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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳婉儀 Unknown Date (has links)
在漢賦「中心」與「四方」之書寫中,賦家反覆鋪寫「中心」與對「四方」,除了賦文體本身的頌美功能外,實有遠古以來的原始思維在其中作用著,並經由長期的積澱而成為集體的記憶。此集體記憶在漢賦中反覆不斷作用,並在不同賦家的反覆運用之下,成為一種漢賦空間書寫的敘述程式,更影響漢代之後的賦家書寫空間的敘述模式。本研究中以漢賦為文本,並結合空間理論以及人類學、神話學等相關學科的研究成果,以考察賦文書寫方式及其文化意涵。思考在漢賦書寫中關於「中心」與「四方」方位之敘述與中國方位文化的關係。 而漢賦中的方位書寫,除人類空間意識的作用外,還有上古自先秦以來中國傳統方位觀念的傳承與漢代思想文化及其「天人合一」的特殊性在其中作用著。漢賦透過四方書寫建構一個苞括宇宙的空間世界,這個書寫的結構表現不僅僅是「物理空間」的展現,更是作者「心靈空間」的映照。作家對於空間的想像與誇飾,是因為受到感性思維所驅動的心靈空間圖式,該圖式也反映出人類對於空間世界的渴求與好奇。

先秦漢初五行思維方式研究 / On the Thinking Mode of Five Phases in Pre-Qin and Early Han Dynasty

詹筌亦 Unknown Date (has links)
五行觀念是中國文化傳統中深層的基因,影響中國人的知識與生活甚巨,本文從思維方式、宇宙觀與知識體系作為切入點,梳理先秦至漢初五行思維方式之建構過程與意義內涵。 第二章思考五行宇宙圖式的起源。透過觀察四時宇宙圖式的內涵,可以發現五行宇宙圖式乃是奠基於四時宇宙圖式及四時知識體系中發展而來,將四時知識體系融攝於五行宇宙圖式中,進而開展出五行知識體系,成為中國先民認識與理解世界的基本模式。 第三章探討五行宇宙圖式形成之過程。中國先民在分類的過程中逐漸產生「多本」配應模式,透過自然時物以及象徵意義將方位、季節、色彩與五行配應,並凝聚出各行的核心概念,形成一組配應模式,呈現「木-春-東-青-生」,「火-夏-南-赤-長」,「土-中-黃-中」,「金-秋-西-白-殺/收穫」,「水-冬-北-黑-藏」的宇宙圖式。 第四章討論五行宇宙圖式在人文世界之運用。五行宇宙圖式與五行知識體系在人文世界中成為君王政令與人類行為的規範與法則。而在中國醫學方面,則以五行宇宙圖式理解人類身體,將五臟納入五行系統,視為「五行的身體」。藉由五行於政令與人體領域的應用,說明五行宇宙圖式為有機整體宇宙觀,形成類應思維模式,在此種基礎上型塑五行宇宙圖式的基本架構。 透過對於五行宇宙圖式與五行知識體系的研究,以期增加對於中國傳統思維方式及文化傳統的認識與理解。


方念德, Fang,Nien Te Unknown Date (has links)
面對國際貿易環境全球化,國內企業經營發展策略與目標已經從本土拓展到全球。目前許多國際大型企業(例如HP、DELL)在勞動與土地成本較低廉之東南亞與大陸等地選擇供應商進行全球採購,或將生產基地移至當地,再將採購之產品銷往母國或行銷至全球市場。而扮演供應商的台灣企業將營運總部與設計等部門留在台灣,因此跨國生產所需的原物料、到成品配送之物流控管相當重要。 台灣為發展「全球運籌中心」近年來進出口原物料與成品改用航空貨運或快遞做全球物流配送愈來愈多,為增加廠商全球競爭力的提升,海關實施縮短通關時程之簡化制度稱之空運簡易報關制度,對全方位物流運輸服務業者UPS、DHL、FEDEX在快遞專區使用其通關作業更為簡便與無紙化,無疑對本土國際物流業者造成更大生存威脅與競爭壓力。台灣的國際物流業者規模小而且過多,在彼此激烈競爭下,顯少業者對服務功能的擴大、資訊化的服務、專業人才的培育做積極投資來提升服務品質。 國際物流業者面對企業需求不斷的增加,多數業者只是想辦法應付客戶現狀要求,少數業者能提供更多的物流服務。由於物流涵蓋業務與範圍廣大,以我國國際物流業者的體質來看,惟有物流業界的水平整合或垂直整合,加上資訊科技化,才能滿足趨勢需求,才能有競爭力。整合的解決方案為何,由誰來整合最有機會與條件,本論文將以國外物流產業發展方向及國內國際物流產業的分析,找出我國國際物流業者的未來發展,是否可以發展出我國的第四方物流為研究的課題。 目前國外國際物流的發展現況與趨勢,對我國國際物流的發展影響,以及我國製造產業大量外移中國大陸、高科技產業對供應鏈整合服務的需求,業者如何提出完整的物流服務架構,我國國際物流業者能否發展成為第四方物流,以此第四方物流共同服務兩岸三地市場。故本研究之目的要探討在國際貿易全球化的趨勢下,國際物流的發展方向為何,對我國物流產業的影響分析及探討我國第四方物流讀未來規劃。 / Taiwan enterprises have shifted their business strategy and goal from the domestic to the global market in order to adapt themselves to the globalization trend. Today, multinational corporations such as HP and DELL either set up their purchase center at South East Asia or/and China to locate their suppliers, or they move their manufacturing plant to those areas where labor cost and land cost are relatively cheaper. These MNCs later ship the products they purchase or produce in low cost areas to their headquarters or global marketplace. As for Taiwanese enterprises who play the role as the suppliers in this global value chain, since their headquarters and R&D centers are normally located in Taiwan while they need to ship the raw materials and finished goods to overseas, the logistics management becomes a critical issue. In aim to become the ‘global logistics center’, airfreight or courier express is used by the enterprises for global delivery in greater scale in the recent years. At the same time, Taiwan Customs has simplified the customs clearance procedures which they named it ‘Simplified Clearance for Express Consignment’ to shorten the cargo clearance time and facilitate the paperless customs clearance for courier express service providers like UPS, DHL and FEDEX. This beneficial act to the big courier express players creates stronger competition and threat to the local global logistics service providers who are the majority in the marketplace but with smaller company size. Even though under the severe competition, Taiwan local logistics service providers didn’t expand their service, nor enhance their management information system, nor cultivate professional staff to improve the service quality. Facing the unceasing requirements from the enterprises, global logistics service providers are merely struggling to fulfill the present needs of the customs, few of them can provide additional logistics services. Since the service and business scope of logistics industry is very wide; and given the constitution of Taiwanese global logistics service providers, the only solution to improve the competitiveness of Taiwan global logistics industry is to integrate the logistics industry both vertically and horizontally with the support of the information technology. This paper will discuss the integration solution and the best candidate to integrate the logistics industry. Based on the study of the development trend of the logistics industry in foreign countries and the local logistics industry analysis, this paper will discuss the future development of Taiwan global logistics service providers and explore the possibility of developing forth-party logistics in Taiwan. Observing the current status and the development trend of the foreign global logistics industry, as well as the strong needs to integrate the supply chain for local high-tech industry, this paper will present the architecture of the logistics service in aim to develop into forth-party logistics to serve the cross-strait market.


陳耀煌 Unknown Date (has links)

The Quartet Road Map: A Study on its Solutions to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict / 四方路徑圖:對其解決以巴衝突方案之研究

保經榮, Pao, Ching-yung Unknown Date (has links)
自十九世紀中葉,猶太人第一次遷徙到巴勒斯坦,已經過一百五十餘年。猶太民族與世居巴勒斯坦的阿拉伯人,原本還算和睦相處。惟隨著歐洲民族主義的復興,猶太人在受到歐洲人迫害後,亦隨之興起在巴勒斯坦建國的思想。猶太復國主義崛起(Zionism),巴勒斯坦的歷史,從此展開了新頁。 猶太人自廿世紀第二次遷徙至巴勒斯坦後,採取激進的屯墾措施,以巧取豪奪的方法自巴人手中不斷取得土地,擴大版圖,排除在佃地世代務農的巴勒斯坦農民,改僱猶太人,造成佃農生活難以為繼,紛爭於是展開,難以平息,逐漸惡化成衝突,最後導至1936年巴人大規模反抗行動,以巴衝突正式展開,直至二十一世紀。 本論文從歷史發展的脈絡來分析四方路徑圖所提出的解決方案,首先研究自1948至1990年來,在以色列佔領下,以巴衝突的特質(第二章)。其次研究自1991至2002年,第一次巴勒斯坦人民起義後,奧斯陸原則宣言至美國大衛營談判破裂,以巴雙方在終止占領、建立自治政府、移轉權力、交還土地(包含屯墾區)等四方面的履行的情形,來觀察以色列在締結和平協定背後的戰略意圖(第三章)。再研究第二次巴勒斯坦人民起義後,由美國領導,歐盟、俄羅斯及聯合國四方共同參與的四方路徑圖,其所提出的兩國方案,是否可以消弭以巴衝突,從而建立雙方和平。其中值得注意的是以色列所採取的兩手策略:─面進行和平談判,一面準備單方隔離計畫。並對路徑圖未來可能的發展提出看法(第四章)。 最後的結論是四方路徑圖所提出的兩國方案似難解決以巴間長期衝突,而達成和平,將來可能的發展是一國方案(第五章)。 / In mid-nineteenth century, the first wave (aliyah) of Jews started to immigrate to Palestine. Jewish immigrants and indigenous Palestinians were getting along peacefully in Palestine at the outset. But after a spate of nationalism rose in Europe, Jews became the persecuted. Political Zionism thrived among Jews, which initiated the idea of building their own state in Palestine. A new chapter in the history of Palestine was written. Jewish immigrants to Palestine since the second aliyah were much more progressive. They were particularly interested in establishing a Jewish state and hoped to create Jewish settlements independently worked by Jewish farm laborers. This land buying policy led to tensions with Palestinian peasants, who were unable to find work among the new immigrant communities. Numerous land disputes deteriorated into tension between the two communities, as more Palestinians were displaced by Jewish land buying policy. Unemployed Palestinians became increasingly hostile towards the Zionists. At last, the first Arab revolt burst out in 1936. From there, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict began and has continued into the 21st century. The thesis analyses the solutions of the Road Map to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the context of history. It studies first the characteristics of the conflict from 1948 to 1990 (Chapter One). Then, it observes the past record of the peace process from 1991 to 2002 by the two sides through implementations of DOP, until the collapse of the Camp David Talks that caused the second intifada. By reviewing the past record of peace in contrast with its implementations regarding ending Israeli occupation, building a Palestinian self-government (PNA), transfer of powers and land (including Israeli settlements) to the PNA, one is able to realize the Israeli strategic intentions hidden behind those peace agreements (Chapter Three). Next, the thesis studies the two-state formula proposed by the US-led Quartet Road Map (the US, the EU, Russia and the UN), to understand its feasibility to solve the second intifada and build peace. It should be noted that Israel took a two-handed strategy: preparing for a disengagement plan while negotiating for peace. An appraisal of the future prospect of the Road Map is included in this chapter (Chapter Four). The conclusion of the thesis is that the Quartet Road Map could not solve the prolonged Israeli-Palestinian conflict and reach a sustained peace between the two peoples. Future development of the conflict may result in a one-state solution (Chapter Five).

第四方物流中協同作業之研究-深化SOA方法論 / A Study of Collaboration in Fourth Party Logistics - Exploiting SOA Methodology

陳鐘源, Chen, Bell Unknown Date (has links)
全球性的產業面對國際化的競爭,企業為求生存發展,對於資源的需求必須尋求國內外最佳發展與佈局。隨著運輸系統及通信技術的進步,全球供應鏈的興盛已是必然的趨勢。這些跨國企業專注於自己的核心事業,對於非主軸業務皆採以外包方式委外執行。其中以國際物流運作因涵蓋業務範圍廣且複雜非一般產業所能承擔,採外包方式是一種正確的決策。 物流產業居於專業分工及委外需求日盛的市場中,因此物流產業的市場不斷的擴大,而且對物流需求的服務項目變得多樣且複雜,尤其是國際物流及全球供應鏈。但相對的物流業者間的競爭更形激烈,誰能提供更完整、更準確、更快速及更低廉的服務,誰就能主宰市場。 本研究首先就物流定義、國際物流、第三方物流及第四方物流等活動深入探討,以我國國際物流業者的體質來看,惟有物流業界的水平整合或垂直整合,加上資訊科技化,才能滿足趨勢需求,才能有競爭力。整合的組織方式及解決方案為何,由誰來整合最有機會與條件,本論文將以第四方物流為目標,分析國內物流業者可以採行的整合方式,在業務整合之同時探討資訊整合之可能性及整合方式。並且提出一個以SOA為核心之電子化企業協同合作架構,運用服務導向的開放式及模組化優點來架構第四方物流系統。 倉儲/物流中心及海空運承攬業者是有能力發展成第四方物流業者,因此這兩者在價值鏈中是很好的雁行領導者。透過此領導者本身之條件,再以策略聯盟的方式擴充至其他上下游物流業者,串聯成完整的價值鏈,可快速構成第四方物流組織。 第四方物流組織以策略聯盟的方式構成,目標是串聯成完整的價值鏈,但策略聯盟組織是鬆散的組織,要使價值鏈發揮效益須要藉助協同商務,尤其是資訊的協同作業。要發展協同商務,就需要有共通的標準與可用的技術。。SOA分析架構是一種新的觀念,目前沒有明確的方法可參考,經本研究驗證,使用Zachman framework的原則,使得在SOA\Web service實作較為簡單可行。 / Facing international competition, global enterprises are developing the international optimal resource allocation. Global supply chain is necessary due to the progress in transportation and communication technique. These enterprises focus in core business and outsource others. Global logistics is first priority in outsourcing, because its coverage is wide and it is very complex. The global logistics market grows bigger and bigger, because the global market are progressing towards specialization and outsourcing. The global logistics and supply chain need varied and integrated services. In the violent competitive environment, the one who can provide complete, precise, quick, and integrated service will dominate the market. This research will first discuss the definition and characteristics of global logistics, then discuss 3PL and 4PL activities and core competence. Since the service and business scope of logistics industry is very wide; and given the constitution of Taiwanese global logistics service providers, the only solution to improve the competitiveness of Taiwan local logistics industry is to integrate the logistics industry both vertically and horizontally with the support of the information technology. This paper will discuss the integration solution and the best candidate to integrate the logistics industry, followed by the discussion to build collaboration commerce system by SOA. Warehouse/logistics centers and freight forwarders are best candidates to develop 4PL. These two businesses are best leaders in logistics value chain. Base on these leaders’ capacity to extend to upstream and downstream partners by strategic alliances, they can build full logistics value chain easily and quickly. But the organization structure of strategic alliance is loose. If they want to run the 4PL organization efficiently, they must use collaboration commerce, especially, by information technique. The research confers to develop collaboration commerce using SOA. SOA is a new concept. Right now, there is no full methodology to refer. From the results of the research, we prove that using Zachman framework principle can make SOA or Web service implementation simple and feasible.

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