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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺灣租稅誘因吸引投資效果之實證分析 / An Empirical Study on Tax Incentives and Investment Promotion in Taiwan

詹媖珺 Unknown Date (has links)
過去許多學術文獻針對租稅優惠吸引投資之效果進行實證分析,但實證結論並不一致。我國自1950年即開始實施一連串的租稅獎勵政策,時至今日,租稅減免仍是我國政府推動重大經濟政策慣用的誘因手段。為探討了解臺灣實施租稅優惠措施對投資變化之影響,本研究針對我國自民國50年代後期以來涉及租稅減免之相關法令進行整理,另為了充分量化這些租稅優惠措施,則參考國外相關實證文獻作法,建構了兩項租稅誘因指標作為虛擬變數,來追蹤自民國61年以來我國不同階段之減免稅狀態,並作為虛擬變數納入後續實證模型分析。 本研究利用相關變數之時間序列資料來探討租稅優惠對我國外人直接投資與國內私人投資之互動變化關係。研究步驟有三,首先,針對個別變數進行單根檢定,藉以確認變數的屬性,了解時間序列資料是否為衡定後,再利用Johansen共整合檢定法來估計和檢定多個變數,確認各變數間是否存在共整合關係後,以誤差修正模型來說明各變數間關係與整個變數脫離均衡關係後之動態調整情形。 實證結果顯示,就長期趨勢而言,我國實施之租稅優惠措施對吸引外人直接投資呈現負向且顯著之不良影響,另長期而言,租稅優惠誘因對刺激我國國內投資之變化確有顯著且正面助益,但影響效果之幅度不大。因此,本研究建議政府與其提供效果不明確之租稅誘因,不如致力於針對國家自身不完善的基礎建設或不穩定的總體經濟環境進行改善。 / Tax incentives have been in existence in Taiwan since 1950, and they are still very much on the agenda of the government. There is no agreement about the efficacy of incentives. Indeed there have been doubts about whether incentives have any effect on the economy since the 1950s. This has made some economists wonder why incentives are so popular despite the fact that their effects are either slight or unknow. This study conducts an empirical investigation of the impact of tax incentives on investment in Taiwan. We constructed two indexs of tax incentives which track the different types of incentives embarked upon by the government, and these indexes are then included in both foreign direct investment and private investment equations. Our testing procedure involves three steps. The first step involves tasting for the properties of the variables by conducting unit root teste. The second step involves testing for the long-run relationship between the variables using Johansen cointegration tests. And the third step involves estimating the long-run parameters and associated loading factors. The empirical results shows a significant negative impact of tax incentives on FDI, and a significant positive impact of tax incentives on private investment but the impact is slight. We suggest that rather than focusing on tax incentives, the country should concentrate on removing the factors that discourage investors such as poor infrastructural and institutions or macroeconomic instability.

房地產市場之跨國連動及外溢效果 / Cross-Country Linkages and the Spillover Effects of the Real Estate Market

陳彥儒 Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用Pesaran,Schuermann and Weiner(2004)提出的全球化向量自我迴歸模型(Global Vector Autoregression Model, GVAR)對房地產市場進行分析。 我們考慮 1994Q1 至 2011Q2 的資料,納入美國、中國、日本及台灣,每個國家各七個變數及一個國際外生變數,使用衝擊反應函數去衡量總體經濟變數與房市之間的連動性,以及房地產市場在國際之間的外溢效果。 本文針對美國實質房價衝擊、美國實質產出衝擊及台灣實質產出衝擊做探討,所得到的實證結果主要可歸納為三點:首先是美國房市下跌會傳遞至其它經濟面,如實質產出、通膨率、利率市場,影響會在第四季時恢復平穩,但多存在著長期影響。其二為當美國景氣衰退時,美國利率市場的反應較為迅速,中國、日本及台灣平均會落後一到兩季才會反應,且美國利率的反應幅度會較大。最後一點為跨國之間的房地產市場雖然沒有顯著的直接連動關係,但是會透過不同管道間接影響他國的經濟市場,其中一個管道可能是經由財富效果傳導至實質經濟面,造成消費需求上的衝擊,進而影響兩國的貿易平衡,另一方面則可能會影響各國央行的貨幣政策,透過金融管道對跨國間的投資產生影響。 關鍵詞:全球化向量自我迴歸模型、共整合、誤差修正模型、房地產市場、財富效果。

34號公報對於管理當局盈餘預測以及分析師盈餘預測修正影響之研究 / The research of the correlation among SFAS No.34, management earnings forecast and analyst's revision of management earnings forecast

簡佳賢 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探討,上期對本期所做之盈餘預測與本期實際盈餘間誤差所產生之未預期盈餘,對於管理階層在本期預測下期盈餘以及財務分析師針對該預測所作之預測修正,即對於該兩者的攸關性是否會隨著34號公報之實施而提高,也就是說,在34號公報實施之後,未預期盈餘對於管理當局盈餘預測以及分析師預測修正之影響,是否會更加顯著相關。 實證結果顯示,不論34號公報適用前後,管理當局盈餘預測與未預期盈餘之間皆具有攸關性,但在34號公報適用之後,兩者之間的顯著性並未增強;而另一方面,在34號公報適用前後,財務分析師盈餘預測修正與未預期盈餘之間皆具有攸關性,且在34號公報適用之後,兩者之間的顯著性有增強。 / This thesis examines whether the issuance of SFAS No.34 can heighten the association between the unexpected earnings for current period and the management earnings forecast for the next period. This research also examines if the issuance of SFAS No.34 will heighten the relationship between the unexpected earnings for current period and the analysts’ revision of the management earnings forecast for the next period. The unexpected earnings mean the difference between the earnings forecast for current period and the actual earnings in current period This thesis finds that there is a negative association between management earnings forecast and the error of the expected earnings whether SFAS No.34 has been issued or not, but the issuance of SFAS No.34 doesn’t heighten the association between the management earnings forecast and the error of the expected earnings. Besides, the result of the research shows that there is a positive relationship between the analyst’s revision of the management earnings forecast and the error of the expected earnings. Furthermore, the relationship is heightened by the issuance of SFAS No.34.

社會企業型公司法制與弱勢扶助──以南機場公寓社區為例 / Legal Study on Social Enterprise Companies - A Survey of Life Assistance for Disadvantaged Residents in Taipei South Airport Public Housing Community

丁文玲 Unknown Date (has links)
臺北市南機場公寓社區向來是外界公認甚至當地人自認,臺北市目前僅存的貧民窟之一。在全球捲起社會企業熱潮之際,南機場公寓社區也應運出現了標榜扶助社區弱勢者的社會企業,包括社會企業型公司陸續興起。這些公司試圖以商業模式,創新社會融入的方法,促進社會參與,希望能平息緩和甚至避免社會上的經濟排除現象。 過去我國公部門慣用權威思維,官方經常採取「欲除之而後快」或「掃蕩整頓」的上對下態度,企圖「對抗」貧民窟,與「消滅」弱勢身分者的弱勢處境;傳統的非營利組織,則是嚴守從旁協助弱勢扶助的客觀立場;而近年來新興的社會企業型公司,不同於前兩者,強調主動積極,以社會參與和社會融入的方法,代替區隔和排除,企圖讓公司自身組織及運作,鑲嵌進其欲扶助的社區弱勢族群生活脈絡,與當地共存共榮,對於去除貧民窟與弱勢的標籤化和汙名化,顯已另外開闢出一條途徑,可有效解決社會問題,確值得立法者及擬定政策者思考。 筆者對照相關現行公司法相關法令,評析公司法修法建議,並對照前述歷年來其他相關草案,及與業者所建議的立法方向,探討能否達成上述理想目標,是否回應各界倡議社會企業型公司入法的需求。限縮以南機場公寓社區為例,乃盼更具體而微聚焦呈現出:在扶助社區弱勢時,社會企業型公司實務上可能遭遇到那些困難與質疑,以及如何以法規掃除這些障礙。期能謹供我國其他整體居民處境相對趨於弱勢的社區參考,並提供已投入扶助社區弱勢領域的公司,思考轉型可能性,以及讓有志設立社會企業型公司的創業者,可資實務運用。亦希望藉由耙梳現有各種社會企業型公司的相關法規,以及立法倡議過程脈絡,進一步理解和討論,國內對於社會企業型公司的疑慮與歧見之後,再提出較為妥適可行的我國立法模式建議。

由金融帳之角度探討亞洲通貨危機 / From Financial Account to Asian Currency Crisis

郭怡婷, Kuo, Yi-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
90年代末東亞金融危機造成多國貨幣大幅貶值,銀行紛紛倒閉。基本上金融危機可分為通貨危機(Currency Crisis)與銀行危機(Banking Crisis);通貨危機是指當年中任一季名目匯率貶值超過25%,且貶值幅度比前一季超過10個百分點。諸多實證文獻顯示,高估一國匯率為其通貨崩潰之先驅;又由於近年來新興國家快速開放資本市場,以致於成為危機之導火線。為分析此一現象,本文首先編製金融帳權數之新台幣實質有效匯率指數,並將東亞之台灣、印尼、韓國、菲律賓、泰國等五國之匯率、相對物價(各國與美國物價)、金融帳餘額等變數做共整合關係檢定,觀察三個變數的長期均衡關係,再將誤差項加入模型中,建構向量誤差模型。實證結果發現,金融帳與相對物價對匯率有顯著之影響力。 / The 1997 East Asian Crises had made exchange rate depreciations and bank bankruptcies. Broadly speaking, it can be divided into currency crisis and banking crisis. Nominal exchange rate of any season in a year, which is depreciated over 25% and 10% than last season, is called a currency crisis. Lots of papers demonstrate that overvaluation is a precursor of a currency crash. Furthermore, developing countries have opened capital markets so rapidly that it became the tinderbox of crises. To analyze the phenomenon, this thesis first compile Taiwan’s financial weighted real effective exchange rate index, then examine exchange rates, relative prices (compare to American consumer price index), and net financial account of Taiwan, Indonesia, Korea, Philippine, and Thailand with cointegrated test to identify the long run equilibrium relationships between variables; then adding error terms into models to estimates vector error correction model (VECM). The empirical results show that financial account and relative price influence exchange rate significantly.

門檻式自動迴歸模型參數之近似信賴區間 / Approximate confidence sets for parameters in a threshold autoregressive model

陳慎健, Chen, Shen Chien Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在估計門檻式自動迴歸模型之參數的信賴區間。由線性自動迴歸 模型衍生出來的非線性自動迴歸模型中,門檻式自動迴歸模型是其中一種經常會被應用到的模型。雖然,門檻式自動迴歸模型之參數的漸近理論已經發展了許多;但是,相較於大樣本理論,有限樣本下參數的性質討論則較少。對於有限樣本的研究,Woodroofe (1989) 提出一種近似法:非常弱近似法。 Woodroofe 和 Coad (1997) 則利用此方法去架構一適性化線性模型之參數的修正信賴區間。Weng 和 Woodroofe (2006) 則將此近似法應用於線性自動迴歸模型。這個方法的應用始於定義一近似樞紐量,接著利用此方法找出近似樞紐量的近似期望值及近似變異數,並對此近似樞紐量標準化,則標準化後的樞紐量將近似於標準常態分配,因此得以架構參數的修正信賴區間。而在線性自動迴歸模型下,利用非常弱展開所導出的近似期望值及近似變異數僅會與一階動差及二階動差的微分有關。因此,本論文的研究目的就是在樣本數為適當的情況下,將線性自動迴歸模型的結果運用於門檻式自動迴歸模型。由於大部分門檻式自動迴歸模型的動差並無明確之形式;因此,本研究採用蒙地卡羅法及插分法去近似其動差及微分。最後,以第一階門檻式自動迴歸模型去配適美國的國內生產總值資料。 / Threshold autoregressive (TAR) models are popular nonlinear extension of the linear autoregressive (AR) models. Though many have developed the asymptotic theory for parameter estimates in the TAR models, there have been less studies about the finite sample properties. Woodroofe (1989) and Woodroofe and Coad (1997) developed a very weak approximation and used it to construct corrected confidence sets for parameters in an adaptive linear model. This approximation was further developed by Woodroofe and Coad (1999) and Weng and Woodroofe (2006), who derived the corrected confidence sets for parameters in the AR(p) models and other adaptive models. This approach starts with an approximate pivot, and employs the very weak expansions to determine the mean and variance corrections of the pivot. Then, the renormalized pivot is used to form corrected confidence sets. The correction terms have simple forms, and for AR(p) models it involves only the first two moments of the process and the derivatives of these moments. However, for TAR models the analytic forms for moments are known only in some cases when the autoregression function has special structures. The goal of this research is to extend the very weak method to the TAR models to form corrected confidence sets when sample size is moderate. We propose using the difference quotient method and Monte Carlo simulations to approximate the derivatives. Some simulation studies are provided to assess the accuracy of the method. Then, we apply the approach to a real U.S. GDP data.

有限離散條件分配族相容性之研究 / A study on the compatibility of the family of finite discrete conditional distributions.

李瑋珊, Li, Wei-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 有限離散條件分配相容性問題可依相容性檢驗、唯一性檢驗以及找出所有的聯合機率分配三層次來討論。目前的文獻資料有幾種研究方法,本文僅分析、比較其中的比值矩陣法和圖形法。 二維中,我們發現簡化二分圖的分支與IBD矩陣中的對角塊狀矩陣有密切的對應關係。在檢驗相容性時,圖形法只需檢驗簡化二分圖中的每個分支,正如同比值矩陣法只需檢驗IBD矩陣中的每一個對角塊狀矩陣即可。在檢驗唯一性時,圖形法只需檢驗簡化二分圖中的分支數是否唯一,正如同比值矩陣法只需檢驗IBD矩陣中的對角塊狀數是否唯一即可。在求所有的聯合機率分配時,運用比值矩陣法可推算出所有的聯合機率分配,但是圖形法則無法求出。 三維中,本文提出了修正比值矩陣法,將比值數組按照某種索引方式在平面上有規則地呈現,可降低所需處理矩陣的大小。此外,我們也發現修正比值矩陣中的橫直縱迴路和簡化二分圖中的迴路有對應的關係,因此可觀察出兩種方法所獲致某些結論的關聯性。在檢驗唯一性時,圖形法是檢驗簡化二分圖中的分支數是否唯一,而修正比值矩陣法是檢驗兩個修正比值矩陣是否分別有唯一的GROPE矩陣。修正比值矩陣法可推算出所有的聯合機率分配。 圖形法可用於任何維度中,修正比值矩陣法也可推廣到任何維度中,但在應用上,修正比值矩陣法比圖形法較為可行。 / The issue of the compatibility of finite discrete conditional distributions could be discussed hierarchically according to the compatibility, the uniqueness, and finding all possible joint probability distributions. There are several published methods, but only the Ratio Matrix Method and the Graphical Method are analyzed and compared in this thesis. In bivariate case, a close correspondence between the components of the reduced bipartite graph and the diagonal block matrices of the IBD matrix can be found. When we examine the compatibility, just as simply each diagonal block matrix of the IBD matrix needs to be examined using the Ratio Matrix Method, so does each component of the reduced bipartite graph using the Graphical Method. When we examine the uniqueness, just as whether the number of the diagonal blocks of the IBD matrix is unique needs to be examined, so does the number of the components of the reduced bipartite graph. The Ratio Matrix Method can provide all possible joint probability distributions, but the Graphical Method cannot. In trivariate case, this thesis proposes a Revised Ratio Matrix Method, in which we can present the ratio array regularly in the plane according to the index and reduce the corresponding matrix size. It is also found that each circuit in the revised ratio matrix corresponds to a circuit in the reduced bipartite graph. Therefore, the relation between the results of the two methods can be observed. When we examine the uniqueness with the Graphical Method, we examine whether the number of the components in the reduced bipartite graph is unique. But with the Revised Ratio Matrix Method, we examine whether each revised ratio matrix has a unique GROPE matrix. All possible joint probability distributions can be derived through the Revised Ratio Matrix Method. The Graphical Method can be applied to the higher dimensional cases, so can the Revised Ratio Matrix Method. But the Revised Ratio Matrix Method is more feasible than the Graphical Method in application.

多維風險分析-實證研究 / Multidimensional risk analysis-demonstration research

蘇愛鈴, Su,Ailing Unknown Date (has links)
Fong與Vasicek(1997)提出風險分析應考慮敏感度分析、風險值及壓力測試,才能完整揭露投資組合的風險狀況。其中風險值的計算,不僅考慮二階風險,並且利用三階動差進行偏態修正。本文除了以變異數-共變異數法、歷史模擬法及蒙地卡羅模擬法此三種方法計算風險值,並利用Fong與Vasicek(1997)偏態修正法及Cornish-Fisher偏峰態修正法來做偏態及峰態的修正。而後再利用概似比檢驗法、回溯測試百分比法及Z檢定法作為驗證風險值模型的評比工具。我們建議在95%及99%的信賴水準下,求算風險值可利用Cornish-Fisher所提出的方法修正偏態及峰態。 / Fong and Vasicek (1997) mentioned that risk analysis should include sensitivity analysis, value at risk (VaR) and stress testing, in order to capture portfolio risk. The calculation of VaR should not only consider the second moment but should also adjust the skewness using the third moment. In this article, we determine VaR by employing three methods, the variance covariance, the historical simulation and the Monte Carlo simulation methods. In addition, we also adjust VaR for the skewness and kurtosis using the methods developed by Fong and Vasicek (1997) and Cornish-Fisher. Then, the likelihood ratio test, back testing and the Z-test are used to verify the VaR model. Our final test results suggest that calculating VaR should be adjusted for the skewness and the kurtosis as shown by the method proposed by Cornish Fisher in the 95% and 99% confidence intervals.


王柏淨 Unknown Date (has links)
借名登記於清代就已經出現,亦普遍存在於現今台灣社會,惟現行法未針對借名登記作出明確的規範,因此就借名登記相關爭議問題的處理上甚為棘手,我國實務和學說見解對此爭議問題,目前還是處於各持己見,尚無統一定論的階段。 特別是在借名登記契約之效力認定上,以及若肯認借名登記契約之效力,而出名人違約處分標的財產時,該處分行為之效力為何此二部分,實務及學說見解甚為歧異,本文希冀藉由整理分析各項實務及學說見解,建立統一的判斷流程,增強借名登記契約法律效果的明確性,進而使當事人於涉訟時對於判決結果能有較高的預見可能性。

台灣證券交易所修正股價平均數之評價與預測 / Pricing and Forecasting of Taiwan Adjusted Stock Average

張智傑, Chang, Chih-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣證券交易所編製之修正股價平均數為研究對象,衡量股價平均數之理論隱含價值,並加以預測。文中假設股票市價與真實價值間靜態均衡無法成立,改以連續收斂型態的動態調整過程,才能對於此種現象加以描述,並假設股價平均數之市價與模型評估值為共整合關係,利用V/P比率來預測股價平均數報酬率,且將投資大眾經常使用之變數(例如E/P、B/P、利率等等)加以比較,所得出之結論如下: (1) V/P比率一階自我相關係數較低,顯示V/P偏離平均值時,較其他比率返回平均數速度快,較能反映市場的走勢與變動。 (2) 短期下並無任一財務比率可以對於股價平均數走勢加以預測,但長期下(未來一年之後),V/P 比率具有相當顯著的預測能力。 (3) 將E/P與B/P納入迴歸式,V/P 比率在未來一至八季期間,仍具有顯著預測能力,可見V/P比率即使與E/P或B/P比率有某種程度的相關,並不影響到V/P 比率的預測能力。 (4) 將總體經濟變數納入迴歸式中,V/P 比率預測能力在短期中會受到些許影響,但經過一年之後,V/P 比率仍然具有相當顯著的預測能力。 (5) 若以過去公司每股盈餘、淨值、股東權益報酬率等財務相關歷史資料,作為未來公司盈餘收益以及成長的預測,會使得V/P 比率受到影響(在短期時預測能力大為降低),但就長期而言(未來第五季之後),此項指標仍然具有預測能力,對於股價平均數水準之評估,仍有一定程度的參考作用。 (6) 分別選取15%、13%、11%、9%及7%等固定折現率,依序求出修正股價平均數的V/P比率,檢定結果與隨時間變動折現率所計算之比率數值相比較,並沒有產生相當明顯的變化。雖然V/P比率的預測能力隨著折現率的下降而減弱,但其變化的趨勢並無絕對穩定的關係,對於「長期下」的預測能力,並不會產生極大的影響。 綜合以上結論,本研究發現:利用Ohlson(1990)剩餘所得模型(residual income model)來估算台灣證券交易所編製之修正股價平均數水準,較易以一般市場上獲取的會計資訊來加以衡量,也較能反映股市基本面價值。即使短期內V/P比率預測能力並不十分明顯,但長期下(一年後)採用V/P比率此項指標,仍能預測未來股價平均數之走勢,且與其他變數比較而言,此預測能力呈現一較穩定之關係。由於國內相關研究甚少直接對股市股價指數做直接的衡量與評估,因此,實務上可以將此估算方法作為一種參考指標,並以此分析未來股價指數水準在長期下之走勢與變動。 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 2 第三節 研究架構 5 第四節 研究流程 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 國外部分 7 第二節 國內部分 10 第三章 研究方法與設計 13 第一節 研究設計 13 第二節 剩餘所得模型 15 第三節 資料收集與整理 18 第四節 研究方法與實證模式 25 第四章 實證結果與分析 30 第一節 修正股價平均數之檢視 30 第二節 基本面比率對於股價平均數報酬率之預測 32 第三節 V/P衡量方法之優劣比較 36 第五章 結論與建議 50 第一節 研究結論 50 第二節 研究限制與建議 52 參考文獻 54 英文部分 54 中文部分 56

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