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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張嘉宇 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社會經濟結構的轉型,目前台灣已邁向服務業為主的社會型態。為應該服務業及商業所需的辦公空間,因此辦公大樓陸續的興建。隨著近年來不動產的投資興盛,辦公大樓成為了外資或者保值的投資選擇。而判斷辦公大樓價值的標準即為該大樓所能創造的收益為何。辦公大樓的收益為租金,因此了解影響租金組成的因素,能夠提供我們在進行投資決策時一個參考的依據。但過去已有許多租金影響因素之研究,是以本研究擬從不同的觀點切入來探討租金的成因。 近十年來,國內許多豪宅或者知名的辦公大樓引進入物業管理的方式,取代了過去由管理委員會主導的管理模式。物業管理的興起,乃是人們對於住宅安全以及管理品質引申需求。對於物業管理的研究,國內目前仍著重在管理績效的衡量以及利用電腦提升物業管理效率的部分,鮮有探討辦公大樓租金與物業管理之間的關連。是以,本研究以台北市六行政區的辦公大樓為標的,利用特徵價格模型(Hedonic Price Model)和BOX-COX轉換,從物業管理的觀點來探討辦公大樓租金的影響因素。 / In Taiwan, business has become the main economic activity. The more prosperous business is, the more office spaces are requested. To understand the composition of office rent, hedonic price model is used as an analysis tool frequently. The varieties, such as age, distance of MRT, or standard floor, are usually used as the hedonic varieties. When property management is getting popular in the decade, there are few research use property management as varieties. To understand if the difference of property management style would affect the office rent, this essay used Box-Cox translation and Semi-Log regression to analyze the relationship between property management and office rent.

股票指數調整的價格變動效果和分析師的盈餘預測反應 / The Effects of changes in price and analyst responses of earnings forecasts to stocks indices adjustments

杜佳蓉, Tu, Chia Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分為兩部分,第一部份探討日經225和摩根台指成分股調整的價格變動效果。第二部份則是探討分析師對於股票被納入日經225和摩根台指的盈餘預測反應和絕對預測誤差。 / Two essays are comprised in this dissertation to examine the effects of changes in price and the analyst responses of earnings forecasts to stocks Indices adjustments. Stock markets vary in nature from one country to another and the characteristic of stock index adjustments also alter significantly. The analytical results can provide better information for investors and management to make better decisions. In the first essay, we examine price effects associated with changes in the composition of the Nikkei 225 Index and MSCI Taiwan Index. The analytical results show the price effects on stocks experiencing adjustments in the Nikkei 225 Index are consistent with the price pressure hypothesis. The price effects of composite stocks changed for the MSCI Taiwan Index are consistent with the downward sloping demand curve hypothesis. Based on classifying the characteristics of composite stocks into three categories, we find that large-scale added stocks dominate the price trend of the whole added sample in the Nikkei 225 Index. Also, added stocks with upwards revision earnings forecasts make more abnormal returns than the added stocks with downwards revision earnings forecasts in the Nikkei 225 Index during the post-announcement period. The electronic stocks earn larger abnormal returns than non-electronic stocks in the MSCI Taiwan Index. That can enable investors to profit by buying electronic stocks and added stocks with upwards revision earnings forecasts. The price reactions for the composite stocks in the Nikkei 225 Index and MSCI Taiwan Index around the Internet bubble burst have significantly difference. In the second essay, we study the earnings forecast changes and absolute forecast errors made by analysts of the Nikkei 225 Index and MSCI Taiwan Index. Depending on the properties of brokerage firms that analysts work for, we divide them into local analysts and foreign analysts to separate who are more accurate than one the other. The results show that in comparison with the matching firms in Japan, the magnitudes of mean forecast revisions and absolute forecast errors are smaller made by analysts focusing on firms newly added to the Nikkei 225 Index. For firms newly added to the MSCI Taiwan Index, the magnitude of changes in analysts EPS forecasts do not differ clearly from those of their peer groups. Absolute forecast errors made by analysts focusing on firms newly added to the MSCI Taiwan Index are smaller than those made by analysts focusing on the matching firms. This phenomenon demonstrates firms that are newly added to the Nikkei 225 Index and MSCI Taiwan index exhibit significantly improved performance. In terms of the relative accuracy of local and foreign analysts, the results display that the forecasts of foreign analysts are less accurate than those of local analysts in Japan and the forecasts of foreign analysts are more accurate than those of local analysts in Taiwan.


魏銘君 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路拍賣網站的發展,購買方式也逐漸的多樣化,從一開始的拍賣競標,發展到了附有直接購買價的競標,而在台灣,更多的賣家演變成了大型的購物商城,以直接購買價格購買的賣場逐漸的變多。先前對於拍賣網站購買方式的研究,大都著重在探討不同購買機制對於最終購買價格的影響,或者是購買環境與賣家對於買家購買方式的影響,例如賣家評價、商品圖片,近期有些相關研究逐漸開始探討買者自身的心理特徵對於購買方式的影響。本研究建立在先前相關研究之上,以衝動購買傾向、風險承受、享樂主義、競爭心態、價格意識以及購買之商品屬性為主要變數,來探討其對於網路拍賣購買方式之影響,也就是對於買家會選擇以直接購買或者拍賣競標的方式來購買商品的影響。 / 研究結果顯示,衝動性購買與參與競標顯著負相關,風險承擔程度、競爭心態、價格意識與參與競標顯著正相關,商品屬性傾向功能屬性時會傾向以競標方式購買,商品屬性傾向享樂屬性時會傾向以直接購買方式購買,不過主要變數中的享樂主義構面在模型中並不顯著,這與先前的相關研究有不太一樣的結果,可能是由於台灣拍賣網站的買家與美國拍賣網站的買家有些不太相同的特性,大多數參加拍賣的台灣買家的主因都是希望能夠撿便宜而不是為了好玩,可能導致變數不顯著。同時,買家的過去購買經驗,例如過去一年的購物金額、過去主要的購買方式、是否有過競標經驗,以及主要變數間的交互作用加入模型後,可以提升整體的解釋能力,但還是有很大部分無法被解釋,因此除了主要變數外,未來的研究還可以更深入的買家的過去購買經驗、其他心理構面對於購買方式所造成的影響。


許淑媛 Unknown Date (has links)
過去住宅價格的研究多以平均數為主軸,鮮少探討價格分散(price dispersion)的現象。然而,如市場上價格分散程度增加,則平均價格在市場整體價格的描述上將失去其經濟意義。因此,本文試圖了解平均價格與價格分散的關係及價格分散的影響原因。目前,價格分散之文獻多著重於需求者行為對成交價分散的影響,未探討造成表價差異的原因。過去文獻指出,景氣及區位皆會影響建商的推案行為及訂價行為。因此,本文從供給者角度,探討房價水準、景氣及區位對表價分散造成的影響。 本研究使用政治大學房地產研究中心與國泰建設公司所調查台北市與台北縣83Q1至97Q2住宅新推個案表價資料,分成台北市與台北縣市中心、市郊與郊外研究價格分散程度差異。結果顯示,住宅市場房價水準上升時,將增加建商的產品及訂價差異,在市場效率及資訊不足的情況下,使房價水準領先價格分散三季。而不景氣時容易對財務條件較差之廠商造成銷售壓力,使價格分散較景氣時大。區位較佳之地區因產品獨特性、價格僵固無彈性,而使分散程度小於區位較差地區。由市場上價格分散情形,我們可以觀察到市場風險的變化,景氣轉壞時或區位較差地區風險較高。 價格分散是市場上價格混亂的現象,在產品異質性較高故不易觀察的住宅市場中,本文釐清了價格分散來自於房價水準、景氣及區位。因此,當價格分散擴大時,學術上觀察平均價格時應更謹慎的看到個體的差異,而市場上需求者更應多搜尋與比較市場上的住宅產品。 / Price dispersion is a common issue in homogeneous goods literatures, but a few researches in housing market. In financial literatures, variation is an important index which means the risk of market. Especially in market depression, we should pay more attention to price variation. As a result, this paper focus on the price dispersion of housing market, and tries to find the effect of price level, real estate cycle, and location on price dispersion. Previous time-on-the-market studies focused on the relationship between listing price and trading price of housing unit, while this paper investigates the difference in listing price of different residential projects in new construction market. We demonstrate the degree of housing price dispersion which changes with price level, real estate cycle and location, because of the heterogeneity of seller’s strategies. After controlling the effect of product differentiation, we find that there is a positive correlation between price dispersion and risk. Our results suggest that besides the price level, we should pay more attention to the price dispersion of housing market.

處分時間長短對不良資產處分價格影響之研究-以高雄市為例 / The study of Influences of days on market on non-performing loans prices─ case study in Kaohsiung city

江婷, Chiang, Ting Unknown Date (has links)
由於過去數年間金融業者對於授信品質控管的鬆散,產生國內數量及金額龐大的不良債權,資產管理公司也在此時先後成立,不良資產市場亦因而逐漸熱絡,在整體不動產市場占有一席之地。 從過去文獻可得知影響不動產價格之因素數量眾多,但過去較重視實質屬性對於不動產價格之影響,而較忽略非實質因素對於處分價格的影響,其中有關討論時間因素之研究更為稀少;然而由於不良資產同時包含了一般不動產的特徵屬性(如土地、建物面積及區位)與不良資產專有的特徵屬性(如債務人屬性、處分時間),因此進一步研究影響不良資產處分價格之因素便相對重要。 本研究目的主要在於探討影響不良資產處分時間因素對於不良資產處分價格之影響,以供投資人或公司更重視時間因素對於處分不良資產所產生的成本與效益,作為相關單位評估與處分價格之參考。 因此,本文首先探討影響不良資產處分價格之因素種類,並透過特徵價格法建置不良資產特徵價格模型,並進行實證分析,分析探討時間以及相關因素對於不良資產價格的影響關係與程度。 實證結果顯示處分時間、區位、土地面積、建物面積、利率與債務人屬性對於不良資產處分價格有正向的影響力,唯利率因素雖顯著但與假設不符,本研究認為與投資人之行為與心態有關,或因買方之資金成本隨利率提高而增加。 另特別就處分時間因素而言,實證結果顯示當不良資產處分時間越長,價格越高,因此,應合理延長標的物之市場曝光期,以提高資產的處分價格。雖然延長處分時間,相對機會成本亦增加,但投資人或金融機構應在法務流程上更有彈性,以利不良資產的回收。因此藉由本文之研究成果,希冀提供金融機構或資產管理公司處分不良資產時,應謹慎考量處分時間與處分價格間的得失權宜,擬定最適處分策略。 / Due to the loosening credit in the past few years, Taiwan’s non-performing loans, both in terms of volume and amount, burgeoned, resulting in rapid growth of establishments of asset management companies. NPLs consequently became one asset class that was highly sought after in the overall real estate market in Taiwan. From past literatures we understand that there are various factors affecting real estate prices. However, most studies focused on the physical attributes of the underlying real estate, rather than non-physical attributes’ effect on real estate prices. Even more rare are studies that focus on the impact of time. Since non-performing loans encompass both performing real estates’ attributes (land and building area, and location) and non-performing real estates’ attributes (characteristics of debtors and days on market), further study on such factors that affect the real estate prices should be warranted. This paper is to probe the effects of days on market on non-performing loans’ prices. This paper should help investors (including asset management companies) understand the importance of time in regards to its effect on the cost and benefits when disposing NPLs. Therefore, this paper first explores the different factors that affect the prices of NPLs by using Hedonic price method to build models to determine the prices, and then uses real examples to analyze the relationship and magnitude of time and other factors’ impact on NPLs’ prices. Empirical data suggests that days on market, location, land area, building area, interest rate, and borrower types all have positive impact on the prices of NPLs. Interest rate, although showed positive relationship, did not fit the hypothesis, which is probably due to investors’ behavior or mindset or increase in cost of funding as interest rate rises. Specifically for days on market, empirical results manifest that the longer the time on market, the higher the resolution price is. Therefore, it is recommended to reasonably lengthen the days on market to achieve higher resolution price. Although the increase in days on market will increase the opportunity cost, investors and financial institutions should be able to enjoy more flexibility in the legal process, thereby resulting in better recovery. Finally, through the research of this paper, financial institutions and AMCs should carefully consider the cost/benefit between time on market and resolution prices to achieve optimal resolution strategy.

文化公共財之價值評估-以臺北市糖廍文化園區為例 / Valuating a Cultural Public Good : The Case of Tangbu Cultural Park in Taipei City

陳育琳, Chen, Yu Lin Unknown Date (has links)
文化公共財無法透過一般市場機制評估其價格,但應如何衡量其經濟價值?本研究以臺北市萬華區糖廍文化園區為案例,以條件評估法為理論模型,並以電話訪問、網路調查及面訪訪問等3種方式獲得1,612份問卷進行分析,結果顯示願付價格會隨著人口統計變量和民眾對文化資產保存的態度而有所不同,得到平均每人每次至少消費文化公共財之願付價格約247元,如以每人平均消費一次計算價值,在95%信賴區間下,臺北市萬華區糖廍公園週邊7里約1,094萬元、臺北市萬華區約4,788萬元、臺北市約6.7億元。在目前政府財政困窘情況下,如何將上開數據轉化成地方財源收入,有效將各古蹟或歷史建築充分活化再利用將是一個值得關注的議題。 / By using the contingent valuation method, this study estimates the value of the Tangbu Cultural Park in Taipei City as the value of cultural public goods cannot be directly observed through the markets. Based on 1,612 samples collected by the phone interview, on-site interview, and internet survey, we explore the factors that influence the willingness to pay (WTP) and estimate the resulting WTP on the cultural public goods. The empirical results show that the WTP are varied with the demographics and attitudes toward the cultural assets and the estimated average individual WTP per year is about 247 NTD. It turns out that the corresponding total WTP per year is 10.94 million NTD in the surrounding area of the Cultural Park, 47.88 million NTD in the Wanhua District of Taipei City, or 670 million NTD in Taipei City. The study can shed some light on the revival plans and budget arrangements of the cultural public goods.


楊琇雲 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


林鳴琴, Lin Ming-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文嘗試探討總體經濟中的金融資金面因素, 對於資產價格之決定, 以及價格波動程度與基本面訊息揭露的影響。 本論文包含三篇文章。 第一篇的主旨在於本論文認為投資人所面對的資金成本差異, 是一項解釋資產價格過度波動現象不可或缺的因素。 文獻研究既已指出短期資金市場, 資金成本價差可以有效預測實質產出, 則股價與短期資金市場變數之間似乎也應有所關連。 投資人由於期初財富水準不同, 資金充裕者可以同時持有風險性資產和無風險資產, 資金短缺者則可以採取融資方式投資風險性資產。 一般而言, 融資利率應高於無風險利率, 即使投資人訊息同質, 但因為資金成本不同, 投資需求亦不相同。 當投資人之資金成本差異擴大, 造成平均資金成本變動, 即使基本面沒有任何變化, 資產價格仍然會波動, 並且低於完美市場下的均衡價格。 本篇所建立的部分均衡模型, 可以說明資金成本差異對價格波動性的影響, 以及均衡價格的特性。 第二篇討論加入投資人異質訊息的假設, 投資人在受到資金衝擊之下, 資金借貸限制透過對投資人決策行為的影響, 進而對資產流動性及價格揭露訊息的功能產生何種影響。 本論文嘗試藉由個體結構模式(micro-structure model), 分析市場資金流動性多寡和訊息效率性(information efficiency)的關聯。 體系存在借貸限制是本論文重點之一, 若沒有借貸限制, 資金將無短缺之虞, 資金流動性多寡就不是問題。 資金流動性若不能轉化為信用(credit), 則無法探討投資人面對資金衝擊與借貸限制, 所決定的投資決策如何進一步影響基本面訊息反映的程度。 本篇模型特色在於每位投資人, 不論是否擁有關於期末給付的私人訊息, 都可能遭受流動性衝擊。 研究發現當市場資金相對寬鬆時, 借貸行為的比例增加, 但訊息揭露程度反而降低。 第三篇嘗試探討理性投資人或雜訊投資人受到借貸限制, 亦即不是所有想借貸的投資人都能取得可貸資金時, 資金環境對長期資產價格偏離基本面價值所產生之助漲助跌作用, 以及資產價格何時出現高估、 何時出現低估的情形。 本論文舉出兩個基本面完全不同但卻有共同理論模型的故事背景(scenarios), 用意在顯現我們所觀察到的金融市場價格表現可能來自於兩種不同的市場結構, 單就理論模型來看無法區分究竟是哪一個故事背景之下的結果。 提高融資限制可能妨礙了相關訊息融入, 使得價格更偏離基本面而沒有達到阻卻非理性投機交易的目的。 降低融資限制亦可能是使得非理性投機交易更加猖獗, 而不是刺激基本面相關訊息正確反映。 1 導論 2 資金成本與資產價格波動 2.1 研究動機與目的 2.2 模型 2.3 資本市場均衡 2.4 政策意涵 2.5 結論與相關文獻比較 3 資金流動性與訊息揭露 3.1 研究動機與目的 3.2 模型 3.3 均衡解模擬分析 3.4 結論 4 融資限制與價格穩定性 4.1 研究動機與目的 4.2 模型 4.3 資產均衡價格特性分析 4.4 結論


蕭宏智 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要分成兩部分,第一部份,透過多重代理者模式建構以集合競價機制之模擬股票市場。第二部份則在於藉由第一部份所建構之模擬市場,分別針對股市交易策略滲透率與市場價格波動之關係,策略集中度與過度波動之關係,滲透比例變化與其獲利率之關係,進行模擬實驗之研究。 本研究發現策略集中率有越來越小的態勢,表示整個股票市場被少數交易策略所掌控。股價過度波動隨時間而趨於緩和。由於交易代理者之策略組合同質性越來越高,使得原本存在彼此間的其歧異得以泯除,所以市場帶離基本趨勢的偏頗力量相對減小,市場價格趨於平穩發展之格局。 再者,若股利維持不變,股價仍有波動現象,但不會偏離太多,而且到後來呈現收斂狀態。相反地,當股利發生變動時,股價的修正有明顯落後的現象,其後又產生過度反向修正之行為,驗証市場具有過度反應性質。 綜合本研究之觀察與結果顯示,股市有過度反應之反常現象,因此難以預測其變動方向與程度,故市頭資者應避免採取短線操作或追漲殺跌之策略。然而,短期股價的波動雖在所難免,但就長期而言,注重基本面的投資策略終將為市場所肯定,而成為主導市場的中堅力量。


李玉鳳, Li, Yu-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
在邁向全球貿易自由化過渡時期中,不免對各國國內產業造成相當大的衝擊與短暫之調適問題。此際貿易規範准許其政府採取一定措施以為救濟,然在執行相關之貿易救濟措施前,產業損害之認定係不可或缺之程序。 有鑑於進口救濟制度(包括平衡稅反傾銷稅)的引進在我國乃屬創舉,現行之「貨品進口救濟案件處理辦法」條文,引用美國的作法對於產業損害之認定僅止於實質損害之有無及其與損害成因間的因果關係論斷;但當進口品對國內產業造成經濟衝擊時,必然會反應在國內同類產品的價格與數量上的變化,當下唯有賴量化的指標才能對損害存在與否作客觀的審議,以便能適時,適當的採行救濟措施。 所以本文對探討不公平貿易競爭中的傾銷行為,採用曾巨威教授(民 84)所設立之產業損害評估模型,利用現有或可計算之參數資料,計算出進口品對國內產業造成的損失。以更清楚瞭解到量化的指標在整體產業損害分析中的意義及關係。 藉由實證數據分析,本文除直接證實生產高密度聚乙烯、低密度聚乙烯及聚丙烯的產業受到損害確實起因於傾銷的價格競爭所造成,並具體衡量出產業損害的程度,這種評估模式的使用不但能避免目前以眾多因素的個別變化作綜合考量的缺失,更重要的是這種分析方法代表的經濟合理性與嚴謹性,而且得到和貿易調查委員會一致的結果。 此法雖係以不公平貿易行為為探討的對象,其中推理亦可延伸適用於一般非屬不公平貿易行為者對國內產業損害的評估。鑑於國內尚未有對損害程度具體評估之實證文獻,此為本文之主要特色。

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