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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林意萍 Unknown Date (has links)
我國自1979年2月1日成立外匯市場,實施浮動匯率制度,1987年7月15日解除大部份外匯管制,1989年4月3日進一步廢止中心匯率制度,實施外匯交易自由化,1991年11月央行公佈重開遠匯市場的遠期外匯買賣辦法,遠期外匯市場再度放,及近來致力發展台灣成為區域金融中心,陸績採行多項金融自由化與國際化的措施,使得國際間的資本移動愈趨活絡,卻也增加了匯率波動的風險(exchange rate risk),因此有必要在遠期外匯市場上操作以規避匯率波動的風險。 Frenkel(1992)曾提出無風險利率平價均衡(covered interest rate parity,簡稱CIP)可以反應國際間資本移動性的大小。鑑於國內過去文獻研究的樣本期間並未涵蓋晚近解除外匯管制措施後的時期,而這些管制的解除會促進國際間的資本移動,影響CIP的檢定結果,因此有必要對無風險利率平價說再做探討,以了解金融環境的日趨開放、資本移動限制放寬對無風險利率平價的影響。 由於台灣資金的匯進與匯出主要是以美元做為媒介通貨(vehicle currency),此外由於美國本身對國際資本移動的限制很少,不同期間CIP檢定的差異較能反應台灣資本管制程度的變動,因此選擇以美國和台灣的匯率及利率資料來檢定CIP。遠期外匯市場在1989年4月至1991年10月關閉,沒有遠期匯率的掛牌交易資料,故本文實證分析將期間分成兩段,分別估計,並檢視政策開放措施對無風險利率平價的影響。 另外為改進過去文獻在計量方法上的缺失,本文以單根檢定和共整合分析的概念從事CIP實証檢定分析。我們的實證結果發現第一段期間並不接受弱式及強式的無風險利率平價,第二段期間弱式及強式的無風險利率平價在5%的顯著水準值下則被接受,而觀察台灣的資本管制措施發現,在第一段期間管制較為嚴格,第二段期間則較為寬鬆。

定額遞延年金商品利率風險管理之研究 / Management of Interest Rate Risk on Fixed Deffered Annuity

陳建宇, Chern, Chien Yu Unknown Date (has links)
台灣逐漸步入高齡化社會,由於各種經濟社會因素,一般個人利用早年的儲蓄準備退休後的生活,已是不可避免的趨勢。衡諸個人自己獨力負擔退休生活所需的準備,不外乎是加入保險,藉助集體互助的力量達成,或是自力儲蓄,藉由金融工具的使用,累積財富。在政府宣示的亞太營運中心計劃勢必將帶動國內金融發展。屆時,行之歐美諸國已久的遞延年金商品可望引進台灣的保險業界,使自力儲蓄的個人能透過金融商品的多元化,選擇最有效用的金融商品,以謀取退休後的生活準備。鑑於美國業者經營遞延年金商品的教訓,在文獻的閱讀之中,筆者發現利率風險在精算界所受到的重視與發展成果值得國人借鏡,因此發奮研究利率風險在遞延年金商品中所扮演的角色,份量及其因應之道。希冀能在未來國內業者推行遞延年金之際,對經營此商品所面臨的風險能有清楚的認識,也希望監理機關能了解業者的需求而給予適度的協助。相信在健康的經營環境下,遞延年金商品會替消費者帶來莫大的福祉。本論文的研究方法為文獻探討,研究方向與目的有三:一、了解遞延年金商品的內容及其使用價值。二、辨識遞延年金商品的利率風險。三、探討如何衡量遞延年金商品利率風險與其管理的方法。 / When Taiwan stepped into old-aged society, as driven by variety of economic and social forces, an individual has to prepare for his(her) retirement during the ealier working years. By doing so, he(she) can enter into the insurance plans or mutual help-each-other societies, or by individual self-saving plans and use of new financial instruments. Now, the Taiwan Government initiate an Asian Operation Center Project that may have the domestic financial market boomed up. By that time, it's possible that Deffered annuity products sold in foreign countries like USA or those in Europe over many years will appear at Taiwan market and bring the Taiwan consumer more efficient ways of preparation for retirement. After the inspection of lessons learned by United States life insurance companies while these company were selling the Defferd Annuities, the author find that the interest rate risk are emphasized extensively in actuarial literatures and it's development is worth while the domestic companies to take lessons. Thus, the author study the problem with interest rate risk and the proper measures to manage the risk. It's hoped that in the coming future, at the time of Deffered Annuities, the domestic companies will already have clear understandings about the risks they face. And it's hoped that the government understand the insurance companies' needs and give them help. It's believed that in a sound environment, the consumer will benefit from the advent of Deffered Annuities. The research method used is literature research, and the direction and goal of the study is as follows: 1.Understand what's Deffered Annuity and it's uses. 2.Indentify the interest rate risks inherent in Deffered Annuities. 3.Examine the various measures to manage the interest rate risk.

臺灣短期利率指標異常報價之實證研究 / An empirical study on the abnormal quotation patterns of Taiwan short term interest rate

李克恭 Unknown Date (has links)
短期利率指標為IRS等利率衍生性商品定價重要依據,應具有公正性及代表性,國內長久以來以Thomson Reuters 6165頁面報價利率為指標,惟工商時報於2009年3月25日報導此指標於IRS定價日遭銀行聯手作價壓低利率以賺取利差,除6165之公正性遭到市場質疑外,金管會及中央銀行亦關心此事件,票券公會為導正6165可能遭操縱之現象,爰順勢委託集保結算所編製新短期利率指標TAIBIR。 6165是否真如市場揣測及工商時報之報導,有金融機構意圖影響定價,爰收集2008及2009年各金融機構於6165之報價,經繪製各金融機構報價利率與6165定價利率走勢圖,再以統計檢定方式及迴歸分析方法探討各別報價機構之行為。 經實證研究發現有數家銀行應有意圖影響6165定價之異常報價行為,另說明TAIBIR設計改善6165可能被操縱之機制應屬有效,俾貨幣市場參與者及相關學術研究引用短期利率指標之參考。


易世傑 Unknown Date (has links)
由於近幾年連動式債券的盛行,要如何在眾多的投資商品中找到適合自己的標的,對投資人來說越來越重要。本篇論文選擇目前市面上常見的兩種利率連動債來做評價與分析。一為CMS連結債券,另一為滾雪球型連動債券。 在各個利率模型中,由於BGM Model具備了良好的評價特性,因此成為本論文評價的依據。另外,處理利率動態過程中各個遠期利率相關係數時,本論文採用了Peter Weigel(2004)有關於將市場利率相關係數矩陣降秩的方法,以便增進運算時的效率。最後,考量此兩種連動債券都具備了可贖回的權利,再加上評價時是利用蒙地卡羅來進行模擬,因此採用了最小平方蒙地卡羅來處理可贖回債券的評價。進行一萬次模擬後,可以得出標的債券的價格,之後再對各個因素進行敏感度分析,可以發現影響商品價格的各種原因。 根據評價的結果,可以針對投資人與發行商做不同的策略建議。對投資人而言,在購買此類商品時需注意商品是否具有贖回條款,並且未來的利率走勢是否會大幅影響投資收益。對發行商而言,一般所發行的連動式債券大多較複雜,很難直接在市場上找到可供避險的商品,因此除了利用回權的方式外,用現在市場的的商品來做部分避險也是另一種選擇。


林文晃, LIN, WEN-HUANG Unknown Date (has links)
共壹冊,約三萬餘言,分為五章,第一章為緒論簡介效率市場假說,並簡單說明各章 節之內容鎮。第二章為效率市場理論與理性預期之關係,共分三節,第一節為理論之 起源及其應用。第二節為效率市場理論之概念及理性預期假說之關係。第三節說明當 前國外研究效率市場之情形,並對代表性的學者為一簡介。第三章目前效率市場理論 模型及計量分析之發展,說明資本市場、貨幣市場、外匯市場四節,第一節簡介台灣 的貨幣市場,第二節為資料之取得,變數之選擇。第三節為計量方法及電腦程式之說 明。第四節為結果之解釋。第五章為結語做一簡單之結論並指出未來研究方向。

有下方風險控制的動態資產配置模式 / Three Essays on Dynamic Asset Allocation Models with Downside Risk Control

李美杏 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年,風險管理受到大家廣為重視,Value-at-Risk (VaR)則是最常用來衡量風險的工具。Basak and Shapiro (2001)是首位將涉險值(VaR)的限制式納入效用函數內,再極大化投資人之效用函數而求出最適資產配置。依據他們的方法,本文的第一部分(見第二章)探討當資產報酬分配呈左偏和肥尾時,對風險管理者資產配置之影響。許多實證研究顯示資產報酬分配呈左偏和肥尾。本文採用Gram-Charlier expansion近似資產報酬分配,探討當資產報酬分配在非常態分配下,其資產配置的變化。對風險管理者而言,最重要的工作就是準確預測損失與發生損失的機率。瞭解資產報酬的型態將有助於準確的預測損失,我們無法降低損失,但可以降低發生損失的機率,本文建議可以降低 值(期末財富損失大於VaR之機率)來達成,而降低 值會使期末財富在好的狀態與壞的狀態的財富稍減。利率是影響使用金融工具的主要因素,本文的第二部分(見第三章)探討VaR風險管理者當考慮利率風險時如何配置其資產,本文採用Vasicek-type模型描述隨機利率,探討在隨機利率的情況下,財富配置於現金、股票與債券之比例。本文將這些參數以數值代入,分析VaR風險管理者期末財富的分配情況以及期中現金、股票與債券之配置情形。本文的第三部分(見第四章)探討VaR風險管理者當考慮利率與通膨風險時如何配置其資產。本文採用correlated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck過程描述隨機實質利率與通膨率,探討當考慮利率與通膨風險的情況下,VaR風險管理者財富配置於現金、股票與債券之比例。對風險管理者而言,最重要的工作就是準確預測期末財富與損失。研究發現忽略通膨風險將使風險管理者嚴重低估期末財富與損失。 / Risk management has received much attention in the last few years. Value-at-Risk (VaR) is widely used by corporate treasurers, fund managers and financial institution (Hull, 2000). A vast amount of literature considered a simple one-period asset allocation problem under VaR constraint. Furthermore, the aggregation of single-period optimal decisions across periods might not be optimal for multi-period as a whole. Basak and Shapiro (2001) were the first to address VaR-related issue in a dynamic general equilibrium setting. This dissertation builds upon the work of Basak and Shapiro (2001) to discuss three issues about dynamic asset allocation. The first topic focuses on how deviations from normality affect asset choices made by risk managers. This study utilizes the Gram-Charlier expansion to approximate asset returns with negatively skewed and excess kurtosis. This work examines how negatively skewed and excess kurtosis affects asset allocations when investors manage market-risk exposure using Value-at-Risk-based risk management (VaR-RM). It is important for risk managers to precisely forecast the loss. The analytical results imply that the impact of leptokurtic asset returns is based on the shape of asset returns, and a correct measurement of leptokurtic asset returns is helpful to risk managers seeking to precisely forecast the loss. A risk manager cannot reduce the loss in bad states, but can reduce the value of , the probability that a loss exceeds VaR, and the agent will suffer from reduced terminal wealth in both the good and bad states. The second topic solves an optimal investment problem involving a VaR risk manager who must allocate his wealth among cash, stocks and bonds. This study incorporates a stochastic interest rate process into the optimization problem. A Vasicek(1977)one-factor model governed the dynamics of the term structure of interest rates and risk premia are constant. Closed form formulate for the optimal investment strategy are obtained by assuming complete financial markets. Moreover, this study provides numerical examples to analyze the optimal terminal wealth and portfolio weights in stocks and bonds of the VaR risk manager. This work demonstrated the bond-stock allocation puzzle of Canner et al. (1997) that the bond-to-stock weighting ratio increases with risk aversion in popular investment advice in contradiction with standard two fund separation. Finally, this work derives the optimal portfolio selection of the VaR manager by assuming complete financial markets and that the inflation and real interest rates follow correlated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. This study provides numerical examples to analyze the optimal terminal real wealth and optimal portfolio in stocks and two nominal bonds with different maturities. Furthermore, this work studies the influence of the parameters of inflation on the solution. This work illustrated that the younger VaR agent who has a long investment horizon invests the fraction of wealth in stock varies with the state price. It is not consistent with the Samuelson puzzle.

台灣連接器產業研究發展與獲利率之研究 / A Study of R&D and Return Rate in Taiwan's Connector Industry

戴有信, Dai, You Shin Unknown Date (has links)
由於先進國家的產業加速升級與金磚四國的廉價勞力及廣大市場優勢的衝擊下,我國廠商為了維持廠商的獲利率與競爭力,重視到產品的創新與技術升級的重要,所以研究發展為影響廠商經營績效的重要因素。本文以產業經濟學中的結構-行為-績效理論為架構,利用2000至2006年台灣上市、上櫃及興櫃連接器廠商的資料,運用三階段最小平方法對廠商研究發展密集度與獲利率間的相互關係進行研究。研究結果顯示: (1)研究發展密集度對獲利率的影響為顯著的正向關係,顯示台灣連接器產業投入研究發展的成效可使當年度的獲利率就獲得提升。此外,本文之實證結果顯示,可以增進廠商經營績效的因素包括提高銷售成長率、前期稅後淨利的增加及前期發放員工分紅。 (2)獲利率對研究發展密集度的影響為顯著的正向關係,顯示在台灣連接器產業中,生產高毛利產品的廠商會為了留在高毛利產品的市場而加強研究發展。此外,本文之實證結果顯示,可以增加廠商研究發展的因素包括較高的碩士以上學歷之員工比例及前期高的研究發展密集度。 (3)上述的結果印證了台灣連接器產業廠商之研究發展密集度與獲利率間確實存在顯著的交互影響關係。

連結匯率變動之利率衍生性商品相關研究 / Valuation of quanto interest rate derivatives in a cross-currency LIBOR market model

周奇勳 Unknown Date (has links)

全球航空公司避險行為對公司價值的影響 / The Impact of hedging on Firm Value in Global Airline Industry

劉珊睿 Unknown Date (has links)
本文蒐集1995年到2014年共計39家航空公司的避險數據,旨在檢視燃油避險、外匯避險和利率避險對於公司價值的影響。實證結果與多數文獻的結果一致,燃油和外匯避險對於公司價值多有顯著的正面影響。北美洲地區是唯一外匯避險有顯著負面影響的子樣本。至於利率避險在總樣本和多數的子樣本中對公司價值有顯著負面的影響。因此,本文認為避險與公司價值無絕對的關係,主要仍是取決於公司所面臨的風險。另外,經理人持股對於隔年燃油避險比率有正向關係,但不顯著。而不論燃油和外匯避險對於聯貸利率皆無顯著的關係。 / Using a sample of 39 airline companies around the world over period 1995 to 2015 to examine whether jet fuel hedging, currency hedging and interest rate hedging increase the firm value of airline companies. We find that jet fuel and currency hedging is significantly positively related to their firm value holds in various sub-samples and total sample, but North American area is only one sub-sample which have negative relationship between currency hedging and firm value. However, interest rate hedging have significantly negatively impact on various sub-samples and total sample. Based on our result, there is no absolutely negative or positive relationship between hedging and firm value, it depend on which risk the firm faced and should be hedged. Furthermore, CEO shares holding have non-significant positively relationship with hedge ratio. Our result also show there are no effect of hedging on reducing interest rate of syndicate loan.


鄭張國, ZHEN, ZHANG-GUO Unknown Date (has links)
貨幣需求理論中,長期利率與短期利率常被用來作為貨幣持有之機會成本的變數。然 究竟那一種利率較為適用?在學理上,這個問題帶來很多爭論。近幾年來,一些經濟 學家主張貨幣需求函數只考慮長期利率或考慮短期利率均不恰當,貨幣需求函數應該 針對整個利率結構考慮。這種貨幣需求─利率結構理論,在文獻上又有兩種分析方式 :一種為:INVENTORY APPROACH,另一種為MEAN- VARIANCE APPROACH 。 本文第一章探討貨幣持有與機會成本間的關係。第二、三章分別就上述兩種APPROACH 作一探討;並就台灣資料作實證分析。篛四章討論採用多利率變數時在計量上所遭遇 的問題及其解決方式。第五章為結語。

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