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動態創新模組應用在組織管理能力上之研究 / A dynamic model of managing business capabilities for sustained innovation廖良諭, Liao , Liang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
企業如何建立持續創新的能力,以創業以及動態能耐的角度去分析 / World enterprises are facing the challenge of continuous innovation to compete and to sustain their market positions, and they are under great pressure to respond quickly and efficiently to changes in their external environments. Innovation can be characterized as a synthesis of process, product, and knowledge that leads to increased business growth and higher performance. An organization may accelerate innovation with better capabilities of managing critical resources. Business leadership and the capability to manage organizational resources for fluent communication and learning during the innovation development cycle have been highlighted as key components of sustained competitiveness.
Based on the literature on process and information technology management, business innovation, and dynamic capabilities, this study provides a model that addresses the links between leadership—with insights and foresights for technology exploration and exploitation—and organizational capabilities of resource integration, learning, and transformation to accelerate innovation. A comparative analysis of the evolution of two PC manufacturers and two textile firms in Taiwan revealed a cyclical process between the leadership decisions and dynamic capabilities for sustained competitiveness in these two industries. The study results suggest that to build strong capabilities for continuous innovation in a changing business environment firms need to have leadership with both the attitude and behavior of entrepreneurship, combining the foresight to capture opportunities with ICT and the insight to guide and manage internal resources to achieve dynamic innovation.
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智慧資本與動態能耐對研發團隊創新績效的影響 / The Impact of Intellectual Capital and Dynamic Capabilities on R&D Teams’ Innovative Performance林良陽, Lin,Liang-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
另一方面,為了解釋為何某些企業在快速變動與無法預期的市場中依然可以保有其競爭優勢,某些學者擴張資源基礎觀點到動態市場中,並提出「動態能耐」觀點(Teece, Pisano, and Shuen, 1997)。本研究主張,研發團隊的動態能耐除了直接影響創新績效之外,也是其「運用」智慧資本的關鍵因素。動態能耐對組織績效與創新績效的關連,雖有學者著墨;但,其實證研究並不多見,有待相關學者提出更多的貢獻。再則,動態能耐是一複雜的概念,若要對其進行衡量,應該要進一步釐清該構念,甚至建構適合的衡量指標,提出較為完整的、且符合信度與效度的衡量量表,方能正確地衡量動態能耐。
研究發現,動態能耐是一個多面向多層次構念,可以以三構面八因子共19題項的問卷來衡量,三構面是指結合能耐、吸收能耐與彈性。在假說檢定部分,本研究共提出9項假說,結果有7項假說受到支持,另有2項假說未獲得支持。結果驗證本研究的主要論點,亦即智慧資本對研發團隊創新績效的影響並不顯著;而研發團隊如何運用智慧資本的能耐(亦即動態能耐),顯著地影響其創新績效。此外本研究發現,結合能耐是中介變項,它完全中介了吸收能耐對創新績效的影響;吸收能耐也是中介變項,它完全中介了人力資本以及關係資本對結合能耐的影響;而彈性則是交互變項,它會正向地強化各項智慧資本對吸收能耐的影響。最後,本研究也得到兩項特別的觀察,一是,具有動態能耐的研發團隊在研發能量提升上的兩種向度,二是,它是一種「彈性球體」的組織型態,方得以快速地回應外在環境的改變。 / The scholars who studied the field of intellectual capital (IC) argued that IC was the main source of organizational competitive advantages. Besides, they thought that the better the IC a company has, the better the business can have the ability to generate innovative performance. However, the relationship between IC and innovative performance needs to be explored further, because of being inconsistent with some practical cases. This research proposed that the view of IC could not explain appropriately why organizations could generate better innovative performance in the dynamic environment. Besides, the scholars who studied IC seldom distinguished “static IC” from “dynamic ability for utilizing IC”. Whereas, this research proposed that these two constructs were different concepts, and would like to explore the impact of utilizing IC on innovative performance.
On the other hand, in order to explain why some enterprises could keep their competitive advantages in the rapidly changing environment, some scholars proposed the viewpoints of dynamic capabilities (DCs). This research argues that it has a directly significant effect of DCs on innovative performance, and DCs are the critical factors for utilizing IC. This research proposes that DCs are complex constructs. Therefore, we should clarify these constructs and provide an appropriate measurement tool with reliability and validity, if we would like to measure them.
This research adopted qualitative and quantitative researches simultaneously to demonstrate these arguments. After clarifying the definition of DCs and extracting the components of DCs from the literature review, this research deduced several hypotheses and formed the research framework. This research selected the research team of N University for developing wireless nano-bio systems as a case, and thoroughly explored two of its radically innovative projects, including Anti-SARS R&D project and sensor chip for wireless nano-biotach R&D project. Through observing their response to the rapidly changing external environment, this research illustrated the impact of IC and DCs of R&D team on its innovative performance. By the two-stage observation, analysis and induction of this case, we could understand the preliminary power in explaining this research model, and amend the hypotheses.
As for quantitative research, first, according to the scale developing steps, suggested by Hinkin (1998), this research developed the measurement tool of DCs with five stages and three samples to measure the concept of DCs precisely. Secondly, after developing the measurement scale of DCs, which surpassed the acceptable level for reliability, content validity, goodness of fit, convergent validity and discriminate validity, this research utilized the third sample testing the hypotheses to confirm the relationships among IC, DCs, and innovative performance of the R&D teams.
The results showed that the concept of DCs is a multi-level and multi-dimension construct, which is composed of combinative capabilities, absorptive capacity and flexibility. In addition, it can be measured by three-dimension and eight-factor scale with nineteen items. As for the hypothesis testing, there were nine hypotheses in this research. Seven of them were supported, however, two of them were not supported. The results confirmed the main arguments of this research. That is, it doesn’t have a significant effect of IC on R&D team’s innovative performance. However, it does have a significant effect of DCs on R&D team’s innovative performance. In addition, the results showed that combinative capabilities and absorptive capacity are mediators. The combinative capabilities fully mediated the effect of absorptive capacity on innovative performance. The absorptive capacity also fully mediated the effects of human capital and relationship capital on the combinative capabilities. Meanwhile, the results showed that flexibility is a moderator, which enhanced the effects of different ICs on absorptive capacity. Finally, this research got two special observations. First, there are two dimensions of R&D energy promotion for R&D teams with DCs. Secondly, it is a type of “flexible sphere organization” for the R&D teams with DCs, so that they can respond to the rapidly changing external environment.
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台灣軟體產業技術知識網路和組織動態能耐研究:以趨勢科技公司為例 / A Study on Technical Knowledge Network and Organizational Dynamic Capability of Taiwan's Software Industry : Using Trend Micro, Inc. as an Example賴義龍, Lai, Yi-Lung Unknown Date (has links)
六、在Internet時代,因應科技變化,發展網際網路化(Weblization)技術知識,融合擴張以建構專屬核心能力。讓顧客能力成為組織技術知識的來源。並能乘科技興起之勢(Free Energy),創新商業模式,發揮善用組織知識,創造企業全新價值。
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企業成長歷程與能耐建構之關聯研究-以紡織帽製造出口業H公司為例 / A Case Study on the Competence Building and Business Growth廖雪靜, Liao, Hsueh Ching Unknown Date (has links)
【關鍵字】 企業成長、能耐基礎、核心競爭力、知識管理、能耐建構能力
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探討動態能耐的屬性對同產業內不同廠商間競爭優勢的影響:從模擬獲得的啟發柯伯旻, Ke,Pomin Unknown Date (has links)
在今日瞬息萬變的產業環境裡,策略學者Porter (1980)所提出的五力分析只能告訴我們在某個時點中企業是否具有競爭優勢。但是,我們卻無法解釋企業的競爭優勢從何而來?又該往哪裡去?Hamel & Prahalad (1990)認為企業應該以未來的表現作為主要競爭的舞臺,建立核心競爭力來進行創新與變革才是企業獲取長久競爭優勢的主要手段。
Teece (1997)進一步提出動態能耐的概念,探討廠商在動態環境中,進行變革所需的能耐。Zott (2003) 利用電腦進行了寡佔的競爭賽局模擬,証實了動態能耐的三個屬性:組織執行力、變革成本、學習效應,是影響組織具有超額利潤的重要關鍵。
本研究另外引用其他文獻,如Jovanovic & MacDonald (1994)、Klepper (1996)、Winter (2003),重新建構了理論模式以進行電腦模擬。我們將模擬的架構做出以下修正:增加廠商數目、有淘汰廠商的機制、產品創新與製程創新之間會互相影響、增加學習效應的種類,並修正目標函數與動態過程,讓模擬更符合實際狀況,來了解以下三個問題:
一、動態能耐是產業內出現不同利潤表現的因素之一,當廠商動態能耐的強弱相同時,創新的策略思是影響競爭優勢的原因。我們發現最成功的廠商會在產業初期提升產品創新,在產業成熟之後大量投入製程創新,與Klepper (1996)的發現相同。
本研究不僅展現了動態能耐對競爭優勢多方面的影響,並提供一個架構來闡述一家公司從策略到能耐的競爭結構。要怎麼結合這個架構與策略地圖是我們後續可以研究的方向。 / In the dynamic environment of competitive industry, we have problem to know how a company will perform in the future with Five-Force-Model (Porter 1980). Five-Force-Model can tell us the competitive advantage of a company at that time, but we can’t explain how the company got that competitive advantage and whether it could be kept or not in the future. The theory of Core Competence (Hamel & Prahalad 1990) notifies that company should compete for future, and accumulate its core competence for innovation to keep the competitive advantage. Basing on Resource Based View, Teece (1997) further discussed the Dynamic Capability which is needed by enterprise in dynamic competition. Zott (2003) simulate a Cournot Game to study the attributes of dynamic capability. He finds that execution, strategic switching cost and learning ability affect the superior profit of firms of intra-industry.
This research rebuilds the simulation of Zott (2003) and modifies the simulation by incorporating the insights from Jovanovic & MacDonald (1994), Klepper (1996) and Winter (2003). We increase the number of firms, set up the mechanism which can shake out the less competitive firms. We also remodel the settings of innovation and learning and modify the dynamic process and profit function to investigate the following question.
First, when the level of dynamic capability is the same, will firms in an intra-industry perform differently?
Second, could execution ability affect the superior profit?
Third, is the learning effect of switching strategy more important than the learning effect of implementing strategy?
Three propositions can be drawn from this simulation.
First, when all firms have equal dynamic capability, the strategy of innovation will affect the competitive advantage. We find that the most successful firm will increase production innovation at first then put more resources into process innovation, which is compatible with the empirical study of Klepper (1996).
Second, execution ability will affect the superior profit in some condition. When all firms have low strategic switching cost or good learning ability, the firms which have higher execution ability earn superior profit in simulation.
Third, when all firms have the same execution ability, the firms which have higher learning ability of implementing strategy will earn the superior profit. In contrast firm’s learning ability of switching strategy does not make great difference.
This research not only demonstrates the various impacts of dynamic capability, but also provides a framework to depict the competitive structure of a firm. The integration of this framework and strategy map deserves the further research.
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我國數位典藏廠商核心能耐之個案研究蔣嘉俊, John,Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以吳思華(1996)利用資源基礎理論來檢視與確定數位典藏廠商的基本能力資源的所在,並且利用Hamel and Prahalad(1990)核心能耐原則來檢視廠商由既有資源建立核心能耐的過程與準則。另外,本研究的研究方法採用個案研究法以及質化研究,深度訪談得意典藏股份有限公司以及新視科技股份有限公司的高階經理人,獲得以下結論:
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金融服務業服務創新專案與組織核心能耐關係之研究-以中國信託商業銀行為例陳炳宏, Chen, Ping Hung Unknown Date (has links)
企業在創新服務的發展過程中,會不斷的累積競爭優勢。Dave & Dale (1991)的研究指出,未來競爭優勢將會集中在組織核心能耐的發展。Leonard (1992)也談到,企業雖可以透過新產品與服務開發專案來更新或改變組織核心能耐,但原有的組織核心能耐在專案發展的過程中亦會成為其資源或限制,而管理者需全力發展組織核心能耐,以呈現出組織的最佳實務來達到成功地競爭。
綜合以上分析,本研究將建構金融服務業創新服務發展內涵,並將研究觸角深入組織核心能耐在創新服務發展前後的變化情況,探討創新服務與組織核心能耐的關聯,以期能對金融服務業者的服務創新模式與核心能耐有更深入的了解。 / 本研究的研究結論如下:
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通信產品開發團隊能耐建構之研究 - 以A公司多角經營為例 / Core competence building for communication product development team - An example of “A” company diversify operation蔡明仁, Tsai, Ming Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以一家具代表性,台灣通訊產業後進之中小企業廠商為例,在2000年網路泡沫前後期間,其公司經營及產品開發之資料結果為樣本;探討通訊產品開發團隊所需之關鍵核心能耐、互補性資產之建構以及獲得的方法。並研究在產業後進地區的企業,居於可獨享性弱的環境中,如何透過多角經營之模仿、複製等手段吸收先進者的核心能耐,以有限的資源、正確的定位、挑選合適的切入點,在全球通訊產品市場上,奮力成長佔有一席之地。 / In this study, uses a market-trailing communication product development company in Taiwan as an example. During the Internet bubble period (around year 2000), explore the telecommunication product development team required various key core competence, complementary assets, and access to the construction of products. And to study such market-trailing competitor in global industry, how the operation of the company’s polyhedron strategy impacts revenue and market share, such as copying and other means to absorb the advanced core competence of leading products; the correct product positioning; and selection of suitable entering point in the global communications market place.
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採購組織動態能耐與採購策略對採購績效的影響之研究 - 以DRAM產業W公司為例 / The Influence of Purchasing Organization's Dynamic Capabilities and Purchasing Strategies on the Purchasing Performance Research – A Case of W Company in DRAM Industry周致中 Unknown Date (has links)
結論五:企業所擁有的獨特動態能耐愈多,愈有助於企業快速調整其採購策略,以因 應快速變化的外在環境,維持企業之競爭優勢。
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製造業廠商推動服務化之研究--核心能耐的觀點 / Servitization of manufacturing firms: the perspective of core competence粘旭良 Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻對於服務創新的議題已有不少研究,主要是在探討企業發展創新服務的過程與策略考量,或是研究服務創新的發展模式,抑或是服務創新專案。此外, 關於製造業推動服務化方面,只有少數在探討產業轉型及經營策略與模式,但更少有探討製造業服務化發展內涵之個案研究。因此本研究利用深入訪談的個案研究法,針對推動服務化發展的製造業廠商,探討其服務創新概念如何產生與服務創新的內涵,並輔以核心能耐的觀點,來探討製造業服務化專案的推動與組織核心能耐建構之關係,以提供未來有意推動服務化發展的台灣製造業廠商作為參考。
關鍵字:製造業服務化、服務創新、核心能耐 / In the trend of global development of service economy, service innovation has become an emerging hot topic of industries. Taiwanese companies, the main part of which are manufacturing industries in the past, also realize the phenomenon that the income and gross margin are deceasing, and the difference between manufacturing and service industries has become blurred. In order to gain long-term competitive advantages, some manufacturing firms has noticed that being in the lead of cost, skill and quality during the past is unable to enhance the value-added of industries. Therefore, they think it is a must to extend their activities to both ends of the value chain, and then to gain value-added on products by using service. However, this has become the key to success for present-day manufacturing industry.
In the past, most researches related to service innovation mainly focus on the process and strategic level of innovative service development, the developing model of service innovation, or projects on service innovation. Besides, regarding the servitization of manufacturing firms, only a small number of studies focus on investigating the transformation of industry and operational strategy and models, but there are fewer case studies on servicizing development of manufacturing industry. Therefore, this study focuses on the intension of service innovation of servicizing manufacturing firms by means of thorough interview and case study. Besides, this study is auxiliary by the perspective of core competence to explore the relationship between servitization of manufacturing firms and the construction of organizational core competence, and aims to provide a reference for Taiwanese manufacturing firms which purpose to develop servitization in the future.
The preliminary research findings include:
1.Manufacturing firms will “positively” create customers’ need during contact with customers in terms of their background knowledge of internal and external environments, provide differential value-added service, and develop partnership with customers.
2.Manufacturing firms will consider extending their service to the up- and down-stream of supply chain, or bring their superior function into service development when driving the development of servitization. And the way they do is to provide their customers with service of “One-stop Shopping” and “Total Solution” via front- and back-end systems and service providers.
3.Manufacturing firms will proceed on trans-departmental organizational operation when driving the development of servitization. And they train their employees to have professional knowledge and skills through educational training and interdisciplinary collaboration to drive the service innovation.
4.The more industrial knowledge the manufacturing firms have, the more insights into the industrial trend they have. Besides, it will be help to bring up ideas about innovative service if companies know well about their markets.
5.When manufacturing firms drive the servitization, no matter what to create a new physical system or integrate the original physical systems to a new one, the auxiliary effect of ICT is emphasized. And the more technical knowledge they have, the more chances of innovative service development they will find.
6.“Innovation” is regarded as a new value and enterprise culture when manufacturing firms drive the development of servitization.
Keywords: Servitization of Manufacturing, Service Innovation, Core Competence
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