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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


赤石, 仁, AKAISHI, Jin, 有田, 隆也, ARITA, Takaya January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

競爭市場中資訊科技促進服務創新策略 / Strategy for IT-enabled service innovation in competitive market

陳健鈞, Chen, Chien Chun Unknown Date (has links)
Many studies have explored service innovations regarding the use of information technologies, yet few have addressed the strategic leveraging in IT investment for sustaining competitiveness. The objective of this paper is to examine different strategies that firms have applied in leveraging advanced information technologies for service innovation in highly competitive market. The analysis of strategy is developed based on two dimensions: (1) IT capability, referring to a firm’s ability to deploy IT-based resources, combined with (2) the firm’s complementary resources including customer and supplier relationships, financial capital. We investigate the convenience-store industry and telecommunication industry in Taiwan, are observed to be in the intensive competitive market in terms of the reduced sales growth, intensively innovations undertaken. The case analysis reveals that there are four types of strategies firms apply in leveraging IT for competitiveness: predator, inventor, follower, and hedger. We also found the transition of strategies for IT-enabled service innovation with resource reconfigurated as market evolved. We further identify the resource reconfiguration mechanism occur in the achievement of their sourcing approaches. Generally, this research explains firms’ continuous strategic changes and resource reconfiguration to sustain the advantages of IT-enabled service innovation in competitive market. We suggest a strategy model that includes the issues of the strategy content, path of strategy transitions, resource reconfiguration mechanisms, and resource sourcing approaches. This model provides a guideline for firms to decide their strategies towards different IT-enabled service innovations with the strategic resource configuration changes.

論民事訴訟法第一審失權制度暨其合憲性控制 / The Preclusion Effect in the First Instance of Civil Procedure and its Constitutional Control

廖泉勝 Unknown Date (has links)

從農業發展條例之研修檢視我國農地移轉制度 / Review on Agricultural Land Transfer System through Amendment of the Agricultural Development Act in Taiwan

張志銘 Unknown Date (has links)
我國為配合加入WTO,紓緩日後大量農產品開放進口,對本土農地利用管理與農業生產所帶來的衝擊,政府乃大幅度修正農業發展條例(以下簡稱農發條例),以為因應。該條例及配套法案業於民國八十九年一月四日、六日及十三日經立法院三讀通過,並由總統於同年一月二十六日公布施行。本次農發條例之修正要點,在農地政策方面,主要側重於農地合理的利用、有效地管理與適當的釋出,其中最大的轉變在於調整為「放寬農地農有,落實農地農用」原則,不再限制農地移轉承受人之身份與資格,並有條件地許可農企業法人承受農地。這樣的變革,旨在建立更為開放競爭的耕地買賣市場,增進耕地的流動性,以利農業經營者取得耕地,調整農業經營結構,應值贊同。然而,條文內容有無疏漏不妥?仍有待深入檢討;條文原則性的規定能否落實?尚待相關法令的配合修訂,方能儘速建立合理農地利用、管理與釋出機制,以確保我國的農業發展。   緣此,本研究乃就農發條例之研修條文內容,深入探析農地政策與移轉規定之轉變,同時藉由實地調查(問卷調查與深度訪談)及拜訪農政等單位,以瞭解移轉制度變遷之實施現況及其對農業經營之影響程度,並訪察農業經營者之意向及博採各方之想法,據以確實地檢視現行農地移轉制度有關之爭議與問題,再提出研修現行條文、修訂行政命令及研議配合措施等改進意見,冀能有助於促進農地合理利用,並供後續法律修正、執行之參考。最後,再綜合本研究之成果,推衍以下結論:   一、調整農地農有制度係時勢潮流,農地農用管理機制應詳加落實。   二、實證調查發現,受訪者大抵認同目前農地移轉制度之變革規定,惟對促進農地流動及帶動農業升級助益不大。   三、引進農企業法人承受耕地之成效不彰,且牽涉法令繁多,亟待整合修訂。   四、制度規則未能公平提供誘因,且未能有效減低執行面之不確定性,應儘速檢討改進並確實執行之。   五、農民與農企業法人普遍欠缺對相關法令資訊的瞭解,應加強相關人員之專業訓練與宣傳輔導。   此外,在研究過程中,發現仍有相關課題有待未來後續研究,以促使農地更有效利用管理,並能確保農業永續發展,建議如下:   一、健全農企業法人承受耕地之管理制度。   二、建構重要農業區之區分與保護機制。   三、進一步研究農業產銷班與農地利用之關聯性。 / For joining WTO and moderating the impact of the import of agricultural products on agricultural lands use and, management and production, our government reacted by revising the Agricultural Development Act (ADA). The ADA has been revised by the Legislative Yuan on January 4 and promulgated by the Presidential Decree on January 26, 2000. The main point of the revision is to emphasis on reasonable farmland uses, effective management and adequate release of the land regulations in the agricultural policy. The main change is to adjust ADA’s principle from “the right to own and use farmland to be limited to the farmer” to “the release of the restriction on farmland transferee and realization of the substantial farmland uses.” The revision does no longer set a limit to the status and qualification of transferees and permits the transferable rights of agribusiness on some certain conditions. It is approved that the revision is to establish a more open and competitive arable land market, to improve the liquidity of arable lands, to facilitate the acquirement of arable lands for agribusiness, and to adjust the agricultural production structure. However, we should review the completeness and realization of the revised ADA after the promulgation in order to assure the agricultural development.   Therefore, the main purpose of this thesis is to probe into the change of the agricultural land policy and transfer regulation from the provisions of the revised ADA, examine the exercising of transfer system change and its influence on agricultural operation, investigate the intention of agricultural managers for reviewing the relative debates and issues, and then offer some advice as references of revision in the future. The conclusion is described as follows:   1.It is a trend of the times to adjust the transfer system that the right to own and use farmland is limited to the farmer, and the mechanism of assuring the substantial farmland uses should be realized.   2.From empirical research, the interviewees almost agree to the new agricultural land transfer system, but think that it is not useful for accelerating the liquidity and promoting the level of agricultural industry.   3.It is not significant on introducing agribusiness to be the transferee of arable lands, and it is necessary for our government to integrate too many relative and complicated laws.   4.We should review and implement the revised ADA because the rules themselves cannot provide fair incentives and effectively reduce the uncertainty from exercising it.   5.Farmers and agribusinesses lack the knowledge of relative laws, so the government should enhance them the professional training and give them consultant service.   In addition, from this research, we also found that some issues need to be studied for effective management of agricultural lands and sustainable development of agricultural industry in the future.   1.How to sound the management institution when agribusinesses want to be the transferee of arable lands.   2.How to designate important agricultural zones and establish protection mechanism.   3.Study the correlation between the agricultural product marketing class and agricultural land uses.


阮詠芳, Juan, Yung-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
我國學者關於民法上抗辯權之著述,偏重於個別類型中重點問題的探討;本論文則係從總論的角度檢視抗辯權制度的共通問題。由於在抗辯權理論下,係以其法律效力—「排除請求權之實現性」,與強調效力的發生以抗辯權人之主張為必要—「主張之必要性」,作為該制度之兩大特徵;而質疑抗辯權制度之獨立性與正當性的學說,亦以撼動此兩大支柱為要務。是故,本論文即以抗辯權之「法律效力」及「主張之必要性」為兩大主軸,對民法上各個抗辯權進行分析整理,首先澄清何謂「排除請求權之實現性」,此等抗辯權效力所造成之法律狀態,與請求權消滅乃至於權利本身之消滅有何不同,是否仍不變動原有的法律關係,因而與形成權有別;其次探求強調「主張之必要性」的理由何在、能否貫徹,各該抗辯權以此特徵在訴訟法上與權利障礙抗辯及權利消滅抗辯區隔,是否均切合制度設計的意旨,並檢討目前學說實務對於訴訟上抗辯權主張之處理方式,是否能落實立法原意,或者有背道而馳的疑慮。 抗辯權制度起源於羅馬法時代程式訴訟中的exceptio,本屬訴訟法領域之概念,發展至今日卻成為實體法上權利,惟仍不脫濃厚的訴訟法色彩。因此,在抗辯權制度之研究上,諸多重要問題若未能兼顧實體法及訴訟法層面從事討論,往往失之偏廢而欠缺全面性的考量。有鑑於此,本論文整合了實體法及訴訟法之觀點,對於涉及此二領域交錯之問題,重新予以檢討,尤其,時值近期我國與德國民事訴訟法就相關規定均有重大修正之際,關於抗辯權之闡明與當事人及法院應盡之訴訟促進義務,更是著力的重心之一。 第一章緒論,提出研究動機及所欲探討的問題,並說明研究主軸、研究方法及論文架構。第二章介紹抗辯權制度之發展及其基本理論。第三章民法上個別抗辯權之學說與實務分析,針對第二章所列舉出之民法上抗辯權,以「法律效力」及「主張之必要性」為兩大主軸,個別討論其對請求權實現性之影響,以及抗辯權效力之發生,是否均以抗辯權人之主張為必要。第四章抗辯權之效力及其實現,首先整合第三章之內容,重新組織抗辯權之效力,以呈現「排除請求權之實現性」的具體內容;其次討論兩大爭議問題:已行使之抗辯權之「拋棄」,以及抗辯權排除債務人給付遲延責任之效力;最後檢討抗辯權與形成權之界線,思考抗辯權在實體法上之定位,是否能與形成權截然劃分。第五章抗辯權在訴訟上之處理,首先討論抗辯權之行使是否限於訴訟上主張,始生效力,被告在訴訟外主張抗辯權者,法院得否斟酌;又,訴訟上如何認定被告有無抗辯權之主張;其次討論法院就抗辯權之闡明權與闡明義務,指出向來通說實務關於得否闡明抗辯權之標準的問題所在,並呼應新法精神予以再檢討;最後,當事人及法院之訴訟促進義務亦屬不可忽略之一環,認為被告應於適當時期為抗辯權之主張,並在賦予當事人充分程序保障、防止發生突襲的前提下,透過爭點整理程序解決拋棄或撤回抗辯權主張之問題,同時確立兩造應受拘束之規範;而在法院善用現行民事訴訟法進行計畫性審理、集中審理下,採用一造辯論判決是否會不當剝奪被告主張抗辯權之機會的疑慮,應能降到最低。第六章結論,分為「從法制史中獲得之啟示」、「關於現行法制下之解釋及適用」、「關於立法論上之建議」三部分,總結本論文對抗辯權之過去、現在、未來的看法。

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