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空地開發外部性對住宅土地價格影響之研究-台南市的實證分析 / Spatial Externalities Impact of development of vacant land on Residential Land Prices-Evidence from Tainan City曾菁敏, Tseng,Ching Min Unknown Date (has links)
最後,有關「空間外部性、交易成本與市地重劃對新建住宅土地價格之影響」,本文主要從政府實施市地重劃有助於降低交易成本的觀點,探討政府實施市地重劃制度及建設商的土地開發行為所產生的空間外部性,其反應在新建住宅土地價格的影響。本文運用空間計量分析及地理資訊系統,並結合Box-Cox函數轉換,以建構具有空間外部性的特徵價格模型。本文研究範圍以台南市民國八十年、八十五年及九十年的新建住宅為對象。實證結果得知,空間誤差Box-Cox模型對於空間外部性提供良好的解釋力。政府實施市地重劃之後對住宅土地價格具有正向外部性,且有政府參與的重劃區所反應的住宅土地邊際價格為正向關係。而建設商個體互動關係則具有正向及負向外部性,並在長期下出現由正向轉為負向之情況,此證明空間外部性會呈現相互性的現象,進而反應在新建住宅土地價格上會有增減的作用。 / This study mainly assumes that development of vacant land give rise to spatial externalities from the reuse of vacant land and the institution of land readjustment. Finally, this effect will be reflected in the residential land prices. To test this hypothesis, this study applies spatial econometric and geographic information systems based on hedonic pricing model. This study mainly includes that (1) The Impact of Reusing Vacant Land on Residential Land Prices, ( 2) The Impact of Reusing Vacant Land and Neighboring Land Development on Newly-Built Residential Land Prices, ( 3) The Impact of Spatial Externalities, Transaction Costs and Land Readjustment on Newly-Built Residential Land Prices, and evidence from Tainan City in Taiwan.
First of all, about’ The Impact of Reusing Vacant Land on Residential Land Prices’, This study is based on Geoghegan’s theoretical model (2002) and focuses on open space effect of reusing vacant land on residential land prices. The data are selected from residential land prices in 2004, 2005. Empirically, I find that the reuse of publicly-owned vacant land used for green and park has positive spatial spillover effects. This means that spillover benefit of open space is more than spillover cost of vacant land management. The reuse of privately-owned vacant land used for sport has negative spatial spillover effects in 2004. The marginal price of publicly-owned vacant land is over than privately-owned vacant land. It is concluded that, the government should continue promoting the reuse of publicly-owned vacant land and used for open space of the neighborhood.
Secondly, about’ The Impact of Reusing Vacant Land and Neighboring Land Development on Newly-Built Residential Land Prices’, This study focuses on open space effect of reusing vacant land and spatial spillover effect of neighboring land development on newly-built residential land prices. The data are selected from newly-built residence in 2004. Empirically, I find that the reuse of publicly-owned vacant land has positive spatial spillover effects on newly-built residential land prices. This means that spillover benefit of open space is more than spillover cost of vacant land management. Land development used for residence has positive spatial spillover effects and used for factory has negative spatial spillover effects in a neighborhood. This means that more the reuse of publicly-owned vacant land will increase newly-built residential land prices, while more land development used for factory will decrease newly-built residential land prices in a neighborhood.
Finally, about’ The Impact of Spatial Externalities, Transaction Costs and Land Readjustment on Newly-Built Residential Land Prices’, This Study mainly assumes that land readjustment can reduce transaction costs in terms of the spatial externalities from developers’ behavior and the institution of land readjustment. This effect will be reflected in the newly-built residential land prices. To test this hypothesis, I apply spatial econometric analysis and geographic information systems based on the Box-Cox hedonic pricing model. The data are selected from newly-built residence from between 1991, 1996 and 2001. Empirically, I find that the spatial error Box-Cox model is appropriate for engaging in spatial externalities analysis. This is because the results show that land readjustment gives rise to positive spatial externalities on newly-built residential land prices and the marginal price of residential land in areas where land readjustment takes place is also positive. The effects of developers’ interactions give rise to positive spatial externalities but these change to negative spatial externalities in relation to newly-built residential land prices in the long term. It is concluded that, land readjustment as implemented by the government really does contribute to reducing uncertainty in the land development process, and also reduces transaction costs between construction practitioners and landlords.
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考量消費者行為與供應商價格競爭之零售商價格競爭模式之研究 / A Study on Pricing Competition Model of Retailer with Learning Behavior of Consumer and Competition of Supplier鄧廣豐, Deng, Guang Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將零售商、供應商及消費者互動形成之競爭市場視為一個複雜適應性系統(Complex Adaptive System ,簡稱CAS),應用代理人基塑模與模擬(Agent-based Modeling and Simulation,簡稱ABMS)方式建構考量供應商競爭與消費者學習行為之零售商價格競爭模式,將演化賽局理論應用於價格競爭中,探討不同的消費者學習及供應商價格競爭行為如何動態影響零售商價格競爭型態,以及不同價格調整策略之績效表現。
在實務意涵上,若零售商可使消費者行為偏向自我或群體式學習,並穩定供應商價格競爭下,整體而言零售商端競爭可獲得最高的獲利,若當此刻競爭零售商採取保守型價格策略,而本身採取開放式價格調整策略,則獲利最大。然而面臨群體式學習消費者,由於競爭強度的增加,需留意市場動態,須隨時靈活調整本身價格策略,避免因價格策略的僵化,而成為虧損之零售商。 / The pricing competitive model traditionally assumes that consumers will buy from the firm selling the homogeneous product at the lowest price, thus discarding any possibility of learning behavior on the demand side. But if, as in real competition, consumers learn adaptively and competition is a dynamic process, then some attention should be paid to consumers' behavior.
In a multiple supplier – multiple retailer supply chain, multiple price competitive forces interact to influence firm price decisions. These forces include: (1) the supplier level competition each supplier faces from others producing the same product, (2) the retailer level competition among the retailers selling the same set of goods, and (3) the vertical interaction competition between the retailer and supplier.
We are interest in these questions: How does the consumer learning behavior affect the retailer pricing competitive model? How does the competition of supplier affect the retailer pricing competitive model? What is the optimal adaptive pricing strategy for retailer performance in such competitive market including retailers, suppliers and consumers.
Therefore, this research study a version of the pricing competitive (Bertrand) model in which consumer exhibit dynamic adaptive learning behavior when deciding from what retailers they will buy. And we consider to join the supplier competitive pricing behavior into the retailer pricing competitive model and formulate their interaction as evolutional game and to analyze the competition of supplier effect and its impact on the pricing competition of retailers.
This research uses a complex adaptive system perspective to construct a retailer pricing competitive model which considers both competitive supplier and learning consumer behavior. Using agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS) to construct the competitive market include retailers, suppliers and consumers, and use the fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms to model the pricing decision and learning behavior of retailers and suppliers, and use reinforcement learning and swarm algorithms to model consumers’ learning behavior.
The simulation results demonstrate that: The retailer level obtains the highest profit when the consumer behavior following reinforcement learning. When the consumer behavior displays swarm learning, the retailer level also obtains high profit near the highest profit. However swarm learning increases the competitive intensity on the retailer level. The competitive supplier increases the competitive intensity and decrease profit on the retailer level when the consumer behavior displays reinforcement learning and swarm learning.
The performance of retailer following a closed adaptive pricing strategy (high exploitation low exploration) exceeds that of retailer following an open adaptive pricing strategy (low exploitation high exploration) when the consumer behavior displays reinforcement learning and supplier display competitive behavior. However when the consumer behavior displays swarm learning and supplier display competitive behavior, the performance of retailer following an open adaptive pricing strategy exceeds that of retailer following a closed adaptive pricing strategy.
The proposed pricing competitive model with adaptive learning of consumer behavior and competition of supplier can help retailers to analyze pricing strategy and further discovery and design the more optimal pricing strategy.
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異常住宅價格檢測與處理之研究-以個別估價觀點分析 / The study of singular residential price detection and management - with the valuations by appraisers' perspective高裕政, Kao, Yu Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
藉由個案分析結果歸納,可能因異常個案的住宅屬性存在整幢大樓住商混合使用、特殊鄰居、附屬建物占比過高、高總價豪宅產品、都更效益、增建效益、裝潢效益、約定專用空間效益、樓層高度挑高、獨特視野景觀或特殊區位條件;外部環境存在鄰近嫌惡設施或迎毗設施;交易情況存在買方身分特殊之影響,但受限於實價登錄未要求登載並揭露這些特徵,故模型未考量這些因素對價格的影響,使得模型可能將隱含這些特徵的樣本判斷為異常點,並進而影響模型預測結果。另外也發現,實價登錄資料存在登載錯誤及價格申報不實的情況,且可能被模型判斷為異常點。 / Many literatures use statistics-way to detect outliers in preventing any extreme deviation in hedonic price model prediction. Nevertheless, deleting the outliers instead of investigation into the structures, causes and features. Hence, this thesis studies the feature structures variation of the sample before and after deleting the outliers and with the valuations by appraisers’ perspective to inquire into the factors and features of the outliers in residential transactions. Thereby to summarize the significant features that are not disclosed by real price registration and feasibility in searching the possible false declaration of price by regression.
Through descriptive statistics and sample structural difference parametric and nonparametric test shows the discreteness level of singular (outliers only) samples is greater than the primary (outliers including) and normal (outliers deleting) samples and the feature structure variation lessened after deleting the outliers in normal samples. The formation of outliers may be influenced by location variable not able to reflect actual circumstances and level of clustering in samples. Maybe some significant variables are not subsumed into the model, which leads to the judgement of samples with this variable to be outliers. The mean, variance and median in total traded price, land size, building size, total floors, exact floor and house age of singular samples are notably different with normal ones.
With the analysis of cases, the possible reasons may be residential and commercial mixed-use in building, peculiar neighbors, high proportion of accessory building, luxury houses, urban renewal benefits, building addition benefits, interior decoration benefits, agreed space benefits, high-ceiling benefits, unique view or location, YIMBY and NIMBY property in environment and special relationship between the buyer and seller. Nevertheless, due to the nondisclosure of these features in real price registration that the model does not take these into consideration. That leads to the judgement of samples with these features as outliers and affects the model prediction. Also the registration error and false declaration in price may also be judged as outliers.
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用地理加權迴歸分析獨立式與集合式住宅之價格分布-以改制前台中市為例 / The Price Distribution of Detached Houses and Condominiums in Taichung: Geographically Weighted Regression Approach程稚茵, Cheng, Chih Yin Unknown Date (has links)
不動產價格的影響因素可按影響範圍區分為三大類,分別為影響整體不動產市場的「總體環境因素」,對一定範圍內不動產產生價格影響的「區域環境因素」,及對於單一不動產價格有所影響的「房屋個體因素」。其中,區域環境因素為影響個別不動產價格之首要因素,不動產之價格會受到所屬區域之政治、經濟、自然、社會等因素影響,「公共建設因素」為重要之區域環境之一,包含公共設施水準及其配置狀態。影響個別不動產價格之次要因素為「房屋個體因素」,可再次細分為三大影響因素如下:房屋本身所具有的特徵因素,即建築物之內部結構;房屋的建築方式,住宅類型等與全棟房屋有關的因素;與房屋鄰近地區環境有關的因素。而集合式與獨立式住宅因分屬不同房屋類型,即上述房屋價格形成因素中「房屋之建築方式」。實際交易上,獨立式住宅多半以「整棟建物」作為交易計算單位,對於坐落之基地權利持分通常為全部,而集合式住宅係以「樓層」、「戶」作為交易之計算單位,所有之基地持分與其他住戶共同持有,基於上述差異,過去研究多將建築方式視為影響房屋價格的條件之一,並據此分類次市場,因此較少有研究同時探討二者在空間分布上所具有的區位差異,及購屋者對於環境的偏好是否有所不同。且過去文獻多半以使用傳統迴歸模型為主要分析方法。但傳統迴歸分析所使用最小平方法迴歸模型,經常會產生殘差項存在有空間自相關的問題,及空間本身所存在之空間異質性偏誤,即空間不穩定性。因此 本文以台中市都會區內之住家使用房屋為樣本,依特徵價格理論將獨立式住宅與集合式住宅視為差異化商品,其內外特徵納入變數,使用GeoDa軟體進行空間自相關分析,並使用ArcGIS軟體中的地理加權迴歸模組(GWR)進行迴歸分析,藉以探討不同類型房屋所偏好之外部特徵,瞭解不同空間環境對房屋價格之影響及台中市都會區空間發展型態,並驗證其於規劃建設產生的空間不穩定性。
研究結果顯示,台中市建立之重大市政建設及土地開發計畫會影響集合式住宅與獨立式住宅之地價熱點分布,其共同之房價熱點均座落於高地價市地重劃區及重大市政建設分布位置,而獨立式住宅之房價熱點,進一步分布於與高地價市重劃區鄰近之市地重劃區;在購屋者對周圍設施偏好方面,集合式住宅購屋者對於國中小學、大學、重大市政建設、市場、公園均有顯著偏好,惟獨立式住宅購屋者對於大學、重大市政建設、公園有顯著偏好,對於國中小學、市場有不偏好情形,顯示不同類型住宅對於公共設施之偏好不完全相同;集合式住宅與獨立式住宅之房屋特徵屬性呈現空間不穩定性,分析結果顯示,上述二種住宅類型,對於本研究所有公共設施距離特徵屬性均呈現空間不穩定、非均質性的結果,顯示不同類型住宅均會與彼此具有相依性,並形成各區域間的異質性。 / Locational characteristics are the determinants of house prices. While former research have examined the effects of proximity to resources and facilities have on residential property values, and the change of the importance as located regions or submarkets vary, the effects of different types of houses are rarely compared due to their dissimilarity in ways of building and ownership. Do house price effects of the same facility alter when properties are situated in different submarkets? Further, the issues of spatial non-stationarity are usually overlooked by previous studies.
By using transaction data of two common types of residential houses in Taichung City, we found house price hot spots of both detached houses and condos in regions with major constructions and development plans. Apart from the mutual hot spots found in high land price redevelopment zones, we also discovery hot spots of detached houses in areas in proximity to these redevelopment zones. As for desirable facilities for home buyers, neighborhood schools, universities, major constructions, local markets and parks were found to have an notable price impact on condos, whereas only universities, major constructions and parks in vicinity of in detached houses can we found significant price effects, suggesting the differences in the preference of consumers in distinct regions. Also, spatial dependence and heterogeneity are verified in both types of houses, making the entire market area spatial non-stationary.
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自然景觀與農地管制如何影響農地價格 ─花蓮縣的個案 / How Natural Landscape and Regulation of Farmland Affect Farmland Price─The Case of Hualien County李至千 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以民國101年8月至103年12月花蓮縣非都市農地實價登錄資料作為研究樣本,透過線性迴歸模型,探討包括自然景觀因素在內之各項因素對於花蓮縣農地價格之影響。實證結果觀察到:對於花蓮縣農地市場,農地是否得興建農舍為自然景觀是否會影響農地價格之主因,且自然景觀對於農地價格之影響,受到市場對於民宿之需求而有所差異。基於上述,本研究研究結論如下:一、自然景觀因素影響花蓮「得興建農舍」之農地價格,但不影響「不得興建農舍」之農地價格。二、農舍作為民宿使用機率變高時,將加深自然景觀之價格效果。 / Factors that affect the price of the farmland vary in different market conditions, such as land use regulation or farmland policy. Previous studies on farmland prices is found to have paid little attention to farmland market in eastern Taiwan, and rarely discuss the amenity of natural landscape that might also affect the price of farmland. Lack of studies may lead to ignore the important factors of farmland price in eastern Taiwan. This study discusses the factors that affect the price of farmland in Hualien County, and adds the natural landscape as the independent variables so as to observe how natural landscape affect the farmland price in Hualien County. After Agricultural Development Act amended in 2000, farmers are allowed to construct individual farmhouses on their own farmland. Therefore, we split the data into farmland in which construction of farmhouse is allowed and farmland otherwise. Furthermore, we compare the difference between two types of farmland. Because the farmland where the farmhouses are allowed to construct are also permitted to operate the Bed and Breakfast, we also add the independent variables of the market demand for the Bed and Breakfast. In so doing, we are able to investigate whether the market demand for the Bed and Breakfast increases the natural landscape that affect the price of farmland.
We choose the non-urban farmland price registration data from August 2012 to December 2014 in Hualien County. The linear regression model is used to analyze how various factors including natural landscape affect the farmland price in Hualien County. Based on the empirical results, three conclusions are arrived at below: First, factors of natural landscape only affect the price of farmland which allow for construction of farmhouses, but not affect the price of farmland where construction of farmhouses are forbidden. Second, farmhouses that are permitted to operate the Bed and Breakfast will increase the price effect of natural landscape.
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運用土地稅配合土地規劃管制實施之研究蔡慧麗, CAI,HUI-LI Unknown Date (has links)
中上述假設前提並不存在,致使柏拉圖的最適境界(pareto optimal)無法達成,尤其
完全競爭等現象;外部性及公共財不足之市場失靈(Market Failure)問題更是伏拾皆
ll) 或損失(wipeout) 之不公平現象,實有待積極改善。處理此類公平性問題的方法
有許多,例如區段征收、市地重劃、發展權移轉(T.D.R) 及稅捐等方式,本研究乃選
第一章 緒論
第二章 文獻回顧
第三章 土地規劃管制與其公平性之探討
第四章 土地稅促進土地規劃管制實施之分析
第五章 現行我國土地稅制之檢討與改進措施
第六章 結論與建議
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外匯選擇權定價模式之實證研究李宗愷, LI,ZONG-KAI Unknown Date (has links)
一. 研究動機:
二. 研究目的:
目的二、:修正 Black-Scholes實證模型,即外匯選擇權定價模型以估算此模型的準
取自“London Financal Times”, 而變異數的估算方法則使用Robert L.Welsh及D-
avid M.Chen 於“Advances and Options Research” 一文中的隱含性變異數推估而
得。期限則從民國77年11月至78年10月,為日資料,共260 筆,所使用的外幣有英鎊
C=se N(d1)-xe N(d1- )d1=
C: 權利金,S: 外匯價格,X: 執行價格,r.r :本國及外國利率,G: 變異數,
T: 到期日,N ():機率密度函數。
Black-Scholes 模型主要應用於股票選擇權市場,股票為非孳息債券,而擁有外匯可
同時擁有國外的利息報酬,所以 B-S模型與外匯定價模型主要的差異為國外利率折現
(1) 當美國利率高於國外利率時,美式買入選擇權不會提早執行其權利所以其價格與
(2) 利用此模型測試市場是否具效率,得相對於模型價格市場價格低估較現值有利的
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最適關稅理論--小國之探討林溫琴, LIN, WEN-GIN Unknown Date (has links)
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期貨契約之屏障功能及其會計處理之研究楊雪絹, YANG, XUE-JUAN Unknown Date (has links)
本論文係研究期貨契約(Futures Contracts )屏障(Hedge )價格及利率風險之功
第一章 緒論。說明本論文寫作之動機、目的、限制及研究方法。
第二章 探討期貨契約及期貨市場之發展、性質及期貨價格之習性,並對重要名辭加
第三章 介紹屏障功能之性質、理論、風險及其有效性分析,並舉例說明。
第四章 介紹美國財務會計準則委員會第八十號會計準則發布始未,及期對期貨契約
第五章 結論。綜合以上各章之討論,做一總結,並提出適當建議。
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台北縣國民住宅供需關係之研究宋南國, Song, Nan-Guo Unknown Date (has links)
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