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媒介娛樂中的生活政治:以Anthony Giddens的「現代性自我認同」概念為基礎探討閱聽人的反思活動 / The "life politics" in media entertainment-audience's self-reflexivity in media reception based on anthony giddens' theory of "modernity and self-identity"劉琮琦, Liu, Chung Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究一方面回顧紀登斯的「自我認同」及「生活政治」論述,二方面蒐集了閱聽人觀影後的自我書寫資料並對其創用者進行深入訪談,以回應研究者的核心提問。結果顯示閱聽人接收媒介通俗文本時,同時在「看著他人的故事想著自己的心事」。過程裡,收視者的自我反思將帶動著自我認同的發展,從而和生活政治的推展產生聯繫。研究者希望透過本研究擴充當代閱聽人研究的提問角度,並和紀登斯的生活政治概念進行理論及經驗上的對話。 / Entertaining media reception has long been regarded as “irrelevant to politics.” However, a body of literature of Culture Study found that “reading-the-popular-text” is political in itself, since readers might subvert or resist the ideology embedded in the popular texts, hence, empowering them the “political consciousness.” Yet, the above argument is incomplete: once entertaining media reception relate to policy only through the “politically critical reading”, the rest reading types of the audiences will be debased logically. Thus, this thesis introduces the concept of “Life Politics”, raised up by Anthony Giddens, to inject new possibilities into the reception-study tradition.
This thesis reviews Giddens’ theory on the one hand, collects the empirical data through audiences’ post-text on Blogs after receiving the popular text and self-narration in interviews on the other, to answer research questions. The result shows that audiences are inclined to reflex themselves while receiving the popular text. The whole process leads to the development of Self-Identity which has a deep linkage to the modern course of Life Politics. The analysis and theories mentioned above will broaden our understanding of audiences’ reception as well as enlarge the usability of Giddens’ political thought.
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國民小學校長反思與校長專業能力發展之研究吳佩陵 Unknown Date (has links)
三、注重校長反思與實踐能力,以提升校長專業能力。 / The main purpose of this study is to probe into the relationship of principal’s reflection and principal’s professional competence development in elementary schools. Questionnaires Investigation as the research method are used in this study. The research instrument was distributed to 444 public elementary school principals inclusive of Taipei City, Taipei County, Keelung City, I-Lan County, Taoyuan County, Hsin Chu County, and Miaoli County. There are totally 329 valid samples used in this study.
The data obtained is interpreted by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, multiple regression and SEM through the use of LISREL 8.71.
The conclusions drawn from the study are as follows:
1.The principal’s reflection includes: the attitude of reflection, the content of reflection, the strategy of reflection, the advantage of reflection, and the action of reflection.
2.The principal’s professional competence development includes: school development, administrative government, instructional leadership, public relation, and professional responsibility.
3.All elements of the elementary principals’ reflection get positive outcomes, and among them, the dimension of “the content of reflection” ranks the highest, “the strategy of reflection” ranks last.
4.All elements of the elementary principals’ professional competence development receive positive outcomes. Among them, the dimension of “administrative government” ranks the highest, “instructional leadership” dimension ranks last.
5.The elementary school principals’ background demography including gender and age reach a significant difference with all the principals’ reflection.
6.The elementary school principals’ background demography age and school size incur a significant difference with all the principals’ professional competence development.
7.The principals’ reflection for elementary school principals are positively correlated with the principals’ professional competence development.
8.The principal’s reflection could effectively predict the principal’s professional competence development, especially “the action of reflection” dimension.
9.The model of the principal’s reflection to the principal’s professional competence development for an elementary school principal is proved proper.
Based on the research results, the researcher proposes some suggestions for “Educational Administrative Agencies” and “the principals of elementary schools”, hoping to benefit the pre-training classes of principals and in-service education of school principals in the future.
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遠距戀愛的信任尤漪薇 Unknown Date (has links)
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從新聞傳播領域學生的學習歷程看媒體實習經驗的教育意義劉光瑩, Liu, Kwang Yin Unknown Date (has links)
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自我反思反芻與憂鬱情緒在自傳式記憶特性之探討 / Self-reflection, self-rumination and depressive mood on recall of autobiographical memories.劉令恬, Liu, Le Tien Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻顯示憂鬱反芻與憂鬱有緊密關連,憂鬱反芻的概念又可區分為不具適應性與較具適應性的部分(Treynor, Gonzalez, & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2003),但這兩者與憂鬱情緒的關係至今尚未有定論。在非臨床樣本中,高自我聚焦並非都是缺乏適應性的,高自我聚焦程度加上情緒一致的回憶特質,容易維持憂鬱情緒,反之加上情緒不一致性的回憶特質,則較能回憶正向記憶,具有較佳的情緒調節能力。為探討情緒、反芻與記憶特性的關係,本研究採用Trapnell和Campbell(1999)架構將自我聚焦分為自我反思與自我反芻兩個次分類,探討不同自我反思反芻與憂鬱情緒在自傳式記憶的特性表現上有何差異。其中以簡短指導語版的自傳式記憶測驗工具(MI-AMT)做為測量工具,增加在非臨床樣本中測驗自傳式記憶的敏感度。
研究結果顯示(1)中文版自我反思反芻量表與簡短指導語版自傳式記憶測驗工具具有足夠心理計量特性,可用以測量相關概念與量化記憶特性。(2)憂鬱情緒程度高者具有自傳式記憶特定性低、過度概化記憶程度高的特性,與過去文獻符合。另外,反芻與反思在自傳式記憶的表現則相似性高,在同處於高憂鬱情緒類別,高反芻者並無顯著回憶出較少特定記憶、較多過度概化記憶,高反思者亦無顯著回憶出較多正向特定記憶、較少正向過度概化記憶;這些結果與Svaldi(2008)無法驗證研究假設的結果相同。 / Literature review shows that depressive rumination sustains depressed mood. Depressive rumination could separate into maladaptive and adaptive subcomponents (Treynor, Gonzalez, & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2003), but the relationship of them and depressive mood is unstable. In non-clinical sample, high self-focus is not always relates to maladaptive. When it combines with mood-congruent autobiographical memory sustain negative mood easily. People with mood-incongruent effect will recall more positive autobiographical memory, has better emotional regulation. The present study tried to examine the relationship between emotion, rumination and autobiographical memory. Divided self-focus into self-reflection and self-rumination (Trapnell & Campbell, 1999), investigated the differential characteristic of autobiographical memory in different self-focus (ruminative and reflective) and depressive mood (high and low). In addition, we used Minimal Instructions Autobiographical Memory Test to measure memory specificity in non-clinical populations.
Study one aimed to validate the Chinese version of Rumination-Reflection Questionnaire, recruit 545 graduate and undergraduate students as sample. Study two investigated the differential characteristic of autobiographical memory in self-focus and depressive mood with 117 students chosen from study one.
The results revealed that: 1) the Chinese version of RRQ showed satisfactory psychometric properties. 2) High depressive mood is significantly associated with reduced AM specificity and induced overgeneral memory, this result supported pass researches. Otherwise, autobiographical memory’s characteristic in self-rumination and self-reflection are quite the same. In high depressive mood, high self-ruminator did not have lower autobiographical memory specificity, and more overgeneral memory. High self-reflector did not have more positive specific autobiographical memory, and less positive overgeneral memory. These two result didn’t support assumption, but matched to Svaldi’s (2008) result.
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小巷深處的大千世界──陸文夫及其作品研究 / The grand world from the innermost lane──the study of Lu Wenfu and his works蕭惠如 Unknown Date (has links)
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大韓民國的現代化和儒家傳統 / The modernization and Confucian tradition of The Republic of Korea徐哲, Xu, Zhe Unknown Date (has links)
但即便大韓民國是亞洲較早實現了現代化的一個國家,而且已經是世界第十三大經濟體,然而也必須承認這個國家的現代化之路歷經坎坷。在日本殖民和韓國內戰的影響下,一直到1962年開始才恢復經濟建設,並且因為資源的匱乏使得大韓民國的發展在初期不被任何人看好。可今天的大韓民國不僅在經濟上實現了突破,在儒家文化的傳承上也讓海峽兩岸炎黃子孫自嘆不如,它的成功經驗或者失敗教訓,對於兩岸來說都是一筆非常重要的財富,值得借鑑。 / Max Weber once stated that Confucian culture was the main drawback to the modernization of a country. Therefore, even under the most favorable conditions, the Confucian society is still unable to turn modern. However, in the East-Asian Confucian cultural circle, some of the late-developing countries, like Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea, who are traditionally considered heavily influenced by the Confucian culture, show a tremendous development in their economy and are becoming one of the modern countries in the world. Just as President. Kim Dae Jung said although like South Korea is under the influence of the Confucianism, Confucian culture, undoubtedly, still makes positive contributions to the development. Typically, the success of South Korea is the most compelling evidence of the modernization of a Confucian country.
Even though the Republic of Korea has become the most modern country and the 13th largest economic structure among the Asia country, they must also recognize that there are few fluctuations to achieve modernization. The influence of the Japanese colonial and the civil war in Korea have caused the recovery of economic started in year 1962. Besides that, people did not have a high expectation for this development because of the lack of resources. However, today, not only the economy of Republic of Korea to accomplish a breakthrough in the Confucian cultural heritage, but also to the Chinese people across the Taiwan Straits. Its success and failures, worth learning.
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「海上的心聲」: 未來人與物之相互關係 / “Whispers from the Sea”: On Future Human-Object Interrelationships姚紀徽, Yao, Chi Hui Unknown Date (has links)
現今,人類的科技世代到處充斥著遍佈運算的便利物件,目前我們人類與科技人造物之間的互動模式,大多數都是:讓此物進入人類的生活。主要的目的是:為了讓人們更有效率地利用這些科技物件,解決他們在生活上的任何困難,或者改變生活不便利的困境。然而,每當物件在面對人類、開始產生情感與意識時,正在地影響著人的知覺感受,同時,人們也賦予了物件新的意義,讓這些物件們產生了新的地位。因此,如何讓人們感受到「物自身」的存在,是本研究探討的主要核心。本論述透過技術現象學哲學家 Don Ihde 的互動關係理論,提出了「科技物件的存在」;以展覽形式的創作「海上的心聲」,創造地點主角彭佳嶼的天氣裝置,進行物自身的內省與探究。本論述的創作手法重新連結了數位資訊對於人類的意義,進而達到「我之於物,物之於我,體驗這個世 界。」
未來,人類與科技產物的生存模式,彼此透過探索和經驗,相互交織、 影響、重置與習慣;人類與物體的互動關係,也將會進行許多未來生活的互動性對話,產生更多值得探討的物件生存議題,以及發展性的想像空間。 / Today, technology is pervasive in our life. The main purposes of the interactions among a human and technological objects are problem solving or efficiency promoting. Nevertheless, the meanings of life and the presence of technologies are often ignored. Don Ihde, who proposed the concept of the experience of object and presented four types of object-human utilization relationships, is one of few researchers who dealt with the issues mentioned above. Based on Don Ihde' s philosophy of technology, the objective of this thesis is to identify the presence of technology of creative design work in rethinking the object-human relationships. The overall concept is an experimental design called “Whispers from the Sea”, which interprets and reveals the weather data in Pengjia Islet. This creative work shows the characteristic Installations which making weather datas in visual and auditory sensations. This study also invites participants to comment meanings among themselves and Pengjia Islet.
In the future, human-object interrelationships will be a very important issue. Thus, one has to pay attention to the existence of an object, and attach importance to effects of smart objects into physical world.
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從現代性的反思看網路日記--以鄉村部落格及愛情國小為例謝仁進 Unknown Date (has links)
紀登斯(Anthony Giddens)在探討社會問題之前首先指出造成現代社會之所以不同於前現代社會的力量,這股力量就是現代性的兩個主要特徵:時空分離和抽離化機制,而且社會學的反思性力量從而也影響了現代社會中個人的行為。另一方面,個人層面的反思性亦決定了個人的生活。本研究借用紀登斯的理論,從現代性與反思性來檢視寫日記此一行為的變異。日記是傳統的行為與媒介,而網路則被視為體現現代性的媒介,網路的虛擬時空、靈肉分離、互動等特性為網路日記書寫者提供一個更為開放的自我認同的工程。本研究發現,網路日記的隱秘性及主權難以掌控,而且網友的閱讀與回應雖然增加了書寫網路日記的意願、甚至使網路日記成為展演的場所,但是卻也可能成為網路日記書寫者的顧忌,反而使網路日記所記載的我有所壓抑。 / Anthony Giddens’ theory indicating reflexivity and modernity which pose separation of time and space and disembedding as two main characters considered the forces triggering the change between traditional and modern society sets the frame of this thesis. Compared to paper-based traditional diary, on-line diary exiting on internet characterized by pesudonymity virtuality and interactivity provides a much more open construction of self-identity. The result of this study discovered that the secrecy and author right are uncontrollable, moreover, the response of on-line-diary-readers enhance, meanwhile worry the willingness of on-line-diary-keeping, as a result, the self-construction work of on-line diary is not as open as it promises.
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不動產仲介紛爭處理機制之研究-以屠布涅的反思法理論為中心 / A Study of Disposal System for the Real Estate Disputes- Centered on the Theory of Reflexive Law of Teubner金仲明, Jim Chung Ming Unknown Date (has links)
我國現今法制上之不動產仲介紛爭處理機制,除了循司法上之訴訟途徑外,尚可透過不同的訴訟外紛爭處理機制以謀求解決,惟多元的訴訟外紛爭處理機制,其本身之組織架構、處理程序及形成之法律效果並不相同,民眾對於應選擇何種之機制始可達成其訴求,以及現行法律制度下所提供之處理機制是否能夠有效妥適處理此類的紛爭,並不清楚,因此,本文嚐試從法律社會學的角度觀察我國法律對於不動產交易活動所進行的管制實際社會效果如何,並透過反思法的理論所提出之當今法律進化的特徵,提出我國在處理不動產仲介紛爭的法律制度設計上一些新的思考方向。 / Whereas the concept of " Possessing Property makes Wealth " is deeply in the heart of our people, in addition to the necessity for living, they buy real estates for preserving wealth as major practice. However, the conditions of real estate are varied, it is difficult to establish a public market to provide sufficient information, hence, under the situation of short of communication and transparency of data which is easy to cause information unsymmetrical. Moreover, the complicated backgrounds of Realtors who intend to hold their favorable materials to hide from the other parties and even commit fraud.....etc. So, real estate business causes conflicts frequently.
In the wake of diversity of social economics activities, the application and rights and privileges of real estate also become more intricateness. If people explore the reason of conflict and disposal process just at the point of normative abstract content and applicable, it will always be unable to gain the ideal result. As to the dispute parties concerned, beside the different interpretation of the law and the fact, how to properly solve the problem is more important than the legal action.
In our country, the present legal process for Realtor argument disposal, in addition to the judicial charges, people can seek other way to settle the dispute. Nevertheless, the multiform dispute disposal institutions which because of their corporate structures and disposal process different constitute discrepant legal result. What kind of system people should select to achieve their purpose and, whether the designated process under the present legal rules can solve the problem properly and effectively, people unclear. Therefore, this text is trying from the point of view of legal sociology, to observe that what is the substantial social effectiveness of real estate business operation under the control of our law and, through the characteristic specified by reflexive law of current law development, to introduce a new tendency to draw legal system to settle real estate Broker argument for our country.
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