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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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藥品產業之產品上市及生命週期管理之行銷策略 / Marketing strategies for pharmaceutical product launch and lifecycle management

李宜真 Unknown Date (has links)
製藥業和其他消費性用品產業有許多不同,像是需要大量地投資於新產品研發與創新。許多藥品和其他消費品相比,有較長的產品生命週期,而且藥品購買者通常並非是藥品使用者。儘管藥品有較長的生命週期,最終仍會面對專利到期的一天。對於製藥業而言,近年來的市場准入(market access)變得更具挑戰性,臨床試驗的障礙、法規核可,和健保給付核可價格也變得比以前困難。藥品需要較長時間以準備進入市場,因此在專利到期前的市場銷售期也縮短許多。如何在有限的市場銷售期極大化銷售業績和利潤對於藥品行銷者而言,也日益重要。即使是在專利過期後,如何管理以及延展藥品生命週期對於製藥業也是一門學問。 為了縮短藥品上市前的準備期,製藥公司需要了解管制法規的申請策略,和選擇最適宜者。下一步是思考健保價格策略。了解中央健康保險局的機制,可以有效減少反覆送件的過程。 度過藥品上市前的準備期後,下一個任務是如何延展產品生命週期。常見策略有1)增加原藥品的新適應症;2)推出機轉類似,但稍微改良過的新產品,以替換即將專利保護過期的藥品;3)將即將專利保護過期的舊產品在劑型上導入新科技,而此新劑型具有專利保護;4)導入固定劑量複方藥品;5)投資學名藥。 產品生命週期的管理對於製藥業非常重要,公司應該強化縮短產品上市前準備期間的能力,在市場銷售期極大化銷售業績與利潤,並在專利到期後延展產品生命週期。 對健康保險環境的研究,以及醫生行為受保險體制的改變,與長時間對人們健康的影響仍待未來進行進一步地探討。 / Pharmaceutical industry is quite different from other consumer products industry. It needs heavy investment on product development and innovation. Most of drugs have longer lifecycle than consumer products, and usually the drug buyer is not drug user. Though drug has long lifecycle, eventually it will face patent-off. Recently market access becomes more and more challenging for pharmaceutical industry. The barriers of clinical trials, regulatory approval, and reimbursement price approval are more difficult than before. Drugs need longer time to go-to-market, and the period of commercialization before patent-off is shorter. How to maximize sales and profits within limited commercialization time becomes more critical for marketers. And how to well manage drug lifecycle and extend lifecycle even after patent-off are the other crucial lessons for industry. In order to shorten “go-to-market” period, drug company needs to understand the regulatory submission strategies, and choose the most appropriate one for submission. Next step is considering reimbursement price strategies. Understanding Bureau of National Health Insurance’s (BNHI) mechanism can minimize back-and-forth process. After “go-to-market”, the next task is how to extend product lifecycle. The most common methods are 1) launch new indication, 2) launch new/ improved generation to replace old drug, 3) launch new dosage/ presentation form, which have patent to extend compound patent, 4) introduce fix-dosed combination, 5) invest in generics. Lifecycle management is critical for pharmaceutical industry. Company should strengthen the competencies to shorten product “go-to-market” period, maximize the sales and profits during commercialization, and extend lifecycle after patent-off. The research of health insurance environment, the changes of physicians’ behaviors and impacts on people health need further studies.

原開發藥廠因應學名藥廠競爭之經營模式調整之研究 / The study on the adjustment of research-based pharmaceutical companies’ operating model against generic manufacturers’ competition

藍任堯 Unknown Date (has links)
全民健康保險制度在台灣開辦以來已經快二十年了,在全民都有保險、給付的範圍從基礎到複雜的醫療照護完整、合約醫療機構相當普遍、就醫的方便性等,得到大多數台灣民眾的肯定。 但全民健保這一路實施下來卻為台灣帶來的龐大國家赤字。健保局針對於每年五千餘億的健保費用其中的藥品費用(為第二大支出,占了其中的25%)多次長期進行多種的藥費及藥價管控措施,低廉的新藥核價加上每兩年的藥價調查後的藥價調降,國外藥廠除了要配合健保的藥價政策外,還需要面對醫療機構對於現有藥品再降價的要求。長久下來,藥廠利潤逐年下降影響甚劇。 其中以今年七月所要實施二代健保中「藥品三同」對於原開發藥廠藥衝擊最大。衛生署所實施的三同政策,即是針對健保給付超過15年的藥品,實施「同成分」、「同品質」、「同價格」,調整為同價格。此一政策倘若實施,原開發藥廠利潤嚴重下降,可能會導致會放棄台灣市場,民眾只剩下國產學名藥可以選擇。再者,三同政策最大的瑕疵,在於只單方面考慮健保給付的藥價,卻忽略了藥廠製藥成本,此舉明顯不顧成本不同卻硬性規定價格,明顯違反市場機制,也違反健保精神。 專利藥到期的原開發藥藥廠要如何因應以縮小品質及價格的爭端,只著眼於一昧砍藥價來填補健保財務虧損,不仔細思考同成分就一定同品質的問題而將藥品砍至同一價格的健保署藥物品質認定及給付標準。 本研究探討之研究問題包括: 1)在台灣健保逐年調降藥價的政策下藥品三同政策前,原開發藥廠在台的經營模式為何,2)在政府政策培育下的學名藥如何日益茁壯來影響專利藥到期的原開發藥廠市場活動,3)藥品三同政策實施後對專利藥到期的原開發藥廠的衝擊4)主要獲利的專利藥品皆到期的台灣武田藥品公司未來的經營模式從主要價值活動面該如何調整因應。 本研究以Afuah A.(2004)經營模式架構,先從過去健保政策下原開發藥廠的營運模式做說明,再以目前健保政策環境因素的變化,如何影響個案公司的市場行銷活動,而活動又如何影響公司的資源、定位及成本。 本研究發現「藥品三同」對台廠學名藥因具有較佳的成本競爭優勢,對原開發藥廠產生威脅,但因原料的不穩定性讓病患、處方醫師無法信任。所以原開發藥廠除了監督政府長期對學名藥廠品質加以把關、用訴訟延緩學名藥的上市外、另外一方面併購國內學名藥廠,以配合醫療院所對於低價高品質藥品的需求。最後,專利藥到期的原開發藥廠從健保政策中與學名藥廠價格競爭獲得利潤,就必須改變營運模式,首要的就是降低成本。如何從採購及製造方面有效降低成本著手,進一步調整有形、無形資產投入、人員配置培養與組織等策略資源,以及定價、市場區隔等定位修正,是原開發藥廠需要深入思考的問題。 / National Health Insurance (NHI) program has been implemented in Taiwan for almost 20 years. It has earned recognition for the compulsory enrollment for all residents in Taiwan, the benefits covered from basic to complicated medical care, the prevalence of contract medical facility and the convenience of going to doctors. NHI, however, has caused fiscal deficit for the past few years. Drug cost, among the over 500,000,000,000 NTD health insurance fee, is the second largest expenditure, which takes up 25 percent of health insurance fee. Therefore, Bureau of National Health Insurance has taken measures to manage and control drug cost and drug price multiple times for a long period. Foreign pharmaceuticals have cooperated on the low-priced pricing for new drugs and have lowered drug price after drug price evaluation every two year. However, there is still demand from medical institution for lowering drug price. The profit is therefore significantly affected in the long run. Among the impacts, the significant one for research-based pharmaceutical companies is “three sameness of drug” in the 2nd generation NHI, which will be implemented in this coming July. This three sameness policy is to adjust those drugs which are covered by NHI for over 15 years and are of the same ingredients and quality to the same price. If this policy is put into practice, the profit of research-based pharmaceutical companies would plunge, which may result in their leave of Taiwan market. The domestic generic drugs, as a result, would be the only choice for the general public. Moreover, the major flaw of this three sameness policy is that it merely considers the drug price NHI covers, not the costs of pharmaceutical companies. That the drug price is set inflexibly without taking costs difference into consideration is against not only market mechanism but also the essence of NHI. The questions this study aimed to investigate were: 1. What have been the operating models of research-based pharmaceutical companies in Taiwan in the circumstances of drug price drop year by year before “three sameness policy”? 2. How have the government-sponsored generic drugs affected the market activities of drug patent expiration of research-based pharmaceutical companies? 3. What have been the impacts of “three sameness policy” on drug patent expiration of research-based pharmaceutical companies? 4. How should the operating model of Takeda Pharmaceuticals Taiwan, Ltd. adapt to, from the aspect of primary value activities, the condition of drug patent expiration of its profitable drugs? Based on the framework of operating model by Afuah A.(2004), this study began with the operating model of research-based pharmaceutical companies in former NHI policy. It then elaborated on how changes of the present NHI policy have influenced the marketing activities of the case company and how these activities have influenced the company’s resources, position and costs. This study reveals that “three sameness policies” is favorable for Taiwanese generic manufacturers for their costs competition. However, the instability of raw materials could not gain the trust of patients and doctors. Therefore, in order to cooperate on the demand for low-price and high-quality drug, researched-based pharmaceutical companies supervise the government’s check on the quality of generic manufacturers, employ litigation to suspend the launch of generic drugs or merge domestic generic manufacturers. If research-based pharmaceutical companies with drug patent expiration would like to compete with generic manufacturers and make a profit in NHI policy, they would have to change their operating model. How to reduce costs of purchase and manufacture and go further to adjust the input of physical and intangible assets, strengthen professional training of personnel and organization and modify strategies for pricing and market segmentation are the main issues worth considering.

台灣全民健保被保險人保費負擔與其醫療費用支出之公平性研究 / Equity between the Insurees' premium Burden and Their Medical Care Expenditures in Taiwan's National Health Insurance Scheme

黃子溦, Huang, Tzu-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
通常在談論健康照護的公平性時,主要分成垂直公平與水平公平兩種。在健康照護財務面的垂直公平意指有較高所得或經濟能力者,應支付較高的保費;水平公平意指,有相同所得或經濟能力者,應支付相同的保費。在健康照護提供面的垂直公平意為有不同需要者,應有不同的治療;水平公意為有相同需要者,應有相同的治療。然而由於提供面的垂直公平較難界定其程度,故多數學者在提供面僅談水平面,而本研究亦採相同的論點來分析被保險人在保費負擔與其醫療費用支出之公平性問題。 本研究資料係採用鄭文輝教授等在1996、1997年研究之原始資料,包括85年度的健保承保檔、醫療利用紀錄檔及財稅資料中心之綜合所得稅檔。利用逐步迴歸或probit二分法迴歸方式進行保險對象自付保費負擔與其醫療費用支出之間的公平性探討。 本研究實證結果簡述如下: 一、在被保險人自付保費負擔公平性方面,存在違反垂直公平或水平公平的情況,可能之原因如下: 1.投保金額分級表的上下限差距過小,使所得愈高,其保費增加的比例形成累退。 2.在投保金額分級表中每一等級仍有上下限之規定。 3.三類投保金額過低,與其所得分配差異過大。 4.眷口數計費採論口計費,而通常所得愈低,眷口數有愈多的現象,故論口計費將使得所得較低者之保費負擔加重或同樣所得水準者,負擔不相同的保費情形。 5.各類目均適用同一費率,且同一類目之自付比率均相同,無法有效發揮所得重分配效果。 二、個人醫療費用支出的差異及其與保費或所得高低之間的公平性 1.門診費用受到所得因素影響,個人所得愈高,門診費用有愈高的現象;且因為重症而就醫者仍為少數,以其他一般症狀就醫者仍占多數。 2.重症患者或罹患十大死因患者,多以所得較低或保費較低者居多,顯示全民健保的開辦,確實為較低收入者或較弱勢族群減輕就醫上之財務負擔。 3.由於男性罹患重症之比率較女性高,故雖然女性的門診次數與費用較男性高,但在個人總醫療費用上均以男性較高,可能與其生活、就醫習慣有關;而隨著年齡的增加,個人醫療利用情形與費用均逐漸增加,但對於中壯年人口之男性而言,個人醫療費用有逐漸上升趨勢,值得注意。 故對我國全民健保之政策性建議,為使所得重分配的效果得以發揮,在保費負擔方面,建議提高投保金額分級的上下限差距,且縮短等級之間的上下限,分級數愈多,愈能表現出公平性;眷口數計費改採論被保險人計費;三類投保金額與自付比率應調高。在醫療費用分配方面,為抑制所得較高或保費負擔較多者對醫療資源的不當利用,本文建議改採定率部分負擔、改善城鄉醫療資源分配,保障內容改採保大不保小,抑制不必要及小額的醫療支出,讓社會保險的自助、互助及他助精神得以發揮。 未來期能利用數年的歷年資料,來分析個人或家戶在時間上之所得、保費負擔與醫療費用支出三者之間的分配情形,以更能深入瞭解政策之改變,帶來之效果。 / Equity is widely acknowledged to be an important policy objective in the health care field. The principle comes in two versions: a horizontal version (persons in equal need should be treated the same) and a vertical version (persons with greater needs should be treated more favourably the those with lesser needs). The purpose of this study is to investigate the equity between the insurees’ premium burden and their medical care expenditures in Taiwan's National Health Insurance Scheme. The sample combines two sets of data, which are data for the insured and their dependents’ premiums and medical expenditures of utilization obtained from the Bureau of NHI ; individual income tax return data obtained from the Data Processing Center of the Ministry of Finance. According the data, we will be able to use the regression model of stepwise and probit methods to analysis the purpose of this study. The major findings are twofold: First, at present the regulations in the premium exists the horizontal and vertical the inequity, so the system can't bring the income replaecment, About medical dilvery, NHI is favorable person lower-income. To achieve ability to pay, the gap between the upper and bottom of insured payroll-related amount class should be lengthened. And to lighten the burden of insuree with dependents. Second, in the medical delivery deductible amounts paid by beneficiaries will be changed from fixed amounts to fixed rate to control the wasting medical resource.

藥業經營者面對二代健保實施的因應措施 / The Counter Strategies of Pharmaceuticals Leaders Address to the Implementation of 2nd Generation National Health

陳光冠 Unknown Date (has links)
全民健康保險自1995年三月實施,提昇國人健康及疾病治療水準,有其正面的貢獻,但也影響了醫療相關的從業者甚巨。藥品的費用占率約全部健保費用的百分之二十五,是除了醫事服務相關費用之外,占率最高的費用。健康保險局,收支潛在的赤字在健保實施次年後已浮現,隨即採用多種藥費及藥價控管措施。新藥核價過低、過程耗時;已上市的藥品,除每兩年健保局的藥價調查後的全面性調降,和不定時的異常品項調查外,尚需面臨客戶端再次降價的要求。對於藥業營運已有顯著的負面影響。 再者現行的健保制度,保證醫療院所藥品的申報一律為健保給付價,無論其以多低的價格採購,中間的價差利潤皆歸之所有,俗稱藥價黑洞,外界難以了解其對醫療體系的運作的重要性,一味的譴責之!事實上於現行總額給付實施之下,可彌補醫療院所健保給付不足所造成的營運困難,使民眾得以持績享受價平質佳的醫療照護。然負面影響為無法提昇病患痊癒效率,也對醫事人員專業的養成,及産業的發展伏下隱憂。健保制度沿於現有的法源,法源不改,扭曲的現象續存,最終的受害者為全體民眾。 二代健保法於2011年元月立法院三讀通過。產業環境的遊戲規則勢必改變。經由訪談,二十家不同類型的藥品供應廠商的經營領導者,於新的健保法實施之際的應變措施,且其合計市占率已超過整體藥品市場的41 %。由深度訪談中,可了解不同類型的廠商,對新制度的看法及其因應措拖的異同,再佐以近代管理學的概念檢視對照不同的領導風格,推估其和產業的特性及未來發展生存之道的關連性,或許可提供予産業長遠發展的建議。 歸納本研究的重要結論為:台灣藥業環境變動是漸進的,易被輕忽影響度;且從事藥業廠商者眾不易形成共識,很難共同努力改善環境不利的變動;依靠新産品的開發取得,是藥業重要成長的策略。於經營者的研究結論:發現大多數的領導者的强項為執行力及銷售力,這可能和産品生命週期長,進入門檻高有關;但因之不利改變慣例,跳脱舒適圈,將公司導向更兼具靈活彈性又與環境更符合的營運模式。未來成長的契機在於領導者洞悉未來的趨勢;藥業營造有利趨勢,在於跳脱近親繁殖,取法於外。 / National Health Insurance has been launched on March, 1995. It has been recognized as the safeguard to the improvement for all country’s residents. The financial burden of BNHI has struggled to balance its books from early on. Drug costs contributed about 25% of NHI healthcare spending, therefore is controlled mainly through pricing and reimbursement policy, particularly the regular rounds of price cut. The current system allows health providers gain profit from drug purchasing under negotiations with pharmaceutical companies which subsidizes the insufficient reimbursement for other service to patients. All these system hamper the healthcare industry sound growth. Without healthcare reform cannot correct the system toward healthier operation. Winder reform in the shape of 2G NHI Act was finally passed by the Legislative Yuan in January 2011. The future NHI scheme will change in many areas. In order to understand the counter actions from pharmaceutical industry, the study is designed to interview 20 leaders in Rx companies which included different types such as MNC, domestic and agencies. The overall revenue from the 20 companies shared over 41% in Taiwan pharmaceutical industry. The study will compare and analyze the difference from each company’s actions toward the future change, from results to use modern business scholarship theory checking any particular similarity within the industry. The main findings of the study are 1) The change of environment is easily been neglected for moving slowly and gradually, 2) To shape environment toward the positive side is difficult since hard to have consensus within industry, 3) Introduction of new products is the main growth strategy, 4) The most strength leadership capability from the interviewees is the execution, and the possible explanations are longer products life cycle plus higher entry barriers from new competitors. The downside of this type of leadership is hard to flexibly move fast in developing new business model to match the environment evolution. In-depth understanding trend of leaders will be the key of future success. The industry might learn from other industries to shape the environment more effectively.


陳介然 Unknown Date (has links)
全民健康保險法自民國83年8月9日公告並自民國84年3月1日施行,此一社會保險制度迄今已成為我國醫療保健系統重要支幹,然而,醫療費用每年約上漲8~10%,致使民國87年3月開始,財務已有入不敷出的情形,因此中央健康保險局(保險人)有一連串開源節流的政策 民國94年2月25日全民健康保險監理委員會第117次會議,委員發言多傾向支持擴大代位求償範圍。此外,全民健保公民共識會議之與會人員,一致認為保險事故如果係可明確歸責於第三人之事由所導致,全民健保之保險人於給付後,應該向第三人代位求償,以符公平正義原則,立法院爰於民國94年5月18日修正全民健康保險法第82條,增訂公共安全事故及重大之交通事故、公害或食品中毒事件為代位求償範圍,修正後條文為:「保險對象因發生保險事故,而對第三人有損害賠償請求權者,本保險之保險人於提供保險給付後,得依下列規定,代位行使損害賠償請求權: 一、汽車交通事故:向強制汽車責任保險保險人請求。 二、公共安全事故:向第三人依法規應強制投保之責任保險保險人請求。 三、其他重大之交通事故、公害或食品中毒事件:第三人已投保責任保險 者,向其保險人請求;未投保者,向第三人請求。 前項第三款所定重大交通事故、公害及食品中毒事件之求償範圍、方式及 程序等事項之辦法,由主管機關定之。」 修法之後,雖然擴大了健保局代位求償範圍,但限制仍多,且此次修法亦未明確釐清健保局在其他領域是否亦有代位求償權 本文首先敘述我國自民國84年正式實施全民健康保險時,尚有盈餘,然而自民國87年起首見保險支出超過保險收入,至民國96年時差額更高達新台幣136億元,除了繼續開發新財源與減少支出外,有無可能利用現有的制度切實實施,消除多數國民有「中央健康保險局將全國人民當成提款機的看法」,以及使實現加害者負其責任之公平正義,故本文針對於全民健康保險法第82條第1項第2款中中央健康保險局對公共安全事故強制投保之責任保險保險人代位權之相關問題加以探討,希望對於日益惡化瀕於破產邊緣之財務有所助益,接者大略簡介我國社會保險制度的演進,包括勞工保險、公務人員保險及其相關保險、退休公務人員保險、公務人員眷屬疾病保險、退休公務人員疾病保險、退休公務人員配偶疾病保險、私立學校教職員保險及其相關保險、農民健康保險與全民健康保險之演進與概況,之後於第三章再藉由歐、美等主要國家保險理論探討保險代位求償權之理論基礎以及人身保險適用代位求償權之理由,復接者討論保險代位求償權之性質、民法上行使代位權之限制、保險法上保險人代位權之性質與全民健康保險保險人之代位求償權;於第四章則討論目前我國中央與地方法規中有哪些場所或行業係屬須強制投保公共意外責任保險以及公共安全事故中全民健康保險保險人代位求償權之構成要件;於第五章則討論全民健康保險保險人可代位求償之金額尚須受到中央健康保險局實際所支出之醫療給付與強制責任保險之保險金額限制;於第六章則討論保險對象對於中央健康保險局代位求償權之保全有協助義務以及節妨礙代位之事由與代位求償權之消滅時效;第七章則是探討中央健康保險局行使代位求償權應注意事項;最後於第八章則是結論與建議。


徐核朋, hsu,Hopeng Unknown Date (has links)
隨著IC卡的使用,它正深深地影響著我們的未來生活方式,其應用發展趨勢也是值得我們重視的課題。本研究主要從「IC智慧卡成為主流的資訊載具」、「我國內政部、衛生署、交通部及財政部等中央各部,對IC卡之應用發展各擁管轄範圍且各自發展」、「民間業者各自引進或發行電子現金儲值卡」等三方面,說明其可能造成的結果及相關重要課題,以作為本研究之動機。 本研究從我國IC卡應用發展相關文獻中,搜集和本研究主題較相關者,提出IC卡票證整合、IC卡安全整合機制及IC卡規模經濟等值得研究課題,以作為進行IC卡應用發展趨勢研究之參考。 對於IC卡目前應用發展現況,本研究主要說明政府推動國民卡的沿革、政府推動自然人憑證的沿革、政府推動健保IC卡沿革及交通IC票卡目前應用發展,以利了解我國IC卡目前應用發展現況。 針對交通IC票卡,本研究說明北、中、南各地區電子票證IC智慧卡應用發展,包括悠遊卡、台中e卡通、Taiwan Money Card等,後續說明IC票卡規格發展及交通IC票卡系統架構發展,以更深入了解交通IC票卡目前應用發展現況。 本研究針對IC卡應用發展問題,進行更深入的分析,主要論述面向,包括技術面(IC卡規格、IC卡系統架構) 、法令面(IC卡法令規定)、經營管理面(含IC卡管理組織、發行、經營模式)等方面,以發掘問題,分析問題及提出解決策略。 本研究針對所提出之解決策略,予以聚焦,以提出更關鍵的解決策略,包括:(一)技術面:1.建立IC卡共同憑證。2.建立IC卡安全認證。3.建立IC卡整合架構。(二)法律面:1.修改銀行法及交通運輸相關法規中不合IC卡現有運作之規定。2.增訂電子票證法規。(三)經營管理面:1.建立規模經濟發卡量。2.建立IC卡發卡機構經營模式。 3.建立憑證認證機構公信力。4.建立IC卡資訊交換中心。 本研究針對三個構面,提出核心解決策略為「一卡通用」及其整體解決架構及實施步驟,且對整體解決策略之構想方案,提出IC卡卡片規格整合矩陣架構圖,以找出更為適當的IC卡規格方案,該矩陣架構圖,以「共同憑證一卡整合」及「多憑證一卡整合」二構面為縱軸,及「IC卡規格中不存放各類別資料」和「IC卡規格中存放各類別資料」二構面為橫軸,提出四種IC卡片規格整合架構,並列出其優缺點,經研析後,本研究建議初期以具有共同憑證及各類別憑證但不存放各類別資料之架構,作為一卡通用整合規格初期架構,稱為「IC卡共同多憑證不存放各類別資料一卡整合」,最後本研究提出長期一卡通用願景,以「IC卡共同憑證不存放各類別資料一卡整合」為目標。 本研究之結論為:1.我國各類別IC卡規格各行其道,未有整合前瞻性。2.各產業IC卡系統運作架構未整合,導致我們卡滿為患。3.IC卡應用發展於法律面應積極訂定「交通運輸業電子票證法」。4.「非銀行不得發行現金儲值卡」已超越母法規定應修法。5.IC票卡發行機構透過銀行發卡可享有發卡權利金等商機。6.建立IC票卡資訊中心作為全台IC票卡整合運作中心。7.IC票卡業者透過整合可增加發卡量,共創雙贏。8.IC卡於技術面應發展整合技術,以達成一卡通用目標。9.IC卡一卡通用宜建立IC卡資訊交換中心及憑證整合認證中心。10.IC卡一卡通用宜建立整體解決架構之實施步驟。11.IC卡一卡通用卡片規格整合可建立矩陣架構圖,以利分析。12.IC卡一卡通用共同憑證之運作於技術上為可行方案。 最後建議未來可持續探討之課題:1.IC卡一卡通用宜建立認證API(Application Programming Interface)程式介面及標準作業程序。2.IC卡一卡通用宜建立憑證整合認證中心及資訊中心之經營模式。3.IC卡一卡通用宜評估對IC卡產業及憑證認證產業之衝擊。 / A study of trends in the applications and developments of IC cards The IC card is being used widely and it will deeply affect our future living mode. Therefore, trends in its applications and developments have become important subjects of study. This research explores the possible outcome and related important subjects for the utilization of IC card, based on the following three propositions. 1. The IC card is one of the modern world’s primary information media. 2. Government units such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Ministry of Finance ROC, the Department of Health and the Executive Yuan ROC all have jurisdiction over the development and control of development and potential applications of the IC card. 3. Private enterprises have introduced or developed electronic cash-stored cards. The information related to the research subject was collected from the relevant literatures in regard to the applications and developments of IC card in Taiwan, presenting the current safety and integration mechanism of IC ticket cards and the economical magnitude of IC card use, which are both topics that should be taken into consideration in the study of the applications and developments of IC cards. Based on the current situation of the applications and developments for IC cards, the main purpose of this research is to show the evolution of IC cards promoted by the our government, including National Card, Citizen Digital Certificate IC Card, National Health Insurance IC Card, as well as current applications and developments of the Transportation IC Card, in order to help understand the current situation for the applications and developments for existing IC cards in Taiwan. In the Transportation sector, this research shows the applications and developments of various IC smart cards in north, central and south Taiwan, i.e. Easy Card, Taichung e-Cartoon Ticket Card and Taiwan Money Card. It also shows the development of the specification for IC Ticket Cards as well as the development of Transportation IC Cards’ systematic infrastructure, in order to help understand the present situation for the applications and developments of a Transportation IC Card. This research is an analysis of IC card’s applications and developments, covering technical issues (specification and systematic framework of IC card), legislation issues (laws and regulations for IC Card), management issues (operation and administration, release and business model for IC cards), so as to discover and analyze the possible problems as well as propose solutions. Focusing on strategies for finding solutions, presenting more critical strategies for IC Cards, consisting of: 1. Technical: (1) To establish a common certificate (2) To establish safety authentication (3) To establish integration infrastructure 2. Legislation: (1) To revise the Banking Law as well as the laws and regulations relating to public transportation, which are not suitable for the existing operations (2) To revise and augment the laws and regulations for electronic tickets 3. Management: (1) To establish an economic circulation of scale (2) To establish the management pattern for card-issuing organization (3) To establish public credibility for a certificate authentication organization (4) To establish information interchange center To consolidate the above-mentioned three areas, this research proposes a core strategic solution – the concept of “one card for common use (All-in-One Card)” along with integrated solution scheme and operation steps. In addition, for an overall solution strategic plan, in this research it also presents a matrix composition for the integration of specifications to discover a more applicable specification scheme for the IC card. The matrix composition is proposed in four types of framework of specification integration with a file of advantages/disadvantages, based on the concept of X, Y coordinate system – X axis being “One Card integrated with Common Certificate” and “One Card integrated with Multi-Certificates”, Y axis being “No data deposited in the IC card specification” and “All sorts of data deposited in the IC the card specification”. Through detailed research and analysis, it is suggested that at the primary stage, to create the “One card for common use” with an integration of “Common Certificate and Multi-Certificates but no data depositing in the IC card specification”, which is called “One card with common and multi-certificates but no any data deposited in the specification.” The long-term goal will be to achieve “One card with common certificate only and no data deposited in the card specification” for long-term use. Conclusions: 1. In this country, various IC cards have their own specifications and there is still no prospect for integration. 2. The IC card system being used by different industries is still not being integrated, so the market is full of different IC cards. 3. The enactment of the “law on electronic tickets” should be pursued more vigorously for the IC card applications and developments. 4. The stipulation of “A non-bank may not issue a stored value card” might have overtaken the stipulation of “Banking Act”. It should be amended. 5. So long as the IC Ticket Card agency issues IC cards through a bank, the agency will possess the business opportunity of charging the bank a card-issuing fee. 6. To establish an IC Ticket Card information center to integrate the operation of the many IC ticket cards using in Taiwan area. 7. It will be a win-win situation, if IC ticket card operations can be integrated, and this will increase card-issuing quantity as well. 8. On the technical front, integration technology for IC cards should be developed in order to achieve the goal of an “All-in-One Card”. 9. An “IC Card Information Interchange Center” and an “Authentication Center of Certificate Integration” for the “All-in-One Card” should be established. 10. A standardized operational procedure should be established for an overall solution to the “All-in-One IC Card”. 11. The integration of the specifications of the “All-in-One IC Card” can be done through a matrix composition to assist analysis. 12. Technically, an “All-in-One IC Card” with “Common Certificate” is a feasible plan. In the end, this research also offers suggestion on valuable topics that can be the subject of continued discussion in the future: 1. “All-in-One IC Cards” should have an authentication with API (Application Programming Interface) program as well as a standard operational procedure. 2. A business model for “IC Card Information Center” and “Authentication Center of Certificate Integration” should be established. 3. An evaluation of the impact on the IC card industry and the certificate authentication industry should be made.

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