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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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壽險業資金投入公共建設可行性研究 / A Feasibility Study on Life Insurance Industry Investment in Public Works.

江謝美甚 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來受全球金融風暴、歐債危機等國際經濟情勢的影響,全球經濟動盪,亦造成國內經濟成長的減緩,影響政府的財政收入。中央政府歲入金額有限,但政府提供民眾的公共建設服務,不能因國內財政因素而停止、中斷。如何透過有效引導民間資金投入公共建設,特別是保險業資金,減輕政府財政負擔、加速公共建設並提升公共建設服務品質,進而提振內需與帶動經濟成長,是政府當前重要議題。 但是,經過多年的推動,實務上保險業資金投入公共建設的件數仍寥寥可數,究竟保險業參與公共建設存在那些法規與監理思維的障礙,再者就保險業的資金運用原則,探討適合保險業資金投入公共建設的方式。 本文藉由資料的整理,法令的探索,探討保險資金運用的原則,將保險業資金投入公共建設所面臨的問題與挑戰逐一敘明,並以此提出建議方案,一為由政府發行公共建設證券化商品,二為放寬保險法放款限制,得辦理地上權為擔保與對從事公共投資者之放款,讓保險業以財務投資者角色或是以提供資金的融資者角色為規畫重點,替代現階段以實際金融投入公共建設。

促進民間參與公共建設法-融資研究 / Act for promotion of private participation in infrastructure projects-financing research

陳宗益, Chen,tsung yi Unknown Date (has links)
依據我國促進民間參與公共建設法,民間機構參與公共建設之主要方式有六種,其中又以BOT模式最具代表性,最常為世界各國所採行。 BOT專案融資之償還責任,由傳統的政府機關移轉到民間企業集團承擔,而民間企業集團除有限的自有資金部位之外,大部分資金仍需仰賴金融機構融通,亦即,政府機關移出之風險,到頭來還是會轉嫁到融資機構。因此,融資機構除了審慎評估專案融資風險或尋求其他有效方法轉嫁風險如保險或共同承貸等之外,另需透過契約妥適規範風險分攤,才能有效控制風險承受程度。 鑒於「專案融資」為BOT專案計畫最重要關鍵變數之一,本研究除了深入探討BOT專案計畫之定義、適用之先決條件、法源依據、基本契約架構、民間參與公共建設涉及政府出資樣態,並述及可行性評估、先期規劃、招商作業、甄審及評決、議約及簽約、興建、營運及移轉等作業流程,再就攸關BOT專案計畫成敗之「專案融資」起源、意義、計畫、類型、優缺點、與傳統融資之差異、當事人法律關係、法令規範、風險管理、政府提供融資協助機制等進一步研析;最後援引並評析臺北縣政府刻正辦理之重大BOT「徵求民間參與淡水鎮漁人碼頭休閒專用區觀光旅館暨藝術大街計畫案」,俾結合專案融資理論與實務。 綜上研究,歸納提出5項結論併相關建議,備供學界及實務界人士參考。 一、BOT專案成功關鍵繫於當事人間之風險認知與有效溝通協調。 二、政府融資協助機制相對保守。 三、現行BOT計畫之融資管道仍以間接金融為主。 四、實務上,融資機構評估意見之甄審評分權重比率並不高。 五、促參案件爭訟之實務判決案例仍然不多。 / According to our Act for promotion of private participation in infrastructure projects, the private institution may participate in an infrastructure project by six means but BOT is the typical model that usually be adopted in the world. The responsibilities of the debt of BOT project finance have transferred to private institution from the authority in charge of government. Nevertheless, except limited private capital, lots of capital for BOT still needs to depend on the financing institution. That is, the risk of the debt of BOT project finance will transfer to the financing institution finally. Therefore, besides evaluating the risk of project finance deliberately or looking for the effective methods to transfer the risk by insurance or consortium loan, the financing institution needs to plan the appropriate risk distribution via the contract for controlling the risk that can be accepted. Because project finance is one of the most important key factors of BOT, besides fundamental characteristics, suitable conditions, law bases, contract frame, the investment types of government and the process of feasibility study, preliminary plan, announcement by a public notice, evaluation and selection, negotiation and signing of concession agreement, construction, operation and transfer, this research will further study BOT project finance, relevant risk management, law relation between the persons involved, the financing assistance by government . Then, proceeded with the representative case study domestically and laid the special emphasis on both of principal plan terms and important financing conditions. According to the research as above, summarized five conclusions combined with suggestions as following for reference. 1. The key factors of success about BOT depend on the risk understanding and effective communication between the participators. 2. The regulation of financing assistance by government is conservative relatively. 3. Indirect finance is the principle channel for BOT at present. 4. The weight of opinion of financing institution evaluating BOT is not enough. 5. There are still a few cases with regard to the law suit about promotion of private participation in infrastructure projects.

促進民間參與公共建設規範之研究 / none

陳怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
我國推動促進民間參與公共建設作業,歷經獎勵民間參與交通建設、電業設施、焚化廠、到開放各類型公共建設等階段,實施多年來案件數及規模皆有成長,對我國公共建設市場影響日益深遠。依行政院公共工程委員會98年1月出版之「促進民間參與公共建設政策白皮書」提到,近10幾年來,藉由民間投資興建公共建設,引進民間資金及經營效率,以符公共建設需求及改善公共設施服務品質,已成國際趨勢。促進民間參與公共建設法公布施行以來,自91年至98年底,成功簽約案件達734件,雖已初具成效,惟實務上屢見爭議而引發關注,如台灣高鐵案、國道高速公路電子收費系統ETC案及高雄捷運等等。 因此,本論文擬從促進民間參與公共建設法之制定背景、緣起、歷程演變討論,參酌國外促進民間參與公共建設現況,並以中央在促進民間參與公共建設實務作業的做法與地方政府(以台北市為例)之實務作業比較分析,檢視促參作業在執行上可能面臨之相關法律及規範等問題,並分別提出中央與地方所引起關注之案例討論分析,最終嘗試提出未來改進建議。

不同類型之公共建設對產業成本結構的影響-以中國製造業為例 / An estimation of the impact of the public infrastructure on the cost structure of manufacturing sector : a case study on China

張瀞方, Chang, Ching Fang Unknown Date (has links)
大陸自七零年代以來經濟快速發展,各界對大陸的市場前景和投資環境看好,紛紛登陸設廠。為因應經濟快速發展,中國政府積極發展國內之基礎建設,從八零年代過後加強重點建設,將能源、交通、教育及科學做為經濟發展的重點策略。而值得我們注意的是,公共資本的貢獻不僅僅是帶來經濟成長,也將會為產業帶來正向的外部效果,因此探討公共資本對產業帶來的效應,是否有助於提升產業生產力,進而降低產業生產成本,是個值得我們關注的議題。   本研究以中國製造業廠商做為分析對象,將分別區分成不同產業及不同區域之廠商進行實證研究,針對同性質的廠商進行成本函數之建構,用以估計廠商之公共資本成本彈性,進而闡釋究竟哪些公共資本對製造業廠商有正向的外部效應,並更進一步探討公部門及私部門投入要素間的關係。   本研究利用1998年至2006年工業企業數據調查資料庫之跨時橫斷面資料進行迴歸檢定分析,其結果發現基礎建設及教育資本會帶來正向的外部效益,可以有效降低製造業之成本,且教育資本比基礎建設對廠商的邊際效益大;而研發資本則無法提升廠商的生產效率。本文推論,中國研發資本投入遠遠低於基礎建設及教育資本,故研發資本並無法顯著提升製造業之生產力。因此中國於公共事業發展上,應以基礎建設及教育為發展要點,且教育方面的公共投資是最具效率的政策工具,將更有益於製造業廠商的生產。


王瑞鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的在藉由權利金功能的探討來賦予民間參與公共建設的模式中,政府向特許公司課徵權利金的理由。 藉由經濟理論以及相關法令的分析,本文發現在民間參與公共建設的機制中,權利金具有1.移轉特許公司超額利潤、2.政府財產權用益收入、3.作為特許公司取權利的代價、4.政府相關成本的回收、5.遴選特許公司的參考等幾項功能。由於權利金的功能相當多樣,故本文將權利金的各項功能加以結合,提出能包含各項權利金功能的權利金收取概念。 此外,本文並針對設定地上權權利金和回饋金等特許公司在民間參與公共建設中可能產生的負擔與權利金進行比較,發現設定地上權權利金只是土地□o成本之一,與民間參與的權利金意義不同;而回饋金與權利金的本質類似但缺少法源基礎。故本文透過權利金相關問題的釋義來做為主辦單位在推動民間參與公共建設的作業時應該特別注意的事項及參考。 最後本文以台灣大學尊賢館委外經營的案例來進行財務試算,藉由權利金在民間參與財務規劃中扮演的角色來驗證本文提出的民間參與權利金功能。


洪世英 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以「淡水地區污水下水道系統」建設案為例,針對污水下水道 BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) 投資案進行財務分析,透過淨現值、內部報酬率、自償率、償債比率等指標,評估可行之結果。本研究發現,在民間機構負擔所有興建成本的情況下,用戶須負擔 30.78 元/度之處理費用;若有關用戶接管之成本由政府分擔,則用戶仍須負擔 26.57 元/度之處理費用,方能使整體 BOT 案具財務可行性。由於污水處理費費率相對遠高於現行自來水價,故台灣之污水下水道系統建設若以 BOT 模式推動,會產生:(1) 大幅加重用戶負擔,(2) 民間機構收費不易,(3) 未將風險充分移轉至民間機構等缺失。 由於 BOT 模式應用於我國污水下水道系統建設上存有許多令人疑慮之處,因此本研究以英國之蘇格蘭地區污水下水道系統建設為例,介紹 PFI (private finance initiative) 制度。從制度之比較中,本文發現利用 PFI 制度來推動污水下水道建設,不但具備與 BOT 模式相同的優點,且其具績效評估功能的付費機制與導入量能原則的處理費融通方式,更能解決 BOT 投資案在執行時所遭遇到的問題。然而,因為費用融通尚無法兼顧效率面之缺失,使蘇格蘭之污水下水道 PFI 模式是否能適用於台灣,存在許多不確定性。但 PFI 制度中部分規範與精神,確實可供國內推動民間參與污水下水道系統建設之重要參考及改善方向。

新公共服務視野下探討公民參與在公共建設中之角色-以臺北縣政府水利局個案為例 / The Role of Citizen Participation in Public Construction from a View of the New Public Service--Case Study of Taipei County Government Water Resources Bureau

許少峰, Hsu, Shao Feng Unknown Date (has links)
公民參與是民主化程度的重要指標。對於公共建設而言,因為公共建設要解決的問題涵蓋面較廣,從概念構想經過可行性研究、規劃、設計、施工、使用、營運的期程較長,總經費也高。公共建設牽涉的利害關係人層面較廣,以往民眾參與困難,近年來民眾要求更深入的參與,除了環保、生態的顧慮之外,對於建設要解決的問題、建設目標、建設方式、建設內容、替代方案的選擇都要求參與。深度化參與之後,政府機關推動公共建設的難度也提高,對於公共建設的決策模式也需要考量增加公民參與的程度。 新公共服務的主要核心概念是將「人」作為公共政策的核心,重視公民的參與過程勝於行政本身重視的績效。強調與民眾分享權力,共同解決問題之外,公務人員更需要著重治理過程負責參與的角色,在民主、社區、公共利益系統中建構公民參與及責任共承的架構。公共建設所追求的公共利益是經過公民不斷地對話、價值分享而形成。公民的對話內容因涉及公共建設的專業性、不確定性與複雜程度,因而對於公共建設計畫執行交易頻率的高低產生不同的效果。 本研究發現:公民參與公共建設適合前階段為完全參與;後階段為形式參與。前階段是指公共建設生命週期的企劃調查階段、規劃階段和使用管理階段,以建設功能探討、自然現象科學調查、住民經驗蒐集、公民偏好討論為主;後階段是指公共建設生命週期的設計階段、工程採購階段和施工竣工階段,以專業技術團隊的技術工作為主,透過細部設計圖、工程規範、施工標準的表現,移轉給施工廠商以誠實、成熟的工藝技術達成公民所託付的公共建設完成。辦理公共建設的公務人員具有新公共服務的核心概念—服務公民而不是顧客,願意與民眾分享權力,後現代公共行政需要公民參與來啟動解決問題的過程。公民參與對於公共建設的執行效率初步是降低的,但是整體效率可能是提昇。沒有公民支持的公共建設是無法執行。公共建設的專業技術團隊要增進公民參與首先要以公民為公共建設的主人,接著要設法以模型、3D影像等新方式,讓民眾易於明瞭公共建設的內容,來增進公民參與程度。專業技術團隊要忠實的幫利害關係人推估出各個替選方案的優勢和缺點,提供民眾充分討論了解以利明智選擇。 / Citizen participation is one of the most important indexs about degree of democratic development.For the complexity of public construction, from the original concept, feasibility study, planning, design, implementation to the operation, it takes time and cost a lot. Citizen participation in public construction is not a easy way to involve in many issues such as environment protection, ecology, construction content, the alternatives. There are more difficulties in decision making to public construction the more deeply degree of citizen participation. The “people” is the core concern in public policy from a view of the New Public Service. Sharing power and co-solving problem with the public, civil servant needs building a structure between democratic, community and public interests during the governance process. The public interests for the public construction come from the dialogue of the public and sharing values. The contents of public dialogue about the public construction are professional, uncertainty and complexity. It makes different effects when the trade-off frequence in public construction is changed. The Study found that the most suitable access about citizen participation in public construction is fully participated in pre-stage of construction and tokenism participation in late-stage of construction. The pre-stage of public construction life cycle is from investigation to planning and the operation. The late-stage of public construction life cycle is from design, implementation and completion. The civil servant who is in charge of public construction knows that serve in the public not customer, sharing power with the public and encourage citizen participation to solve problems. Efficiency in public construction pre-stage is lower than ever for the citizen participation, but it is grown up in public construction late-stage for the citizen participation. The professional engineers must translate their planning into easy understanding by model or 3-Dimension drawing. Be a faithful designer to serve in the public in order to make a good choice in public construction.

採用國際會計準則對服務特許權公司財務報表及經營績效報導之影響-兼以個案公司探討 / The impact of IFRS on the concession operator’s financial statements and operating performance reporting – with a case study

張淑瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
國際會計準則IFRIC 12「服務特許權協議」 係對營運者之公辦民營服務特許權協議之會計處理提供指引,解釋範圍內之公共建設不應認列為營運者之不動產、廠房及設備,因合約形式之服務協議並未轉移公共服務公共建設之使用控制權予營運者。營運者建造或升級用以提供公共服務之公共建設,並在約定期間內營運並維護該公共建設,應依據國際會計準則第11號及國際會計準則第18號認列與衡量所提供服務而產生之收入。 而我國財務會計準則對於民間參與公共建設之會計處理,除87.07.20基秘字第150號係解釋投資方於投資BOT之會計處理外,僅93.12.23基秘字第321號針對民間廠商出資興建政府各項設施之會計處理做出解釋,解釋內容規範興建期間所投入之建造成本應列為特許權取得成本,且自硬體設施興建完成,開始經營特許業務時起,於受委託經營期間攤銷,此與IFRIC12之規範大相逕庭。 本研究針對個案公司就轉換國際會計準則前後之財務報表進行分析,研究結果發現轉換國際會計準則後對特許公司財務報表及經營績效報導,如財務結構、償債能力、經營能力及獲利能力等皆有顯著正向之影響,尤其是當特許公司對各項假設判斷不同時,其經營績效報導則呈現不同結果。兩種準則相較之下,我國財務會計準則對BOT之會計處理相對較為保守,BOT計劃期間內經營績效報導呈現較為穩定。另特許公司之利害關係人,除投資人應注意不同準則下特許公司財務績效報導差異之影響外,轉換為國際會計準則後之特許公司財務報表對主辦機關財務檢查及聯合授信金融機構所訂財務比率限制尚無顯著不利之影響。

活化公有土地吸引民間投資招商模式探討-以新北市為例 / A Case Study on the Attractions of Private Investments for Public Lands

黃碧玉 Unknown Date (has links)
地方政府透過引進民間投資公共建設,帶動了區域經濟發展、減少政府財務支出及增加就業機會,更開啟了地方政府與國有財產局合作的機制。本研究以新北市政府目前已完成簽約或辦理中的個案進行歸納分析,從設定地上權、租賃與標售等招商模式中,找出在不同的環境因素下,應選擇何種模式為最適。而辦理招商前置作業應考量基本環境、市場可行性、法律可行性、財務可行性等分析結果。 研究發現,政府部門開放的態度、設置專責的單位、長官的支持、有效的行政效率及良好的內容規劃,為招商案主要關鍵成功因素。不同的招商模式各有其考量因素,設定地上權模式主要考量因素為:1.財務設算後回收期間較長2.計畫的回收於設定地上權期間內達成,財務設算可行3.產業類型以服務業、商業設施為主。租賃模式主要考量因素為:1.產業特性較無法評量其營收的狀況2.財務分析不可行3.產業類型以工業使用為主。標售模式主要以土地開發後取得之土地為主。 / By introducing private investment in public construction, local governments could lead regional economic development, reduce the government’s financial expenditures, increasing employment opportunities, as well as create a cooperative mechanism between local governments and National Property Administration. The study summarized and analyzed some bidding cases which have completed contract signing or still under process in the New Taipei City Government, trying to find the most suitable trade promotion model, under different environmental factors, from like superficies creation, lease, tender and etc. In preparing the start-up work of trade promotion, the analysis of basic environment and feasibility in market, law and finance should be considered. The study finds that there are several key factors leading trade promotion projects successful such as open attitude, set of specialized unit, support from the executive, high efficiency and good project planning of and in governmental departments. Models will be designed under different considerations. When choosing the model of superficies creation, it mainly considers longer payback year after financial evaluation, which could possibly be accessible if the planed payback could be achieved during its creation period, and it mainly categorized in the service industry and commercial facilities. If the industry’s characteristics the kind less able to evaluate its revenue condition; financial analysis is unfeasible and is chiefly for industry use, the leasing model will be considered. If the land is expected to be acquisitive after land development, the tender one is the concern.

城市建設檔案管理體系建置之研究 / The Establishment of Urban Construction Archives Management System

陳慧娉, Chen, Hui-Pin Unknown Date (has links)
現代由於科技進步、社會經濟發展的需要,城市建設規模越來越大,所形成的城建檔案數量、種類大幅增加,為了規劃、建設和管理一個現代化的城市,必須將這些城建檔案做好管理。而城建檔案除了在修改、擴建建設時發生功能之外,其也反應了不同時代、不同時期的社會文化思想風貌,是城市歷史發展的紀錄。□ 首先瞭解中國大陸與西方國家城建檔案管理之模式,其次採用「多重個案法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,以國內相關城建檔案管理單位作為研究範圍,包括:台北縣政府、台中市政府與宜蘭縣政府、台灣電力公司、中興工程顧問公司與台北市政府捷運局,探討各機構城建檔案典藏範疇與管理工作執行現況,並對各機構之管理人員進行訪談,以獲得有關城建檔案管理之看法與建議。 根據研究發現,提出結論如下:一、國內城建檔案管理模式不明確;二、國內城建檔案缺乏法源依據;三、城建檔案之名詞爭議;四、目前國內城建檔案相關機關之一般行政公文與城建檔案分開管理;五、城建檔案的價值在於「行政價值」,而「社會服務」為最不需要;六、目前國內政府機關城建檔案之利用有缺失。 最後針對前述研究結果提出五項建議:一、儘速制定城建檔案之法源依據;二、各機關現行之城建檔案宜與一般行政公文統一管理;三、設置城建檔案館;四、城建檔案應儘速數位化;五、國內政府機關城建檔案之利用應改進。 / As of today, the fast pacing in science, technology and economic growth, the scope of urban construction is increasing to compensate. Therefore, an increasing number and variety of urban construction archives have emerged. To better plan, construct and manage a modernized city, we need to have these archives well-organized. These archives not only play an important role in construction, extension and reconstruction, but also function as a chronicle of the development of the city, in which, reflect the style and features of social culture and ideology at different era and generation. First, a study on the organizational method of such archive of Mainland China and some Western countries were carried out. Secondly in this research, multiple-case analysis method and in-depth interviews were employed. Relevant domestic urban construction units were selected in this study, which included: 1. Taipei County Government, 2.Taichung City Government, 3.Yilan County Government, 4.Taiwan Power Company, 5.Sinotech Engineering Consultants and 6. Department of Rapid Transit Systems, TCG. First of all, this research introduced the coverage and performance of each of these archival institutions; followed by in-depth interviews of the archivists in order to obtain the viewpoints and advices toward the organization method of urban construction archives. According to this research, problems of organizational method of archives were emerged; a conclusion of such problems in our country was drawn: 1. ambiguity of method; 2.lack of reliable legal resources; 3.unregulated terminology; 4.dissociation of management in general administrative documentation and urban construction archives; 5.Overvalue of urban construction archive in government administration, as a contrast to the lack in public service; 6. Incomplete and insufficient public access of urban construction archives within the government. In conclusion, based on the study carried out above, may the following suggestions be claimed: 1. Legislate legal resources of urban construction archives as quickly as possible; 2. Unify management of general administrative documentation and urban construction archive; 3. Establish urban construction archive library; 4. Digitize urban construction archives as quickly as possible; 5. Improve the efficiency of public access to urban construction archives within the government.

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