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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺北市立圖書館館員對組織創新與組織效能認知之研究 / The Librarian Cognition of the Organizational Innovation and Effectiveness of Taipei Public Library

羅素貞 Unknown Date (has links)
受新公共管理思潮影響,政府組織部門近年積極向企業私部門學習 創新改革,惟創新範圍與方式廣泛,且隨組織結構及需求不同而有所差 異。就組織經營管理內涵而言,創新的引用涵括了管理創新與技術創新, 主要目的乃在回應外在環境變遷及需求,並藉由資源的重新整合與運作 ,以提升組織內部整合及外部生存之有效運作,亦即達成整體組織效能 之有效發揮。 本研究以臺北市立圖書館為研究主體,以服務之館員為實證對象 ,同時以組織創新、組織效能及人口統計資料為研究變項,歸納研究架 構,旨在探討: 一、臺北市立圖書館館員對組織創新認知程度 二、臺北市立圖書館館員對組織效能認知程度 三、臺北市立圖書館不同背景之館員對組織創新認知差異情形 四、臺北市立圖書館不同背景之館員對組織效能認知差異情形 五、臺北市立圖書館組織創新與組織的相關性 本研究採用問卷調查法蒐集資料,經篩取有效樣本265份,並以SPSS for Windows 12.0統計軟體進行資料分析,研究結果發現: 一、不同年齡館員對組織創新、組織效能認知程度具顯著差異。 二、不同服務年資館員對組織創新、組織效能認知程度具顯著差異。 三、不同工作職位館員對組織創新程度具顯著差異,但對組織效能則無 顯著差異。 四、圖書館組織創新各構面與組織效能各構面具有顯著相關。 關鍵字:組織創新、技術創新、管理創新、組織效能 / Under the impact of the new public management ideas, government departments have been actively learning innovative reforms from the private sector in recent years. But the scope and ways of innovation are broad and multiple and they vary when the organizational structures and needs have changed. As for the content of the operational management of an organization, innovative applications cover managerial and technological innovation. The main purpose is to respond to a changed external environment and its needs. Organizations increase their internal integration and external survival and achieve higher organizational efficiency through the renewed integration and operation of resources. This study mainly focuses on the Taipei City Library and makes its librarians as the empirical objects. At the same time, organizational innovation, effectiveness and demographic information are used as variables and the research structure is summarized to example: 1.The level of cognition over organizational innovation of the librarians of the Taipei City Library. 2.The level of cognition over organizational effectiveness of the librarians of the Taipei City Library. 3.The different cognition over organizational innovation among the librarians of the Taipei City Library. 4.The different cognition over organizational effectiveness among the librarians of the Taipei City Library. 5.The connection between the organizational innovation and effectiveness of the Taipei City Library. This study has used a questionnaire to collect information, which includes 265 valid samples selected from a poll and has been analyzed by the statistics software SPSS for Windows 12.0. The study has found: 1.Librarians of different ages have significantly different cognition over organizational innovation and effectiveness. 2.Librarians of different seniorities have significantly different cognition over organizational innovation and effectiveness. 3.Librarians of different positions have significantly different cognition over organizational innovation but not significantly different cognition over organizational effectiveness. 4.Library’s organizational innovative dimensions and effective dimensions are significantly correlation. Keywords: Organizational innovation; technological innovation; managerial innovation; organizational effectiveness


曾鳳秋 Unknown Date (has links)
資策會「2009台灣觀光休閒業資訊科技投資現況與趨勢」報告指出,台灣飯店業者在2008年資訊支出成長達17.5%,2009年更一舉增加至50.8%,年增幅至為明顯,此亦顯示出飯店業者即使面臨外在大環境不佳,仍願意砸下重金投資於IT上。追溯背後的驅動因素,即是飯店業者為創造差異化的服務與品牌形象,才於近幾年來開始推出各式各樣的IT服務。 在競爭日趨激烈的今日,飯店業者若想要維持與既有顧客之關係並更進一步吸引新顧客,發展服務創新已是未來的趨勢。而能夠同時提供增加顧客價值與企業價值之服務的創新企業,也才得以繼續維持其競爭優勢,進而自我開創另一片藍海,在新的市場中生存下來。 儘管服務創新對飯店產業來說是非常重要的發展方向,然回顧過去文獻,飯店產業的服務創新乏人探討。因此,本研究參考Bilderbeek & Hertog所提出之服務創新四構面作為本研究之研究架構,並以日月潭雲品酒店「數位飯店及虛擬管家建置計畫」為例,運用個案研究法並輔以次級資料之搜集與整理,詳細剖析其發展服務創新的過程與模式,以及探討服務創新各構面與發展活動會對服務創新的成果產生哪些影響。 本研究獲得以下主要結論: 1.創新服務應保持彈性,隨時調整以貼近顧客需求。 2.新客戶介面必須以「方便操作」為原則,並將介面加以有效整合,若能主動提供加值服務,亦能增加產品銷售機會。 3.高層核心主管對發展服務創新的支持與承諾,是專案能否成功推出的關鍵。 4.員工教育訓練可採循序漸進的方式,再將新服務逐一推出市場,如此也會降低員工對新服務的陌生與不安感。 5.藉由資訊科技的輔助,做為員工教育訓練的教材,能快速讓員工的技能豐富化,並增加其工作成就感。 6.企業應不斷地將服務精緻化,構築競爭者的模仿障礙,而若將成功案例推廣至集團其他據點,亦可發揮規模經濟的效益,降低整體平均建置成本。 / The expenditure for information technology in Taiwan’s hotel industry increased 17.5% in 2008, and further on to 50.8% in 2009. The scope of this increment is very conspicuous and reveals that even in the face of difficult times, the hotel operators are still willing to invest large amount of money in IT. The main reason driving the operators to start offering a variety of IT services is they want to enhance their brand’s image in consumers’ minds by adding more value-added services to their already extensive portfolio. In a market where the competition is becoming more intense every year, it is a major challenge for the hotel operators to retain regular customers while attracting new ones. Hence developing new service innovations is seen as a way to increase customer value and simultaneously help the hotels maintain its competitive advantages. However, despite the importance of service innovations to the hospitality industry, there are barely any studies conducted on it. Therefore this paper aims to look deeper into this subject, using the service innovation model by Bilderbeek & Hertog as a starting basis. This paper centers on a pre-chosen establishment, FLEUR DE CHINE HOTEL, using the method of case study. Assisted by second hand data, the study attempts to analyze the service innovation development process of the hotel and also determine how the various related activities influenced the final innovation results, so that areas for further improvement can be identified. The study concludes that: 1.Service innovation should be flexible, so it can adapt well and quickly to the customer’s needs. 2.The new client interface must be based on “operating conveniently” and integrate all other interfaces effectively. If it is able to provide additional service smoothly, it can also increase the chance of sales. 3.The support of the executives is a key factor for the success of developing new service innovation. 4.When introducing a new service, it should be done step by step, so that it’s easier for the employees to follow up and reduce their uneasiness. 5.With the assistance of IT, it can improve employees’ skills and enhance their sense of mutual achievement. 6.A company should enrich and refine their services continuously and proactively. If a company is able to propagate a project’s success to other departments or branches, it can also bring other economic benefits and reduce the overall operational cost.


周政賢, Chou, Jason Unknown Date (has links)
關於產品創新的研究,絕大多數學者均以B2C的企業產品作為研究探討的對象,強調以新的產品設計帶給消費者全新的生活體驗與感受。相較之下B2B的企業產品,特別是客製化零組件產品,業者大多只能以改善製程生產效率、提升良率等手法來維持競爭力。印刷電路板業即為上述B2B客製化零組件產品在台灣地區的代表性產業。本研究即以我國印刷電路板業A公司軟硬複合板的開發為例,探討此種B2B企業的客製化產品之產品創新模式。 本研究由相關文獻探討,推展出以「新產品開發管理」、「製程技術開發管理」與「組織文化」此三個構面的研究架構來探討印刷電路板業在產品創新活動的關鍵因素與管理項目,採個案研究法深入訪談個案公司的高階主管,以瞭解其產品創新過程的實務作為。由個案分析與研究發現得出研究結論如下: 結論一:在B2B企業的客製化產品開發過程中,明確的產品策略,具體的產品概念,和互動良好的客戶參與,是新產品開發成功的關鍵因素。 結論二:機器設備的開發與實驗活動,對B2B製造業的製程技術開發占有關鍵地位。 結論三:有效的知識管理及技術開發人員的管理與領導,是B2B客製化產品企業之製程開發活動中重要的管理項目。 結論四:差異化的企業組織策略,創新的價值觀與高階主管對創新活動的支持,對產品技術創新的成功有正面的影響。 / Regarding product innovation, a lot of studies did focus on B2C business, try to find a way to create “new feeling” product for consumers. For B2B business, especial for customization product, most firms do effort for production efficiency increasing, yield rate improvement, and cost reduction to maintain the competition. Printed circuit board (PCB) is this kind of industry in Taiwan typically. This research bases on a PCB company (A-company) rigid-flex PCB development case, to study B2B business’s product innovation model. The three major constructs of the research framework include new product development and its management, new process development and its management, and organizational culture. This research adopts case-study method to analysis the practice actions in A-company. The research results as below: 1. Clear product strategy, solid product concept, and good customers’ join, are the key points to get new product development success. 2. Equipment development and experiment actions are very important factors for process technology development in B2B firms. 3. Well knowledge management, good R&D people management and leadership, are the important management items for process technology development in B2B firms. 4. Differentiation strategy, innovation value, and top managers’ attitude for innovation action supporting, will lead product technology innovation success.

從創新擴散的觀點探討企業在Inbound Marketing的導入 / Adopting inbound marketing:the perspective of innovation diffusion

陳治平, Chen, Chih Ping Unknown Date (has links)
有關科技創新在擴散上的研究已行之有年,且有不少有關的研究發現及案例。但是創新的層面不只侷限於科技,在近年來服務創新、行銷創新等概念的興起,產生了創新領域內新的研究目標。而這些類型的創新擴散研究更是相當稀少,故本研究希望從此一方向進行探索性研究,期望同時有助於實務與學術的發展。 社會與科技的快速發展,促使網際網路的使用普及化,也影響到公司與消費者間的溝通及行銷模式。行銷創新:Inbound Marketing也是在這樣的情境下誕生。而近來台灣大量公司也採行Inbound Marketing作為重要的行銷手段時。讓公司不斷採納Inbound Marketing的理由及想法應該有可解釋的背後因素,所以本研究期望藉由研究的結果回答三點研究問題:(1) 影響行銷創新採用的重要關鍵因素為何?(2) 行銷創新擴散主要因素為何?(3) 不同產業在採用行銷創新上的異同為何? 本研究藉由文獻與學理的回顧,進一步探討Inbound Marketing行銷創新。以創新擴散、科技接受模式及兩階段理論作為基礎,發展出個案研究的基礎架構。研究架構將創新採用的過程,以創新決策流程作為基礎,區分為動機、啟發、執行及常規化等四個階段,並結合科技接受模式及兩階段理論中所討論的要素,進一步發展出構面。動機構面中含括創新、環境及組織等要素,啟發構面則包含設定標的及尋求創新等項目,執行構面則有重新定義及釐清兩個步驟,最後的構面則是常規化階段。本研究採用多重個案研究法,依前述的架構構面與變項進入深入的探討。 本研究所得到的初步結論包括:(1) 資源、環境及競爭要素是影響行銷創新採用的重要關鍵因素。(2) Inbound Marketing的高創新可近性是行銷創新擴散的主要因素。(3) 消費性電子及連鎖餐飲業在Inbound Marketing行銷創新採用的比較中,產業差異並不顯著。本論文最後進一步提出實務上及後續研究上的建議。 / Studies in innovation distribution and diffusion field have been researched for decades, but most innovation target will focus on technology innovation. Marketing innovation is still a new issue in innovation diffusion field. The study wants to be a base for following research in this topic. Internet quickly developing has totally changed communication tools between customers and companies, and forced new marketing method (or “marketing innovation”) “Inbound Marketing” was generated. And in these years, more and more companies adopt inbound marketing as a regular marketing tool. This study tries to explain the factors and motivation of company adopts marketing innovations, main reason of marketing innovation diffusion and differences of marketing innovation adoption between different industries. This study review innovation, marketing innovation related research, and make sure study target” Inbound Marketing” as a marketing innovation. And the study frame combines innovation diffusion, technology adoption model and two stage theory to analyze all study cases. The study structure is divided into four stages: Motivation, Inspiration, Execution and Routinization. Motivation contains “Innovation”,” Environment” and “Organization” factors. Inspiration includes “setting targets” and “seeking innovation”. Execution has ” Re-define” and “clarify” two stages. Finally companies adopt innovation and “Routinization”. The study finds “Resources”, “Environment” and “Competition” would be the main reason of marketing innovation adoption. And the high accessibility of inbound marketing with “Environment ” and “Competition” is the main factor of marketing innovation diffusion. Finally ,comparing “ Consumer Electronics Industry” and “ Chain restaurants” two industries, the difference in marketing innovation adoption is not obvious.

個人的懷舊傾向與創新接受度對 不同廣告訴求與新舊品牌的喜好度 差異性之研究 / Discuss consumers' attitude toward different advertising appeal with brands through individual personalities: nostalgia prone and innovativeness

陳姿伶 Unknown Date (has links)
不論是2003年7-Eleven主打的「童年福利社」、2006年維力手打麵推出「張君雅小妹妹」的眷村廣告、或是2007年可樂果廣告中以「愛神」歌曲搭配「想想可樂果」的時光倒流場景,這些行銷廣告活動的共通點是他們都試圖「以販賣過往的經驗與情緒作為活動主軸,引起消費大眾的共鳴與回憶」。本研究好奇的是許多以懷舊為手法的廣告品牌,是否會因為「新舊品牌」的差異進而產生不同的廣告喜愛度。為對應「新」與「舊」品牌概念,本研究在廣告訴求上以「懷舊」訴求對應「創新」訴求,進行2*2的廣告情境模擬,以實驗法探討不同懷舊傾向與不同創新接受度的消費大眾對於此四種廣告與品牌喜好度的差異。 研究結果顯示,在懷舊部分,懷舊傾向高者,相較懷舊傾向低者,對懷舊訴求廣告有顯著較佳的廣告態度。另外,懷舊傾向高者對於懷舊訴求廣告,相較於創新訴求廣告,也有顯著較佳的廣告態度。而在創新部分,創新接受度高者,相較於創新接受度低者,對創新訴求廣告不會產生顯著較高的廣告態度。而創新接受度高者對於創新訴求廣告,相較於懷舊訴求廣告,卻無產生較佳的廣告態度。 另外本研究亦發現,對懷舊傾向高的人而言,其對廣告訴求的敏感度高於對新舊品牌的敏感度,也就是不論是舊品牌或是新品牌,只要是懷舊訴求的廣告,即容易讓懷舊傾向高者產生好的廣告態度。但相反地,對於懷舊傾向低者,品牌的影響力反而大過於訴求的影響力。也就是當訴求對其吸引力不大時,品牌本身的差異對其廣告喜愛度就扮演著重要的角色。而對於創新接受度高者,本研究亦發現其對於懷舊訴求廣告不一定會產生排斥抗拒感、甚至會有正面的廣告態度。


方文玉 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

歐盟創新制度之研究-兼論對台灣創新制度之啟示 / A study on innovation system of European Union and it's possible inspiration to the innovation system of Taiwan

高馨馨, Kao, Hsing Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
創新是指將發明本身商品化,亦指將創意或發明轉換為產品或服務的過程。創新的結果是產生新產品、產生新製程、打開新市場、獲得新補給來源、更是任何產業新組織體系的實行。創造創新經濟是創新的最終目標。隨著1980年美國拜杜法案 (Bayh-Dole Act) 制定通過,我國參考其政策亦於1999年跟進制定與實施「科技基本法」。十年以來,我國學研單位之研發成果透過技術移轉與境外實施推及商業化落實之預期效益仍相當有限,顯見由於文化及產業環境不盡相同的關係,美國之經驗對我國並不全然適用。行政院國家科學委員會自87年起推動7項國家型科技計畫,投入總經費八百四十一億餘元,總計產出二千七百一十四項專利中,以技術移轉者一千五百零四項,取得權利金二十一點七六億餘元,技術移轉獲取的權利金收入與投資金額比率只達4.03%,效能不彰,因此監察院教育及文化委員會於99年5月13日通過監委黃煌雄提案,糾正國科會。由於在產業環境及文化型態上,歐洲與臺灣有許多相似之處;例如:中小企業在產業中的比重,產業升級與轉型的壓力,文化傳統中對穩定及安全的依賴,研發體系與產業界相對的疏離等等。事實上,歐盟為了加強科技研發與創新之間的聯繫,採取一連串有益中小企業的措施,在這些機制與措施的影響下,歐盟各學術研究機構不論在專利申請、佈局與技術移轉、授權的發展方面已經有後來居上的態勢。因此,本研究擬藉研究、分析歐盟相關的創新策略和產學合作運作模式,包括里斯本政策(Lisbon Strategy)、歐洲2020政策(The Europe 2020 Strategy)、最近一期的第七期科研架構計畫(Seventh Framework Programme; FP7)、歐洲投資基金(European Investment Fund; EIF)、歐洲各地技術平台(European Technology Platforms; ETPs)、以及瑪麗亞凱利人力網絡系統(Marie Curie Networks)的組織架構、資金來源等,期能提供我國相關單位實際執行創新科學技術之規劃產生、產出技術之經營與技轉等,可茲借鏡之制度與作法。 / Innovation is the commercialization of the invention itself. Innovation is the process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or for which customers will pay. Innovation brings the introduction of new goods, new methods of production, the opening of new markets, the conquest of new sources of supply, and the carrying out of a new organization of any industry. The final object of innovation is to create economic benefits. “Science and Technology Act” of Taiwan referring to the Bayh-Dole Act of U.S.A. was enacted in 1999. During the past ten years, the universities and research institutions in Taiwan worked with limited results in the field of research and development. The effectiveness through technology transfer and off-shore technology transfer was quite limited in Taiwan. Obviously, the U.S.A. experiences are not totally fit to Taiwan, because of different cultural and environmental factors. National Science Council of Taiwan was corrected by Control Yuan of Taiwan because of their low effectiveness to carry out the National Science and Technology Projects. National Science Council of Taiwan spent 84.1 billions NT dollars on seven National Science and Technology Projects, but there are only 2.176 billions NT dollars feedback through technology transfer, only 4.03% of the investment. Europe and Taiwan are quite similar in industrial and cultural environments, such as the proportion of small and medium enterprises in the industry, the heavy pressure of Industrial upgrading and transformation, the dependence of the stability and security of the cultural traditions, and the relative alienation between R & D system and industry. In fact, in order to strengthen the links between the scientific and technological R & D and innovation, European Union took a serious of useful measures. Under those measures, the universities and research institutes in European Union have come from behind the trend, whether in the patent application, the technology transfer, and the patent licensing. The aim of this study is to provide Taiwanese government the actual implementation of the innovation of science and technology planning by analyzing the innovative strategies, the industry-university cooperation mode of operation, the organizational structure of innovative R & D system, and the funding sources of innovation development in EU, including the Lisbon Strategy, the Europe 2020 Strategy, the Seventh Framework Programme, the European Investment Fund, the European Technology Platforms, and the Marie Curie Networks.

從社會網絡看組織創新-以台灣電視產業為例 / The Study of Organizational Innovation Based on Social Network Theory in Taiwan Television Industry

王雅君 Unknown Date (has links)
在高度競爭的企業環境中,要能夠因應環境的變化、強化自身競爭力,「創新」是重要的途徑之一。也因此,「組織創新」的相關研究,包含創新的內容(產品創新、服務創新、商業模式創新等)、創新的模式、創新導入等研究主題,多年來,已經累積相當豐碩的成果。   我們可以說,在管理學研究的領域當中,「組織創新」已經自成一個完整的範疇。然而,儘管過去的研究成果斐然,但隨著網路世代的來臨與全球化趨勢,企業所面臨的挑戰更大,未來等待詮釋解答的課題將方興未艾。   本研究的關切焦點集中在媒體產業的「創新擴散」,其原因在於數位匯流(digital Convergence )趨勢對媒體產業造成的衝擊,在「質」與「量」的層面上,相較於其他產業所面臨的變革壓力,都是有過之而無不及。   所謂「數位匯流」,源於近年來數位傳輸與壓縮技術快速發展,帶動了影視產業數位化(Digital)的趨勢。而各類型影音內容載具(PC、手機、平板電腦)數位傳輸的能力不斷強化的結果,造成數位影音內容均可在不同載具上傳輸播放,也因而原本在電視、電信、網際網路等不同訊息載台傳輸的內容,因為一同趨向數位化的演變,使得這些不同傳輸管道的內容形成匯流化(convergence)的結果,因而過去壁壘分明的產業,以模糊分隔界線,快速的整合一個全新的生態系統(eco system)。以多元性的內容製作,結合多樣化的傳播與接收載具,顛覆以往的電視傳播產業的生態與收視市場。   媒體產業面臨如此的衝擊,電視媒體經營者等於是在同一時間承受「技術創新」、「服務創新」和「經營模式創新」的三大壓力。而傳統電視台從過去壟斷電視收視市場,穩坐市場主流。直到二十年前開始受到有線電視的挑戰。如今,到了數位匯流時代,卻仍以過去相對較無彈性的組織型態,來面對高度變動與不確定性的全新市場與產業的競爭,所以,不管是在自身條件上、或是客觀的環境上,台灣的無線與有線電視台媒體都面臨極大的壓力。   由網路科技的快速發展,所帶動的數位匯流之產業創新,閱聽人獲取資訊與接收影音的行為改變,導致傳統電視台的廣告收入銳減,雖相關領域的業者所關注的是新的商業模式,營收與收入產值從何而來如何能彌補逐漸流失的傳統廣告收入。我們深知,經營企業並沒有成功方程式,尤其是這一波全球化的產業變革風潮,變化之快,改變之大,更是難以掌握。雖然,國外已有發展出新的營收模式,如Google以搜尋及演算技術所發展的關鍵字廣告與Adence等多邊平台營收模式,又如大陸的眾多視頻網發展成熟會員付費模式,及相關的不同載具與通路的內容重組及加值運用,但能否持續的產生可觀的收入,尚待時間的觀察與考驗。但因企業要發展出新的營收模式,須考慮到企業本身的資源、能力條件、服務與產品等研發能力,各企業的條件不同,所發展出的營運模式皆會相差甚大,變數甚多。且數位匯流發展趨勢尚屬進行式的階段,目前尚未有堪稱有成功的商業模式。雖此以議題是大家所關切的目標,因變數太多,不在本論文的研究範圍。   本研究是聚焦在企業內的組織流程中,是否存在一種「將組織創新所需的外部資訊傳遞到組織末稍」的傳遞流程。因為,在數位匯流時代,外部知識或訊息變動速度快,電視台經營階層如何採納外部知識與訊息做成決策,而做成決策之後又如何在組織內進行擴散,將決策與相關背景傳遞到組織基層,這對於組織創新的成敗,對於因應數位化的成敗,具有關鍵的影響。   回到企業內的經營與管理,經營者之所以難以決策或執行創新構想,大都是缺乏適切的管道系統性取得對公司有益的訊息,或是未充分了解那些有用的創新構想,更遑論進一步的發展與應用。 本研究延伸Whelan等人的理論(Whelan, E., Parise, S., Jasper de Valk and Rick Aalbers, 2011),形成組織創新傳遞流程,並以此檢視目前台灣電視台創新無法落實的原因,從組織結構,資源分配流程與內部連結溝通機制,來了解創新無法落實的原因,是否缺乏這兩種機制。   本研究認為這兩種機制是創新落實的大企業在組織內應存在的必要條件。變動通常伴隨著機會與風險,在競爭劇烈與高度變化的媒體產業環境中,誰能最快掌握這一波數位化浪潮下的創新思維,導入外部創新內容與內部組織傳遞流程,建立並培養關鍵核心能力與機制,整合內外有價值或有用的信息與資源,誰將會是未來數位匯流產業戰場上的新贏家。   電視媒體產業中的數位匯流的趨勢,本研究定義為「數位匯流」為這個世代重大的創新事務。換言之,未來台灣的電視業者,其永續經營的關鍵將會是取決於,誰能夠在這波數位產業浪潮下,具備快速吸納內外部創新技術與能力,將相關的人才與資源有效配置與運用,並精確地於組織內進行「創新導入與擴散」,才是快速變動下之產業競爭最核心關鍵能力。   本研究以國內重要的電視媒體為研究對象,透過對特定電視媒體裡,位居數位化創新導入關鍵位置的核心決策人物進行訪談,以組織創新管理與組織內部溝通網絡的角度,觀察一個組織在面臨創新變革的壓力下,影響外衍性創新導入的變數。   同時,透過對關鍵人物的訪談,本研究整理了台灣不同電視媒體內部的組織流程與核心角色的功能與型態,恰可比較出上述兩大機制在不同台灣電視媒體落實的程度,與因應數位匯流變革以及相關組織績效形成相關性。

創新系統產品之組織環境、開發及與使用者共創-以Eee PC、iPod及iPhone為例 / The Organizational Environment, Development and User Co-Creating of Innovative System-Products-Case Studies of Eee PC, iPod, and iPhone

洪以旼 Unknown Date (has links)
從2007年至今,兩個系統產品華碩的Eee PC及蘋果的iPhone震撼市場,Eee PC更被稱做為破壞式創新。這兩個產品的發展及演化是非常值得研究,本研究欲探討: 1.企業如何打破既有傳統硬體製造商思惟,將硬體、軟體及服務整合為一個系統產品; 2.企業如何與使用者成功的共創軟體。 本研究經過次級資料收集、訪談、個案分析後,研究發現: 1.企業開發創新系統產品時,其創新組織特色為: (1)一個跳脫出主流產品獨立之開發組織(團隊); (2)將團隊獨立在主流外之後,給予跨部門團隊一個利於互動的開放環境; (3)更獲得高層的支持與參與,以助於產品創新。 2.企業在開發創新系統產品過程中: (1)使用者資訊的取得來自於產品開發者,其具有使用者及開發者的雙重身分; (2)先從定義產品才決定功能; (3)必須創造原型才能讓使用者親眼見到、摸到產品,以獲得使用者回饋改善產品。 然而,華碩在Eee PC上對於共創的努力成果不如蘋果豐碩,乃肇因兩個案之使用者社群特性不同,分別為集體協作社群及消費者生產社群。因此企業必須制訂出利於適合使用者社群之回饋模式、必須與開發人員建立良好的溝通並將過程透明。本研究亦發現,若欲成功與使用者共創,企業必須建構出優於既有平台之解決方案,以打破使用者習慣,才能有效共創。 / From the year of 2007 to the present-day, two systematic products, Eee PC of ASUS and iPhone of Apple, appear in the IT market and shock the world as best examples of destructive-innovation. It is thought worthwhile to take advantage of our understanding of the development and evolution of these two products in the past three decades to investigate: 1. How an enterprise is able to break through the old ways of thinking of traditional hardware makers, and able to integrate hardware, software and services into an innovative system-product; 2. How to create a platform for successful user- developer co-creating. The research method of this paper includes literature review, interview, and case analysis. The research results reveal that: 1. In order to develop an innovative system-product, an independent task force comprise staffs of different expertise should be set up outside the mainstream organization of the enterprise; and the independent task force should be given strong support and participation from the top level leadership of the enterprise; 2. In order to create an environment of user-developer co-creating, the function of the innovative system-product should be designed according to the demand of users; and the information of the users’requirement comes from the party of developer in the course of development; 3. In order to obtain feedback from the users for further improvement, a prototype of the innovative system-product should be made for the users to perform a trial run. When Asus unveiled their Eee PC in 2007, they did try very hard to integrate services and software, and to develop software market through user co-creating, just as the way Apple had done it. But the outcome was and is still not as successful as that of Apple. Both Asus and Apple tried user co-creating, but the outcome is different. The difference of outcome stems from the different characteristics of user’s society, i.e. Mass Collaboration Community, and consumers production society. It is therefore that an enterprise should set up a feedback model suitable for user’s society. The research of this paper also reveals that a successful user co-creating should be based upon a platform which is superior to the existing one, and that the habit of users can be modified (changed) in compliance with the new development of the user co-creating environment.


楊芝霞 Unknown Date (has links)
如何激發團隊創新的能力,是台灣目前的產業發展方向,而一直以來,許多的研究都認為團隊創意的產生過程是雜亂無章的,本研究試圖經由對於個案訪談與觀察,來了解並釐清團隊的創新與創造過程,並進一步研究分析,在組織與個人的層面上,有利於團隊創新的因素為何,以期對於未來的創新團隊有所貢獻。 台灣目前的產業走向強調內容(Content)之重要性,在娛樂經濟大未來終究有提到,娛樂產業是未來唯一可以有高成長的產業,在台灣邁向已開發國家的階段時,對於內容產業的發展與重視也將不斷的升高,可望成為下一波的產業發展趨勢;因此,本研究以目前的台灣所提倡的文化創意產業為例,研究表演藝術產業的戲劇團體之創新與創意發展過程,以期瞭解在過程中組織、領導者與團隊成員所扮演的角色,進一步並研究如何管理與激發組織與創意,以有效的讓團隊成員貢獻期能力,以達到團隊創新的多元性與綜效。 本研究主要以Leonard(1999)的創意過程理論以及Mintzberg(2000)的組織理論,來分析創新團隊的創造過程,以國內六個知名現代劇團為例,透過個案訪談的方式來深入分析團隊的創新過程。 根據本研究的觀察與分析,發現團隊創新有以下的特質,在過程中,領導者與組織文化也會對於創新的方向造成影響。經過本研究的分析與觀察,來自於團隊創新過程與組織中的啟發如下: 1.創新型組織的團隊中,較容易產生多元價值,有助於團隊的創新產生,且更容易在變動的環境下生存。 2.厚基的領域知識是團隊創新的基礎。而團隊多元價值的發揮有賴於團隊中信任與熟悉度的建立。 3.具有多種領域專長的A型領導人,有助於團隊創新的產生與溝通,較容易領導出結合兩種領域的開創性作品。 4.創意產生過程中,知識權與決策權的結合有助於創意的產生。 5.時間壓力不利於創新準備期,卻有利於創新的開展與整合階段。 本研究是以一個團隊管理的角度來研究創意的產生,以管理的觀點來研究創意的產生,使管理學界對於創意的產生能有更多的認識,進而發展更有效的激發團隊創意的要素,以期對於目前的創新團隊能夠有所貢獻。 / Group creativity and innovation are the great topic of management. How to manage the group and lead more ideas? It’s a challenge for manager. This study tries to figure out the process of innovation and creativity. Because of the focus of content industry in Taiwan, this study picks six famous performance groups to do the research. Also want to figure out the process of innovation in the performance group and find the effect way to manage the group innovation. This research is based on two major theories: the creativity process theory of Leonard(1999) and the organization theory of Mintzberg(2000). Based on these two theories and the case study, the conclusion comes out as following: 1.Innovation organization will lead to variety value and ideas inside the group and make organization stand out during the keen competence environment. 2.Strong field knowledge is the base of group innovation. Trust between the group members will create variety value and ideas within the organization. 3.The group with variety skills leader makes revolution and innovation easier inside the organization. 4.During the creativity process, combination of decision power and knowledge power makes group member contributing their knowledge to organization. 5.Time pressure makes development and integration step of innovation more efficient, but hurt the creativity process during the idea prepared step.

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