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俄羅斯中央與地方關係,1992~1999 / Russian Center-periphery Relations, 1992~1999陳慶輝, Chen, Ching-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
俄羅斯聯邦體制的運作仍然存在許多問題,不論是在政治方面、經濟方面,甚或法律制度方面尚有不夠完善的地方。再加上地方主體的種類繁多,經濟條件、政治情況及文化取向差異甚大,影響著主體對聯邦關係的看法。因此要解決聯邦問題,就必須從制度上的缺陷及地方主體的態度來著手進行。 / Russian federation is a multi-national state, there are more than one hundred kinds of races. These minority races have their own culture and language, they desire to be independent from Russian federation, especially Chechenya and Tarstan. Besides independent demand, there still have localism in Russian federation. In Russian federation, there are two kinds of federal subject. One is ethno subject which based on races different from Russian, the other is territorial subject.
Late years in Soviet Union, Russian president Yeltsin in order to struggle with Gorbachev, he said:“swallow what you can get”. Meanwhile, the Union Republics declare their sovereignty. The atmosphere in Russian federation is chaotic. To solve the problem, Yeltsin sighed three federal treaty with all subjects and define the right between center and subjects. Then 1993 passed the Russian Constitution, 1994 Chechen war exploded, that means constitution not suitable for every subject. Yeltsin decided to sign bilateral treaty with subjects, first one is Tartarstan Republic, called “Tartarstan Model”.
Russian federal system still has several problems in politic, economic, and law, institution. Besides 89 subjects are so distinguished, their political condition, economic situation, culture are so different, all this affect their perception about federal relation.
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中國大陸運用經濟手段應對菲、越南海爭端 / China’s Employing Economic Instruments in Dealing with the South China Sea Disputes to the Philippines and Vietnam鄭藝銘, Cheng, I Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討中國大陸如何運用經濟工具與菲律賓、越南應處南海爭端。參照Keohane及Nye非對稱互賴理論(asymmetrical interdependence)提出之敏感性(sensitivity)、脆弱性(vulnerability)概念,本研究分析中國大陸自1997年採取「魅力攻勢(Charm Offensive)」策略,為其創造可供運用經濟誘因(economic attraction)及經濟脅迫(economic coercion)之戰略空間,期能使菲、越等經濟實力相對弱勢國家,在領土爭端方面知所退讓。然而,從經濟誘因之敏感性以觀,研究發現菲、越兩國例證,均無以支持經濟誘因能說服相對弱勢國家減緩聲索之論述。針此,研究者提出「信任(trust)」或可作為補強Keohane及Nye分析框架要項之一;意即中國大陸與其經濟夥伴之間若政治信任不足,則中國大陸欲藉提供經濟誘因,促其經濟夥伴在領土爭端有所退讓,勢必存在相當難度。另從經濟脅迫之脆弱性以觀,研究發現菲、越兩國例證顯示,有別於運用實質性手段(substantive measures)施壓造成之短期損失,採取象徵性手段(symbolic measures)所映射之高度風險與不確定性,對於威懾經濟實力相對弱勢國家,可能更具效力。 / This study explores how China has employed economic instruments in handling South China Sea disputes with the Philippines and Vietnam. Borrowing Keohane and Nye’s notations of sensitivity and vulnerability in asymmetrical interdependence, this study analyzes how China’s charm offensive strategy developed since 1997 has created tactical spaces for China to utilize economic attractions and economic coercions in making her weaker economic partners to concede in territorial disputes. In terms of sensitivity to economic attractions, nevertheless, findings in both cases fail to support the argument that economic incentives would persuade the weaker parties to refrain their claims. I argue that one of the missing elements in Keohane and Nye’s analytical framework is “trust”. Without sufficient political “trust” between China and her economic partners, economic attractions to induce concessions could hardly work. In terms of vulnerability to economic coercions, findings in both cases suggest that compared to the substantive measures stressing the short-term loss, the symbolic measures projecting to high degree of risks and uncertainties might be more effective to deter the weaker parties.
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締約前資訊義務之研究楊宏暉, Yang, Hung Hui Unknown Date (has links)
對於資訊義務的成立,在客觀因素上,可從「資訊需求」與「資訊期待可能性」,加以觀察。在交易過程中,可設想參與交易的當事人會具備最低必要資訊與一般基礎知識,以免在交易過程中須時時探查相對人能力而迭生調查成本,而當事人就自己商業領域範圍內之事項及一般的公開資訊,應可期待其為自力的資訊獲取,以免資訊努力的重覆投入,故原則上只有對於他方當事人無法自主獲取的特定重要資訊,才有主動說明的義務。所謂重要資訊,係指對於締約決定具有重要意義之事項,主要是指會影響契約目的實現的情事。經由此一重要性門檻,可以為契約嚴守原則(pacta sunt servanda)提供最低保護,確保契約效力的安定性,同時也意味著完全的資訊對等與完全的資訊揭露,係與契約自由及自我負責的基本原則,並不相符。對於資訊義務人的資訊期待可能性,應依交易觀點而為判斷,除特殊專業外,義務人的行為或表示、特別信賴的表徵、契約性質、交易性質、契約中的利益地位等等,也可推知資訊的期待可能性,此外,資訊誘因與資訊價值的社會福祉因素,以及具體個案中締約當事人雙方的利益平衡,也應納入考慮。在主觀因素上,在故意責任之外,另外建構過失責任,將督使當事人在交易過程中為必要注意。在法律效果上,違反資訊義務者,被害人得請求撤銷或廢棄契約,請求損害賠償,也享有拒絕履行抗辯權,此外,其亦可選擇調整契約作為損害賠償的方式。在故意責任時可適用詐欺規定及侵權行為規定,而過失責任時則依締約上過失請求,倘若締約前資訊義務的內容,涉及契約給付而成為契約內容一部分時,應被債務不履行責任所吸收。
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消費定型化契約條款之行政規制 / Consumption of standard contract terms of administrative control胡華泰 Unknown Date (has links)
第柒章「法制上之建議-代結論」:延續第陸章的檢討,對我國現行消費定型化契約條款行政規制法制提出建言。 / With the ongoing changes of official role in the arbitration between the civil contracts, the debate of whether it should be stepping into or reducing is still up in the air. Although both sides have based on profound theories, the administrative authority of ROC still has tighter and tighter control on consumption of standard contract terms. In light of domestic study on such subject, more paper emphasize on individual type of study instead of the comprehensive one. Therefore this paper claims that the administrative authority should aggressively play a role to create the sound framework to provide necessary substances and service to assure the function of the market mechanism. However, its intervention of the contract content freedom should be taken by more conservative approach. Under this circumstance, this study is trying to illustrate the origin and the development of moderation on standard contract terms, also with the related discussion over contract moderation in German, and the analysis in law and economics over civil contracts. Moreover this study elaborates the concrete consumption of standard contract terms under the consumers’ protection regulation architecture. Hopefully we can reexamine the current administrative control over the consumption of standard contract terms, especially for those the standard contract terms should be posted and those should not. We can evaluate the pros and cons about that later.
Besides, due to lots of regulation over those should be or not to provisions, this study is also trying to classify all to make comparison and analysis one by one for your own view.
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資訊揭露與公平交易法 / 無牛曰正 Unknown Date (has links)
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資訊與金融市場論文兩篇 / Two essays on information and financial markets劉文謙, Liu, Wen Chien Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用臺指選擇權的日內資料來探討選擇權提前交易期間是否具有資訊內涵與價格發現的功能。就作者所知,我們是第一篇透過選擇權資料探討提前交易期間資訊內涵的研究。首先,我們分別透過價、量、與高階動差三類資訊變數指標來衡量提前交易期間的資訊內涵。實證結果顯示:選擇權提前交易期間不只能有效反映隔夜資訊 (公開資訊),且具有預測當日現貨指數開盤後5分鐘內股價指數移動的能力 (反應私有資訊),說明提前交易期間的確具有資訊內涵與價格發現的功能。此外,我們進一步發現價平選擇權包含最強的資訊內涵,此應與投資人尋求交易流動性最高的價平選擇權來迅速實現其利潤以反映其資訊有關。最後,本研究亦發現前一日海外市場 (美國) 投資人情緒傳染效果的強度會影響提前交易期間選擇權的資訊內涵,而前一日是否交易 (週末效果與假日效果)則不會影響此資訊內涵。 / 【第一篇論文英文摘要】
We investigate whether the spread of corporate debt contacts can be explained by their ultimate recovery rates. Using the actual realized recovery rates of defaulted debt instruments issued in the U.S. from 1962 to 2007, we find that recovery rate is reflected in the spread at issuance, and that this relationship has become more significant since commercial banks were allowed to underwrite corporate securities. Our further investigation indicates that the enhanced informativeness of recovery rate can be attributed to the lowering of information asymmetry of individual firms. Besides, the relation between the spread at issuance and the recovery rate is stronger for weak corporate governance and non-investment grade issuers. Our conclusions are found to be robust to endogeneity issues, potentially omitted variables and alternative model specifications.
This study uses tick-by-tick data to examine the information content and price discovery of TAIEX option trading during the pre-opening period. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that focuses on the options market. We construct three groups of information variables to measure the information content of the pre-opening period, including the price, volume, and high moment information variables. We find that option trading during the pre-opening period not only can reflect the overnight information (public information) but also predict the 5-minute intraday returns after the opening of spot market (private information), showing the information content and price discovery of option trading during the pre-opening period. We also find that at-the-money options contain the strongest richness of information content, which may result from its highest liquidity. Finally, we also find that the empirical results would be stronger depending on the intensity of investor sentiment from overseas (U.S. market) of last day but not the length of hours without trading (weekend and holiday effect).
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從資源依賴的觀點探討組織價值創新:全面解決方案提供者的個案探討 / Resource Dependence Perspective of Organizational Value Innovation: Case Study of a Total Solution Provider陳德川, Chen,Te-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
創業初期所面對的主要問題就是資源不足的問題,要如何獲取生存與發展所需要的資源是企業的重要課題。首先,企業必須分析內部環境,找出核心資源,並將之發揮在目標事業上,為企業奠定基礎。再者,企業必須分析外部環境,透過各種組織鏈結策略,重新調整與供應商、顧客、甚至是競爭者之間的關係成為策略夥伴關係,選擇並集中核心競爭強項,形成資源互補,提供給客戶一個全面解決方案(Total solution)的服務,以滿足甚至超過顧客預期的需求,使得顧客願意持續購買,企業藉此從環境中獲取關鍵資源並得以持續發展。
「TSP成長曲線 (TSP Growth Curve)」的形成過程,是在個案成長過程分析及探討後發現,組織要追求持續成長,單靠本身的資源是受限的,組織必須去整合內外部的資源,包括重新建構核心資源、組織並管理外部資源網絡,透過各樣的鏈結策略使得組織獲取成長所需要的關鍵資源,透過策略再思考重新組織企業架構,建構一個學習性組織平台,鼓勵在這個平台上的每一個人去創新思考,讓組織成員得以在非傳統性架構下去思考,在非秩序中去創新,讓大家願意去共創組織的價值。
大部分的企業皆無法規避「出生、成長、成熟、飽和、衰退」的命運,就如同生命會歷經「出生、幼年、青年、壯年、老年」的歷程一般,或許企業無法避免衰退或消失的命運,但是找出「延年益壽」方法來維持壯年期是一個可行的策略。「TSP成長曲線圖」以「TSP成長循環圖」即可以說明企業從「創業成功」到「維持成長」的策略歷程,可以作為企業經營發展的參考。 / The major problem in the early stage of entrepreneurship is the shortage of resources, so it is industries’ crucial mission to acquire the resources to sustain and develop its growth. First, industries must analyze its internal environment to identify the core sources and apply them into the target business, to lay the foundation for companies. Second, industries must conduct external analysis with organizations linkage mechanism to re-address the connection among suppliers, customers and even competitors, so that they can become the strategic partners, formulate complimentary resources, concentrate on their own core advantages in the competition. In this way, they can offer customers the service of Total Solution, to meet, even exceed customers’ expectation. Hence, this could sustain customers’ continuous purchase, and industries can keep developing its business by grabbing the crucial resources in the environment.
This research discovered that, due to the different merging processes between market powers and organizations power, there are five categorized patterns when organizations become Total Solution Provides (TSP): horizontal integration TSP, vertical integration TSP, horizontal-to-vertical integration TSP, vertical-to-horizontal integration TSP and simultaneously vertical and horizontal integration TSP. These five patterns basically outline the process of organization development and bring us more diverse pictures caused by different environmental and organizational causes.
After studying cases and formulating of the TSP Growth Curve, this research found out that it is limited to for organizations to pursue the growth by its own resources. Industries must integrate internal and external resources, re-construct the core resources, manage the external resource network, acquire all the necessary resources for further growth through linkage mechanism, rethink the structure of the business, establish the learning platform to encourage its member to jointly create the value for the organizations, contemplate beyond the boundary of tradition and innovate without order.
There are four steps for the organizations to acquire resources and formulate the TSP Growth Curve: 1. Constructing the core resources and capability of the organizations; 2.Acquireing the core resources from the environment; 3.Becoming TSP with value innovation and satisfy the customers; 4.Lowering the dependence on the environment and upgrading the Growth circle. Organizations can grow stronger, accumulate more resources with this benign circle and leave the dilemma of insufficient resources. In this way, organizations can receive more resources than ever; it can also turn the relationship between organizations and supplier from unilateral dependence to mutual dependence and TSP Growth circle will also be upgraded while they are growing bigger. This growth circle can continuously sustain its development by collecting different resources in different environments. Hence, the stage of growth will be prolonged, and the stage of recession will be avoided of delayed.
Based on the Resources dependence theory, this research has discussed how organizations obtain the crucial resources from the environment to generate growth, and also analyzed that when organizations obtain customers’ value innovation by playing TSP, organizations’ value will also raise consecutively.
Most industries can not avoid the linear destiny of establishment, growth, maturity, saturation and recession as well as human’s life stage of birth, child, youth, adult and aging. Industries may not genuinely ward off the consequence of decline or disappearance, but it’s still workable to figure out a strategy to prolong the period of maturity. TSP Growth Curve and TSP Growth Circle can well explain the industries’ process from the stage of “entrepreneurship” to “the maintenance of growth”, and also offer the positive example for business operation.
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