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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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蔡月蜜, Tasi, Yue-Mi Unknown Date (has links)
世界各國面對垃圾量隨時間而逐漸上升的情形,原本皆視為必然趨勢,因此不斷地提供垃圾服務的供給來滿足家戶需求,以求達到均衡,這可說是「需求創造供給」。但是,一旦供給不足,在缺乏價格機能調節下,均衡將不復存在,於是降低家戶對垃圾服務需求的政策始被提出並被採行。另有一些研究則是瞭解人對環境的認知、態度與行為之間的關連性,許多研究發現其間關係為對環境知識瞭解愈詳細並傾向於新生態典範者,其行為表現就愈環保且較有積極的垃圾減量的行為,此為除了實施降低家戶對垃圾服務需求政策外另可同時進行的方向。 台灣目前已採用隨水量徵收垃圾清除處理費來反應各縣市政府在處理垃圾時的成本,不過因為此收費方式不是依垃圾量的多寡來收取,且家戶通常在繳交水費時無特別察覺到此筆費用,因此不會有付了清除費的感受,所以台灣近年來有幾個都市採行了減少家戶對垃圾服務需求方面的政策。此類政策大多分為兩種,一為行政命令式的強制回收;另一則是隨垃圾量收取垃圾費。台中市自民國88年7月1日首先實施「強制垃圾分類」,台北市則於民國89年7月1日實施「垃圾費隨袋徵收」制度,而今年1月1日,高雄市也採行了與台中市相同的政策,藉此來提高資源回收量、降低垃圾量。 本研究以一代表性家戶追求最大化效用,但受限於居住地的垃圾管理政策之條件,用比較靜態方式來分析在「無任何降低家戶對垃圾服務需求的政策」、「強制垃圾分類」、「垃圾費隨袋徵收」相異制度下,對家戶的垃圾源頭減量行為及垃圾丟棄量、非法傾倒量、資源回收量的影響。結果只有「隨袋徵收」具源頭減量效果,但是非法傾倒量也最多。若家戶只能以非法傾倒或合法丟棄兩種方式來處理垃圾時,那麼台中市、高雄市不會有非法傾倒的情形,但是台北市一定會有。而如果家戶只能在非法傾倒、從事回收間做抉擇,則台中市、高雄市會比台北市願意多做分類工作。至於若只有合法丟棄與回收間兩種可能性時,則要視其分類不完善的預期罰金與垃圾袋費用孰高來決定兩種制度下何者的回收量較高。 實證分析則得到對環境及垃圾管理認知、態度與日常環保行為愈正向者,其家戶會多花點兒心力於垃圾分類且垃圾量也較少。實施「強制垃圾分類」與「隨袋徵收」的地區,回收時間有顯著性地增加。但是對於減少垃圾容量,「隨袋徵收」才有顯著性的效果。本研究純粹探討制度不同對家戶減量行為的效果,而無分析不同政策的成本面,因此,環保單位應就欲達目的擇一適合的垃圾管理政策。 / The amount of household solid waste that is constantly rising with time has been an inevitable trend. In order to reach the equilibrium, the governments all over the world initially supply the solid waste disposal services freely to fulfill the demand. However, once the cost of supply has grown to such an extent that supply falls short, the equilibrium will be impossible to reach. Thus, many governments have changed the policy of providing free disposal service and developed alternative approaches to lower household’s demand for the service. In the meantime, some researches have studied the links between human perceptions, value, attitude and behavior toward the environment. Much of the research points to the fact that, the more detailed knowledge of the environment people hold, the more of New Environment Paradigm (NEP) they are, the more likely they are to actively reduce their waste and promote green behavior. This is one other route we can take to reduce household demand of solid waste services. The waste disposal fee is charged according to the amount of water used by the household to cover the cost of waste collection and disposal in Taiwan. However, this charge scheme doesn’t relate the fee paid by a household to the amount of waste the household discard, and most households are thereby indifferent to the payment of waste fee. In recent years, several cities have undertaken alternative policy schemes to reduce the household demands for waste disposal service. These schemes mainly come in two ways:one is to charge fees according to the quantity of waste generated; the other is to enforce the mandatory recycling law. Since July 1st, 1999, Tai-Chung City has required households to separate the waste into recyclable and disposable while Taipei City had chosen the latter fashion - waste fee per bag since July 1st, 2000. Kaohsiung City, on the other hand, has performed the same scheme as Tai-Chung City beginning January 1st, 2001. This study first develops a theoretical model of household disposal decision under different waste management policies:“no policy”, “required waste separation and recycling”, and “fee per-bag”. The household can choose among various options, including waste reduction, recycling, regular garbage collection and illegal dumping (or burning). The model shows that the “fee per-bag” is the only effective solution to source reduction; however, it induces the most illegal garbage dumping among the three schemes. In fact, the incidents of illegal dumping did not take place in Tai-Chung or Kaohsiung cities but was found in Taipei City. When households can only choose between recycling and illegal dumping, then Tai-Chung and Kaohsiung city dwellers are more likely to do more separation and recycling work than Taipei’s. As for when only regular garbage collection and waste separation and recycling are available as in Tai-Chung and Kaohsiung cities, the households’ likelihood to recycle depends on the expected fines of incomplete separation. Empirical result shows that when people have more knowledge about the environment and waste management policy, greener attitude towards environment, they tend to put more effort into waste separation and recycling, and their waste generated will be less than other households. The time people spend to separate waste increases significantly in those areas that apply “required waste separation” and “fee per-bag” programs. “Fee per-bag” has resulted in the largest decreases in the volume of the garbage.


蔡明謙 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來關於組織創新的討論已逐漸獲得各界的青睞,特別是在高度競爭的知識經濟時代下,各國企業體無不視創新為獲取競爭優勢的關鍵。我國中央政府多年來為因應目前世界趨勢變遷及取得國家競爭的優勢,亦致力於公部門的行政革新及政府再造的希望工程。惟綜觀當前國內對於創新管理的認知及討論,仍多是大量著重在以「研發」為導向的單一面向思考邏輯,對於以多元系統化思考為導向的論述則較為缺乏,特別是對於公部門自身組織創新能量的開發以及公部門創新個案的研析探討,似尚未予以高度關切。假若公部門能挹注更多心力和資源在自身組織創新作為的開發上,並加以組織化、系統化地循環創發產出,相信對於各級政府在施政困境上的突破,必然是會有所裨益的。   臺北市作為臺灣的首善之區,可謂是臺灣與世界接軌的重要窗口,自然無法自外於追求創新的時代趨勢之下。綜觀臺北市近年來的各方面施政績效,當中就屬「垃圾減量政策」所引領的環保革命風潮最具標竿性,其象徵的意義不僅是北市府施政魄力的展現,在另一方面更是市府及全體市民創新能量的匯聚。臺北市政府透過此些計畫和政策的相繼施行,策略性地扭轉了市民對垃圾處理的傳統觀念、成功地促使市民培養起減少垃圾產出量及勤做分類回收的生活習慣和環保意識,最後更串聯結合起公部門、環保團體、社區和市民等多方面的努力和能量,成功地達成「垃圾減量」及「資源回收」的施政目標。   臺北市此方面的成功經驗相當值得其他縣市政府師法學習,基此本研究對於臺北市垃圾減量政策的組織創新分析便置焦在「組織面的影響因素」及「執行面的策略思考」等兩個層次的議題研究上。關於組織面上影響因素的分析,即援用先前學者的主張,著重探討臺北市垃圾減量政策在組織結構、人員、文化、學習及激勵等五大構面的佈建和推展情形,藉此分析政府部門在推展創新政策時,其組織內部任務編組及配套計畫等方面,可以效法學習或強化改進的作法及方向。至於在組織創新執行面上的策略思考議題,則是跳脫以往部分學者所採取階段論式的分析,而主要將研究重點聚焦於組織創新執行過程中,具關鍵影響力的「創新方案本身的特質」、「創新方案傳播管道」及「外在環境因素的干擾」等影響變項上來加以析探。


朱媛媛, ZHU, YUAN-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)


江家慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是針對政策規劃過程中公民參與機制的運用,進行理論與實務的探討。在理論部分,筆者認為理想的公民參與機制應該具備參與的主體、時機、方法與效力四大內涵。在政策規劃的過程中,受政策方案影響的公民,對於切身相關的事務得以在適當的時機,藉由健全的參與方法直接涉入,而且具有足夠的代表性來表達意見,進而對決策產生影響力。另外,在實務上,則以前述參與機制為基礎,透過深度訪談的方式對個案(林內焚化廠的設置過程的公民參與情形)進行探討。筆者檢視個案後發現,林內焚化廠設置過程中的公民參與並無具備上述四大內涵,沒有達到公民參與的理想。而此一理想之所以無法達成,究其原因包括:其一,政策規劃過程缺乏當地居民代表,縣政府並無給予當地居民參與的機會;其二,參與的時機不適當,當地居民無法在廠址選擇階段,針對自身權益發表意見;其三,缺乏健全的參與方法,參與方法的使用為單方面的告知與宣傳,無法有效化解雙方歧見;其四,欠缺參與效力,針對當地居民的訴求,縣政府並無具體回應,居民的參與所發揮影響力有限。 本研究認為焚化廠的設置屬鄰避設施,易招致當地居民的反對,因此民意的支持與充分的溝通就顯得相當重要。筆者建議為政者可採用民意調查去得知公眾對實際政策的意見,以及共識型會議或公民陪審團等方法來探求出公眾對政策的價值判斷,除了強調政策的審辯慎思與積極的參與,更應重視各參與者之間的互動與諮商。參與方法的使用,不應只是單方面說明或是告知,為政者宜選擇有助於雙向溝通的參與方法,作為對話的平台,以化解歧見解決紛爭,創造雙贏的局面。


陳耘盈 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的為建構合理的政策行銷運作模行。從Crompton & Lamb所提出的策略性行銷規劃步驟,與Sanvely所提出的公共政策行銷模式做結合試圖建構起公部門在推動政策行銷時所應採取的關鍵措施;並以Burton區分利害關係人,分別制定方案策略的做法為架構,再加入Buurma所注重的行銷交易觀念來檢視政策設計過程中所埋下的行銷要素,以支持政策中的交易機制。總合以上學者的相關論述,而提出本研究之架構----最適政策行銷模式。 在最適行銷模式中,行銷工作始於機關的「行銷任務之確定」,並隨即設立各執行單位與機構的具體「行銷目標」。接下來便進「行交易機制的設定」,以認定出行銷者與顧客的交換價值之所在;而為促使交易活動能順利進行、交換價值能夠為雙方所接受,政策行銷者就必須從事「行銷組合應用」的規劃。最後,再進行「行銷稽核」來檢視此一系列的政策行銷活動之長處與缺失。 本研究以「台北市垃圾費隨袋徵收政策」為個案,以此一個案之規劃執行狀況來檢證模式的可用性以及落實行銷相關理論的程度;並提出政策模型的修改,以及未來政府在採行政策行銷活動時該注意的關鍵執行要素。 關鍵字:政策行銷、台北市垃圾費隨袋徵收政策、政府行銷、公部門行銷


翁久惠 Unknown Date (has links)
嚴重的廢棄物處理問題,是現今施政的一大課題,而由於垃圾焚化相較於其他處理方式更能達到減量化、衛生化、安定化及資源化之目標,故成為未來垃圾處理方式之主流,垃圾焚化廠亦將陸續興建完工。但不可避免地,垃圾焚化廠亦會產生一些負面影響,往往被視為嫌惡性設施之一種,而形成設置上之阻力。   本研究之目的主要在藉由居民對焚化廠之認知、評價、接受程度、造成影響之感受,以及居民對焚化廠回饋地方措施之期望及其成效如何等相關課題之探討,以了解焚化廠設置形成阻力之原因所在,此外,並輔以相關文獻、專家意見及相關法規等資訊之整合,嘗試對降低焚化廠嫌惡性之可行方向提出建議,冀能對減輕日後興建焚化廠之阻力的有所助益,並期能確保民眾之生活環境品質。   本研究之重要結論與建議如下:   一、結論    (一)民眾對於國內興建焚化廠之品質及二次污染控制能力仍缺乏信心,且居民預期焚化廠可能造成之影響通常會較焚化廠實際產生之影響大。    (二)在居民願意接受焚化廠設置於其住家附近之條件中,以風險減輕方案最為居民所重視。    (三)民眾對焚化廠回饋措施之認知程度愈高者,其對焚化廠接受程度愈高。   二、建議    (一)在焚化廠風險減輕之策略方面,主管單位除了污染防治工作外,還必須了解公眾對風險的感受及反應,縮短政府與民眾在認知上之差距。    (二)回饋措施(經濟誘因)有助於降低焚化廠之嫌惡性,故主管單位應加強焚化廠回饋措施方面之配置與宣導,以爭取民眾之支持。    (三)適當的資訊回饋,可避免民眾對焚化廠之風險太過高估而增添不必要之憂慮,進而減輕其設置之阻力,故主管單位應適時提供民眾所需之環境資訊。 / The serious solid waste disposal problem is one of the challenges to the government policies. Landfilling is not a suitable solid waste disposal alternative in Taiwan, because of the high population density and the difficulty of acquiring land, At the same time, incinerators can help achieve waste reduction, sanitary disposal, stabilty, and resource recovery. Therefore, incineration will play an increasingly important role in the government's solid waste disposal plans.   Although incineration is one of the better approaches to dealing with solid waste disposal, it still has certain negative impacts on the quality of life. Therefore, it has been treated as a NIMBY (Not-In-My-Back-Yard), To some extent, NIMBYs are necessary to the community. The issue to be dealt with, then, becomes"how to find an equitable way to solve this dilemma."   This thesis focuses on three incinerators in Neihu, Wenshan, and Shihlin, Taipei. From the results of literature review, field surveys, data collection, questionnaires, and interviews, this study tries to explore the relationships between incinerators and the quality of life. This study also examines the effectiveness of compensation packages of these NIMBYs and people's attitudes toward incinerators.   The important findings of this thesis are as follows:   1.conclusions    (1).Although most people have positive attitudes toward MSW incinerators, they do not feel confident about the quality of MSW incinerators and the administration's ability to control the second pollution.    (2).People are more concerned with risk reduction strategies, rather than economic incentives.    (3).The degree to which residents accept MSW incinerators will be affected by residents' knowledge about the compensation packages of Neihu incinerator area.   2.Policy implications    (1).From the analyses we can see that people are more willing to accept risk reduction solutions rather than economic incentives. Therefore, if the government tries to increase the acceptance of MSW incinerators among residents, it should focus more on risk reduction plans.    (2).Because residents are still lack of confidence about the quality of MSW incinerators and the ability of the administration to control the second pollution, the government should provide more accurate information to the public and guarantee the quality of MSW incinerators and the ability to control the second pollution.    (3).If the government can provide some economic incentives to reduce the equity issues, the residents may be more willing to live closer to LULU facilities. From the analysis , we can see that economic incentives do reduce the NIMBY syndrome to some extents (even though not so much as risk reduction programs). Therefore, in addition to the pollution prevention and risk reduction programs, the government should also reinforce and provide more information about the compensation packages.

多樣需求與資源環境中垃圾桶模式之e化服務決策研究 / Manifold Needs and Resources:Garbage Can Model of e-Service Perspective

呂知穎, Lu, Chih-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
為因應人類生理或心理上的需求,而產生了形形色色之服務。隨著高科技不斷地發展,人類的未來生活,將會是充滿e化服務的生活環境。在此環境中,並非所有人均能了解各應用服務,更不知該選擇何服務才能滿足自身之多重需求。本研究擬設計一決策機制,當人們有多重需求時,能考慮有形及無形資源之有效利用,並考量不同個體之使用偏好及興趣,提供適合個人的e化服務建議。本研究之應用環境,符合垃圾桶模式中的無政府狀態之三大特性,然而原垃圾桶決策方式卻不適用於個人。因此,本研究之主體,為一智慧代理人,將以垃圾桶模式的決策原理做為基礎,並對其加以修改,分為二階段的決策過程。在第一階段,將使用一考量資源使用效率之task-chosen演算法,並搭配增強式學習中之AH-learning演算法;在第二階段,則是使用BDI代理人的架構。本研究所提出之提供e化服務建議的決策機制,預期將促使應用服務能不斷地創新及進步,並使資源獲得更有效之利用,使得人類擁有高品質的生活環境。 / There are manifold services, in order to fulfill people’s physical and mental needs. Through the continuous development of high technique, people will live in the environment surrounding e-services in the future. In this environment, it is hart for everyone to understand all e-services and choose a service to fulfill selves multiple needs. Therefore, the paper presents a decision mechanism which providing suitable e-service suggestion for everyone when they have multiple needs, considering the using utility of resources include tangible and intangible, and different preferences and interests for different people. This paper’s applying environment satisfies the three general properties of organized anarchies of “Garbage Can Model”. However, the decision method in garbage can model is not suitable to individual. The most important part of the paper is an intelligent agent, based on garbage can model theory but modify it appropriately. This intelligent agent uses two phase decision process. First phase, use a task-chosen algorism considering resource utility and AH-learning in reinforcement learning. Second phase, use the architecture of BDI agent. This paper presents a decision strategy providing e-service suggestion, and expects to promote innovative application services and use resource effectively. Finally, all people will enjoy high quality life.


廖宜彥 Unknown Date (has links)
根據環保署統計得知92年平均每人每日垃圾產生量為0.901公斤,該年垃圾總產量約為736萬公噸,清除處理廢棄物的方法,除了過去在各鄉鎮設置垃圾掩埋場,將廢棄物當地掩埋外,還有就是興建垃圾焚化廠來替代垃圾掩埋場,以減少取得垃圾掩埋場用地的困難。雖然傳統的公營、民營的一般掩埋場與衛生掩埋場則逐年減少,但仍高達了千座以上,全台各鄉鎮幾乎皆可看見。 因為垃圾處理設施的存在,令人覺得居家週遭的生活環境不寧適。廢棄物與其他環境介質之聯結有很大的相關性,單純針對廢棄物本身所造成的污染損害進行質損估算,是困難度較高的工作。但是垃圾處理設施本身所造成不寧適感受的損害並不包含在這些相關帳表中,而可以使用損害評估法的方式加以估算表示,因此本研究之目的在於調查垃圾處理設施帶給人們不寧適感受的質損。 此種不寧適的污染損害與賠償並不存在市場交易,無法藉由市場上的供給與需求來反應民眾所遭受的質損,因此本研究採用假設市場價值評估法(contingent valuation method)之問卷的方式,調查民眾願意改善環境品質的願付價值(willingness to pay)與願意接受環境惡化的情況下,願意接受的補償價值(willingness to accept),民眾的WTP/WTA可視為受損害的環境價值,即為廢棄物處理設施所可能產生的質損。 / The producing amount of the one’s rubbish was 0.901 kilograms every day in 2003 according to the statistics in the Environmental Protection Administration. Total output of rubbish is about 7,360,000 metric tons that year. The method of cleaning the rubbish is building landfills and incinerators in every county. But now it is hard to get the specific land to build landfill, and the government policy is that an incinerator substitute for the all landfills in a county. Though the public and private landfills decrease gradually every year, it still had several thousand landfills in Taiwan. Because of the existence of the rubbish treatment facilities, it always makes the living environment of the surrounding area at home not feel peaceful and lose amenity. The purpose of this research lies in investigating the damage that the rubbish treatment facilities cause non-amenity to people. These kinds of pollution damage and compensation do not exist the market. We can’t use the supply, demand and price in the market to response the non-amenity damage of the feeling of Residents. So our research takes the survey to investigate how much resident would be willing to pay for improving the environment amenity and willing to accept for worsening the environment amenity. The people's WTP/WTA can be regarded as the value of the environmental damage from the rubbish treatment facilities.

大型企業資訊安全實務研究 / A Research into Information Security Case Study of Large-Scale Firms

金慶柏, Chin,Robert CP Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討大型企業的資訊安全案例。在二十一世紀的今天,資訊系統及電腦資產對組織的成功更加重要,所以務必防止它們遭受遺失、竄改或毀滅的風險。資訊安全是保護資料、資訊遭受意外或有意的誤用的一種過程,不論是被組織內或組織外的人,包括員工、外包的顧問或網路上的駭客。資訊安全是組織中很策略的一環,不光是也不應是資訊部門一己的責任。 依據Datamonitor的估計,美國企業一年在資訊安全漏洞上至少損失美金一百五十億元。根據電腦安全學院(Computer Security Institute, CSI)及聯邦調查局(Federal Bureau of Intelligence, FBI)2004年的問卷調查顯示百分之四十九的企業曾發生個人電腦失竊的案例。依據IronPort的估計,一年前每年約有三百億封垃圾郵件,現在則激增至五百五十億封垃圾郵件。時至今日,對於資訊安全的主要威脅不是來自於組織外的駭客、病毒或蠕蟲,而是組織內的個人。不論組織內的個人是有意或無意地違反資訊安全的政策和規定,其後果可能相當嚴重,小至組織形象受損、業務損失,大至官司纏身或巨額罰款。 根據紐約時報2006年的報導:臺灣的高科技公司佔有全球半導體晶圓專工產業百分之七十的市佔率,百分之四十的半導體封裝市場,百分之五十的半導體測試市場,百分之八十的電腦主機板市場,百分之七十二的筆記本電腦代工市場,百分之六十八的LCD螢幕市場。我們如何繼續保持在全球市場上的領先地位?我們仍然得繼續在研究發展、生產製造及全球運籌上加碼投資。然而,在全球經濟之下,如何透過執行一套安全的、全球的及穩定的資訊網路及基礎架構以提供客戶更好的服務更是必要的。 對每一位資訊長或資安長而言,資訊安全永遠是他最關心的前三大議題之一。資訊安全當然是說比做容易,正確導入與永續執行才是根本。花錢購買資訊安全設備是相對簡單的。知道要保護什麼,如何保護以及要控制什麼就沒有那麼簡單了。在真實的商業世界裡,基於家醜不外揚,鮮有公司願意分享或公佈它資訊安全上的弱點及缺點。本論文的主要目的有二:一是研究業界最新的資訊安全標準及資訊安全供應商的看法,例如: 1. 國際標準組織(International Standard Organization, ISO)17799。 2. 英國標準組織(British Standard Institute, BS)7799。 3. 國際商業機器股份有限公司(International Business Machines, IBM)的資訊安全計劃。 4. 惠普股份有限公司(HP)及Information Security System公司的資訊安全稽核機制。 5. 微軟股份有限公司(Microsoft)。 二是提供一些真實的成功案例以提供給其他有興趣的組織作為參考。從結論發現,我們可藉由改善核心業務流程,去建造新的資訊安全系統,去運營一個可長治久安的實體與虛擬的環境,並強化公司的知識管理及傳承 / In the twenty-first century, information system and computing assets are more critical to organization’s success, and as a result, must be protected from loss, modification or destruction. Information security is the process of protecting data / information from accidental or intentional misuse by person inside or outside of an organization, including employee, consultants, and hackers. Information security is a strategic part of an organization, not just the issue of Management Information System, MIS, or Information Technology, IT, department. According to “Datamonitor”, US$ 15 billion, at least, cost of information security breaches to United States businesses in one year. From the survey of Computer Security Institute, CSI, and Federal Bureau of Intelligence, FBI, in 2004, 49% of companies experienced notebook Personal Computer theft. According to IronPort, there are 55 billion spam e-mail per year right now, compared with 30 billion spam e-mail yearly. Today, the largest threat to information security is not the typical hacker, virus or worm, but the corporate insider. Whether insiders violate data security policies in advertently or with maliciously, the result can expose the company to public embarrassment, lost business, costly lawsuit, and regulatory fines. Taiwanese high-technology companies have 70% market share of worldwide semiconductor foundry business, 40% share of semiconductor package segment, 50% share of semiconductor testing, 80% of computer motherboard, 72% share of notebook PC, 68% of LCD monitor --- New York Times, 2006. How can we keep maintaining the leading positions around the globe? To invest in R&D, manufacturing, and global logistics is key. However, how to implement a secure, global and reliable IT network and infrastructure to server customers better is a must under current global economy. To every Chief Information Officer, CIO, or Chief Security Officer, CSO, Information security is always one of the top 3 to-do list. Information security is easy to talk about. But, implementations and executions are where talk must turn into action. Purchasing security device is easy. Knowing how and what to protect ad what controls to put in place is a bit more difficult. In the real commercial world, no one or company would like to share or release its weakness to the public. The objective of this thesis is to study most updated information security industry standard and information security suppliers’ view, like: 1. International Standard Organization, ISO, 17799. 2. British Standard Institute’s BS 7799. 3. IBM’s Information Security Program, ISP. 4. HP & Information Security Systems’ Information Security Audit Mechanism, ISAM. 5. Microsoft Also to provide a real successful case / framework for other companies to ensure a consistent, enterprise-wide information security focus is maintained across organization boundaries. In conclusion, this information security study proposes to transfer core business process, to build information security new applications, to run a scalable, available, secure environment, and to leverage firms’ knowledge and information.

利用剖面織入技術偵測Java程式中的記憶體漏失 / Aspect-Based Instrumentation for Locating

陳鉅秉, Chen,Ju-Bing Unknown Date (has links)
Despite the built-in garbage collector, Java programs can still suffer the memory leak problem resulted from the unhealthy programming style of retaining unwanted references. This paper presents an aspect-based tool for assisting programmers in locating such references to fix the problem. This tool, FindLeaks, utilizes an aspect to collect memory consumption statistics and object references created during a program’s execution and analyzes them for detecting memory leaks. The distinctive feature of FindLeaks is that it reports not only suspected classes of leaked objects but also where in the source the unwanted references were created. Besides, this paper also reports our experience with FindLeaks on three open source Java programs and how we enhanced it to lower its overhead.

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