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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳賜寬, Chen,Syh-kwan Unknown Date (has links)
都市更新是維持都市品質提昇機能與促進都市合理發展的重要方式,也是台灣都市發展的重要方向,為維持都市持續的生命力透過都市更新的拆除重建,就地整建及保存維護等方法,促使都市土地重新有效利用,避免低度使用、誤用或濫用,解決隨著都市化所帶來的問題,如交通擁擠、公共設施不足及空氣污染等都市內部不經濟現象,以改善居住環境及復甦都市機能。 然而政府人力、財力上有所限制,乃鼓勵私部門參與投資更新事業,提供許多獎勵措施,以增加開發業者投入意願,其中被學界及業界視為最有效的措施是建築容積獎勵。 我國土地使用規劃管制制度,分為都市計畫土地及非都市土地兩大體系,以往土地使用規劃及變更係由政府部門主導;近年來,由於經濟發展及都市快速擴展,導致民間對於土地開發的需求日益殷切,因此,現行我國土地使用變更機制,已由以往只有政府部門主導規劃方得變更,漸進為民間亦可提出變更申請。 現行都市更新之獎勵措施:建築容積獎勵、建築容積移轉、稅捐減免等等;回饋係指對於土地變更行為依外部成本內部化理念要求之變更負擔義務,以及依漲價歸公理念要求之變更增值利益回饋。回饋項目包括土地、代金、計畫道路用地、開闢計畫道路、興建公園廣場、樓地板面積等。 本研究個案為中泰賓館,係台北市著名之觀光旅館,目前歇業中,中泰賓館是歷史悠久的五星級國際觀光飯店,因年代久遠,整體土地開發利用度低,閒置土地面積龐大,在綜合考量經營環境市場變化等因素,將以開發閒置土地並充分發揮土地使用效益,調整產業經濟結構與多元化發展商機,重新開創中泰賓館的經營新風貌,提升整體經營效益,目前配合政府將基地變更為金融服務專用區,提供金融區相關之服務性設施與空間。 本案基地是敦化南北路特定專用區的一部分,位於敦北民生金融專用區南京東路金融商圈交接處也是敦化南北路特定專用區內,目前可善加利用的大面積未開發土地,若能妥善規劃提供金融特定專用區欠缺的相關服務性設施與空間,將可以提供良好的活動環境,並提升金融特定專用區功能。 基於本案土地未充分有效使用沒有地盡其利,影響經濟效益,乃透過都市計畫變更程序,重新定位為金融服務專用區,達成「人性化之計劃與建設」、「永續化之利用經營與發展」;一方面可充分發揮土地應有效益,另一方面可藉此突破中泰賓館受限於舊有建築硬體瓶頸,再次開發為國內最頂級國際觀光旅館,完成中泰的歷史性新任務。 本案開發,將產生政府、社會大眾與開發業者三個部分的計畫效益,而回饋項目包括土地、代金、計畫道路用地、開闢計畫道路、興建公園廣場、樓地板面積等,實際整個都市變更開發案所付出之代價高達2,127,336(千元),開發業者所承擔似乎太過沉重,風險與利潤實應需詳加考量,求取平衡。 都市更新,必須提升地區環境品質,使更新後的地區環境,能讓居民更安心、環境更有魅力、地區更有活力、居民更有互動的未來像(future vision ),所以更新地區之規劃基準,必須擬定合理的回饋方案,兼顧社會公平原則,並保障開發業者權益,建立協商機制與注意回饋時點,降低各個開發案所存在之差異性,容積獎勵不可缺乏原則,才能確保環境品質。 關鍵字:都市更新、獎勵措施、回饋項目、中泰賓館、金融服務專用區 Urban Renewal、Reward Measures、Feedback Item、Mandarina Crown Hotel、 Financial Service Special Zone

利用隱含回饋提供搜尋引擎的自動查詢修正 / Automatic Query Refinement in Web Search Engines using Implicit Feedback

彭冠誌, Peng,Kuan-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球資訊網蓬勃的發展,可以幫助使用者根據關鍵字搜尋相關資訊的搜尋引擎也已變成使用者不可或缺的工具之一。但對於搜尋引擎生手而言,往往不知道該如何地輸入適當的關鍵字,導致搜尋結果不如預期。如果搜尋引擎可以提供自動查詢修正(Automatic Query Refinement)的功能,將可以有效地幫助生手在網路上找尋到其想要的資訊。因此,如何得知使用者的資訊需求,如何自動化地達到查詢修正,則成為重要的課題之一。本研究利用使用者的隱含回饋(Implicit Feedback)來分析使用者的資訊需求,並探勘過去具有相同資訊需求的使用者經驗,以幫助搜尋引擎生手有效地搜尋網頁,以達到自動查詢修正的目的。 本研究中,在長期情境資訊方面,我們從查詢日誌中去辨別出以往使用者所查詢的關鍵字以及點選過的網頁,接著,在短期情境資訊的部份,我們也記錄下目前使用者的查詢關鍵字以及未點選之網頁。 最後,我們在長期情境中濾除掉搜尋引擎生手的查詢過程,同時探勘出與目前使用者有相似資訊需求的以往經驗使用者之查詢過程關鍵字集合,藉以推薦給目前使用者,完成自動查詢修正。 / World Wide Web search engines can help users to search information by their queries, but novice search engines users usually don’t know how to represent their information need. If search engines can offer query refinement automatically, it will help novice search engine users to satisfy their information need effectively. How to find users’ information need, and how to perform query refinement automatically, have become important research issues. In this thesis, we develop the method to help novice search engine users for satisfying their information need effectively by implicit feedback. Implicit feedback in this research is referring to short-term context and long-term context. In this research, first, long-term context is obtained by identifying each user’s queries and extracting conceptual keywords of clickthrough data in each query session from query logs. Then, we also identify current user’s queries and extract conceptual keywords of non-clickthrough data for short-term context identification. Finally, we filter novice sessions from long-term context, and mine frequent itemsets of past experienced users’ search behavior to suggest the most appropriate new query to current user according to their information need.


范傑倫, Fan, Chieh-Lun Unknown Date (has links)

肢體感測回饋對序列動作學習之影響 / The effects of body posture visual feedback on motor sequence learning

黃郁茹, Huang, Yu Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以使用者為中心之設計角度出發,探討 Kinect 提供的肢體感測回饋,如何影響序列動作學習,並試圖找出在設計回饋資訊時應注意的要素。本研究提出兩項假設,探討在序列動作學習時,有無肢體感測回饋資訊,對動作表現的影響: H1 使用者在序列動作學習時,提供其肢體感測回饋,可以提高使用者「動作部位精確度」的學習效果。 H2 使用者在序列動作學習時,提供其肢體感測回饋,可以提高使用者對「序列動作完整度」的學習效果。 本研究招募60位受測者,隨機分配到控制組與實驗組。控制組僅提供示範影片,實驗組則同時提供肢體感測回饋。受測者隨示範者練習5次後,在沒有線索輔助下,將所學的六組動作演練一次。研究者同時全程錄影演練過程。結束後,受測者需填答問卷。 透過影片分析,研究者針對「動作部位精確度」及「序列動作完整度」進行評分,以檢視控制組與實驗組在動作表現上之差異。實驗結果卻與研究預期相反,在「動作部位精確度 」與「序列動作完整度」,實驗組都表現較差,且達顯著水準。亦即提供肢體感測回饋,並未提升序列動作的精確度或完整度表現。針對此實驗結果,綜合問卷所得之受測者需求分析,本研究歸因於肢體感測回饋資訊設計不良所致。回饋訊息未能針對使用者需求設計。受測者最需要知道的資訊:動作正確與否、如何修正以及評分標準,實驗組並未能有效獲得。因此,本研究提出肢體感測回饋資訊設計上的三點建議: 1. 系統應給予學習者宏觀概念圖,事先告知學習者序列動作之項目順序。 2. 系統應讓學習者清楚瞭解每個動作之學習項目。 3. 系統除了提供學習者表現獲知的回饋資訊,更需提供修正線索。 / This research was based on user-center design thinking, and discussed how the body posture visual feedback provided by Kinect influenced the learner on motor sequence learning. We tried to find out the key elements of designing feedback. Here we proposed two hypotheses to probe the effects of body posture visual feedback on motor sequence learning: H1 When learning motor sequence, users provided body posture sensing feedback would learn better in “accuracy of moving parts”. H2 When learning motor sequence, users provided body posture sensing feedback would learn better in “completeness of sequence order”. We recruited 60 subjects, and they were distributed into control and experiment group randomly. The control group learned the motor sequence only with demonstrating video; experiment group, on the other side, were provided body posture visual feedback at the same time. All the subjects should practice the motor sequence, which included 6 items, 5 times, then tried to demonstrate the sequence without any cue. They were videotaped at the same time. After that, they should fill out a questionnaire. The researcher scored “accuracy of moving parts”, and “completeness of sequence order” through video analysis, then comparing the differences between two groups. The results were different from what we expected. The experiment group performed significantly worse than control group both in “accuracy of moving parts” and “completeness of sequence order”, which meant providing body posture visual feedback did not enhance the performance of motor sequence learning in both aspects. In the light of the results and the requirements suggested in the questionnaire by subjects, we thought the results caused by bad design of body posture visual feedback, which couldn't fit the users’ needs. The subjects didn’t get the information they need most, like the correctness of their performance, how to adjust the performance and the criteria of scroing. Therefore, we proposed three suggestions on designing body posture visual feedback: 1. The system should provide learners the macro concept of the whole sequence order in advance. 2. The system should let leaners to understand all the movements clearly and thoroughly. 3. The system should provide the information of “Knowledge of Performance”; and further, providing the hints of adjustments.

策略性衡量指標之設計、診斷及回饋系統-以平衡計分卡個案為例 / The design, diagnose, and feedback system of strategic performance indicators, analysis from the case of balanced scorecard.

吳依茜 Unknown Date (has links)
電子產業為我國長期重點發展之產業,而平衡計分卡可謂最具效力之績效管理工具。個案公司為一國內被動元件製造廠,導入平衡計分卡專案時程約三年,本研究以分析策略性衡量指標的方式,探討平衡計分卡制度導入後實際執行情況,深入瞭解如何設計合適的策略性衡量指標,並設計指標診斷機制,以提供公司所需的衡量指標回饋。   本研究將策略性衡量指標系統之建立區分為「策略性衡量指標設計系統」、「策略性衡量指標診斷系統」,及「策略性衡量指標回饋系統」三大部分。簡而言之,本研究說明企業如何利用平衡計分卡實際進行管理,以策略性衡量指標為重點,將企業的策略至實際營運活動一以貫之,經營者同時能藉此思考企業可精進之處,此研究結果俾作為個案公司及後續企業執行平衡計分卡時之參考。 / The electronic industry in Taiwan is the key within the industry development policy, and the balanced scorecard is one of the most powerful tools of performance management. The object of the research is a domestic manufacture of passive components, which implements the case of balanced scorecard for three years. The research explores the implementation of balanced scorecard by analyzing the strategic performance indicator, building the system of indicator diagnosis, and offers the feedback of indicator for the company need. The research divides the analysis of strategic performance indicator into “the design of strategic performance indicator”, “the diagnosis of strategic performance indicator”, and “the feedback of strategic performance indicator”. In short, the research explains how the company use balanced scorecard to manage. Use a strong logic to link from the company’s strategy to every operating activity. CEO also can think about where the company can improve. The result of research could be the reference for the case and other companies

報酬率、連續波動度與跳躍項之因果關係-美國與歐洲期貨市場之實證研究 / Causality Effect of Returns, Continuous Volatility and Jumps: Evidence from the U.S. and European Index Futures Markets

廖志偉, Liao, Chih Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討金融危機期間,美國與歐洲金融市場之日內報酬率、實質波動度、連續波動度與跳躍風險行為之日內因果關係,並採用美國三大指數期貨(S&P 500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq)及歐洲期數期貨(FTSE, DAX, CAC)之高頻資料,檢定是否具有顯著槓桿效果(Leverage Effect)與波動度回饋效果(Volatility Effect)、在報酬率與跳躍風險之間具有相互影響效果。探討在金融危機發生前、後期間其日內報酬率、實質波動度、連續波動度與跳躍項間在1分鐘、5分鐘及60分鐘之抽樣頻率下之日內行為。因此,實證研究包含金融市場之上升及下降趨勢,顯示在金融危機發生後,日內波動度與跳躍項之槓桿效果(Leverage Effect)與波動度回饋效果(Volatility Effect)受到叢聚(Clustering)現象影響且顯著增加。不同抽樣頻率下之因果關係效果在金融危機發生前、中、後期間,特別在5分鐘及60分鐘之抽樣頻率方式,跳躍風險受到波動度回饋效果影響呈顯著增加,此實證結果對政策制定者及投資人具有重要之意涵。 / This study examines the intraday causality between returns, volatility and jumps in the U.S. and European markets during the financial crisis. examine whether during the financial crisis, the S&P 500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq, FTSE, DAX and CAC index futures markets have a significant impact on the leverage and volatility feedback effects, as well as whether these interactions also occur between returns and jumps. The intraday behavior of 1-min, 5-min and 60-min sampling of returns, volatility and jumps is examined by employing data from the period between financial crisis. The study covers the major upward and downward trends in the market. Our empirical data indicate the main leverage and volatility feedback effects caused by intraday volatility and jump clustering significantly increased after the financial crisis. The causality effects with different sampling frequencies before, during and after the financial crisis show that jumps have increased the volatility feedback effect, especially when in a 5-min and 60-min sampling frequency is used. These findings have important implications for both policymakers and investors.

以360度回饋探討影響主管人員行為改變意圖相關因素之實證研究 / The study of using 360-degree feedback to explore the factors affecting behavior change intention of managers

徐崇文, Hsu, Chung-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的主要是透過360度回饋的方式,進一步探討影響主管人員行為改變意圖的相關因素,這些因素包括評量正確性知覺、360度回饋滿意度、自我效能、組織支持、組織限制以及自他評一致性等。 本研究樣本為國內某建築業之主管,其中初階主管15人,中階主管42人,高階主管4人,共計61位主管。研究結果發現,評量正確性知覺、360度回饋滿意度、自我效能以及組織支持等變項與行為改變意圖之間均具有顯著正相關,然而組織限制與行為改變意圖之間則不具有顯著的負相關。變異數分析的結果顯示,不同自他評一致性程度的受試,其在評量正確性知覺上確實有顯著差異存在,然而在行為改變意圖上卻並未有顯著差異。事後比較進一步發現,「低估」組以及「一致低」組的受試在評量正確性知覺上顯著高於「高估」組,然而「一致高」組的受試在評量正確性知覺上則並未顯著高於「低估」組與「一致低」組。此外,逐步迴歸分析研究結果顯示,在評量正確性知覺、360度回饋滿意度、自我效能、組織支持以及組織限制等變項之中,以360度回饋滿意度對於行為改變意圖的變異解釋量為最高(30%)。 本研究並進一步指出研究之限制,以及建議後續研究者可以針對影響員工對於360度回饋的態度、個人行為改變決策歷程、友誼效應、訓練效果、電腦化、以及組織文化分析等議題進行更深入的探討;此外,對於有意推行360度回饋系統之企業組織,本研究亦提供多項實務上的建議。

從員工認知的觀點來探討360度回饋模式在臺北市政府可行性之研究 / Study on the Applicability of 360 Ddegree Feedback Model in Taipei City Government : from the Perspectives of Employees

林琪蓉, Lin, Chi-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
面對多元化、國際化及全球競爭的壓力,私人企業莫不採行新的績效管理制度,來創造員工、管理者及組織三贏之局面。公部門面對資源相對有限,民眾要求與日俱增之窘況,欲改進績效管理並縮小顧客不滿意之缺口,應透過全方位回饋訊息之蒐集,將民意轉化為施政知識,鼓勵人力資源管理能創新改革,以建構人力資源組織的策略地圖,因此,接受多元評估已是無法避免之趨勢。 本研究擬透過文獻分析法、問卷調查法及質化訪談法,從臺北市政府員工認知之觀點,來探究360度回饋模式在臺北市政府實施之可行性,進一步提出臺北市政府實施該模式之構想與建議。 本文計分為五章,第一章說明研究動機、目的及相關概念之界定;第二章為相關文獻之檢視,萃取國內外實證研究中影響360度回饋模式實施之相關因素,以建構第三章問卷設計及質化訪談內容;第四章則從員工認知觀點對「不同評估來源」及「360度回饋模式實施可行性」,進行知覺、差異及相關性之實證分析;第五章則針對研究發現,提出實務上的改進建議及後續研究者未來思考的新方向。 經由本研究發現,在量化問卷部分:(一)不同評估來源方面:員工認為透過不同評估來源者所提供之評估訊息,確實能提高信任感、改善彼此關係及提昇工作效率。(二)360度回饋模式實施之可行性方面:高達66.4%的受訪者支持在臺北市政府實施該模式;選擇由誰擔任評估者較適合,則以其它(視業務相關的利害關係人而定或核稿的其他長官)、自己及外部顧客(民眾)居多;以及不同評估者所提供的回饋訊息應有不同權重之限制。在質化問卷部分:八位受訪者中有五位(占63%)認為該模式在公部門應屬可行,能補充現行由上而下考核制度之不足,並針對可能遭遇的阻礙及每一類別評估者的考評分數應否有一定權重限制等,提出諸多寶貴建議。 最後,根據以上的研究發現,筆者提出對政策、組織及實務操作等三種層面的建議,在臺北市政府推動行政變革作為改進組織績效時,不妨擷取360度全方位回饋模式之精髓,並參考國外政府及企業界實行該模式之成功經驗,設計一套可補充或替換目前績效評估方式不足的評估方法。 關鍵詞:人力資源管理、績效管理、績效評估、傳統績效評估方式、360度回饋模式 / Facing the pressure of diversity, nationalization and global competition, enterprises have been adopting new performance management systems to create the win-win situation between employees and organizations. For public sector, the resources are relatively limited, and the demand of citizens is gradually growing. In order to improve the performance management and minimize the gap of customer dissatisfaction, government should collect the over-all feedback message, translate public opinions into policy context, encourage innovative human resource management. Therefore, it’s necessary to implement multi-source assessment in public sector. This study is aimed at exploring the feasibility of 360° feedback model in Taipei City Government (TCG) from the employees’ perspectives, and offering the suggestion about how to implemented this model in TCG in the future. The research methods in this study include: literature review, questionnaire survey and interview method. This study consists of 5 chapters. In Chapter 1, the motives and objectives of the study are mentioned, and the definitions of relative concepts are clarified. In Chapter 2, the relative literatures are reviewed and the factors that will influence the implementation of 360°feedback model are abstracted from domestic and foreign studies, in order to construct the quantitative and qualitative questionnaires in Chapter3 . Chapter 4 is about the positive analysis on “different evaluation sources” and “the feasibility of implementing 360°feedback model” from employee’s perspective. Based on the research findings, some suggestions and recommendations of practice and further research are offered in Chapter 5. The research findings include two parts. First, in the part of quantitative questionnaire, some conclusions have inducted: 1) about different rater sources: employees do believe that multi-source evaluation indeed could increase trust, improve relationship, and enhance efficiency. 2) about the feasibility of 360° feedback model: (A)Over 66.4% responders agree to implement 360° feedback model in TCG; (B) Majority of responders would choice the item “others” (stakeholders related with business or other superiors charged with official papers), “myself” and external customers (citizens) as the proper evaluators; (C) The feedback messages from different evaluators should be given certain limitation in weight. Second, in the part of qualitative interview, 5 of 8 (63%) interviewees thought 360°feedback model is feasible in public sector, and can compensate the shortcomings of current top-down performance system. They also offered many precious opinions and suggestions in themes such as: how to overcome the possible obstacles, and if we should limit the weights of scores from different evaluators. Ultimately, according to the research findings above, this study presents many helpful suggestions from the aspects of policy, organization and practice. If the officials of TCG would like improve the performance through administrative reform, they can adopt the spirit and essence of 360°feedback model, and learn the successful foreign experiences both from public and private sectors, then develop a performance assessment model that can compensate or even replace the current one. Key words: Human Resource Management, Performance Management, Performance Assessment, Traditional Performance Assessment Model, 360°Feedback Model.

軀體標記假說中的風險因素之探討 / Risk factor in somatic marker hypothesis

仲惠瓘, Chung, Hui Kuan Unknown Date (has links)
Damasio(1994)提出軀體標記假說(Somatic Marker Hypothesis)來解釋情緒如何影響行為決策,認為人們在決策前,與過去的情緒經驗關聯的生理反應會再現,幫助人們做出較好的決策判斷。並利用愛荷華賭博作業(Iowa Gambling Task)來模擬日常生活決策情境,並同時紀錄膚電反應(Skin conductance respons),量測受試者決策前的預期膚電反應(Anticipatory SCR)和結果呈現後的回饋膚電反應(Feedback SCR),加以佐證其神經生理機制。本研究將從三個方向進一步驗證其假說,分別是風險因素、生理證據和個別差異。在愛荷華賭博作業中,期望值負的牌也是高風險程度的牌,使結果無法清楚解釋是期望值或者風險程度造成的影響。而過去雖然有許多研究也使用膚電反應當做生理指標,但有許多相異的研究結果,並且較少研究利用事件關聯電位瞭解其中樞歷程。再者,過去相關研究發現個別差異的存在,但是缺乏一致的解釋。因此,本研究以修改版愛荷華賭博作業,控制期望值皆為零的狀況下,操弄風險程度,並且利用膚電反應和事件關聯電位當作周邊和和中樞的生理反應指標,探討受試者在單純風險情境,是否也會受到情緒軀體標記影響風險行為偏好,以及各項生理指標和風險行為偏好間的關聯,並瞭解不同風險偏好的受試者生理指標是否有所差異。結果發現,從行為上顯示有風險追逐和風險趨避兩組受試者,不同風險程度的牌損失回饋對受試者的歷程影響也不一樣,額葉的腦部回饋相關負波(Feedback-related Negativity,FRN)結果顯示,風險追逐的受試者對高低風險損失時的FRN沒有差異,風險趨避的受試者看到低風險損失時的FRN大於看到高風險損失時的FRN。此外,看到高風險酬賞比起低風險酬有較大回饋膚電反應的受試者,和看到高風險損失比起低風險損失有較小回饋膚電反應的受試者,接受高風險牌的比率也較高,其它生理變項對風險行為偏好沒有顯著的預測力。並且預期膚電反應並非過去研究認為單純扮演警訊或者誘因,而有更複雜的機制存在,受試者在接受非偏好的牌和拒絕偏好的牌前有較大的預期膚電反應。預期階段N170的結果顯示,受試者看到刺激之後會拒絕的N170會大於之後會接受的N170,顯示接受或拒絕兩種不同情境時受試者對刺激的處理歷程亦相異。 / Somatic Marker Hypothesis was proposed to explain the influence of emotion on decision making. To examine this hypothesis, Damasio and his colleagues designed the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) and found that the “anticipatory skin conductance responses (SCR)”, i.e. somatic markers, was elevated before selecting from bad decks to serve as alarms and it warned participants not to select “bad deck” which was negative expected value. However, there are three unsolved problem in these IGT researches: the risk factor, inconsistent physiological evidences, and individual differences. In the original IGT, the bad decks are also more risky and that confounds the interpretations of participants’ choice behaviors and related physiological evidences. There are inconsistent evidences of how the anticipatory SCR and feedback SCR related with choice behaviors. Moreover, there are little event-related potential IGT studies. To solve these issues, the primary aim of the present study is to clarify whether decision making is influenced by risk level even when all options have the same expected value. A modified IGT with high risk deck and low risk deck was used and the expected values of two decks were all zero. Moreover, the procedure was different from original IGT. Participants saw a deck with mark first and then decided to accept or reject this deck. Thus, the role of anticipatory SCR could be clarified more clearly. In addition to SCR, ERP was also recorded for further physiological evidences. To elaborately clarify individual differences of choice behavior and physiological evidences, participants would group to risk-seeking (i.e., accepting more high risk deck and rejecting more low risk deck) and risk-aversion (i.e., accepting more low risk deck and rejecting more high risk deck) according their choice behaviors. The result revealed that the participant who accepted more high risk deck, their reward SCR was higher from high risk deck than from low risk decks, and induced lower punishment SCR from high risk deck than from low risk decks. Moreover, the anticipatory SCR was higher both before they decided to reject the liked deck and before they decided to accept the disliked deck. The results of feedback-related negativity (FRN) from ERP data in frontal region showed that the magnitude of FRN was larger under the conflict punishment (the punishment from low risk decks) condition for risk-aversion participants. The results of N170 from ERP data showed that the magnitude of N170 was larger under the reject condition. These results suggest that the SMH could be explained not only with expected value but also with risk preference. In conclusion, the interpretation of anticipatory SCR by previous study was not completed, and it reflected not merely the negative feeling or positive feeling. This strong anticipatory emotion affects people to change the routine behavior about their risk preference, and there exist individual differences of choice behavior and physiological evidences.

半導體原物料通路商之策略研究 / Strategy Research for Semiconductor Manufacturing Raw Material Distributors: the Case Study of Topco Scientific Co., Ltd

陳建勳, Chen. Chien-Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
台灣半導體產業協會指出,半導體產業無論是在產值、營運附加價值、外匯收入、稅賦、就業機會、政府投資獲利、興建晶圓廠所帶動的周邊效益等,都有穩定且持續成長之表現,對國家有相當大的貢獻。在半導體產業中,半導體原物料通路商位居上游供應商與下游製造商之間的橋樑位置,維繫通路貨暢其流,在整個產業鏈中扮演重要角色。在此一領域中,以崇越科技的經營績效卓越,足為業界楷模。因此,本研究擬以崇越科技為個案,進行策略研究。 一個成功的營運模式,應該可以解釋如何增強價值展現、如何作好價值傳遞,以及如何達成價值回饋等議題。藉由研究連續成長的個案公司-崇越科技,本研究希望可以確認下列議題所採取的關鍵策略: (1)個案公司如何確保其在產業價值鏈中的位置?亦即如何增強價值展現? (2)個案公司如何提升相對於其他同業的競爭力,並更有效地提供客戶最大的價值?亦即如何作好價值傳遞? (3)個案公司如何作到提升營業利潤及實現公司價值?亦即通路商如何達成價值回饋? / 本研究使用吳思華教授的「策略三構面」及「四個競技場」分析進行個案研究。策略三構面理論主張,規劃企業策略時,可以由下列觀點進行: (1)營運範疇:產品/市場、活動組合、地理構形、業務規模 (2)核心資源:有形/無形的資源、個人/組織能力 (3)事業網路:體系成員、網路關係、網路位置 / 此外,本研究也將探討三構面之間彼此的調整關係。至於四個競技場分析,則是以下列四個不同觀點,分析企業的策略: (1)價值與效率競技場 (2)能耐與結構競技場 (3)實力與體系競技場 (4)異質與同形競技場 / 本研究針對崇越科技的四項重要策略事件,包括成立光電材料部、成立水處理部、IPO、成立中古設備部等,進行策略三構面分析,以及四個競技場分析。藉以研究半導體原物料通路商如何增強價值展現,如何作好價值傳遞,以及如何達成價值回饋。茲將各策略事件分述如下所示: (1)策略事件一:成立光電材料部 成立光電材料部,使得崇越科技的營運模式,由原本的佣金交易,擴增為現品交易。此一策略事件使得崇越科技提昇了倉儲、物管及資金調度的能力。成立光電材料部之後,崇越科技的主要產品,由原有的矽晶片、半導體製程用石英器材,擴展到黃光製程的主要原料-深紫外線光阻液,在2005年該項產品貢獻了逾18億台幣的營業額。其他主要產品如化學研磨液、環氧樹脂積體電路封裝材料、液態封裝材料…等,也可以複製深紫外線光阻液成功的營運模式進行推廣。 (2)策略事件二:成立水處理部 崇越科技成立水處理部,跨入半導體製造廠的廠務系統相關業務。此一策略事件使得崇越科技發展出工程設計、施工維護之組織能耐,並建立了良好的下包廠商體系。之後,水處理部將業務切割為:純水工程及廢水工程等二部份,並在廢水工程此一領域發展自有品牌。在2005年時,水處理部的年營業額達新台幣15億1千萬。此一策略事件也帶來其他額外的商機,如發展潔淨室建造工程以及中央供酸系統等相關業務。 (3)策略事件三:IPO IPO提供崇越科技較佳的籌措資金管道,使得財務運作上更有彈性。IPO使得崇越科技公司知名度及形象大幅提昇,對於延攬優秀的員工,自然也會有正面的助益。此外,財務管理的能力也因此提昇,與金融體系間的關係也更為緊密。 (4)策略事件四:成立中古設備部 崇越科技成立中古設備部,以成為高科技產業的全方位供應者。崇越科技掌握半導體中古設備的商機,使得營運範疇得以擴展至中古設備的買賣、運送、設備翻新、裝機、零件供應、機台調校、甚至包括製程參數設定。「高科技產業的全方位供應者」的公司願景,也使得崇越科技得以在半導體產業有更明確的定位。 / 經由「策略三構面」及「四個競技場」分析,確定崇越科技的四項策略事件對於其成長具有重大意義。崇越科技的營運範疇、核心資源、事業網路在各個策略事件之後均有顯著的擴展,而不論是在「價值-效率」、「能耐-結構」、「實力-體系」、「異質-同型」競技場,都可看到崇越科技的具體成長趨勢。因此,崇越科技在四個策略事件中所採行的各項關鍵策略,應可成為半導體原物料通路商在勾勒其未來發展的營運策略時的標竿參考。 / 在本研究的事件描述及三構面調整關係當中,我們可以整理出來個案公司在各個策略事件所運用的關鍵策略,並依研究目的所要探討的主題歸納如下: (1)以個案公司為例,通路商如何確保其在產業價值鏈中的位置,亦即通路商如何增強價值展現。 1)擴大服務平台,滿足顧客整體需求,是通路商確保代理權的重要關鍵。 2)維持暢通而綿密的人脈網路是通路商的天職。 3)對通路商而言,自有品牌的創立應該因勢利導,不該破壞與原有代理的供應商之間的良好關係。 4)踴躍參加各項服務品質競賽有助於提升通路商形象及強化公司體質。 (2)以個案公司為例,通路商如何提升相對於其他同業的競爭力,並更有效地提供客戶最大的價值,亦即通路商如何作好價值傳遞。 1)通路商辨識需求缺口的能耐,與其是否能持續發展有高度正向關係。 2)人才為通路商最重要的資產。 3)顧客內部的各個部門也存在競爭狀態,通路商應善用情勢並維持與各部門的良好互動。 4)通路商應建立完整的支援/外包體系。 (3)以個案公司為例,通路商如何提升營業利潤及實現公司價值,亦即通路商如何達成價值回饋? 1)通路商適用多種營運模式。 2)切割現有的服務內容,創造新立足點。 3)延伸產品線,善用核心能耐,創造新價值。 4)健全而靈活的財務控管是通路商持續成長、實現公司價值的重要基礎。 / As Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association pointed out, semiconductor industry had been and is of great contribution to Taiwan in the aspects of GDP, foreign currency income, tax income, unemployment rate, government investment achievement, and also subsidiary industry of wafer fabrication. Semiconductor manufacturing raw material distributors play a very important role in semiconductor industrial value chain, who bridging the raw material manufacturers and semiconductor manufacturers. Topco Scientific Co., Ltd (TSC) is a leading company of semiconductor raw material distributor in Taiwan and Great China Region. TSC would be the case to be studied on the strategy of its continuous growth. / A successful business model should cover how to enhance “Value Proposition”, how to perform “Value Delivery”, and how to achieve “Value Capturing”. In the study of TSC’s continuous growth, we shall be able to identify the key strategies which were employed in the following three themes: 1. How does the distributor secure their position in the value chain i.e. how to enhance their value proposition? 2. In what way the distributor compete with their competitors and perform better i.e. how to perform their value delivery? 3. How does the distributor make their own benefit feasible i.e. how to achieve their value capturing? / “Three Aspects of Strategy” theory and “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis by Dr. S.H. Wu were applied in this study. The “Three Aspects of Strategy” theory provides the scope of establishing a thorough business strategy, and “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis exploit the business growth in four different points of view. “Three Aspects of Strategy” theory claims the following aspects should be reviewed when establishing the business strategy: 1.Business Domain : product/market, business activities, business geography, business scale 2.Core Resource : physical/non-physical properties, personal/ganizational competence 3.Business Network : network parties, network relationship, network position Also, the adjustment/correlation of these three aspects should be discussed. The “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis exploits the status of company’s strategy in four different points of view: 1.Value-Efficiency coliseum 2.Competence-Organization coliseum 3.Power-Networks coliseum 4.Innovation- Authenticity coliseum / This study applied the “Three Aspects of Strategy” and “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis on TSC’s four critical strategic issues including the issues of establishing the “Opto-Electronics Department”, establishing the “Water Treatment Department”, IPO, and establishing the “Used Machine Department”. From which we could conclude how the semiconductor raw material distributors enhancing their Value Proposition, improving their Value Delivery, and achieving their Value Capturing. The briefing of these four issues is as followings: Issue 1: Establishing the “Opto-Electronics Department” Establishing the “Opto-Electronics Department” was to extend the TSC’s business model from indent order business to stock sale business. Also, this issue strengthened TSC’s ability of technical service, logistics, and financial management. The success of DUV Resist brought annual revenue of over NTD1.8 billion in 2005. Other major products such as CMP slurry, Epoxy Molding Compound, IC Underfill Material…could also copy the business model of DUV Resist. Issue 2: Establishing the “Water Treatment Department” Establishing the “Water Treatment Department” was to create new business in the semiconductor manufacturers’ facility area. TSC built up their engineering capability and also the subcontractor network. The success of separating the water treatment business into pure water and waste water two categories let TSC could have their own brand waste water business. Water treatment business contributed NTD1.5 billion in 2005. Also it brought new business chance like Cleanroom and Chemical Supply System. Issue 3: IPO IPO to let TSC has much stronger financial flexibility. The company status has been up rated and could be easier to recruit excellent employees. The financial management capability had been improved and the business network is much stronger. Issue 4: Establishing the “Used Machine Department” Establishing the “Used Machine Department” was to address TSC as a Total Solution Provider of High Tech Industry. TSC captured the business chance of semiconductor manufacturing used machine off-shore service from which they could extend the business to used machine buy-and-sale, logistics, refurbish, installation, parts sourcing, calibration/tuning, and process parameter setting. The company vision of Total Solution Provider of High Tech Industry will lead TSC to exploit the semiconductor industry with a higher and thorough position. / Through the “Three Aspects of Strategy” and “Four Coliseums of Business” analysis we could confirm that the above mentioned four critical strategic issues are of great positive effects to TSC in the sense of Business Domain, Core Resource, and Business Networks. Also we could see the continuous growth trend in the Value-Efficiency, Competence-Organization, Power-Networks, and Innovation- Authenticity coliseums. Therefore, the key strategies applied in these four critical strategic issues could be the bench mark of semiconductor raw material distributors for their further growth. From the description of these strategic issues and the adjustment/correlation of three aspects discussion, we could conclude the key strategies for a successful business model of semiconductor raw material distributor, and list these key strategies with respect to our three themes of study: How does the distributor secure their position in the value chain i.e. how to enhance their value proposition? 1.Expanding the service base and providing the total solutions to customers is very essential to secure the agency rights 2.Maintaining a freely flowing and circumspect human relationship network is a must-do job of distributors. 3.Distributors should take very caution when developing own-brand products, should not damage the relationship with principles. 4.Attending the service quality contest will strongly promote company’s image and improve competence. In what way the distributor compete with their competitors and perform better i.e. how to perform their value delivery? 1.The ability of identifying customers’ needs is proportional to the success of continuous growth of distributors. 2.People are the most valuable assets of distributors. 3.Competitions inside customer’s organization should be handled with care, and should maintain good communications with each departments of customer. 4.Distributor should establish an integrated supporting/subcontractor system. How does the distributor make their own benefit feasible i.e. how to achieve their value capturing? 1.Multiple business models are adequate for distributor. 2.Rearranging current service contents to create new business niches. 3.Fully utilize core competence to extend product lines and create new values. 4.Nimble and integral financial management is the foundation of long-term growth and can capture company’s value.

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