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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

「牙尖嘴利」的紙老虎:《南方週末》如何揭發社會矛盾 / A paper tiger with sharp teeth: How Southern Weekend discloses social tensions in China

時沛恩, Fabian Schneider Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis focuses on the discourse strategies investigative journalism uses to disclose social tensions in China. It delivers a theoretical framework for the understanding of investigative journalism in general and its Chinese counterpart in particular. Furthermore, the author elaborates on the possibilities, strategies and limitations of investigative journalism in China. Investigative stories that disclose three major social tensions in China were selected for analysis. These social tensions focus on “crimes against the underprivileged”, “abuse in education” and “desperate crimes”. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) perceives these social tensions as a potential threat to its legitimacy of leadership, news about them are considered to be highly sensitive while at the same time useful in alerting the CCP to solve them. The research has found that most of the strategies used are “circumvention of value” and “interviewee opinion formation” followed by the strategy “open end”. However, Chinese investigative journalism has to toe a thin line in its practice.

社會變遷中的傳媒公共領域建構 : 南方都市報時評欄目研究 = Construction of media public sphere in social transformation : a study of news commentary column in Southern metropolis daily

蘆歡, 01 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.


趙向群 Unknown Date (has links)
本文之研究目的,除了歸納、整理影響巴西外交政策形成之各項因素,分析其對南方共同市場會員國一阿根廷之外交關係外,並探討下列問題:   一、巴西在1985年文人政府時期起,所採取之外交政策取向為何?期望扮演之國家角色為何?所欲達成之外交目標為何?   二、巴西之國家利益及外交政策走向。   三、巴西與阿根廷間軍事緩和之趨勢及在南方共同市場之架構下與阿根廷經貿關係與折衝點。   巴西在一九八○年代起,將一連串政治、經濟及社會問題列入外交政策議題並且在各項結盟裡獲得討論並取得共識。在經濟方面,巴西在里約集團(Rio Group)及南方共同市場(South Cone Common Market)取得主導優勢、與扯美各國達成設立拉丁美洲自曲貿易區(Latin America Free Trade Area)之共識、藉由南方共同市場與歐盟進行自由貿易之預備協商及參與世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization)。在政治領域裡,積極參與聯合國維持和平行動(Peace-Keeping Operations)並爭取成為安理會常任理事國、一九九五年加入飛彈科技控制體系(Missle Technology Control Regime/MTCR)、一九九八年完成批准反核武擴散條約(the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty/NPT)、一九九九年促成扯丁美洲國家與歐盟元首之高峰會及二○○○年舉行拉丁美洲國家元首會議。在社會議題方面,巴西在人權、環保、打擊毒品及反恐怖主義等議題都積極涉入:如:一九九二年在里約熱內盧舉行聯合國「環境與發展會議」(the NU Conference on Environment and Development)。以上均顯示巴西擬在拉丁美洲國家擬扮演領導者之角色,如何與傳統鄰國、亦為拉美大國之阿根廷間之互動亦為研究之緣起。   本論文共分為六章,第一章說明論文的研究動機、目的、研究方法、範圍、研究限制、組織架構與文獻探討。   第二章探討國內環境層面、國際層面、決策者因素等三方面影響巴西外交政策的要素。國內環境因素方面,以地理環境、人口與社會結構者、經濟條件、政府因素與一九八八年的憲法作為分析單元。   第三章則以前述要素來解釋巴西在一九八五年年起文人政府時期的外交政策取向、國家角色及政策目標。巴西在區域與國際上之角色,以及巴西在南方共同市場外交政策的目標。第四及第五章則著重討論巴西與阿根廷軍事及經貿關係及討論巴西與南方共同市場會員國家之關係,在後冷戰時期,國際關係以經貿為主軸,經濟考量在巴西外交政策制訂過程中日益吃重,故探討巴西積極參與經濟整合與成立南錐共同市場之外交政策及與阿根廷軍事緩和之趨勢。最後在第六章是為本篇論文之結論。

南方作為帝國慾望:日治時期日人作家的台灣書寫 / South as Empire's Desire:Writing Taiwan by Japanese Authors under Colonial Rule

邱雅芳, Chiu, Ya-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
南方想像是日本帝國主義的慾望產物。在廣邈的南方想像中,台灣是帝國慾望主軸。明治中期開始,南方作為日本投射帝國慾望的一個想像地理,透過各種文本的鋪陳漸漸建構出一套南進論述。不論是公共政策的社會層面,或是私人意識型態的精神層面,南方論述慢慢滲透成為帝國主義的文化血脈。本論文的研究主題,即在於探討從明治中期以降日人作家的台灣書寫,尤其聚焦在小說與紀行文體。筆者縱貫討論1910年代前後以降至1940年代的日人作家作品,主要對象包括1910年代前後的竹越與三郎、中村古峽,1920年代的佐藤春夫,1930年代的中村地平、真杉靜枝,1940年代的西川滿與《文藝台灣》。誠然,不同的歷史階段,往往會呈現殊異的南方論述。會選擇這些日人作家與文本,源自於他們在各年代的象徵性意義。不難發現,日人作家的「南方」觀,除了帶有異國情調的異色幻想,也投射強大的帝國慾望。 從明治時期到1940年代,日人作家所帶來的文學/文化/地理想像問題,充滿無數臆想。檢視他們南方書寫的內涵,可以發現其中歷經了三個階段的衍變:從領台初期混沌未明的南方憧憬階段,藉助各種文化與帝國論述的傳播,逐漸成為日本人集體的政治無意識,最後在戰爭期則演進為日本帝國的強大意志。台灣作為被觀看的南方客體,透過各種話語敘事,從模糊概念而逐漸顯現清晰的形體。到了南進政策明確的階段,「前進南方」不再是潛藏在個人內心的集體無意識,它一躍而為昭然若揭的意志、隨處可見的口號。就東亞文學與後殖民主義的觀點而論,日治時期日人作家台灣書寫的發展,誠然具有複調的文化意涵。文化自身是一個包含細緻化與提升性要素的概念,它也會被許多政治與意識形態主張在其上彼此相互交涉對話。這些帶有豐富暗示的帝國文本,和日本從明治時期以降的南進論述,甚至昭和時期的大東亞共榮圈構想,在政治對文學的動員關係上形成深刻的影響。不可否認的,作品所呈現出來的文化思維與美學形式,乃是衍生自每位作者的歷史經驗。南方作為帝國慾望的一部分,自明治中期以降逐漸在文學之上形成一條「南方」系譜,追根究柢,帝國的政治與文化之間的聯繫誠然極其貼近。本論文企圖以再閱讀與再詮釋的方式,進入日至時期日人作家台灣書寫的歷史脈絡,探討他們所形塑的南方憧憬,進而解構日人作家所建構或虛構的南方敘事。 / The imagination of South was the product of Japanese Imperial desire. In its extensive imagination, Taiwan was the pivotal axis of the imperial desire. Since the mid-Meiji era, South had been seen an imaginative geography projected from this desire, based on which various kind of literary texts were developed in the construction of discourse on military advance to south. Discourse on advance to south was gradually becoming a major thinking of Japanese imperialism, in the forms of public policies on social level or in the forms of personal ideology on the mental level. This dissertation proposes to examine Japanese authors’ writing of Taiwan from the mid-Meiji era onward especially by focusing on the genres of novels and travel writings. The texts in the discussion include works by Takekoshi Yosaburo and Nakamura Kokyu in the 1910’s, Sato Haruo in the 1920’s, Nakamura Jihei and Masugi Shizue in the 1930’s, and Nishikawa Mitsuru and his magazine Bungei Taiwan in the 1940’s. It is indeed that in the different historical stages, the contents of the discourse on advance to South varied. The reason why these authors and their texts are selected for examination is because each of them possessed symbolic meanings for their own times. It is not hard to find that Japanese authors’ perspectives on Taiwan were not only tinged with exotic and erotic fantasies, but also strongly implied their imperial desire.   As we can find, there were three stages of development when examining the contents of Japanese writing of South: first, in the initial acquisition of Taiwan in the early 20th century, the longing for south remained vague; second, during the 1920’s and 1930’s, thanks to the spreading of cultural elaboration and imperialist discourses, the image of south steadily became a political unconsciousness; and third, during the war period in the 1940’s, the ideas about south were finally elevated to a strong will of the empire. The south as an imagination for imperial expansion was not any more a hidden consciousness, but an overt action as embodied in its military advance to Southeast Asia. From the context of East Asia literature and viewpoint of post-colonialism, therefore, it is truth that the development of Japanese authors’ writing of Taiwan during colonial period, did have its plural political implications. These imperial texts with ample implications had mutual influences with the discourse on advance to south in Meiji era and the formation of ideas about Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Circle in Showa period. It is no doubt that the cultural thinking and aesthetical forms as expressed in literary works were derived from each author’s historical experience. The purpose of this dissertation, with rereading and reevaluating source materials, aims to investigate how Japanese authors, when writing Taiwan, developed their imagination of south and further reconstructed their south narratives.


齊 怡, GI-YI Unknown Date (has links)
曾被中共視為「資本主義的欺詐手段」、「非生產性的剝削」的廣告事業,自一九七 九中共黨十一屆三中全會後,起了一場「靜默的革命」。此後又隨著廣告公司、廣告 協會的成立以及廣告管理暫行條例的頒布,中共的廣告業有了更蓬勃的發展。 本研究乃針對此以人民日報、南方日為分析對象,探究一九七九年至一九八五年,中 共報紙廣告在廣告主的國別、實體性質、廣告目的、商品類別以及廣告內容中訴求方 式、訴求對象、訴求層次和廣告表現的概況,並進一步對這七年來演變,做一趨勢性 的描述分析。 本論文共分六章十七節。前兩章講述緒論並做若干文獻探討;後續三章則先論及研究 方法,再就研究結果進行分析;末章做一總結並就本論文提出檢討與建議,約六萬餘 字。


唐屹軒 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以1921年創立的無錫國專為考察核心,剖析傳統書院的轉型在現代中國學術發展脈絡中扮演的腳色,並藉此勾勒橫向聯繫的學術網絡。同時,亦以唐文治為主軸,連結承接傳統與注入新學的時間軸線。咸同時代理學思想復興後形成的學術潮流,透過王祖畬的傳承,在唐文治身上看到理學思想的延續。 除緒論與結論外,第二章以時間為主軸貫串前後,輔以制度的演變進行析論,從清代以降的教育發展脈絡展開介紹。第三章針對無錫國專的創建與發展進行論述,並運用量化分析法,從另一個角度觀察無錫國專。其次,討論部分重要師生,以說明教學情形、相關學術活動、與求學期間的回憶和學習心得。第四章深入分析無錫國專師生們內含的思想核心、教育理念和文化價值體系。第五章針對具有文化保守主義色彩的無錫國專及其師生,與新文化派學者進行比較研究,希冀藉由雙方的對照,深入瞭解無錫國專的特點,與當時的學術氛圍。 無錫國專創立以來,歷經抗戰期間的顛沛流離,仍講學不輟,在精神領袖唐文治帶領下,始終維持其教育理念。唐文治以紮實的教育方式培養人才,無形中延伸無錫國專的影響力,至今仍有不少學者係出自無錫國專。在東南大學遭逢幾番改制、學衡派學者內閧不止、四散飄零之際,無錫國專尤可視為反新文化派之堡壘。


塩崎, 公大 23 September 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第22718号 / 理博第4627号 / 新制||理||1665(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科地球惑星科学専攻 / (主査)教授 榎本 剛, 教授 秋友 和典, 教授 向川 均 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

全球五旬節運動視野下的真耶穌教會 / The formation of the true Jesus church : a perspective from the global pentecostal movement

葉先秦 Unknown Date (has links)

日本人的南方異己想像:以「新聞」媒體為中心(1870-1920) / The Imagination of Japanese People toward the Southern Otherness: Focus on the "Shimbun" Media (1870-1920)

洪偉傑, Hung, Wei Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討十九世紀後期以降,日本人在帝國形成過程中,對南方地域異己的想像與描繪過程。自江戶末期以來,日本被迫面對西方列強的進逼,開啟了原先封閉的國門,更擴大了國人對海外異己的想像空間。明治開國後,日本開始逐步南進,陸續佔領太平洋海域各島嶼,並展開對南方地域族群、人文與自然地貌的認識、討論及分類,而在向外拓展的過程中,更是不斷地累積知識、形塑與重整南方異己論述。日本對臺灣的殖民統治,則透過與原住民的接觸,成為深化這份異己論述的重要經驗,並於二十世紀初期逐漸定型為負面、劣等的族群刻板形象,強化文明與野蠻的二元對立。 本文即整理1870至1920年間日本人對南方異己的想像與知識建構過程,並以新聞報紙為主要分析史料,探討帝國在向南擴展勢力時,如何藉由大眾媒體,將臺灣及南洋地區的接觸經驗轉化成異己想像,定位文明與野蠻,進而從中確立自身族群的文明位階。 由於近代日本的新聞業發展,與帝國興起相輔相成,大眾媒體更對異己想像的形塑扮演了關鍵的傳播角色,因此成為本文的研究重點。結論則指出,在帝國權力的逐步箝制下,新聞媒體依舊展現一定程度的公共性,為形塑多元異己論述提供重要的開放平台。 / This thesis explores the forging of Japanese impression toward the southern otherness since the late 19th century during the rise of the Japanese empire. At the end of Edo period, Japan was forced to confront the Western power, opened their country, and widened its imagination of people abroad. Since Meiji period, Japan started to occupy islands and islets in the Pacific Ocean. It was also the period for the Japanese people to start to acknowledge, discuss, sort, and pile up their understanding of the southern natural and cultural scenery. By advancing to the further south, they continued to shape, reform the discourse of the southern otherness. In the early 20th century, colonizing Taiwan offered the Japanese people a chance to contact with the indigenous, which deepened the discourse of otherness, built discriminative ethnic stereotypes, and reassured the binary opposition of civilization and savagery. By parsing the historical materials, mainly Japanese Shimbun media, this thesis focuses on 1870s to 1920s, illustrates how the Japanese empire forged their impression of southern otherness, how it divided civilization and savagery by using the media-twisted southern imagination, and how it ranked its own civilization at the same time. The development of journalism in modern Japan was deeply in tandem with the rise of the Japanese empire. Also, mass media played an important role with the process of forming impression of otherness, which becomes the key point of research. In conclusion, despite the gradual control of the journalism by the government, mass media still showed its publicness and provided an open platform to develop multiple discourses of otherness.

從"大而全"的組織到資產專用性的組織: 廣州一家機器製造業國有企業的組織變遷. / From over-integration to asset specificity: the organizational change of a state- / 從大而全的組織到資產專用性的組織 / 廣州一家機器製造業國有企業的組織變遷 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / ProQuest dissertations and theses / Cong "da er quan" de zu zhi dao zi chan zhuan yong xing de zu zhi: Guangzhou yi jia ji qi zhi zao ye guo you qi ye de zu zhi bian qian. / Cong da er quan de zu zhi dao zi chan zhuan yong xing de zu zhi / Guangzhou yi jia ji qi zhi zao ye guo you qi ye de zu zhi bian qian

January 2002 (has links)
I propose an integrative approach to address the above questions. My findings suggest that certain kinds of the organizational form were always interwoven with the social situation at the time and could not be simplistically explained in terms of efficiency alone. It was the state and the development of the market that determined the dynamics of the organizational form. In my opinion, efficiency theory, specifically the concept of asset specificity, could explain why the internal market system failed. On the other hand, power theory, specifically the phenomenon of isomorphism, could shed light on why the enterprise adopted the internal market system in 1994. The study suggests that the perspective of power has more strength to explain the social process of the organizational form framing. Furthermore, it explores the source of the internal transaction costs, which was underdeveloped in neo-institutional economic theory. It is my argument that there is a missing link between asset specificity and the internal transaction costs. / In the institutional approach, the studies of organizational forms have long been influenced by two theories: efficiency theory and power theory. The general theoretical concern of this study is: Is efficiency theory adequate to explain the internal organizational form? Which of these two theories is more appropriate to explain the internal organizational form of the state-owned enterprises in China? / The twenty-year economic reform in China has witnessed frequent changes in the titles and structures of China's economic organizations. This case study investigates the internal organizational form of a state-owned enterprise in Guangzhou, China. It depicts the history of its organizational form from 1949 to 2000. Under the planned economy, the said enterprise, The Southern Heavy Machinery Corporation, had an over-integrated organizational structure. From 1994 to 2000, the enterprise has set up a system consisting of an enterprise group corporation and dozens of subsidiary companies, moving toward a market system for its internal transactions among the production units. The subsidiary companies were set up on the basis of the earlier production plants established before 1984. As profits decreased year by year, the new general manager who started his tenure in September 2000 made the decision to bring some of its crucial subsidiary companies back into the form of production plants to render stronger continuities in production. / Why then, after 16 years of internal market practice that has begun in 1984, did the enterprise restructure itself to adopt the unitary form (U form) in some crucial production units? This study aims to explain the following questions: what was the cause of adopting the certain organizational form, why it used the internal market system and why the internal market system failed. / 平萍. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2002. / 參考文獻 (p. 254-264). / 中英文摘要. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 63-05, Section: A, page: 2020. / Supervisor: Tai-lok Lui. / Available also through the Internet via Current research @ Chinese University of Hong Kong under title: From over-integration to asset specificity the organizational change of a state-owned machinery enterprise in Guangzhou (China, Chinese text) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest dissertations and theses, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / School code: 1307. / Lun wen (Zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2002. / Can kao wen xian (p. 254-264). / Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Ping Ping.

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