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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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論我國民事鑑定制度之法理基礎-兼論囑託鑑定之妥當性 / Guiding principle of expert testimony in civil procedure of ROC - including appropriateness of expert testimony given by agency or organization

楊理安, Yang, Li An Unknown Date (has links)
由於時代變遷與社會思潮的急劇變動,現今之民事訴訟充斥著各種現代型紛爭案件,在各種專家參與的形式中,鑑定制度可謂我國民事訴訟法制中存在最久、且利用最多之模式。職此,完善且令人信服之鑑定制度,在涉及高度專業性爭議之案件中,對於負責主張並提出事證之當事人,或負責確定事實、適用法律之審判者,均具有相當程度之重要性。 本論文將介紹民事鑑定制度之發展過程、趨勢,並說明民事訴訟上鑑定制度之定位、鑑定人之選任程序及相關議題。藉由鑑定制度之程序、鑑定之效力、鑑定與類似制度之比較等問題討論,試圖勾勒出我國民事鑑定制度於現行法下之輪廓。針對建構我國民事鑑定制度之法理基礎,本文亦試圖從四個面向為描述,包括合法聽審權保障之要求、鑑定人之中立性要求、訴訟經濟之要求及真實發現之要求等,並試圖將現行法及實務見解下,已被承認或應被承認之當事人程序權利,以及各種基於上開法理基礎之制度設計,予以論述,並深化上開法理要求之內涵。 次以,本文將介紹美國專家證人制度及其相關問題,並與我國鑑定制度為比較,期能尋獲值得借鏡之處。並為改善我國鑑定制度提供另一途徑與方向。此部分除試圖與前開所歸納出之法理基礎為呼應,更思考彼邦制度設計背後之理念,是否適合及如何運用於我國體系。 末者,本文亦試圖將前面章節之研究所得,用以檢視現行實務常見之囑託機關鑑定之若干問題。包括介紹囑託機關鑑定之意義及定位、其與一般自然人鑑定之區異,囑託機關鑑定之優缺點、存在必要性及囑託機關鑑定是否已牴觸鑑定制度之若干基礎法理,造成民事訴訟理想之部分退讓,而有檢討、調整之必要。

關鍵查核事項與會計師事務所特性 / The Relationship between Key Audit Matters and Audit Firm Characteristics

陳品芊 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討關鍵查核事項與會計師事務所特性之關聯性。其中,會計師事務所特性係指其獨立性與專業能力,並分別以任期與產業專家衡量之。   本文實證研究結果如下:其一,主查會計師之任期對關鍵查核事項幾無影響。其二,產業專家會計師事務所與關鍵查核事項之數量及品質僅有部分試驗呈正相關。其三,產業專家主查會計師其對關鍵查核事項之數量及品質均有正面影響。   在增額測試的部分,結果如下:其一,對產業專家主查會計師而言,任期對關鍵查核事項有正面效果。其二,會計師事務所與主查會計師俱為產業專家的會計師對關鍵查核事項之正面影響力大於僅有會計師事務所為產業專家的會計師。最後,會計師的專業能力使其更有能力以簡明扼要的文字呈現關鍵查核事項。 / The objective of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between key audit matters (KAMs) and audit firm characteristics. In this study, audit firm characteristics are focused on their independence and ability, and are measured by tenure and industry expertise, respectively. The empirical results can be summarized as follows. Firstly, lead partners tenure has little effect on KAMs. Secondly, partial evidence is found on the association between firm-level industry specialist auditors and KAMs. Thirdly, partner-level industry specialist auditors have positive effects on both the quantity and quality of KAMs. In further examinations, the results are as follows. Firstly, tenure has positive effects on KAMs when the auditors are partner-level industry specialist. Secondly, industry experts at both firm- and partner-levels have stronger positive effects on KAMs then industry experts at firm-level alone. Lastly, auditors’ capacity allows them to present KAMs more concisely.

保戶行動主義制度及其於兩岸應用之研究-以反思法及制度公民為視角 / A Study on the Policyholder Activism and Its Application in Taiwan and Mainland China –A Perspective from the Reflexive Law and Institutional Citizenship

陳哲斌, Chen, Che Pin Unknown Date (has links)
保戶行動主義,也可以說是保單持有人行動主義,係指為因應保險監理國際化,兩岸監理平台的建立,及長年期保險商品的特殊性,對於積極的保單持有人,經由參與公司治理的方式,保障自身的權利。 保戶行動主義的內涵,為將相互保險公司中,保單持有人參與公司治理的模式引導至股份保險公司之中。其目的為促成保單持有人、監理官及保險公司三贏的局面。對於保單持有人而言,為積極性的權益維護,可分為三個方面:第一,因應投保後所產生的問題;第二,取代現行機制對於保單持有人保障可能的失靈或僅是消極性的事後補救措施;第三,鼓勵保單持有人與公司溝通,符合國際上的治理原則。對於監理官而言,則可降低政府對於保險業的監理成本,也就是,政府為維護保單持有人的權益及維護資金的安全性,對於保險業採用高度監理所衍生的成本。對於保險公司而言,除了經由保戶行動主義,得以降低監理強度,而增加公司的市場競爭力之外,也可藉由與保單持有人的溝通而建立正面形象,設計符合客戶需求的商品,進而創造新業績。 本研究將保戶行動主義的制度設計分為規範與架構兩方面,在制度規範形成上,採用寇恩所倡議的反思法法理;在架構設計上,則採用史特姆所建議的制度公民及觸媒組織的架構。公司治理分為內部治理與外部監理,經由反思法的自反性、同源互生性與原則性,將能加強內部治理的自律性,進而降低外部監理的強制性。然而因自發性或反思性形成規範必須經由多數人的討論,為達對話效率,則輔以電子治理網站為對話平台,並在觸媒組織中提出以「核心專家群」為網站的主導者,且為充分對話後的主要決策者,如此將可有效率的形成與廣大保單持有人的對話機制,並尋求多數人的共識,並可增加資訊揭露的透明度。 保戶行動主義中,保戶公民選任保戶董事作為代表,而對話機制則為整體制度成效的關鍵,總共分為四個層面,第一稱為保戶行動主義與法律的對話,論述保戶董事委任關係的法律性質,以及對核心專家群委任的法律性質;第二為保戶公民間的對話,著重對話品質的管理;第三為為保戶行動主義與監理的對話,藉由監理策略形成監理法規的二元規範;最後以保戶董事與股東董事間的對話機制,作為保戶行動主義與股東行動主義對話的代理行為。 為驗證保戶行動主義的有效性,本研究建構其對於治理效率與治理賽局的實證模型以用於未來的實證研究,最後並以兩岸間的弱體保險公司為個案作為說明保戶行動主義應用上的利益實效,為質性上的說明。 / Policyholder activism is to cope with the globalization of insurance supervision, the establishment of the supervision platform between Taiwan and Mainland China, and the special features of the long term insurance, in order for the active policyholders protecting their rights by participating the corporate governance. The connotation of policyholder activism refers to introduce the role of policyholders in mutual life company into the corporate governance for the stock life insurance company. It is of the all-win purpose among the policyholders, the regulator, and the insurance company. For the policyholders, it is to actively safeguard the interests of policyholders, and could be achieved by three aspects, first of all is to avoid the arguments after issuing policy; secondly is to provide an alternative to current mechanisms for the policyholders which might be failure or just a passive response afterwards; the final is to comply the global governance principle by encouraging policyholders to communicate with the corporate. For the regulator, it is to reduce the supervision costs which mainly maintain the rights of policyholders, and the security of the funds. For the insurance company, it is not only by reducing supervision power, in order to increase the market competitiveness, but also by communicating with the policyholders, in order to create the positive image, to know the needs of customers and then to increase the performance. In this study, the structure of policyholder activism is divided into the aspects of norms and framework. This study adopts the reflexive law proposed by Jean Cohen for the norms strategy, and the concepts of institutional citizenship and catalyst group proposed by Susan Sturm for the framework design. Basically, the corporate governance system can be separated into internal governance and external supervision. By three properties of the reflex law, the reflexive, the co-original and the principled, will strengthen the regulated self-regulation of internal governance into norms, thereby reducing the enforcement of external supervision. However, reflex law requires through the democracy process from people discussion to complete the norms, to improve efficacy of discussion, the platform of electronic governance (e-governance) is supposed to be applied. For this purpose, this study introduces “core expert group” in the organizational catalysts as a manager and the decision maker after fully discussion. Then it will become an efficient dialogue mechanism for the consensus with the majority of policyholders, and for the more transparency of the disclosed information. For policyholder activism, the policyholder-director(s), on behalf of the institutional citizenship of policyholders, is(are) elected, therefore the dialogue mechanism is the key of the all, it can be separated into four levels; the first level is called the “dialogue between policyholder activism and the law” which discourses the issues of the legal nature for policyholder-director who appointed by two parties, and the core expert group; the second level is called the “dialogue among policyholders” which focuses on the management of quality; the third level is called the “dialogue between policyholder activism and supervisors” to build the duality of norms by regulation strategy; and the final level is called the “dialogue between policyholder activism and shareholder activism” which represented by the dialogue mechanism between the policyholder-director and the shareholder-director. To validate the effectiveness of policyholder activism, this study constructs the models of performance and game theory for future empirical study. This study finally selects two cases of the impaired insurance companies each in Taiwan and Mainland China, and then discusses the qualitative benefits for the application of policyholder activism.

入口網站服務品質提昇之研究--以休閒農業服務網為例 / Electronic service quality improvement-- the case of ezgo web portal

洪凡嵐, Hung, Fanlan Unknown Date (has links)
行政院農委會為了提昇網站服務品質,委託台灣農業資訊科技發展協會將「休閒農業服務網」入口網站與所屬的二十個家族網站進行相關整合計畫,同時以2007年12月研考會公布的「政府服務品質獎評獎作業手冊」為參考依據,希望透過「休閒農業服務網」入口網站改善來提昇網站的服務品質,整合各相關業務機關的資訊,提供民眾完善的資訊服務平台,為農村旅遊配套措施加值,並促進農村經濟活絡與提昇生活品質之終極目標。 本研究首先依據評獎的計分方式,以內部效益、外部效益、整合性的解決手法與資通訊(ICT)服務導入等四大項評分標準,協助建置客觀且可衡量的構面與指標。然後利用深度訪談、專家訪談的專業建議、焦點團體訪談(FGI)等方式來瞭解使用者真正的需求與題項,並修正前項構面與指標。並採用層級分析法(AHP)來計算服務品質構面的題項,最後以網路問卷與問卷調查的方式進行滿意度分析,進而產生初步KPI。 同時,透過初步KPI進行實際的網站功能改善,分析民眾對網站服務品質的滿意度是否提升,提出具體可行、較大幅度的修正建議,以趕上目前科技網路的進步。希望透過此次研究,能更深入了解非營利入口網站的實務機制與流程,日後可依不同網站需求做調整,推展到其他非營利的網站。 本研究的網站服務品質提升的計畫經過嚴謹的調查,確實執行所有階段活動,並實體進行網站服務品質的功能改善,經過改善前後的兩次問卷調查結果對照,來評估網站功能改善的效益。研究結果依據評獎計分方式,在總得分1000分中獲得989分。整體而言,本次計畫確實有達到服務品質提升的目的。網站內容技術的發展以及網站應用普及,已促使政府機關或民眾,在觀念上及對網站內容的預期上,都遠高於以往。近年,整體大環境加上政府資訊網路的大幅發展,也促使我們需要認真思考,非營利網站與休閒農業相關的政府網站能加強改進,以滿足網路使用者的需求。 / The Council of Agriculture (COA), Executive Yuan authorized the Taiwan Agriculture Information Technology Association—the management team of the EZGO website—to integrate COA’s twenty sub-websites into a “EZGO” portal website. Referring to the service benchmarks of the annual “Executive Yuan Service Quality Award“, which the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission of the Executive Yuan presented on December, 2007, EZGO hopes to improve the COA’s web service quality with integrated information from related government agencies. Furthermore, with this portal, EZGO aims to promote agri-tourism, to expedite the economic revival of farm and fishing villages, and to improve the living quality of rural communities. The objective of this research is to provide EZGO with measurable and objective Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)to evaluate EZGO’s portal. First, measurable evaluate on criteria, which are based on the Government Service Quality Award’s benchmarks, were established. Second, some literatures review, in-depth interviews, expert interviews and a focus group interview to investigate the current situation of the web portal and its sub-websites and to determine the real needs of primary users were conducted. These results were adapted to previous criteria. Third, utilize the analytic hierarchy process method was utilized to calculate the weight of criteria and convert them into performance indicators. Finally, online questionnaire surveys and face-to-face interviews were conducted to turn those indicators into preliminary KPIs. Furthermore, EZGO used those preliminary KPIs to improve their website service quality, analyze users’ feedback to website and even suggest web redesign, in alignment with contemporary Internet user behavior trends. This research intends to establish fair, measurable and adjustable KPIs to evaluate non-profit portals and other similar websites. The research demonstrates a website service improvement process that combines rigorous investigation and thorough execution. The research actually did interpret and apply research findings to the EZGO portal website services and compared the before and after KPIs to evaluate improvements to the EZGO portal.


許紹峰, Hsu, Shao-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
針對「有害廢棄物污染與環境管制政策」的論述主軸,本研究除歷史地探究戰後台灣有害廢棄物污染問題的形成脈絡之外,並選擇「桃園RCA土壤及地下水污染事件」為研究個案,探究在該等污染事件發生之後,如何被定義及解決的具體過程,並闡述地方社區民眾的訴求與心聲;最後則是總結前述研究結果,論述研究個案的政策意涵,並針對「土壤及地下水污染整治法」以及相關的環境管制政策建構提出批判性的思索。 首先,本研究指出有害廢棄物污染此一結構性的問題其實反映了戰後台灣所謂「優良投資環境」的利基之一-相對低廉的環境成本,表現於外便是長期放任與形式化的環境管制。並且,在相關污染事件陸續爆發的1990年代,事態的嚴重性已然超乎政府的能力所及,故而在「私有化」的政策取向之下,政府企圖利用各種「獎勵投資」的策略,例如稅賦減免、放寬 / 簡化土地使用管制、國營事業土地釋出、加強查緝以穩定廢棄物的供給量等措施,藉以扶植民營廢棄物清理業者,並且巧妙地將廢棄物的生產與整體的資本擴大再生產連結了起來。可以預見的是,此一策略或許在短期內可以稍微抑止事業廢棄物流竄的問題,然而卻更進一步地深化了「大量生產-大量消費-大量棄置」的資本主義運作邏輯,絲毫無助於更積極地從源頭減少污染危害的產生。 其次,透過對「桃園RCA土壤及地下水污染事件」的考察,本研究指出戰後台灣具有強大相對自主性的政府雖然以各種政策工具創造出所謂「優良的投資環境」,但是彼等所依恃的環境管理體系偏重「事後管制」而無力於「事前預防」,使得鄰近污染場址的社區民眾、農民與勞工成為環境污染的直接受害者。在跨國資本「賺飽就跑」的移動邏輯,並將污染惡果轉嫁予地方社區之下,後者無異是與總體之「發展」脫勾的。繼而,觀諸污染整治之過程可知,該污染事件徹底地被設定為一個純粹的「技術」問題,由於風險詮釋權力的偏差動員,政府與資本藉由特定科學知識的引介與轉譯所啟動的「技術動員」,其實亦代表了特定「利益動員」之實現。換言之,在「權力動員 → 技術動員 → 利益動員」的過程中,與資本再生產攸關的變更開發利益被普遍化、極大化,地方社區民眾所可能遭致的污染危害則是被選擇性地詮釋,甚至於忽視。此一過程除體現出環境風險「在地化」的脈絡,亦隱含著環境污染所肇致的決策權力不平等,因為民眾們失去了直接參與瞭解,並決定攸關其生活之行動方針的權利與能力。而該等污染事件除指涉環境惡物的生產與分配外,更是和勞動安全、民眾健康、性別平等、社區發展、權力分派等關乎社會正義的問題密切相關,是一個「多元不平等」的公共議題,要解決環境污染所肇致的不平等,便不能忽略其他的社會不平等問題。 基於前述研究發現,本研究提出下列政策建議: 一、在相關污染整治的問題方面: 當污染場址受限於整治技術無法回復至先前狀態,污染行為人亦不須就損害負起賠償責任時,讓受污染土地變更使用應是可以接受的原則,否則土地的閒置將使地方社區再次成為最無辜的犧牲者。不過,為了使環境風險與開發利益能夠得到衡平的考量,整治決策及土地使用變更審議過程中應適度納入民眾參與機制,其意見亦應被尊重與採納,而不是被選擇性地忽略或詮釋,以強化決策之正當性。 二、 在「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之修正方面: (一)管制手段應考量整體工業體系之生產過程,俾積極地從源頭減少 污染危害。 (二)應以「無過失賠償責任」作為追索污染責任之原則,而溯及既往責任應擴及污染之損害賠償責任,賠償範圍亦應增列自然資源之損害。 (三)在公害行政救濟上,相關之污染受害賠償法制、污染補助(償)基金及環境損害強制責任保險等制度,應儘速予以研訂。 (四)在資訊公開與民眾參與方面,應在肯認受污染影響之地方社區民眾擁有「充分資訊的權利」、「公開聽證的權利」、「民主參與及社區團結的權利」、「賠償的權利」,以及「污染清除與被破壞環境復原的權利」等公民權的基礎之上進一步予以強化。 (五)中央政府應適度下放人力、財力與權力,以強化地方政府執行污染防治或整治之能力。 (六)結合污染整治與土地再利用之原則應以更積極、實質的民眾參與為主導。 三、在相關環境管制政策之建構方面: (一)為了打破決策權力不平等所加諸於弱勢者的「環境不正義」,本研究主張政策的制定 / 執行通常是一種主觀的價值選擇,而非如科技決定論者所謂的客觀事實之認定。在一個民主的社會裡,選擇的權力應該保留在民眾的手中,也唯有經由民主的參與才可以促進理性目標的達成。 (二)在相關污染事件的整治過程中,科技專家的角色應該不再是決策的「仲裁者」或「決定者」,而是各種民眾參與機制的「促進者」;並且,彼等的基於高深的統計數據或模式之論述典範亦應稍作轉化,俾使民眾能夠更清楚地瞭解科學論述的意義,而非反倒成為其參與之障礙。 (三)正因有害廢棄物污染危機實源自於資本的生產決策(其將污染惡物之處理成本外部化),進而在既有環境管理系統無法控制經濟事務的窘境之下,唯有藉由民眾參與的不斷實踐來尋求「生產的民主化」,讓資本自行擔負起應有的處理責任,才是解決當前困境之道。質言之,民眾參與除了技術層次的探討(如哪些人參與?如何參與?參與程度為何?)之外,更應肯認的是其實質定位與意義(如決策權力的賦予或分享、風險論述之地位平等)。

住宅區土地混合使用業種相容性分析之研究-以台北市大安區與萬華區為例 / Study on the Compatibility Analysis of Land Mixed-Use in Residential Area of Ta-An and Wan-Hua Districts of Taipei Metropolitan

許戎聰 Unknown Date (has links)
台北市自民國72年起,公佈實施土地使用分區管制規則以來,至今已十幾年,但對於住宅區之環境品質並無明顯改善,反而突顯實施土地使用分區之分組及允許使用組別的問題,究其原因,是法規制定太偏於混合使用及允許使用組別太多。尤其附條件允許組別更為嚴重,幾乎與商業區差不多,而其中產生一些行業別與住宅不相容的情形。 有鑑於此,本研究乃期望透過混合使用相關研究回顧遴選出適當之評估指標項目,再收集專家學者對評估指標之意見,進行修正所遴選之評估指標,作為混合使用環境品質之評估基礎。在其中發現混合使用評估指標相對權重以「守望相助與警衛」權重最大、其次是「購物方便性」、第三為「餐飲方便性」。而「垃圾收集」與「污水排放問題」之小指標相對權重較小。由此不難理解,在專家的觀念裡混合使用之居住環境需以居住安全性之「守望相助與警衛」為第一考量,然後才能考慮混合使用生活之便利性。 由以上所建構之評估指標,經收集居民的意見與專家之賦予權重之後,經整理計算後,所得到評估指數正負得知,混合使用環境品質評估指標中以「寧便居住環境」、「公共安全」之指數呈現正值,而「環境污染公害」為負值,將其大指標之指數加總,發現總值為正數,得知混合使用之居住環境可能是好處多於壞處。 得知評估指標之指數大小之後,筆者再建立相容性行業別操作方式,進行計算行業別之評估指數大小,並建立數學模式,發現行業別之指數總和越大,代表居民與專家愈能接受該行業。負面值越大表示排斥性越大。同時可理解相容性越高之行業對環境影響越少,且對生活機能幫助越大。進而可透過行業別之排序,依混合使用環境品質需求,再訂定不同混合標準,以塑造不同等級之居住環境。 另在新、舊地區之實證過程中得知;混合使用的行業會因道路寬度、區位而有不同混合比例,其中立體混合也與平面混合成正相關。而從實際新、舊地區之業種調查發現,在大安區之業種是屬於都市型,而在萬華區之業種是屬於鄰里型。 綜合言之;本研究透過相關理論回顧與分析,所建立住宅區土地混合使用之評估指標,作為相容性之行業別判斷依據。在其中發現行業別之相容性,可依本研究所擬之評估指標判斷業別對居住環境的影響情形,同時可透指數分析再訂定業種相容性標準,而進行衡量評估指標與行業別之相關性計算。尤其在行業別設立時,將可能對住宅使用產生正面或負面影響情形,以指標的方式表達;如行業別是否產生噪音振動、垃圾處理方式、停車問題、空氣污染..等等問題,儘可能再設有評估標準。待相容性行業別執行一段時間後,依執行情形來修正評估標準,以利後續土地混合使用業種相容性之參考。 / Since the announcement and execution of the Zoning Act of Taipei Metropolitan in 1983, there is no obvious improvement on the living quality in the residential areas. Conversely, there are some issues on the usage classification and permitted usage categories. After further research, it’s found that the Zoning Act biased on the mixed-use, which permitted too much usage in one category. The most serious one was the permitted usage in its appendix, which made the usage of residential area almost the same as the commercial area. After researching on the related documents on mixed-use, the study emerged the appropriate evaluation indicators. Then collecting the experts’ comments, the study modified evaluation indicators accordingly, which formed the bases of environmental evaluation of mixed-use. In between, the relative importance of top three indicators was ranked as “residents’ mutual help and guard”, “shopping convenience” and “dinning convenience”. Both “trash collection” and “waste water manipulation” were less concerned. It understandable that in experts’ concepts, the residential safety was the first consideration then the living convenience. Based on the above evaluation indicators and collected comments from the residents and experts, the study came out the positive and negative values of evaluation indicators. The “quiescence and convenience of living environment” and “public safety” were positive value but “environmental pollution” was negative value. Summing up the big indicators, the value was positive which meant people possibly evaluated highly on the mixed-use in the residential environment. Understanding the importance of indicators, the study rebuilt the operation model for compatible businesses, which calculated the values of business evaluation indicators and built mathematical model. Then the study found out that the greater positive values of summed up indicators, the more representative residents and experts accepted the business. The greater the negative value, the more exclusivity represented. More compatible businesses would less impact the environment but enhance the living functionality. Ranking the business sequences according to the needs of environmental quality in mixed-use, we could build up different grades of living environments by setting up different mixed-use standards. It was proven from the study on the new and old residential areas that the mixed-use ratio of businesses would be differed by the width of road and location in which vertical and horizontal mixed-use are positively related. From the field study, the businesses in Ta-An district belonged to the metropolitan type but those in Wan-Hua district belonged to the tithing type. In summary, the study went through the review and analysis of related thesis then built the evaluation indicators for mixed-use in residential area, which in turn were the bases to identify the businesses compatibility. Utilizing the evaluation indicators, we could identify the business compatibility and its impact on the living environment. Simultaneously, through indicator analysis, new business compatibility could be redefined and evaluate the relationship between evaluation indicators and business relativity. Especially for the business category, which would heavily impact the environment, the indicators could be identified as, e.g., voice and vibration pollution, trash manipulation, parking issue, air pollution...which needed more evaluation standards. After some time of execution, the results could be used to modify the evaluation standard, which would be the reference for the succeeding study of land mixed-use.

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