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主題式數位典藏建置平台之研究曾慕曦 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業危機管理團隊組織結構編制之初探性研究陶哲仁 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國電機電子中心廠企業之綠色專案團隊的組織方式與知識管理程序 / A Study of Organization and K.M. Process : Cases of Green Project Team in Core Factories of Taiwanese in Electrical and Electronics companies.李權憲, Li, Chuan Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所得到的研究結論包括:1.不同事業模式的企業,對同一外部環保壓力來源有不同壓力強度的感受;2. 企業內部環保壓力的自發性改變往往是發生在外部環保壓力的推動之後;3. 專案特性為產品或製程的延伸變動、改良、或品質改進,如綠色產品專案,適合以輕量級團隊進行專案之運作;4. 輕量級專案經理在團隊知識管理程序裡的知識吸收、創造、蓄積與擴散之運作中,扮演主要的角色;5. 由中立的高階主管擔任跨部門專案團隊之專案贊助者(The Executive Sponsor),可避免發生決策偏頗之情形。從本研究對於實務上所提出的建議包括:1. 中心廠企業應有專責人員持續負責綠色產品的推動;2. 企業應創造內部人員成立跨部門專案團隊的機制;3. 由中立的高階主管擔任跨部門專案團隊的專案贊助者。 / When properties and designs of electrical and electronics equipments are renewed more and more quickly, many countries noticed that the waste produce during product life-cycle process by manufacturers, junk by end users, and hazardous substances of products are threatening human healthy and living environment increasingly. Therefore, European Union announced and entered into force of EU environmental directives that induced the industries to pay close attention on the surrounding environment impacts and the healthy & safety risk of people. Thus, we would expect that the electrical and electronics companies in our country faced challenges of Green-Product production.
The Taiwanese core factories built up a cross-divisional Green Project Team which coordinated each function to team up with conformed the Green-product regulations by government and customers. However, most of the past studies in the Green-Product issue were focused on how to manage green supply chain efficiently, and how to reply to the Green-product regulations rightfully. Thus, we focus on the organization and knowledge management process of the Green Project team, this issue is rarely touched by researchers. For that reason, this research is more an “Exploratory Research” essentially. This research adopts “Case-Study Method”, looks into the K.M. process of a project team by interviewing with personnel of case companies and reading second-hand materials about the case companies. The study aims to investigate the questions: 1.What is the Green Environmental Pressure a company mainly received? 2. What are the motives of a core factory to build up a Green Project Team? 3. What is the structure of the Green Project Team, and how does the team work together?
The preliminary research conclutions include: 1.Companies with different business models face different Green Environmental Pressure. 2. External Green Environmental Pressure influences a company first and then comes the Internal Green Environmental Pressure. 3. Operations of a Lightweight Project Team are suitable for the task of product or processing extension, and quality improvement, just like Green Project. 4. The key person in the knowledge management process is project manager in the Lightweight Project Team. 5. Biased-decision can be avoided by giving the position of cross-divisional executive sponsor to a neutral senior manager.
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個人與團隊創新之比較研究 — 以資策會專利為例 / A Comparative study of individual and team innovation - An Empirical study of patents in III李昆鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來關於創新研究的相關文獻,多半著墨於團隊創新之探討,包括團隊知識分享、團隊信任、團隊領導與團隊互動等議題;但「個人」所產生的創新力量,事實上也應不容小覷。本研究將透過資策會的專利提案,針對近十年間所提出的專利資料與訪談進行分析,以探討個人與團隊在研發創新所扮演的角色,以及個人與團隊創新的適用情境、組成特徵與互動歷程特徵。 / 根據資策會1995-2005間專利數據(共426件。專利從申請到取得時間經常需要2至3年,因此,本次研究僅統計至2005年)初步分析後發現:(一)民國90年以前,個人專利總件數比兩人以上組成之團隊的專利總件數多。(二)民國91年起,資策會的專利件數快速增加,而此時兩人團隊所獲得的專利件數最多;到了93、94年,三人或四人以上團隊所獲得的專利數,則超越個人或兩人團隊所獲得之專利。(三)個人專利佔全部專利數的32%,而由2~4人團隊所取得的專利數則佔64%。(四)個人專利共70件;這些由單獨個人提案的獲證專利中,有將近六成(41件)的專利,該提案人只提了這一項專利而已,往後並未有其他專利,表示這些人很可能只是偶然靈光乍現而獲得專利,抑或表示個人專利提案的創新方式有所侷限。(五)另一方面,有部分曾經獲得個人專利的研發人員,也樂於與其他人組成團隊來一同申請專利,並獲得146件專利;(六)有些人不曾獲得個人專利,但透過團隊合作,也獲得210件專利,佔資策會總專利數的近半數。 / 由此可見,個人創新與團隊創新是研發創新的兩種重要途徑,不應偏廢。而個人創新與團隊創新的優劣與適用情境,則值得進一步探討。本研究除了以資策會專利數據比較個人與團隊在創新的效率與品質上的差異之外,進一步也透過實地訪談之方式,分別探究研發創新過程中,個人與團隊創新的組成特徵與互動歷程特徵,並嘗試歸納資策會在專利提案與專利構思的理想方式,作為研發機構進行創新管理、任務指派與團隊編組之參考,以促進研發同仁的創意效能,提升研發創新能量,進而提升專利價值。 / In recent years, the majority of innovative research literature focuses on team innovation such as team knowledge sharing, team trust, team leadership, and team interaction. The contribution of individual innovation, however, should not be overlooked. This study will explore roles of individual and team efforts in innovative research, adequate applications of individual and team innovations, and characteristics and interactive features of individual and team innovations through an analysis of patent cases proposed by III (Institute for Information Industry) in past ten years and personal interview with patent inventors. / According to the patents data between 1995 to 2005, results of III preliminary analysis indicated that (1) The total number of individual patents obtained was more than the total number of patents obtained by innovation teams with two or more members before 2001. (2) After 2002, the number of III’s patents increased rapidly. During this period, the innovation teams with two members received the largest number of patents. Between 2004 and 2005, the number of patents received by teams with three or four members exceeded the number of patents obtained by an individual or teams with two members. (3) Individual patents accounted for 32% of the total number of patents, whereas, patents obtained from teams with two to four members accounted for 64% of the total number of patents. (4) The total number of individual patents obtained between 1995 and 2005 was 70. Of these certified individual patents, nearly 60% (41) of patent inventors mentioned that they had only one and no other future patents. This suggests that these people are likely to obtain a patent because of an occasional spurt of ideas. It also demonstrates the limitation of creativities among individual inventors. (5) The III’s data also shows that about 40% of research and development specialists who had obtained an individual patent were delighted to team up with other members to apply for a patent. These people received a total of 146 patents. (6) Those individuals who had not had any patent in the past also acquired 210 patents through team works. These patents accounted for about half of III’s patents. / The above evidence shows that individual innovation and team innovation are both important venues to research and development and they should not be disregarded. The advantages, disadvantages, and adequate applications of individual and team innovations, however, should be explored further in future innovation studies. In addition to the analysis of patents data acquired from III to compare the efficiency and quality between individual and team innovations, the current study also utilizes personal interview to understand the characteristics and interactive features of individual and team innovations during the process of research and development. This study also attempts to summarize ideal patent proposals and conceptions in III and provide exemplars of innovation management, task assignment, and team grouping to research and development institutions. Finally, this study will help promote the efficiency of innovative performance among research and development specialists, enhance research and creative ideas, and consequently increase the values of patents.
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臺北市公立幼稚園園長團隊領導能力之研究 / A study on the team leadership competencies of directors for public kindergarten in Taipei city王志翔 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究方法主要為訪談法以及問卷調查法,問卷調查樣本以臺北市公立幼稚園園長及教師為研究對象,共500位,樣本回收290份,回收率為58%,可用樣本為287份,可用率為57.4%。研究工具為「臺北市公立幼稚園園長團隊領導能力調查問卷」,主要包括兩大部分,首先是參考Saucier(1994)所編製的「Mini-Markers」(五大人格特質精簡量表),經翻譯與題意修正後發展成適用於國內的「臺北市公立幼稚園園長人格特質量表」,第二,則是自編之「臺北市公立幼稚園園長團隊領導能力量表」。本研究所使用的統計方法包含描述性統計分析、單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)、皮爾森積差相關(Pearson’s product -moment correlation)、逐步多元迴歸分析(Stepwise Multiple Regression)等方法進行分析。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之研究結論如下:
最後,本研究根據研究發現,提出相關建議,俾供臺北市教育行政機關、臺北市公立幼稚園園長以及後續研究參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to investigate personality traits and team leadership competencies of directors for public kindergarten in Taipei City, and to explore the relationship between personality traits and team leadership competencies, and to discuss personality traits how to influence team leadership competencies.
The survey method included interview and questionnaires investigation. Participants in this study were teachers and directors for public kindergarten in Taipei City, and the number of participants were 500, and 290 samples(58%) were retrieved, and 287 valid samples(57.4%) were used in this study. The measures included Mini –Markers that made by Saucier (1994) and team leadership competencies questionnaire that made by author. Data were analyzed by description statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product -moment correlation and Stepwise Multiple Regression. Based on the statistics analysis of the questionnaire, this study finds reaches the following results:
A.In the aspect of personality traits and team leadership competencies of directors for public kindergarten in Taipei City:
1.The personality traits include five parts:
(1) Extraversion, (2) Agreeableness,(3) Conscientiousness,(4) Emotional stability,(5) Openness to Experience. The perception of directors and teachers were above average agreement of the five parts. For directors, the best dimension is “Agreeableness”, and the worst dimension is “Openness to Experience”.
2.The team leadership competencies include three parts: (1) Core Leadership,(2) Team Building,(3) Interpersonal Intelligence and Problem-Solving. The perception of directors and teachers were above average agreement of the three parts. For directors, the best dimension is “Interpersonal Intelligence and Problem-Solving”, and the worst dimension is “Team Building”.
B.The influences of personality traits and team leadership competencies of directors for public kindergarten in Taipei City:
1.Personality Traits: highest educational degree, years of director service, and school size have significant influences on personality traits. But director’s age and years of service do not have any significant influences.
2.Team Leadership Competencies: school size has significant influences on team leadership competencies. But director’s age, highest educational degree, years of service, and years of director service do not have any significant influences.
C.In the aspect of relationship between personality traits and team leadership competencies of directors for public kindergarten in Taipei City:
1.There is a significant and positive correlation between personality traits and team leadership competencies.
2.Personality traits (Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness to Experience) do promote team leadership competencies, especially Openness to Experience.
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飯店產業服務創新專案開發模式-以日月潭雲品酒店為例曾鳳秋 Unknown Date (has links)
儘管服務創新對飯店產業來說是非常重要的發展方向,然回顧過去文獻,飯店產業的服務創新乏人探討。因此,本研究參考Bilderbeek & Hertog所提出之服務創新四構面作為本研究之研究架構,並以日月潭雲品酒店「數位飯店及虛擬管家建置計畫」為例,運用個案研究法並輔以次級資料之搜集與整理,詳細剖析其發展服務創新的過程與模式,以及探討服務創新各構面與發展活動會對服務創新的成果產生哪些影響。
6.企業應不斷地將服務精緻化,構築競爭者的模仿障礙,而若將成功案例推廣至集團其他據點,亦可發揮規模經濟的效益,降低整體平均建置成本。 / The expenditure for information technology in Taiwan’s hotel industry increased 17.5% in 2008, and further on to 50.8% in 2009. The scope of this increment is very conspicuous and reveals that even in the face of difficult times, the hotel operators are still willing to invest large amount of money in IT. The main reason driving the operators to start offering a variety of IT services is they want to enhance their brand’s image in consumers’ minds by adding more value-added services to their already extensive portfolio.
In a market where the competition is becoming more intense every year, it is a major challenge for the hotel operators to retain regular customers while attracting new ones. Hence developing new service innovations is seen as a way to increase customer value and simultaneously help the hotels maintain its competitive advantages.
However, despite the importance of service innovations to the hospitality industry, there are barely any studies conducted on it. Therefore this paper aims to look deeper into this subject, using the service innovation model by Bilderbeek & Hertog as a starting basis.
This paper centers on a pre-chosen establishment, FLEUR DE CHINE HOTEL, using the method of case study. Assisted by second hand data, the study attempts to analyze the service innovation development process of the hotel and also determine how the various related activities influenced the final innovation results, so that areas for further improvement can be identified.
The study concludes that:
1.Service innovation should be flexible, so it can adapt well and quickly to the customer’s needs.
2.The new client interface must be based on “operating conveniently” and integrate all other interfaces effectively. If it is able to provide additional service smoothly, it can also increase the chance of sales.
3.The support of the executives is a key factor for the success of developing new service innovation.
4.When introducing a new service, it should be done step by step, so that it’s easier for the employees to follow up and reduce their uneasiness.
5.With the assistance of IT, it can improve employees’ skills and enhance their sense of mutual achievement.
6.A company should enrich and refine their services continuously and proactively. If a company is able to propagate a project’s success to other departments or branches, it can also bring other economic benefits and reduce the overall operational cost.
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企業導入學習型組織之研究--口語資料分析之運用蔡耀堂 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為整體性的研究中之一部份,整體研究共分為三個部份-系統矩陣建構與分析部份、基層團隊研究、高階團隊形成的過程中心智模式的發展,研究者負責之部分為「研究學習型組織推動的過程中,高階經營團隊的心智模式」,本研究採用的方法為口語資料分析法(The Analysis Of Verbal Data),此研究方法為將口語資料轉化為圖形方式表示,在將圖形中的資料尋求一定之結構作為分析的基礎,所得到的分析可以作為研究對象的科學數據作為參考再進行分析,此研究方法將可使用的範圍相當廣,值得未來研究者進行社會科學研究時採用之另一種方法。
第一章 緒論 5
第一節 研究動機 5
第二節 研究目的 6
第三節 研究範圍 6
第四節 研究限制 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 學習型組織概述 9
一、定義 9
二、第五項修練的意涵 10
1.學習型組織的特徵 12
2.傳統型組織與學習型組織之比較 12
三、學習型組織的建立 13
四、國內導入學習型組織之舉例 20
第二節 高階主管的功能及角色 21
一、傳統高階主管的功能及角色 21
二、學習型組織高階團隊的功能及角色 22
第三節 高階團隊的形成 22
一、團隊概念再釐清 22
1.團體與團隊的差異 23
2.真實團隊(True Team)?任務團隊(Task Team)? 23
二、為何要形成高階團隊 25
三、高階團隊之形成 28
1.團隊運作理論 29
2.團隊形成的指標 30
四、高階團隊難以形成之原因 32
五、避免高階團隊形成的障礙 33
第四節 共識之形成 34
一、團隊的角色扮演 34
二、團隊中如何建立共識 37
三、建立的共識的工具 38
1.深度匯談 38
2.有技巧的討論 40
第三章 研究方法 41
第一節 研究敘述 41
研究流程 44
第二節 研究方法介紹 45
一、個案研究法 45
1.個案研究的屬性分類 46
2.個案研究的優缺點及適用性 47
二、 深度訪談 49
1.深度訪談的程序 49
2.深度訪談的問題 49
3.深度訪談的技巧(黃俊英,民85) 50
第三節 研究架構 51
第四章 問題分析與描述 52
第一節 學習型組織 55
一、口語資料分析圖與敘述 55
二、分析與討論(學習型組織概念及執行) 62
第二節 讀書會 78
一、語意網路分析圖及敘述 78
二、分析與討論(讀書會) 81
第三節 團隊 87
一、口語資料分析圖及敘述 87
二、分析與討論 90
第五章 結論與建議 96
第一節 口語資料分析的運用 96
第二節 研究發現 97
第三節 研究貢獻 99
第四節 對企業界的建議 99
第五節 後續研究的建議 99
第一章 緒論 5
第一節 研究動機 5
第二節 研究目的 6
第三節 研究範圍 6
第四節 研究限制 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 學習型組織概述 9
一、定義 9
二、第五項修練的意涵 10
1.學習型組織的特徵 12
2.傳統型組織與學習型組織之比較 12
三、學習型組織的建立 13
四、國內導入學習型組織之舉例 20
第二節 高階主管的功能及角色 21
一、傳統高階主管的功能及角色 21
二、學習型組織高階團隊的功能及角色 22
第三節 高階團隊的形成 22
一、團隊概念再釐清 22
1.團體與團隊的差異 23
2.真實團隊(True Team)?任務團隊(Task Team)? 23
二、為何要形成高階團隊 25
三、高階團隊之形成 28
1.團隊運作理論 29
2.團隊形成的指標 30
四、高階團隊難以形成之原因 32
五、避免高階團隊形成的障礙 33
第四節 共識之形成 34
一、團隊的角色扮演 34
二、團隊中如何建立共識 37
三、建立的共識的工具 38
1.深度匯談 38
2.有技巧的討論 40
第三章 研究方法 41
第一節 研究敘述 41
研究流程 44
第二節 研究方法介紹 45
一、個案研究法 45
1.個案研究的屬性分類 46
2.個案研究的優缺點及適用性 47
二、 深度訪談 49
1.深度訪談的程序 49
2.深度訪談的問題 49
3.深度訪談的技巧(黃俊英,民85) 50
第三節 研究架構 51
第四章 問題分析與描述 52
第一節 學習型組織 55
一、口語資料分析圖與敘述 55
二、分析與討論(學習型組織概念及執行) 62
第二節 讀書會 78
一、語意網路分析圖及敘述 78
二、分析與討論(讀書會) 81
第三節 團隊 87
一、口語資料分析圖及敘述 87
二、分析與討論 90
第五章 結論與建議 96
第一節 口語資料分析的運用 96
第二節 研究發現 97
第三節 研究貢獻 99
第四節 對企業界的建議 99
第五節 後續研究的建議 99 / ABSTRACT
The thesis is part of the project, including three subtopic--the organization of system matrix, the study of basic organization and the development of mental model within top management team during process of introducing. The main target is "to investigate the mental model of top management team while the term were organized into learning organization. The method of this study was "The Analysis of Veral Data". The chart of mental model from verbal data in this study was transformed from oral record, then analyzed the chart into a suitable model which was high correlation with the data. The extensive analysis of the data was obtained from the mental model as a basis of scientific data. This method could applied to other field of society science as extensive as possible.
The verbal data analysis in this thesis would depend on three part of sub-architecture analysis including: the mean integrated of data, the architecture of data; and the extent of data. The investigator, firstly, keep null hypothesis according three part of sub-architecture analysis as description, then processed the verbal data to evaluate the hypothesis, and the conclusion is:
•the positive correlation between the mean integrated of data and process
•the correlation between architecture and experience
•the correlation between independence and membership of partner, this is the topic hypothesis of this study; other discovery need more data for the topic.
The learning organization was a new type model, the thesis focused on "the intelligent model of top management team while the term were organized into learning organization", initiated to realize the communication with other member in top anagement team, tried to find out the relationship in top management team when they work together; and got the reason when they could succeed. In other reason, the study would like to find the examples of learning organization as clearly as possible in Taiwan. The conclusion for the thesis as follow:
•reason for the difference in theme
•reason for membership of partner
•method to accelerate the revolution of change
•the importance and method to participate the team action
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創業競賽團隊與競賽機制對學習成效之研究戴龍睿 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 透過創業競賽的學習,確實可以學習到創業的知識與能力。
2. 透過創業課程的要求與輔助參加創業競賽,對於創業知識與能力的學習成效最佳。
3. 不同的創業競賽模式其對於知識學習、能力提升與整體學習成效無明顯差異。
4. 學習型導向創業競賽整體學習成效較實務型導向創業競賽佳。
5. 競賽參與動機對於知識學習、能力提升與整體學習成效有明顯正相關。
6. 不同的團隊背景其對於知識學習、能力提升與整體學習成效無明顯差異。
7. 團隊運作情形對於知識學習、能力提升與整體學習成效有明顯正相關。 / There are more and more entrepreneurial competitions held by universities or big famous companies years by years. The number of teams participating games grows rapidly and the region of some contest expands from within a college activity to a global one. With this popular activities, it also makes all famous universities and colleges pay much attention to entrepreneurial research and the quantity and variety of entrepreneurial courses have become increasingly important.
With foreign entrepreneurial competitions’ popular, the tow entrepreneurial competitions in Taiwan are also get into 4th . This study try to focus on entrepreneurial competitions’ learning effect.
Therefore, if there any different learning effect on entrepreneurial knowledge and skill between different competition model, team background, motivation, even if teamwork situation?
This study has adopted structural questionnaire and case study to collect data and information. The major study targets are the members of 3rd TIC100 Technology Innovation Competition and 3rd Industrial Bank of Taiwan Cross-Century Entrepreneur Competition.
After doing interview and analysis, it gets several conclusions in this investigation:
1. It indeed can learn about entrepreneurial knowledge and skill through entrepreneurial competition.
2. The learning effect on entrepreneurial knowledge and skill will be better by taking entrepreneurial course and participating in entrepreneurial competition.
3. There are not noticeable different on learning effect between different entrepreneurial competition model.
4. Learning-orientated entrepreneurial competition’s learning effect is better then practical-orientated entrepreneurial competition.
5. There are noticeable correlation between participating motivation and learning effect.
6. There are not noticeable different on learning effect between different team background.
7. There are noticeable correlation between teamwork situation and learning effect.
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網路社群中的無償虛擬團隊文化與互動型態: 以字幕組為例 / Voluntary virtual teams’ interaction styles in online communities :an example of the subtitle teams陳竹蕾, Chen, Julie Unknown Date (has links)
無償的虛擬團隊與營利組織裡的虛擬團隊有何差異呢?網路社群中的P2P資源交換特性或者網路社群中的生態,是否也會影響到字幕組這樣的無償虛擬團隊?本研究採取Potter與Balthazard(2002)所整理出之團隊「互動型態」理論、Dani 與Burns等人(2006)的「組織文化類型」理論,試圖找出不同規模與文化情境的字幕組互動型態、組織文化類型。筆者觀察了數個中國與台灣的字幕組,期望找出具集體知識共作、創造特性的虛擬團隊特色。而這些特色,或許能啟發國內其餘具知識分享、文化創造性質的虛擬團隊。
研究結果顯示,字幕組的組織文化偏向關係親密的「宗族文化」、以及具有創新特質的「鬆散彈性文化」。而針對字幕組的互動型態分析,則集中於「合作型」、「人際型」,同樣都是關係較親近、競爭壓力較少的互動類型。這些特質顯示出,字幕組這樣的無償虛擬團隊,的確在組織文化、互動風格方面,都有著與企業不同的組織屬性。 / The Subtitle Teams in online communities are formed by volunteers who communicate by virtual technology. This study views the Subtitle Teams as virtual teams, in order to explore their organizational culture and interaction style. In recent years, most Virtual Teams studies in Taiwan focus on teams in school and businesses industries, however, the Subtitle Teams are volunteers without business structure.
What is the difference between commercial virtual teams and voluntary subtitle teams? Do P2P communities influence voluntary subtitle teams like Subtitle Teams? We use Potter & Balthazard (2002)’s Interaction Style theory and Dani & Burn(2006)’s Organization Culture Types to explore the traits of Subtitle Teams. The Subtitle Teams in this study includes culture difference between Taiwan and Chinese, also the difference between Drama Subtitle Teams and Animation Subtitle Teams.
The goal of this study is to find out some trait of creative, knowledge-based, and cooperative virtual teams, hope these result will help other virtual teams in NPO organizations or Cultural Industry in Taiwan.
This study use participant observation, in-depth interviewing and case study to view the experience of the members from four Subtitle Teams.
We found out that the Subtitle Team’s Organization Culture might tend to be The Clan Culture and The Adhocracy Culture. As to the Interaction Style analysis, many subtitle teams tend to be Passive Style and Constructive Style at the same time at the same time.
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考量移動特性於耐延遲網路之團隊省電機制設計 / Energy-aware grouping design by considering moving pattern for delay tolerant networks劉勇麟, Liu, Yung Lin Unknown Date (has links)
然而在電池電源有限的條件之下,過於冗餘的封包複製傳遞,或CPU運算的大量使用,將使得節點容易因電量耗盡而失去傳遞的功能,不只是造成整體系統的存活時間(System Lifetime)降低,亦非常不利於維持整體網路的傳遞成功率(Delivery Ratio)。
在旅行的過程中,同行的人們通常具有相同的移動軌跡以及最終目的地,因而形成團體行動的模式;針對這樣的特性,我們採用每個團隊只留下一位領隊來統籌探索鄰居及封包傳遞的概念,透過GPS的資訊輔助來設計出組隊省電機制,延長節點存活時間,進而提升系統存活時間,並在運算複雜度較低且封包冗餘複製亦降低的狀況下,仍保有不錯的傳遞成功率以及較低的效能衰減。 / In traditional routing protocols of DTNs, most of them are using redundancy messages and information computing to make a good relay decision.
Due to energy limitation, too many redundant message transmissions or high computing will make nodes die off quickly. It will decrease the system lifetime and diminish the delivery ratio of the whole system.
When people go on a tour, friends always form a group due that members have a similar moving path and destination. Based on the features of moving patterns, we design a grouping scheme, namely, Energy-aware Grouping, with the concept that there is only one node awake in a group in charge of contact and message transmissions. With the assistance by GPS, our method has reduced the numbers of redundant message transmissions and information computing. Simulation results show that it can extend the system lifetime with maintaining still good delivery ratio
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