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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


羅鈴容, Lo, Ling-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自1952年開始引進外人直接投資,成為台灣整體經濟活動中重要的一環,而觀察僑外來台投資的趨勢,發現在1980年帶短時間內有巨幅的增長,因此本研究欲探究在此時期影響來台投資的主要原因為何。且由於台灣自1979年起開始為機動匯率時期,因此本研究將針對實質匯率對直接投資的影響作一深入的探討。 本文以 Chen et al. (2006) 的模型為基礎,檢驗選取之九產業1982-2008年間的長期追蹤資料,結合產業來台直接投資動機間的差異,深入瞭解實質匯率是否對其投資決策行為有不同的影響,並以最大概似估計法 (Maximum Likelihood Estimator, MLE) 估計的 Tobit 迴歸分析模型做為分析工具。 實證結果顯示,當來台投資產業為市場導向時,台幣實質匯率的升值與預期其升值,都將使廠商增加來台投資;但預期台幣實質匯率的升值也會使得成本導向的廠商增加來台投資量。台灣相對來台投資國的工資率提高,將阻卻來台投資的決策行為。在台產業的市場大小,也會影響廠商的投資意願,當產業在台灣的市場較大時,會提高僑外資投資的意願。而匯率波動所造成的不確定性,可能由於以來台直接投資替代出口商品到台灣,使來台直接投資量上升。

有效率的探勘演化重覆性樣式演算法 / Efficient algorithms for mining evolutionary repeating patterns

陳俊豪 Unknown Date (has links)
一個片段在序列中重複出現的現像稱之為「重覆性樣式」。這樣的重覆性樣式在許多不同的領域像是音樂分析以及生物資訊演算法上伴演著重要的角色。 在音樂分析上,重覆性樣式即為一段連續的音符在樂曲中重覆出現的現象。在樂理中,這樣的重覆出現的片段即稱之為「音樂動機」,在貝多芬的第五交響曲中,即利用四個簡單的音符“sol sol sol mi”做為音樂動機,並利用這個音樂動機創作出整首交響曲。分析音樂的動機將有助於應用在音樂檢索上為音樂建立出適合的索引。 動機的型式並非永遠一成不變,作曲者可能透過些微的變化,在樂曲中重覆出現。重覆性的片段在序列中未產生任何變變化而重覆出現的現象稱之為「精確重覆」;在序列中的重覆片段果存在些微的變化,且這些變化的序列皆與某一個序列相似則稱之為「近似重覆」。 精確重覆性樣式及近似重覆性樣式的探勘,已在過去的許多研究中被提出。在本篇論文中,我們研究一種新的重覆性樣式,在每個重覆出現的序列中,都和前一個出現的序列相似,而非與某一個特定的序列相似,這樣的重覆樣式稱之為「演化重覆性樣式」。本篇論文提出演算重覆性樣式的問題,並提出兩種基本的演算法,改善在探勘演化重覆性樣式時的效率;最後結合兩種演算法的特性,提出一種綜合演算法,同時擁有上述兩個演算法的優點,獲得更好的效率。最後並在實驗中證明我們所提出的演算法能夠得到良好的執行效率。 / A repeating pattern is a substring of a sequence, which repeats several times in the sequence. Repeating patterns play an important role in a variety of applications such as music analysis and bioinformatics. In music analysis, a repeating pattern is a sequence of notes repeats several times in a music object. In musicology, a repeating pattern corresponds to a motive which is a salient recurring segment of notes that may be used to construct all or some of the melody and themes. The well-know segment "sol-sol-sol-mi" in Beethoven's Symphony no 5 is an example of motives. The repeating pattern is an efficient semantic representation to index music sequences for content-based music retrieval. The repetition of a motive may have some variations and not necessarily be an exact repetition in the music object. For example, motivic development is a composition technique that allows a composer to generate the entire music based on a motive which repeats in the form of variations. Moreover, it is possible that a motive may evolve in certain types of composition. Some exact and approximate repeating pattern mining algorithms have been developed. In this paper, a new form of approximate repeating patterns, evolutionary repeating patterns is investigated. In evolutionary repeating pattern, each instance is similar to the previous one, rather than the original pattern. We proposed two approaches, matrix-based and Apriori-based ones, to discover the evolutionary repeating patterns. Moreover, we also present a hybrid approach to combine features of the above two approaches. Scale-up experiments show that the proposed algorithms perform well.


楊智先 Unknown Date (has links)
「創造力人才」是二十一世紀知識經濟社會的重要資源,培育人才第一現場的「教師」角色不容忽視。因此,探討引發創意教師主體能動性的「工作動機」、篩選其創意的「選擇壓力」及創造過程中必要的「社會互動」經驗是本研究的探索旨趣。 本研究分為兩部份進行,第一部份以問卷調查方式瞭解教師工作動機、選擇壓力與社會互動等變項與創造力的關係。研究工具包括「工作動機量表」、「專注力量表」、「選擇壓力量表」、「生活經驗量表」、「教學創新行為量表」及「社會互動頻率量表」。第二部分以訪談方式瞭解創意教師的社會互動內涵。 研究結果顯示,當教師在工作上擁有相當強烈的內在動機時、對事投入專一、樂意面對挑戰,同時也追求高度的自主之際,對於教師自身的教學及生活具正向影響:在生活方面,會擁有更豐富的創意經驗;在教學方面,會擁有更多樣的創新表現。此外,當教師在乎學生的多元表現及自身專業地位之際,會將之內化為自身的標準。此標準的內化,會提高教師自身在生活上及教學上的創意展現。在教師社會互動方面,由訪談的個案發現,教師自身專業的高度意識;學校充足客觀資源的支持,如:領導者的鼓勵與團隊的運作方式;以及所屬組織共同願景的引領等最有助於教師創意的展現。 最後,研究者提出三大層面的建議,供未來的研究者及教育第一現場的教師參考:在學校教育層面,應重視教師專注力時間的完整性、確保教師接受挑戰的動力、重視教師專業自主的適切認知、提倡資深優良教師的傳承工作、形成教師團隊及在整個師資培育過程應重視「專注力」、「接受新挑戰」及「自主性」的培養;在教育行政層面,應建立良性的選擇機制;在未來研究層面,應改善教師創意評定方式、採取質性研究取向、進行跨年代比較、再探究「動機綜效」觀點、再編製「工作動機」工具、再探究「他人肯定」與守門人關係及建立模式作為師資創造力培育之參考。


周仁尹 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討教師分級制度的理論基礎,分析國外實施教師分級制度的基本狀況;以臺北縣國中教師為調查與訪談對象,分析國中教師對於教師分級內容及影響等相關問題的看法,根據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、學校、教師及未來研究的參考。   本研究主要係採文獻分析、問卷調查方式進行,其中文獻分析旨在探討的教師分級意義與影響,動機理論及相關研究等,以作為本研究設計之理論基礎,而問卷調查及實施程序針對台北縣七十三所公立國中八十九學年度之合格在職教師為研究對象,採取立意抽樣方式,每校抽取12名,共計發出876份問卷,回收753份,回收率86%,回收可用問卷636份,回收可用率84.5%。問卷的處理採用SPSS 8.0 for Windows套裝統計軟體,進行百分比、平均數、標準差、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe、Tamhane's T2法進行事後檢定及卡方考驗等統計分析。   本研究依據文獻分析、問卷調查與訪談結果,針對研究問題,主要發現如下:   一、臺北縣國民中學教師對教師分級制度表示同意及非常同意的人數達64.9%。   二、大多數臺北縣國民中學教師支持本研究所描述之教師分級制度內容。    超過五成以上支持以歷年考績、在職進修學分、學歷、經歷(導師、組長、主任)、教學服務年資、著作發表、教師專業成長檔案為晉級條件。    晉級年限以每晉一級以五年為最高(30.3%)。    超過五成以上支持各職級教師之工作規劃內容,高低依序為「教師職級高者應負擔指導新進實習教師工作(89%)」、「教師職級高者應擔任學校本位課程發展規劃工作(79.6%)」、「負擔教學輔導與演示的工作(72.4%)」、「負擔較多的教學研究工作(69.9%)」、「負擔學校教師的升級評鑑工作(68.9%)」、「教師職級高者授課時數應比教師職級低者少(59.2%)」。    各職級稱呼以「初級、中堅、專家、顧問教師」的同意情形最高(45.4%)。    學校層級之晉級審查委員會成員的支持程度人數超過五成以上,高低依序為考核委員(教評會委員)(78.3%)、學科(各領域)召集人(78%)、校長(71%)、學校行政人員(60.2%)。   三、臺北縣國民中學教師對教師分級制度影響的看法,各構面的支持程度普遍偏高。    對實施教師分級制度可能產生的十個問題中,有九個問題同意程度超過五成以上,高低依序為評鑑程序及公平性(84.6%)、晉級審查委員會成員資格(80.2%)、學生學習成果難以評鑑的問題(80%)、晉級年限合理性問題(76%)、造成階級鬥爭,容易產生標籤作用(75.5%)、教師彼此競爭、影響校園合諧(63.1%)、無法解決不適任教師問題(61.3%)、家長及社區人士對教師層級的評價(55.9)。其中同意程度最低的問題為「獎勵方式不足以引起教師晉級動機」,顯示實施教師分級制度中有關的獎勵方式對台北縣國中教師而言並非主要關注的議題。   四、臺北縣國民中學教師背景變項,對教師分級制度內容的看法    在「為建立教師專業發展體系,實施教師分級制度」之同意情形:    性別方面,男性教師高於女性教師。    年齡方面,29歲以下教師高於30至49歲年齡層之教師。    服務地區方面,縣轄市教師高於鄉鎮地區之教師。    學校規模方面,61班以上大型學校教師高於12班以下小型學校之教師。   五、臺北縣國民中學教師背景變項,對教師分級制度影響的看法    在「教師分級制度可增進教學願意,達成教學目標」之同意情形,在服務年資方面,年資為1~5年教師高於16年以上教師。    「教師分級制度有助於教師獲得學生、家長、同仁及社會的讚賞」之同意情形在性別方面,男性教師高於女性教師。    「教師分級制度可增進教學願意,達成教學目標」及「有助於教師獲得學生、家長、同仁及社會的讚賞」之同意情形在學校規模方面,61班以上大型學校高於13-60班學校之教師。    「教師分級制度可檢核教師能力,提昇教師工作效能」之同意情形在學校規模方面,61班以上大型學校教師高於13~60班及12班以下小型學校之教師。


毛國光 Unknown Date (has links)
幼教產業競爭持續激烈,外部環境每況愈下,在僧多粥少的趨勢不變之下,一間幼兒園要如何才能從為數眾多的幼教機構中脫穎而出、獲得家長青睞,就成為相當重要的課題。目前已有部分幼教業者走向市場區隔的方式來經營,其中最廣為人知的就是主打高品質高收費,專攻高收入家庭的業者。是否還有其他未被滿足的需求可以切入並以此為發展根基?本研究希望透過蒐集消費者的購買動機與購買考慮重要因素,結合人口統計變數,來研究二者與顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度之關係,以及顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之間的關係,據此嘗試對目前幼教市場之消費者做進一步的分析,並對幼兒園未來的經營與行銷方針,提出建議。 本研究針對235份有效問卷,使用SPSS12.0版統計軟體進行分析,結果如下: 1.「購買動機」、「購買重視因素」、「個人資料」對「顧客滿意度」、「顧客忠誠度」有顯著的影響 2.部分「人口統計變項」對消費者選擇幼兒園之「購買動機」與「購買重視因素」有顯著的影響。 3.「顧客滿意度」與「顧客忠誠度」有顯著的相關性 綜合研究發現與結論,本研究對幼兒園業者建議如下: 1.經營上積極調整體質,一方面嚴控成本、降低資源浪費來抵擋不景氣,另一方面將經營重心放在:「以消費者為導向,重視家長及幼兒需求,提高滿意度與忠誠度」。加強對幼兒園消費者的基本資料、生活型態、需求以及重視因素之了解。 2.行銷上運用「人員與實體設備」、「產品」、「價格」、「地點」及「促銷」五個影響「購買重視因素」之主要因素來進行銷方案的規劃。 關鍵字:幼教產業、購買動機、重視因素

高齡志工參與志願服務動機及管理機制之初探—以北區醫學中心志工隊為例 / The research of motivations and management issue on elderly volunteers—case study of medical center in northern Taiwan

林秀峰, Lin, Hsiu Fong Unknown Date (has links)
台灣已步入人口老化國家之行列,根據內政部最新的統計報告,我國截至2010年之統計六十五歲以上人口已占整體人口10.72%,人口老化背後的兩項主因素為出生率的急劇下降及國人平均餘命之延長,此兩項因素所帶給社會的衝擊,包含人力資源之改變及高齡化社會之調適;相當特別的是此問題在高齡者參與志願服務之議題形成聚焦,高齡者踴躍投入志願服務應可以補充部份人口老化後人力資源之缺口,更重要的是在高齡者參與過程中亦可活化各種社會互動網絡之形成;然現今在因應人口老化問題之討論非常蓬勃,但在高齡者參與志願服務之議題仍尚未多見,研究者基於上述因素以「高齡志工參與志願服務動機及管理機制之初探」,希能拋磚引玉使此議題能有更多專家、學者及實務先進共同探討與研究。 本研究屬探索性研究,由北部11所醫學中心隨機挑選五所醫學中心及加入研究者服務之醫學中心,共計六所醫學中心之志工管理者及高齡志工為研究對象,希望以大型醫學中心志願服務為基礎,由志工管理者及資深高齡志工實際參與之觀點,深入且完整地瞭解高齡志工參與志願服務之動機、目前服務問題與困境及現狀管理機制對高齡志工及志工管理者之影響。研究的目的為:1、瞭解高齡者參與志願服務之動機與需求,作為運用機構志願服務規劃之依據。2、發展適合高齡者參與志願服務之管理機制。3、使年長者能順利加入並持續參與志願服務行列。 根據訪談資料,研究發現高齡者參與醫療志願服務之動機涵蓋安全生理、歸屬、自尊及自我實現各面向需求,由此可見志願服務可提供高齡者不同程度之各需求面向之滿足之平台,並啟動了高齡者了持續積極參與社會之動力;但本研究也同時發現,雖然受訪者大都認為體能體力才是高齡志工參與服務之問題,惟對於高齡志工參與過程中逐漸之體能體力衰退之管理機制,則尚未臻完整與成熟;本研究初步結論認為,包含了高齡志工離隊、離隊前之志願服務協助過程及離隊後活動參與之「高齡志工退場管理機制」,應是高齡志工管理問題之重點,期待透過更多討論與研究,未來能適切而妥善地規劃好管理配套措施,使志願服務成為高齡者持續貢獻社會之助人平台,也是高齡者有尊嚴成功老化之最佳機制。 / Taiwan has become one of the countries with an ageing population. According to the last statistical report released by the R.O.C. Ministry of the Interior, the ageing population (above 65 years) had comprised 10.72 % of the total population by 2010. The primary reasons for the ageing population of Taiwan are rapid downturn of the birth rate and the extension of average life expectancy, which have brought huge impacts to the society; including changes in the manpower structure and adjustments for an ageing society. A rather unique facet to this is the issue of elderly participation in volunteering draws high attention from the public. Active elderly volunteers can potentially compensate for partial manpower insufficiency due to the population ageing. More importantly, elderly participants can activate social interaction networks. Although discussion on population ageing is flourishing, few of them focus on elderly volunteers. Accordingly, the author propose “A preliminary investigation on the motives and management mechanism of elderly volunteers,” expecting that this study can encourage further discussion and research by more experts, scholars, and researchers. This study belonging to the realm of exploratory research, randomly selects five medical centers from eleven medical centers in northern Taiwan, and incorporates the medical center the author services; volunteer managers and elderly volunteers who served in these six medical centers are our subjects. Based on volunteering in large medical centers, this paper investigates the motives and current problems and challenges of elderly volunteering from the perspectives of volunteer managers and senior elder volunteers, as well as the impacts of the current management mechanism on elderly volunteers and volunteer managers. The objectives of this study are expressed as follows: (1) to understand the motives and demands of elderly volunteers that can serve as a basis for organizations with volunteers to draft a voluntary service plan; (2) to develop suitable management mechanism for elderly volunteers; and (3) to enable the elderly to participate in voluntary services successfully and continuously. The interviews collected by this study found that the motives of elderly medical volunteers can be categorized into various dimensions, including physical safety, a sense of belonging, self-esteem, and self-fulfillment. Accordingly, volunteering can provide different levels of satisfaction for the elderly, encouraging them to continuously participate in society. This study also found that although the majority of subjects believed that physical strength is a challenge for the elderly in volunteering, a management mechanism for the physical strength decline of elderly volunteers during the participation process is not yet complete or mature. The preliminary conclusions of this study suggest that a withdrawing management mechanism for elderly volunteers - including the exiting of the elderly from voluntary service, the volunteering process before exiting voluntary service, and participation in activities after exiting voluntary service - should be the key to solving the elderly volunteer management challenges. The author expect that further discussion and research can contribute to a suitable and well-organized supplementary measure that enables volunteering to become a platform for the elderly, and is the optimal mechanism for the elderly to age with dignity.

企業上市動機及上市後效益分析-以個案公司探討 / Motives of enterprises going public and benefit analysis after publicly listed - a case study of a company

邱素紋 Unknown Date (has links)


川崎, 桃子, 白石, 成明, 田中, 紀行, 曽我部, 知明, 小柳, 芳樹, 萩, 美希, 高森, 亜沙子, 中野, 亜希子, 森本, 義朗, 坂倉, 光智, 大倉, 誉暢, 川村, 陽一, 鈴木, 重行 20 April 2007 (has links)
(内部障害系理学療法10, 第42回日本理学療法学術大会)

民間組織管理給予公部門之啟示 -以保護性業務為例 / Lessons Drawn from the Management of Civilian Organzations for the Public Sector: A Case Study of Domestic Violence Prevention Service

徐意善, Hsu, Yi Shan Unknown Date (has links)
面對治理環境複雜,如何提升公共服務的效率與效能成為政府主要課題。本文以從事家庭暴力防治業務的公部門、非營利組織、社工師事務所為研究對象,比較不同組織的社工在公共服務動機、激勵因素、人力招募重點、組織管理方式上的不同,並檢視成員的工作滿足與服務產出,來對新公共管理主張的市場模式與新公共服務提倡的協力觀點進行驗證。 研究過程中,發現社工師事務所的存在是一複合概念,是新公共管理之下代理化(agencification)觀點的體現,也是新公共服務組織人本主義的管理概念。本文並未對其明確定義,只關注於「良好組織管理」的特徵。社工師事務由於其具備彈性、目標單一的結構特質,再加上推行的授能式管理讓成員在工作上有較正面的情緒,更可凝聚成員向心力。相較於政府天生結構缺陷帶來的層級節制溝通不易,本文以為:代理化組織的鬆綁、彈性,或許不是一蹴可及,但在組織管理方式上使用Y理論授能式的激勵觀點,強調以人為本的管理技術,由內而外漸進式實施,是政府可以學習的方向。 / When the government faces governance crisis, new public management (NPM) and new public service (NPS) try to use two different ways to cure government failure. NPM emphasizes market-oriented to cure bureaucracy, while NPS prefers inter-sector cooperation. This study compares three different kinds of organizations: government agency non-profit organization and social service agency and all of them offers services of domestic violence protection. By comparing these three organization staff members, this study not only helps us to assess whether NPM or NPS is better but also gives government some advice on human resource management . The study finds that the social service agency is practicing one of NPM’s concepts: agencification, which is a flexible way to provide public service and NPS’s concept “organizational humanism” as its management skill. This study will not simply define whether the social service agency belongs to the public sector or the private sector. It just tries to suggest something helpful to employees and organization’s efficiency. The study finds out social workers in the social service agency are more positive in their work attitude and have high commitment to their organization due to its empowerment management while other organizations’ staff members have more complaints. Thus, the study concludes that joining NPM’s concepts- deregulation, flexibility and theory Y would make a win-win game between staff and organization.

大學生在以英語為外語環境中之學習動機與閱讀策略之研究 / The Investigation of College Students’ Learning Motivation and Reading Strategies in an EFL Learning Context

黃瑞棣, Huang, Ruei-Di January 1900 (has links)
本研究旨在探討大學生的學習動機與閱讀策略間的相關。台灣南部的英語教師能借此研究進而了解學生之學習狀況與閱讀過程間所帶來之障礙。本研究探討在學生的閱讀過程中,影響學生學習動機之閱讀問題與閱讀策略。本研究的參與對象為二十四位國立屏東教育大學英語系二年級學生。在學期初與學習末時,受試者均接受前後測問卷調查、閱讀測驗、以及訪談。研究者依據受試者所填寫之問卷結果進行訪談,所有訪談皆對話錄音。最後,所有收集資料皆使用量化與質化分析。以下為本研究之研究發現: 一、 學生之學習動機與閱讀策略有相關。 二、 學生之閱讀策略與閱讀表現有相關。 三、 學生經常使用之閱讀策略為: 1. 我會先掌握文章的大綱,然後再仔細閱讀內容。 2. 我的腦海會出現文章內容的畫面。 3. 我會跳過不懂的部分並且透過可以理解的文章內容來幫助閱讀。 四、每位受試者對於閱讀練習之回應為正向態度。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between college students’ learning motivation and reading strategies that may affect their reading comprehension. In order to help English teachers in southern Taiwan, this study may help these teachers to understand students’ learning situations and obstacles that may affect their reading. This study explored college students’ reading problems that influenced their learning motivation and reading strategies in their reading process. The participants of the study were twenty-four English-majored sophomores of National Pingtung University of Education. In the beginning and the end of the semester, participants were received the pre-study and post-study questionnaires, reading comprehension tests, and interviews during the semester. The researcher interviewed every participant based on the questionnaire results completed by themselves, and all interviews were audio-recorded. Finally, all of the data collected during the study were analyzed both qualitatively andquantitatively. The followings are the finding of the study: 1. There is correlation between students’ learning motivation and reading strategy. 2. There is correlation between students’ reading strategies and reading performance. 3. The most frequently reading strategies used by individual participants are (1) I will catch the article’s theme, than read the content carefully. (2) While reading, the pictures of context often show up in my mind (3)I will ignore the unreadable parts, and figure out the whole content through the readable parts. 4. Individual participant’s response toward their reading practice belonged to positive attitude. / Chinese Abstract……………………………………………………..…i English Abstract………………………………………………....……..ii Table OF CONTENTS………………………………………………...iii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION…………………...……….…….1 Background and Motivation……………………………...….…….1 Purpose of the Study………………………………………………..2 Research Questions…………………………………………………2 Significance of the Study……………………………………………3 Definitions of Terms………………………………………………...4 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW………………………….6 Research on Learning motivation……………………….………..……6 Research on Reading Strategies………………………………………10 Research on Learning Community…………………………………...12 Related Studies in EFL Context……………………………….......….14 Research on Learning motivation………………………….…..……..14 Research on Reading Strategies……………………………..…….….18 The Present Study…………………………………………..…….…....22 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY……………………………..23 Research Design……………………..……………………………..23 Participants and Background……………..………………………24 Procedure…………………………………………………………..25 Instruments………………………………………………………...27 Questionnaires……………………………………………………..27 Reading Comprehension Tests……………………………………28 Interviews……………………………….……….….……..……….28 Data Collection and Analysis…………………………….….……….29 CHAPTER FOURRESULTS AND DISCUSSION………………….30 The correlation between students’ learning motivation and reading strategies……………………………………………………………….30 The correlation between learning motivation and reading strategiesscores in the pre-test (the highest 8th scores)…………………………………………………………...….30 The correlation between learning motivation and reading strategiesscores in pre-test (the lowest 8th scores)………………………………………………………...…….32 The correlation between learning motivation and reading strategiesscores in the post-test (the highest 8th scores)……………………………………………………...……...…33 The correlation between learning motivation and reading strategiesscores in the post-test (the lowest 8th scores)…………. 35 Summary…………………………………...………………………36 Discussion………………..…………………………………..……..36 The correlation between students’ reading strategies and reading performance……………………………………………………………37 The correlation between reading strategies and reading performance scores in pre-test (the highest 8th scores)………………………………………………………..……..37 The correlation between reading strategies and reading performance scores in pre-test (the lowest 8th scores)………………………………………………………………38 The correlation between reading strategies and reading performance scores in post-test (the highest 8th scores)…………………………………………………......……..…40 The correlation between reading strategies and reading performance scores in post-test (the lowest 8th scores)………………………………………………………………41 Summary………………………………...……..…………………..42 Discussion…………………………………..……………………....43 The reading strategies most frequently used by individual participants………………………………………………………...…..43 What kinds of reading strategies do you use while reading?.......44 When you reading interestingarticles, which reading strategies do you use……………………………………………………………...45 When you read uninterestingarticles, which reading strategies do you use?................................................................................................... 47 When you read an easy article, which reading strategies do you use?.....................................................................................................48 When you read difficult article, which reading strategies do you use?.....................................................................................................50 The individual participants’ responses toward their reading practice............................................................................................52 The high level participants ‘responses…………………………..52 The middle level participants’ responses…………………….….53 The advancing participants’ responses…………………...….….54 CHAPTER FIVECONCLUSIONS…………………….……………56 Pedagogical Implications………………………………..………..60 Limitations and Suggestions………………………………..……..61 REFERENCES………………………………………………………...62 Appendix……………………………………………………………….66 Appendix A……………………………………………………………..66 Appendix B……………………………………………………………..72 Appendix C……………………………………………………………..79 Appendix D……………………………………………………………..86 Appendix E……………………………………………………………..96 Appendix E……………………………………………………………108 Appendix G………………...…………………………………………109 Appendix H…………………………………………………………...110 Appendix I…………………………………………..………………...111 Appendix J…...……………………………………..………………...112

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