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制御焦点が課題への取り組みの粘り強さに与える影響とその効果量の推定 / セイギョ ショウテン ガ カダイ エノ トリクミ ノ ネバリズヨサ ニ アタエル エイキョウ ト ソノ コウカリョウ ノ スイテイ長谷 和久, Kazuhisa Nagaya 22 March 2020 (has links)
本論文は,個人の目標志向性を2種類—予防焦点 (prevention focus) と促進焦点 (promotion focus)—に大別する制御焦点理論 (Regulatory focus theory) を基礎に,制御焦点の差異と課題に対する粘り強さの関係性について明らかにすることを目的とした。研究1から研究6までの各研究をとおして制御焦点理論に関する先行研究の追試可能性,制御焦点理論の視座に立って研究を行うことの意義,そして制御焦点の差異が創造性課題や自由再生課題に対する粘り強さに与える影響について検討を行った。 / 博士(心理学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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研發扣抵與兩稅合一之政策效果 ‒ 以台灣與 OECD 國家比較 / The policy effect of research & development tax credit and dividend imputation credit – International comparison between Taiwan and OECD countries林奕成, Lin, Yih Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本文以 1996 年至 2014 年台灣與 OECD上市公司的非均衡追蹤資料 (Unbalanced panel data) 來進行分析。實證結果指出,同時實施兩稅合一及研發扣抵的國家相較於其他樣本,其股利支付與研發投資之間的關係呈現更為顯著的負相關,代表當同時實施雙重扣抵制度,兩項支出之間的衝突性更為明顯。
本文另外也做了台灣與其他國家的比較,實證結果指出,台灣雖實施雙重扣抵制度,但其支出之間的關係,反而呈現較為顯著的正相關。可能的原因即為台灣之研發扣抵相較於兩稅合一,其誘因明顯為大,因此文末亦作了 difference in difference 的敏感度分析,但結果顯示不論是 1998 年兩稅合一或 2010 年產創條例實施後,研發投資與股利支付之間的關係並沒有顯著的改變。 / The effectiveness of R&D tax credit is inconsistent in past literature, and many researchers believe one possible reason is the impact of dividend imputation credit. After imputation credit, it will increase the company’s incentive to pay dividend. Also, after R&D tax credit, it will increase the payment of R&D investment. So both of the policy will affect the effect of each other.
In recent years in Taiwan, we experienced Statute for the Encouragement of Investment, Statute for Upgrading Industry and current Statute for Industrial Innovation, and their effect on investment suffered controversy. In Taiwan, we have not only R&D tax credit, but also the implementation of dividend imputation to relieve the problem of double taxation, so it becomes an important issue.
This paper examines the unbalanced panel data of Taiwan and OECD from 1996 to 2014. Empirical results indicate that in the context of both R&D tax credit and dividend imputation credit compared to the other sample, the negative correlation is more significant between the dividend payments and R&D investment. It means when we implement both credits, the payments of dividend and R&D conflict more.
This paper also examines Taiwan with respect to OECD countries, and the empirical results indicate that although the implementation of both credits, the positive correlation is more significant between the two payments in Taiwan. One possible reason is that the R&D tax credit in Taiwan is obviously more attractive than the dividend imputation credit. Therefore, I also use the sensitive analysis of difference in difference to examine this problem. However, it shows that after the implementation of dividend imputation in 1998 or R&D tax credit of Statute for Upgrading Industry in 2010, the relationship of payments doesn’t differ obviously.
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台灣租稅獎勵與產業發展胡貝蒂 Unknown Date (has links)
為了深入瞭解這項議題,本文係以台灣實施經驗為例,分析台灣租稅獎勵的特色與產業發展過程,回顧研究租稅獎勵實施成效的文獻,並比較世界各國如新加坡、日本、韓國等國家運用租稅獎勵工具的情形,最後並對我國的產業租稅政策提出建議。本研究主要的發現為,無論就理論或實證的分析,租稅獎勵是否有助於台灣的產業發展,並無法獲得一致性答案;台灣目前所提供的租稅獎勵項目或優惠程度並不低於新加坡、韓國等貿易競爭國家或日、美等先進國家。就未來台灣整體產業租稅獎勵政策,本文的建議為,多善用其他非租稅獎勵工具,協助產業發展;持續進行租稅改革,合理化稅負環境;適度修正促進產業升級條例,強化租稅獎勵功能。 / In many countries the industrial policy instruments, such as low interest loan, grants and tax incentives are used to assist industrial development. However, some researchers argue that government intervention would always result in recourses distortion and economic inefficiency; and claim for respecting market mechanism. Taiwan’s government for a long period, for example, has provided tax incentives. Some people think that tax incentives play an important role in Taiwan’s economic miracle. But others think that tax incentives result in tax discrimination, and weakness industry’s competitive ability. Therefore, how does tax incentive influence industrial development is a controversial issue.
With aims to know how does tax incentives influence industry, this paper takes Taiwan’s experience as an example, introduces the feature of Taiwan’s tax incentives and the process of industrial development. Furthermore, this paper surveys Taiwan’s researches on the effectiveness of tax incentives and compares tax incentives adopted by Singapore, Japan, Korea, and America. This paper also present suggestions to the policies of industries taxation base on the research findings.
The main findings are that by theoretic or empirical study, we cannot find consentaneous answer for whether tax incentive is helpful for industrial development;and tax incentives provided by Taiwan government are no less than that by other countries. According to the research findings, we suggest that the government should utilize non-tax instruments more;the government should continue to accelerate tax reforms, and thereby to establish a fair and rational tax environment;and tax incentive is still important for some business activity such as R&D in the knowledge-based economy.
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企業營運總部之股市影響林必佳, Pi-chia Lin Unknown Date (has links)
以迴歸模型檢視影響股價異常報酬之因素,在全體上市公司樣本方面,股市對電子業仍給予最高的顯著股價異常報酬,不過,實證上並無發現設立要件有顯著影響股價異常報酬之結果。就73家核准公司樣本分析則顯示遞延所得稅負債科目金額之大小對累積股價異常報酬率有顯著之正值影響。 / Abstract
In January 30, 2002, the legislative Yuan passed the Chapter VI-1 of the Statute for Upgrading Industries to encourage companies to utilize worldwide resources and set up the operational headquarters in Taiwan by providing preferential tax interests. Using 2001 corporate financial statement data and regression analysis, this study explores the influence of the Operational -Headquarter policy on the reactions of the stock market. The results of this study are as follows:
1. Regarding the qualification requirements, Taiwan has a more strict qualification than those of Singapore, Shanghai and Malaysia, especially in the specification of “control over the foreign affiliates,” “the net revenues and expenses of the operational headquarter,” “the quantity and quality of employees,” and “the net revenues of the affiliates abroad.”
2. The statistical analyses show that there is 29.85% companies meet of requirements of operational headquarters. Among the qualifications, the requirements of “foreign affiliates” are the most difficult criteria to achieve than others, causing the traditional industries cannot qualify for applying the approval.
3. During the event period of this study, the stock market reacts to the proposal by significant positive stock abcdrmal returns. It shows the stock market favors the new policy. The regression results indicate that investors give the Electrical industry higher evaluation than other industries.
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企業社會責任與執行長之調節焦點 / Corporate social responsibility and CEO regulatory focus謝適陽 Unknown Date (has links)
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美國短工補償法制之研究 / A research of short-time compensation of America高思齊 Unknown Date (has links)
短工補償制度(short-time compensation program)是指在經濟不景氣期間,雇主為避免解僱勞工而縮減勞工工時,並對勞工縮減的工資予以補助的一種措施。藉由短工補償制度,勞工可以維持工作,雇主可以節省在景氣回復後重新僱用與訓練勞工的成本,社會全體可以減少失業帶來的社會問題,達到三贏的局面。
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我國視障者從事醫療按摩之法制建構—以英國視障物理治療師之促進法制為借鏡 / Draft law about visually impaired persons engaged in medical massage – with British visually impaired physiotherapists as a example陳奇威 Unknown Date (has links)
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鋼橋防食に用いられる金属皮膜の腐食劣化評価に関する実験的研究伊藤, 義人, ITOH, Yoshito, 金, 仁泰, KIM, In-Tae, 肥田, 達久, HIDA, Tatsuhisa, 坪内, 佐織, TSUBOUCHI, Saori, 忽那, 幸浩, KUTSUNA, Yukihiro 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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面外ガセット溶接継手の腐食特性と疲労挙動に関する基礎的研究貝沼, 重信, KAINUMA, Shigenobu, 細見, 直史, HOSOMI, Naofumi, 金, 仁泰, KIM, In-Tae, 伊藤, 義人, ITOH, Yoshito, 柿木, 信浩, KAKINOKI, Nobuhiro 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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円形素地露出部を持つ防食鋼板の腐食劣化評価に関する実験的研究金, 仁泰, KIM, In-Tae, 伊藤, 義人, ITOH, Yoshito 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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