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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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葉純婷 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣茶由來已久,茶葉在滿清時期及日據時期,是主要的外銷物產,然而台茶由外銷轉內需的關鍵年代為一九八○年代,近二十年來已急速地轉成製造包種茶、烏龍茶供應內需。一九八二年,島內飲茶風氣盛行,當時中產階級時興以小壺泡「老人茶」消遣,因此茶藝館就如雨後春筍般出現,一九八三年,台中新式連鎖茶藝館「春水堂」首創冰茶飲法,其宣稱首創的珍珠奶茶更是歷久不衰,成功的將客群拓展到二十至三十歲的年輕人,因為消費不高又提供場地提供聚會、聊天、或讀書,因此多為學生族群青睞,自此之後,類似的茶飲料店紛紛出現。 於是本研究希望透過所選擇之三家新式連鎖茶館,了解其事業模式創新之建立與評估事業模式創新的意義,希望研究成果可供其他新式連鎖茶館作為創新模範,用作未來發展改進的參考。 本研究以翰林茶館、天仁喫茶趣、陽羨春水堂三家現代連鎖茶館為研究對象,根據深入訪談與直接觀察,來分析與評估個案茶館的事業模式創新。從創新機會中的外部環境變項、組織領導人特性變項、以及組織特性變項,了解過去茶館的發展對其事業模式在核心策略、策略性資源、顧客介面、價值網絡之創新影響,歸納整理兩者之因果關係,本研究之研究問題:  在新式連鎖茶館的事業模式創新中,創新的因素與機會對事業模式創新的影響兩者關係為何?  比較個案茶館的經營結果,評估事業模式是否具有創造財富的潛力? 個案研究顯示,翰林茶館、天仁喫茶趣、陽羨春水堂之事業模式創新皆與其創新機會和因素息息相關,並且其事業模式創新的確能為新式連鎖茶館帶來財富。

動態創新模組應用在組織管理能力上之研究 / A dynamic model of managing business capabilities for sustained innovation

廖良諭, Liao , Liang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
企業如何建立持續創新的能力,以創業以及動態能耐的角度去分析 / World enterprises are facing the challenge of continuous innovation to compete and to sustain their market positions, and they are under great pressure to respond quickly and efficiently to changes in their external environments. Innovation can be characterized as a synthesis of process, product, and knowledge that leads to increased business growth and higher performance. An organization may accelerate innovation with better capabilities of managing critical resources. Business leadership and the capability to manage organizational resources for fluent communication and learning during the innovation development cycle have been highlighted as key components of sustained competitiveness. Based on the literature on process and information technology management, business innovation, and dynamic capabilities, this study provides a model that addresses the links between leadership—with insights and foresights for technology exploration and exploitation—and organizational capabilities of resource integration, learning, and transformation to accelerate innovation. A comparative analysis of the evolution of two PC manufacturers and two textile firms in Taiwan revealed a cyclical process between the leadership decisions and dynamic capabilities for sustained competitiveness in these two industries. The study results suggest that to build strong capabilities for continuous innovation in a changing business environment firms need to have leadership with both the attitude and behavior of entrepreneurship, combining the foresight to capture opportunities with ICT and the insight to guide and manage internal resources to achieve dynamic innovation.


李于梅 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究幼稚園園長藍海策略知覺與幼稚園創新經營之關係。本研究方法為文獻分析法、問卷調查法及訪談法,問卷調查樣本以宜蘭縣、基隆市、台北市、台北縣、桃園縣公私立幼稚園園長為研究對象,共600人,樣本回收350份,回收率達58.3%;樣本可用349份,可用率達58.1%。研究工具包含採用自編之「幼稚園園長藍海策略知覺調查問卷」、「園所創新經營調查問卷」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析、結構方程模式(SEM)分析及內容分析等方法進行分析討論。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 一、幼稚園園長藍海策略知覺含聚焦願景以重建市場邊界、超越現有需求、克服組織障礙、執行納入策略。 二、幼稚園創新經營含前瞻思維、開放多元、品質卓越、持續改進、容忍錯誤、發展特色。 三、幼稚園園長藍海策略知覺的得分程度佳,並以「超越現有需求」課程得分最高,而「克服組織障礙」課程得分最低。 四、幼稚園創新經營的現況得分程度佳,並以「開放多元」能力表現最佳,以「發展特色」能力得分最低。 五、園長背景變項中,園所規模、園所性質、園長年齡、最高學歷、園長年資在幼稚園園長藍海策略的知覺差異達顯著水準。 六、園長背景變項中,園所規模、園所性質、園長年齡、園長年資對幼稚園創新經營的情況差異達顯著水準,但最高學歷未達顯著差異。 七、幼稚園藍海策略知覺得分高分組者,在幼稚園創新經營得分顯著優於中、低分組;幼稚園園長藍海策略知覺得分中分組者,在幼稚園創新經營得分顯著優於低分組。 八、幼稚園園長藍海策略知覺與永續領導能力間呈顯著正相關。 九、幼稚園園長藍海策略知覺對幼稚園創新經營具有高度預測力,且以克服組織障礙原則最具有預測力。 十、幼稚園園長藍海策略知覺對幼稚園創新經營的模式經驗證後適配度佳,具有顯著影響力。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、對教育行政機關的建議 一、舉辦幼稚園經營相關之研習活動 二、調整公立幼稚園經費使用方法 三、國小附設幼稚園行政獨立 貳、對幼稚園園長的建議 一、加強自身在創新經營之「發展特色」能力 二、園長使用引爆點領導以克服組織障礙 三、園長重新檢討園所成本結構 / The main purpose of this research is to study of relationship of kindergarten principal’s Blue Ocean Strategy senses and innovation management of kindergarten. The research methods used was literature review, questionnaires investigation, and interview. The research instrument was distributed to 600 kindergarten principals in Yilan County, Keelung City, Taipei City, Taipei County, Taoyuan County and 349 valid samples were used in this study. The data obtained was interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, Multiple Regression and SEM model through the use of LISREL 8.71, and content analysis. The conclusions drawn from the study were as follows: 1. The kindergarten principal’s Blue Ocean Strategy sense includes: focusing on big picture, not the number to reconstruct market boundaries;reaching beyond existing demand;overcoming key organizational hurdles ;building execution into strategy. 2. The kindergarten innovation management includes: foresighted and thoughtful, open and diversified, quality and excellent, continuing and improving, charity and tolerance, development and feature. 3. The kindergarten principal’s Blue Ocean Strategy sense “reaching beyond existing demand” rank first and “overcoming key organizational hurdles” rank last. 4. The kindergarten innovation management received a positive outcome and “open and diversified” rank the highest, “development and feature” rank last. 5. The kindergarten principals’ kindergarten size, kindergarten type, age, highest educational degree, year in service has significant difference on kindergarten principal’s Blue Ocean Strategy senses. 6. The kindergarten principals’ kindergarten size, kindergarten type, age, , year in service have significant difference on kindergarten innovation management. But kindergarten principals’ highest educational degree do not have significant difference. 7. Kindergarten principals who got high score on the Blue Ocean Strategy senses were gotten better score in the kindergarten innovation management than low and middle ones, who got middle score on the Blue Ocean Strategy senses, were gotten better score in the kindergarten innovation management than low ones. 8. The Blue Ocean Strategy senses for a kindergarten principal is positively correlated with the kindergarten innovation management. 9. The Blue Ocean Strategy senses for a kindergarten principal could positively predict kindergarten innovation management. 10. The model of the Blue Ocean Strategy senses to kindergarten innovation management for a kindergarten principal is proper. In the last, based on the research results, the researcher propose some suggestions for “Educational Administrative Agencies” and “principal of kindergartens”, hoping to benefit the of the kindergarten principal preparation systems in the future.


黃培彰, Huang, Pei Chang Unknown Date (has links)
科技所能提供的性能提升速度往往超過市場的真正需求,性能過度供給雖然給予破壞性技術侵入主流市場的機會,未能夠掌握需求的變遷亦是另一個原因。 過去台灣在電腦產業上的優勢,乃是不斷地透過規模經濟與學習曲線的效果來降低成本並擴大獲利的空間。在創新技術上的突破卻多侷限在更新製程與改善產品品質的延續性質的創新上。這一波在全球經濟不景氣與傳統筆記型電腦銷售疲軟下,低價電腦帶來的創新啟示是能夠將不同的價值前提帶入市場中,與主流市場既有產品相輔相成,並善用市場邊緣客戶重視的特色,隨著時間所演變的,不只是產品性能的提升,更將是扭轉小眾市場逐漸成為大眾市場的優良管理策略。 本研究之重點,在以克雷頓.克里斯汀生(Clayton M. Christensen)於其著作「創新的兩難」提出之破壞性創新(Disruptive Innovation)概念所進行的探討和剖析,輔以其他學者對理論的見解,並以低價電腦為例,試圖探索電腦產業利用其作為破壞性創新的成因與構成因素。


錢欣玫 Unknown Date (has links)
全球化的浪潮已經席捲世界各個角落,特別自80年代以後,隨著經濟全球化的迅速發展和國際競爭的日趨激烈,國際產業轉移技術之路徑亦發生重要的變化,由原來著重在母國研發以對外進行技術投資的組織形式,慢慢轉變為直接在地主國從事研發。而中國長期以來一直為台商單一地區投資比例最高的區域,根據相關研究顯示,台商早期進去中國多以傳統製造業為主,屬於勞力密集高之產業,而後期則逐漸以資本及技術密集產業為主,顯示在不同時期,台商對中國投資特性之改變。 本文從研發全球化及研發區位選擇相關理論作延伸,同時以創新系統的觀點切入,並輔以問卷調查結果,探討台灣企業研發部門投資兩岸區位選擇。因此,在第一階段將研發區位選擇地區廣泛地分為中國大陸和台灣;其後,第二階段則針對台灣部分進行更深入的探討,將台灣分為北部、中部以及南部地區。而在實證變數方面主要分為兩個部分:第一部包含廠商基本屬性以及區位選擇原因、第二部分為創新系統相關變數。實證結果顯示就兩岸而言,兩部分的變數皆會影響台灣企業研發部門的區位選擇,而若就台灣地區而言,則屬創新系統相關變數影響最為深刻。 最後,根據本研究之結論,從宏觀面向來看,建議台灣未來宜加強其所有權優勢、內部化優勢的部分,以增進其海外研發能力;就微觀層面則建議未來應強化中部與南部的創新環境、建構完善的三螺旋合作網絡、並進一步強化廠商研發意願。

銀行創新融資商業模式-以專利權及商標為例 / The Innovative financing Business Models of Bank

張恆裕 Unknown Date (has links)
中小企業的實質發展一直以來是國內經濟發展的基礎,也是國內經濟成長的重要助力,然為能解決中小企業對資金的需求,中小企業取得融資額度之大小,將因銀行融資的作業模式而有所不同。有鑑於,近年來國內中小企業戮力於創新研發能力的日益發展,以及智慧財產的要求日益嚴謹的規範,在這雙重的因素考量之下,專利權與商標的申請便成為中小企業開創事業另一高峰的機會,故在這樣的思維衝擊下,本研究考量在整體融資商品的發展下,透過專利權或商標為融資標的之商業模式,是否會提升銀行的營運績效。 因此,本研究藉由深度訪談及SWOT分析的導入,研究專利權與商標的創新融資商業模式的影響,茲將研究發現概分下列幾項: 一、 專利權與商標之創新融資商業模式會影響個人信貸的業務推展; 二、 專利權與商標之專業審核能力可以降低銀行融資經營風險; 三、 以專利權與商標為融資標的可以開發融資消費客群; 四、 呆帳風險管控有助於降低銀行創新融資所帶來的衝擊。

中小企業資源績效與創新績效之關聯研究 / The Study of The Association Between Resource And Innovation on SMEs.

林家弘 Unknown Date (has links)
根據2005年台灣中小企業白皮書統計2004年台灣中小企業數約有1,164,009家。其中80.7%集中在服務業,18.39%為工業以及0.91%的農業。一直以來,中小企業靈活的運作和實力的累積也造就許多日益茁壯的大型企業。然而其中約有42%的中小企業是經營十年以上,也就是說尚有58%的中小企業尚在蓄積實力的階段。這些未滿十年的中小企業經營者,所面對的是對岸的急起直追,以及各國大型企業的資源消耗戰。若無成功創新的中小企業作為學習典範和參考,或許就只能臨摹資源充沛的大型企業創新模式,但恐怕是隔靴搔癢沒能點出要害。 本研究從「創新」「資源」兩個構面探討台灣中小企業,目的在了解台灣的中小企業倚賴何種創新方式成長;台灣的中小企業如何累積資源;以及台灣中小企業的各類創新中,以何種創新對企業成長與績效提升最有幫助。本研究的發現如下所述。 1. 台灣的中小企業中,能夠連續至少五年以上成長與獲利者,以採用「技術系統創新」者為多,而「技術系統創新」中往往「技術創新」與「產品創新」同時發生。 2. 台灣維持至少五年以上成長與獲利的中小企業,會先專注利基市場,再不斷透過「產品創新」擴張市場突破營收瓶頸。 3. 台灣的中小企業透過各類型創新(技術創新、產品創新、流程創新、組織創新、策略創新),都可以建構與蓄積資源;其中採用策略創新的中小企業,總資產的累積最為迅速。


李友智, Lee Yu Chih Unknown Date (has links)
產品創新是企業在這千變萬化的時代裡,唯一的生存之道。知識管理則是現今管理學界上重要的新興課題,主要就是希望能夠幫助企業解決創新的困擾。本論文主要就是在研究影響知識管理與產品創新的變數,並且試途探討知識管理良好時,是否確實能夠讓公司的產品創新。 工業電腦產業一直為國人所不熟悉,直到最近研華公司上市題材,才漸漸為世人注意。由於此產業如同電腦產業一樣,仍在發展階段,產品推陳出新速度高,而且變化多且應用廣泛,所需專業技術知識高,實為一研究知識管理與產品創新的好題材。本論文將文獻討探中架構出來的命題與工業電腦實務界相互映證,並且得出下列之結論。 產品:工業電腦界中,產品代表著一切。所以產品策略的不同,將會影響公司知識管理、未來發展等等。更甚著,主力產品的差異將會影響知識轉換成創新的干擾因素。像是以差異化高品質為產品策略的廠商,其干擾變數便為行銷因素;所以對其而言,如何去瞭解顧客的需求便是此類型廠商的當務之急。 組織:通路形態、主管態度與內部資訊流通機制在在都會影響知識管理與產品創新。如果資訊能夠以較快速的方式在組織內奔馳,則可以讓知識的吸收、累積與產品創新更加的有效率。所以組織應該將整體結構改成資訊獲取比較容易的形態,像是以子公司為主要通路商,運用企業內網路加強資訊交流,均不失為一種良好的辦法。 工業電腦產業為一項知識密集度高的產業,並且在可見的未來具有極大的發展潛力。冀望本研究能對各個廠商有所貢獻! 第一章 序論 第二章 文獻探討 第三章 研究方法 第四章 個案研究 第五章 命題驗證 第六章 結論 / This paper is for kowledge management,product innovation and moderator between them. I hop the paper could be help for industry.

以動態能力觀點探討本土藥廠轉型及創新之個案研究 / A case study on transformation and innovation of local pharmaceutical company in taiwan based on dynamic capabilities perspective

許長禮 Unknown Date (has links)
企業在運作的過程中,基於永續經營的概念,必須不斷追求進步。因此創新成為企業運作不可或缺。在現今競爭非常激烈,產品生命週期很短,變化速度極快的環境,我國製藥產業其創新的能力及動態的能力,即成為提昇競爭優勢及改善公司的經營績效最有效的利器之一。本研究採取個案研究,其研究結果如下: 一、本土藥廠在主從策略創新乃採取技術跟隨著國外藥廠的技術,著重於調適(而非創造)技術改變以降低製藥流程的風險及成本,培養出獨特能力;而組織流程創新適時調整組織架構及流程,使每位員工適時學習調整本身技能,以符合組織需要;在產品創新致力填補滿足客戶需求缺口,追求本身永續成長。 二、本土藥廠其組織管理程序,在轉型前的協調整合以欠缺水平溝通的定期主管會報、新產品開發會議等會議為主,轉型後包括策略聯盟進行協調整合;在學習部份,轉型前是被動、靜態,轉型後為知識型學習組織;在重整與轉變部份,轉變前面對環境變動,各部門抱持著事不關己的態度,轉變後定位為行銷導向藥品發展公司。 三、本土藥廠其企業專屬資產位置,在技術資產部份,轉型後聚焦在有利潤已開發成功之技術或產品;在互補資產部份,轉型前為具有技術合作能力,但對轉型方向受到技術的限制,轉型後包括研究發展、癌症科學發展事業及國際行銷能力;在企業商譽資產部份,轉型前沒有主力產品可以值得顧客及外界所稱道,轉型後其聲譽及品牌形象均良好。 四、本土藥廠其企業發展路徑,路徑相依部份,轉型過程依循過去模式進行;在技術機會部份,企業轉型過程中其核心技術影響企業的發展,但會適時調整。 / It is more urgent and important for Taiwan pharmaceutical companies to keep on improving innovation and dynamic capabilities to sustain growth , especially when they face more intense competitions , shorter-than-ever product life cycles, as well as more unpredictable environments . Based on case study method, the findings of the research are concluded as the following points. First, Taiwan pharmaceutical companies concentrated more on the technical improvements than developing new technology ,for lower risks and higher cost efficiency in adopting new pharmaceutical manufacturing process. Regarding the adjustments in the process of organization , they focused on the cultivation of the unique capabilities of employees , upgrading innovation to capture the demand of clients. Second, Taiwan pharmaceutical companies concentrated more on the coordination of the strategic alliance after transformation, than less efficient routine meetings for management and product development before transformation. They constructed the learning organization, in contrast to the previously passive and static patterns. They restructured organizations and positioned at the marketing-oriented pharmaceutical company after transformation, changing the indifferent culture among previous departments. Third , Taiwan pharmaceutical companies developed more profitable and proved products after corporate transformation. Regarding the management of complementary assets, they removed the potential projects restrained by technical issues and adjusted to R&D, cancer-related projects and developing global marketing capabilities. After transformation, the reputation ,goodwill and brand image turned out to grow higher , in contrast to the absence of core products before. Fourth, the roadmap of Taiwan pharmaceutical companies followed by the models in the past. As for the technical development, the core technology will influence the development of corporate transformation, but they would appropriately adjust it. Keywords:Dynamic Capabilities、Pharmaceutical Company、Corporate Transformation、Innovation

台灣現代舞團的創新管理之研究以舞蹈空間舞團為例 / Innovative management research of a Taiwanese contemporary dancing company – a case study of dance forum Taipei

路永宜 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣,表演藝術活動蓬勃發展的今日,大大小小的各類表演藝術團體此起彼落,有的僅曇花一現成為一劇劇團、一舞舞團,也有的以堅毅卓絕的精神持續奮戰十幾二十年。然而,表演團體雖多,但大部份團體成立的目地都是要方便完全主導自己的創作,因此每一個創作者都是該團的藝術總監,這也是坊間一般的經營模式。 成軍二十年的『舞蹈空間舞蹈團』,為一個擁有專職舞者、專屬排練場以及專業行政的職業舞團,但其創辦人平珩卻未曾發表過創作,舞團演出舞碼均為駐團編舞家的作品。獨特的「創新經營模式」包括承接「代工業務」、「共同設計開發製造」等鴻海專有的經營模式,並夾以「雙品牌」行銷策略,為台灣現代舞團,甚至是整個表演藝術界獨樹一幟。   本研究主要探討「創新經營」運用在表演藝術上的作為有何?以及『舞蹈空間舞團』進行創新的挑戰、作為與經營管理的成效分析,故選擇質化分析法中之單一個案研究。 研究結果顯示,『舞蹈空間舞團』在「營運」範疇中「產品市場」、「核心資源」與「事業網路」三構面的發展,的確符合「創新」的四個座標:1.產品的差異化,2.有新的觀眾群體,3.新的價值空間,4.地理疆界的向外移動。並由創新概念中延伸出的新的營運模式,加上該舞團領導者對藝術高包容力的組織文化帶動,讓『舞蹈空間』成為表演藝術界的「異數」,一個致力於與不同編舞家合作的舞蹈品牌。 其次依對經營面向進行成效分析時,則發現『舞蹈空間舞團』創新經營的模式,所創造出來的公共價值超過舞團私人價值,但創新經營方式卻也在某種程度上妨礙『舞蹈空間』這個品牌的發展。   最後,本研究依據『舞蹈空間舞團』的創新經營模式,針對深植專業技能、擴大製作團隊的規模經濟、以及強化品牌形象等三方面,提出一套具體改進的建議。 / In recent years, the growth of performing arts in Taiwan is evident. Many performing groups, both big and small were quickly formed. While most groups did not last beyond one show, some have continued to survive, albeit barely, for more than 20 years. A distinguishing feature of the majority of performing groups was that they were formed to retain full control over artists' creative expression. Thus, the founding artists of all performing groups are also the chief art directors, and it was common that artists took on multiple roles in the group. The performance of Dance Forum Taipei was professionally created by the chief choreographers, but was never by the founder Ms. Ping Heng in the past 20 years. In essence, Dance Forum Taipei presented an innovative business management model that includes "original equipment manufacturing", "co-designing, developing and manufacturing" etc. which the leading Taiwanese electronics company Foxconn is specialized in. Furthermore, The adoption of "double identification" strategy has uniquely opted to maintain a clear demarcation of management in the field of performing arts. The present study is aimed at examining the implementation and implications of "innovation" in management of performing art groups. Using qualitative analysis via single subject case study, we will critically analyze the challenges, management strategies and outcomes of the "innovation" by Dance Forum Taipei in managing performing groups. The present study concluded that in the three domains of operations: Product/Market, Core resource, and Business network, Dance Forum Taipei meets the requirements of being labeled as "innovative." Specifically, Dance Forum Taipei demonstrated four major strengths - product differentiation, attracting new audience, providing new core values, and extension of geographical territories. The new business model extended from the innovative ideas have made Dance Forum Taipei a unique role in the field, the brand that symbolizes artistic collaborations among multiple choreographers. However, when we analyzed Dance Forum Taipei for its management effectiveness, the result indicated that the public value was more profound than its own value. In essence, the innovative business management model has stopped Dance Forum Taipei from further development. Finally, based on the innovative business management model by Dance Forum Taipei, the present study proposes a solution for rooting the professional skills, expanding the economy of production scale, and strengthening the business identity.

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