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產銷量與成本利潤關係之研討林宗哲 Unknown Date (has links)
盡管產銷量、成本與利潤三者間之關係日漸譎異難測,然並非臻令人束手無措之境地。若吾人能對未來的內在因素適當加以掌握,另方面對可能發生的外在因素,充分利用科學分析,做最正確的預測,乃可獲得預期而令滿意的成果。俗云:「將來是屬於對未來有事先準備的人」(The feature belongs to thoso who prepare for it),足以做為有志創業者之座右銘。
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利潤中心制度之研究郁台風 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國銀行業利潤中心制度之研究謝順隆, XIE, SHUN-LONG Unknown Date (has links)
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數量方法在成本數量利潤分析上之應用吳運祥, Wu, Yun-Xiang Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論:敘述研究動機、目的、方法、範圍和限制。
第二章 傳統的成本數量稅潤分析:說明成本習性、損益平衡圖、利量圖的關係及
第三章 非線性關係:說明踐性和非踐性假設的異同,求損益平衡點、利潤區和最
第四章 目標規劃與成本數量利潤皆析:求成本,收入函數及最佳決策。
第五章 不確定性與成本數量利潤分析:應用機率和統計觀念,包括常態分配,多
第六章 結論
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員工分紅與公司績效及投資人報酬之關聯性研究--以台灣上市資訊電子業為例蔡志瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
無論因變數採用會計績效(ROE)或是市埸績效(TOBIN’s Q) 來衡量,無論每股員工分紅是按照面值或是市價來計算,皆能得到顯著正相關的結果,顯示組織的績效確實能透過員工分紅的激勵效果而提高。
實證結果為投資人報酬和員工分紅呈現顯著負相關,可能的原因為,我國資訊電子產業的員工分紅比率太高了,導致員工分紅的激勵效果小於稀釋效果。員工分紅對組織績效的激勵效果並非呈現一線性的關係,隨著員工分紅的提高,其激勵效果對組織績效的邊際效果影響力呈現一先增後持平或是先增後減的趨勢,但另一方面,隨著員工分紅的提高,其稀釋效果對投資人報酬的邊際影響力卻是呈現一負向的直線關係,故本研究推測我國資訊電子產業的員工分紅比率大於最適員工分紅比率。 / The employee bonus policy can keep the eminent staff and be an incentive to cause the employee work hard to raise the performance of the whole organization. But this policy was caused the direct damage to the equity of the stockholder. The purpose of thesis is to investigate encourage effect by employee bonus ,and to understand whether this policy make up the damage of the stockholder that was created by the system of the employee bonus.
1.The relationship between employees bonus and organization performance:
To estimate the result at independent variables- ROE or Tobin’s Q and dependent variables-employees bonus at par value or market value shows a significant positive relationship. It means the employees bonus system can raise the organization performance.
2.The relationship between employees bonus and the reward of the investor:
Employees bonus system make the increase of capacity and raise the organization performance. So the employees bonus system encourage the employee. On the other side, the employee bonus system has the dilute effect on the reward of the investor. The study investigates the investor return to be affected with the effects that mix encouragement effect and dilute effect.
The organization performance raises by the encourage effect of the employees bonus system. But the raise of the employees bonus increase the effect of the dilution. The investors return will be affected by the effect of encourage and dilution.
The empirical result shows the reward of the investor did not increase with the raising amount of the previously employees bonus. On the contrary, they are a negative relationship. That means the effect of the encourage of the employee bonus was lower than the effect of the dilution of the employee bonus.
The empirical result shows the significant negative relationship between the employee bonus and reward of the investor. Probably, the electric industry has so high bonus ratio that lead the effect of the encouragement to be lower than the effect of the dilution. Employees bonus cause the encourage effect of the organization performance was not a linear relationship. The encourage effect of the organization performance of the marginal effect shows an increase first then decrease, or increase first then fixed tendency followed the raising amount of the employee bonus. On the other hand, the effect of the dilution to the marginal effect of the investor return shows a negative linear relationship followed the raising amount of the employee bonus. The inference of this study the bonus ratio of the employees’ bonus was higher than the optimal bonus ratio in the electric industry in Taiwan.
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台灣太陽能產業併購機會之研究 / The merger and acquisition opportunity research of Taiwan solar industry倪志珍 Unknown Date (has links)
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稽核策略與出口貿易政策之研究陳政弘 Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代興起的「策略貿易理論」認為政府應該在貿易中扮演積極主動的角色,透過補貼來造成「利潤轉移效果」,進而提升本國的福利水準。不過,礙於 WTO的規定,政府通常無法對於出口廠商直接進行補貼。除此之外,國際貿易理論大多忽略了逃漏稅行為對於廠商生產決策的影響。本文嘗試將出口補貼的議題以及利潤稅逃漏的問題相結合,探討若政府不得使用補貼,則其是否能夠透過降低查核率,使得本國的福利水準上升。而我們的研究結果發現:允許出口廠商逃漏稅未必皆能攫取外國廠商的利潤,而是依稽核方法而異。當政府採取完全隨機的查核模式時,則政府不需進行稽查。但若政府是對申報收益訂定查核標準時,則我們發現在某些限制條件之下,政府的確可以透過對出口的廠商降低其查核率,使得本國的福利上升,且會使得本國廠商的產量超過 Stackelberg 的領導者的生產水準。最後我們考量兩國政府都使用降低稽核投入的情況下,則策略互動關係會變成一個「囚犯困境」,而且沒有適宜的遏止方法。
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獨佔廠商生產及逃稅決策─核定成本不確定的情況方裕僊 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣產物保險業費率自由化、市場競爭與核保績效 / Deregulation,Market Competition and Underwriting Performance in Taiwan Property-Liability Insurance吳欣樺, Wu, Hsin Hua Unknown Date (has links)
依Klein (1999)分類,台灣產物保險市場屬於類似獨占性競爭市場,產物保險公司高度競爭。依實證結果顯示,實施費率自由化政策,公司自留費用率持續緩慢增加,自留綜合成本率亦呈現上升趨勢。多數產物保險公司之實際核保利潤仍大於依Fairley (1979)計算之均衡核保利潤。
(1) 類似獨占性競爭市場:赫芬多指數皆小於0.1,市場呈現競爭狀態。1996年後,火險及車險之簽單保費成長率似乎每四、五年會呈現負成長。另外,1998-2003年費用率與公司規模呈現顯著負相關(p=0.01)。2004-2006年,此負相關並不顯著(p=0.1),顯示大公司漸不具有成本優勢,即產險市場之進入障礙有減少之趨勢。
(2) 成本費用支出增加:除2001年外,1998至2006年之產物保險公司自留綜合成本率介於91.09% 和 93.49%。2006年之自留綜合成本率為93.49%。2006年之產物保險公司費用率上升至40.51% 且損失率下降至52.97%。
(3) 核保利潤呈現正值:依Fairley(1979)計算之2006年預期均衡核保利潤。20家產物保險公司,17家實際核保利潤大於預期均衡核保利潤。 / This paper provides an empirical study of rate deregulation plan and profit performance in Taiwan property-liability insurance market. The data used in this study are from Insurance Year Book, Taiwan Economic Journal Data Bank, and Important Indexes of Insurance Industry (Taiwan) during the period from 1998 to 2006.
Based on the classification by Klein (1999), the market structure of Taiwan property-liability insurance industry is similar to monopolistic competitive market and the property-liability insurers are engaged in intense competition. The results of this study show that the expense ratios of insurers rise slightly from year to year and the combined ratios also follow a trend of increase. The actual underwriting profits of most property-liability insurers are larger than the expected numbers estimated by using the methodology in Fairley (1979). The empirical results are as follows:
(1) The market structure is similar to monopolistic competitive market for that the Herfindahl indexes are all below 0.1. The growth ratios of written premium on fire insurance and automobile insurance seem to become negative every four or five years after 1996. Besides, the negative correlation between expense ratio and the scale of economics in insurance market from 1998 to 2003 was significant at the p = 0.01 level. However, this correlation from 2004 to 2006 was not significant at the p = 0.1 level. It seems that larger insurers do not have significant cost advantages over smaller insurers in the recent years, namely the entry barriers decline.
(2) The expenses and costs keep increasing. Except 2001, the combined ratios ranged from 91.09% in 1998 to 93.49% in 2006. The expense ratio increased to 40.51% while the net loss ratio decreased to 52.97% in 2006.
(3) The underwriting profits of most insurers are positive. The expected underwriting profits by using the methodology in Fairley (1979) is less than the actual ones in 2006. Among the 20 property-liability insurers, the actual underwriting profits of 17 insurers were larger than their expected underwriting profits.
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不確定情況下成本- 數量- 利潤分析決策模型與組織目標之關聯王萬成, WANG, WAN-CHENG Unknown Date (has links)
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