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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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黃昭能, Huang,Chao-Neng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文針對市面上發行的兩檔結構型商品:『十年期美元計價雪球型利率連動票券』與多標的信用連動債券-『啄利信用連動債券』進行分析。分別利用LIBOR利率市場模型(LIBOR Market Model)來評價利率連動票券,以及Kijima與Muromachi(2000)評價一籃子信用違約交換的方法來評價信用連動債券。計算出合理價值後,再因應不同的經濟環境作敏感度分析。


廖秦尉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對每日利率區間型連動式債券,以及一籃子信用連結式債券-首次違約型進行評價與避險分析。由於法令的開放,結構型商品推陳出新,商品設計條款日趨繁複。利用理論的模型運用於市場上的結構型商品,使發行者與投資人清楚了解商品的利潤與風險。 在每日區間型利率連動式債券的評價模型上,採用Hall and White(1994)的利率三元樹模型求算債券價值。透過市場可90天期商業本票報價,建構符合市場利率期間結構之利率模型,並以路徑函數計算配息,以求算利率連動債券合理價格。 在一籃子信用連動式債券可拆解為持有固定利息債券,並賣出一信用交換。參考Kijima與Muromachi(2000)模型設定,模擬出不同回收率下的第一違約信用交換價值;使用Hall and White的利率三元樹模型,計算連動債券中的固定利息債券價格,最後,針對參數可能的變動進行敏感度分析。

Learning Effects in International Portfolio Selection Incorporating Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Risks / 考慮利率與匯率風險學習效果對跨國投資的影響

楊尚穎, YangS, hang-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討於連續時間下,跨國投資者於匯率可預測下之最適投資決策問題。我們假設隨著時間改變,利用可預測之資訊動態修正投資決策。首先我們假設匯率可經由利率過程預測,探討相對風險趨避(CRRA)之投資經理人於跨國投資時之避險需求。研究方法是結合Cox與Huang (1989)之平賭方法與Lioui與Poncet (2003)於跨國投資所建構之財務模型。本研究歸納學習效果會影響匯率期望報酬,利用利率資訊會修正匯率過程之風險市場價值。最適投資決策因此受到調整因子之影響。因此投資人必須依照過濾進來的財務訊息(利率對匯率的改變)動態的調控持有之投資部位。最後,理論結果顯示投資部位必須針對可預測性下匯率避險效果作調整。 / In this study, we explore the effects of uncertainty about the exchange rate predictability on international portfolio choice in a continuous time setting. Uncertainty regarding to the predictive relation affects the optimal portfolio choice through dynamic learning, and leads to a state-dependent relation between the optimal portfolio choice and the investment time horizon. First we investigate the hedge demands in international portfolio management for constant relative risk averse investors where the exchange rate can be predicted by the change of interest rate. Then our approach is implemented through the use of the martingale methodology developed by Cox and Huang (1989) as proposed in the work of Lioui and Poncet (2003). Since the learning processes influence the premium of exchange rate movements, the crucial changes lie in the difference of market price of risk of the interest rate movements to the updated exchange rates. The constructed optimal investment strategy is influenced by the adjusted factors. Hence the investors should dynamically rebalance their holding portfolio according to the filtering mechanism. Finally, the theoretical results show that the adjustment for the optimal weights are required to reflect the prediction effects in hedging the exchange rate risks.

英式分紅保單資產配置與公平定價之探討 / A study of asset allocation and fair pricing of with-profit in UK

黃麗容 Unknown Date (has links)
財政部所推動保單紅利自由化及費率自由化政策提供壽險商品市場的另一發展方向,促進我保險市場良性競爭,且自民國九十二年自由分紅保單進入台灣壽險市場,已有數十家壽險公司相繼搶這塊大餅,目前市面上的分紅保單大多採用美式三元利差分紅方式,在紅利部分尚不可設定保證給付,亦即沒有保證保戶每年都一定會領到利差分紅。因此,本研究將介紹在歐洲廣為盛行、附最低保證給付的英式分紅保單,作為國內業者在分紅保單設計上的參考指標。 本研究主要以傳統壽險商品為研究範疇,在不考慮有解約權下以隨機模擬的方式對英式分紅保單進行公平定價。研究方法為在大量模擬下找出不同投資策略的Markowiz效率前緣曲線,並選用這些投資策略於給定不分紅保單的預定利率下,在公平精算原則為前提下以蒙地卡羅法(Monte Carlo Methods)的方式,針對不同目標期末紅利率(Terminal Bonus Target;TB),找出分紅保單應有的合理預定利率及期間紅利率。再去衡量保險公司不同資產配置下,因為未達到期望紅利所造成的風險。此外,本研究更進一步地以靜態及動態投資策略探討保險公司失去清償能力(Insolvency Risk)的問題。 最後在上述架構下,本研究為了符合市場實際情況,分別針對不同保單期間與不同的繳費方式進行敏感度分析。


許家瑜, Hsu Chia Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文之信用風險模型屬於簡約模型(Reduced Form Model)之範疇,以COX過程解釋違約過程,解釋為何企業會發生連帶倒閉的現象。在考慮信用風險後,各期所產生之現金流量變得具不確定性,因此在計算現金流量之現值時,折現因子就必須考慮信用風險溢酬,本文選用信用風險模型中的一大分支-約簡模型,將信用風險量化(包含系統風險及非系統風險),進而估計出信用價差期間結構;就如同無風險利率期間結構對固定收益商品之重要性,在估計出公司之信用價差期間結構後,即可針對該公司發行之各種商品進行評價分析。本文並以花旗所羅門美邦控股公司為例進行實證,利用公司債理論價格與市價之誤差平方和,求解違約過程之參數估計值及信用價差期間結構;接著,針對花旗所羅門美邦控股公司所發行之連動債券〝TRAGETS〞,進行評價分析並比較考慮信用風險與否是否有助於理論價格與市價之配適。

考量信用風險下之海外可轉債評價 / Pricing Euro-Convertible Bonds with Credit Risk

吳岱恩, Wu, Tai En Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於近年全球海外可轉換公司債發行檔數大增,然而以此商品為研究主題的文獻並不多,於是決定以此為研究目標。   影響海外可轉換公司債的價格因素包括股票價格、匯率、國內利率、國外利率和發行公司的違約機率,因此可買回、可賣回海外可轉換公司債是一個複雜的商品,而評價也較為困難。本文採用三維度二項樹和最小平方蒙地卡羅法建立評價海外可轉債的數值模型。為了更貼近真實世界,本文考量各變數間相關性和動態信用風險;另外,為了使評價更為精準,於股價過程中加入跳躍過程。   本文將模型運用至兩檔台灣公司所發行的海外可轉債,發現理論價格傾向於高估,但是理論價格與市價極為接近,尤其當以最小平方蒙地卡羅法評價時。另外本文也針對發行條件和模型中各個變數作敏感度分析,其中重要的是發現股票波動度、股票與匯率間相關係數在海外可轉債評價中扮演重要的角色。 / The number of Euro-convertible bonds issued has highly increased in the early 2010s. However, the related literature is barely found. This paper studies the pricing models of this investment product. Euro-convertible bonds are complex instruments affected by the credit risk of the issuers, the dynamic process of stock prices, the term structure of the interest rate and the movement of the exchange rate in the same time. Accordingly, building the ECB pricing model is a hard work. This paper presents a model considering the dynamic credit risk and jump in stock price process to make valuation more precise. Another advantage of models in this paper is use of stochastic interest rates for both local and foreign so as to make the model more staying with the real world. The other advantage is taking the correlation between each random variables into account. For pricing the Euro-convertible bonds, the numerical methodologies used in this paper are three-dimension binomial tree and least squares Monte Carlo approach. For purpose of assessing the performance of the model, two Euro-convertible bonds issued by Taiwan companies are chosen as samples and the difference between the theoretical price and market price during its issue period are provided. The results demonstrate that in spite of pretty slight overestimation, the least squares Monte Carlo simulation does a better job. In addition, this paper performs several kinds of sensitivity analysis to have in-depth understanding about the models. The consequence shows that the volatility of a stock return and the correlation between stock and exchange rate play a central role in ECB valuations.


張世東, CHANG SHIH TUNG Unknown Date (has links)
影響海外可轉換公司債的因素有許多,包括股價、國內利率、國外利率、匯率,若將時間變數也加入計算,其變動因子高達5階,這種「高維度」的問題已非有限差分法或樹狀方法能處理;且海外可轉債常附有平均式條款、回顧式條款等「路徑相依」性質的選擇權,更是格狀結構數值法(Lattice)難以處理的問題。若使用蒙地卡羅模擬,雖然可以處理高維度及路徑相依的問題,但遇到美式契約時,則會有無法判斷轉換時點的問題,更遑論還必須處理的重設條款或界限型契約。 本論文研究海外可轉換公司債的評價,特點是可以處理其契約中各種可能的複雜條款,本文所使用的最小平方蒙地卡羅模擬,由Longstaff and Schwartz [2000]提出,對於美式契約、路徑相依及高維度問題皆可處理。本文並以Hull and White利率三元樹配適公司債利率符合市場利率期間結構。此外本研究加入海外可轉換公司債評價中最重要的信用風險因素,過去可轉債文獻理論價格大都高於實際市價,這是由於忽略了公司的信用風險溢酬,本文所使用的信用風險模型是由Lando [1998]所提出,特點是不以信用等級作為考量,探討公司特性與所屬產業,並考慮總體因素對違約機率的影響,從市場價格中估計違約密度參數,進而求得信用價差。 本研究對仁寶電腦在2002年所發的ECB做實證研究,比較LSM理論價格與實際市價之誤差,及對Takahashi[2001]所提出之歐式模型做比較,發現本文提出模型之評價結果相當不錯,誤差僅有0.83%;此外並對建華金控2002所發之ECB,探討各種複雜新奇條款對ECB價格的影響,發現市場上嚴重低估了重設條款所提高的價值,而實際市價卻十分接近僅含賣回條款的理論價格。


文淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分為兩個部分,第一個部分為探討1990年來英美等國央行貨幣政策操作改革方向,期望貨幣市場的金融同業隔夜拆款利率,沿著隔夜拆款目標利率微幅波動。 英國央行原採零準備率制度,不易估測貨幣市場資金,其隔夜拆款利率波動幅度較美國為劇,為有效控制操作目標, 2006年5月起實施「自願準備金制度」,有利英國央行進行公開市場操作,達成穩定利率的效果。 第二部分參考Nadja(2006)一文,探討我國央行貨幣政策操作對短期利率之影響,係以隔夜拆款利率與目標利率的利差為利率函數模型之因變數,其中以重貼現率為目標利率,並以超額準備為主要的操作變數。 本文以最小平方估計法(OLS)實證結果發現,央行貨幣政策操作有效地影響隔夜拆款利率;惟2003年起央行不以重貼現率為隔夜拆款利率的底限,貨幣政策操作對隔夜拆款利率與重貼現率之間的利率變動並無顯著性的影響,亦即央行已放棄重貼現率為隔夜拆款利率之目標利率,而係積極地進行之公開市場操作,穩定短期利率。


林威廷 Unknown Date (has links)
本文針對躉繳保費的附保證變額壽險進行評價,保單形式為生死合險,假設投保人可將期初的投資金額連結到兩種投資標的:股價指數及債券型基金,並以BGM模型描述利率的動態過程,然後分別計算不含解約權及含解約權的附保證變額壽險躉繳保費,進而求算出隱含在保單中的保證價值和解約權價值。針對含解約權的附保證變額壽險,以Longstaff and Schwartz(2001)提出的最小平方蒙地卡羅法處理解約的問題。最後,我們求算不同年齡下的男性保費,並且在投資比例、起始最低保證、最低保證給付成長率、針對解約的保證給付成長率和第一個允許的解約時點變動下,分別討論對於保證價值和解約權價值的影響。 結果顯示:(1)當起始最低保證給付等於期初投資金額時,投資在股票的比例越大,越能凸顯保證價值和解約權價值佔保費的比重。以30歲男性為例,保證價值佔不含解約權之附保證變額壽險的比例,由全部投資在債券型基金的0.03%,成長到全部投資在股票的13.86%;而解約權價值佔含解約權之附保證變額壽險的比例,由全部投資在債券型基金的0.05%,成長到全部投資在股票的9.12%。(2)投資比例、起始最低保證給付和最低保證給付成長率越大,保證價值越高。(3)起始最低保證給付和針對解約的保證給付成長率越大,解約權價值越大;而最低保證給付成長率和第一個允許的解約時點越大,解約權價值越小。(4)投資比例隨著最低保證給付不同對解約權價值有不同的影響。 關鍵字:附保證變額壽險、BGM利率模型、解約選擇權、最小平方蒙地卡羅法 / This study emphasizes on the pricing of variable life insurance with minimum guarantees. As an endowment policy in a single premium form, in this paper, it is assumed that the insured can distribute the initial investment amount into two underlying assets: the stock index fund and bond fund. Simulating the interest rate under a BGM model, computational procedures are performed for the single premium of the variable life insurance policy without surrender option and embedding a surrender option, and further, the guarantee value and surrender value embedded in the insurance policy. For the variable life insurance policy embedding a surrender option, the Least Square Monte-Carlo method proposed by Longstaff and Schwartz (2001) is applied to solve the surrender conditions. Finally, we calculate the premium for a male at different ages, and respectively analyze the variations of the guarantee value and surrender value under the influence of the investment portfolio, the initial minimum guaranteed amount, the growth rate of the minimum guarantee, the growth rate of the minimum guarantee for surrender and the first permitted surrender time. The results show that: (1) when the initial minimum guaranteed amount equals the initial investment amount, higher proportion invested in stock will result in larger percentage of the guarantee value and surrender value to total premium. Take a 30-year old male as an example: the percentage of guarantee value to the premium of variable life insurance with minimum guarantee and without a surrender option, which is 0.03% when the initial investment amount thoroughly goes to bond fund, rises up to 13.86% with the entire amount invested in stock index fund. Likewise, the percentage of surrender value to the premium of variable life insurance with minimum guarantee and surrender option is 0.05% with total amount invested in bond fund, while it is 9.12% with the entire amount invested in stock index fund. (2) The higher proportion invested in stock, the initial minimum guaranteed amount and the growth rate of minimum guaranteed amount, the larger guarantee value. (3) Larger initial minimum guaranteed amount and the growth rate of the minimum guaranteed amount for surrender would contribute to a higher surrender value. The higher growth rate of the minimum guaranteed amount and the first permitted surrender time, the lower surrender value. (4) The influence of the investment portfolio to surrender value depends on the initial minimum guaranteed amount. Key words: Variable life insurance with minimum guaranteed amount, BGM interest rate model, surrender option, least squares Monte Carlo approach.

貨幣政策操作目標之選擇與法則: 政策透明度及央行行為對小型開放經濟體之影響 / Monetary policy rules and operation targets: the effects of the central bank policy transparency and the central bank behavior

蔡岳昆, Tsai, Yueh Kun Unknown Date (has links)
中央銀行政策透明度影響總體經濟的議題在近日漸受重視。以美國為例,2008年房貸嚴重違約,高順位債權受到波及,使多數金融業產生營運危機,讓聯邦準備銀行 (Fed) 政策執行受到關注。晚近貨幣當局的政策透明度漸受重視。貨幣政策應如何選定才能使總體經濟達到較高的社會福利?Cukierman在2002年指出中央銀行的透明度低易造成較高的物價膨脹。本研究以動態一般性均衡模型 (dynamic stochastic general equilibrium) ,建構新凱因斯小型開放總體模型。模型內含一定程度的價格僵固,並且擁有前瞻預期 (forward looking) 及後顧預期 (backward looking) 兩種型態的廠商存在其中。再採用貝氏方法估計台灣在該模型所應採用的參數後,並嘗試對體系內多個部門投入衝擊,然後檢視央行的政策透明度對總體經濟的影響,同時驗證是否支持Cukierman的結論。本研究印證Cukierman的結論,發現央行在操作貨幣政策面臨兩難時,不應採取透明度低的政策法則,而應優先針對物價的不穩定做出因應對策。 / Recently, people pay attention to central bank’s policy transparency, and most countries’ central banks have accepted the suggestion made by the Bank for International Settlements to adopt transparent monetary policy. Cukierman (2002) concluded that if the central bank’s policy was not transparency, it would cause higher inflation. The thesis will utilizes dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with New Keynesian concept proposed by Gali and Monacelli (2005) to analyze the effects of transparent monetary policy and to classify the macroeconomic different effects between transparent and hazy monetary policy. The conclusions support that higher monetary policy transparency will reduce social welfare loss, lower the volatility of inflation and output gap.

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