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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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決策的社會鑲嵌性及其影響:台灣中醫及牙醫健保總額支付委員會決策機制之分析 / The social embeddedness of the decision-making and its influence: The analysis of the decision-making mechanisms in the Chinese medical and dental global budget payment committees in Taiwan

王光旭, Wang, Guang Xu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的焦點主要圍繞在兩大主軸:社會鑲嵌性與決策,探討在行動者間社會網絡的關係結構下,決策的影響力與決策行為的社會性。換言之,本研究認為決策並非僅是理性的產物,更多的時候,反而是理性與非理性因素交互作用的結果。也就是說,決策必然鑲嵌在決策者間的社會網絡關係結構,任何的決策都無可避免的必須考量到決策者間的關係型態所造成的限制。本研究使用牙醫與中醫總額支付委員會作為研究的個案,除了讓社會網絡與決策網絡的邊界更清楚,更符合研究校度之外,也希望能夠進一步透過兩個案的分析,一方面透過社會網絡分析瞭解兩支付委員會可能的權力分佈與結構,二方面分析影響決策權力分佈與決策產出的關係機制為何,並藉此來驗證決策的社會鑲嵌性此一概念。 本研究使用事務討論、信任支持、法規諮詢與資源交換四個社會關係網絡來測量行動者在決策過程中的社會關係,並用以驗證決策者的決策影響力與決策的一致性是否鑲嵌在這四個網絡的結構當中。本研究透過社會網絡的問卷蒐集了牙醫支委會18筆與中醫支委會21筆資料(N=56),並透量化社會網絡分析方法中的集中性指數、派系、網絡密度、區截模型與縮影矩陣、MDS分析與QAP的相關與迴歸分析等分析工具,從個體、小團體層次、與總體的結構層次,分析牙醫與中醫支委會的行動者在網絡中的關係型態與位置角色。此外,更透過上述分析中所獲得的集中性指數的分析結果當作自變項,並放入迴歸模型之中,藉以驗證是否對集體決策產出的觀感造成影響。 總的來說,本研究可歸納以下研究結論:一、在牙醫與中醫支付委員會的個案中,委員決策的影響力與決策行為,確實都受到四個社會網絡結構的影響,驗證了決策的社會鑲嵌性此一觀點;二、無論從個體、小團體或總體結構的分析層次,得到的分析結果都很類似,具有決策影響力並與其他行動者有密切的社會關係的行動者,在牙醫支委會有牙醫全聯會的H11, H16與健保局的A2,但中醫支委會的部分,就沒有健保局的代表,反而僅有中醫全聯會代表,顯見在牙醫部門當中,權力的分佈屬於公、私部門間二元的機制,但中醫的部分僅有集中在中區中醫師;三、委員的出席確實會受到委員個人政策影響力與資源交換網絡的顯著影響,顯示個人政策影響力愈大,與其他委員資源交換關係愈頻繁的委員,參與會議的意願較高;四、從影響集體決策產出觀感的因素來說,事務討論關係與在事務討論網絡的派系重疊程度對集體決策產出的觀感有顯著且正面的影響,個人的決策影響力與年資反而有負面且顯著的影響。 本研究大的貢獻,一驗證了決策的社會鑲嵌性此一觀點,決策必須將社會關係變項考量,二是在公共行政領域中第一本以系統化的方式使用社會網絡分析工具的論文,非但具有示範性的作用,也跨越了過去公共行政網絡研究過於喻象的分析缺陷。根據分析結果,本研究提出以下四點政策建議:一、中醫支委會的健保局代表應當夠積極的與中醫全聯會的代表建立溝通的關係,以構築決策影響力的社會基礎;二、委員會中若不具決策影響力,又在社會關係上沒有跟其他行動者互動,則應考慮其存在的實質意義;三、由於年資長短對決策觀感會有負面影響,健保局應更積極的與年資較久的委員溝通請益,瞭解他們為何會對委員會的運作績效有負面的想法,藉以強化委員會的功能;四、加強委員之間的總額事務討論的交換意見的關係,有助於集體決策的產出。 / Decision making is a collective activity rather than an individual option. In literature, collective action can be symbolized as a network. The concept of network has emerged as an intellectual centrepiece in the field of public administration and the speedy development of social network analysis has facilitated “network research” to go beyond only a metaphor. However, most previous decision theories based on the concept of rationality have not seriously considered a network’s impact on the policy process. This research attempts to verify the causal relationship between social embeddedness and decision-making by examining how policy elites’ personal interactions shape individuals’ decision-making behaviour, influential power and the collective decision performance. This research focuses on the result of the mutual influence between rational and non-rational factors. Two cases (the Dental and Chinese Medicine Global Budget Payment Committees) are discussed by applying quantitative social network analysis in order to systemically expand the current understanding of the power distribution and its influential factors in these two decision making committees in Taiwan’s National Health Insurance domain. In regard to methodology, four participants’ social networks were designed not only to examine the social relationship between these committee members but also to analyse the phenomenon of social embeddedness in these two cases. There are totally 39 successful respondents (apx. 80% response rate, N=56) and these raw data were analysed by the indicators such as network centrality index, cliques, network density, block model, image matrix, MDS and QAP correlation, hierarchical regression in order to answer the research questions. Furthermore, this research is based on three analytical levels in social network analysis: “individual relationship”, “small group” and “global structure”, and not only explores the connection, power exercise and decision-making behaviour between these committee members but also analyses their role and position through the perspective of global network structure. The research verifies the hypothesis “decision-making is embeddeded in the structure of the actors’ interconnected social relationships” and utilizes the quantitative social network analytical method systematically to let network study go beyond a metaphor in the research field of public administration. I conclude that the distribution of the decision-making power and behaviour are both influenced by the committees’ social networks. Furthermore, the power distribution in the dental committee is two cores between the dental association and the BNHI, but the committee of Chinese Medicine is just one core of the Chinese Medicine association. With regard to attendance network as the independent variable, two factors significantly and positively influence the committee members’ attendance network: “decision-making influential network” and “resource exchange network”. Finally, the factors of “the NHI affair discussion network” and “the affair discussion clique centrality degree” have positive statistical significance but relatively the factors of “personal decision making influence” and “seniority” have negative statistical significance on the interviewees’ perception of the collective policy outcome.


葉俊麟, Yeh, Chun-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
政治代表著一種權威性的價值分配,政府的工作便是在制訂與執行這些價值分配的政策,其間必然牽涉到權力的形成、分配與運用,而菁英往往比一般人更有權力,因此菁英如何影響政策制訂是一個值得關注的問題。 而「國民身分健保合一智慧卡(簡稱國民卡)計畫」,從相關的報導中,筆者發現國民卡一案的決策過程乃是以菁英決策的方式出現,主要涉及行政菁英、立法菁英、知識菁英與企業菁英間的互動,因而希望藉由國民卡個案的探討,進一步對菁英理論如何應用於政策制訂過程有較為深入的了解。 本文係採文獻探討法與深度訪談法,首先對政策制訂過程與菁英理論進行探討,並將菁英分為行政菁英、立法菁英、知識菁英與企業菁英四類,進而就其角色、影響政策的策略進行說明,在獲得菁英理論如何應用於政策制訂過程的大致輪廓後,接著對國民卡政策制訂過程進行說明,並對國民卡方案中各類菁英運用策略進行分析,最後作出結論。 本文研究發現如下:一、國民卡方案的制訂,深受菁英理念之影響;二、社會大眾對國民卡方案制訂之影響有限;三、少數菁英對於政策有重大影響;四、權力由一元轉為多元。 在研究建議方面,本文除對菁英理論作出建議外,對於實務上亦提供相關政策建議,包括:一、政策綠皮書的公布;二、建立完善諮詢制度,善用吸納策略;三、採取漸進策略;四、強化政黨協商,適度滿足各方需求;五、健全資訊政策相關立法。

利益議價行為與決策--以動態博奕分析全民健保法制定過程 / Bargaining behavior--A game-theoretic analysis in the National Health Care Law-making

王志宏, Wang, Vincent C.H. Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要運用博奕理論,分析全民健保法中各涉入者的議價行為,包括政黨及利益團體兩個層次之互動。主要探討下列問題:1、瞭解議價行為之動態賽局結構。2、參與者如何運用策略及其資源,以達到其偏好的理想點。3、如何透過議價來調節分歧的利益,規避社會衝突。4、如何透過理性的計算,如移動、反制、反反制的過程,達柏雷圖邊界。 第一章說明研究範圍與方法,及本文研究架構等。 第二章為理論基礎,先對傳統博奕理論提出修正,再介紹本文所採用之移動理論。 第三章說明本研究範圍內之行為者的立場、偏好等,並採二階賽局之觀點對兩層次之行為者的互動做一分析。 第四章把健保法立法過程依重要事件分為三段,分別運用賽局結 構分析其議價過程與結果。 第五章在針對第四章之均衡結果提出更進一步之分析,以康多賽贏家、中間選民定理、空間理論等來分析議題之社會選擇結果。 第六章提出研究限制和檢討,及本文結論。 / In the thesis , the author use game theory to analysis thebargaining behavior of the actors,including political parties and interest groups,in the Nationl Health Care Law-making. The purpose of this thesis contains four points.First of all,to figure out the structure of bargaining game.Second,how does the actors use their strategies and resourse to reach their ideal point.Third,how does the bargaining goes to come to an agreement, and avoid social conflict.forth and last,how can the rational actors use their strategies like move,counter-move,even counter counter-move to reach Pareto frontier.


何禔 Unknown Date (has links)
我國施行健保IC卡建置計畫至今已近十年,這段時間中,IC智慧卡之各種技術與應用蓬勃發展,在醫療、金融、交通等應用領域都已有長足進步。除健保卡外,舉凡悠遊卡、金融卡、門禁卡、學生證等,IC智慧卡的應用比比皆是,客觀環境有利於健保IC卡之功能再作提升。   本研究以文獻探討及專家訪談的方式,研究整合過程中可能面臨的各種技術、整合方式、未來運作模式與可能遭遇之困難,以及相關的因應措施,作為未來產業界之合作基礎。   研究期間共訪談學界與業界人士八次、訪談行政單位五次,並舉辦專家業者焦點座談會一場。從醫療、金融、交通及其他服務等角度,分析目前健保卡尚需改善或新增之功能;也探討發展健保IC卡多功能用途,在晶片卡之規格、介面及儲位規劃等關鍵成功因素。   而在可能營運方案上,健保IC卡多功能用途的實施將對社會帶來極大影響,本研究以現行法令之鬆綁與否區分為短期建議及長期建議,短期內可能之營運方案有:(1)健保局獨立運作發卡(2)健保局與相關單位成立聯合發卡小組以及(3)由健保局訂定卡片標準格式與儲位空間,由各發卡公司預留空間提供使用者至健保局寫入健保相關資料;倘在未來修法後,健保卡可在健保局核可情況下委由他人發行,那麼(4)訂定需求規範以標案方式委託外包廠商營運及(5)訂定標準後由各發卡單位申請核准後營運,此兩種方案亦可納入考量。   預期效益除多卡合一、方便攜帶外,IC智慧卡結合憑證帶來的高安全性與保密性也能降低卡片盜刷、資料外洩等情事發生。若有更多的公民營企業願意將現有各自獨立發放的卡片整合進來,對後台系統的整合將有革命性的進步,電子憑證的功能也將對系統安全的提升帶來極大幫助,多功能卡的高發行量也將為合作對象帶來商機,達成政府、產業界與民眾多贏的局面。

策略行銷分析眼科自費醫療市場—以A公司個案為例 / Cataract surgery market in strategic marketing 4c analysis -- a case study of company A

許樞龍 Unknown Date (has links)
全民健康保險自1995 年開辦以來,不但減輕國內民眾就醫的財務負擔,也使民眾獲得良好的醫療照顧,但2000年以後,隨著環境變遷,科技不斷進步、國內老年人口增加及人民所得及生活水準不斷提高,各種因素的驅使下使政府的健保醫療支出年年增加,造成政府的財政負擔。 在對民眾的保費,礙於民情及民眾心態調漲不易的情況下,政府不得不採取節流措施,以改變對醫療院所或醫師的健保支出及調降相關器材核價之法令,藉以控制健保收入及支出的平衡。雖政府用意在改善醫療支出的浪費,但造成的結果卻是使醫療院所或醫師引進新技術或新產品的意願降低,也開始縮減醫院人力,使得醫療環境逐漸惡化,而廠商也因下游醫療通路(醫院/醫師)不斷向其砍低產品價格,使得廠商入不敷出,面臨難以生存的窘境。 在此情況下,廠商不得不開始轉向自費型的市場,眾家廠商及本文討論之個案A公司在2006年配合眼科醫學會,不斷向衛生署健保局溝通及陳情,極力爭取白內障產品的自費項目,促使健保局2007年正式公告開放白內障特殊功能人工水晶體的給付差額。 個案A公司在此艱難的制度環境下,同時公司在市場上也進入較晚,面臨該市場激烈競爭,必須力圖改變才能突破,因此本研究主要以行銷策略4C架構來分析個案A公司在此市場下,如何改變公司策略以打破困境。

運用記憶體內運算於智慧型健保院所異常查核之研究 / A Research into In-Memory Computing Techniques for Intelligent Check of Health-Insurance Fraud

湯家哲, Tang, Jia Jhe Unknown Date (has links)
我國全民健保近年財務不佳,民國98年收支短絀達582億元。根據中央健康保險署資料,截至目前為止,特約醫事服務機構違規次數累積達13722次。在所有重大違規事件中,大部分是詐欺行為。 健保審查機制主要以電腦隨機抽樣,再由人工進行調查。然而,這樣的審查方式無法有效抽取到違規醫事機構之樣本,造成審查效果不彰。 Benford’s Law又稱第一位數法則,其概念為第一位數的值越小則該數字出現的頻率越大,反之相反。該方法被應用於會計、金融、審計及經濟領域中。楊喻翔(2012)將Benford’s Law相關指標應用於我國全民健保上,並結合機器學習演算法來進行健保異常偵測。 Zaharia et al. (2012)提出了一種具容錯的群集記憶內運算模式 Apache Spark,在相同的運算節點及資源下,其資料運算效率及速度可勝出Hadoop MapReduce 20倍以上。 為解決健保異常查核效果不彰問題,本研究將採用Benford’s Law,使用國家衛生研究院發行之健保資料計算成為Benford’s Law指標和實務指標,接著並使用支援向量機和邏輯斯迴歸來建構出異常查核模型。然而健保資料量龐大,為加快運算時間,本研究使用Apache Spark做為運算環境,並以Hadoop MapReduce作為標竿,比較運算效率。 研究結果顯示,本研究撰寫的Spark程式運算時間能較MapReduce快2倍;在分類模型上,支援向量機和邏輯斯迴歸所進行的住院資料測試,敏感度皆有80%以上;而所進行的門診資料測試,兩個模型的準確率沒有住院資料高,但邏輯斯迴歸測試結果仍保有一定的準確性,在敏感度仍有75%,整體正確率有73%。 本研究使用Apache Spark節省處理大量健保資料的運算時間。其次本研究建立的智慧型異常查核模型,確實能查核出違約的醫事機構,而模型所查核出可能有詐欺及濫用健保之醫事機構,可進行下階段人工調查,最終得改善健保查核效力。 / Financial condition of National Health Insurance (NHI) has been wretched in recent years. The income statement in 2009 indicated that National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA) was in debt for NTD $58.2 billion. According to NHIA data, certain medical institutions in Taiwan violated the NHI laws for 13722 times. Among all illegal cases, fraud is the most serious. In order to find illegal medical institutions, NHIA conducted random sampling by computer. Once the data was collected, NHIA investigators got involved in the review process. However, the way to get the samples mentioned above cannot reveal the reality. Benford's law is called the First-Digit Law. The concept of Benford’s Law is that the smaller digits would appear more frequently, while larger digits would occur less frequently. Benford’s Law is applied to accounting, finance, auditing and economics. Yang(2012) used Benford’s Law in NHI data and he also used machine learning algorithms to do fraud detection. Zaharia et al. (2012) proposed a fault-tolerant in-memory cluster computing -Apache Spark. Under the same computing nodes and resources, Apache Spark’s computing is faster than Hadoop MapReduce 20 times. In order to solve the problem of medical claims review, Benford’s Law was applied to this study. This study used NHI data which was published by National Health Research Institutes. Then, we computed NHI data to generate Benford’s Law variables and technical variables. Finally, we used support vector machine and logistics regression to construct the illegal check model. During system development, we found that the data size was big. With the purpose of reducing the computing time, we used Apache Spark to build computing environment. Furthermore, we adopted Hadoop MapReduce as benchmark to compare the performance of computing time. This study indicated that Apache Spark is faster twice than Hadoop MapReduce. In illegal check model, with support vector machine and logistics regression, we had 80% sensitivity in inpatient data. In outpatient data, the accuracy of support vector machine and logistics regression were lower than inpatient data. In this case, logistics regression still had 75% sensitivity and 73% accuracy. This study used Apache Spark to compute NHI data with lower computing time. Second, we constructed the intelligent illegal check model which can find the illegal medical institutions for manual check. With the use of illegal check model, the procedure of medical claims review will be improved.

以全民健保資料庫探討長期照顧需求 / Using Taiwan National Health Insurance Database to Explore the Need of Long-term Care

鄭志新 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著我國國民的壽命持續增長,人口老化愈加明顯。預期臺灣在2021年將進入人口零成長,2025年65歲以上人口比例也將超過20%(來源:國家發展委員會2014年人口推估)。人口老化帶來許多問題,如老年生活、醫療、以及長期照顧等需求,其中照顧需求與年齡正相關,預期需求將隨壽命延長而增加,需要及早規劃及因應,這也是今年通過長期照護法的原因。由於各國國情不同,對於長期照護的定義、補助及需求也不盡相同,有必要發展適用於臺灣特性的,推估長期照顧需求的所需之資源。重大傷病中的許多疾病與失能、甚至長期照護有關,由於全民健保實施至今已逾20年,重大傷病的認定標準及程序相對客觀、中立,受到民眾、學術、政府各界肯定。 有鑑於此,本文以全民健保資料庫的重大傷病資料庫為基礎,挑選八類引發長照的重大傷病,作為規劃長期照護保險的參考。本文以這些傷病的發生率、罹病後死亡率、罹病後存活率等,結合國發會所人口推估的結果,利用年輪組成法(Cohort Component Method)推估長期照顧的未來需求。研究發現:未來需求人口從2013年約10萬人,迅速增加至2060年的21萬人,增加速度相當快。而參考「長期照顧保險法」草案的給付內容,若聘請一名外籍看護每月20,000元計算,每人分擔將從2012年的$530元/月升至2060年的2,728元/月;若不調整保費且以隨收隨付計算,每人每月繳交400元長照保費,長照給付將從2012年每月13,353元降至2060年每月3,556元,由此可知壽命延長、人口老化將造成長照保險的財務問題。另外,本文考量的八項重大傷病較為保守,沒有加入老化、遺傳等因素的長照需求,預期將不足以因應實際需求,未來有必要引入商業保險來彌補社會保險的不足。 / In recent years, with the sustainable growth of the life expectancy in our country, population aging becomes more apparent. Taiwan’s population of ages 65 and over will exceed 20% within 10 years, before 2025. (Source: National Development Council - Population Projection on 2014). The population aging an prolonging life incurs a big demand for caring the elderly, such as the economic need after the retirement, medical cost, and long-term care. Among these needs, the demand of long term care was under-estimated and is only recognized recently. Thus, this study focuses on predicting the need of long-term care in Taiwan. Specifically, the definition and standard (as well as types and amounts of subsidy) for juding whether one needs long-terma care is not yet determined, although Taiwan’s government passed the long-term care law (Long-Term Care Insurance Law) earlier this year. We should adapt the notion of catastrophic illness (CI) and use certain CI categories, which are related to long-term care, to design the long-term care insurance. Catastrophic illness (CI) is one of the key features of Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI), and the definition and process of evaluating if one is with the CI is quite complete. We choose eight categories of CI and use the NHI database to obtain their incidence rates, mortality rates, and survival probability. Together with the population projection from National Development Council in 2014 and the cohort component method to predict the long-term care demand in Taiwan. The syudy result shows that the population needing long-term care will rise from about 100 thousands in 2013 to about 210 thousands in 2060. Moreover, if the long-term care insurance is funded via pay-as-you-go, the individual premium required will rise 5 times from 2012 to 2060. This indicates that the long-term care might be too expensive and the commercial insurance can play an important role as a supplement.

在商業智慧系統中雲端行動運算應用之研究 / A Research into the Applications of Cloud-ready Mobile Computing with Respect to Business Intelligence

楊瑞涵, Yang, Rui Hn Unknown Date (has links)
全球每日產出的資料量持續成長,龐大的資料量、雜亂的資料檔案格式造成資料處理的困難;此外,全球智慧型手機的出貨量持續上升,未來將會至少人手一台行動裝置,同時行動網路的效能提升將可負荷更多的資料流量,行動工作者的數量也因此逐年增加。對商業智慧系統而言,透過企業資料的分析可以發現資訊之間的關連與隱藏其中的事實,讓使用者掌握更多的知識用於決策,分析的資料來源越豐富,其可提供做為決策用的訊息就更為準確。   過往商業智慧透過關聯式資料庫處理資料來源及電子郵件的通知使用者,但是龐大的巨量資料遠超過前者所能有效處理的數量,進而造成對資料擷取、保存、使用、分享以及分析時的處理難度;後者對於外出的使用者來說,電子郵件僅只是收到通知而已,使用者依然得需要電腦才能觀看分析報表。   故本研究使用雲端運算分散儲存及運算的技術及行動裝置隨手可得的特性解決前述的兩個問題,先透過雲端資料庫加速處理巨量資料的存取並製作成資料倉儲供商業智慧使用,接著透過行動應用程式即時接收推播訊息並呈現分析報表於行動裝置上。   在實作中,利用非結構化資料庫進行資料的存取,比起過往的關聯式資料庫確實可以有效提升巨量資料處理的速度;透過行動裝置的報表呈現,在平板電腦有較佳的成效,在手機上則是因為螢幕大小的關係,畫面呈現效果較差,這方面則有待改善。   本研究透過非結構化資料庫及行動應用程式設計新的行動商業智慧解決方案,實作雛型系統,並且透過異常申報健保費用醫院為案例,進行系統整體的測試,證明其架構及運作模式之可行性。經過驗證,本系統將能提供使用者使用巨量資料做為分析數據,並且透過行動應用程式立即取得分析報表。 / The volume of daily output data continues to grow world- widely. The huge amount of data and the disorder of data format cause the difficulty of data processing. Additionally, the number of smartphone sales is continuously growing, so everyone will own at least one smartphone in the future. In the meantime, the effectiveness of mobile internet and wireless is largely improved, so it can be loaded with more data flow. Because of this phenomenon, the number of mobile workers will be increasing per year. For business intelligence systems, through the analysis of enterprise's data we can find the relevance and facts hidden in information, allowing users to acquire more knowledge for decision-making. The more data sources we analyze, the more accurate information can be used to make decision.   In the past, business intelligence processes data sources through relational database and uses e-mail to notify users. However, the huge amount of data exceeds the number that can be effectively processed by relational database. On account of this, it becomes difficult regarding data acquisition, storage, application, sharing, and analysis. As far as the users are concerned, they only receive notifications by emails, so they still need a computer to view the analysis report.   In this study, I use cloud computing technology and mobile devices to solve the two aforementioned issues. First, we speed up the process of big data in data acquisition through Hadoop Hbase, and made it into data warehouse for Business Intelligence use. Secondly, we use mobile applications to receive push messages instantly and present analysis reports.   In the practical work, I use NoSQL database to acquire and store data. Compared with relational database, we can indeed effectively enhance the speed of big data processing. In reports’ presentation on mobile devices, the Tablet has better user experience then the phone. The phone is displayed comparatively poorly because of its small screen. This part needs to be improved.   In this research, I conceive a new solution of mobile business intelligence through NoSQL database and mobile applications, and implement this method into a prototype system. Moreover, through an example of the analysis of hospitals which have anomalous health-insurance reporting expenses we can test the whole system. It proves that this system’s structure and the mode of operation are feasible. The system will be able to provide big data as the source of analysis and present reports immediately through mobile devices to users.

運用雲端運算於智慧型健保費用異常偵測之研究 / A Research into Intelligent Cloud Computing Techniques for Detecting Anomalous Health-insurance Expenses

黃聖尹, Huang, Sheng Yin Unknown Date (has links)
我國健保費用逐漸增長,進而衍生出許多健保問題,其中浮報、虛報及詐欺等三種情況,會造成許多醫療資源的浪費。然而,目前電腦檔案分析只能偵測出浮報、虛報的行為,無法偵測出詐欺情況。對於健保詐欺之偵測只能仰賴傳統隨機抽樣檢驗及人力分析,而我國健保平均一年門診審查申報量約3.5 億件,其人力的負擔非常沉重。故本研究將探討如何利用電腦工具初步判別醫事機構之費用申報情況。 本研究透過大量文獻回顧,發現美國有研究指出結合Benford’s law 與智慧型方法來進行詐欺偵測,可獲得很好的效果(Busta & Weinberg 1998)。Benford’s law 指出許多數據來源皆會呈現特定的數字頻率分佈,近年來Benford’s law 亦被應用在許多不同領域的舞弊或詐欺的審查流程中。 本研究使用Apache Hadoop 及其相關專案,建構出一個大量資料儲存分析之環境,針對大量健保申報費用資料來進行分析。此系統結合了Benford’s law 數字分析方法並運用支持向量機(Support Vector Machine)來對健保費用申報進行大規模電腦初步審查,判別該醫事機構是否有異常申報之情況發生,並將初步判別之結果提供給健保局相關稽查人員,進而做深入的審查。 本研究所建構的智慧型健保費用異常偵測模型結合了Benford’s law 衍生指標變數與實務指標變數,並利用SVM 分析健保申報費用歷史資料,產生出預判模型,之後便可藉由此模型來判別未來健保費用申報資料是否有異常情況發生。在判別異常資料方面,本研究所建構的模型其整體正確率高達97.7995%,且所有的異常申報資料皆可準確地預測出來。 因此,本研究希望能結合Benford’s law 與智慧型運算方法於健保申報異常偵測上,如此一來便可藉由電腦進行初步審查,減少因傳統隨機抽樣調查所造成的不確定性以及審核大量健保資料時過多的人力資源浪費。

全民健保資料庫分析:重大傷病及癌症之研究 / A Study of Cancer and Catastrophic Illness based on Taiwan National Health Insurance Database

蘇維屏, Su Wei Ping Unknown Date (has links)
重大傷病是我國全民健康保險的重要特色之一,透過社會保險的風險分擔機制,病患享有免部分負擔等優惠,降低因為罹病帶來的財務負擔,但重大傷病同時也成為全民健保的主要支出項目。民國102年領取重大傷病證明者不過98餘萬人(約總人口的4%),但其一年的醫療費用多達一千五百多億元(接近總支出的27%),平均每位重大傷病患者的醫療費用約為平均值的7.34倍,其中癌症又是重大傷病中人數最多者,大約佔了49%(資料來源:衛生福利部中央健康保險署)。因為許多重大傷病的發生率、盛行率與年齡成正比(黃泓智等人,2004),未來隨著人口老化,全民健保支出也將跟著上升。   本文使用全民健保資料庫,探討近十年重大傷病(尤其是癌症)趨勢,估計重大傷病的年齡別發生率、死亡率,評估人口老化對全民健保造成的影響,其中承保資料檔(ID)、重大傷病檔(HV)為本研究主要的依據資料。而由於健保資料庫的資料種類及數量龐雜,在初期資料的偵錯及處理上非常重要但也相當費時,至於發生率、死亡與否的判斷亦十分棘手,因此過程中我們將一一說明資料分析步驟及注意事項。本文發現癌症及重大傷病的盛行率逐年上升,但發生率並沒有明顯變化,加上近年癌症死亡率幾乎不變(但台灣全體國民的死亡率逐年遞降),因為台灣的人口老化,預期未來罹患癌症人數會逐年增加,癌症將繼續蟬聯十大死因之首,但罹癌死亡率的下降也可發現近年醫療進步所造成的影響。此外,我們也考量隨機死亡模型(Lee-Carter Model),發現無論是癌症死亡率、或是罹癌死亡率都有不錯的估計結果。而在文末也提出癌症病患的就醫行為以供後續研究者參考。 / Catastrophic illness (CI) is one of the key features of Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI). Through risk-sharing mechanisms of social insurance, it can reduce the financial burden of the CI patients since treating the CI is usually expensive. However, the CI also becomes a major expenditure item of NHI. The people receiving the CI card are just 0.98 million in 2013 (about 4% of the total population), but their smedical costs are over 150 billion NT dollars (nearly 27% of total expenditures). The average medical cost per CI patient is about 7.34 times of the national average. (Source: Department of Health and National Health Insurance Agency). Because the incidence and prevalence rates increase with age (Huang et al, 2004), the total NHI expenditure is expected to increase in the future due to population aging. This study intends to use the NHI database, including the records of personal identification and out-patient visit from all CI patients, to explore the incidence and mortality rates, for example, of CI patients. Because the NHI database is big and messy, we shall first debug and clean them. Also, since the death of CI patients are not fully reported in the NHI database, we propose a method to identify the deaths and use the official statistics to evaluate. The results show that the prevalence rates of all CI increased every year, but their incidence rates did not change significantly. The mortality rates of cancer patients also did not change much. Based on these findings, we expect the proportion of CI patients and their size will continue to grow. In addition, we applied the Lee-Carter model to the cancer mortality rates, and the fit is pretty good.

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