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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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長期創新之研究─以A公司之影像電話為例 / The research of long-term innovation - taking "A" company as example.

黎新培 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣經過幾十年的努力,已逐步朝向低勞力、高資本、與高技術密集的經濟型態發展。然而,當我們更進一步審視這些台灣企業時,將會發現它們的獲利情形並沒有大家期待的那麼好,若與歐美日的企業比較起來則可以發現獲利率的差距仍然很大。最主要的因素之一乃是我國產品的技術層次不是很高。事實上,如果以資訊電子廠商而言,平均有超過百分之七十以上的收益是來自接OEM(代工)的訂單。很明顯地,許多企業仍然是以製程改善及成本降低為主要的競爭優勢來源,因此,所得到的附加價值就比較有限。創新是許多企業想要走的路,卻也是一條坎坷的路,能夠長期持續不斷的創新企業,更是少數。為了明瞭長期持續不斷創新辛苦過程,本研究特以A公司作為研究對象。希望從研究中能給予想要走相同之路的企業作為參考。 A公司成立於民國75年,主要產品為繪圖卡、多媒體視訊卡等。創立之初資本額為600萬新台幣,自始至今皆以PC Base為基礎性平台開發相關資訊科技產品,自民國83年起更以自有品牌行銷繪圖卡,為國內少數的非外商資訊硬體品牌,在國內外知名媒體的硬體評鑑中更是獲獎無數,立足亞洲一隅,而今進而成為電腦繪圖卡世界前三名廠商之一。然自1995年,Intel 發表整合型芯片,將繪圖功能整合於系統邏輯芯片中,雖然效能不足,但有極佳的價格優勢,對於當時佔有40~50%的低價繪圖卡而言,有極大的威脅。在此危機意識下,總經理(從創業的第一天起,期許A公司是台灣的貝爾實驗室)亦在思考未來產業發展方向為何?A公司如何能建立新的核心競爭力,在未來10年、20年脫穎而出,經多次於美國矽谷探訪,確認影像傳輸是未來必然影像人類生活的重要科技,自此,A公司開始了近10年的影像不歸路。 此一創新之路,走來一路坎坷,若無決心與毅力,決無可能維持至今,其中之過程,團隊的建立,核心技術的取得,市場之多變,人才之去留,耗時之長,組織之規劃,有許多可探討之處。 A公司於1996年便投身於影像電話製造與研發,高互動與高分享性的通訊工具,在當時幾乎可以說是痴人的夢想,但是長期專注於資訊消費品的A公司,抑然投入研發人力與資源,走向一條不同往常的路,路途崎嶇自是不在話下,究竟是怎樣的一個美夢,才能使險阻化為美麗的果實呢?又在新科技突飛猛進的時代,是否還能持續領先?或因不連續時代的來臨,而血本無歸呢? 本專案屬於仍在進行中之公司重要計劃,雖然產品已然上市,但是依A公司對於產品計劃的定義與市場反應而言,影像電話的獲利了結或認賠退出,其執行結果的觀察尚屬言之過早,所以本文將研究A公司對於影像電話產品的思維,管理、專案、歷史、商業的等角度,描述影像電話的發展策略、計劃背景、團隊運作、衝突協調,以點、線、面的方式架構出A公司的昨天、今天,甚至是未來的夢。亦可作為其他企業邁向創新之路之參考。 / There is more than 70% revenue of most of the Asia IT product manufacturers actually came from OEM business. This model forces the manufacturers doing their best to reduce the cost of manufacturing then able making profit for the company. However, this “Red Ocean” model could only make very limited margin. Technology and Product innovation are the approaches to have companies getting in to the “Blue Ocean” and bringing more profits. However, those approaches need to go with lots of investments including money, time, human resource but still not a guarantee to be succeeded. Many of the companies had failed by the approaches in the past and more new comers still enter the competition by the same approaches. However, Experiences let us know that innovations activities must be managed and controlled carefully. And it leads to more questions. Can the management or process of innovation could be taught or transferred? What concepts, techniques, tools, and management process facilitate successful technological innovation? The answers to these several related questions are concerned with great interest by academics and industries who consider themselves with organizations in which technology and innovation are vitally important. This research discusses “A” company who is famous on Graphic card market and with world-class brand. “A” company spent more than 10 years on technology innovation of “Video Conferencing ”but still not success due to the newer generation technology been brought to market every three years. In this thesis, we will discuss the reasons and causes from many different angles and aspects of technology innovation management which we hope it could be the reference in the future of others companies who also rely on technology innovation as the core strategy.


閻安琪 Unknown Date (has links)
「創新」在目前競爭激烈的知識經濟時代中,可說是決定勝負之加分關鍵所在,「創新(Innovation) 」是企業型政府的主要核心價值,並強調理念設計與務實執行雙重層面之積極作為。 本研究以公糧檢驗管理系統推動之公糧檢驗管理系統作為案例,以創新擴散的理論切入,由環境背景系絡(政治經濟、社會文化、組織架構、溝通管道)、創新需求的議題設定過程、創新發展過程中創新者背景及決策立場等,以及執行階段中再發明的可能性、資源及工具及執行者的意向等分別加以研析討論,以了解本案例發展過程如何受到環境背景、創新者及決策者的背景及立場,以及執行時各項資源工具及執行者意向的牽動,以公糧檢驗管理系統為例,描繪出創新政策發展的完整圖像。 本研究發現在創新政策發展過程中,問題與需求發動的格局及積極性意義將決定後續發展的結果,而創新政策在發展過程中由於有較高未知性及受到重視,使得本位主義及組織內微政治因素將影響決策過程,在執行階段中政策的彈性空間有助於再發明的發生可做為政策修訂的有效參考,而良好的組織氣候、組織文化可能提高執行者對於政策認同的程度及執行時的配合度。 本研究建議政府組織架構中納入創新制度科技研發專責部門,並將政策研擬及施政管理的各項過程,以創新政策強調人本需求及深入影響而衍生的內化(動態學習機制)及優化(公平、正義、公開、理性)的品質進行評價,以維護公共性的目標價值。

健康服務產業創新服務之研究-以健檢中心為例 / Innovative service of health industry: a study on health examination institutions.

郭育成, Kuo, Yuh Chen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區生活型態與人口結構的急遽變遷、老年人口快速增長、疾病型態改變、國民所得提高、醫療支出持續增加以及政府民間對預防醫學的重視,「預防醫學」之風氣逐漸形成,也帶動台灣健檢產業像雨後春筍般蓬勃發展。   本研究透過個案研究的方式,使用Betz(1987)的創新類型及Gobeli & Brown(1993)的創新過程兩種不同的創新理論,對7家專業健檢中心及2家醫院附設健檢中心,進行現況分析,分類並歸納出各個案的創新特性及差異,提出可能產生的問題因應策略。   研究發現,不同本質健檢機構的創新靈活度就會有很大的差距; 在開創階段重視形象塑立、業務開發,及硬體投資多於強調本業-「健康服務」,.在「商品開發力」方面朝分「主題式商品」、「檢驗設備」、「擴展市場」及「異業服務」四類,以主題式商品居多,其次為強化檢驗設備,健檢市場發展成熟,為因應醫療環境的改變,更擅於利用「應變元素」避險佈局。   根據研究結果,建議健檢中心仍應先著重於預防醫學專業及檢驗技術,定義能契合顧客價值的創新性產品,執行一套內隱的系統制度,其創新的核心靈魂是回歸到「健康」、對生命的尊重,提供顧客永難忘懷的服務,才是撼動人心的競爭優勢。 / During the past decades, the change of life style and growing of aging population in Taiwan have leaded to a great alteration of disease patterns. As the Gross Domestic Product increased in this country, the global medical expenditure increased year by year. Due to the widely accepted concept of “prevention is better than cure”, the importance of health examination is becoming more and more significant. Thus, the number of health examination institutions in Taiwan is growing rapidly. In this research, cases studies using two innovation theories including “Types of Innovation” (Betz, 1987) and “Innovation Process” (Gobeli and Brown, 1993) were implemented. Current situations of seven health screening clinics and the health screening center of two hospitals in Taipei metropolitan area were analyzed, re-classified, and compared to identify the distinct innovation characteristics in different health examination institutions. The problems that might happen in these institutions were disclosed and their resolutions were tried to found. This study discovered that there is a great difference in innovation flexibility between health examination institutions of different nature. In the initial stage of these institutions, most of them focused on image-shaping, business development and hardware investment rather than on the fundamental medical services itself (i.e. health examination). There were four ways used to strengthen product development: theme product, investment on instrument facilities, market expansion and strategic alliance. Among them, theme product was the most popular and investment on instrument facilities, the second popular method used. As health examination market was well grown, these institutions were skilled in using there reality-confronting ability to face the competitive healthcare market. According to our results, we suggest the health examination institutions still need to focus on their basic competence: preventive medicine, and health care technology. In addition, they should be able to develop a tacit system to define innovative products that match customers’ value. The core of innovation in this industry should begin from “health”. By having respect to human life and creating the health and empathy business model, health examination institutions can provide the value co-created with customers and thus, maintain competition advantage.


謝淑雲 Unknown Date (has links)
學校經營發展歷程中,許多學校在教育市場的競爭與學校組織變革的趨勢,面臨必須創新或轉型的危機,學校是否能夠掌握教育改革契機,主動採取積極創新的學校經營策略,取得競爭優勢,校長是重要的關鍵。本研究旨在瞭解校長在學校經營的創新理念與領導策略,學校創新經營的實際作為、遭遇的困境與解決方法,進一步分析個案學校創新經營前後的差異,獲致足資學習的學校創新經營經驗。 本研究為質性研究,利用文獻探討、訪談、文件資料分析進行資料蒐集,探討、詮釋及思索國民中學校長推動學校創新經營之歷程、策略及促成因素。經研究後獲致以下結論: 壹、校長學校創新經營的辦學理念 一、重視學校發展的有利條件 二、重視創新經營,發展學校特色 三、重視創新多元的思維 四、堅持用心創新,達成共同願景 五、結合多元創新,打造創意校園 貳、校長學校創新經營的領導策略 一、行政管理革新 (一)講求行政服務,支援教學活動 (二)利用各種場合,分享創新策略 (三)注重因勢利導,堅持永續創新 (四)整合人力資源,提高工作績效 二、課程與教學領導創新 (一)發揮教師專業,設計多元化課程 (二)推展教師專業成長,重視知識分享 (三)激勵教師接受新挑戰,創新教學內容 (四)重視楷模學習,進行專業對話 三、學生多元展能 (一)開發學生多元智慧,發展特色活動 (二)整合多層面創新經營,成就學生的學習 四、校園環境美化 (一)重視境教功能,創新組織文化 (二)尊重校園草木,啟發生命教育 (三)創新環境美化的作法,落實環境教育 五、社會與環境資源運用 (一)引進各類資源,實現學校創新經營 (二)充分運用資源,創造優質學習環境 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為國民中學校長推動學校創新經營、教育行政機關與後續研究的參考 關鍵詞:組織創新、學校創新經營、校長學校創新經營 / In the development of school management, many schools are facing a trend where they must make a change or innovation from the current school system and become more competitive in the education market. To become advantageous in the market, there must be vigorous and active action taken. School principle becomes the key to succeed in this innovation. The objective of this research is to understand the management philosophy and leading strategy of school principles. We will take the case study on innovative management in junior high schools and how they these strategies were applied, practice and resolve in different circumstances, and then analyze the differences between before and after the strategies were applied. In this method, we will be able to acquire sufficient experience in innovative management in schools. This is an academic research. The research will conduct document analysis, interviews, information analysis, data collection, discussion, annotation, and discussion on the philosophy and innovative strategy, in how to drive school system, behind junior high school principles. A few sample topics are as the following. I. strategy and tactic on school admission A. focus on the benefit to favor school development. B. focus on innovation; develop on schools’ distinguishing features. C. focus on dynamic thinking D. focus on emotion attachment, and to develop a better future together. E. integrating dynamic innovative ideas, and to create a school of originality. II. innovative strategy on management A. Change in administration system 1. focus on admin services, and support educational events 2. share innovative strategy in different occasion 3. focus on continuously innovation 4. integrate staff and human resource to enhance productivity. B. innovative changes in school material and content 1. to elaborate teacher’s profession, and design dynamic class content. 2. popularize teacher’s professional development, and encourage knowledge sharing. 3. encourage teachers to take challenges, and put new ideas into the education material. 4. sample study on model case, and carry discussion between professionals. C. Dynamic development of students. 1. develop students knowledge in dynamic field, and further expand distinguish educational events. 2. integrate different management strategies to help students’ learning. D. enhance and embellish school environment 1. focus on on-site education, and develop new management culture. 2. respect school plants, and education on humanity and life. 3. innovation tactic on embellish school environment. Fully put environmental education into practice. E. Application of existing social and environmental resources. 1. to bring in all kind of resource, to help to achieve the goal of innovative school management. 2. fully use the available resources, and make the learning environment better. After the analysis and conclusion, we will raise concrete suggestion, and make it the reference of innovation of management in junior high school, education board, and other post-research. Key word: innovation in management; innovation in school management. School principle’s innovative strategies in management.

從價值創新觀點分析Facebook的成功經營策略 / Study on facebook’s successful business strategy on value innovation perspective

徐偉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
《財富》雜誌對美國頂尖企業執行長所作的意見調查中「創新」被列為經營策略的重要考量,由此可見創新是企業維持競爭力、持續成長的重要關鍵。在涵蓋全球廣大市場、使用人數保持50%驚人成長的網際網路產業,創新更是必須修練的學分,近年智慧型手機帶動的新紀元中,以社群網站facebook的崛起最令人驚艷,不但在短短五年裡成為Yahoo!、Google廣告勁敵,也改變過去入口網站、搜尋引擎獨霸的市場版圖。 本研究以價值創新的角度,探討facebook如何將社群網站的特性截長補短,透過企業結合顧客共創價值的方式,將創新迅速擴散,突破過去社群網站的成長瓶頸,成為網路世代最常互動的社交場域。 在文獻探討部分,本研究將不同學者對創新的定義歸納統整出一套分析架構,再深入描述facebook的企業實務內容,並與「價值創新」與「創新擴散」理論相互印證,得出階段性、全面性的成功經營策略,希望提供社群網站、網路資訊仲介業者及一般企業進行創新時的參考。


官星辰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的是受龍吟華人市場研發論壇中心(以下簡稱龍吟研論)之委託,針對該機構2013到2015年的14個主題,運用統計上「資料映射」(mapping)的概念,推估其各組受訪者在全台灣的一般成年民眾中,是否確實屬於「先驅消費者」的族群。 龍吟研論隸屬於智榮基金會,係由宏碁創辦人施振榮先生號召國內企業及法人單位所創立。其主要工作目標之一,係希望找到各領域的先驅消費者,藉由與他們進行深度訪談的方式,進而剖析消費者的需求特性與生活趨勢。 本研究運用東方消費者行銷資料庫(以下簡稱E-ICP)的樣本反映台灣社會母體的特性,並利用此資料庫對大眾的分群,將龍吟研論的受訪者歸入此資料庫的既有分群中,以檢驗各受訪者是否確屬先驅消費者的族群。執行步驟係先經過兩階段的挑選以設計問卷,並利用現場或網路發放的方式讓龍吟研論的受訪者填答。同時也利用龍吟研論挑選受訪者的前測問卷,挑選和E-ICP題庫中相近的題目以增加可比對的題目數量。透過上述步驟所回收之樣本,則利用最小平方法的計算方式,將各受訪者依據其填答選項歸類進既有的E-ICP分群之中。 研究結果顯示,在龍吟研論的樣本中,除健康類相關受訪者並非屬於先驅消費者外,其餘主題的受訪者均可視為先驅消費者的族群,此結果將有助於後續趨勢研究之進行。另外,本研究在其他三個方面亦有所斬獲:其一,本研究針對兩個不同資料庫的比對方式提供後續研究者一個路徑,以作為日後發展資料融合的基礎。其二,本研究的問卷設計係從既有題庫刪減而來,此步驟的挑選與驗證提供了較具經濟效率的調查方式。其三,本研究所進行的樣本分群,提供新加入之樣本歸類至既有分群的不同方式,進而能延伸推論新加入樣本的相關消費特性。 / Chinese Consumer Center (CCC) belongs to Stans Foundation, which was established by Stan Shih, the founder of Acer Group. As its main objectives, CCC wants to defind leading consumers in various fields, and analyzes their characteristics and lifestyle by using in-depth interviews. The purpose of this research is to confirm whether the respondents recruited by CCC are leading consumer or not. CCC’s respondents covered 14 topics from 2013-2015. This research used the mapping concept in statistics with E-ICP database to identify the leading degree of respondents. The E-ICP database had samples which were the representatives of Taiwanese consumers. This study selected 60 lifestyle questions from E-ICP to survey CCC’s respondents, and further used the CCC screening questions which were comparable to some E-ICP questions to form the data for the mapping process. Each CCC respondent was mapped and categorized into E-ICP’s lifestyle group to illustrate the leading degree. This research shows that except for the respondents of the health related topics, the rest of the respondents are all belong to the group of leading consumers. The major contributions of this research showed in three aspects. First of all, it demonstrated a method to compare two different databases; second, it provided an efficient way to size down a long questionnaire; third, it suggested a relatively simple method to classify the new respondents into the existing groups.

織品設計與創新- 以小型工作室NUNO與Sophie Hong為例 / Textile Design and Innovation- A Case Study of Design Studio :NUNO and Sophie Hong

陳怡婷, Chen, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以小型工作室之織品設計為例探討產品創新,探討問題包涵織品設計者的知識能力、織品設計者的背景與其設計之間的關係、織品設計過程當中與外部合作的情形、以及織品設計又屬於哪類創新。 本研究選定國內服裝設計師Sophie Hong以及日本織品設計公司NUNO為例。洪麗芬Sophie HONG由服裝設計(應用)回溯至布料甚至構成布料的材料(元件),NUNO則深耕布料,發掘出許多一般不用在布料上的材質或技術,因而開發出相當多意趣各異的織品。兩者在織品設計方面都成績斐然,不僅受到市場的喜愛,也分別被博物館收藏,顯示其設計有獨特地位。 透過深度訪談與次級資料收集,研究發現:  本研究中之個案屬小型工作室,她們不若紡織大廠做預測、做市場分析,而是透過對創新的堅持來經營她們的利基市場。織品設計者出於對布料的熱愛,深度的工藝耕耘,反覆實驗,因而有不斷的創新。而領導者的能力,涵蓋了實做而來的具有深度的技術性知識、生活中培養出的感官敏銳度以及美感。  由於個案屬小型工作室,設計者不特定由哪個系統化或文字化的專業產業資訊來源獲取知識,而是從文化、傳統及生活中擷取靈感。然而由文化及傳統而來的元素並不照本宣科直接搬上設計,而是經過設計者個人的轉化,成為融合現代與傳統的設計,才能廣受歡迎。  研究中織品設計者與外界的合作,以及與藝文界的互動,點點滴滴融入生活之中,成為織品設計者靈感的來源。而與合作生產者之間的互動,則屬於共創,這些織品設計者乃其合作廠商之領先使用者。

包裝食品商品創新之探討 / Product innovation research on "Packaged Food".

盧黎玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究屬於【營運模式】在食品工業的【創新管理】中協助商業化應用與實現的探討,重點在於協助管理者了解營運模式在創新過程中各項要素與活動的組成與連結。以系統化的觀念建構營運模式在實務上應用的模型架構,提供營運模式各項管理層面上規劃的參照。 本研究另一個重點在於指出企業創新並不僅來自商品與食品工業技術層次,所有能夠創造新附加價值的行為都應視為創新管理的一環,著重於創新不但可以為企業改善經營績效,更可以藉由創新帶來的差異化改變企業競爭優勢與地位。此外,也希望服務產業藉由本研究發現服務產業的服務創新可以直接藉由營運模式的改變達成創新的效果,在策略上將文化創意、服務創新與營運模式作一體兩面的概念連結。 為達成此一結論,本研究建構之營運模式觀念架構在服務創新的運用上以個 案實際做法做相互的印證參照,以期具有實證上的價值。論文本身期望達成下列 結論與貢獻; 1.以創新的發展的過程與理論觀察特定傳統市場,理解創新帶來的優勢與附加價值,以協助提升產業的競爭力。 2.建構創新營運模式提供企業在創新規劃的參考依據 3.透過本研究的個案分析與模式實證,分析歸納個案企業的創新與其相對應創新策略之營運模式的研究建議。 創新是多面向、無界線與限制的企業活動與策略發展標的,創新營運模式的建構研究也是無止盡的過程,本研究希望以本論文有足夠的素材帶給台灣服務產業增加一項創新領域的策略規劃及另一個企業經營的角度。


林聖勇 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣的服務業蓬勃發展,民國98年服務業產值佔國民國民生產毛額之比重逾七成,服務業人口佔全國總就業人口比例也接近六成,服務業日趨競爭;隨著台灣經濟環境的進步,國人的所得與生活水準逐漸上升,加上周休二日制度的實施,國人開始越來越重視生活品質,交互影響之下,國內服務業者不斷採取服務創新的方式,來滿足消費者的需求,也提升自身的競爭力,期能夠在競爭激烈的服務業中脫穎而出,因此本研究之目的,是希望能透過跨產業之服務創新個案研究,來探討服務創新之本質與企業運用服務創新之緣由與影響,找出跨產業服務創新之共通性,最後將研究方法與結果,提供有志於採取服務創新以提升競爭力之企業參考。 本文對書店產業的誠品書店、KTV產業的錢櫃與好樂迪集團、餐飲業的王品集團與婚紗產業等進行個案研究,首先將這四個產業之特性以產業消費特性架構進行分類,接著利用次級資料分析個別所採用的服務創新,最後發現服務創新中的服務觀念是最普遍被採取的模式。而在企業採取服務創新之後,不僅會對所屬產業產生革命性的影響,並且能夠發揮所屬產業特性上之優勢並彌補劣勢,來提升企業的競爭力,幫助其海外市場的經營,使其在激烈的競爭中脫穎而出。

中小型網通企業營運策略探討-以Z品牌公司客製化的產品開發為例 / Business strategy of small and medium broadband product enterprise - a case study over Z brand company customized product development

李正 Unknown Date (has links)
每一個企業都是希望憑藉著其核心能力追求持續性的成長與獲利。不幸的是,在快速變動的商業競爭領域,新進的挑戰者進行市場顛覆已是一常態。 本論文研究採用個案研究法,主要是探討中小型的網路通信企業,在經歷網路泡沫以後,如何檢視自身的競爭優勢,將破壞式創新、科技產品行銷等學理引用於新產品的開發設計與行銷上。本論文研究以「組織」、「新產品開發與策略」、「行銷通路的策略與管理」三項變數進行個案公司經理人訪談、資料收集與研究,期望瞭解個案公司的實務作為,與破壞式創新、核心競爭力、科技產品行銷理論、產業聚落等學理的結合性。 從個案中,我們可以得知如下: 一、 因應高科技產業的不確定性,企業對於外在環境變化的資訊收集(創新理論中的變化跡象),是企業進行策略分析的一項基本工作。 當企業了解外在環境不斷地動態性變遷時,凝聚企業組織內部的共識對於執行策略目標有助益。明確的目標及賞罰分明的組織,對於執行策略時,會有比較高的成功機會。 二、 由顧客價值鏈的變化,所擬定的新產品策略與開發,與克里斯汀生創新理論相符合。 三、 顧客的情境模擬有助於新產品概念的形成,並讓顧客、夥伴及行銷單位充分參與其中,是減少事後修正及補足的不二法門。 / Each enterprise is relying on its core competence to pursue continuative growth and profits. Unfortunately, in the rapid changes of commercial competition domain, new challengers carry on the market subversion already is a norm. This research is a case study to mainly discuss the small and medium broadband company, after experiencing the Internet bubble, how to inspect its own competitive advantage, apply Disruptive Innovation, High-Tech Product Marketing and other theoretical references in new product development, design and marketing. This research aspect is "New product development and strategy". By interviewing with company’s managers and gathering and studying company’s data, we expect to find correlations between firms’ practices and theoretical references as like Disruptive Innovation, Core Competence, High-Tech Product Marketing, Industry Cluster…and so on. From the case, we can learn the following: 1. In accordance to the high tech industry's uncertainty, the enterprise regarding the external environmental variation's information (changing sign) collection and identification are important for the enterprise strategy analysis. When the external changes are confirmed, in responses to the external environment's change, strengthening and condensing the enterprise internal consensus is the fundamental work. Meanwhile, if there are the explicit goal and an impartial rewards and punishments rules in the organization, carrying out the strategy will have the quite high possibilities of success. 2. Drawing up product strategy and development by the customer value chain's change is complied with Christensen, Clayton M.'s innovation theory. 3. The customer's application scenario is useful to a product concept. At product developing stage, sales, marketing team and customer's joining are much efficient for reducing cost and product post-adjustment.

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