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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國大學圖書館館員在職訓練模式之研究 / A study of the staff-training model in Taiwan's university libraries.

黃坤隆, Hwang, Kuen Lung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的有三:(一)調查我國大學圖書館館員在職訓練之內容與方式。(二)探討美國有關圖書館館員在職訓練之模式。(三)針對我國大學圖書館館員在職訓練之模式提出建議,供有關單位參考。   本研究係普查我國台灣地區五十所大學圖書館,以五十位館長為研究對象。採用自編的「我國大學圖書館館員在職訓練模式之研究」調查問卷為研究工具。並以FREQUENCY PERCENT分析大學圖書館現況,以CHI-SQUARE考驗本研究之各項假設驗證。   本研究依據研究結果,提出以下之意見。(一)、增加館員的員額以充裕人力資源,並定期或經常為其舉辦在職訓練,以影響大學的教學與研究功能之發揮。(二)、採用自動化作業,以提升服務品質,加速資料之處理。所以,應該經常不斷的辦理在職訓練,以配合圖書館自動化之發展。(三)、招募策略方面:若採內升方式,應進行在職訓練;若採外補方式,則應以對外公開招考為宜;晉升的標準,應由學校統一訂定晉升辦法。(四)、訓練經費方面:1、參加訓練費用,應完全由館方負擔;2、經費比例應寬列,每年以不低於5%為原則。但是,若正在進行自動化作業,則其館員之訓練經費比例,應酌予提高。(五)、訓練經驗方面:1、以配合業務發展為主。2、訓練需求:各大學圖書館多具強烈的在職訓練之需求,希有關單位能給予機會。3、訓練類別:應辦理編目館員訓練、光碟(CD-ROM)訓練、個人電腦訓練、網路訓練、圖書館綜合訓練、圖書館流通訓練、參考與採錄訓練、公用目錄(OPAC)等。4、辦理訓練方式:以自己館內訓練的方式為主,其次為:參加中國圖書館學會的訓練課程、指派館員參加其他訓練中心訓練班之訓練、委託廠商(vendor)代訓、補助館員自己進修、委託學校或政府訓練中心代訓。5、訓練方法:以參加短期管理訓練或講習為主,其次則可採用:實作示範法與館際相互訪問法、講述法、討論法、工作輪調法、練習法、個案研究、角色扮演法與自學教材法(如CAI)等。6、施訓時間:應利用寒暑假及上班時間。7、師資來源:宜由館內經驗豐富的資深館員指導新進館員訓練外,其次,對有關專業知識與技術,則應聘請專家學者。(六)、訓練成效方面:結訓時應撰寫心得報告。

電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式應用於大學圖書館之研究 / E-Metrics Assessment Model for the Study of Electronic Journals in University Libraries

張慈玲, Chang,Tze-ling Unknown Date (has links)
由於電子資源蓬勃興起,大學圖書館紛紛引進以滿足師生教學研究之需求,然同時預算規模卻未見增加,加以電子資源市場,尤其是電子期刊部份,每年皆以平均7%~10%漲幅成長,使得圖書館對電子期刊使用及其效益,需要有更清楚的了解與掌握,透過衡量網路化服務與資源品質的方法,除可作為圖書館人員決策參考,並能提供有利的理由以尋求經費支援。 本研究目的希能探討電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑相關理論與研究,以ARL E-Metrics計畫為基礎,對大學圖書館電子期刊提出績效評鑑模式芻議與實證分析。採用研究方法為文獻分析法、深度訪談法與電子計量(E-Metrics)分析法,以國立臺灣大學館藏西文電子期刊為對象進行研究。 經訪談與實證資料分析結果,本研究確認了館藏導向電子期刊的績效評鑑的目的、歸納出電子期刊資源與服務評鑑的程序及方法,並建構大學圖書館電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式與要件,包含電子期刊資源、使用、成本與績效四大類型,合計14項指標,同時並獲得具體電子期刊績效評鑑結果,確認國內大學圖書館進行電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式之可行性。 最後,本研究根據結論,建議可以質化方式進行電子期刊評鑑研究,以獲得對電子期刊資源的全面性瞭解,並對電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式與指標、資料蒐集方式等提出建議。而對於未來研究方向,建議可從朝以下四方面努力:(1)進行網路資源與服務導向電子期刊評鑑模式之研究;(2)開發電子期刊使用統計管理軟體;(3)進行電子期刊成本經濟學研究;(4)進行電子期刊使用紀錄分析之評鑑研究。 / Due to the fast growth of electronic resources, it has become a trend for university libraries to acquire such resources to meet the research needs for their users. The expenditures libraries have to spend for electronic resources, especially that for electronic journals have been raised at average rate of 7% to 10% each year. However, the yearly budget for libraries never has been increased as much. It thus has become important for libraries to identify the real usage of and institutional research outcomes from the acquired electronic journals. The assessment of networked information service and resources quality of it is useful for acquisition decision-making. If there is a positive assessment result, then it will also provide justification for seeking budget support. The purpose of this study is to conduct an empirical study so as to enable formulating an assessment model for electronic journals a library has subscribed. The author firstly explores the theories and researches for the application of E-Metrics as assessment model for electronic journals. Taking the ARL E-Metrics project as a referential model, the author combines literature review, in-depth interview, and E-metrics in the research methodology to do researches about the western-language electronic journals subscribed by the National Taiwan University Library. This study has resulted in very useful assessment statistics for electronic journals. From analyzing the data collected from interviews and the related empirical study, the author is able to verify the purpose of assessment for electronic journals under collection development policy, to formulate procedures and methodology for the assessment of electronic journal resource and, the services based on it, to find out necessary components for E-Metrics assessment model for university libraries which comprises of fourteen indicators of four major criteria of (1) e-journal resources (2) its usage (3) its cost and (4) performance from it. The author concludes that the E-Metrics model is good for university libraries to assess their acquired electronic journals. Based on the findings of this study, the author recommends qualitative research to be the more adequate approach for the assessment of electronic journals and proposed the following four areas for future research: (1) investigation of Internet resources and assessment model for electronic journals under the library’s service policy (2) development of statistics and management tools for the subscribed electronic journals (3) cost study of electronic journals from economics point of view (4) analytical study of access logs of electronic journals.

大學圖書館電子資源服務品質評鑑:以國立政治大學為例 / Service Quality Evaluation of Electronic Resources at University Libraries:A Case Study of National Chengchi University

李函儒, Lee, Han Ju Unknown Date (has links)
電子資源館藏與服務在目前的大學圖書館佔有重要地位,大量且廣泛使用的對象為教師與研究生。雖然電子資源受到使用者的喜愛,但是也帶來許多複雜問題,因此,有必要從使用者的角度針對大學圖書館電子資源進行服務品質評鑑研究,有助於圖書館管理者未來發展出更符合使用者期待的電子資源服務。本研究之研究目的包含以下幾點:(1)探討大學教師與研究生對於圖書館電子資源服務的認知、重要性及使用現況;(2)探討電子資源服務品質評鑑意涵及可評鑑項目;(3)建構電子資源服務品質評鑑指標與測量工具;(4)實施電子資源服務品質評鑑以改善其服務品質,進而提供最佳電子資源服務。 本研究透過焦點團體法具體建構出大學圖書館電子資源服務品質評鑑指標,共包含三個構面與28項指標,訪談結果亦作為發展問卷之基礎。為確保指標的可行性,研究者實際發放問卷予政治大學的教師與研究生,獲得以下結論:(1)網路使用時間會影響使用者使用圖書館電子資源的頻率;(2)使用者使用圖書館中文資料庫的使用率明顯高於西文資料庫;(3)使用者使用圖書館資料庫的主要目的為「學術研究」與「課業學習」;(4)「圖書館電子資源指南」與「圖書館學術資源探索系統」為使用者查找圖書館電子資源的主要管道;(5)使用者的圖書館資料庫檢索方式以「基本檢索」與「進階檢索」為主;(6)使用者偏好將電子期刊或電子書列印紙本閱讀;(7)使用者肯定圖書館電子資源對於「完成論文計畫書/論文」、「完成作業/報告」、「提升學術研究效益」的價值;(8)沒有圖書館資料庫推廣活動參與經驗的使用者高達六成;(9)使用者認為圖書館最重要的電子資源服務為電子資源的全文提供與權威性;(10)使用者認為圖書館最滿意的電子資源服務為電子資源的權威性;(11)使用者認為圖書館最不重要的電子資源服務為館員回應線上諮詢服務的速度、館員對於使用者電子資源需求的掌握;(12)使用者認為圖書館最需要改進的電子資源服務為電子資源的全文提供、電子資源網站取得全文的易用性;(13)整體滿意度尚待提升,政大圖書館應著重電子資源館藏的提供。 針對所獲得的研究結果,本研究提出幾點建議:(1)圖書館應深入了解教師及研究生的需求,充實電子資源館藏的數量與品質;(2)在電子資源網站上放置清楚的圖示或連結、提供完整的資料庫說明;(3)圖書館與資料庫廠商應定期舉辦使用者滿意度調查;(4)配合課程提供教師相關的資料庫清單與資料庫講習訊息、提前於暑假期間針對碩一生開設電子資源基本搜尋課程。 / Electronic resources collections and services occupy an important position in current university libraries, a large number of teachers and graduate students use them widely. Although electronic resources are popular with users, they also bring a lot of complex issues. Therefore, it is necessary to use point of views of users to conduct service quality evaluation for electronic resources in university libraries. It can help library managers to develop electronic resources services more in line with user expectations in the future. This research has four purposes: (1) to investigate the cognitive, the importance and current use of library electronic resources services for teachers and graduate students ; (2) to explore implications and availability of electronic resources service quality evaluation; (3) to construct indicators and measurement tools of electronic resources service quality evaluation; (4) to implement electronic resources service quality evaluation to improve service quality, then providing the better electronic resources services. This paper had formed focus groups to construct electronic resources service quality evaluation structure which is including three dimensions and 28 indicators. Interview results also use as a basis for the development of questionnaires. In order to ensure the feasibility of indicators, questionnaires have been collected from teachers and graduate students of National Chengchi University, and obtained the following conclusions: (1) Internet usage will influence the use frequency of library electronic resources; (2) the usage of Chinese databases significantly higher than the Western languages databases; (3) the main purpose of the library users to use databases are “academic research” and “learning”; (4) “E-Resource Gateway” and “Discovery Services System” are main channels of users to find the library electronic resources; (5) “Basic Search” and “Advanced Search” are main retrieval methods of library databases of users; (6) users prefer print out electronic journals or e-books to read; (7) users affirm Library electronic resources are good for the value of “complete proposal and thesis”, “finish homework and report”, and “enhance effectiveness of academic research”; (8) users who did not participate in promotional activities of library databases up to 60%; (9) users consider the most important electronic resources services are full text and authority of electronic resources; (10) users consider the most satisfying electronic resource services is authority of electronic resources; (11) users consider the least important electronic resources services are response speed of online consulting services of librarians and grasping of user requirements of electronic resources of librarians; (12 ) users consider provide full-text of electronic resources and the usability to get the full-text in electronic resource websites are electronic resources services that most need to improve; (13) overall satisfaction has yet to improve, National Chengchi University Library should focus on providing electronic resources collections. According to the research results, this paper also proposed several suggestions: (1) the library should understand the needs of teachers and graduate students, and enrich the quantity and quality of electronic resources collections; (2) the library should place a clear icon or link in electronic resource websites, to provide complete descriptions of databases; (3) the library and database vendors should conduct user satisfaction surveys regularly; (4) the library should provide teachers with related databases lists and databases workshops messages, and offer basic search courses of electronic resources during summer vacation for freshmen in master’s program.

大學圖書館「學習共享空間」服務品質指標建構之研究 / Developing the service quality assessment indicators for Learning Commons at University Libraries

侯淳凡, Hou, Chun Fan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著數位科技快速發展,大學的學生在校園內的各種學習需求變的多元,而校園的中心觀念也從教育(Teaching)轉變為學習(Learning),學習共享空間(Learning Commons)隨之成為大學圖書館的重要服務,它代表了大學圖書館的創新與轉型。在這個空間內,館方提供充足的設施以及各種科技工具與服務,讓使用者可進行各種學習活動。學習共享空間從資訊共享空間演變而來,發展至今已有20年的歷史,而臺灣的大學圖書館自2005年臺灣師範大學圖書館興建「SMILE 多元學習區」後,多所學校皆已在圖書館內建置學習共享空間。一項計畫須經由評鑑才能知道其目標達成與否,本研究將利用焦點團體法針對「學習共享空間」進行評鑑指標的建構與修訂,再針對各校的學習共享空間進行實際的評鑑,評估其表現與滿意度。 本研究的研究目的有五點:(一)探討大學圖書館學習共享空間的意涵與發展現況。(二)探討圖書館學習共享空間評鑑方法,建構適合的服務品質評鑑指標。(三)探討大學的學生在校園中的需求與希望圖書館提供的服務。(四)探討大學的學生對於圖書館學習共享空間的使用與滿意度,以期了解學習共享空間服務的效益。(五)分析使用與評鑑結果,做為圖書館學習共享空間未來改進之參考。 為獲得研究結果,本研究透過焦點團體法獲得臺灣的學習共享空間意涵,同時焦點團體參與者也認同利用服務品質評鑑方法來進行學習共享空間的評鑑,具體建構出3個評鑑構面、23個指標與評鑑問卷,做為本研究的評鑑工具。為確保指標的可用性,本問卷實際發放臺灣師範大學與政治大學圖書館學習共享空間,獲得以下結論:(一)網路使用頻率影響二校使用者實際進入圖書館的次數。(二)使用者認可圖書館的學習價值(三)使用者最常使用科技設備。(四)使用者認為學習共享空間最重要的服務為舒適的環境與資源的提供、(五)使用者認為最滿意的服務為服務人員的態度與回應。(六)使用者認為最需改進的部分為區隔討論區與自習區。(七)學習共享空間整體滿意度尚待提升,圖書館仍應著重資源的提供。 針對所獲得的研究結果,本研究也提出幾點建議,首先要提升學習共享空間的共識與認知,並增加其理念宣傳,才能讓更多的潛在使用者得知學習共享空間的存在價值。建造舒適的環境固然,資源提供的重要性仍不可偏廢,未來可增設數位資源學習設備與教材,並增加討論空間,但同時要明確區隔討論區與自習區,以符合臺灣使用者特性。學習共享空間強調一站購足的整合服務,單靠圖書館一己之力無法達成,應促進跨組織合作,提供資訊指導與教學指導等多元服務,期望能滿足使用者的各種需求。

從著作權法探討學術圖書館參與Google Book Search 計畫之研究 / Study on Academic Libraries Join the Google Book Search Project under Copyright Law

陳泓翔, Chen, Hong Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在從著作權法探討國外大學圖書館參與GBS計畫之動機、內涵與著作權法問題,藉以瞭解數位圖書館相關的數位著作權法;並以深度訪談方式探究我國學術圖書館對GBS計畫之意義與價值,以及合理性與問題。本研究以文獻分析瞭解相關數位著作權議題,從個案研究中瞭解國外大學圖書館的觀點與做法,最後以深度訪談瞭解我國學術圖書館對其看法與意願。 本研究結論可歸納以下:(1)數位圖書館計畫相關之著作權主要在於有無授權、重製、公開傳輸與合理使用的議題上;(2)英美圖書館參與GBS計畫具有相當理由與動機;(3)英美圖書館參與GBS計畫採取全部、部分混合與無著作權模式;(4)英美圖書館考量著作權,而採取合理使用限制措施;(5)英美圖書館參與GBS計畫有制定其數位化程序與責任;(6)國外作者與出版社對於GBS計畫所侵犯的權利為重製、散布與展示;(7)我國學術圖書館對於參與GBS計畫看法兩極;(8)我國學術圖書館參與GBS計畫擔憂涉及著作權問題;(9)我國圖書館認為參與GBS計畫部分合法性不足;(10)我國學術圖書館對參與GBS計畫傾向採取無著作權保護之著作模式。 最後建議為:(1)政府宜制訂法定數位送存制度;(2)大學或圖書館應設置有關著作權管理權責中心以利處理智慧財產權問題;(3)Google應強化安全保護措施機制與保證,以維護其形象;(4)Google應積極與作家與出版社協商對談以及取得授權來降低爭議;(5)對著作權權利人之建議應勇於嘗試新的商業模式。 / The purpose of this study is to analyze the reasons that why foreign university libraries join the Google Book Search Library Project and copyright issues, so that conclude the issues related digital copyright law in digital library. Furthermore, the study used interviews for investigating the meaning, value, and legitimate issues of GBS Library Project from the viewpoint of academic libraries in Taiwan. According to the literature review, the study clarified digital copyright issues. In addition, the study obtained the views of foreign university libraries toward GBS Library Project by case studies. Finally, the study used interviews to understand the opinions of GBS Library Project from academic libraries in Taiwan. The results of the study are summarized below: (1)The key copyright issues that related to related to Digital Library Project are copyright authorization, reproduction, the fair use, and the right to public transmission. (2)There are legitimacies and motivations for UK and USA libraries participate in GBS Library Project. (3)There are three models that adopted by UK and USA libraries for participating in GBS: all collection or part of collection and no copyright works to scan. (4)Considering copyright issues, UK and USA libraries take reasonable measures to restrict the use of digital copies. (5)UK and USA libraries contract with Google for its procedures and responsibility. (6)Foreign authors and publishers consider that GBS is accused of violating for their rights of the reproduce, distribute and display. (7)The academic libraries in Taiwan have bipolar view for joining GBS. (8)The academic libraries in Taiwan worry about copyright issues for joining GBS. (9)The academic libraries in Taiwan consider that the GBS project is lack of legitimacy to join it. (10)If the academic libraries in Taiwan join the GBS project, they would be inclined to put in out-of-copyright works. Based on the final results of this study, several suggestions are as follow:(1)Government should establish a legal policy of digital deposit, (2)University or library should set up a copyright management center which has right and responsibility to deal with intellectual property rights issues; (3)Google should strengthen safety measures and guarantee mechanisms to protect it’s image. (4)In order to reduce the controversy, Google should consult with the authors and publishers actively to obtain authorization (5)The copyright owners should be willing to try a new business model.

從體育研究生資訊需求探討館藏使用與滿意度研究 / Study on Library Collections Use and Satisfaction from Perspectives of Information Needs for Sport Graduate Students

洪妃, Hung, Fei Unknown Date (has links)
研究生學習主要目的為完成課堂作業,準備課程討論、講習、研討會,或蒐集資料以供撰寫論文研究之需求,其次,體育領域研究生對於「增加體育專業能力」和「職場專業延伸」方面的需求也佔重要比例。為了達成上述目的,研究生會有需要到圖書館使用館藏服務以滿足任務需求。而圖書館所提供的館藏服務包含:圖書、期刊、電子書、電子期刊、資料庫與視聽資料等。本研究利用訪談法針對「體育研究生對館藏服務滿意度」進行評鑑指標的建構與修訂,以國立體育大學研究生進行問卷調查,評估其對館藏服務的重要性與滿意度。 本研究的研究目的有四點:(一) 探討體育研究生資訊需求與資訊尋求行為。(二)探討體育研究生館藏使用現況與支援資訊需求之情形。(三)探討體育研究生實體館藏與電子館藏使用現況與滿意度。(四)從體育研究生對館藏使用重要性與滿意度之落差,針對不滿意地方,提供改善館藏之參考。 為獲得研究結果,本研究透過訪談法具體建構出三個評鑑構面、23個指標為滿意度問卷,做為體育研究生對圖書館館藏服務滿意度的評鑑工具。本問卷對國立體育大學全體研究生實際發放問卷調查,獲得以下結論:(一) 體育研究生來自多元的背景特質。(二) 體育研究生資訊需求以課業需要、撰寫論文為主;體育研究生最常使用的館藏服務是圖書借閱。(三) 體育研究生館藏使用是電子期刊、資料庫及圖書。(四) 體育研究生需要的支援是方便的校外連線及便利的網站設計。(五) 體育大學研究生對圖書館滿意度低。(六) 體育研究生對圖書館館藏有高度期待。 針對所獲得的研究結果,本研究也提出幾點建議:(一) 可藉由調整西文電子期刊訂購類別,以及要求跨資料庫整合平台的廠商改進搜尋資料的正確性和精準度,及擴充免費電子資源的範圍,以解決西文電子期刊不足的問題,。(二) 圖書館最需要改進的館藏服務為電子資源的全文提供,和電子資源網站取得全文的易用性。(三) 圖書資源應增加新穎性與多元性,請老師介入推荐圖書,提供新穎及符合研究生需求的最新圖書資源。(四) 依使用需求來改善圖書館檢索系的使用者介面。(五) 建置有彈性的教育訓練課程。 / A graduate student’s major task is to study for completion of course works, for preparations during graduate programs, workshops and seminars, and for data collection and technique for research papers written requirements. Moreover, the following two requirements are also accounted for a significant proportion to a graduate student who concentrates on the field of sport. The first one is how to increase the physical professional competence. And the second one is how to extend the professional career. To achieve the purposes mentioned above, graduate students will need to use library collections and services to meet the study requirements. And these library collections and services include books, journals, e-books, e-journals, databases, audio-visual materials, and so on. In this study, the interview survey is used to build the evaluation crtirea and modification for the sport graduate student’s satisfaction on the library collections and services. The process is firstable to interview and design a questionnaire for the National Taiwan Sport University (NTSU) graduate students. And then, it is to collect, analyze, evaluate, and summarize the importance and satisfaction of the library collections and services from the sport graduate students. There are four purposes in this study. The first is to investigate the information needs and information-seeking behavior of sport graduate students. The second is to probe the library usage status and support information needs of sport graduate students. The third is to understand the needs and desires of physical collections and electronic holdings using the current situation and satisfaction by sport graduate students in the NTSU library. The fourth is to come up with an improvement plan for the library collections and services on the subject matter of sport research based on the results of interview survey highlighted importence gap and satisfaction gap usage by the sport graduate students. In order to attain the research results, a survey questionnaire has formed based on the methodology of interview survey to evaluate sport graduate students concerning library satisfaction, use, and importence. The design of questionnaire has considered three facets that include collection content, collection service and collection application value. And the questionnaire consisted of twenty three indicators to survey totally service satisfaction. The surveys are sent to all NTSU graduate students. Results are as shown below. A. Sport graduate students have diverse background. B. Information needs required from sport graduate students are mainly for completing course assignments and for writing papers. The most commonly used item of library collection service is to borrow books. C. The top priorities of library collection used by sport graduate students are in order of e-journal, database, and book. D. The most concerns of the assistance from library service required by sport graduate students are convenience of campus computer network connectivety and suitable design of website page. E. About 40% of sport graduate students have low satisfaction on the library collection. F. Sport graduate students have high expectations of library collection. According to the research resuls, several suggestions are made to improve the library collection and service on the subject matter of sport research. They are as shown below. A. Adjust purchased categories of west e-journals, and request the electronic resources meta-search system provider to improve the correctness and the accuracy of the keyword search and expand free e-journal repositories to resolve the shortage issue of west e-journals. B. The capability and usability of full-text download from electronic resources needs to be improved right away. C. Request teaching professors to joint the library collection acquistion committee and to provide their review comments and suggestions, make sure the collections always keep up with the sport graduate students’ needs as much as possible. D. The user interface of library search system needs to be improved to comply with the requirements of usability. E. The library instruction shall be adaptive to all fields of departments and schools.

大學圖書館網站首頁讀者視覺注意力之眼動 分析研究 / Assessing User’s Visual Attention on University Library Web Page with Eye Tracking Technology

林惠卿, Lin, Hui Ching Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的普及,促使大學圖書館紛紛建立網站服務讀者。目前國內各大專院校圖書館網站的建置已達到百分之百,網頁成為行銷各校學術資源最直接快速的管道,而圖書館網頁也利用廣告吸引讀者對於活動訊息的注意。目前國內大學圖書館網站中,並非每個學校均設有廣告來傳播重要的訊息給讀者,即使擁有廣告也是呈現位置不一。在設計上,大學圖書館網站首頁廣告應與整體版面搭配,以引起讀者視覺關注,並達透過廣告成功行銷圖書館資源與活動的目的;而以圖書館行銷的角度考量,惟有促使圖書館網站首頁的廣告被有效注意與理解,才能達到成功行銷廣告內容的目的。 本研究採用真實驗研究法(true-experiment research method),結合網頁視覺設計相關理論對於讀者目光注意力的吸引原則,以及視覺元素之間如何影響讀者的視覺行為為基礎,設計出三種內容相同但廣告放置於不同位置之圖書館網站首頁,比較讀者視覺注意力行為的差異,並以國立中正大學大學部學生五十四名為研究對象,利用「眼球追蹤儀器」(eye tracker)收集受試者眼動指標資料,並進行廣告傳達內容之記憶效應檢測,以及實驗後輔以問卷調查與訪談,探討大學圖書館網站首頁的廣告位置對於讀者視覺注意力及記憶效應的影響。 研究結果發現,讀者在三種不同廣告圖片位置之眼動訊息、記憶效應、瀏覽順序、整體印象滿意度均具有顯著差異。研究結果歸納如下: 一、讀者在廣告置上版面具有較多的注視次數,但是在廣告置左版面則具有較多的視覺停駐。 二、讀者在三種不同廣告位置版面之廣告內容的記憶效應具有顯著差異,廣告圖片位置置左版面具有最佳之記憶效應。 三、讀者在廣告置左版面之廣告內容的記憶效應與眼動指標之「平均注視時間」具有顯著關聯性,其他兩種版面則均無顯著關聯。 四、讀者在三種不同廣告位置版面之其他讀者服務項目所定義興趣區的眼動指標具有顯著差異,廣告置左版面讀者服務項目具有較為平均之視覺分布。 五、讀者在三種不同廣告位置版面之瀏覽順序具有差異,廣告置左版面之廣告較能引起讀者的優先注視。 六、讀者在三種不同廣告位置版面之圖書館網站首頁的整體印象具有顯著差異,廣告置左版面獲得較高的評價;其中版面在「簡單的」、「不散亂的」、「可靠信任的」、「引人注目的」等項目上均顯著高於廣告置右與廣告置上版面。 綜合本研究之研究結果,建議圖書館應善用置左廣告位置提升圖書館行銷相關訊息之目的。此外,圖書館網站首頁應重視視覺元素編排對於版面整體印象的提升效應。圖書館網頁編排也應善用接近性與相似性原則,使得版面呈現具一致性。 / The popularity of the Internet has pushed university libraries establishing websites to serve readers. The establishment of domestic university library websites has currently reached 100%, web pages become the most direct and rapid channels to market the academic resources, and advertisement on the library web pages is utilized for attracting readers’ attention to activities. So far, not all domestic university library websites are established advertisement for propagating important information to readers; even though there is advertisement, the presentation positions are distinct. In terms of the design, advertisement on the index page of a university library website should match the entire layout so as to appeal readers’ visual saliency and successfully market the library resources and activities. In consideration of library marketing, merely advertisement on the index page of a library website being effectively noticed and comprehended could the successful marketing be achieved. With true-experiment research method, the visual design of web pages to attract readers’ attention in this study is integrated with the effects of visual elements on readers’ visual behaviors to design three identical advertising contents which are placed in different positions on the index page of the library website in order to compare the difference in readers’ visual attention. Furthermore, 54 undergraduate students in National Chung Cheng University are selected as the research participants. An Eye Tracker is utilized for collecting the participants’ eye-tracking indicators, and the memory effect of the advertisement is tested. Furthermore, the questionnaire survey and interviews are proceeded to discuss the effects of advertising position on the index page of a university library website on readers’ visual attention and memory effect. The research findings show that the readers present significant difference on the eye-tracking information, memory effect, browsing order, and overall satisfaction of the three advertisement positions. The research results are concluded as follows. 1.The readers appear more attention on top-layout advertisement, but stay the vision more on left-layout advertisement. 2.The readers reveal remarkable difference on memory effect of advertisement among three advertisement positions, where the optimal memory effect appears on the left-layout advertisement. 3.The readers show significant correlations between memory effect of left-layout advertisement and the eye-tracking indicator of Average Fixation Time, while the rest two layouts do not show notable correlations. 4.The readers show remarkable difference on the eye-tracking indicator of interests defined in other reader service items of three advertisement layouts; the reader service items on the left-layout advertisement appear more average visual distribution. 5.The readers reveal distinct browsing orders on the three advertisement positions; the left-layout advertisement could better appeal the readers’ prior attention. 6.The readers show significantly different impression on the index page of the library website with three advertising positions; the left-layout advertisement acquires higher appraisal, where the items of Simple, Not Disordered, Reliable, Attention Attractive reveal higher appraisal than right-layout and top-layout advertisement. Summing up the research results, the libraries are suggested to well apply left-layout advertisement to enhance the marketing information. What is more, the index page of a library website should focus on the layout of visual elements to promote the overall impression. The layout of library web pages should also well apply the principles of proximity and similarity to present the consistency.


黃慧娟, Huang, Hui-Jan Unknown Date (has links)
由於數位時代來臨,網路科技興盛,人類生活中許多事物漸漸被數位化、電子化的產品所包圍或取代,資訊和服務更透過網路的便利性快速傳達。而圖書館館藏類型也隨著這股潮流與需求的影響產生了相當大的轉變。其中大量的電子資訊資源進入圖書館,不但改變了館藏的類型、服務的形式、館員專業技能的培訓、圖書館軟硬體設備等,也改變了圖書館在採購經費上的分配。網路行銷是目前國內外電子商務大量應用的新行銷模式,而圖書館也逐漸注意應用網路進行館藏資訊與服務的行銷。 本研究主要目的在探討國內網路行銷在大學圖書館電子資訊服務之應用,瞭解大學圖書館應用網路進行圖書館電子資訊服務的行銷現況,以及從研究結果中擬定出適用於圖書館電子資訊服務網路行銷之模式。 本研究採用文獻分析法與深度訪談法,參考蒐集之國內外文獻,進行圖書館與網路行銷理論的歸納整理,撰寫出圖書館網路行銷理論,並以此一理論架構作為設計訪談問題綱要之基礎。 本研究發現,大學圖書館電子資訊資源與電子資訊服務的類型豐富且多元。目前圖書館應用了許多網路行銷之工具進行電子資訊服務的行銷推廣,例如:網站、e-mail、BBS、電子報、線上學習等,但多未實際進行圖書館網路行銷規劃,也未針對館員進行網路行銷與相關技能的培訓或與校內系所進行合作計畫。 根據研究結果,歸納出圖書館網路行銷規劃架構應包含六項步驟:(1)情境分析;(2)數位任務與目標;(3)網路行銷組合;(4)行銷預算;(5)執行與評估;(6)顧客關係管理。其中網路行銷組合採用Eileen Elliott de Saez所提之5ePs做探討,分別是電子化產品、電子化通路、電子化推廣、電子化價格、以及電子化的公共關係。 最後本研究提出六項建議:(1)圖書館應積極從事網路行銷;(2)圖書館應對不同電子資訊服務進行網路行銷的區分;(3)圖書館網路行銷應區分社群並多加經營;(4)加強館員網路行銷教育與訓練;(5)應積極建立電子資訊資源使用量統計標準;(6)應進行圖書館網路行銷使用者研究評估。

我國大學圖書館網站網頁連結引用之研究 / The study on the sitatoin analysis of university library websites in Taiwan

方靜如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在應用網路計量法,尤其是網頁連引分析法,對我國大學圖書館網站網頁進行測量和分析。一方面、以EXtract URL蒐集大學圖書館網站網路資源之相關數據,並從國家/地區(top-level domain)、單位屬性(Second-level domain)、網域名稱(Domain Name)、一致性資源位址(URL)等四個網域層級,剖析我國大學圖書館網站所蒐錄之「網路資源」的數量、網站類型、網頁內容屬性等,從而比較各大學圖書館網站所連引網路資源的共通性與特殊性;另一方面,採用搜尋引擎A1taiSta檢索並分析這些大學圖書館網站綱頁在網網相連的虛擬世界中,為其他綱頁所連結引用的程度與情形,包括連引次數與網路影響係數的計算,以及連引網頁之語文,並透過跨時研究比較其在前後七個月的兩個時點上被連引情形的消長。 本研究所規範的「網路資源」範疇,乃依圖書館網站組織與呈現網路資源的方式與取向區別為三類,其中以「一般性網路資源」和「參性網路資源」居多,「專題性網路資源」則相對較少。研究結果發現39個大學圖書館網站中提供「網路資源」服務的佔有34個,共收錄了10,144筆網路資源,平均每個圖書館收錄298.35筆,其中靜宜大學圖書館以1,429筆奪得第一。實際上,這些網路資源來自於54個國家/地區網域;4,606個不同的綱域名稱;6,818個不同的網址。若將其網址依國家/地區網域做分析,我國(.tw)網域佔五成以上,而其中又有半數為學術網域所含括;居次者為美國,所佔將近四成,而商業網域又佔有其申四成;若依單位屬性網域做分析,以屬於學術網域的網路資源所佔達四成為最多,其中以我國與美國網域貢獻最多;屬於公司網域緊隨於後,佔有將近三成.,其申以美國與我國綱域貢獻最多。在被連引次數上,國內網站以被連引網頁次數累積達150次的中央研究院為最高,其次為教育部、行政院主計處、國家圖書館等網站;國外網站則以美國國家醫學圖書館與柏克萊數位圖書館SunSITE並列第一。大致上,可將我國大學圖書館網站所連引網路資源歸納為八類,被連引最多的類型是圖書資訊服務,其餘依次為政府機關、學術單位、研究機構、博物館/數位博物館、書店/網路書店、國際組織、其他等。" 外部連引可作為評估圖書館網站對外部網站的影響力之依據;而內部連引則反映了圖書館網站與校園網域內的其他網站的互動。本研究結果顯示,外部連引次數以成大、台大、央大等圖書館次數為領先;內部連引次數則以台大、交大、政大等圖書館居前。以連引數為分子,網頁數為分母所計算出的網路影響係數方面,所有大學圖書館網站的影響係數為0,33,亦即表示我國大學圖書館網站,平均每一個網頁被連引0.33次;外部連引的網路影響係數以逢甲、東華、中正等大學圖書館領先;內部連引的網路影響係數則以東華、南華、世新等大學圖書館居前。另外,在連引網頁的語文方面,我國大學圖書館網站被中文綱頁所連引的數量佔 93.57%;被英文綱頁所連引的數量佔9.46%,其餘語言則佔0、73%。 本研究建議圖書館應透過電腦軟體與人工定期檢閱連引節 點之有效性;並拓展專題性與特藏性網路資源的建置,以期建立各館之不可替代性的網路資源;同時深入連引網站內層之綱頁內容,以一個網頁或一個網頁片段作為一個連引單元,俾能強化其對使用者的實質效益。圖書館也能善用搜尋引擎以調查圖書館網站被內部和外部連引的情形,以自我評估圖書館網站與內、外部網域社群之間的互動和影響。另外,本土性的幾家中文搜尋引擎,加Openfind、Gais等,除應致力於擴展索引涵蓋的版圖興提升穩定性高的檢索結果外,還能豐富其相關檢索功能。 / The purpose of this study is to apply webometrics, especially sitation analysis, to examine and analyze thirty-nine university library websites in Taiwan. On one hand, the study utilized Extract URL to collect data aboutInternet resources of university library websites, and analyzed top-level DNS,second-level DNS, Domain Name, URL, respectively. The similarities and differences of the university library websites among each other were compared based on the analyses of number, types of websites and attributes of web pages of the "Internet resources". On the other hand, the study used AltaVista to retrieve and analyze the web pages of university library websites which interlinked by other web pages in the labyrinthine cyberspace. The Items measured included the numbers of total sitation, external sitation, internal sitation, and self-sitation, as well as languages of linking web pages.Furthermore, the investigation ran through two time spots across seven months to observe the changes of the sitations. The "Internet resources" appeared on the library website were organized into three categories: "general resources" and "reference resources", came out to be the majority, whereas the "specific resources" was the minority. The study found that thirty-four out of thirty-nine university library websites had provided service of Internet resources, and the items of Internet resources were 10,144 in total, from 54 different top-level DNS, 4,606 different Domain Name, and 6,818 different URLs. The average number of Internet resources per library website was 298.35. The Providence University Library earned the first. The analysis of top-level domain showed that the Taiwan was in the majority, and USA got the second. The analysis of second-level domain also found that academic domain earned the first, and business domain was the second. TheInternet resources can be grouped into eight types: library and information services was the first, and the other included government institutions, academic organizations,reseah institutes, museum/digital museum, bookstores/Internet bookstores, international organizations and others. External sitation is seen as an indicator of significance and influence of a site for external websites, and internal sitation may respond interaction and effect between a university library website and other websites in web domain of campus. The findings of study revealed that the external sitations ofNational Cheng Kung Universe Library, National Taiwan University Library and National Central University Library were the first group; and the internal sitations of National Taiwan University Library, National Chengchi University Library and National Chiao Tung University Library were the top group.Besides, the Web Impact Factor of university libraries in Taiwan was 0.33. The number of Chinese web pages that linked to university library websites turned out to be 93.57% whereas the number of English web pages was only 9.46%.The number of web pages linked in other language was only 0.73%. Finally, the study suggested that libraries should better use computer software and human aids to check the validity of hyperlinks; and devote library staff's energies into the development of specific Internet resources; further,libraries should link the content of web pages of websites in depth. Libraries should also examine various sitations of self library website to evaluate the interaction and influence of the library website with inside and outside web domain. Local search engines, for instance, Openfind and Gais, should strengthen the scope of index, enhance the stability of searching, and improve the retrieval functions in the filture.

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