.

併購獨立專家之選擇及併購後綜效之探討 / A study on the choice of independent experts and the synergy in the M&A transaction

黃玉雯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將我國獨立專家可能發揮之功能分為能夠認證交易係公平且無弊端之「消極認證功能」及能積極預測綜效並為市場排除不具綜效交易之「積極認證功能」,並藉由分析代理成本與獨立專家選擇之關聯性,以及獨立專家自我選擇與併購後綜效之關聯性,實證探討我國獨立專家制度之運作概況及其功能。 研究結果發現,衡量代理成本之公司及交易特性變數中,負債比率較高、外部大股東持股比率較低、機構投資人持股比率較低、併購溢價較高、主併與被併公司相對規模較接近時,公司聘僱高聲譽獨立專家的可能性較高,支持我國獨立專家可能具有降低代理成本之消極認證功能之論點。積極認證功能方面,本研究發現,以併購金額市佔率衡量獨立專家聲譽時,高聲譽獨立專家簽發評價報告之併購案,併購後市場佔有率成長幅度較高,支持我國獨立專家可能具有積極認證功能之論點,但僅限於市場綜效部分。 / This study tests whether the negative certification function and positive certification function are important service performed by independent experts in the M&A transaction. It conducts an empirical investigation of the choice of independent experts and the synergy in the M&A transaction. The result demonstrates that when the debt ratio is high, the percentage of stock owned by institutional owners and external shareholders is low, the premium is high, and the size of acquirer and target is similar, acquirer tends to hire a more prestigious independent expert. It confirms that the negative certification function exists. In addition, we find that when the reputation (measured by market share) of independent experts is high, the market synergy in the M&A may be higher than others. It is because of that the independent experts tend to protect their reputation by choosing their clients rigorously. Therefore, the positive certification function is also confirmed.

企業創新於併購上的價值分析 / Do Mergers for Innovation Create Value for Investors?

陳韋丞, Chen, Wei Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
Through overviewing the merger waves during the last century, we know the latest two waves result mainly from technological innovation. With the presence of M&A market, acquirers are able to gain innovation capacities by taking over innovative targets. Innovation is considered to be a source of synergies and a major motive for M&A decision. Therefore, my research focuses on whether acquisitions for innovation create value for investors in short-term and long-term perspective. By using various innovation measures, I employ event study and calendar time portfolio to examine the significance of abnormal returns. I find the abnormal returns of bidding innovative targets do not show significant difference from the peers in short-term market reaction. However, in the long-run, the group with innovative targets reports significant abnormal returns. Under multiple regression analysis, I find patent counts, total citations, and citation-weighted patent counts have positive relation with abnormal returns under WLS procedure, while only average citation yields the most consistent result under both OLS and WLS. Lastly, I confirm the relation between abnormal return and average citation measure by employing calendar time portfolio approach.

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