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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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跨國藥廠在台灣之競爭分析 / The competition analysis of multinational pharmaceutical companies in Taiwan

詹雅琪, Chan, Ya-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
製藥產業有兩大系統,一為原廠專利藥,另一系統為學名藥。原廠專利藥藥廠投入相當可觀的研發人員與研究經費,專注於研發新的藥物或新的劑型,以期改善臨床病患的治療結果,但風險是研發失敗的可能性極高。學名藥的主要營業模式則是複製已無專利保護的原廠專利藥,以價格為競爭工具,提供市場相同療效但價格較原廠專利藥低的產品。 本論文研究首先透過五力分析探討跨國藥廠專利藥與學名藥的利基所在以及威脅來自何處。專利藥是獨佔市場,售價高,因而利潤高,但下游廠商對它的利潤產生了很大的威脅,主要是因為保健意識高漲,政府為控制健保成本,積極壓低藥品價格,造成製藥產業的獲利率降低;而學名藥不論是在全球市場或台灣市場,處於一個相當競爭的藥品市場,雖然研發費用低,但因售價也低,造成其利潤有限。 再者,探討跨國藥廠用何種模式進入台灣藥品市場,並分析其優劣勢所在。根據了解,跨國藥廠不論是專利藥或學名藥,市場進入模式都相當單純,大都傾向以成立獨資子公司並以純銷售的方式進入台灣藥品市場,但在某些區域或醫院則委託經銷商代為行銷販售。產品無論是專利藥或學名藥多數由國外自家製造廠生產,再運送至台灣,製造廠遍及歐美和亞洲,部分產品委託台灣本土藥廠製造。為何跨國藥廠偏好成立獨資子公司,主要的原因是因為跨國藥廠認為自身具有非常獨特的優勢,成立獨資子公司可減少專業技術被竊取的風險,方便進行全球性策略的協調,能對每個流程做嚴格的管控,最重要的是該市場的全部營業收入皆歸母企業所有。 總而言之,本研究發現跨國藥廠在台灣面對政府的健保政策以及本土藥廠的低價策略,自有其一套因應策略,以確保它在台灣成立的獨資子公司不僅能嚴格遵守母公司對各項流程的要求,確實執行母公司擬定的營運策略,最重要的是達到母公司要求的業績目標,讓營業收入及利潤完全回歸母公司所有。

跨國藥廠因應健保制度之行銷與通路管理研究 / Multinational pharmaceutical company marketing and channel management case study in Bureau of National Health Insurance (Taiwan)

郭國權 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣健保實施今年已經邁入20年,儘管我國健保制度堪稱是全世界最佳的醫療保險制度之一,但現在面臨包括財務危機、醫療資訊不夠透明、民眾參與度不足及醫療資源浪費等問題,有待大家深入分析探討。 健保署在20年來的一些因應財務危機的給付規定,造成醫療單位為求生存只能見招拆招來調整營運模式,甚至用”以藥養醫”彌補因健保總額點數打折、Tw-DRGs (全民健康保險住院診斷關聯(Taiwan Diagnosis Related Groups)給付的經營申報、獲利的不穩定性,以便獲取健保營運下醫療單位最大獲利。 原開發廠也隨著臺灣健保市場環境日益競爭,在IRPMA(中華民國開發性製藥研究協會)規範下,各家原開發廠藉由規範及揭露學術試驗投資,嚴格規範在此平台上在市場公平、合理的良性競爭,以達永續經營。    本研究是以臺灣在實施健保之後,應用波特五力分析模式理論來分析臺灣醫療環境、醫療單位及原開發廠的行銷策略,來探討健保市場之最佳營運模式。


陳致福 Unknown Date (has links)
所謂的學名藥即是俗稱的專利過期藥,指與專利藥物的化學組成相同,但在專利過期後推出的藥物。開發專利過期藥與利用專利過期藥開發新劑型或新適應症藥物比開發完全的新藥開發花費少,風險低,而帶來的價值卻很大。以目前台灣製藥產業規模及投資環境而言,要開發新藥的困難度相當高,而學名藥提供了相對低的進入障礙比較適合台灣藥廠開發,所以利用學名藥開發新產品是比較適合台灣藥廠現階段發展目標應該著力的重點。 本研究主題主要在探討台灣學名藥產業之研發管理的行為,選取的研究對象為台灣具有研發學名藥能力之藥廠,以企業層次來進行分析,而其中所選取的廠商皆是在該領域表現優良的廠商,本研究選定個案公司的準則,依營業額規模區分為大中小三區塊,以期能代表產業實際狀況。 研究發現台灣學名藥廠在產品研發專案類型上,依其是否擁有製造的領導地位,大致上會分為模仿型與改良型兩類;在產品開發的選擇中,擁有製造優勢的藥廠會開發較多疾病類別的產品,以增加營業額,而較不具有製造優勢的廠商則會鎖定特定類別的產品開發,以此達到規模經濟。至於在策略定位上呈現領導與跟隨兩種類型,具有製造優勢者會選擇跟隨的類型,以此策略侵蝕原開發廠商的市場。而具有技術研發優勢的廠商會選擇領導策略,以差異化的策略避開競爭。

以動態能力觀點探討本土藥廠轉型及創新之個案研究 / A case study on transformation and innovation of local pharmaceutical company in taiwan based on dynamic capabilities perspective

許長禮 Unknown Date (has links)
企業在運作的過程中,基於永續經營的概念,必須不斷追求進步。因此創新成為企業運作不可或缺。在現今競爭非常激烈,產品生命週期很短,變化速度極快的環境,我國製藥產業其創新的能力及動態的能力,即成為提昇競爭優勢及改善公司的經營績效最有效的利器之一。本研究採取個案研究,其研究結果如下: 一、本土藥廠在主從策略創新乃採取技術跟隨著國外藥廠的技術,著重於調適(而非創造)技術改變以降低製藥流程的風險及成本,培養出獨特能力;而組織流程創新適時調整組織架構及流程,使每位員工適時學習調整本身技能,以符合組織需要;在產品創新致力填補滿足客戶需求缺口,追求本身永續成長。 二、本土藥廠其組織管理程序,在轉型前的協調整合以欠缺水平溝通的定期主管會報、新產品開發會議等會議為主,轉型後包括策略聯盟進行協調整合;在學習部份,轉型前是被動、靜態,轉型後為知識型學習組織;在重整與轉變部份,轉變前面對環境變動,各部門抱持著事不關己的態度,轉變後定位為行銷導向藥品發展公司。 三、本土藥廠其企業專屬資產位置,在技術資產部份,轉型後聚焦在有利潤已開發成功之技術或產品;在互補資產部份,轉型前為具有技術合作能力,但對轉型方向受到技術的限制,轉型後包括研究發展、癌症科學發展事業及國際行銷能力;在企業商譽資產部份,轉型前沒有主力產品可以值得顧客及外界所稱道,轉型後其聲譽及品牌形象均良好。 四、本土藥廠其企業發展路徑,路徑相依部份,轉型過程依循過去模式進行;在技術機會部份,企業轉型過程中其核心技術影響企業的發展,但會適時調整。 / It is more urgent and important for Taiwan pharmaceutical companies to keep on improving innovation and dynamic capabilities to sustain growth , especially when they face more intense competitions , shorter-than-ever product life cycles, as well as more unpredictable environments . Based on case study method, the findings of the research are concluded as the following points. First, Taiwan pharmaceutical companies concentrated more on the technical improvements than developing new technology ,for lower risks and higher cost efficiency in adopting new pharmaceutical manufacturing process. Regarding the adjustments in the process of organization , they focused on the cultivation of the unique capabilities of employees , upgrading innovation to capture the demand of clients. Second, Taiwan pharmaceutical companies concentrated more on the coordination of the strategic alliance after transformation, than less efficient routine meetings for management and product development before transformation. They constructed the learning organization, in contrast to the previously passive and static patterns. They restructured organizations and positioned at the marketing-oriented pharmaceutical company after transformation, changing the indifferent culture among previous departments. Third , Taiwan pharmaceutical companies developed more profitable and proved products after corporate transformation. Regarding the management of complementary assets, they removed the potential projects restrained by technical issues and adjusted to R&D, cancer-related projects and developing global marketing capabilities. After transformation, the reputation ,goodwill and brand image turned out to grow higher , in contrast to the absence of core products before. Fourth, the roadmap of Taiwan pharmaceutical companies followed by the models in the past. As for the technical development, the core technology will influence the development of corporate transformation, but they would appropriately adjust it. Keywords:Dynamic Capabilities、Pharmaceutical Company、Corporate Transformation、Innovation


張平珍, Chang, Ping Chen Unknown Date (has links)
藥廠在資訊科技的運用上,相較於電子業或其他高科技產業,一直都被認為是較保守的方式。究其原因,應為資訊科技在製藥業的競爭上,較難成為核心的競爭武器之一,因此,資訊科技在製藥業一直被定位為協助企業內部作業面的工具。而非協助企業達成營運目標的工具。然而,近十年來,大型跨國藥廠透過不斷地購併其他藥廠的方式,達成其擴大市場佔有率、鞏固產業中領先地位、縮短產品研發時間、及擴大產品線的廣度與深度的目的。並藉由購併後組織必須重整的過程,對組織進行人力的精減及成本的樽節。僅管跨國藥廠一直設法對人力及成本作有效的控制,但隨著購併不停地發生,不僅產品增多,組織也日益龐大,跨國藥廠所面臨到的財務、法律、人力資源、業務行銷、行政作業等各種事務也越來越繁雜。雖然跨國藥廠有其充沛的資源及豐富的跨國管理經驗,但若要能有效又即時地對全球各據點加以掌控,就必須對資訊科技的運用作全球的統一規劃,並建立全球資訊科技策略,以確實控管及協助各子公司的營運。而對各國的子公司,則應有能協助該公司在當地市場競爭的相對策略,資訊科技在市場激烈的競爭下,開始扮演越來越重要的角色。 本研究為探討性的個案研究,係以一跨國藥廠在台灣的子公司作為研究的個案,期望透過相關的文獻、對個案公司在資訊科技運用的探討、及個案公司主管對資訊科技的看法及需求,能夠達到以下的研究目的: 壹、了解跨國藥廠對資訊科技的運用現況。 貳、了解跨國藥廠發展狀況與營運方向,以規劃個案公司資訊科技的發展方向。 參、建立個案公司資訊科技策略,以提升運作績效,掌握時勢利基。 / The Pharmaceutical Industry, compared with Electronics Industry or other Hi-Tech Industries, is perceived to be relatively conservative in the application of Information Technology. The reason is being that Information Technology application to the Pharmaceutical Industry rarely plays any key role for market competition. As a consequence, Information Technology to the Pharmaceutical Industry has been an operational tool to support the back office functions, rather than a management tool to assist the business to achieve its operational goals. Nevertheless, in recent decade, giant transnational pharmaceutical companies are continuously achieving their objectives of expanding market shares, sustaining their leadership, shortening the time frame in Research and Development, and enlarging their product pipelines, through mergers and acquisitions. They have been re-deploying the human resources and implementing cost reductions by all means within the entire organization after merger and acquisition takes place and reorganization becomes necessary. Despite that transnational pharmaceutical companies have been striving to contain headcount and control expenses, they have found themselves facing to the increasingly complex operations in many aspects, including Finance, Legal, Human Resource Management, Sales and Marketing, and General Administration as a result of expansion in product pipelines and explosion in organization that comes along with mergers and acquisitions. Although transnational pharmaceutical companies have ample resources and well experienced in cross-nation management, they have to integrate their global information technology and establish a unified strategy for universal implementation, so as to enable monitoring and assisting the operations of all subsidiaries around the globe in an effective and timely manner. As such, Information Technology starts to play an increasingly important role in developing responsive strategies under the intense local market competition. This essay is a case study on a Taiwanese subsidiary owned by a transnational pharmaceutical company. It aims to achieve the following objectives by referring to relevant publications and observing the subject company’s information technology applications and their management’s views and needs on the above. 1. To understand the current applications on information technology by transnational pharmaceutical companies; 2. To understand the evolution track and business directions of transnational pharmaceutical companies to set an Information Technology development plan for the subject company. 3. To establish Information Technology Strategy for the subject company to improve operation efficiency as an advantage of obtaining timely and valuable information.

製造業服務化之研究-以藥廠為例 / A study on the servitization of manufacturing – a case of a pharmaceutical company

杜明哲 Unknown Date (has links)
國際經濟環境的變遷脈動與發展趨勢,牽動我國產業未來發展方向,在全球產業環境日益變遷下,台灣未來將朝「製造業服務化、服務業科技化與國際化、傳產業特色化」之「三業四化」產業策略來發展,其中在「製造業服務化」,則以產品為中心的製造轉為以服務為中心導向的思考模式,製造業者不再只是單一產品供應者,而是提供一系列滿足客戶需求的服務,透過服務來凸顯產品差異化,進而增加客戶的黏密度,創造更高的附加價值。製造業服務化就是製造業為了獲取競爭優勢,將價值鏈由以製造為中心向以服務為中心轉變。 面對愈來愈多企業重視「服務化」的議題,台灣製造業也應改變經營策略,從產品製造導向轉變為服務導向,才能在激烈的全球化競爭中永續生存。趕上產業升級轉型的世界潮流,台灣已有不少成功執行製造業服務化的業者,在高科技產業中最為成功的案例,就是從10幾年前就力行服務化的台積電。而製藥業中,葡萄王生技從傳統製藥業,一路走向生機飲料生產到成為生物科技公司,也是非常成功的例子。再看傳統工業製造中,素有扣件王國之稱的台灣,在握有全球龐大扣件市場之後,更有多家公司積極轉型為服務業,成功跨入醫療器材產業。 本論文以T藥廠為例,分析從傳統學名藥製造廠,經歷了毛利下降導致虧損的改組轉型,初步降低成本,對藥證、客戶、業務員、工廠原物料、包材去蕪存菁留存重點,轉虧為盈,進一步朝服務化轉型,建立品牌學名藥、強化研發實力、拓展各項專注領域、人文與科技平衡、開創國際化新局,成就穩定的營收金流,現今以落實藥品劑型便民化、藥品便民包裝、製造搭配業務、行銷、跟診服務、專業代工接單製造、In-licensing & out-licensing、建立大客戶關係管理體系提供客戶全面解決方案及產業一條龍的再造:研發、製造、銷售、服務的服務化作為,未來進一步全面轉型製造業服務化的願景為佈局全球市場,包含製造國內自營或外銷產品、代理國外藥品進口或出口、接單國際藥廠委製訂單,同時朝新藥研發邁進,以T藥廠既有強項著手新劑型平台藥品開發、新覆方藥品開發及臨床試驗、新療效適應症臨床試驗查登等,最終朝新成分新藥開發邁進,成為一全球性大藥廠。


鄭如惠, Ina Cheng, R. Unknown Date (has links)
製藥產業的屬性為民生必需工業,具有產品需求彈性低之特質,同時由於藥品影響人類健康,各國莫不希望引進具療效且安全性高之新藥,因此許多先進國家之藥廠,均以全球市場為腹地,積極推出新藥並申請各國專利,進行跨國行銷,所以全球製藥產業的發展,可視為一場國際競爭,而台灣的政府與製藥廠商也希望在全球製藥業之採購鍊上,取得適當卡位。近幾年,政府針對高科技產業,包括:製藥產業之發展,所必備的資本要素,提出各項重大改革,例如:民國86年主張「修訂第三類上市股票及上櫃股票科技事業審查要點」,民國89年實施「櫃檯買賣第二類股票制度」,對製藥產業資金的挹注很有助益。 資金的挹注雖是產業成長的契機之一,但由於製藥產業動態成長與不斷的演進,現有的法規、制度和產業環境,還需要政府適時修改不合時宜的法令,並規畫一個適合「製藥廠商」進行創新產業環境,同時廠商本身也應努力取得各項資源並有效使用,期使企業績效提昇能反映在製藥產業績效與國際競爭力上。換句話說,製藥產業內,希望取得大眾資金挹注之準上市(櫃)公司,如何藉由上市取得資本優勢,再轉換成企業競爭優勢以提昇經營績效應是燃眉之急。本研究認為準上市(櫃)藥廠,可借助已上市製藥廠,包括:中化、永信、生達與葡萄王之經驗,擷長補短以擬定適當的經營策略,相信對企業績效的提昇和獲得投資者的青睞應有正面助益。 所以本論文以已上市的製藥廠之經營策略發展趨勢和經營績效分析為研究主題,並同時比對政府政策、製藥廠商的策略作為趨勢及產業績效分析,試圖完整反應上市藥廠於後GMP時期(民國76年產業全面實施GMP認證制度後,至今)之經營動態,實證分析發現: 一、後GMP時期,中化、永信、生達之經營策略作為,具顯著的策略同形,且與製藥產業的發展趨勢相近。 二、後GMP時期之中化、永信、生達,三者之策略規畫,出現「同中有異」之現象,而葡萄王發展出截然不同的策略走向。 三、後GMP時期,政府根據製藥產業的需求,增修相關產業政策,中化、永信、生達也積極順應產業政策之變化,調整企業的各項經營策略。 四、永信、生達之營業成長率、投資報酬率、資本報酬率、固定資產周轉率、總資產周轉率佳,反應永信、生達的成長力、獲利力與經營效能良好;另一方面,中化則因過度使用財務槓桿、固定資產周轉率不佳及其轉投資大陸之獲利尚未能回補所投入的成本,形成其經營的困境,而葡萄王之營運體質雖良好,但因近幾年的獲利狀況不佳,稅後淨利在84、85年即低於產業水準,導致股價的表現疲軟。 五、根據第四項的財務指標綜合顯示,永信與生達是已上市藥廠間,其於成長力、獲利力與經營效能方面表現優異的廠商,印證其個別的經營策略發展趨勢,本研究推論下列策略目標有助於製藥廠商達到提高成長力、獲利力與經營效能之績效目標: 1. 開發自有品牌 2. 重視技術移轉,並積極與國內、外的學、研發機構或同業技術合作。 3. 不使用過高的財務槓桿,追求成長。 4. 企業應在製藥本業上追求專業化。 5. 謹慎評估大陸投資,定期評估公司的風險。 六、根據多元回歸分析,發現上市藥廠的毛利率、固定資產周轉率、總資產周轉率、研發費用佔銷售額的比率、應付帳款周轉率會影響上市藥廠之稅前淨利率、每股盈餘及總資產報酬率。亦即,上市藥廠雖具有規模(資本與營收)的優勢,但是企業是否能獲利,主要與其經營效能、研發投入、毛利率及是否取得供應商的信用融資相關。

跨國製藥廠的創新營銷模式 / Innovative marketing and sales model of an international pharmaceutical company

廖健亨, Liao, Chien Heng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在如何透過創新的營銷模式,如電子醫藥行銷及電子醫藥平台,來解決跨國製藥廠在台灣面臨的困境。本研究以個案公司為研究對象,透過傳統策略規劃流程來做策略分析、策略擬定及策略執行。策略分析主要在分析內外部環境,外部環境,先透過五力分析來確認製藥產業的吸引力及哪一項競爭力是跨國製藥廠最需重視的,接著討論醫業環境的演變及對傳統營銷模式的衝擊。內部分析,主要針對個案公司做情勢分析,透過個案公司的組織目標、BCG矩陣分析模型、核心競爭力、品牌權益市場調查、高涉入購買決策過程分析、SWOT分析、商業模式和4C(四種交換成本)處分析來判斷情勢。從分析的結果來確認主要問題及機會,然後根據主要問題及機會來擬定相對策略,最後分析執行行動方案的成效來驗證策略的正確性。 / This study explores how the innovative marketing and sales model (such as eDetailing and Physician Digital Platform) can help to overcome the obstacles that international pharmaceutical company has been facing in Taiwan. This research is a case study for an international pharmaceutical company. The study is mainly focused on Taiwan’s pharma division. They study is structured in 3 major sections – strategy analysis, strategy defining and strategy execution. For the analysis, it focuses on analyzing external and internal environment. For the external environment, first apply the 5-force theory to identify the attractiveness of the industry and which competitive forces should be focused on. Then it discusses the evolution of the pharmaceutical industry in Taiwan and how it impacts the traditional sales model. The internal analysis focuses on the case study of the company. Use tools and models such as BCG Matrix, core competency, brand equity market research, buying process, SWOT, business model and 4 Costs model to analyze the studied company’s situation. Through the analysis, identify the key problem and opportunity and make corresponding strategies. At the final section, validate the strategy’s effectiveness through analyzing the execution of the innovative marketing and sales model initiatives.

原開發藥廠因應學名藥廠競爭之經營模式調整之研究 / The study on the adjustment of research-based pharmaceutical companies’ operating model against generic manufacturers’ competition

藍任堯 Unknown Date (has links)
全民健康保險制度在台灣開辦以來已經快二十年了,在全民都有保險、給付的範圍從基礎到複雜的醫療照護完整、合約醫療機構相當普遍、就醫的方便性等,得到大多數台灣民眾的肯定。 但全民健保這一路實施下來卻為台灣帶來的龐大國家赤字。健保局針對於每年五千餘億的健保費用其中的藥品費用(為第二大支出,占了其中的25%)多次長期進行多種的藥費及藥價管控措施,低廉的新藥核價加上每兩年的藥價調查後的藥價調降,國外藥廠除了要配合健保的藥價政策外,還需要面對醫療機構對於現有藥品再降價的要求。長久下來,藥廠利潤逐年下降影響甚劇。 其中以今年七月所要實施二代健保中「藥品三同」對於原開發藥廠藥衝擊最大。衛生署所實施的三同政策,即是針對健保給付超過15年的藥品,實施「同成分」、「同品質」、「同價格」,調整為同價格。此一政策倘若實施,原開發藥廠利潤嚴重下降,可能會導致會放棄台灣市場,民眾只剩下國產學名藥可以選擇。再者,三同政策最大的瑕疵,在於只單方面考慮健保給付的藥價,卻忽略了藥廠製藥成本,此舉明顯不顧成本不同卻硬性規定價格,明顯違反市場機制,也違反健保精神。 專利藥到期的原開發藥藥廠要如何因應以縮小品質及價格的爭端,只著眼於一昧砍藥價來填補健保財務虧損,不仔細思考同成分就一定同品質的問題而將藥品砍至同一價格的健保署藥物品質認定及給付標準。 本研究探討之研究問題包括: 1)在台灣健保逐年調降藥價的政策下藥品三同政策前,原開發藥廠在台的經營模式為何,2)在政府政策培育下的學名藥如何日益茁壯來影響專利藥到期的原開發藥廠市場活動,3)藥品三同政策實施後對專利藥到期的原開發藥廠的衝擊4)主要獲利的專利藥品皆到期的台灣武田藥品公司未來的經營模式從主要價值活動面該如何調整因應。 本研究以Afuah A.(2004)經營模式架構,先從過去健保政策下原開發藥廠的營運模式做說明,再以目前健保政策環境因素的變化,如何影響個案公司的市場行銷活動,而活動又如何影響公司的資源、定位及成本。 本研究發現「藥品三同」對台廠學名藥因具有較佳的成本競爭優勢,對原開發藥廠產生威脅,但因原料的不穩定性讓病患、處方醫師無法信任。所以原開發藥廠除了監督政府長期對學名藥廠品質加以把關、用訴訟延緩學名藥的上市外、另外一方面併購國內學名藥廠,以配合醫療院所對於低價高品質藥品的需求。最後,專利藥到期的原開發藥廠從健保政策中與學名藥廠價格競爭獲得利潤,就必須改變營運模式,首要的就是降低成本。如何從採購及製造方面有效降低成本著手,進一步調整有形、無形資產投入、人員配置培養與組織等策略資源,以及定價、市場區隔等定位修正,是原開發藥廠需要深入思考的問題。 / National Health Insurance (NHI) program has been implemented in Taiwan for almost 20 years. It has earned recognition for the compulsory enrollment for all residents in Taiwan, the benefits covered from basic to complicated medical care, the prevalence of contract medical facility and the convenience of going to doctors. NHI, however, has caused fiscal deficit for the past few years. Drug cost, among the over 500,000,000,000 NTD health insurance fee, is the second largest expenditure, which takes up 25 percent of health insurance fee. Therefore, Bureau of National Health Insurance has taken measures to manage and control drug cost and drug price multiple times for a long period. Foreign pharmaceuticals have cooperated on the low-priced pricing for new drugs and have lowered drug price after drug price evaluation every two year. However, there is still demand from medical institution for lowering drug price. The profit is therefore significantly affected in the long run. Among the impacts, the significant one for research-based pharmaceutical companies is “three sameness of drug” in the 2nd generation NHI, which will be implemented in this coming July. This three sameness policy is to adjust those drugs which are covered by NHI for over 15 years and are of the same ingredients and quality to the same price. If this policy is put into practice, the profit of research-based pharmaceutical companies would plunge, which may result in their leave of Taiwan market. The domestic generic drugs, as a result, would be the only choice for the general public. Moreover, the major flaw of this three sameness policy is that it merely considers the drug price NHI covers, not the costs of pharmaceutical companies. That the drug price is set inflexibly without taking costs difference into consideration is against not only market mechanism but also the essence of NHI. The questions this study aimed to investigate were: 1. What have been the operating models of research-based pharmaceutical companies in Taiwan in the circumstances of drug price drop year by year before “three sameness policy”? 2. How have the government-sponsored generic drugs affected the market activities of drug patent expiration of research-based pharmaceutical companies? 3. What have been the impacts of “three sameness policy” on drug patent expiration of research-based pharmaceutical companies? 4. How should the operating model of Takeda Pharmaceuticals Taiwan, Ltd. adapt to, from the aspect of primary value activities, the condition of drug patent expiration of its profitable drugs? Based on the framework of operating model by Afuah A.(2004), this study began with the operating model of research-based pharmaceutical companies in former NHI policy. It then elaborated on how changes of the present NHI policy have influenced the marketing activities of the case company and how these activities have influenced the company’s resources, position and costs. This study reveals that “three sameness policies” is favorable for Taiwanese generic manufacturers for their costs competition. However, the instability of raw materials could not gain the trust of patients and doctors. Therefore, in order to cooperate on the demand for low-price and high-quality drug, researched-based pharmaceutical companies supervise the government’s check on the quality of generic manufacturers, employ litigation to suspend the launch of generic drugs or merge domestic generic manufacturers. If research-based pharmaceutical companies with drug patent expiration would like to compete with generic manufacturers and make a profit in NHI policy, they would have to change their operating model. How to reduce costs of purchase and manufacture and go further to adjust the input of physical and intangible assets, strengthen professional training of personnel and organization and modify strategies for pricing and market segmentation are the main issues worth considering.

影響企業於中國建構醫藥品通路的因素分析─台商未來的因應之道 / An analysis on pharmaceutical industry’s channel strategy in China ─ suggestions for Taiwan’S enterprises

黃淑媛, Huang, Shu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
中國13億人口的內需市場已為各產業的新興目標,尤其是在醫藥產業,中國政府於2009年宣布將投注8,500億人民幣改革中國整體醫藥建設,更為目前身處於台灣飽和市場的本土藥廠的發展契機,加上兩岸近期簽署的兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA),未來兩岸商業互動將更為頻繁。台商藥廠如何在這各界搶占的中國市場占有一席之地?掌握通路即掌握市場。 影響通路建構的因素分析,是企業市場營銷的首要步驟,公司對影響通路建構的因素越是瞭解,越是能掌握變動的市場,做出調整以因應環境的變化。本研究首先從中國醫藥品生產企業發展概況的分析,引導出跨國藥廠(歐美等國與台灣企業)進入中國市場常見的問題,並研究影響其通路建構須掌握的三大分析構面,包括醫療體制、藥品管理相關法令,以及流通企業等。 在醫療體制部分,中國的醫療市場主要集中在國有醫院(public hospitals),但國有醫院的營銷環境複雜,受到許多來自政策、地方主義、關係資本等因素的影響,使得外來投資企業在經營中國國有醫院市場上,皆需要各方面相當的營銷資源才足以支撐。 在藥品相關法令部分,中國政府為了整頓醫藥市場混亂的景象以及減輕民眾的用藥負擔,於1998年起陸續頒布了許多藥品管理相關法令,包括國家基本藥品目錄、藥品價格管理制度,以及藥品集中招標採購制度等,這些法令雖然規範與體制化了中國醫藥市場,但也約束了醫藥通路終端市場的藥品採購,並使藥廠的通路建構彈性大幅受限。另外,雖然過去由於中國專利法發展遲滯,致使許多歐美企業無法在中國發揮藥品發明專利之市場壟斷的作用,但中國於2007年再次修定並頒布新實施的藥品註冊管理辦法,已將中國的藥品專利保護之法律與行政制度進行初步連結,未來兩者整合性的發展,將塑造出更有利於擁有強大技術與專利能量的藥廠生存的環境,此為台商不可忽視的重要課題。 在流通企業部分,中國流通企業不僅了解當地行規,通常又擅長多角化經營,掌握了大多的終端客戶,往往能夠提供藥廠代銷、物流、倉儲、收款等服務,故在流通企業在中國醫藥通路上扮演著不可或缺的角色,藥廠對流通企業的通路功能依賴性極大。 台商過去進入中國醫藥市場發展十幾年來的商業模式,是否還能足以因應未來更變化多端的市場環境?而後進中國市場的台灣藥廠又該採取怎樣的進軍策略?面對未來,台商更應「衡外情、量已力」,從各面向深入瞭解影響中國醫藥品通路建構的因素,除了鞏固既有醫藥市場與通路資源外,更應積極思考如何提高通路系統的附加價值,開創嶄新的獲利模式。本研究後續將針對前述三大影響因素,分章論述分析,最後歸納與整理影響因素對台灣藥廠所造成的困難,並提具因應上的建議,期能提供在中國發展醫藥品市場的台商企業作為未來發展策略的參考依據。 / China’s great market demand has become the new target for international enterprises, especially in pharmaceutical industry. China government announced the investment of 850 billion RMB to ameliorate the medical infrastructure in China, which indicates an opportunity for Taiwan pharmaceutical companies. The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) between Taiwan and China will encourage a more enthusiastic interaction across the strait. Channel strategy will be the key to predominate the highly competent China market for Taiwan pharmaceutical companies. Analysis on channel construction will be the first step for industrial marketing strategy. The better a company understands the factors influential for channel construction, the better it can get control in the ever-changing market and adjust itself to cope with any alteration in the environment. This thesis will begin with an introduction on the development of pharmaceutical industry in China and thus induce some common issues with which international pharmaceutical companies are confronted in China market. It will analyze the channel construction from three important perspectives, healthcare system, pharmaceutical regulations, and logistics industry. Public hospitals play a major role in the healthcare system of China market. The marketing in public hospital involves complicated variables, including policy, local protectionism, and relationship capital. Non-local companies need every considerable resource to manage the marketing in public hospitals. In order to reform the healthcare market and lower the medical expense, China government announced several pharmaceutical regulations, including National Reimbursement Drug List (NRDL), Medicine pricing policy, and Pharmaceutical Centralized Public Bidding Procurement process. On one hand, these regulations help to put the market into order; on the other hand, it sets restricts on the retail sales and the channeling flexibility of the pharmaceutical company. Due to the slow development of China patent law in the past, moreover, a lot of American or European pharmaceutical companies could not develop an exclusive market for their drug through patent system. New Provisions for Drug Registration revised and announced by China government in 2007 established an initial connection between legal and administrative system of drug patent protection. Such integrated development will form an environment more suitable for pharmaceutical companies which possess powerful technology and patents, a significant trend for Taiwan companies’ attentions. China logistics companies understand local law and regulation and are usually familiar with multi-business strategy. They control most of the retailers and can offer sales agency, logistics, storage, and agency receipt. Logistic industry plays an important role in China pharmaceutical channel and is indispensable to pharmaceutical companies. It will be questionable whether Taiwan companies’ old business model can be sufficient for the changing China pharmaceutical market in the future. The newcomers should ponder more on their strategy for the market as well. Taiwan companies need to take the external condition and their own strength into consideration, understanding every factor of China pharmaceutical channel construction. Besides strengthening the original market and channels, Taiwan companies should aggressively enhance the add-value of channel system and find out new profit model. This thesis will focus on and elaborate the three perspectives and analyze the difficulties they bring upon Taiwan pharmaceutical companies, proposing possible solutions and future strategy for those who aim to develop their pharmaceutical business in China.

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