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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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投機活動對都會地區農地價格的影響之研究-以台北都會區為例 / The Influence of the Speculation on the Farmland Price in Taipei Metropolitan

詹有順, Chan, Yu Shun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來研究台灣農地價格的文獻顯示,都市周圍農地價格有暴漲的情形,靠近都會區的農地價格較高,農地收益無法適當解釋農地價格高漲的現象。至於投機活動對都會地區農地價格的影響為何?此乃本研究動機之所在。   本論文係以文獻歸納、訪談調查、統計分析的方式,嘗試探討投機活動對都會地區農地價格的影響,研究目的有三:一、分析影響農地價格的因素。二、分析都會地區農地投機活動對農地價格的作用是否大於都市發展負外部性的影響。三、對於以農地價格作為農地釋出指標之說法的合理性,依分析結果提出看法。   研究分析之結論,要述如下:   一、分析都會地區影響農地價格的因素,農業生產收益因素已不易解釋都會地區之農地價格。以距離因素來看,農地價格受至最近之都市計畫區發展界線距離顯著的影響。農地投機活動指標變數明顯影響農地價格,且為正向關係,故農地投機活動可能會促使都會地區農地價格的上升。   二、農地投機活動對農地價格的影響大於都市發展之負外部性效果。農地價格上漲可能不利於農業經營,因純粹欲農耕而購地者支付高於生產價值之地價,且農業使用的報酬較低,可能不易回收農地價格成本。   三、以農地價格作為農地釋放的指標,應斟酌再三。   本論文之檢討評估,要點如下:   一、農地投機活動之定義宜更明確。   二、有擴大樣本數的必要。   三、應再考量其他影響都會地區農地價格之可能因素。

多期理性預期模型下長短期投資與價格資訊理論之研究 / The Studies on Long-Horizon & Short-Horizon Investment and Price-Informativeness Theory under Multiperiod Rational Expectation Model

韓千山, Han, Chian Shan Unknown Date (has links)

我國財產稅評價制度公平性之探討 / On the Degree of Property Tax Assessment Inquity in China

黃朝琴, Ha, Cha Gi Unknown Date (has links)
為了瞭解是否由於評價制度的累退偏差而使我國財產稅累退現象更為嚴重,本文利用Paglin and Fogarty (1972)發展之方法來測度財產稅垂直不公平和水平不公平。其假設完全公平情況下,評定價值對市場價格應是一致性,即評定價值與市場價格要維持一定百分比;當評定價值與市場價格未保持一定比例而導致垂直不公平時,其增減可用1-(b<sub>e</sub>/b<sub>i</sub>)來衡量,而S<sub>y</sub>/AV乃估計水平不公平係數,即市場價格與評定價值未完全相關性,使相同價值之財產卻支付不同稅負。因此,便可利用上述評定價值與市場價格的離散程度來衡量不公平情形。   有關實證資料係以民國79年至82年臺北市大安區實際買賣資料為基礎,並配合稅捐機關的課稅資料做迴歸分析。實證結果發現財產市價愈高者,其評定價值佔市價之比例反而比市價較低者之財產為低,以至隨著市價上升,有效稅率反而下降。並且同樣價值的財產支付不同稅負的水平不公平情形相當嚴重。再利用法院拍賣價格來衡量房屋類型和區位其評價/市價之差異,結果新興郊區和一樓其比值最低,顯示往往因地區及房屋類型之不同而有不同評價標準。   從以上分析結果顯見評價與市價脫節之事實,是造成我國財產稅不公平原因之一,若是冀望財產稅能發揮平衡社會財富的功能,應儘速建立一套完整、合理的評價制度,使財產稅的稅基合理化,以促進稅制之公平性。

空氣污染對房地產價格之影響──特徵價格法之應用 / Estimating the Impact of Air Pollution on Housing Price--an app- lication of Hedonic Price Method

葉宏興, Yeh, Hon Sin Unknown Date (has links)
由於環境品質改變之成本或效益沒有一個直接的市場可以衡量,為了 克服此一問題,Rosen 於1974年提出特徵價格法完整的理論架構。其利用 差異性財貨之價值受其所具有之不同屬性數量影響,於是可用計量方法將 個別屬性之價值導引出來。本文即是利用Rosen 所提之二階段過程,分別 估計台北、台中、高雄三地區之特徵價格函數,然後利用第一階段所獲得 之價格資料進行第二階段逆需求函數的估計。本研究除了進行上述二階段 之估計,另外以高雄地區為例,計算該地區因水泥廠存在,PM10濃度增加 對當地房地產價格之影響,此一影響也就是水泥廠存在PM10濃度增加所造 成的社會外部成本。 / The measurement of the benefit of environmental improve-ments is difficult because typically there are no markets for environmental guality. However, one can observe behavior in markets that are related to environmental guality , and it is sometimes possible to measure people’s willingness to pay for the environmental goods by using data from these markets. Hedonic methods is one of several techniques for doing this. Hedonic methods are based on the realization that some goods or factors of production are not homogeneous and can differ in numerous characteristics. My study follows the theoretical model that provided by Sherwin Rosen in 1974.According to Rosen’s model, estimation requires a two-step procedure. First, estimate the hedonic price function. Second, estimate the demand function for air guality(PM10’s density). At last , I try to estimate how much the cement plant decreases houses price. In fact , the estima-tion is equal to measure the external cost caused by the ce-ment plant around Kaushang area.

中共財政管理體制及其財政收支結構之研究 / The Organization of Financial Management and The Structure of Revenue and Expenditrue of National Finance in Chinese Mainland

李鳳美, Li, Feng Mei Unknown Date (has links)
海峽兩岸長期對立的關係有著急遽的變化,不但民間各項交流日益頻繁, 經貿關係更是熱絡,臺灣與大陸的貿易關係也日形擴大,國內學者對大陸 的研究亦成顯學,但大部分著重在政治、經濟、產業及稅務方面,較少探 討中共的財政管理體制及財政收支結構問題。但中共財政管理機構的體制 為何?其財政管理的基本理念為何?中央與地方預算體系如何分配經濟資 源,各項財政收入的來源及其演變情況為何?財政支出的結構及其成長為 何?以及未來將面臨那些問題?斯為本研究之動機。 本文之撰寫,擬 達成下列目的:一、藉由中共經濟改革理念的演變,了解中共財政職能的 調整。二、隨著經濟改革理念的變革,政府財政職能的調整,中共國家與 國營企業的利潤分配制度、中央與地方的財政分配制度作了何種調整?現 行制度又有那些問題?未來應如何改革。三、在瞭解中共國營企業利潤分 配、中央與地方財政分配制度後,再以統計資料分析、研究中共財政收入 的結構健全與否?是否如現代國家般以租稅做為財政收入主要來源?租稅 結構的發展是否與經濟發展相配合?中共利用這些財政收入又提供了那些 財貨?未來財政收支將面臨那些問題?經過研究、分析,發現目前中共的 財政管理體制及財政收支結構有幾點現象及問題,其內容詳見本文。

追蹤誤差、價格偏離度和成交量之研究-以寶滬深300(0061)、恆中國(0080)及恆香港(0081)為例 / The studies on tracking error, deviation and volume-W.I.S.E.PolarisCSI300 ETF, Hang Seng H-Share Index ETF and Hang Seng Index ETF

彭靖 Unknown Date (has links)

台灣地區公共電視使用之願付價格分析 / Assessing willingness to pay for maintaining the operation of Public Television Service in Taiwan.

黃慧甄, Huang, Huei Jhen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是想要探討台灣地區民眾對於維持公共電視的營運與發展之願付價格。資料來自於中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心所進行的一項公共電視願付價格調查,其中關於願付價格的部分是透過條件評估法的方式取得,受訪者隨機分配至兩個題組之一,其中A題組為考慮公共電視帶給家人的好處,而B題組為考慮公共電視帶給全國民眾及社會的好處。 建模時我們採用一或二要素混成模型,這是一個可以將不理性受訪者分離,僅針對理性受訪者的願付價格進行估計的一個模型。分析結果顯示考慮到公共電視帶給家人的好處時,年齡50歲以上的受訪者中存在著一群無論什麼價格都不願意支付或Ney-sayers的人,估計的比例大約為21.13%;而考慮到公共電視帶給全國民眾及社會的好處時,很少看文化教育節目的受訪者中也存在著一群無論什麼價格都不願意支付或Ney-sayers的人,估計比例大約為13.53%。 針對願意支付合理價格的受訪者配適加速失敗模型時,我們不僅就位置參數引進解釋變數,同時也引進解釋變數至尺度參數。分析結果顯示願意支付合理價格的受訪者,在考慮公共電視帶給家人的好處時,每年願意支付價格之平均值為1477元;而考慮到公共電視帶給全國民眾及社會的好處時,每年願意支付價格之平均值為1663元。顯示受訪者在考慮到全國民眾及社會的好處,願意付出較高的價錢。 / This study aimed to explore people’s willingness to pay (WTP) for maintaining the operation of Public Television Service (PTS) in Taiwan. The survey using contingent valuation method was conducted by the Center for Survey Research, Academia Sinica. The survey sample was split into two groups, A and B. Each group was presented with the same scenario but different scope of benefits. Group A considered the benefits that PTS might bring to one’s family, while Group B considered the benefits that PTS might bring to the whole society. The model used in this study was a one/two-component hybrid model, a model that is able to separate those who are willing to pay a reasonable price from these who are not, and obtain their mean WTP estimate. Multinomial logistic part of the model, indicated that for Group A, among those who were 50 years of age or older, about 24.48% were not willing to pay any price or Ney-sayers. And for Group B, among those who seldom watched cultural or educational programs, about 12.91% were not willing to pay any price or Ney-sayers. Appling accelerated failure time model to those who were willing to pay for reasonable prices enabled us to evaluate the WTP. We not only introduced explanatory variables in the location parameter but also the scale parameter. The estimated mean WTP for Group A was found to be NT$1477 per year, while the mean WTP for Group B was NT$1663 per year.

所得彈性、價格彈性與貸款成數對中國大陸房地產市場影響之探討 / The effects of income elasticity, price elasticity, and the percentage of loans to mainland China's real estate market

周紹軒, Chou, Shao Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對中國大陸房地產市場設立需求及供給函數,並使用中國大陸2001 到2009 年的省級資料進行研究分析,以探討中國大陸房地產市場的所得彈性、價格彈性與貸款成數對中國大陸房地產市場供給與需求的影響。 經由實證估計出來的所得彈性值域為1.77 ~ 3.00,價格彈性值域為0.08 ~ -0.80。相較於過往的文獻與研究,估計到的彈性較高,顯現出即便中國大陸房價持續飆漲,民眾仍肯購置房產,且房價飆漲對於房地產市場的需求量影響有限,乃因民眾對於未來的經濟情勢持樂觀的態度。 而貸款成數方面,在貸放資金大增的環境下,對於中國大陸的房地產需求及供給市場大抵而言有顯著影響,而貸款成數的增加也使得房地產需求及供給量跟隨增加。 / The research constructed the demand and supply function for the market of China's real estate, and used the provincial data in China from 2001 to 2009 to analysis. Based on the information, we discussed the income elasticity and the price elasticity, and furthermore the impacts of the percentage of loans on the China's real estate market. According to the empirical estimate, the range of income elasticity was from 1.77 to 3.00, and for the price elasticity, it was from 0.08 to -0.80. Compare with those previous studies, the higher level of elasticity represented that although the real estate price continued soaring in China, people were still willing to purchase. Moreover, the soaring price had a limited influence in the demand of real estate market, and the main reason was that people were all optimistic about the future. To the percentage of loans, in this environment of the sharp increase in money lending, we found that it affect the demand and the supply market of real estate significantly, and with the relaxation of credit control, it led the demand and the supply of real estate to increase.

國際iShares的跨境價格差異 / Cross-border Price Differences: Evidence from International iShares

林淑惠, Lin, Shu Huei Unknown Date (has links)
在單一價格法則之下,國際ETF的市場價格應該與NAV或標的資產價格一致。由於ETF具備申購贖回機制,其溢價現象將較國家型封閉型基金來得低。本文以32檔國際iShares檢視國際ETF的績效與國際投資分散效果,資料期間為1996年至2006年10月20日之日資料,並在考量區域因素的影響之下,將樣本區分為全球型、已開發市場型、以及新興市場型ETF。 本實證結果顯示,如同國家型封閉基金常出現的溢折價現象,國際iShares存在價格差異現象,尤其於新興市場型iShares更為明顯而且波動較大。然而,此價格差異現象僅是暫時的,而且主要由本國資訊所影響。此外,價格均衡的調整時間與3天期的結算清算時間一致。因此,ETF的申購贖回機制有助於提升價格調整的效率性,亦即長期而言,iShares遵循單一價格法則,而且於美國市場交易的投資人可由該投資工具達到國際投資組合分散效果,尤以全球型或複合型的iShares為最。 / In the law of one price, the share price of international ETFs should be the same as the domestic stock price and NAV respectively. Especially, with specific mechanism of creation and redemption process for ETFs, price deviation would be mitigated effectively comparing with similar product of closed-end country funds. This paper examines international ETFs’ performance and international diversification effect through 32 international iShares which are the most popular international ETFs in the world, and we use daily data with sample period from inception to 2006/10/20. Consider the regional impact on the price deviation, we also categorize the sample to three types as global, developed, and emerging market ETFs. In this paper, price deviations exist and are larger and more volatile for emerging market iShares, which is consistent with previous studies. However, the price deviations occur temporarily and are primarily driven by domestic information for all types of international iShares. We also find that the time of equilibrium adjusting process is consistent with three-day settlement period. Though incompletely perfect, the existence of the creation or redemption process along with the high transparency of iShares management appears to enhance price efficiency. Therefore, in the long-run, iShares price follow the law of one price, and US investors may obtain international diversification benefits through the instrument. Especially, the benefits will be larger for global or hybrid iShares comparing with country-specific iShares or emerging market iShares.

探索員工服務行為內涵之研究─以房仲業者為例 / The exploratory study of employee’s service behaviors: example of real estate brokerage industry

林琬真, Lin, Wan Chen Unknown Date (has links)
服務業已成為國家經濟發展的重要基礎,如何提供良好的服務來滿足顧客,也成為相當重要的議題。而在組織中,員工面對顧客所展現的態度及行為皆代表著組織,員工服務的行為與經驗在與顧客互動的過程中,影響顧客對服務品質的認知,再者,房屋仲介業在服務業中具有相當重要的地位,房仲業者分店數全台已達五千多家,僅次於便利商店,因此本研究將以房仲業者為例,進行員工服務行為之內涵之探索,並探討房屋仲介業務人員,在銷售價格高低不同之房屋時,或面對不同類型的顧客需求時,所展現的服務行為內涵是否具有相同、相異之處。   本研究以台北市之房屋仲介業業務人員為研究對象,深度訪談49位具有8個月以上服務經驗之房仲業務人員與店主管,並將訪談內容逐字稿轉為可研究的項目 (item),依內容相似性作分類,共產生10種不同的服務行為類別。研究結果顯示,不論房仲業務人員在銷售價格較高或較低的房屋時,或是其面對自住型或投資型需求之顧客時,大多會展現出公司所規定之服務行為;然而,當其在銷售價格較高的房屋時,與當其面對投資型需求(而非自住型需求)之顧客時,尚會展現出公司未明文規定之服務行為。 / Service industry has become an important foundation for national economic development. So how to provide better service to make customer satisfied has become an important issue. In service organization, employee’s behaviors and attitude toward customers are on behalf of organization. And employee’s service behavior in the process of interacting with customer will influence how customer perceives service quality. What’s more, the real estate brokerage industry plays an important role in service industry. The number of stores of real estate brokerage industry in Taiwan is more than 5,000 stores, only less than the number of convenience stores. Therefore, this study used the salespersons in real estate brokerage industry as sample to explore the first-line employee service behaviors. And this study discussed the similarities and differences in service behaviors when salesperson sold the houses with higher or lower price, and faced customers with different needs.   This study used a sample of the salespersons of real estate brokerage industry in Taipei. After interviewing 49 salespersons, whose working experience is more than 8 months, the study turned the transcripts into analyzable items. By the similarity of the items, this study classified the items into 10 categories. The result is that no matter the salespersons sold the house with higher or lower price, or faced customer need of consumption or investment, they mostly provided the organization expected customer service behaviors. But when they sold the house with higher price, or faced the customer need of investment, they even provided the more customer service behaviors which are not required.

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