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劉慧敏, Liu, Hui-Min Unknown Date (has links)
論文提要內容 本論文研析原來屬於勞工保險中之普通事故保險中的醫療給付改由全民健康保險制度辦理後,對勞工權益之實質影響,並闡述美國、西德、日本三個國家在勞工健康照護上之保險制度,希冀藉由他國已實施有年之經驗可對我國全民健康保險制度之修正有正面之參考價值。 全民健康保險最主要的目的,是讓全體國民免除就醫的障礙並保障其生存權,就他國辦理健康保險的經驗而言,並非一定要以政府之公權力來主導保險的營運。如德國、日本由民間自行組合的互助保險制,勞工有權參與健康保險制度的營運及管理,政府應僅負擔行政事務費用,醫療保險之保費應由雇主及被保險人共同負擔,以加強社會連帶責任(Solidarity),並避免醫療費用逐年上漲,拖垮國家財政。我國政府長期以來對於勞保均採低保費政策,對於勞工而言絕非福利,今日的負債將由世代子孫負擔。 日本及德國政府對社會福利的干預只在於保障基本的服務品質,至於更佳的服務品質,則依個人能力而選擇,例如日本職管健保的給付較為優厚,在德國高所得者、自營業者等可自行選購民營商業保險,並由公司補貼部份的保險費。反觀我國全民健康保險係強制納保,受僱勞工及一般國民均沒有選擇健康保險的權利,不論身份、職業及收入水準,每位國民享受完全相同的醫療給付內容,較缺乏彈性。 美國所採自由經濟,放任市場競爭方式的健康照護制度,只有利於醫療供給者及民間保險經營者,對於一般民眾及受僱勞工的健康照護保障實有欠缺;美國由於沒有全國性的基本健康保險制度,造成國民健康保障嚴重不足。 德國各疾病基金會的自主管理與日本的健康保險工會組織管理方式類似,係屬地方分權的多元化經營形態,政府除在行政指導、監督及立法,以及對老人、殘障者、學生、母親等實施補助外,原則上不實施國庫負擔,政府避免過份介入與干預。反觀我國目前由中央健康保險局型態的中央集權方式經營,舉凡承保、支付、審核、監督等作業均由政府擔任,行政決策與經營權亦由政府獨攬,讓外界有「球員兼裁判」的疑慮,並且缺乏成本控制的中立角色與機制。 本論文並就下列四項議題作進一步探討 1.我國勞工因全民健康保險開辦後退保勞保之原因探討及所衍生相關權益分析。 2.全民健康保險對勞工經濟負擔之影響。 3.全民健保開辦後勞工保險費率應否調降之探討 4.全民健康保險對原勞保生育給付內容之影響。 所得結論及相關建議摘要如下: 結論: 一、勞工保險因全民健康保險開辦之後,流失龐大的被保險人口,有關單位除要檢討勞工在保費的經濟能力負擔之外,更應加強放寬勞工保險的各類現金給付標準及加保資格規定,以吸引實際從業中的退保勞工再行加保勞工保險。 二、我國勞工在勞、健保保險費的負擔比例與保險費率,若在不探究給付內容之下與他國相較,應尚屬合理或偏低的水準,惟各國給付對象、給付內容、給付標準以及保險制度形成背景均不相同,他國資料僅可做為參考,無法確切斷言我國勞工負擔是否過重或過輕。惟本國無一定雇主之勞工若尚需負擔五眷口之健保費用,其勞健保保費合計約高達薪資之二成。對勞工的負擔過重,有關單位應重視此等問題。 三、全民健保所提供生產時之醫療給付項目包括產前檢查、住院分娩、新生兒膳宿及護理等,對於婦女、幼兒的照護,可以說相當周全,且免除部份負擔,應比以往之勞保現金給付理想。惟對於男性之被保險人,減少一項請領配偶生產的現金給付權益(在舊制勞保規定被保險人配偶生產時,可由其擇領一個月之分娩費,而全民健保開辦後,已由全面之醫療給付取代此項勞保之現金給付)但依據本研究顯示,勞工並無實質權益之損失。 建議: 一、 未來制度設計上應兼顧原已有社會保險者的權益。 二、 應注重眷口數較多之勞工的保費負擔能力。 三、 保險費率應確實尊重精算結果調整,由政府部門設立立場超然的精 算機構。 四、 改善勞健保投保薪資偏低問題。 五、 勞保條例應速進行研修,將目前的綜合保險改為分類保險辦理,以釐清保險之財務責任,間接地促進勞工權益。 六、 勞工保險改採分類保險外籍勞工應可就實際之需選擇參加保勞工保險之保險項目;兼職者及退休者准其加保職災保險。 七、 勞健保資源共用簡化行政作業程序並適時共同檢討增進效率。 八、 放寬勞保申請各類現金給付之規定,以勞工權益為考量之依歸。 九、 我國應加強婦女的生育津貼給付並可提供育兒津貼與照護病童假。 十、 附帶建議: (一)應速增訂勞保老年給付之請領年齡下限,以防止年齡未屆老年者退保勞保以領取老年給付,喪失老年給付之真正意義。 (二)我國公保及農保在職災部份均由全民健康保險給付,並未另行劃分出來;在勞保方面則除包括普通事故保險保費外,業者需另負擔職災保險保費,是否有失公允,值得進一步探究。    全民健康保險的實施 對勞工權益影響之研究 目 錄 第壹章 緒論…………………………………………………………… 1 第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………… 3 第二節 研究範圍與方法…………………………………………… 4 第貳章 健康保險概論………………………………………………… 8 第一節 健康保險的意義…………………………………………… 8 第二節 健康保險的基本架構、經濟模型與種類…………………11 第三節 健康保險的目標與及特性…………………………………17 第四節 健康保險相關用語簡釋……………………………………20 第參章 健康保險制度與勞工權益—美、德、日等主要國家………26 第一節 美國…………………………………………………………28 第二節 西德…………………………………………………………39 第三節 日本…………………………………………………………49 第肆章 健康保險制度與勞工權益—我國全民健康保險開辦前後…62 第一節 勞工保險醫療給付制度……………………………………62 第二節 全民健康保險制度…………………………………………71 第三節 勞保業務因全民健保修正之內容及勞工權益之影響……92 第伍章 健康保險制度與勞工權益—國內外制度之比較與借鏡……99 第一節 美、德、日三國健康保險制度與我國之比較……………100 第二節 他國醫療給付之特點及在勞工權益保障上可供我國借 鏡之處……………………………………………………107 第陸章 問題探討---全民健保開辦前後與勞工權益………………111 第一節 勞工因全民健保開辦後退保勞保之原因及所衍生相 關權益分析…………………………………………115 第二節 全民健康保險對勞工經濟負擔之影響…………………124 第三節 全民健保開辦後勞工保險費率應否調降之探討………138 第四節 全民健康保險對原勞保生育給付之影響………………143 第柒章 結論與建議…………………………………………………150 第一節 結論………………………………………………………150 第二節 建議………………………………………………………152 參考資料………………………………………………………………160 圖表目錄 表1-1 論文研究步驟……………………………………………………6 圖2-1 健康照護提供的經濟關係………………………………………11 圖2-2 所得效用圖………………………………………………………12 圖3-1 美國健康保險制度………………………………………………29 圖3-2 美國醫院保險住院部份負擔及任意加保者保險費負擔………31 表3-3 美國醫院保險﹝Part A)費率表…………………………………32 表3-4 美國補充性醫療保險份負擔及保險費負擔……………………34 圖3-5 德國疾病基金會種類及人數…………………………………43 表3-6 西德疾病保險平均保險費率的變動情形………………………46 表3-7 各國嬰兒死亡率及平均壽命…………………………………50 表3-8 日本醫療保險體系………………………………………………51 表4-1 勞工保險歷年保險費率及保險費負擔比率變動表……………67 表4-2 勞工保險投保薪資分級表………………………………………68 表4-3 勞工保險歷年投保單位及被保險人數…………………………70 表4-4 我國社會保險制度簡介…………………………………………72 表4-5 認為全民健康保險是否有實施的必要之調查…………………73 表4-6 全民健康保險行政體系圖………………………………………78 表4-7 全民健康各類保險對象的保險費負擔比率……………………81 表4-8 全民健康保險投保金額分級表…………………………………82 表4-9 全民健康保險八十六年五月一日起部份負擔費用……………83 表4-10全民健保住院之部分負擔比率…………………………………84 表4-11全民健保自付保險費減免情形…………………………………85 表4-12全民健保前後勞工權益及負擔之比較…………………………95 表4-13勞健保制度內容之差異比較表…………………………………96 表5-1 美、德、日三國健康保險制度概要……………………………102 表5-2 美、德、日三國及我國健康保險費用分擔比例………………106 表6-1各類健康保險投保人數及占全人口的比率……………………112 表6-2保險對象加保時差………………………………………………113 表6-3勞工保險投保人數各年增減情形表……………………………116 表6-4 台閩地區勞工實領老年給付件數、金額及占應收保險 費之百分比……………………………………………………117 圖6-5 全民健康保險開辦前後勞保職業工人投保人數暨保費收支 概況圖………………………………………………………118 表6-6勞工保險各種實付保險給付金額………………………………120 表6-7勞工實領老年給付每件給付月數及金額………………………122 表6-8對全民健康保險滿意情形民意調查結果………………………124 表6-9全民健康保險實施後勞工保費負擔情形比較表………………126 表6-10各國強制性保險之財源 ………………………………………129 表6-11 全民健康保險實施後各月份保險對象平均月就醫次數與 勞保比較……………………………………………………132 表6-12 八十四年全民健康保險實施後三月至六月各層級醫院 平均住院日數與勞農保比較…………………………………133 表6-13 勞工保險普通事故保險歷年精算費率………………………139 表6-14 勞工保險基金概況……………………………………………140 表6-15 勞保基金分佈圖………………………………………………140 表6-16 全民健保開辦前後勞保生育給付之異同……………………145 表6-17 勞保生育給付統計分析表……………………………………145 圖7-1 民眾對全民健康保險滿意度調查結果………………………151 附錄一 重大傷病………………………………………………………90

論全民健康保險之心理危險因素-以個人健康管理之風險控制為核心- / A study on the morale hazard of National Health Insurance : focusing on personal health risk control

陳俞沛 Unknown Date (has links)
全民健保自1995年施行以來,已成為照顧國人健康最重要的社會安全措施之一,更創造世界各國稱羨的社會健康保險奇蹟。然由於全民健保的保障,使國人忽略平時對個人健康管理之風險控制,因被保險人心理危險所導致之醫療浪費極為嚴重,醫療費用不斷增加,造成健保財務負擔與效率低落,若不進行調整,將危及健保的永續經營。 從社會福利國演進歷史觀之,社會連帶思想與分配正義原則,雖強調人民具人性尊嚴生存之權利及國家之保護義務,但並非單純將個人風險轉由社會共同承擔,而是以國民對於自我社會責任的履行為前提,因天賦或環境等因素,對於無法以自身能力來克服及排除社會風險所帶來的負面影響,使其無法維持「具人性尊嚴之生存」時,始將該風險轉由社會共同承擔,且以保障其基本生活為原則,以求「禁止過度侵害」與「禁止保護不足」原則間之平衡。因此全民健保雖為社會連帶原則之體現,但仍應以個人責任為基礎。 國內外研究皆指出,與個人直接相關之生活型態及遺傳等因素,為影響健康的主要風險來源,醫療服務的影響力約僅佔一成,而加重被保險人責任可有效抑制心理危險因素,透過部分負擔,誘導被保險人重視個人健康責任,以健康之生活型態配合政府之健康檢查與各種篩檢措施,降低罹病率或及早治療,即使不幸罹患重病亦應遵從醫囑,以最經濟的手段達到必要之治療成效。因此,全民健保為達其增進全體國民健康之目的,應以國人之健康風險控制為主,而非將資源過度投注於醫療費用補助,始為根本之道。 反觀我國全民健保,將絕大多數資源用於治療疾病,卻忽略了預防保健的重要性,亦未強調被保險人對自身健康風險之控制責任,近來健保改革聲浪亦多集中於保費收取、藥價、支付制度等議題,忽略個人健康風險控制與心理危險防範之重要性,造成被保險人對個人健康風險控制的不重視,以及預防保健篩檢率偏低、醫療成本負擔逐漸龐大等種種效應。 本文建議,應強化全民健保健康促進功能,免費提供經濟效益高而侵犯性低之預防保健項目,此外,政府應建立重大遺傳疾病通報制度,提供高風險民眾諮詢與檢測等相關服務。再者,健保給付應以基本醫療需求為限,並兼採自負額與共保制,加重被保險人承擔個人健康風險控制責任,且在制度上與社會救助明確區隔,廢除免部分負擔制度,對無力支付部分負擔者改由社會救助支付,以降低被保險人心理危險因素,藉由健康促進之生活方式與配合政府推行保健措施等健康風險控制手段,降低疾病發生率及健康風險損失幅度,始能達成全民健保增進國人健康之目的,並大幅降低健保醫療支出。

全民健保下之預防醫療照護需求研究:婦女子宮抹片檢查之利用 / The Demand for Preventive Care Services under National Health Insurance System: Pap-smear Testing Utilization

林晏如, Yen-Ju,Lin Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區自民國八十四年三月開始實行全民健保,並於同年七月起提供三十歲以上婦女每年一次免費抹片檢查,但我國婦女抹片檢查利用率和先進國家相比仍舊偏低。爰此,本論文主要目的,在探討台灣地區婦女在健保制度下抹片篩檢利用度的影響因素,藉由實證分析結果,期能提供政府當局有效提高篩檢率的具體方針和建議,以有效降低婦女子宮頸癌的發生率和死亡率。 第二章為理論架構,分別應用Becker(1965)的家庭生產函數和Grossman(1972)的健康需求模型,以建構影響抹片檢查需求的理論模型,並為本論文實證分析的理論基礎。本論文實證分析共分三章,首先利用衛生署國民健康局家庭計畫研究所,分別於民國81年及87年進行的「台灣地區家庭與生育力調查」資料,採用Logit迴歸模型做分析。實證結果發現,抹片檢查接受與否的影響因素在健保實施前後有很大差異,而「南部*全民健保」及「鄉鎮*全民健保」的變數對30歲以上婦女亦為顯著正相關;意味健保制度的推行,沖消掉大多數變數的影響效果,使得原本具有影響力的因素變為不顯著,亦即健保政策在婦女抹片防癌使用度的增加有很大貢獻。此外,政府除了對30歲以上女性提供免費檢查給付政策外,亦積極加強衛教宣導工作、建立子宮頸抹片篩檢服務網等工作,使得「全民健保」變數不僅對30歲以上婦女,亦對30歲以下婦女有顯著的正影響力,故建議政府可考慮將篩檢給付擴及至所有已婚女性。 接者,在第四章則利用國家衛生研究院於民國90年所進行的「國民健康訪問調查」資料,應用Bivariate Probit 迴歸模型,並將台灣地區所有316個鄉鎮市分成八個都市化層級,探討都市化程度高低對婦女預防保健利用度之影響。結果發現都市化程度不同,的確造成婦女抹片檢查利用率存在顯著差異,居住在第二至第六個都市化層級的婦女,其接受抹片篩檢的比率明顯較都市化程度最高者低;而第七和第八層級(都市化程度最低)並無顯著較第一層級不願做篩檢。究其原因,乃因政府為均衡不同地區抹片篩檢的可近性,積極鼓勵相關醫療院所加入健保特約醫院,以配合健保給付政策並提供篩檢服務,至民國86年,有超過90%約1500家的醫療院所加入;此外,衛生當局亦在偏遠地區提供巡迴車設站採檢服務,以解決偏遠地區醫療資源不足問題。意味全民健保制度在婦女抹片檢查服務上,已達到提昇偏遠地區醫療服務可近性的貢獻。 最後,在第五章我們利用國民健康局於民國91年所進行的「國民健康促進知識、態度與行為調查」資料,應用兩階段最小平方法(2SLS)估計模型,分析健康資訊對抹片檢查的影響程度。應用Kenkel(1990)衡量資訊的方法,將受訪者對子宮頸癌及抹片檢查相關知識的得分加總,以代表婦女健康資訊程度。實證結果發現,健康資訊的確是影響婦女是否接受抹片檢查的重要因素,擁有愈多相關健康資訊的婦女,因愈了解抹片檢查對預防子宮頸癌的重要,故明顯較願意去接受篩檢。因此,政府除了積極全面衛教宣導工作、建立子宮頸抹片篩檢服務網等工作外,也應針對擁有較低健康資訊的婦女多加宣導抹片防癌的重要性,以有效提高我國婦女的篩檢利用率。 / The National Health Insurance program provided free annual cervical cancer screening for women aged above 30 years old since July, 1995, just four months after the inauguration of the NHI. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the demand for Pap-smear utilization among women under NHI program. To explore the factors influencing cervical cancer screening and the empirical results can be of great importance to health policy decisions aimed at reducing the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer. In Chapter 2, we attempt to analyze the theoretical foundations applying the household production function developed by Becker (1965) and Grossman’s (1972) health decision-making model and summarize the literatures through a review of the demand for preventive care services. Three empirical essays will proceed in following three chapters. First of all, chapter 3 presents data obtained from the 1992 and 1998 surveys on ‘Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice’ administered by Taiwan’s Provincial Institute of Family, performing a logit model. The results show that factors affecting Pap smear test utilization varied significantly before and after NHI, besides, the coefficient of the South*NHI and village/town*NHI interaction variable for women above 30 become significant and positive. This indicates that NHI system plays an important contributor on reducing the disparities in utilization of Pap smear tests between different areas. In addition to NHI coverage, other strategies such as strengthening educational activities and establishing a service network for Pap-smear screening are other vital contributors to increase the utilization rate of Pap smear screening for those aged below 30 years under NHI. To further increase the utilization of cervical cancer screening, the insurance coverage could be extended to all married women regardless of age. In chapter 4, we attempt to explore the impact of urbanization level on the use of female preventive services under NHI, using a bivariate probit model and dataset obtained from the 2001 National Health Interview Survey provided by the National Health Research Institutes. All 316 cities/counties in Taiwan was stratified into 8 levels of urbanization. The results showed that urbanization levels have a significant influence on Pap-smear screening. Those living between the second and sixth levels of urbanized regions were significant negative to the cervical cancer screening compared to the highest urbanization level. In order to balance the accessibility of cervical cancer screening between different areas, the health authorities encourage the obstetric, gynecological hospitals and clinics to contract with the government, more than 90%, about 1,500 medical care institutions were under contract until 1997. Besides, government authorities introduced mobile testing stations to provide specimen collection services in the deeper remote regions. As a result, those living in the areas with the 7th level and the 8th level (the lowest level) of urbanization were not less likely to take Pap-smear test. It means that the implementation of NHI has enhanced the accessibility of taking pap-smear test. Finally, in chapter 5, the nationwide survey dataset was obtained from the 2002 Health Promotion of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice (HPKAP) in Taiwan, provided by the Bureau of Health Promotion and two-stage estimation model was adopted to investigate the association of cervical cancer screenings with the healthcare information. The results showed that women’s healthcare information has a significant positive effect on the utilization of cervical cancer screening; that is, the more informed women are, in terms of information and knowledge on cervical cancer screening, the more likely they are to undergo Pap-smear testing. Therefore, it is important for the healthcare authorities to place greater effort into strengthening the knowledge and information on cervical cancer screening and Pap-smear testing, for those who are currently less informed, so as to enhance the overall efficiency of the screening program.

統合主義下健保會委員之代表性分析:以利害關係團體內部民主治理為檢視標的 / A Study of Effective Representativeness from Corportist Perspective: Examining the Internal Democratic Governance of Stakeholders Groups

張茵茹, Chang, Yin Ju Unknown Date (has links)
我國全民健康保險政策是屬於社會保險,早期在推行健保時決策模式是傾向國家主義,然而隨著民主化時代的來臨,人民權利意識抬頭,各種利害關係團體相應而生,因此民主治理變成重要的課題。在重要政策參與中各個利害關係人皆希望能夠被納入決策。我國目前健保政策體制內的參與管道最主要為費用協定委員會及監理委員會,主要監督及決定健保預算分配,這兩會在2013年整併為健保會。不論整併前後,委員會基本上是以統合主義的精神運作,邀進行決議,最大的優點在於能夠藉由與多方政策利害關係人的溝通,凝聚社會共識。然而哪些團體能夠代表參與政府制定決策的過程,參與的代表能否充分表達團體的意見?因此代表性正是統合主義中最具爭議的,故如何找出遴選團體的標準是刻不容緩的。   本文嘗試以社會統合主義的觀點,套用在健保會運作上。然而社會統合主義要運作的良好,基本上必須要在水平及垂直方面的機制建構完善,垂直層面必須要各級組織匯集各級團體的意見,並由代表進入水平的平臺進行協商;而在水平溝通平臺上也需要各方代表皆能有平等及有效的決策。本文最主要了解的是垂直面的整合情形,亦即這些被派入健保會的政策利害關係團體代表是否有充分的被賦權,在會中討論的結果能否充分落實,因此要衡量團體內部本身的治理。本文欲透過專家座談建構組織內部運作的指標,建構指標測量健保會內部實際運作情況,對於好的健保會參與組織建構初探性的評估。希望未來能夠作為健保會遴選組織進入委員會的參考依據。 / National Health Insurance (NHI) policy is a part of social insurance in Taiwan. In the early stages of the program, the pattern of decision-making tended to be based on a Statist model, but as Taiwan democratizes, citizens and various interest groups have become increasingly aware of their rights. Therefore, the democratic governance of National Health Insurance policy has also become an important issue, as stakeholder groups all hope to be included in the NHI’s decision making process. In Taiwan, the two main participation channels within the system are the Medical Expenditure Negotiation Committee and the Supervisory Committee. The main missions of these two committees are to control health care costs and to allocate medical resources. In 2013, these two committees were merged to form a single National Health Insurance Committee. Whichever their merger status is, the committees basically function according to the principles of Corporatism, whereby peak-level organizations are invited to take part of the committee’s decision-making processes. The biggest advantage of the merger is that the committee would be able to achieve social cohe-sion and consensus through its direct communication with various policy stakeholder groups. But the problem with this arrangement is the following: Which groups can participate in the government’s decision-making process? Can the representatives fully express the views of their respective groups inside the committee? Therefore, the question of representation is the most controversial issue in Corporatist theory, and it is imperative to develop the proper criteria by which major interest or corporatist groups are selected. This study attempts to observe the National Health Insurance Committee from the perspective of social corporatism. For social corporatism to function well in society, basically both its horizontal and vertical mechanisms have to work perfectly. Vertically, groups must be able to amass and integrate the views of their sub-organizations at all levels; horizontally, the group’s representatives must all have equal capacity to make effective decisions. This paper will focus on understanding the vertical dimension of social corporatism, which means asking the following questions: Can/do the representatives fully and adequately represent their group? And whether the outcomes discussed at the committee meetings are fully implemented? To answer these questions it is thereby necessary to measure the internal governance of the groups themselves. This paper will examine various internal operating indicators developed through experts’ panel discussions, with the primary objective of determining good committee participation measures. It is hoped that the construction of these internal governance indicators will serve as the criteria by which future corporatist groups or stakeholder organizations are selected into the National Health Insurance Committee

以全民健保資料庫探討國人就醫習性 / Using National Health Insurance Database to Explore Taiwan's Residential Population of Medical Care

簡于閔, Chien, Yu-Min Unknown Date (has links)
我國每十年進行一次人口普查,以取得國人經常活動地區的資訊,作為中央及地方政府政策規劃的參考。然而,十年一次的人口普查無法即時反映各地區人口特質及其活動,隨著普查完訪率逐年下降、個人資料保護法意識抬頭等趨勢,普查的涵蓋率及其資料品質愈加受到質疑,近年各國思考以其他資料蒐集方式取代傳統普查。我國實施全民健康保險制度已逾20年,民眾納保率超過99%,因此本文以全民健保資料庫為研究素材,透過個人就醫行為探討國人經常活動地區,透過剖析各種疾病的就醫行為,可作為政府評估醫療資源規劃的參考。 本文以全民健保資料庫為依據,探討我國國民選擇醫療地點的特性,作為經常活動地區(或是常住地)的輔助參考。過去研究大多利用上呼吸道感染(俗稱感冒)作為估計常住地的依據,但每年平均只有接近70%國人會因感冒而就醫,其中青壯年、老年人因感冒而就醫的比例明顯較低,以此作為常住地的估計基礎恐有涵蓋率不足之虞。本文依據健保資料庫中的2005年百萬人抽樣檔,包括就醫門診處方及治療明細檔(CD)、承保資料檔(ID)等資料,比較數種常住地判斷的參考準則(包括感冒就醫),分析各方法所觀察到資料的特性及限制,評估以這些準則作為判斷常住地的可行性。 結論:本文提出除了感冒就醫之外的三種常住地推估準則,分別為:因為感冒或是消化就醫、單次健保補助金額較低、基層院所就醫。以樣本涵蓋率量而言,三種準則都能改善感冒就醫涵蓋率的不足,其中以單次金額與基層院所就醫的樣本數增加最多。另外,如果與所有門診資料、普查資料的人口資料比較,發現單次金額與基層院所就醫推估的人口年齡結構最為接近,但單次金額的縣市(地區)結構與普查資料的差異較大。 限制:受限於青壯年人口就醫率較低,本文提出的幾種常住地判斷準則在20歲至44歲的涵蓋率仍然偏低,建議未來研究可經由權數調整修正樣本的年齡等人口結構及比例,或是仰賴就醫以外的紀錄推估,但須考量資料串連及品質等問題。 / Many countries conduct population census every 10 years to acquire the information of population structure and its trend, but the information is not likely to updated since the 10-years period is usually too long. Moreover, the low response rate of questionnaire and the enforcement of Personal Information Protection Act further jeopardize the population census and many question its data quality. Thus, quite a lot of countries are seeking alternatives for collecting the information of de jure population, replacing the regular population census. In this study, we explore the possibility of using the data from National Health Insurance (NHI) Research Database for acquiring the information of de jure population in Taiwan. Taiwan started the NHI in 1995 and more than 99% of Taiwan population are covered. Since the medical accessibility created by the NHI, Taiwan’s people tend to visit medical institutions near to where they live, when they have minor diseases. Past studies showed that the upper respiratory tract infection (or cold) is a popular choice of minor diseases. We will evaluate if the cold is a good candidate and propose alternative criteria for the definition of minor diseases. We found that the proportion of populations with upper respiratory tract infection is about 70% and it is age dependent, with the elderly the lowest. On contrary, the records of smaller amounts and the records of physician clinics (or general practice clinics) can cover more than 90% population, much better than the records of upper respiratory tract infection. The records of digestive system diseases and upper respiratory tract infection can also increase the coverage of elderly population. We recommend using the medical records of smaller amounts to acquire the de jure population.

以全民健保資料探討重大傷病患者的醫療利用 / Using National Health Insurance Database to explore medical usage of Catastrophic Disease patients

周立筠 Unknown Date (has links)
政府為促進國人健康,並以社會保險的形式分攤弱勢團體的就醫需求,於民國84年開始實施全民健康保險,實施至今超過20年,而且納保率已高達99%。重大傷病證明是全民健保的主要特色之一,持有重大傷病證明卡的病患就醫時可免除部分負擔,減輕罹患重病患者的醫療負擔。截至106年2月約有4%國人領有重大傷病證明卡,但其醫療費用佔健保支出超過 27%,預期這兩個數值會因人口老化而逐年上升,使得重大傷病的相關議題越來越受到重視。 本文以全民健保資料庫中的重大傷病證明明細檔(HV)為基礎,以2005年百萬人抽樣檔之承保紀錄檔(ID)、門診處方及治療明細檔(CD)及住院醫療費用清單明細檔(DD)輔助,探究罹患重大傷病發生及死亡議題,提出判定發生、死亡的準則,並且依此分析各種疾病發生率與死亡率的關係。另外,本文也使用資料庫內容驗證重大傷病患者與非重大傷病患者之間醫療費用的差異,研究也發現新發生的病患就醫率偏低,並以國際疾病分類代碼驗證重大傷病門診處方及治療明細檔(HV_CD)資料抓取的準確性。 / Taiwan started National Health Insurance (NHI) in 1995, for more than 20 years, and more than 99% people are covered in this social insurance plan. It is believed that the NHI has further enhanced the health of Taiwan’s people.Catastrophic illness(CI)card is one of the key features in the NHI and people with this card can enjoy waiver of copayment and other medical benefits which reduce the financial burden of CI patients. For example, about 4% Taiwan’s population were with the CI card and they spend more than 27% of total medical expenditure of NHI. Since the probability with CI increases with age, the population aging and prolonging life are expected to worsen the financial burden of the NHI. Our goal is to explore the medical need and its trend of CI patients, via the data from the NHI Database, including Registry for catastrophic illness patients(HV), Registry for beneficiaries(ID), Inpatient expenditures by admissions(DD)and HV’s Ambulatory care expenditures by visits(HV_CD). Since the medical records do not cover all the required information, we propose several criteria for data analysis, such as the rules of judging whether the patients incur CI and the CI patients passed away. We found that the incidence rates and mortality rates of CI patients decrease with time. Also, there are questions about the data quality regarding the HV_CD database and more than 50% new CI patients do not have medical records of CI diseases.

以全民健保資料庫探討高齡人口的醫療需求 / Using National Health Insurance Database to Explore Medical Needs of the Elderly

許筱翎, Hsu, Hsiao Ling Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣在2015年高齡人口(65歲以上)比例超過12.5%,依照國家發展委員會的2016年人口推估,預計將於2018年正式邁入高齡社會(高齡人口比例14%),2026年更突破20%的門檻,人口老化速度持續加快。因為身體機能隨年齡增長等因素逐漸老化,高齡人口的就醫需求通常也較多,包括就醫金額、就醫次數,根據中央健康保險署2014年統計,高齡人口比例約為12.0%,但其醫療費用卻佔總費用37.6%。因此本文以探討高齡人口就醫特性為目標,透過高齡人口就醫行為去了解醫療現況,並評估因老化而引發的醫療資源。 本文以高齡人口特性及就醫需求為研究方向,探討近十年高齡人口就醫需求的基本特性,如:醫療使用率、平均就醫次數及平均醫療費用。接著以高齡人口就醫選擇集中度做為出發點,計算各疾病下的就醫集中程度,探討是否高齡人口會隨著不同疾病而有不同的就醫行為。研究結果顯示年紀越大的高齡人口,醫療使用率反而下降,但平均總醫療花費隨著年齡增加亦跟著上升;另外在不同的疾病下會有不同的就醫行為,當就醫地選擇越一致其死亡率也越低。計算依據為全民健康保險資料庫2005年百萬高齡人口抽樣檔,包括承保資料檔(ID)、門診處方及治療明細檔(CD)、住院醫療費用清單明細檔(DD),以六十五歲以上高齡人口為研究對象,探討其醫療利用行為及就醫習性。 / The population aging is speeding up in Taiwan. The elderly population (65 years and older) is more than 12.5% in 2015 and, according to the population projection of National Development Council, it is expected to reach 14% and 20% in 2017 and 2026, respectively. The elderly usually require more medical attention, partly due to the fact that the human organs degenerate with time. For example, in 2014, the proportion of elderly is about 12.0% and they account for 37.6% of total medical expenditure (Source: National Health Insurance Administration). Taiwan’s total medical expenditure will continue to grow and we need to understand the medical needs of Taiwan’s elderly, in order to cope with the need of aging society. Therefore, we use the data from the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) to explore the medical needs and behaviors of receiving medical care of Taiwan’s elderly. The dataset used in this study is a sample (one million people aged 65 and beyond, about 46% of total population) of Taiwan’s elderly and the dataset contains the Registry for beneficiaries (ID), outpatient visits (CD), and inpatient admissions (DD). Our analyses show that almost all elderly have at least one medical visit annually and their diseases are more diverse than those of younger generations. Also, the elderly have larger inertia in medical visits and, for example, the proportion of choosing the same medical institution is higher. The results of this study can serve as a reference to future policy planning and resource allocation for the elderly.

肺癌之研究及保單設計 / Study and price insurance for the lung cancer

葉步釩, Ye, Bu Fan Unknown Date (has links)
本次研究使用全民健康保險研究資料庫2005承保抽樣歸人檔(LHID2005),共40萬人的承保資料,針對肺癌患者的特徵進行分析,並與美國國家癌症研究所的肺癌資料作比較,罹患肺癌的人數都呈現男性多於女性,罹癌年齡的最高峰同樣落在65歲至74歲。 接著,將門診處方及治療明細檔和住院醫療費用清單明細檔進行彙整,整理出肺癌患者在2005年至2012年之間的門診費用以及住院費用,並比較不同項目的差距及特徵,門診費用以用藥明細點數最高,住院花費前五名的項目為葯費、病房費、放射線診療費、檢查費以及治療處置費。 最後,建構肺癌治療的多重型態模型,治療方式包含手術治療、放射線治療、化學治療,估計不同狀態之間的轉換力,進而算出五年定期躉繳肺癌保單之純保費。 / This study used Longitudinal Health Insurance Database 2005 (LHID2005) from Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD). Screening the 400,000 insured of NHIRD to select the lung and bronchus cancer patients. This study analyzed and described their characteristics. Furthermore, it compared Taiwan’s lung and bronchus cancer data with the data in the United States derived from National Cancer Institute of the USA. The results revealed that the number of male patients is more than female patients and lung cancer is most frequently diagnosed among people aged 65-74 in both countries. Another aim was to sum up the lung cancer medical cost in 2005 to 2012 from NHIRD database, including ambulatory care expenditures by visits and inpatient expenditures by admissions. The highest cost of outpatients was medicine fee. The top five inpatient expenditures were medicine fee, ward fee, radiation therapy fee, inspection fee and therapeutic treatment fee. Finally, this study constructed a multiple state model of lung cancer treatment, including surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy. Estimating the transition intensities from multiple state model to calculate the pure premium of a five-year lung cancer policy.

全民健保制度下使用自費醫材之規制 / The regulation of medical materials at their own expense in national health insurance system

謝瑞洋, Jui-Yang Hsieh Unknown Date (has links)
中央健康保險局於2010年1月1日推動住院醫療費用採「診斷關聯群制度」的支付方式,其主要目的為控制醫療費用的不合理成長,期能拉近健保費用的收支差距,化解財務危機,並將健保財務風險轉嫁到醫療機構、或說是醫事人員來承擔。於2011年1月26日新修訂的二代健保,更擴大保費基礎,促使更多被保險人使用者付費。然而診斷關聯群制度之給付,實已包含當次住院所訂各項相關費用,故中央健保局在約佔整體健保業務支付20%的一五五項「診斷關聯群制度」內「禁止使用自費醫材」,令各醫療院所對已納入健保給付,且符合適應症者,皆不可向病患收取自費,如有尚未收載之自費項目,應先向總局申請核價,在未核價前仍不可收取自費。且健保局自2010年7月起加強審查案件,針對醫療院所向病患收取手術及特材自費之情形,將逕予不給付,並發函限期改善,未改善者,將依「全民健康保險法」、「全民健康保險醫事服務機構特約及管理辦法」辦理。 觀察世界主要先進國家的健康醫療保險制度,其「傳統醫療體制」,可約略簡化成一光譜,若其極左端為英國之「公醫制度」,則其極右端為美國之「市場化自由醫療」。相對地德國之「社會福利市場經濟醫療保險」可謂處於光譜偏左路線,日本之「國家主導的醫療保險」則屬於中間偏右。然而在近年因應情勢所迫,英國漸鬆綁公醫制度、美國努力邁向全民健保、日本強調社會共生、德國擴大自費承擔之後,各國逐漸朝向醫療體系光譜的中央移動,形成中庸路線,此可成為我國健保改革方向之借鏡。 上有政策,下有對策,醫療院所因應之道與實然之臨床面若非照舊視臨床所需,或配合健保停止使用自費醫材,或改成完全自費醫療,或變通減少使用自費醫材的比率、參雜使用自費醫材,或另設商店專櫃售醫材,讓醫療院所與自費醫材關係脫鉤。然而變通減少使用自費醫材的比率是違法行為,而參雜使用自費醫材畢竟是脫法行為。 在日益普及的私人商業醫療保險下,民眾提高商業健保附加險保費的同時無非於保險事故發生時,得到雙重保障,或多或少因此產生較高的新道德危險。醫療院所在健保局嚴苛支付制度改革下,轉型多元經營自費醫療產業,也對民眾產生新道德危險而推波助瀾地「增加」民眾利用商業醫療保險的使用率。「診斷關聯群制度」下使用自費醫材禁止則抑制被保險人追求高品質健康的理想,防堵了商業保險理賠金額提升,但對健保局降低保費的給付有限,對被保險人健康提升無助益,相反地卻可大大降低私人商業保險理賠負擔而減緩其責任。 其實健保特約的限制,不宜過度介入與變更醫療核心價值,否則會讓醫療品質退步,最終「以健保規章取代醫學教科書」。解決之道為健保局只能承擔符合健保規定之「適當醫療服務」費用,其他費用應回歸醫療契約債之本旨,讓契約兩造當事人自行處理。使用自費分擔方式可緩和健保局財務窘況,亦可分擔醫療給付的拮据。保險人應妥善健全提供符合最低人性尊嚴需求之醫療體系,至於有人無力負擔自負額,以致僅獲得較低或較危險的醫療服務,也是自由市場經濟運作下在所難免之殘酷事實。 依目前中央健保局函釋認為,納入「診斷關聯群制度」之病患,因健保局已包裹支付其醫療費用,若擅自「額外」要求病人自費,就是「實質收受全額健保給付費用、實際卻只應用部分健保支付品項」,故不得收取自費,否則有詐欺保險人之嫌。建議健保局可精算後,抽離並扣除此健保支付之主要醫材費用後,再另行公布所應支付的定額範圍,而非完全禁止自費。如斯作法只是「技術上的問題」,並非不可解決,也才不至於讓保險人、醫事服務機構、保險對象陷入僵局,可讓純粹為服務病患之醫事人員,從保險詐欺罪中解套。 醫療糾紛時最重要的是如何有效填補病患或其家屬的損害,這種民事賠償責任的確立,是處理醫療糾紛的主軸,在刑事上主要目的是在請求刑事訴訟中能附帶民事賠償。在醫事服務機構違反健保規定致保險對象損害時,保險對象只能向保險人監督機關提出「申訴」,要求糾正。然而在醫事服務機構遵照健保規定卻致保險對象損害時,如禁止納入「診斷關聯群制度」之病患使用自費醫材,若保險對象有其自費醫材之使用適應症、本身有意願使用、醫事人員也有能力提供服務,醫事人員卻礙於健保規章而使用「診斷關聯群制度」所提供之醫材,最終卻致保險對象損害之事實發生,則保險人可能具有國家賠償之責任。 基於對憲法基本人權的權衡,可知福利國家內不應全面「診斷關連群制度下自費醫材使用禁止」,而「診斷關連群制度下自費醫材使用禁止」亦是對人性尊嚴之挑戰與侵犯、平等權之背離、生存權之限制、自費醫材廠商之工作權侵害、醫學研究之學術自由迫害,如此完全無法通過比例原則的檢視考驗。 社會福利制度的建構,需要各領域的專才共同致力解決,提出更深入的檢討與批判,以促成健保制度更趨完美、人民健康更受保障。所推動之「診斷關聯群制度」應權衡諸方權益,例如健保給付醫療機構的水準高低,對病人及醫療人員醫療選擇自由限縮的程度,與廠商營業結構的影響等,事先就應該全盤考量,統合相關的法規與憲法規範意旨,並檢驗所有可能之相關基本權的限制是否踰越界限,擬定合憲政策方針後,方能依循施行之。由此可知健保局對於納入「診斷關聯群制度」下的病患禁止使用自費醫材所做的規制,仍然必須合乎憲法保障人民自由權與平等權的規範要求,不得逾越憲法第二十三條及其所蘊含之比例原則的規範要求。「禁止使用自費醫材」將會對病人醫療尊嚴、自決權與平等權,醫事人員學術自由,及自費廠商之工作權構成限制。衛生機關應就全民健保管理監督而通盤檢討改善,始符憲法建立公平、有效社會安全體制之意旨,創造出被保險人、保險醫事服務機構及保險人均能獲得三贏的局面。

台灣地區醫院效率與生產力變動之研究-非參數DEA方法之應用 / Efficiency and Productivity Growth of Hospitals in Taiwan: Nonparametric Data Envelopment Analysis

王媛慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文對於醫療市場的生產績效研究,係由兩篇獨立的學術研究報告所組成,研究重點在於利用非參數資料包絡分析方法 ( nonparametric DEA approach ),估計醫院的生產技術,以衡量醫院的技術效率及不同年度間之生產力變動,進而分析不同醫院間,生產績效差異的主要原因。本論文所採用的研究方法與探討的主題,不同於國內既有的相關文獻。 第一部分:生產不確定性與醫院效率 本部分主要探討在醫院面對不確定性時的效率評估。一般而言,醫院有兩種生產上的不確定性來源:醫師或醫院的診療結果所導致的生產不確定性;及消費者對醫療服務需求的不確定性 (Arrow, 1963)。當醫院面對生產不確定性時,醫院效率將與廠商如何處理不確定性問題有關,亦即,當廠商事前規劃愈縝密,未來可能的產出失靈水準愈低,則其生產效率表現愈佳。本文利用民國 82 及 83 年(準)醫學中心與(準)區域醫院資料,模擬醫院在面對生產不確定性時,各種可能的產出失靈水準,以chance constrained DEA 模式 (Land, Lovell and Thore, 1993) 估算醫院的隨機技術效率,並與傳統、確定性的DEA模式所得到之結果,做一比較。 Chance constrained DEA模式與傳統DEA模式的不同,在於前者估計出的生產前緣,並不總是包絡所有的樣本點,亦即,允許某廠商之產出超越生產前緣或說允許產出失靈可能性之存在,而後者則否。實證結果發現,在chance constrained DEA模式下,私立醫院的技術效率高於公立醫院,且呈現統計顯著性的差異,但兩者間的差異隨著醫院事前準備程度的提高而縮小;而傳統DEA模式也顯示,私立醫院的技術效率確實顯著地高於公立醫院。此外,若產出失靈水準夠低,則chance constrained DEA模式的效率值與傳統DEA模式的效率值,兩者間的分配會呈現統計顯著性差異。 在面對生產不確定性時,欲提升公立醫院的生產效率,應提高廠商事先規劃的程度,才能與私立醫院之生產效率並駕齊驅。一般而言,廠商事先準備的程度高低,與醫院本身的特性有關,因此,欲改善公立醫院緩衝產能的準備程度,以降低產出失靈水準,有必要進行體制層面的改革,亦即,從進行人事變革、財務之授權與彈性化等方向開始做起,如此應可提高公立醫院的生產效率。 第二部分:全民健康保險制度與醫院生產力變動 全民健保實施後,民眾對醫療服務的可近性提高,醫院間的市場結構改變,因此,醫院生產力與效率的提升,成為眾所關切的焦點。為瞭解醫院在全民健保實施後,資源是否有效配置,本部分利用民國 82 至 86 年醫學中心、區域醫院與地區醫院等大小型醫院資料,以範疇DEA模式估計Malmquist生產力變動指標,並將之分解為技術變動、純技術效率變動、及規模效率變動等三項變動來源。 實證結果發現,從82至86年醫院整體平均效率而言,CRS(VRS)生產技術下的平均效率為 66.00%(74.87%),表示不論大小型醫院,平均而言,皆存在技術不效率的情形。再者,在民國84年,亦即全民健保實施的年度,其效率水準明顯較其他年度為低,其餘年度的效率水準都相對較高,此一結果意謂,政策干擾對於醫院效率表現的影響,是短期性的。另外,小型醫院皆較大型醫院不效率,兩者的效率差異呈現統計顯著性;以權屬別而言,不論是大型醫院或小型醫院中的私立醫院,其生產效率均優於公立醫院,且兩者的效率差異呈現統計顯著性。而透過迴歸分析顯示,全民健保實施、權屬別之虛擬變數、佔床率、平均住院日、及以醫院產出衡量的集中度指標等,是影響醫院生產效率的重要因素。 從Malmquist生產力變動( et al., 1994)來看,平均而言,82-86年間醫院生產力成長率約在 -3.06 % 左右。就生產力變動來源而言,技術成長率(-2.74 %)與整體效率成長率(-0.33 %)均為負,而技術變動則是阻礙生產力成長的主要原因。此外,若以醫院整體效率變動來源來看,平均而言,整體效率退步是由於規模效率變動所致(-0.74%)。 此外,本文著重在 et al.(1994)、Ray and Desli (1997) 及Grifell and Lovell (1998) 三種定義下的Malmquist生產力變動指標之比較。研究結果發現,Grifell and Lovell (1998) 的一般化Malmquist生產力指數,並沒有正確衡量廠商的生產力變動及其變動來源項。而利用Kruskal-Wallis檢定結果發現,三個模式中的生產力變動差異,並不具統計顯著性,而變動來源項(技術變動與規模效率變動)亦顯示相同的結果。 / This dissertation is focused on the efficiency and productivity studies of hospitals in Taiwan. It includes two independent academic papers. The primary intention is to introduce the newly developed ideas in the measurement of efficiency and productivity, rather than to create new ones. The utilization of these ideas has not, however, been discussion in print. And some of the arguments we used and brought together are new regarding to the literature of hospital efficiency and productivity measurement. Utilizing the non-parametric data envelopment analysis (DEA) approaches, efficiency scores and productivity change indexes were estimated. Efforts were made to explain the difference of productivity performance among individual hospitals. Nevertheless, the methods we used and the economic approach behind them distinguish this study from other empirical studies of the medical market. Part I  Market Uncertainty and Hospital Efficiency This part of the dissertation is focused on the measurement of efficiency of hospitals, incorporating uncertainty. There are stochastic variations in production relationships for hospitals. Generally speaking, the uncertainty of hospitals comes from two major sources: the natural uncertainty of medical cares; and the uncertainty of demands for medical cares (Arrow, 1963). Given the uncertainty in the medical market, the efficiency of hospitals hinges on how decision-makers deal with it. Undoubtedly, an optimal planning of the output buffers improves the efficiency performance. Using the hospital survey data in 1993 and 1994, and employing the chance constrained DEA model (Land, Lovell and Thore, 1993), the stochastic efficiency indexes of public and private medical centers and regional hospitals were estimated. Compared with deterministic frontier enveloping a given set of sample observations all the time, the chance-constrained frontier envelops them most of the time. That is, the chance constrained DEA allows the possibilities of output failure. Imposing different values of output failure probability, the estimation results were compared with the traditional (deterministic) DEA models. The empirical evidences of the chance constrained DEA model showed that, on average, private hospitals performed significantly better than public hospitals. This result matches with the result of the traditional DEA model. With Mann-Whitney U test, we compared the distributions of efficiency indexes under chance constrained DEA and deterministic DEA models. The test results showed that the difference between these two different models is statistically significant given a higher probability of output failure. These results imply that the nature of risk and the manipulation for risk are different for public and private hospitals. We also find that that the efficiency performance of public hospitals could be improved by the increasing of its reserve capacity. Part II  National Health Insurance and Hospital Productivity Change In this part of the dissertation, we examine the impact of NHI on hospitals, and trace the sources of hospital productivity growth in Taiwan. To pursue our goal, we employ a data consisting of 157 medical centers, regional hospitals and district hospitals over the period 1993 to 1997, and resort to the Malmquist productivity index to measure total factor productivity change. The index could be decomposed into three components: technical change, pure technical efficiency change and scale efficiency change. The estimation technique used in the study is the deterministic non-parametric DEA approach. The results we find are revealing and suggestive to the public and the government in order to promote and assure the efficient delivery of quality health care. The average efficiency scores are 66.00% (74.87%) for CRS (VRS) technology and it means that there are substantial efficiency losses for the sample hospitals during the study period. The efficiency score of the hospitals as a whole in 1995 (the beginning year of NHI) was much lower than the other 4 years' efficiency scores. A censored Tobit regression analysis is used and identifies that NHI policy, ownership, rate of bed occupancy, average length of stay and the output-specific concentration level were all the significant determinants of technical efficiency. Empirical results indicate that most medical care regions became more output-specific concentrated. Total factor productivity on average deteriorated at an annual rate of -3.1%, and it was dominated by substantial technical regresses at an annual rate of -2.74%. The small hospitals were severely affected by NHI. Furthermore, within large and small hospital groups, the difference in technical change was statistically significant, but the differences in TFP and the associated components between ownership were not. Special attention was paid to compare  et al.(1994), Ray and Desli (1997) and Grifell and Lovell (1998) approaches to decomposing the Malmquist productivity index. Empirical results indicate that the first 2 approaches yield accurate productivity changes, while GL doesn't. However, they produce almost the same magnitude of average TFP. In addition, no significant differences in the measured technical change and efficiency change were found among the three approaches.

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