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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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徐嘉珮 Unknown Date (has links)
勞動者參與安全衛生事務在各國勞工安全衛生制度中扮演重要的角色,安全衛生的工作環境不僅是雇主的責任,亦係勞動者應盡之權利與義務,吾人對於勞動者參與安全衛生事務之認識,就如同瞭解勞動者參與其他事務一樣,尤其是科技變遷之後,實有其價值與必要性。 勞動者參與安全衛生事務制度之型態,深受其勞動者參與制度之影響。本文為一探究性和敘述性的研究,對於各國勞動者參與制度及其勞動者參與安全衛生事務制度進行了解,論及我國勞動者參與安全衛生事務制度時,兼以個案訪問調查法,實際至事業單位作深度訪談,期能了解勞資雙方對於安全衛生事務的看法以及現行安全衛生法令於事業單位實施情形與所遭遇之問題,並提出結論與建議,作為政府施政與企業規劃安全衛生措施之參考。 本文共分七章撰寫,各章內容提要如次: 第一章緒論。說明研究動機、研究目的、研究方法與範圍以及文獻回顧。 第二章理論依據與文獻探討。本章分別就勞動者參與的基本概念、理論、影響因素以及勞動者參與安全衛生管理事務之概念、層次與類型加以闡述。 第三章各國勞動者參與制度概述。本章分別就德國、英國、瑞典、日本等四國之勞動者參與制度概述。 第四章各國勞動者參與安全衛生事務制度。探討德國、英國、瑞典、日本等四國之勞動者參與安全衛生事務制度。 第五章我國勞動者參與安全衛生事務制度之採討。本章就推動我國勞動者參與安全衛生事務制度之必要性、勞動者參與制度概述、勞動者參與安全衛生事務之現行制度以及建立我國勞動者參與安全衛生事務制度之評析加以闡述。 第六章勞動者參與安全衛生事務制度深度訪談。本章訪談四家事業單位,就訪談之基本架構、訪談資料的分析、整理出訪談小結。 第七章結論與建議。本章將勞動者參與安全衛生事務制度加以歸納,並作成結論與建議。

工作環境權之研究 / A Study On Work Environment Rights

陳怡惠 Unknown Date (has links)
「工作環境權」一詞,之於我國而言,既為熟悉,又為陌生;勞工熟悉的是,知道自身「工作環境」的重要性,但陌生的是,勞工常常忽略自己的「工作環境權」,且更是對於「工作環境權」一知半解,其實「工作環境權」並非是一個新穎的觀念,早在19世紀,瑞典便已提出「工作環境權」之觀念,且更進一步將該國的勞工保護法,修正為工作環境權法,將狹義的工作廠所之安全衛生觀念,延伸至勞工生理、心理的舒適感,使得所有的勞工能得到最高規格的安全衛生保護以及最舒適之心理環境,且亦重視人因工程之發展。 基此,世界各新進諸國,如英國、美國、日本等皆以此觀念加以修正該國之安全衛生法規,以及提倡「工作環境權」觀念之實踐,也紛紛復與勞工參與安全衛生之「勞工參與權」,而「勞工參與」之所以重要,乃係因勞工本身對於自身之工作環境最為了解與熟悉,經由勞工參與安全衛生事務之決策,可以使工作環境之改善更加徹底,也因為有勞工自身參與決策,使得工作環境可以達到讓勞工身心舒適之狀態,而「工作環境權」之內容變首重在於「勞工參與」,因此「勞工參與」變為整各勞工「工作環境權」實踐之核心。 世界先進諸國,如英國、美國、日本以及瑞典來看,對於「工作環境權」之實踐,已慢慢的從國家一手主導(法令之制定)轉而與勞資雙方進行「社會對話」之模式,而國際組織如國際勞工組織、歐洲聯盟也訂定出相之工作環境權「社會對話」模式,如國際勞工組織155號公約、歐盟的89/391架構指令;每一個國家、國際組織在「工作環境權」發展之模式不盡相同,且各有各的特色,但其共同目標皆為發展出工作環境權「社會對話」之實施,而此更為我國所長期缺乏之模式,我國之勞資關係係國家統合型態,勞資雙方之間之權利義務皆由國家加以立法規範,加上工會力量功能長期不彰、力量薄弱,因此工作環境權之「社會對話」模式變難以實踐,基此「他山之石,可以攻錯」,國際組織,以及近諸國之相關規範、模式,是值得我國去效法,由於我國普遍「工作環境權」觀念薄弱,因此,在執行勞工「工作環境權」之實踐,需費工夫,故應由事業單位先實踐勞工「工作環境權」,使勞工參與安全衛生事務,再進一步進行勞資政三方之社會對話,真正的傾聽勞工內心的聲音,重視勞工於工作環境中的諸多壓力、不滿,方能使得勞工有一個屬於自己真正舒適的「工作環境」。

勞工對工作場所安全衛生認知與影響之研究--以加油站為例-- / A study on workers’ cognition of workplace health and safety and its influences --using a gas station as an example--

張嘉成, Chang, Chia Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解加油站勞工對工作場所安全衛生認知與影響現況,探討個人屬性與安全衛生風險認知之關聯性、個人屬性與安全衛生影響之關聯性及安全衛生風險認知與安全衛生影響間關聯性,研究並提供為主管機關改善勞工安全衛生及勞工強化本身安全衛生認知參考,俾能建立加油站勞工對工作現場安全衛生正確的認知進而發揮正面的影響,有效降低加油站意外事故發生之頻率,提供加油站勞工安全健康的工作環境並使每位到加油站;加油、購物、洗車、保養車輛的消費者皆能同樣享受優質的服務與安全的保障。 本研究經實證研究分析歸納結果如下: 一、個人基本資料部份,加油站勞工性別以男性占64.7%較高,年齡分佈以21-30歲占56.9%較高, 教育程度以大學占70.9%較高,安全衛生訓練頻率以2次以下占73.1%較高,勞工工作年資以ㄧ年以下占42.2%較高。 二、安全衛生風險認知部份,以「加油站應嚴禁煙火」同意度最高佔76.9%,可見絕大多數的人同意加油站應嚴禁煙火。其次是「油罐車裝卸油料會造成空氣污染且容易造成火災」同意度佔70.6%,可見絕大多數的人認為油罐車裝卸油料具有潛在危險性且容易造成空氣污染。 三、安全衛生影響部份,1.對自我要求構面分析以「你會參加公司舉辦之安全衛生教育訓練」題項同意度最高佔64.1%,可見絕大多數的人會參加公司舉辦之安全衛生教育訓練。以「你在工作過程中會經常保持高度的警覺性」題項同意度最低佔48.1%,可見絕大多數的加油站勞工在工作過程中注意力往往不集中,缺乏高度警覺性容易造成工作場所工安事故。2.對顧客要求構面分析以第29題「你發現加油車輛未熄火加油,你會拒絕加油」同意度最高佔71.9%,可見絕大多數的人認同加油車輛應熄火加油。以「你發現顧客在加油站使用手機,你會立即制止」同意度最低佔56.5%,可見顧客大多缺乏此危機意識,加油站應加強宣導3.對同儕要求構面分析以「你發現同仁加油時未穿著防護具,如安全鞋、口罩……你會主動告知」同意度最高佔69%,加油站具有潛在危害例如化學性、物理性…等,應嚴格要求每位現場勞工應穿著防護具,以確保工作安全性。4.對公司與工作環境要求構面分析以「你發現有人在加油站動火,你會立即出面制止並告知主管」題項同意度最高佔76.9%,顯示一般勞工對加油站嚴禁煙火具有正確的觀念,遇到有人在加油站動火會立即制止並告知主管作進一步處置。以「你發現加油站不明人士逗留或放置不明物品時你會立即向主管反應」題項同意度最低佔54.3%,未達60%水準顯示加油站現場勞工極可能因工作量較大或缺乏要與教育訓練較缺乏危機意識,當不明人士逗留或放置不明物品,未能立即向主管反映,應加強訓練並實施緊急應變演練。 四、安全衛生風險認知與安全衛生影響二者關聯性分析表實證發現,個人屬性對安全衛生風險認知具有部分正面關聯性、個人屬性與安全衛生影響具有部份正面關聯性,安全衛生風險認知與安全衛生影響具有正面關聯性。 / This study aims to explore the current conditions of the gas station laborers’ knowledge of their workplace and its influences, to find out the relationship between personal properties and knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation, the relationship between personal properties and influences on safety and sanitation, and the relationship between knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation and influences on safety and sanitation. This study provides the related authorities references for improving safety and sanitation for laborers and increasing their knowledge of safety and sanitation. This way, gas station laborers can learn the correct knowledge of safety and sanitation of their workplaces and there will be positive influences, effectively reducing chances of accidents in gas stations, providing gas station laborers safe and healthy working environments, and making sure that every consumer who goes to a gas station to fill up the gas tank of his car, shop, or have his car washed or maintained can enjoy the same high-quality services and guarantee of safety. After the empirical analysis, the summaries of this study are listed below: 1. In the aspect of personal attributes, gas station laborers are mainly male (64.7%). Most of them are of ages between 21 and 30 (56.9%). As for educational background, most of them (70.9%) had graduated from universities. And their frequencies of safety and sanitation trainings are mainly 2 or less (73.1%). Their seniorities are mainly under 1 year (42.2%). 2. In the aspect of influences on safety and sanitation, (1) the highest percentage of the self-discipline construct is the percentage of agreeing with “I will participate in the safety and sanitation training provided by my company”, which is 64.1%. It is obvious that most people would participate in the safety and sanitation trainings provided by their companies. The lowest percentage is the percentage of agreeing with “I am always on guard while working”, which is 48.1%. It is obvious that most gas station laborers are not concentrated at work. Lack of alertness may lead to accidents; (2) the highest percentage of the customers’ requirements construct is the percentage of agreeing with question #29 “I would refuse to fill the tank when I find the engine of the tank truck is still running”, which is 71.9%. It is obvious that most people agree engines of tank trucks should be turned off. . The lowest percentage is the percentage of agreeing with “when I find a customer using his cell phone in a gas station, I would stop him”, which is 56.5%. It is obvious that most customers are not aware of the danger of using cell phones and gas stations should promote this concept; (3) the highest percentage of the collegues’ requirements construct is the percentage of agreeing with “when I find my colleague not wearing protection such as safety shoes, mask, etc, I would tell him”, which is 69%. There are potential dangers in gas stations such as chemical and physical dangers. It is necessary to ask every laborer working at gas stations to wear protection to ensure their safety at work; and (4) the highest percentage of the requirements from the company and workplace construct is the percentage of agreeing with “when I see someone using fire in a gas station, I would stop him and notify the manager there”, which is 76.9%. It means that general laborers have the correct concept of fire being banned in gas stations and they would notify their supervisors for further actions. The lowest percentage is the percentage of agreeing with “when I find a suspicious person hanging around a gas station or placing a suspicious object there, I would notify the manager”, which is 54.3%. The percentage is lower than 60%. This means gas station laborers’ awareness of danger is not sufficient due to their workloads or lack of training. Therefore they do not know they should immediately notify their supervisors when a suspicious person hangs around or places a suspicious object in a gas station. Their training should be improved and emergency response exercises should be conducted. 3. In the aspect of knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation, the highest agreeing percentage of agreement is the percentage of agreeing with “fire should be banned in gas stations”, which is 76.9%. It is obvious that most people agree fire should be banned in gas stations. The second highest percentage is the percentage of agreeing with “tank trucks refilling gas stations may cause air pollution and increase the chance of fire”, which is 70.6%. It is obvious that most people agree tank trucks refilling gas stations is potentially dangerous and may cause air pollution. 4. After conducting the empirical analysis of the relationship between knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation and influences on safety and sanitation, it is found that personal attributes are partially positively related to knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation, personal attributes are partially positively related to influences on safety and sanitation, and knowledge of risks of safety and sanitation and influences on safety and sanitation are positively related.


王清煌, Wang, Ching-Huang Unknown Date (has links)
外商來我國投資設廠後,外商(尤其是美商)在執行勞工安全衛生管理成效比本國類似事業單位優異,一樣的勞工在相同法律下會有如此的差異呢?藉由美商台灣開利股份有限公司與杜邦公司的安全衛生管理實務,來探討其成功的因素。 當然安全衛生管理工作有部分,涉及到ISO機構的基本精神是希望消除各國除關稅以外的貿易障礙,與全球分工與公平競爭部份並非屬於本研究的主題。但就生命的尊重與員工照顧而言是值得我們肯定與借鏡。 他山之石可以攻錯之,外商大部分的員工都是本國同胞,在相同的國家文化與法律制度下,安全衛生績效成果皆比大部分本國的企業優異。我們就可以從幾個安全衛生管理關鍵因素來探討,希望以此探討以期能使我國的企業安全衛生工作更加確實,減少職業災害的發生。讓勞工能從考量自身安全為出發成為最注意本身安全的人,而非一般勞工普遍存在安全衛生是老闆的事,是安全衛生專責人員的事的謬誤。 老實說發生事故造成傷害或是不幸死亡時,是自己最親近的人和自己受到傷害。要保護自己的安全只有靠自己,別人總是沒有辦法隨時盯著你所以安全是必須靠自己的。 一、安全衛生管理 研究探討美商安全衛生管理稽核管理制度,相同的人員與法律制度下,在不同的安全衛生管理系統下所產生的管理結果卻是不同。發現安全衛生管理是屬於生產活動的一部份而且是有系統化的管理工作,是與生產活動相結合的必要行為。 二、勞動檢查機構 專業和有效的稽核檢查工作,使企業推行的安全衛生管理工作可以被專業的安全衛生稽核人員仔細且確實的稽核審查,並在稽核後做確實可行的改善方案,追蹤企業對安全衛生管理做持續改善;讓安全衛生管理工作可被企業確實推行。 三、政府勞動主管單位 以安全衛生成效作為鼓勵投資的項目之一,配合政府採購法、結合商業保險的優惠費率、職業災害保護法的教育訓練與提供實際有效的安全衛生管理技術給本國企業,改善勞工安全衛生管理工作;配合消防法建築法與環保相關法規的修訂來增進「本質安全」的安全衛生管理理念。 四、如何從被動經驗轉換成主動經驗。所謂主動經驗就是我們一般所說的再哪裡跌倒,就要從哪裡爬起來。但是這就必須付出十分慘痛的經驗──例如:受傷、失能傷害、殘廢、嚴重者喪失寶貴的生命。將別人的主動經驗(相對是我們的是被動經驗)轉為我們的主動經驗,就是將被動經驗轉為主動經驗,也就是說不用跌倒也可以學到經驗。就如同經濟活動的進步一般迅速,安全衛生管理是隨著經濟活動而衍生出來,相同的安全衛生管理也應該隨著經濟成長而使得安全衛生管理更有績效。 五、安全衛生管理的教育訓練 美商安全衛生管理的教育訓練是持續的並且是有系統化的會配合安全衛生政策、安全衛生風險評估、事故調查、傷害趨勢與勞動相關法規配合的教育訓練。將一系列安全衛生教育融入事業的生產行事曆中,讓安全教育訓練需求是來自事業體中的各個單位。 並且讓勞工能了解安全衛生工作是在保護勞動者本身安全,唯有自己保護自己才是最上策。經由美商企業的投資可將其安全衛生管理技術在本國紮根,並藉由員工的流動可將安全衛生管理技術傳遞。其實這種經驗的傳遞方式非常類似經濟進步的脈絡,例如:歐美從工業革命至今約200年,經濟發展才有今日的水準,日本約追趕了百年才有今日的成就,台灣像歐美及日本學習約30年就有今日的規模,中國大陸改革開放約10年成長速度之迅速無與倫比。這就是企業投資與經驗迅速傳授的重要例證;相信只要安全衛生管理的成效有如經濟投資般的誘因,也可以讓安全衛生管理系統快速在企業界發展起來。 用以介紹美商安全衛生管理制度優點為借鏡,來找出如何確實做好安全衛生工作;使得勞工安全衛生法律在執行上能確實保護勞工安全與健康;進而減少相關的社會問題,並減少勞資在安全衛生管理的爭議,企業營運成本降低,使得企業獲利增加;國民生產毛額增加,國民的實質所得增加,使我們能與工業先進國家競爭。 其實就整個社會經濟而言,這是個內在成本與外在成本的問題而已。今天企業若只考慮其本身營運成本而部投資在安全衛生上,就等於將其內部成本推給社會(政府),由納稅人來補貼企業投資者,將企業風險轉嫁給社會大眾,雖然企業投資者也可能是納稅人之一。更使得資源分配不均勻。所以說讓企業從事安全衛生的投資也是促進實現社會公平的方法之一。 我們上學讀書就是一種快速的經驗累積,如何將別人的經驗累積成自己的經驗的最快方法就是學習,而且是有系統的學習,就可以非常快速的累積前人的經驗。在安全衛生管理上也是如此,如何讓員工很快速了解危害與危害可能造成的傷害,進而保護自己避免危害到自己的最好方式就是合適的教育訓練和充分的溝通。也就是說他人所犯的錯誤 (我的被動經驗)經由安全衛生管理系統作有系統的事故調查,結構化的事故原因分析,透過宣導溝通管道來讓員工吸收該經驗,並且依照嚴密的管理系統來改善發生事故原因,並透過美商跨國公司宣導管道將改善措施分發給每一家子公司作預防性的管理措施,來抑制職業傷害發生,別人跌倒我們就要小心,不再重蹈覆轍。就是職業災害發生後的事故調查,並且將調查結果與改善方案公告週知,事故單位的經驗就轉成其他單位的主動經驗。可迅速從相關單位得到相關經驗,也就是說不用跌倒也可以得到經驗。 在本文中會再詳細討論將被動經驗傳承為主動經驗的有效方法與實例。並以成功案例作為本研究之範例來詳細說明。 / Why are the American companies’ branches in Taiwan that is good for Environment, Health & Safety management system than local companies? These are same employees and regulations in Taiwan, but different performance result of Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) management system. That is this paper to research approaches. I have been worked at Carrier Taiwan and position in EH&S coordinator. I try to study and find out American companies as Carrier Taiwan Co., Ltd and Du Pont Taiwan Co., Ltd. Environment, Health & Safety management systems practice advantages. Moreover, introduce them to local companies to learn it and improvement Environment, Health & Safety management system. Then let local companies reduce occupational injury, further approach to save company compensation expenses. Other issues are suggestion government relevant departments to quick get experiences to amend laws and regulations to improve local companies Environment, Health & Safety management system performance. Protect labors to keep away injury and illness is my paper study approach.


季美珍, Gei, Mei-Jen Unknown Date (has links)

企業落實職業安全衛生風險管理與財務績效之關聯性分析 / The relationship between occupational health & safety risk management and firm financial performance

陳思妤 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台灣企業落實職業安全衛生風險管理與其財務績效之關係,並以國際職業安全衛生管理系統認證 OHSAS 18001與台灣職業安全衛生管理系統認證TOSHMS作為實施職業安全衛生風險管理的指標。本研究之樣本資料是以截至2011年12月底,我國通過職業安全衛生管理認證之上市櫃公司為實驗組,而以同產業、同等產規模但未通過認證之公司作為對照組。本研究採用獨立樣本比較以及迴歸分析等研究方法進行實證分析,主要研究結果如下: (一) 以實驗組樣本進行分析,發現企業通過職安管理認證後,能顯著提升其營收能力,但其生產力或是公司價值卻無法獲得有效提升。 (二) 以對照組公司與實驗組公司進行比較,發現投入職業安全衛生風險管理 之公司,相較於未投入職安風險管理的公司,在營收能力上有較佳之表現;然而其公司價值,卻較未投入職安風險管理的企業低。 (三) 將實驗組公司區分為高科技與非高科技產業分別探討,發現高科技產業通過職業安全衛生管理認證後,能有效提升其營收能力;而非高科技產業通過職業安全衛生管理認證後,則不僅能提高營收能力,更能顯著提升其公司價值。

奮不顧身下的勞動哀愁:新聞工作者職災類型、成因、組織與法制之分析 / A study of occupational accidents encountered by journalists in Taiwan

賴若函 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在瞭解新聞工作者所遭遇的職業災害種類,以及發生職災的成因,並探討媒體組織在事前是否提供良好的安全衛生環境,最後檢視現行的職災法制能否有效達到事前預防與事後補償的效果。 研究結果發現,近年來的媒體不景氣,組織人事精簡帶來的高工時和高勞動強度,導致原本就有許多外在採訪風險的新聞工作者,心理壓力更是影響健康的一環。透過資料收集與訪談顯示,記者常見的外在職災包含「蓄意襲擊」、「意外傷害」、「通勤災害」、「天災」、「腕穴道症候群」及「椎間盤突出、脊椎側彎等攝影記者常見職災」等六種;而內在健康的損害包含「過勞(死)」、「精神官能症」、「類PTSD症候群」及「腫瘤、癌症」等四類。 而媒體組織大多缺乏事前預防的機制,包括外勤採訪時的安全裝備,或是事前安全訓練等均無,導致新聞工作者普遍缺乏安全意識,卻又在搶快、搶畫面的前提下,以肉身抵擋各種意外,造成各種嚴重的職災;而法規方面,事前安全衛生法規偏重工業環境安全,不適用於記者的工作環境,而發生職災後,則有法律上認定的困難,包括過勞死與精神官能症的判定基準都過於嚴苛,造成新聞工作者對於法律提供的金錢補償往往是「看得到、吃不到」。 然而綜觀上述,可以發現新聞工作者容易發生職災的最根源,來自於媒體結構性的改變,近年來因著不景氣裁員,記者的工作量一人當三人用;同時間各種置入性行銷、拉廣告業務等違反新聞倫理的生態,更容易讓新聞工作者身心俱疲。媒體主管若不改善新聞工作者的勞動條件,便難以避免內在和外在各種職業災害的發生。 / The study aims to investigate different types of occupational accidents encountered by journalists, and to explore whether or not media organizations provide a safe and healthy work environment for their employees, and to finally review the current legal system that regulates the workers’ compensation in the labor force of media and journalism. Recently, the global economic recession has highly increased the unemployment rates in Taiwan. As a result, the labor condition of journalists has been negatively influenced. Apart from external risks caused at work, mental pressure has greater affected their overall health. According to the interviews of 19 journalists and 5 related personnel, the 6 most occurred occupational accidents encountered by journalists are: “deliberately attack”, “unexpected accident”, “commuter accident”, “natural disaster”, “carpal tunnel syndrome”, and “intervertebral disk herniation and scoliosis”, and “other common occupational accidents for photographers”. As well, there are 4 other types of internal occupational accidents: “karoshi”, “psychoneurosis”, “post-traumatic stress disorder”, and “tumors and cancer”. In addition, the occupational accidents preventing system for this particular career is not completely developed, thus, only few journalists own safety awareness. In terms of the related regulations, workers’ compensation in Taiwan is mainly made for the blue collars, which is not yet suitable for journalists. Unfortunately, the standard criteria for “karoshi” and “psychoneurosis” are so rigorous that almost no one could receive the subsidies after accidents. Draw a conclusion of “occupational accidents encountered by journalists”, journalists in Taiwan carry heavy workloads and being demanded to work overtime due to mass layoffs in the industry. It is still difficult to avoid both external and internal occupational accidents if the chiefs of the media organizations do not make necessary changes to ameliorate the structure. Above all, the inadequate labor condition of the media workers should be first improved, so that many occupational accidents can be prevented as the result.

臺灣勞工肌肉骨骼傷痛問題與對策之研究─以大台北地區物流業為例 / Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders and its Policy Implications ─ Take the logistics industry in greater Taipei as an example

危泰焌, Wei, Tai Chun Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣人口逐漸老化的情況下,如何延緩勞動者退出就業市場,攸關台灣的社會保險、年金體系及照顧體系之存續,但要勞工能夠延後退休,先決條件是身體健康與否,因此勞工的健康狀況,就不僅僅是個人問題,而是台灣社會面臨的整體危機。主管職業健康的各部門,未能意識到每個政策對於整體勞動生產力,之於經濟發展和社會福利、保險的深遠影響,以致於過度聚焦於對於勞工個人影響的層面,而缺乏思考這些行動背後,對於國家整體的宏觀意義 而在執行工作時中造成肌肉骨骼系統的任何不適、困難或疼痛,更是困擾的許多歐洲的勞工,因此歐盟無不以積極的政策來干預MSD,希望能延長停留在勞動市場的期間,並說明對於雇主、勞工、政府、財政所帶來的幫助。另外透過訪談發現,台灣的物流業從業人員,所處在的工作環境,恰如文獻所提,反覆、負重、工時過長…等,時常有受傷而繼續從事工作的情形,也導致物流業流動率高、從業人員較年輕及容易成為MSD的高風險群。 因此必須從增進MSD的概念、提升勞動條件及減少因病缺勤著手。政府方面則必須建構更完整的MSD數據,並制訂讓MSD勞工留在職場的積極性勞動力市場政策以及廣辦宣導會說明MSD對我國的重要性;雇主的重要性更是不可言喻,不僅扮演第一線的觀察者,快速做出因應措施,並著手改善從業人員勞動條件,並將干預措施予以制度化;勞工則必須透過積極參與有關MSD政策或方案的討論,更重要的是養成並維持良好的生活方式的習慣。 / Taiwan population is rapidly aging. How to persuade workers to delay withdrawing from employment market becomes an urgent challenge because this concern has significant implications to our social insurance, the annuity system and healthcare system. Therefore, the health of workers is not just a personal issue, but a public concern that everyone in this society needs to face. Government officials in charge of healthcare policy are not yet aware of its profound impact on labor productivity, economic development, social welfare and social insurance. Policy wise, we put too much attention on individual health promotion while lose sight of its macro impact. MSD, either caused by work or gene, inflicted many European workers, so that the EU actively deal with this issue with the hope that workers are able to stay longer around the labor market as long as possible. This study finds through the interview that workers of the logistics industry in Taipei endure heavy work-load, long working time, and often time have high rate of presenteeism (the tendency of workers to go to work when they are ill enough to stay at home), causing the logistics industry to have not only high exit rate but also high risk of MSD. Therefore, we have to promote the MSD concept, improve labor conditions and reduce presenteeism. For example employers have to include MSD into their pre-employment training courses for those new entrants, to reduce the hours of working time and to decrease presenteeism through providing subsidy to those who suffer from MSD. The government then has to build up a more complete MSD database, and introduces the concept of MSD and its preventive practice through seminars or workshops. Employers have key roles and duty in this issue. Specifically, they have to adopt as well as carry out preventive measures, and take quick actions whenever incidence of MSD occurs in the frontline of workplace. In addition, they have to improve working conditions and institutionalize those intervention measures. Workers then need to actively participate in MSD policy discussion other than maintaining a healthy life style. Workers, employers, health care system and social welfare system have a cause to this joint effort in keeping workers in Taiwan as healthy as possible so that every nationals can Fit For Work.

以職業災害判例探討營造業勞工安全衛生管理階層之法定義務與責任 / Case Study of Occupational Hazards :Construction Industry Labor Safety and Health Administration''s Management Legal Obligations and Responsibilities

周玉才, Yu-Tsai Chou January 1900 (has links)
近年來,由於營造業職災千人率居各行業之冠,係因其特性所致,如:工(項) 種繁多、低價搶標、多層承攬等,以致造成職業安全衛生管理不易。又由於多層分 包之體制下,其僱傭及承攬契約關係並不單純,又職災發生原因繁多,導致法定義 務及責任錯綜複雜。 本研究蒐集98(2009)年至100(2011)年各級法院[如:地方法院、高等法 院、最高法院]對營造業職業災害之裁判,藉由以台灣五都「台北市、新北市、台 中市、台南市、高雄市 」刑事及民事裁判及行政處分之歸納、整理與比對進行探 討。研究結果顯示,判決案例數為 95 例,事件發生與司法判決相距時間為最短4 月至最長92月(約0.3~7.67年),於統計3年期間之台北市13案例,年平均件數約 4.33,百分比約占13.68%、新北市28案例,年平均件數約9.33,百分比約占29.47%、 台中市26案例,年平均件數約8.67,百分比約占27.37%、台南市8案例,年平均 件數約2.67,百分比約占8.42%、高雄市20案例,年平均件數約6.67,百分比約 占21.05%。 依據本研究結果,並且結合一般及勞動法規,針對其雇主與事業單位之認定、勞 工安全之法定義務及職業災害之法定責任範圍、違反事實、涉及法規與法律效果 等予以類型化,並追究營造業勞工安全中應盡義務之檢驗標準,提出落實勞安之 管理配套措施,希冀供營造廠及分包商於勞工安全管理時之參考,進而降低營造 業之職業災害。 / This work collects court judgments concerning construction labor safety in Taiwan from 2009 to 2011 . These cases are grouped by jurisdictions , ie ., criminal , civil and administrative courts . The cases in each group are organized and compared, according to labor safety laws and regulations. The focus of this work includes (1) testing the standard of employer in law (ie., the subject of labor safety regulations) , and (2) identification employer obligation of labor safety in construction , and (3) summarizing the associated legal liability . In this study , our construction occupational incidents scenarios and to explore the relationship between judicial decision, the findings show that the number of cases was 95 cases of judgment, judicial decisions away from the incident and for the shortest time in 4 months ~ up to 92 months (approximately 0.3 to 7.67 years) , 3-year period in the statistical Taipei 13 cases, the average number of about 4.33, about 13.68% percentage, new Taipei City 28 cases, the average number of about 9.33, accounting for 29.47% percentage of Taichung City 26 cases, the average number of approximately 8.67, representing approximately 27.37% percentage, Tainan 8 cases, the average number of about 2.67, about 8.42% percentage Kaohsiung 20 cases, the average number of about 6.67, accounting for 21.05% percentage. The true merit of this work lies in the necessity of court interpretation of labor safety laws and regulations , because the extent of legal wording is far from clear and operational by practitioners . In a sense , the ruling in court becomes the determining factor resulting in employers ’ liability, rather than how the parties read the legal texts . Thus , the benefit of examining court interpretations of law is particular high . / 目 錄 中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌 謝 III 目 錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究動機與目的 3 第二章 文獻回顧 5 2.1職業災害定義及認定 5 2.1.1職業災害定義 5 2.1.2職業災害之要件與認定 8 2.2營造業僱傭與承攬關係與承攬模式之探討 10 2.2.1營造業在職業安全衛生法令上之定義 10 2.2.2僱傭與承攬關係在法令上之意義 10僱傭關係在法令上之意義 10承攬關係在法令上之意義 12 2.2.3國內營造業承攬類型探討 13 2.3雇主過失責任及無過失責任之探討 14 2.3.1雇主過失責任之探討 14 2.3.2雇主無過失責任之探討 17 2.4營造業職業災害現況及安全衛生管理問題 18 2.4.1營造業職業災害現況 18 2.4.2營造業所面臨安全衛生管理問題 21 第三章 研究設計與方法 23 3.1 研究設計 23 3.2 研究範圍 23 3.3 研究流程 23 3.4 研究架構 23 3.5 統計方法 25 第四章 結果與討論 26 4-1. 營造業職業災害類型化之探討 26 4-1.1 營造業職業災害中對象、因果關係類型 26 4-1.1.1 營造業職業災害中對象 26 4-1.1.2司法裁判中職業災害類型化之探討 28 4-1.2 營造業職業災害法律效果之類型 31 4-1.2.1刑事案件之法律效果類型 31 4-1.2.2民事案件之法律效果類型 48 4-1.2.3行政案件之法律效果類型 50 4-1.3司法裁判中僱傭及承攬關係類型之探討 50 4-1.3.1司法裁判中僱傭關係類型及常見情事之探討 50 4-1.3.2司法裁判中承攬關係常見情事之探討 55 4-2. 營造業職業安全衛生法定義務及責任之類型化分析 57 4-2.1營造業職業安全衛生之法定義務...................................58 4-2.1.1勞工法規之法定義務...........................................58 4-2.1.2刑法上與民法上之法定義務 61 4-2.2營造業職業災害僱傭關係中之法定責任 61 4-2.2.1法定責任類型判斷之探討 61 4-2.2.2僱傭關係之刑事責任 63 4-2.2.3僱傭關係之行政責任 65 4-2.2.4僱傭關係之民事責任 67 4-2.3職業災害承攬關係之法定責任 69 4-3. 營造業於司法98-100年度職業災害判決案例研析 71 4-3.1職業災害類型-個案專題“墜落”防止措施預防探討 77 第五章 結論與建議 80 5-1.結論 80 5-2.建議 81 參考文獻............................................................83 附錄一 98年~100年度台灣五大都市地區營造業職業災害各級司法判決分析表85   圖目錄 圖1-1 100年度重大職業災害類型統計區分 3 圖1-2 86-100年度各產業之重大職業死亡人數 3 圖2-1 職業災害的因果模式………………………………………………………….7 圖2-2 職業災害定義示意圖 8 圖2-3 承攬關係圖 12 圖2-4 各類型承攬模式組織架構圖 14 圖2-4-(1) 直接承攬示意圖 15 圖2-4-(2) 聯合承攬示意圖 15 圖2-4-(3) 平行承攬示意圖 15 圖2-4-(3) 分包承攬示意圖 16 圖3-1 研究流程 24 圖4-1-1 雇主與工地管理人未盡安全衛生管理之行政行為與責任 28 圖4-1-2 單純僱傭關係類型 51 圖4-1-3 事實上僱傭關係類型 53 圖4-2-1 法定責任類型之判斷流程圖 62 圖4-3-1 墜落防止技術層面示意圖 76 表目錄 表1-1 各縣市工作場所(86-101年)重大職業災害死亡人數統計分析表 2 表 2-1 僱傭契約與承攬契約比較表(資料來源:李章順(1998)[8]) 12 表 2-2 近三年營造業職業災害與全產業、製造業比較表(單位:年千人率) 18 表2-3 營建業勞工不安全行為因素 19 表4-1-1 營造業職業災害中對象之類型 27 表4-1-2 各級司法98-100年判決案例統計 31 表4-1-3-(1) 各級司法94-100年判決書案例分析表 34 表4-1-3-(2) 各級司法94-100年判決書案例分析表 35 表4-1-3-(3) 各級司法94-100年判決書案例分析表 36 表4-1-4-(1) 我國各級司法98-100年度營造業職業災害對象、違反事實、依據法條及刑事法律效果之主要類型表-台北市 37 表 4-1-4-(2) 我國各級司法98-100年度營造業職業災害對象、違反事實、依據法條及刑事法律效果之主要類型表-新北市 38 表 4-1-4-(3) 我國各級司法98-100年度營造業職業災害對象、違反事實、依據法條及刑事法律效果之主要類型表-台中市 39 表 4-1-4-(4) 我國各級司法98-100年度營造業職業災害對象、違反事實、依據法條及刑事法律效果之主要類型表-台南市 40 表4-1-4-(5) 我國各級司法98-100年度營造業職業災害對象、違反事實、依據法條及刑事法律效果之主要類型表-高雄市 41 表4-1-5 營造業職業災害對象、法律規定、責任類別、依據法條及民事法律效果之主要類型表 48 表4-2-1 職業安全衛生法中雇主之法定義務 58 表4-2-2 職業安全衛生法中各級承攬人之法定義務 59 表4-2-3 職業安全衛生法中其他對象之法定義務 59 表4-2-4 其他相關勞工法規中職業安全衛生相關之法定義務 60 表4-2-5 職業災害僱傭關係之刑事責任 64 表4-2-6 職業災害僱傭關係之行政責任 66 表4-2-7 職業災害僱傭關係之民事責任 68 表4-2-8 職業災害承攬關係之法定責任 70 表4-3-1 墜落地點與原因之預防措施 78

我國食品安全管制及法執行之研究 / Regulation and Law Enforcement of Food Safety in Taiwan

姜至剛, Chiang, Chih Kang Unknown Date (has links)
我國向以「美食王國」享譽國際,各種美食不但曾為國人共同驕傲,亦帶來大量觀光人潮與經濟收入。未料,2011年5月「塑化劑事件」揭開我國食安風暴之黑幕,此後毒澱粉事件、黑心油事件等一連串黑心事件爆發,不但使國人對政府食品安全行政管制失去信心,亦讓我國美食商譽嚴重受創。 政府雖於每次食安事件爆發後,隨即召開相應之各種食安會議,提出相關管制改革措施;更透過數次修改食安法,不斷提高對違反法規黑心食品相關業者之罰則。然而食安事件仍不斷爆發,黑心食品不但數量未曾減少,反而製造、加工方法更趨黑心;顯示我國食品安全行政管制完全失靈,傳統法執行制度陷入困境,亟需改革。 我國食安法於2013年6月進行重大修正,此次修正納入以預防原則為前提之風險分析模式,風險分析模式係由歐盟開始發展,主要包括風險評估、風險管理及風險溝通。我國雖擬納入風險分析模式革新食品安全管制,惟食安法似僅將核心置於風險評估之制度設計,有關風險管理措施著墨不多,風險溝通更是付之闕如。因此,修法2年多以來,食品安全仍未能有效管制,食安事件爆發後,更是主管機關手忙腳亂,消費者人心惶惶。 有鑑於傳統法執行制度陷入困境,無法完成食安管制之任務,食安法除納入風險分析模式外,尚設立三級管理機制,亦即採取公私協力與自主規制之手段,主要透過業者自我管理、建立通報系統等措施強化食安管制。藉由與私部門之合作,固可提高食安管制之專業與效率,惟因我國未能體察社會民情與企業文化之差異,徒使自主規制成為政府卸責之藉口,有待進一步檢討。 因此,我國應就食品安全管制應就立法政策、風險分析及供應鏈管制等三方面,徹底檢討並提出解決辦法。 / In Taiwan, “Delicious Food” is well known world wide, and is one of the most proud of issue for Taiwanese. Small eats, and a lot of them, are the big things in Taiwan, and attracted a lot of tourists and brought a favorable income. Unfortunately, the Taiwan food scandal was started by the overuse one of plasticizer as a clouding agent in numerous food and beverage. It followed by “Toxic starch” and “Evil oil event”, which led to lose confidence and ruin administrative regulation of food safety to Taiwan government. Furthermore, there was a huge impact on Taiwan delicious food goodwill in the world. After uncovered each food scandal, Taiwan government tried to organize numerous food safety conferences, and has taken measures to restrain food safety regulation. In addition to food safety law revision, the penalty provision has been enhanced for unscrupulous vendors of food industry. However, food scandal is keeping on going, and the events are increasing in numbers these years. The food manufacturing and refining processes has become more evil. It means that food safety administrative regulation is run out of order, and the traditional law enforcement has faced the difficulty in this changing era. Since June 2013, food safety law revision included the brand new “Risk Analysis” model into “Precautionary Principle” concept. Risk analysis started over by European Union (EU), which is a politico-economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe. “Risk Analysis” model has three components, including risk evaluation, risk management and risk communication. In Taiwan, we have already taken “Risk Analysis” model on board for the innovation of food safety regulation, but Food Safety Law focused in the accounting system design of risk evaluation. There is only few in the risk management, and no statements in risk communication. Two years after food safety law revision, we still found the administration office has difficulty in facing the new food scandal, and the general populations are still worry about food safety issue. In order to reform the traditional law enforcement in food safety, the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation Taiwan included the risk analysis model first. Furthermore, in Taiwan’s food safety regime, the three-tier quality control system refers to self-management by food businesses, testing by independent institutions, and inspections by the government. It means that public-private partnerships (PPP) and self-regulation become a part of new regulation system. Through the cooperation between Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) and private industrial association, the professionalism and efficiency of food safety regulation will be enhanced, but this kind of cooperation might be become the reasons of shirking the responsibility of government. Further investigation is mandatory.

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