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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

重編對審計公費之影響-中國之實證研究 / The impact of financial restatement on audit fees

嚴珮珊 Unknown Date (has links)
審計公費係影響審計品質之一大因素,且中國事務所家數眾多,更易產生低價攬客的惡性競爭行為,再者,中國上市公司重編狀況近來層出不窮,因此本文以2004-2008年中國大陸A股上市公司為研究對象,欲研究重編事件對中國企業審計公費之影響。財務報表重編事件可以分為三個時間點:財務報表錯誤年度、財務報表執行重編年度以及重編後的次一年度。就財務報表發生錯誤年度而言,本研究發現該事件會伴隨較高的審計公費,但是無論是執行重編年度或次一年度,均未發現顯著提高公費的證據。除此之外,本研究也未能獲得審計委員會之設立與審計公費有統計關聯性的證據。具體而言,除了傳統審計公費的解釋變數之外,本文未能發現財務報表重編及審計委員會與審計公費有關之證據。 / Audit fees is one of the major factors affecting quality, and there are many audit firms in China, so it is easier to produce vicious competition . Furthermore, the number of Chinese listed company which has restated financial report is increasing in recent years. So, with a sample of A-share listed corporations in China from 2004 to 2008 , this dissertation develops a conceptual model for studying the relationship between financial restatement and audit fees. Financial restatement can be divided into three time points: the year when an error occurred in the financial report , the year when the financial report is restated ,and the year after the financial report is restated .In terms of the year when an error occurred in the financial report , this dissertation find the event associated with higher audit fees ,but in other two time point , this dissertation doesn’ t find the evidence of significantly increased audit fees. Moreover ,there is no statistical significant relationship between setting up an audit committee and audit fees. Specifically, in addition to the traditional explanatory variables, this dissertation can’t find the evidence that financial restatement and setting up an audit committee are related to audit fees.

Clawback條款、權益基礎薪酬和審計委員會之監督效率性 / Clawback provisions, equity-based compensation, and audit committees' oversight effectiveness

林玉君, Lin, Yu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
This study first examines whether equity-based compensation (i.e., stocks and options) is associated with audit committees’ oversight failures. I then examine whether this association between equity-based compensation and oversight failures is affected when firms initiate the clawback provisions in their compensation contracts. I use the likelihood of restatements, the incidence of internal control weaknesses (ICW), and earnings management measures to proxy for audit committees’ oversight failures. Based on a sample of 129 firms that voluntarily adopt the clawback provisions during 2003-09 and a matched sample created from the propensity score matching technique, I find several important results. First, larger amounts and portions of stocks and options are associated with higher restatement and ICW likelihood and greater earnings management. Second, equity-based compensation appears to harm audit committees' oversight effectiveness. However, the adoption of the clawback provisions significantly mitigates such negative effect. Finally, the clawback provisions are effective in reducing restatements, ICW, and earnings management only when these provisions are triggered by "bad faith" rather than restatements. Overall, my empirical results bear policy implications on audit committees’ compensation practice and the mandatory adoption of the clawback provisions.

我國金融業審計委員會與內部控制缺失關聯性之探討 / The association between audit committee and internal control deficiencies of Taiwan financial industry

沈宛亭, Shen, Wan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
金融秩序之維持基於金融機構的穩健運作,金融機構穩健運作之關鍵來自內部控制制度的落實,而此一制度係建構在公司治理—強化經營者責任上。2013年底,我國公司治理機制一項重大變革為審計委員會之設置要求。因此本研究即探討審計委員會與內部控制缺失之關聯性。以2013年至2015年上市櫃金融控股公司(包含其銀行和保險子公司)以及上市櫃和興櫃的銀行及保險公司為研究對象。 本研究發現:審計委員會與內部控制缺失具統計上的顯著關聯性。審計委員會的設立與內部控制缺失呈顯著負相關;監督者(獨立董監事及審計委員會成員)會計或財務專業的比例,並未與內部控制缺失成顯著負相關,拆出分獨立董監事和審計委員會兩項不同監督機制,其成員會計或財務專業的比例與內部控制缺失也並未呈現顯著的負相關;金融控股母公司的獨立董事同時兼任子公司獨立董事,則與較多的裁罰件數成顯著正相關。另外研究也發現,部分會計師事務所與金融業者內部控制缺失呈顯著的負相關。 綜上結果隱含以下推論:審計委員會監督功能發揮,將幫助金融業者減少內部控制缺失的發生,不過獨立董事在同一金控體系兼任多家公司獨立董事的情形,並未有較佳的監督效果出現。由於我國金融業者發生的內部控制缺失類型多樣,因此在審計委員的安排上,除了會計或財務專業的審計委員,也可廣納其他專業的專家學者擔任,另外會計師事務所也可扮演完善內部控制制度的一個輔助角色。 / To find out the effect of the audit committee on internal control, this study examines the association between audit committees and internal control deficiencies.The samples are listed financial holding companies including their bank and insurance subsidiaries, bank, and insurance companies in TWSE and OTC in Taiwan over the period from 2013 to 2015. I find that the audit committees are negatively associated with the internal control deficiencies. However, there is no association between the audit committees of accounting or financial expertise and internal control deficiencies. Besides, I find that the circumstances that the independent directors of the financial holding parent companies also serve as an independent directors of the subsidiaries are positively associated with more incidences of penalty cases. Taken together, the empirical result indicates the association between the audit committees and internal control deficiencies in Taiwan financial industry.

財務長與審計委員會相對影響力及客戶重要性對財務報導品質之影響 / The Impact of CFO versus Audit Committee Power and Client Importance on Financial Reporting Quality

宋尹綉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以財務長與審計委員會相對任期作為財務長與審計委員會相對影響力之指標,探討財務長與審計委員會相對影響力對財務報表重編之影響。利用2007至2014年間中國滬深A股為樣本,本研究發現,財務長之任期較審計委員會長時,財務報表越有可能重編,顯示財務長相對於審計委員會影響力較大時,會降低財務報表品質。本研究亦發現,前述情況並不因為客戶重要性較高而更加明顯,顯示財務長與審計委員會相對影響力與財務報表重編之關係,不會受到客戶重要性的影響。 / This thesis uses the relative tenures of CFO and audit committee as an indicator of the relative power between CFO and audit committee, and examines the relation between the relative power of CFO versus audit committee and the probability of financial restatement. Based on a sample of A-share stocks listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen during 2007-2014, the empirical result shows that when CFO has relative higher tenure than audit committee, the incidence of financial restatement increases. This result suggests that CFO who has more power than audit committee tends to compromise the quality of financial statement, at least in terms of financial restatement. The empirical result also shows that the effect of the relative power of CFO and audit committee does not vary among clients’ importance.


楊宜璋 Unknown Date (has links)

審計委員會權益基礎報酬是否影響 公司之權益資金成本及信用評等? / Does Audit Committees’ Equity-based Compensation Affect Firms’ Cost of Equity Capital and Credit Rating?

陳若晞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以權益基礎報酬占總報酬的比率來捕捉薪酬結構,並據以探討給予審計委員會的薪酬結構對於公司權益資金成本及信用評等之影響。利用 2006 至 2010 年間納入美國 S&P1500指數之公司 (排除金融服務與保險業) 為樣本,本研究發現,若權益基礎報酬佔審計委員會薪酬比率越高,其公司之權益資金成本越低,但該公司之信用評等卻越差。顯示權益基礎報酬之比重在二種財報使用者眼中具有不同涵義。投資人認為給予審計委員會較高之權益基礎報酬比重,可使監督更有效,投資人承擔之資訊風險降低,進而願意降低其要求報酬;信用評等機構則認為,給予較高的權益基礎報酬比重將傷害審計委員會獨立性,影響公司治理結構,並降低財務報導之品質,因而給予此類公司較差之信用評等。 / This study examines how investors and credit rating agents react to audit committees’ equity-based compensation. Based on a sample of S&P 1500 firms during 2006-2010, the empirical results show that firms who pay audit committees higher portion of equity-based compensation have lower cost of equity capital and lower credit rating. These results suggest different information users perceive and react to equity-based compensation in different ways. Particularly, investors appear to perceive that higher portion of equity-based compensation can align audit committee members’ interest with the shareholders’, leading to more effective monitoring and smaller information risk. Therefore, investors react by reducing their cost of equity capital. In contrast, credit rating agents appear to perceive that higher portion of equity-based compensation may harm audit committees’ independence, resulting in decreased quality of financial reporting. Therefore, credit rating agents react by downgrading firms’ credit ratings.

審計委員會與財務主管的力量博弈與審計人員選擇:來自中國的證據 / The Relative Power of CFOs and Audit Committees and Choice of Audit Firm: Evidence from China

楊苓梓 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的是在檢測財務主管相對於審計委員會的影響力,是否會影響到會計師的選擇。本研究以2007至2016間的中國上市公司為樣本,實證結果顯示:(1)財務主管相對於審計委員會的影響力愈大時,公司愈傾向於選擇非十大會計師事務所;(2)財務主管相對影響力於會計師選擇的影響,在國有企業是比較小的,而在私有企業是比較大的。 / The objective of this thesis is to examine whether the relative power of CFOs and audit committees has an effect on its firms’ choice of audit firms. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms during 2007~2016, I find that: (1) companies with more powerful CFOs are more likely to hire lower-quality auditors, as measured by non-top10 audit firm; (2) The effect of CFOs’ relative power on the choice of audit firms is weaker for state-owned enterprises than for private enterprises.

審計委員會權益薪酬如何影響沙氏法301條之有效性? / How does audit committee equity compensation affect the efficacy of SOX Section 301?

劉馨茗, Liu, Xin Ming Unknown Date (has links)


謝昀璉 Unknown Date (has links)
2006年1月11日公布之證券交易法修正條文,正式將「獨立董事」、「審計委員會」等制度納入我國公開發行公司法制中,因此,我國目前公開發行公司的董事會,可分為三種型態:第一種是傳統的董事會,不設獨立董事,僅設董事會及監察人;第二種是設立獨立董事,且同時設有監察人;第三種類型則是有董事會及審計委員會,但無監察人。 這樣劇烈的變革,毫無疑問地,勢必將對我國公司治理法制中內部監控機關之設置帶來深刻的影響。譬如說:獨立董事與監察人二者並用,是否在組織機制層面上會疊床架屋,其相互間之權責會否不易界定而混淆不清,進而相互推諉?監察人和審計委員會之間是否為可相互取代之制度?二者設計的目的、監控方法和範圍在本質上有何異同?又如何的設計才能確保其「獨立性」和監控機能的有效發揮,但又不致陷入只會除弊不會興利的刻板印象?2006年修正之證券交易法的相關條文,其優劣為何,是否尚有不足之處仍待補充?本文即以此為研究方向,進行探討,惟鑑於國內研究監察人之專著專文已汗牛充棟,故本文著重於介紹此次證券交易法所正式引進之審計委員會制度在美國法下之相關規範及運作情形,並就引進獨立董事和審計委員會制度須搭配之相關配套措施及監察人制度之改善等相關問題提出淺見。 針對以上三種模式,本文認為,在模式二下的獨立董事,有責無權,頂多只能在董事會中扮演「諍友」的角色,其力量之極限亦僅止於透過公開其「諍言」來引起外部力量對公司之注意與監督。此種逐步、分階段實施獨立董事制度之設計,雖然優點是對企業之衝擊較小,但壞處是使得獨立董事制度的健全性,仍有很大的進步空間 。蓋立法者若真希望獨立董事能發揮其監督功能,則至少要讓其權責相符,如此一來功能性委員會之運作配合便是不能少的,且尚須使獨立董事能占董事會及功能性委員會之多數,才能使其較無懼地發揮監督之功能,此亦為國外法制之發展趨勢 。因此,此種既非純粹雙軌制亦非純粹單軌制之過渡階段的模式二設計,將來修法時實宜予以廢除,改由公司從經過修法補強完備之模式一(即水平式雙軌制)或模式三(即單軌制)中,依公司本身之需求,選擇適用其一,如此一來不但可避免現行架構上之混亂,亦符「公司自治」之法理。 而關於現行模式一下尚存如監察人之專業性、獨立性不足,欠缺對內、外審計單位之人事權及相關權責執行規定不夠細緻與選任方式不甚理想等缺失部分,本文建議可透過確立監察人獨立性資格;改善監察人提名、選任、報酬決定機制;賦予監察人辭任時之意見陳述權及引進監察人會等方式加以改進。 至於模式三之部分,本文則建議透過明確劃分董事會、管理階層及審計委員會之責任範圍;引進獨立董事責任免除或減輕之機制;明文要求公司應同時設置提名委員會及報酬委員會;加重對金融犯罪之處罰與設立專責法庭及禁止違反相關規定者轉任至其他發行公司擔任董事或經理人和引進預警機制等方法,以補強現制未臻完美之處,期使單軌制能真正於我國法制中落地生根、成長茁壯。

論我國公開發行公司內部控制法制之研究 / A Study of the Regulation of Internal Control in the Public Company

林士和, Lin, Shih Ho Unknown Date (has links)
每逢企業舞弊違法事件發生時,強化內部控制制度及改善公司治理常被認為是有效解方。現今,舉凡美國、日本及我國等國家,內部控制制度均已以不同程度之要求納入資本市場之監理法制中。 我國自1986年起即逐步推動企業建立內部控制制度,並於2002年予以法制化,使其具有行政、刑事、民事法律效果,且應用於上市(櫃)審查、增資案審核,並納入金管會「強化公司治理藍圖」進行推廣。在實施成果上,主管機關透過法令制訂、行政檢查、會計師審查、常見缺失宣導、行政裁罰等手段,成就出企業建立內部控制制度之形式完備率非常高。然而在實質成效上,因為政府之強力推動多過企業的自發性認同,使得企業多抱持應付心態,而吝於配置資源於此。另法制設計對主動自行揭露內控缺失者,又有後續追蹤查核或影響增資審查之不利益,從而降低企業認真執行及自願揭露內控缺失之意願。故內部控制制度聲明書揭露之內控缺失存有黑數,法院亦罕見相關判決來維護市場秩序。 我國內部控制法制係全盤繼受美國COSO Report,其適當性容有探討空間;現行證券交易法中對於內部控制制度之部分罰則法條的適切性,得再檢討;對於法條競合,亦有待更多法院判決來統一見解。關於內控重大缺失之揭露,採用重大訊息之即時公告,應比內部控制制度聲明書之年度揭露,更有助於資訊透明度。另為抑止弊端或為政府新政策增添配套管理措施,主管機關不斷地增訂內部控制制度規範或擴張其範疇,此雖有相當功效,但部分事項也產生逾越法律授權範圍或行政裁量是否恰當之爭議。內部控制制度除硬性法規命令之強制推動外,軟性輔導企業內化至其日常作業中,應更能輔佐立法意旨之達成。

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