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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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大學生對各種工作條件的重視程度: 不同職業人格類型、性別、性別角色、家庭社經地位之比較

沈岱華, SHEN, DAI-HUA Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要的目的在暸解職業人格類型、性別、性別角色、以及家庭社經地位等因素與我國大學生對各種工作條件重視程度的關係。研究對象為十所公私立大學院校文、法、商、理、工、農、醫、教育、傳播、藝術十學院學生724 名男女學生。研究工具係「影響大學生職業選擇之因素研究問卷」,其內容包括:(1 )基本資料,主要調查校、院、系級別、以及年齡、性別、家庭社經地位;(2 )以「性別角色量表」測量性別角色類別;(3 )以「職業選擇量表」調察研究對象在選擇職業時對各工作條件的重視程度;(4 )「以職業探索量表」測量職業人格類型。問卷調查蒐集之資料,經剔除資料不全者後,以二因子變異數分析、單因子變異數分析及斯皮爾曼等級相關等統計方法分析處理,結果發現:(1 )職業人格類型與性別、性別角色及家庭社經地位在工作環境、個人因素、工作聲望、工作特性等條件上皆沒有顯著交互作用存在。(2 )職業人格類型中的社會型較企業型重視工作特性方面工作條件。(3 )女性較男性重視工作條件方面工作條件。(4 )女性化及兩性化者較男性化及未分化者重視工作環境與工作特性兩方面工作條件;兩性化者較女性化、男性化及未分化者重視個人因素與工作 聲望兩方面工作條件。(5 )低社經地位者較高社經地位者重視工作環境方面工作條件。(6 )不同職業人格類型、性別、性別角色及家庭社經地位者對二十八個工作條件重視程度的等級排序顯示出極高的一致性。(7 )職業人格類型中的社會型與企業型,以及事務型與藝術型、社會型、企業型在十四個全體受試最重視之工作條件的等級排列有差異存在。(8 )男女在十四個全體受試最重視之工作條件的等級排列相當一致。(9) 女性化與男性化及兩性化在十四個全體受試最重視之工作條件的等級排列有差異存在。(10)高、中、低家庭社經地位在十四個全體受試最重視之工作條件的等級排列相當一致。


吳松林, WU,SONG-LIN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在編製一適用於本國青少年的非理性觀念量表,用以了解我國青少年非理性 觀念之現況,並以性別、年級、智力、家庭社經地位、父母管教態度、城鄉地區及學 業成就等自變項,從事與非理性觀念有關之研究。 本研究以台灣地區之國中、高中與高職學生為母群體,根據研究目的,以分層隨機抽 樣方式, 分別選取國中46所、高中30所、高職31所為受試學樣,再自各受試學校中以 隨機方式,抽取國中生3000人,高中生1000人和高職生2000人,合計6000人為量表編 製之樣本。相關研究部分則研究需要,分別選取所需之樣本,進行研究。 本研究之工具包括自編之個人信念量表,基氏人格測驗,柯氏性格量表、父母管教態 度測驗、國民中學智力測驗、系列學業性向測驗及理情教育資料等七種。基中個人信 念量表係研究者依據Ellis 的非理性觀念之十個主要類型編製而成,用以測量我國青 少年之非理性觀念。本研究除以典型相關、積差相關分析個人信念量表之信度、效度 ;及以專家評定和因素分析考驗本量表之效度外,並以單因子變異數分析,雙因子變 異數分析、共變數分析及逐步迴歸分析,分別探究及考驗相關之資料。 本研究獲致以下之結果: 1.編製個人信念表:本量表適用于我國國中、高中和高職學生,共有十個分測驗,每 一分測驗十題,全部共100題,分別測量Ellis的十個非理性觀念類型。其信度考驗採 折半信度及重測信度兩種。效度考驗則兼採專家效度及與基氏人格測驗、柯氏性格量 表作同時效度考驗,另外性別、年齡、家庭社經地位、父母管教態度、學業成就等作 建構效度之分析。此外,亦建立國中、高中、高職各年級及城鄉學生之常模,將可用 於了解與診斷青少年學生之非理性觀念,並作為輔導上之參考。 2.我國青少年非理性觀念之分析:(1) 國中、高中、高職及全體學生普通存有某些非 理性觀念。(2) 國中、高中、高職及全體學生普遍存有某些特殊的非理性觀念類型。 (3) 男女青少年非理性觀念有差異情形。(4) 青少年非理性觀念與年齡有相關。(5) 青少年非理性觀念與智力有相關。(6) 青少年非理性觀念與父母管教態度、家庭社經 地位有相關。(7) 適應不良青少年之非理性觀念與一般青少年非理性觀念有差異。(8 ) 理情教材對促進學生之理性觀念有影響。(9) 性別、年級、學校類別、智力、父母 管教態度、家庭社經地位等變項對青少年之非理性觀念具有某種程度的預測力。 基於以上之結果,本研究將建議重視能力分班教學,理情教材、師生溝通、思考訓練 及親職教育諸問題及對適應不良學生的輔導策略,並提出其他相關之建議,以供教學 輔導之參考。

理工科系大學生性別、家庭社經地位對成就抱負與預期薪資之路徑分析 / A Path Analysis of Gender and Family Socioeconomic Status in Achievement Aspiration and Anticipated Salary: The Case of College Students in Science and Engineering

康逸筠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在以理工科系大學生為樣本,探討並建構家庭社經地位、成就抱負與預期薪資之理論模型。研究以胡悅倫(2008)建構之資料庫為樣本,抽取1,084名理工科系大學生為研究對象,以變異數分析、卡方考驗及結構方程模式建構其路徑關係模式。研究結果顯示: 一、家庭社經地位對個體的成就抱負與預期薪資有正向的影響。父母職業聲望和教育程度較高者有較高的成就抱負和預期薪資。 二、家庭社經地位會透過成就抱負為中介,間接影響個體的預期薪資。 三、男女性在成就抱負上無顯著差異,但在預期薪資中男性的預期薪資會高於女性的預期薪資。 四、男性會進入男性化職業,女性會進入女性化職業。 五、預期進入男性化職業工作者的預期薪資高於進入女性化職業的工作者,而這樣的差距是跨性別存在。 最後,研究者根據研究結果提出建議,供實務工作者與後續研究者參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate and build a model on how family socioeconomic status affects achievement aspiration and anticipated salary. Participants are 1,084 Science and Engineering students from the database compiled by Yueh-Luen Hu (2008). Data analysis includes one-way ANOVA, t-test, chi-square test, and structural equation modeling. Results of the study are as follows: 1. Family socioeconomic status had significant positive effects on achievement aspiration and anticipated salary. Participants who are of higher socioeconomic status also had higher achievement aspiration and anticipated salary. 2. Achievement aspiration acted as a mediator between family socioeconomic status and anticipated salary. Achievement aspiration had significant indirect effects on anticipated salary. 3. The gender differences in achievement aspiration are non-significant. However, Men’s pay expectations are higher than of the women’s. 4. Males prefer to enter male-dominated jobs, while females prefer to enter female-dominated jobs. 5. Those who hold female-dominated jobs expect to gain less pay than those pursuing male-dominated jobs. The gap exists for both men and women. Results of the study shall serve as a point of reference for future researches.

國小學生家庭社經地位與自我概念對學業成就影響 之研究─以新北市國小高年級學生為例 / A study on the effect of socio-economic status and self-concept on academic achievement of elementary school students: evidence from the fifth and sixth grade students of elementary schools in New Taipei City

蕭雅如, Hsiao, Ya-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國小學生家庭社經地位與自我概念對學業成就之影響。研究採用問卷調查法,以新北市國小學生為樣本母群體,採分層隨機叢集抽樣,抽出20所國小共計740位受試者,回收有效問卷659份,所得資料分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料的分析與處理,以了解國小學生家庭社經地位、自我概念與學業成就之現況、差異情形及國小學生家庭社經地位與自我概念對學業成就的預測力。 研究結論如下: 一、國小學生自我概念現況屬中上程度,以「心理自我概念」最高。 二、國小學生學業成就現況屬中上程度,以「國語科學業成就」最高。 三、就讀年級在整體自我概念上有顯著差異,五年級高於六年級。 四、性別在英語科學業成就上有顯著差異,女性學生高於男性學生;就讀年級在國 語科及社會科學業成就上有顯著差異,六年級學生高於五年級學生。 五、家庭社經地位在國小學生自我概念上有顯著差異,高社經地位或中社經地位高於低社經地位。 六、家庭社經地位在國小學生學業成就上有顯著差異,高社經地位及中社經地位高於低社經地位。 七、家庭社經地位與自我概念對學業成就具顯著正相關及預測效果。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、教育人員以及未來研究的參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of socio-economic status and self-concept on academic achievement of elementary school students. A survey research was conducted using a sample of the fifth and sixth grade students of elementary schools in New Taipei City. 740 students from 20 schools were selected by stratified random sampling and cluster sampling. 659 valid sample data were collected, analyzed and processed with the methods of descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple stepwise regression analyses.The major findings of this study are as follows: 1.Elementary school studen’s self-concept is above average, “psychological self-concept” ranks the highest position. 2.Elementary school student’s academic achievement is above average, “Chinese academic achievement” ranks the highest position. 3.Grade show significant differences in self-concept, students who are in the fifth grade show higher performance than those in the sixth grade. 4.Gender show significant differences in English academic achievement, female students show higher performance than male students. Grade show significant differences in Chinese academic achievement and Society academic achievement, students who are in the sixth grade show higher performance than those in the fifth grade. 5.Socio-economic status show significant differences in self-concept, students who have high socio-economic status or intermediate socio-economic status show higher performance than those of low socio-economic status. 6.Socio-economic status show significant differences in academic achievement, students who have high socio-economic status and intermediate socio-economic status show higher performance than those of low socio-economic status. 7.Socio-economic status and self-concept are positively related to academic achievement. In addition, socio-economic status and self-concept have positive direct effect on academic achievement. Based on the findings and the conclusions, further suggestions for educational administration authorities, pedagogical individuals and future related study are proposed.

兒童教育成就之研究:幼兒就學準備度之觀點 / Children's Educational Achievements:The Perspective of School Readiness

李晨帆 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在以回溯方式瞭解兒童過去的幼兒園經驗、家庭背景因素與兒童教育成就及其幼兒就學準備度之相關情形,並更進一步探討就學準備度對於目前學童在教育成就表現上的影響 本研究以問卷調查法進行研究,問卷調查樣本以立意取樣的方式選取臺北市文山區、萬華區與信義區之公立小學三年級兒童為研究對象,共387位,樣本回收162份,回收率為42%,可用樣本為133份,可用率為34%。研究工具主要分為三大部分,第一部分為瞭解兒童教育成就現況,分別使用兒童小三上學業成績與生活適應能力表現(自評問卷)做為替代指標;第二部份則以家長問卷的方式瞭解兒童個人與家庭背景現況;第三部份為蒐集兒童過去幼兒就學準備度的表現,使用兒童在小一上學期五個學習領域之成績做為替代指標。本研究所使用的統計方法包含描述性統計分析、交叉表(Crosstabs)與卡方檢定(Chi-square test)、皮爾森積差相關(Pearson’s product -moment correlation)、斯皮爾曼等級相關(Spearman's rank correlation)、t考驗(t- test)與多元階層迴歸分析(Multiple hierarchical regression analysis)方法進行分析。 根據分析結果歸納之結論如下: 一、過去就讀公私立幼兒園的兒童在教育成就表現上無顯著差異;二、就讀幼兒園年數與兒童教育成就無顯著相關;三、家庭社經地位與兒童學業成績有顯著正相關,與兒童生活適應能力則無顯著相關;四、小學時期家長參與與兒童教育無顯著相關情形,幼兒時期家長參與與兒童學業成績有顯著正相關,與兒童生活適應能力則無顯著相關;五、兒童教育成就與幼兒就學準備度有顯著正相關;六、「母親教育程度」、「幼兒就學準備度」與「生活適應能力」對兒童學業成績有顯著預測力,「學業成績」對兒童生活適應能力有顯著預測力;七、過去就讀公、私立幼兒園的兒童在幼兒就學準備度上無顯著差異;八、就讀幼兒園年數與幼兒就學準備度無顯著相關;九、家庭每月總收入與幼兒就學準備度有顯著正相關;十、幼兒時期家長參與與幼兒就學準備度有顯著正相關。 最後,本研究根據分析結果,俾供相關建議給家長、教育工作者、教育單位及未來欲從事相同主題之研究者。 / The main purpose of this study is to investigate children’s experience in kindergarten, their family’s background, educational achievements and school readiness by ex-post-factor research. This study tries to explore the relationship between children’s educational achievements and school readiness. By questionnaires investigation, researcher collects data from the third grade students in Wenshan, Wanhua, and Xinyi district in Taipei City. Out of 387 questionnaires handed out, 162 were returned, of which 29 were invalid or partially answered, resulting in a total of 133 effective surveys. There are three questionnaires in this study, including children’s educational achievements, parents’ socioeconomic background, and school readiness. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, Crosstabs, Chi-square test, Pearson’s product -moment correlation, Spearman's rank correlation, t- test, and multiple hierarchical regression analysis. Based on the statistics analysis of the questionnaire, the results of this study are as follow: A. There is no significant difference towards children’s educational achievements between public and private kindergarten. B. There is no significant correlation between children’s school year in kindergarten and children’s educational achievements. C. There is a significant and positive correlation between parent’s socioeconomic status and children’s academic achievement. D. There is a significant and positive correlation between parents’ participation in early childhood and children’s academic achievement. E. There is a significant and positive correlation between children’s educational achievements and school readiness. F. Mother’s education level, school readiness, and the ability of life adaptation are appropriate indicators in predicting children’s academic achievement. G. Children’s academic achievement is an appropriate indicator in predicting children’s ability of life adaptation. H. There is no significant difference towards school readiness between public and private kindergarten. I. There is no significant correlation between children’s school year in kindergarten and school readiness. J. There is a significant and positive correlation between family’s income and school readiness. K. There is a significant and positive correlation between parents’ participation in early childhood and school readiness.

家庭社經地位、父母參與和國中生學習成就關係之研究-以台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫為例 / The effect of mother and fathar involvement between socioeconomic status and their children academic achievement: Evidence from taiwan education panel survey

陳香竹, Tan, Heong Teck Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的探討:(一)家庭社經地位、父親參與、母親參與對學習成就結構的關係模式;(二)運用多群組樣本測量模式,比較不同家庭社經地位(高、中、低三群組)學生其父親、母親參與對學習成就的關係模式。 本研究採用「結構方程模式」建立上述模式,並採用TEPS 2001「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」中9,141位國一學生(只以親生父母親同住子女)及其父親、母親為研究樣本。 本研究歸納出以下結論茲分述如下: 一、 結構方程模式考驗結果顯示「家庭社經地位、父親、母親參與和學習成就模式」與TEPS次級資料達到良好適配,表示家庭社經地位對學習成就具有正相關直接影響效果,同時父親間接參與對學習成就無顯著影響,而母親間接參與則有達到正向顯著影響。 二、 不同社經地位學生,其父親參與對子女學習成就無顯著影響,但母親參與對子女學習成就則呈正相關顯著差異。 三、 「高家庭社經地位學生的父親參與、母親參與對學習成就的關係模式」為良好適配指標,但是父親參與未達顯著性,母親參與程度則達正相關顯著水準。 四、 「中家庭社經地位學生的父親參與、母親參與對學習成就的關係模式」亦為良好適配指標,其中父親參與仍然未達顯著性,母親參與程度則達正相關且顯著水準。 五、 「低家庭社經地位學生的父親參與、母親參與對學習成就的關係模式」適配度指標最佳,但是父親參與仍然未達顯著性,母親參與則依然呈正相關顯著。 最後,依據上述研究發現,就研究結果與研究方法兩方面,將提出相關研究建議以供教育實務上及未來研究之參考。 / The purposes of this study are to explore the effects of mother and father involvement between socioeconomic status(SES)and their children academic achievement. The data of the public released core panel data from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey(TEPS)in 2001 was used. The sample was drawn from TEPS and was constituted by 9,141 adolescents who were seventh graders and lived with their birth parents in 2001. This study explores that what role parental involvement plays between SES and academic achievement, and uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to create a mother and father involvement model that affects academic achievement. In addition, the multi-groups model was used to analyze how the SES affects mother and father involvement and children academic achievement. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The test result of SEM suggested that the proposed “Model of effects of SES/parental involvement on children academic achievement” fit the core panel data well. This showed SES had direct effect on academic achievement and had indirect effect through mother and father involvement. 2. Among all the SES groups, father involvement positively correlated with children’s academic achievement but not significantly. Mother involvement showed positive correlation and significantly. 3. The model of effect of parental involvement in higher SES family fits the data well, but father involvements positively correlated with children academic achievement and not significantly. Mother involvement positively and significantly correlated with children’s academic achievement. 4. The model of effect of parental involvement in middle SES family fits the data well. Father involvement still positively but not significantly correlated with children’s academic achievement; mother involvement positively and significantly correlated with children’s academic achievement. 5. The model of effect of parental involvement in low SES family fits the data best. Father involvement positively correlated with children’s academic achievement but not significantly; mother involvement also positively and significantly correlated with children’s academic achievement. Finally, the study discusses the implications of parental involvement and suggests directions for future research.


郭素蘭, GUO, SU-LAN Unknown Date (has links)
各章內容如下: 第一章 緒 論 (一)闡述本研究的研究動機、目的及提出研究假設。 (二)重要名詞的操作定義。 第二章 文獻探討 (一)探討資優學童的行為特徵。 (二)探討資優兒童與普通兒童在家庭社經背景上的差異何在。 (三)探討資優兒童與普通兒童在父母管教態度上的差異何在。 第三章 方法與步驟 此章共分四節,敘述本研究樣本的選取過程,所使用的研究工具,並說明施測的實施 程序及提出分析資料所用的統計方法。 第四章 研究結果。 (一)智力、家庭社經背景、父母管教態度三者,以前二者便可預測兒童的圖形創造 力。 (二)智力、創造力、家庭社經背景、父母管教態度四者,以前三者即可預測兒童的 數學、自然成績。 (三)資優兒童的父母較普通兒童的父母重視兒童意見的發表,提供較多的百科全書 、期刊、報紙,兒童感覺受自父母的功課壓力也較小。 (四)利用區別分析求得類別函數係數(Classification Function Coefficients) 以預測樣本的類別。 (五)提出研究發現。 第五章 討論與建議 (一)將研究結果與研究假設予以對照討論。 (二)建議。

弱勢幼兒就學準備度及其日後學習成就之探討 / A study of high risk children's school readiness and later achievement

賴涵婷, Lai, Han Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要透過回溯方式探究幼兒弱勢因素、家庭社經、學前經驗、家長參與對幼兒就學準備度之影響;另,探究就學準備度對日後學習成就之影響及就學準備度對日後學習成就預測之重要領域能力,並比較弱勢及非弱勢幼兒之差異。 本研究透過問卷調查法,以弱勢幼兒為主要探究對象,以立意取樣方式選取南投縣草屯鎮及信義鄉352位三年級學童樣本回收率為71%。將教育弱勢幼兒定義為:偏遠地區、原住民、新移民子女及中低收入戶,樣本中弱勢學童占60.8%。研究工具分為三部分:(一)學童一、二及三年級學業成績,其中一年級學業成績採計五科作為就學準備度五領域之替代指標;二年級及三年級上學期成績則作為幼兒日後學習成就短及長期之替代指標。(二)兒童自評之生活適應問卷作為長期學習成就之另一替代指標。(三)透過自編之幼兒背景問卷、幼兒及小學時期家長問卷了解幼兒之基本資料及家長參與情形。本研究所使用的統計方法包含:描述性統計、交叉表分析、卡方分析、Pearson相關分析、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、線性迴歸及多元階層迴歸分析。 研究主要結論如下:(一) 弱勢因素對幼兒就學準備度有顯著之負項影響其影響可延伸至小學三年級。(二) 曾就讀幼兒園、就讀私立幼兒園對幼兒就學準備度及其日後學習成就有顯著正向影響,其影響可延伸至三年級。(三) 家庭社經、家長參與對幼兒就學準備度及其日後學習成就有顯著正向影響。(四) 就學準備度及學前因素為影響就學準備度之主要因素;弱勢因素及就學準備度為影響幼兒就學準備度及幼兒日後學習成就之主要因素。(五)弱勢幼兒就學準備度對日後短期及長期學習成就之預測力,較非弱勢幼兒高。(六) 弱勢幼兒就學準備度之數學及語文領域能力,能有效預測其日後二年級及三年級上學期之整體學業表現。(七) 非弱勢幼兒之幼兒就學準備度數學及語文領域能有效預測其二年級上學期之整體學業表現。 / The main purpose of this study is trying to figure out how disadvantaged factors, family Social Status, preschool experience and parental involvement will affect children’s school readiness and their later achievement. And try to find the connection between school readiness and later achievement, looking for the important school readiness area that can predict later achievement. Also try to compare the difference of above answers between disadvantaged and advantaged children’s. Ex-post-factor research and questionnaires investigate are used. Using purposive sampling, choosing Sinyi and Caotun 2 township of Nantou County, 352 3rd grade student are involved, and Effective response rate is 71%.There are 60.8%of sample are educational disadvantaged student. 3 main research tools are used:1. 1st grade’s academic score of 5 subject are using as the substitutes of school readiness performance;2nd grade’s academic score of all subject as substitutes of short-turn later achievement; 3nd grade’s academic score of all subject as substitutes of long-turn later achievement. 2. A children answered life adaptation questionnaire as another substitutes of long-turn later achievement.3. Using a self-edited student background and 2 parental involvement questionnaires. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, Crosstabs, Chi-square test, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, Spearman's rank correlation, t-test, linear regression, and multiple hierarchical regression analysis. The main finding of the study: 1. Disadvantaged factors have negative effects toward children’s school readiness and their later achievement. 2. Having the experience of preschool and going to private preschools have positive effects toward children’s school readiness and their later achievement. 3. Family social status and parental involvement have positive effects toward children’s school readiness and their later achievement. 4. Disadvantaged and preschool factors can and strongly predict children’s school readiness; disadvantaged factors and school readiness can strongly predict children’s later achievements. 5. School readiness can effectively predicts short and long-turn later achievements, and the effect is more significant on disadvantaged children. 6. Disadvantaged children’s school readiness of math and reading can strongly predict their short and long-turn later achievements. 7. Advantaged children’s school readiness math and reading can strongly predict their short-turn later achievements.

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