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資訊系統發展團隊合作之突現與疊代囚犯兩難賽局共演化策略—多重代理模擬之研究途徑楊豐松, Yang, Feng-Sueng Unknown Date (has links)
近年來環境日益複雜且快速變遷,以「團隊(Team)」為基礎的組織型態愈形廣泛且重要。因此,如何形成團隊以及有效地團隊運作,已成為重要且熱門的議。尤其是知識創造如資訊系統發展(Information Systems Development, ISD),更是以專案團隊為普遍的組織型態。影響資訊系統發展專案團隊成敗因素甚多,但團隊中成員間之互動,如合作、溝通、信任與領導等影響至為重大。傳統經濟學假設個人會採自利行為以追求最大效用與報酬;但在長期的組織與工作環境的互動下,個人採取合作、利他行為,更能達到雙贏的結果。因此,本研究以疊代囚犯兩難賽局為基礎,探討團隊組織具有特定互動結構的條件限制下,個人策略及團隊成員的演化策略;且在不同的演化控制機制,是否會促成以合作取代背叛之策略。並將其應用於資訊系統發展專案團隊之運作,探討在「技能相依」的團隊組織結構下,多組兩人(multiple two-person)互動之個人策略與團隊的組織政策之關係,進而探討促成團隊成員採取利他且合作的行為之「突現」,以提供資訊系統發展專案團隊管理之參考。故本研究之主要目的在於探討團隊中疊代囚犯兩難賽局成員之演化策略,以及資訊系統發展團隊合作之突現。
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創新團隊創造過程研究─以表演藝術劇團為例楊芝霞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以一個團隊管理的角度來研究創意的產生,以管理的觀點來研究創意的產生,使管理學界對於創意的產生能有更多的認識,進而發展更有效的激發團隊創意的要素,以期對於目前的創新團隊能夠有所貢獻。 / Group creativity and innovation are the great topic of management. How to manage the group and lead more ideas? It’s a challenge for manager. This study tries to figure out the process of innovation and creativity.
Because of the focus of content industry in Taiwan, this study picks six famous performance groups to do the research. Also want to figure out the process of innovation in the performance group and find the effect way to manage the group innovation.
This research is based on two major theories: the creativity process theory of Leonard(1999) and the organization theory of Mintzberg(2000). Based on these two theories and the case study, the conclusion comes out as following:
1.Innovation organization will lead to variety value and ideas inside the group and make organization stand out during the keen competence environment.
2.Strong field knowledge is the base of group innovation. Trust between the group members will create variety value and ideas within the organization.
3.The group with variety skills leader makes revolution and innovation easier inside the organization.
4.During the creativity process, combination of decision power and knowledge power makes group member contributing their knowledge to organization.
5.Time pressure makes development and integration step of innovation more efficient, but hurt the creativity process during the idea prepared step.
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團隊式組織之研究--設計與文化創造的觀點曾介宏 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣遊戲產業的發展與創業團隊特性關係之研究侯旭倉, Hou Hsu-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
在個人電腦產業成長趨緩,網際網路泡沫破滅的現在,電玩產業仍維持超過12%的高成長率(Informa Media Group,2003),營收遠超過全球電影市場(全球電影市場約一百五十億美金,遊戲市場約兩百二十億美金)。在全球一片不景氣的聲浪中,遊戲產業能有如此榮景,更顯躍眼。然而,雖然遊戲市場前景一片光明,在大多數的民眾心中,電玩還是小孩子的玩意兒。加上陳水扁總統擔任台北市長時雷厲風行的掃蕩電玩產業,台灣電玩業者猶如過街老鼠,處境十分艱困。
本研究運用Timmons Model(1999)來探討電玩產業的遊戲軟體廠商之創業過程及團隊特性,將研究的焦點放在創業團隊特性上,觀察當線上遊戲這個技術變革產生時,市場需求及成本結構的變化情形。同時,觀察遊戲軟體公司的創業團隊特性在這樣的過程中會對經營模式、公司的資源和網絡關係產生何種影響,例如,團隊成員的先前經驗對於公司選擇經營模式時,會有什麼樣的影響?而公司對於線上遊戲時代的經營模式做出選擇後,又會尋找具有哪些先前經驗的成員加入公司?此外,單機遊戲和線上遊戲在團隊完整性的要求上有何差異?而團隊是否完整,對於公司應變市場需求的方式又有什麼樣的影響?團隊的先前經驗對於公司所能爭取及掌握的資源有何關連?而公司所擁有的資源又如何影響經營模式的選擇?這都是本研究試圖探討的內容。
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非營利組織團隊經營與政府互動關係之研究-以台灣清潔發展機制專業協會為例 / Non-profit organization management team, interactive relationship with the Government Study - as an example of Taiwan Clean Development Mechanism professional associations董彥良, Tung, Yen-Liang Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社會的進步,非營利組織在現代社會中所扮演之角色愈顯重要,非營利組織在美國是最大的雇主。非營利組織的蓬勃發展,引發一場全球結社革命,形成與公部門和私部門鼎足而立的第三部門。我國自1987年解嚴以來,政治力釋放,人民團體法規的訂定加上社會多元的發展,非營利組織的成立可說是方興未艾,其活動包括社會服務、政策倡導、教育文化、工商發展與醫療衛生等多項範疇,對國家社會之影響可謂至鉅。由於非營利組織的蓬勃發展,展現了民間豐沛的社會力量,一股由下而上的社會力量就此展開,在政治、社會、文化與教育等多種層面之影響下,在全台各地如雨後春筍般,紛紛地設立。成為居民終身學習(lifelong learning)及形塑公民社會(civil society)的場所,亦擴大非營利組織影響之層面。
Drucker稱二十一世紀為社會福利事業的世紀,非營利組織未來十年之三大挑戰:(1)能因應轉變的領導者(2)多樣化地生活與促進多樣化(3)合作、聯盟和夥伴關係。其中第二項挑戰包括通往成長、知識的取得和發展的可能性,並將我們國家各個種族所有領域的經理人、全體教師與學生、管理團隊、工作者和顧客結合在一起。團隊建立之管理方式在今日已成為普遍且廣受矚目的管理策略,因此,非營利組織團隊之研究,將益顯重要,Drucker在《非營利機構的經營之道》(Managing the Non-Profit Organization)一書中,亦談到機構愈成功,就愈需要建立起團隊。
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組織中團隊特性與組織變革關係之硏究-以我國國營事業民營化為例 / THE RELATIONSHIP OF TEAM CHARACTERS AND ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE楊俊雄, Yang, Jun Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
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團隊因素與資訊產品創新之研究-以iBook、PMP、Monitor個案為例鄭鴻瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
研究對象的選擇方面,經由研究者立意評估之後,決定選擇「iBook與蘋果電腦協同設計個案」、「國豐Monitor品牌經營個案」、「華宇PMP之商品開發個案」、「華宇LCD Monitor商品開發個案」作為本研究之研究個案,原因簡述如后。
國豐CRT Monitor品牌經營個案:
華宇LCD Monitor商品開發個案:
華宇在PMP商品開發失敗後,決定事業部化,遂成立視訊事業部專司LCD Monitor研發。捲土重來,雖然PMP失敗了,但是LCD卻成功,其中的原因為何?歷經一次失敗後,成功熱銷LCD Monitor之過程,浴火重生經驗值得研究。
本研究之個案均有獨特的背景與環境,研究者針對團隊研究之因素進行分析,找到各個團隊因素之間的關聯性後,以此進行本研究個案之研究探討,最後並作出結論與提出建議。 / This research will look at the process of “creativity to product” from the angle of team research. Team research focuses on confirming the interconnection of the factor such as the relationship between the leader and follower, the relationship between knowledge sharing and the innovation, etc.
I decide to choose “Cooperating design of iBook and Apple computer”, ” Kuofeng monitor brands perating”, ”Arima’s PMP products development”, and “Arima’s LCD monitor development” as the cases studies for this research. The result of the cases I listed above.
Cooperating design of iBook and Apple computer:
From idea to proposal and finally the permission, ibook has cooperated with Apple computer for five years. Although faced with pressure and uncertainty, iBook finally was popular in the market. Encountered with many strong manufacturers, iBook was just a new company open less than one year. Its success in that kind of predicament can set a good example for the innovative industries.
Kuofeng CRT monitor brands operating:
Starting the brand from scratch, Kuofeng was always the top five brands before LCD replaced CRT monitor. From idea to realization, and then team work, they integrate the perators from different countries and different field, and successfully gain a place in the market. It completely experienced the process so that it also fit the criteria of comparability.
Arima’s PMP products development:
Arima wanted to find a way out by developing a new product, which was PMP. However, Arima did not possess the specialists of PMP related-products, neither did the industry. Though many adversities, what caused the final failure? I will elaborate this in my paper.
Arima’s LCD monitors development:
After the failure of PMP, the company became profit-centered. One of the unit specialized in developing the the LCD monitor.They did not have the experience but still developed the product received huge success. Compared with the failure of PMP, what cause the final success of this product?
However they all have different background, direction and environment. How will these factors affect the result is worth doing research on it.The structure of this research is reflecting on the literatures, and focusing on the team factors to analyze, and using these results to study the cases.
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Factors Affecting the Inter-orginizational Collaborative Team Process and Team Performance / 影響跨組織合作團隊績效之研究郭芳瑜, Kuo, Fang-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
The goal of this dissertation was to explore the key factors and managerial mechanisms that influence performance of inter-organizational collaborative teams. Specifically, this research addressed five key constructs: inter-organizational collaboration relationships, project characteristics, team process, managerial mechanisms, and team performance of inter-organizational collaborative teams.
Data for this study was collected via semi-structured interviews within two stages. In the first stage, interviews were done with the executives, focusing on the inter-organizational relationships, managerial mechanisms and the performance of the inter-organizational collaborative team from strategic perspectives. The next stage involved with interviews with the team members to collect the information regarding team process more thoroughly.
The results suggested that (1) Inter-organizational relationships positively affect the inter-organizational team process. (2) Project Characteristics also play a role in the team process of inter-organizational collaboration. (3) Inter-organizational team process have positively influence on the performance of inter-organizational collaborative teams. (4) Managerial mechanisms, such as mutual learning, and organizational culture, also have influences on the team process and team performance of inter-organizational collaborative teams. However, we had few findings about the team incentives program or any other formal mechanisms that promote the team process and team performance.
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國中英語教學創意團隊之個案研究 / the Case Study on the Creative Team of English Teaching王淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
(一)營造優質英語學習環境,從校園中雙語環境的建構開始,讓學生能自然 而然學習英文。
三、後續研究:對於未來相關研究的建議,首先在研究向度可加入學校教師文化的探討,另可將創意團隊與創意個人的表現作一比較。 / The research focuses on a junior high school in Taipei. Analyzing the presentation of English creative teaching, the characters of the creative team, the development of the creative team and the factors that affects the development of the team. And the researcher gets the conclusions as the following,
A.The presentation of English creative teaching includes providing a good environment of English learning with bilingual signs and posters, inventing activities like “one English sentence every day” to let students accumulate their English sentences, promoting the students’ ability of English extracurricular readers, redacting the English tests on line to afford the students wide space of learning, holding various kinds of English contests, making the effective strategies of English learning according to the difference between students, and compiling an “ English Passport” to integrate all of the curriculum and activities.
B.The characteristics of the English creative team consist of complete cooperation, earnest work and the insistence of educational profession.
C.the Development of the Creative Team
At first, some English teachers retired, and the members left in the team are similar in ages and thought. Second, the teachers got the need of forming a team because of the new educational policy, like “the Nine-Year Integrated Curriculum.” The leader of the team plays the role of the guidance and coordination. The members keep the enthusiasm and they encourage one another even feeling tired. At last, the team comes to modification based on the comprehensive opinions.
D. The factors of creative team development are divided into the ones of the inner and outer school. The inner factors are the support and assistance of the administration, the students’ progress, the attitude of the other teachers in the school, the leadership of the team chief and the teamwork of the whole members. Besides, the outer factors are the educational policy and the alimentation of students’ parents.
According to the exploration and conclusion, the researcher addresses the advice,
A.A principal should be the leader of the curriculum in order that he can conduct the teachers to develop the school-based curriculum. And the administrative staffs
have to give the most assistance to all the teachers.
B.The leader of the team is a very important role, especially his leadership style.
And about the members, we need to cultivate their enthusiasm.
C.They can be added into the further research like the exploration of teachers’ culture and the discrepancy of creativity between individuals and teams.
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團隊情感氛圍的前因、動態改變及後果變數之研究 / Exploring the antecedents, dynamics, and consequences of group affective tone紀乃文, Chi, Nai-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究雖然發現團隊情感氛圍 (group affective tone)能有效預測團隊成員的助人行為、團隊創造力、團隊缺席率與離職等重要變數,但在概念上或是理論上仍有許多未釐清之處。因此,本研究擬針對下列的文獻缺口加以探討:(1) 探討影響正/負向團隊情感氛圍形成的前因變數,釐清有哪些變數會影響團隊情感氛圍的形成;(2) 探討不同時間點正/負向團隊情感氛圍的動態改變及情感事件的干擾效果;(3) 探討正/負向團隊情感氛圍與團隊績效的因果關係;由於單一研究不易同時兼顧上述三個研究目的,因此本研究將以三個研究分別針對上述目的加以探討。
在研究一,本研究以101個學生團隊做為樣本 (523位成員),路徑分析的結果發現,團隊成員的年齡、教育背景多元化,會透過負向影響群體認同、進而強化負向團隊情感氛圍。此外,知覺團隊間競爭、成員的迎合、自我表現印象管理策略,則會透過正向影響群體認同、進而強化正向團隊情感氛圍。在研究二,本研究則以44個大學部、碩士班學生組成的團隊做為樣本 (和研究一的樣本獨立,成員為215人),階層線性模式分析的結果指出,正、負向團隊情感氛圍在跨時間點確實會產生動態改變,且前期的正/負向團隊情感氛圍均能顯著影響後期的正/負向團隊情感氛圍。且前後期間發生的負向情感事件,亦會減弱前、後期正向團隊情感氛圍之間的正向關係。最後,在研究三,本研究以81個高科技產業研發團隊做為樣本 (包括259位團隊成員及81位主管),交叉延遲貫時性分析 (cross-lagged panel analysis, CLPA)的結果指出,前期的正向團隊情感氛圍對後期團隊績效有顯著正向影響,而前期團隊績效對於後期正向團隊情感氛圍,也有顯著的正向影響。整體而言,本研究之假設大多符合理論預期,而研究結果對團隊情感氛圍、團隊多元化、以及印象管理研究的理論意涵與實務貢獻,亦在文中一併加以討論。 / Extending previous research on group affective tone (GAT), three studies were conducted to examine the antecedents, dynamics, and consequences of GAT. In study 1, 101 student teams (523 members) were chosen as the sample. The results of path-analysis showed that team age and educational background diversity decrease group identification, which in turn increases negative group affective tone (NGAT). In addition, perceived intergroup competition, members’ self-promotion and ingratiation impression management tactics increase group identification, which in turn increases positive group affective tone (PGAT). In study 2, 44 student teams (215 members) were selected as the sample, and the experience-sampling method was used to capture the dynamics of GAT (i.e., 6-time repeated measure). The results of hierarchical linear modeling analysis revealed that the T-1 PGAT positively predict T0 PGAT over time; while T-1 NGAT positively predict T0 NGAT over time. Moreover, the negative affective event occurred during T-1 and T0 attenuates the positive relationship between T-1 PGAT and T0 PGAT. In study 3, 81 research and develop teams (259 members and 81 supervisors) were chosen as the sample, and the cross-lagged panel analysis (CLPA) was used to examine the causal association between GAT and team performance. The results of CLPA showed that T1 PGAT has a positive effect on T2 team performance. Additionally, T1 team performance has a positive effect on T2 PGAT. These result suggest that the presence of a reciprocal relationship between PGAT and team performance. All three studies support the proposed theoretical framework.
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