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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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黃金價格預測探討-跳躍模型之改良 / On Forecasting Gold Price: An Improved Jump and Dip Forecasting Model

方玠人, Fang, Chieh Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本文改良了Shafiee-Topal(2010)所提出之跳躍模型之波動率,並歸納成三種模型:改良跳躍模型、改良平滑跳躍模型以及最佳化跳躍模型,並運用時間序列模型探討樣本期間內黃金價格。第一部份比較三種跳躍模型與Shafiee-Topal模型在訓練集及測試集的預測結果,並預測2012年至2018年之黃金價格走勢。第二部份探討黃金價格、原油價格以及美元加權指數之間的互動關係,建立多變數模型以預測黃金價格之長期趨勢。 首先,本文檢驗黃金價格、原油價格及美元加權指數樣本之恆定性,經由ADF 單根檢定法發現序列具有單根,進而使用TSP(Trend Stationary Process)估計模型參數。其次,黃金價格、原油價格及美元加權指數經共整合檢定發現,各模型變數間均具有共整合關係,即變數間具有長期均衡關係。黃金價格與原油價格呈正向反應,而黃金價格和原油價格與美元加權指數呈負向反應,除了受自身的預測解釋能力外,亦可以做為觀察其他變數的未來走勢方向及影響大小預估。最後,探討黃金價格受波動率的影響情形,本文改良Shafiee-Topal模型之波動率,並比較四種模型對黃金價格趨勢預測之結果,發現改良平滑跳躍模型在實際黃金價格波動率大時,其趨勢預測結果會優於Shafiee-Topal模型。 / This research advanced the volatility component (λ) of the jump and dip model (Shafiee and Topal,2010) on gold prices from 1968 to 2012 and estimated the gold price for the next 6 years. Based on the trend stationary process, we defined the three components and derived three new models: Adjusted Jump and Dip Model, Adjusted Smooth Jump and Dip Model and Optimized Jump and Dip Model. First part of the thesis compared the performance in prediction of the training data and the testing data for three different models and the jump and dip model. Second part of the thesis investigated the relationship among the gold price, crude oil price, and trade weighted U.S. dollar index of the concepts The result illustrated the long term trend of gold price described by a multivariate predictive model. We found evidence that different levels of volatility affect the prediction of gold price, and the adjusted jump and dip Model performs best when the true volatility is relatively high.

政府機關辦理採購人員適當行為決策之研究-以「花博『花價風暴』」為例 / A study of government officials' decision making in procurement process- the case of flower prices in the flower expo

郭素蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
政府機關每年編列龐大的預算執行公共政策,大部分的政策依賴機關辦理採購以執行公務預算,而政府採購亦以編列預算為前提要件。採購招標案,廠商投標著眼於成本利潤,機關則著重預算執行,採購預算的編列為採購案的主軸,舖陳整個採購案的執行與體現。採購程序自預算的編列、底價的訂定、決標單價的調整、變更契約,乃至多次流廢標後預算的調整,皆涉價格判斷。 政府採購行為不僅是法律問題,作為推動政策之手段,為有效執行預算,採購人員必須全面瞭解採購法規,廣泛運用行政裁量及判斷,具備思考力。採購人員專業規範於政府採購法,指出辦理採購人員於不違反政府採購法規定範圍,得基於公共利益、採購效益或專業判斷之考量,為適當之採購決定。縱觀採購案件辦理程序,實務上,大部分重要階段之採購工作由業務需求單位辦理,且大多未具備採購專業知能,這與政府採購法賦予採購人員專業認定之設計精神有違。 本研究以臺北市政府辦理「新生高架橋改建工程」引爆2010國際花卉博覽會舉辦前,外界所稱「花價風暴」之採購案例為單一研究個案,探討研究個案為何這是個「說不清楚的新生高」?為何單純採購瑕疵與缺失案件以不符比例原則的向上、向外擴散延燒不止時,仍為外界認定是個「說不清楚的『花價風暴』」?當臺北市政府相關人員無法清楚釐清原因時,似乎引出整起「花價風暴」問題的真正意義在於一開始的預算編列程序有探討的必要。 個案資料採取多重資料蒐集來源與理論之三角檢定法,資料蒐集的方法為文獻分析法與深度訪談法,依據政府採購法與展望理論觀點,檢驗理論與個案實證資料之差距,提出可能的解釋,歸納出個案行為特徵,提煉出採購法理性制度、法規所沒有考慮到的行為變數,藉以提出建議。 研究結果發現臺北市政府無法在花價風暴中,第一時間說出合理的價格差異,主要原因是採購預算的編列欠缺堅實的準據,所以不易把握花價問題的癥結所在,使得臺北市政府陷入本末倒置、以果為因、似是而非的邏輯困境,以致回應不力,造成花價問題惡性循環不已,在外在環境虎視耽耽的不利環境下,雙雙引爆,形成花風暴,橫掃整個花博,政府採購行為在事件中遍體麟傷。歸究原因在採購人員缺乏採購需求的辨識與確認的能力,無價格形成的確認能力,亦無資訊蒐集的能力,採購專業的表達能力也待加強。


杜昭儀 Unknown Date (has links)
指數期貨在到期結算當天於現貨市場產生的到期效應,一直眾所關切的議題。影響到期效應的因素很多,其中指數期貨的最後結算方式,亦影響著到期效應的大小或發生與否。因此,本研究之目的在研究台灣現貨市場在改變最後結算方式後,是否有助於減緩到期效應發生之情況;此外亦比較世界各交易所採用的不同最後結算方式,是否對於現貨市場有不同影響,並將可行的最後結算方式提出供台灣來參考,以能達到降低現貨市場波動度並得到一個合理的最後結算價。實證結果如下: (1) 故整體來說,改變最後結算方式似乎不能有效改善對於現貨市場的所產生的到期效應。此外,開盤十五分鐘內的波動度大,採取此段時間的加權指數平均是否能得到一個合理的最後結算價格是有待商榷的。 (2) 在特別開盤報價、收盤價、平均價、盤中集合競價四種最後結算方式中,採用「平均價」、「盤中集合競價」之期貨契約均沒有檢測出具有異常波動效果。同時,在台灣現行交易制度與市場參與者的組成結構下,採用「特別開盤報價」、「收盤價」以及「盤中集合競價」在到期結算時容易因瞬間流動性不足,遭市場投機人士干預最後結算價格,故不適合採用這三種方式來決定最後結算價格。 (3) 未來仍然應繼續採用平均的方式來決定最後結算方式,但應修改目前開盤十五分鐘指數平均的計算方式,並可以考慮朝以下三個方向,以得一個合理的最後結算價格,並有效降低結算日市場波動度,及人為干預的情況: 1.延長計算最後結算價格的期間至一個最適長度。 2.將極端值刪除,不列入指數平均值的計算。 3.選擇一段能夠反應結算日當天現貨市場波動情況的期間,做為計 算最後結算價格之基礎。

台北市高房價成因剖析─以租價關係、總體因素與預期因素探討 / Why the Housing Price so High in Taipei? An Analysis on Rent, Price, Macroeconomic Factors and Expectations

吳孟璇, Wu, Meng Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣許多縣市的住宅價格不斷高漲,身為政經重鎮之台北市首當其衝,於2008~2009年金融海嘯時期,政府為維持經濟發展而全面將遺產及贈與稅調降為單一稅率10% 後尤然。以產品價值而言,此波上漲很可能來自於「逢低買進,逢高賣出」之投資心理造成。由於不動產最終用途為使用,當真實需求者無力負擔時將導致房市泡沫,更因房市的經濟佔額高,進而可能引發經濟泡沫。為檢視台北市住宅價格的合理性,鑒於出租住宅需求者動機單純,本文以租價關係探討台北市住宅價格是否已有偏離實際使用需求之現象;且是否因未來的住宅價格在預期之引導下,使房價似遵循著過去價格的成長而逐步提高,有不效率之現象。實證結果顯示,台北市住宅價格與租金間已然背離,在金融海嘯過後種種非理性現象更為嚴重,導致房價有偏離其合理結構之虞,成交總價越高的住宅、偏離情況越為明顯,而存在泡沫化危機。 / In recent years, the housing market has been awash with funds. The phenomenon resulted in domestic housing prices in Taipei rising year by year, especially after the Subprime mortgage crisis. From the viewpoint of economics, the price is decided by supply and demand. However, with regard to the value of product, this rising of housing price probably comes from the artificial demand. In other words, this kind of demand is just like "buy low and sell high". In addition, real estate is a special commodity, except as an investment good, it is also a necessary consumption good. Furthermore, real estate is expense, making housing the biggest item among households’ assets. Once housing price is too high and the actual demanders cannot burden with; that is likely to trigger a market bubble, which caused the imbalance of trade market. According to the aforementioned, this study will observe whether the housing price has deviated from the fundamentals in Taipei City. Since the demand of rent is only for living, we probing into the relationship between housing price and rent in order to observe the rationality of housing price; and if the future housing price in the anticipated guided, the price seems to follow the historical trend, and the higher the housing price of an area, the more significant. The empirical results show that, the housing price seems to prevail in unreasonable investment in Taipei City, which may lead into a bubble crisis.

博彩業對房價的影響 – 以澳門為例 / A Stduy of Lead-Lag Relationship Between Housing Price and Gambling Industry – The Case of Macau

劉家寶 Unknown Date (has links)
自2002年,澳門政府開放賭權後,博彩業成為澳門重要的經濟命脈,伴隨著澳門經濟迅速發展,澳門住宅價格亦因此高速飛漲。故此,本研究係以澳門為主要研究對象,探討自澳門政府批出三份博彩經營權後,總體經濟、博彩業與澳門主住宅市間之關係。選取二零零一年第一季至二零一四年第四季之季資料,運用單根檢定、因果關係檢定與共整合檢定等研究方法進行實證分析,檢定變數間的因果關係是否有長短期均衡關係與是否有領先落後的效果。 根據實證結果顯示,存款利率、外來投資金額、外地僱員及飯店入住率領先住宅價格之變動,所得及博彩稅收與住宅價格則呈現雙向因果關係,而外來投資金額、外地僱員、飯店入住率皆屬於博彩旅遊相關之變數,顯示博彩業蓬勃發展能推動澳門住宅價格,使房價高漲。此外,博彩稅收、外來投資金額、外地僱員及飯店入住率皆對所得具有單向影響,故此,可推斷博彩業開放後為澳門帶來巨大的經濟衝擊。另一方面,澳門經濟發展高度依賴博彩業,中小企業亦因租金持續高漲、人力資源短缺等問題,面臨極大的成本壓力,嚴重排擠中小企業生存空間。 / In the year of 2002, after the gambling are allowing by the government in Macau, gambling has already become a pillar industry. Accompanying with the rapid development of economy, housing price has risen at high speed in Macau. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the research of interactive relationship between the real estate market, macroeconomic and gambling industry variables on the basis of Granger causality test since the gambling concession was granted out to three companies. Our sample period starts from Q1 of 2001 to Q4 of 2014 with quarterly data. The research uses ADF Test, Granger Causality Test, and Cointegration Test model that we verify the relationship between macroeconomic variables and the real estate prices. The paper hopes to find out that whether the long-term steady changes between the real estate market and macroeconomic variables will be a leading or lagging effect. The empirical result shows that, deposits rate, foreign direct investment (FDI), non-resident workers (NRW) and hotel occupancy rate (HOR), are in the lead of variation of housing price, income and tax revenue from gaming presents a causal relationship with housing price. FDI, NRW and HOR belong to the variations of the gambling industry which reveal flourishing gambling industry cam promote the housing price in Macau. Moreover, tax revenue from gaming, FDI, NRW and HOR leads income. Thus, it can infer after the gambling are allowed, it brings a great impact on the economy in Macau. On the other hand, the economy of Macau too dependent on gambling. Medium-sized and small enterprises face lot of cost pressure such as the raising rent and short of hands, so that excluding vivo sphere of medium-sized and enterprises.

臺灣農地法拍價格之決定因素 / The Determinants of the Price of Foreclosed Farmland in Taiwan

梁維真 Unknown Date (has links)
農地價格反應市場供需平衡的結果,亦可透過眾多影響農地價格的因素以觀察市場情形。歸納國內過去關於研究臺灣農地價格的文獻,較少探討法拍市場農地價格,而研究時間點大多位在民國89年農地市場開放前,且鮮少使用政策面的變數。因此本研究探討影響農地法拍價格的因素,並納入農業用地興建農舍最小基地面積限制作為研究變數,以觀察政策管制對於農地法拍價格的影響。進而將樣本分為都市型與農業型鄉鎮,比較影響農地價格各因素在不同型態鄉鎮間之差異。 本研究以法拍市場中民國89至99年間全臺灣已拍定之非都市農地作為研究樣本,透過線性迴歸模型,探討各因素對拍定價格的影響,以及檢視最小基地面積的政策因素對拍定價格影響。由迴歸結果可觀察到在法拍市場中,拍賣底價為迴歸式中較重要因素,而農地產值與農地經營環境對農地拍定價格並無影響,面積限制的政策變數產生了邊際價值,且都市型鄉鎮的邊際價值高於農業型鄉鎮,顯示購買農地欲興建農舍者可能對都市型鄉鎮農地有較高的需求,且都市型鄉鎮中的農地價格受非農用的影響較大。 基於上述,本研究研究結論有下列三點:一、農業生產條件並非農地價格主要影響因素。二、興建農舍最小基地面積限制對農地價格產生正向影響。三、都市型鄉鎮之農地價格受非農用的影響較大 / Farmland price in the market reflects the interaction of supply and demand. We can also observe the market situation through many factors which affect the farmland price. Review of past literature about farmland price in Taiwan suggests that there are few literature addressing the price of foreclosed farmland. Most of the researches were published before the farmland market opened in year 2000 and rarely took account of the policy variables. So this study will discuss the determining factors of farmland price in the foreclosed market, with special attention paid to farmland policy-related variables. The sample is further divided into two groups of urban and agricultural towns in order to compare the differences of the factors affecting farmland price between two groups of towns. In this study, we use the foreclosed farmland of non-urban area from 2000 to 2009 as research sample. Effects of potential price-affecting variables are examined using a linear regression model. The regression results indicate that the auction reserve price is the more important factor, and farming production value and management environment do not affect the price. Minimum lot size for farmhouse construction has a marginal value effect, and its magnitude is larger in urban towns. Additionally, the farmland prices in urban towns are greatly influenced by non-agricultural use. Three research findings are thus arrived based upon our empirical evidence: 1. Agricultural-related variables do not significantly affect farmland price. 2. The minimum lot size of farmhouse has raised the farmland price. 3. The farmland prices in urban towns are greatly influenced by non-agricultural use.

中國大陸不動產市場是否存在房價泡沫 -北京、上海、天津與重慶的實證分析 / 無

邱姿文, Chiou, Tz Wen Unknown Date (has links)
1998年中國大陸改革開放不動產市場後,由於政府大力地推動城鎮化與不動產市場改革以及中國大陸人均GDP的成長快速等原因,使房價快速上漲。2008年金融危機後至2012年時,中國大陸房價上漲約63.31%,但居民收入僅增加55.66%,顯示房價上漲速度超越所得上漲速度,因此,本研究擬由資產現值模型建立房價基要價值,並由狀態空間模型推估泡沫價格,探討北京市、天津市、上海市與重慶市不動產市場是否存在泡沫化的現象。經由1998年至2012年的家戶所得推估泡沫價格後,再以向量誤差修正模型與Granger因果關係檢定檢驗泡沫價格與貨幣供給額、預期物價指數、購屋貸款利率、住房開發投資額與前期房價成長率間的關係。 實證結果指出,北京泡沫化幅度變動劇烈,2012年第2季泡沫化約57%,由於中國大陸政府對北京執行政策較為嚴格,因而使北京市的房價受到政府政策的影響而產生較劇烈地波動。天津的泡沫價格則是由2004年開始轉為正值,並於2006年第2季達到第一波高峰。上海房價呈現穩定上升,其泡沫化程度約維持在45%上下,其泡沫化高點出現在2010年,泡沫價格占房屋價格約46%。重慶房價於2004年開始大幅上升,並於2011年出現泡沫高峰,比重約為40%。另外,預期通貨膨脹率與住房開發投資額為Granger領先於北京、天津與重慶的泡沫價格,表示政府能藉由控制北京、天津與重慶的預期通貨膨脹與不動產開發投資市場,來降低不動產的泡沫價格。而上海的購屋貸款利率、前期房價成長率與泡沫價格為雙向因果關係,貨幣供給則為Granger領先於上海泡沫價格,表示政府若能藉由控制上海的貨幣供給與購屋貸款利率,降低其泡沫價格。

廠商競爭型態與策略性貿易政策 / Strategic Trade Policy Under Cournot-Bertrand Competition

蔡守容 Unknown Date (has links)
從Brander and Spencer (1985)和Eaton and Grossman (1986)兩篇最早的策略性貿易文獻中可知,廠商的競爭型態對於政府的貿易政策有決定性的影響,數量競爭下政府於第一階段的最適策略為補貼,價格競爭則為課稅;但在目前策略性貿易的各種延伸模型中並未對競爭型態與策略性貿易政策之間的關係做討論,本文將競爭型態不一致的情況引入原始的策略性貿易模型,亦即一家廠商採取數量競爭,另家廠商採取價格競爭的情形,並與競爭型態一致的情況作比較,探討競爭型態與策略性貿易政策的關係,得到了以下主要結論:(1)政府的最適貿易政策乃看對手廠商採取的競爭型態而定,若對手廠商採取數量競爭,則無論本國廠商採取價格或是數量競爭,最適策略皆為出口補貼。若對手廠商採取價格競爭,則無論本國廠商採取價格或是數量競爭,最適策略皆為出口課稅;(2)若本國廠商採取數量競爭,外國廠商有多家且採取數量或是價格競爭,則看採取數量競爭的外國廠商還是價格競爭的外國廠商,在單位補貼下對本國廠商的邊際利潤有較大的影響力,若整體數量競爭廠商影響力較大則最適政策為出口補貼,若整體價格競爭廠商影響力較大則最適政策為出口課稅。

都會區房價泡沫形成之研究-以台中市獨立式及集合式住宅為例 / Research on the Bubble in Metropolitan Area-Cases of Detached Houses and Condominiums in Taichung

黃雅祺, Huang, Ya Chi Unknown Date (has links)
有鑒於以往房價泡沫文獻較少探討泡沫與房屋特徵間的關係,本文援引特徵價格法研究內外部特徵對房價泡沫的影響。藉由所建構之台中市房屋交易個案資料庫,將交易區分為獨立式住宅與集合式住宅,並考量明星學區環域的影響,全面納入「建築內部」、「教育」、「休閒」、「生活機能」、「區位」、「交通」、「安全」、「鄰避設施」八類衡量生活品質的房屋特徵,以房價泡沫取對數值作為應變數,住宅與各類設施距離取對數值為自變數,將樣本區分為六十五個學區進而實證歸納出學區環域內容易被炒作的特徵。 房地產市場中的獨立式住宅及集合式住宅兩大類商品,其在追求生活品質的同時符合Hotelling模型極小化產品差異的結果,由研究成果顯示集合式住宅渴望在繁榮的鬧區保有安靜的生活環境,而獨立式住宅則是在空曠的郊區追求生活機能,前者為「鬧中取靜」,後者為「靜中取鬧」,換言之集合式住宅與公園綠地等休閒設施距離越近泡沫越大,但對於會帶來大量車流和人潮的交通樞紐及大型遊樂場所等則是距離越遠,泡沫越大,獨立式住宅方面則是距離連鎖餐飲、便利商店等生活機能設施越近,泡沫越大。 / Since there were not many papers focusing on the topic of the relationship between bubbles and housing characteristics, this paper studies the internal as well as the external causes of housing bubble by adopting the canonical Hedonic Pricing Method. By utilizing a constructed unique database composed of Taichung housing transactions, the detailed features of transactions on the detached houses and condominiums can be investigated. The "Building Interior", "Education", "Leisure", "Living Infrastructure", "Location", "Transportation", "Security", and "NIMBY" are collected as the measurement of quality of life in housing characteristics to complement the Star School District impact in the educational buffer. Using the level of house price bubbles as dependent variable and dividing the selected area into 65 school districts, and discover what factors are used for house price speculation. The results show similar demand on the quality of life, in line with Hotelling Model, in both the transactions of detached houses and condominiums. The residents of condominium; however, prefers living in the prosperous urban area with Serene environment whereas the occupants of detached house would choose to live in the spacious suburban area with decent local living facilities. In other words, the closer the condominiums are with leisure facilities, such as public park, and the further they are with facilities that gathers crowd and traffic, such as transportation hub and entertainment facilities, the larger the bubble. The further the detached houses are with living function facilities such as chain restaurants, convenient stores, the larger the bubble.

台北市與台灣全區房屋設算租金之研究 / A Study of Housing Imputed Rent in Taipei City and Taiwan

邱筑華 Unknown Date (has links)

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