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員工協助方案之研究-以行政院衛生署為例 / On employee assistance programs: a case study of Department of Health宋欣燕 Unknown Date (has links)
「員工協助方案」(Employee Assistance Programs,EAPs)係指在於解決、預防各種影響員工工作績效上的問題,而這些問題的來源可能產生於工作場所、家庭及個人因素。期望透過該方案的執行,能有效的解決員工的問題與困擾,使員工能以健康之身心投入工作、提昇工作績效與促進其工作發展,進而降低員工流動率,提升生產力,減少企業整體福利成本之支出,以增進勞資合諧。
「員工協助方案」源自1917年之美國「職業戒酒方案」(Occupational Alcoholism Program, OAP),因早期最主要之員工問題即「酗酒問題」,之後逐漸擴大為更廣泛之員工個人問題,除了協助員工解決酗酒之問題外,並引進全面健康的概念,教導員工健康生活型態,致力於「預防勝於治療」。台灣最早引進此為天主教會,之後陸續由私人企業、民間服務機構、政府機關及學校單位使用。
三、同仁普遍期望在現有的運作模式下,能加強同仁對「心理諮商」之正確認知,並應強調「預防勝於治療」之觀念。 / The Employee Assistance Programs, EAPs, is aimed at solving and prevent every issue that could influence the results of employees’ work. And these issues could come from the working place, from family and could also be individual. We hope to efficiently solve employees’ problems so that they could healthily do their job, enhance their efficiency and let them develop in their work in order to reduce the employee turnover rate and increase productivity. We also hope to reduce the general expenses of enterprises’ cost so that the employers and employees could coexist in harmony.
The “Employee Assistance Programs” takes the “Occupational Alcoholism Program, OAP” of the United States in 1917 as a model. The major problem for employees at that time was alcoholism. It then widely became an individual problem. Besides helping employees to solve their alcoholic addiction, they were also introduced the concept of general health, teaching them to live healthily. It strived to “prevent instead of curing”. The catholic religion was the first to ever introduce such a system. It was followed by the private sector, civilian service centers and governmental institutions.
The author of this study is responsible of the Department of Health’s Employee Assistance Programs. It combines the resources of the Department of Health to promote the assistance program by adopting a “partially intern and partially extern” model. In the course of such promotion, it uses the “participation and observation model” and the “In-depth Interview Technique”. The shortcomings of the study are completed with “document analysis”. This study has concluded the following three points”
1.The “partially intern and partially extern” model is commonly accepted by employees of the Department of Health.
2.Most employees think that this program is helpful, only a few think it doesn’t.
3.Most employees wish that they could be told more about the correct meaning of “psychological counseling” and the concept of “prevent instead of curing” under this current model.
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我是男生,「愛漂亮」的男生-男性「重視外貌修飾」的前因後果 / Metrosexual Inside &Out: Inside Out蘇冠霖 Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 「重視外貌修飾」分別與享樂性消費、象徵性消費、地位消費、時尚消費呈現正相關。
(二) 陽剛特質、陰柔特質、消費者對獨特感之追求、視覺美學敏銳度,皆與「重視外貌修飾」呈現正相關。
(三) 網友、同儕、交往對象所給予之「外貌修飾」相關資訊與「重視外貌修飾」呈現正相關。
(四) 「重視外貌修飾」會中介陽剛特質,因而分別影響享樂性消費、象徵性消費、地位消費及時尚消費。
(五) 「重視外貌修飾」會中介陰柔特質,因而分別影響享樂性消費、象徵性消費、地位消費及時尚消費。
(六) 「重視外貌修飾」會部分中介消費者對獨特感之追求,因而分別影響享樂性消費、象徵性消費、地位消費及時尚消費。
(七) 「重視外貌修飾」會部分中介視覺美學敏銳度,因而分別影響享樂性消費、象徵性消費、地位消費及時尚消費。
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誤認の進化に関するエージェントベースモデル赤石, 仁, Akaishi, Jin, 有田, 隆也, Arita, Takaya January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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蘇軾對唐代詩人的接受行為研究洪鳴谷 Unknown Date (has links)
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短期下投資人注意力與心理定錨效應 ─以台灣股票市場為例 / Investor Attention and Psychological Anchors In the Short Run: Evidence from Taiwan Stock Market陳怡婷, Chen, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
近年,投資人對資訊反應不足與反應過度,是行為財務學側重的一塊。許多文獻與實證研究皆探討投資人的投資決策與其對資訊反應不足與反應過度之間的關連性,以及究竟投資人是否有設定投資定錨的傾向。而本研究為了實證台灣股市存在之反應不足或過度反應的現象,且投資人具有限注意力並有設定投資定錨的傾向,在博覽眾多相關文獻與研究後,決定依循Li and Yu(2012)的理論基礎,使用週價比與歷價作為反應不足與過度反應的代理變數,並將模型改建成適用於台灣股市的迴歸模型。
研究結果顯示,假說一「週/歷價比與未來市場報酬成正/負相關」與假說二「選用能見度高的指數作為樣本應使週價比與歷價比更具顯著的預測能力」皆成立。即台灣股市確實存在反應不足或過度反應的現象,且投資人具有限注意力並有設定投資定錨的傾向,而台灣市場中最具顯著預測能力的指數為摩根台股指數。此外,週資料迴歸模型比月資料迴歸模型更適用於台灣股票市場。 / Currently, much academic research is concerned about investor underreaction & overreaction in behavioral finance. It mainly discusses the relationship between investment strategies and underreaction & overreaction and whether investors have tendency to utilize investment anchor. This study determined to follow basis of Li and Yu(2012) in order to examine the existence of underreaction & overreaction, investor limited attention and the tendency to set anchor in Taiwan stock market. We use nearness to the 52-week high and nearness to the historical high as proxies capturing the degree of investor underreaction and overreaction to news.
In this study, we adopt TAIEX as main data and run two different types of regression model based on weekly and monthly data. Except under normal condition, we further examine these two proxies with controlling business cycle and without Taiwan economic bubble. Finally, we compare the predictive ability to forecast future aggregate market returns among TAIEX, TW 50 and MSCI Taiwan index.
Our empirical results support the hypothesis 1, “nearness to the 52-week high positively predicts future market returns and nearness to the historical high negatively predicts future market returns” and hypothesis 2, “using index with higher visibility results in significantly predictive ability for nearness to the 52-week high and nearness to the historical high,” while MSCI Taiwan Index is the most significant. Besides, weekly regression is more suited to Taiwan stock market than monthly regression. These findings are consistent with the limited investor attention and anchoring research.
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婚外情事件與婚姻品質、心理調適之研究- 以丈夫外遇為例 / A Research on Married Men’s Extramarital Affairs, Marriage Qualities, and Psychological Adjustments.江程碧鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
八、丈夫收心,體恤妻子。 / The growing trend of extramarital affair is becoming a world-wide phenomenon. When an extramarital affair occurs, the impact can be felt not just by the spouses, but also their children, workplace as well as their social circles. The tradition that women should play their role in the family still exists in current society, thus it is often viewed as a natural duty of women to bear children and take full responsibilities to raise the family. This trend would give the wife a sense of security; however, it strengthens women's dependence on men and weakens their sense of self-determination. In a case where the husband is having an extramarital affair, the wife often encounters a great deal of emotional and financial dilemmas in deciding what is in her best interests to do, especially if there are children involved.
This study adopts in-depth interview on 12 married women between 30~50 years old whose husbands have been indulged in extramarital affairs. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the marital relationships, the dilemmas, and the emotional conflicts these women experienced in responding to extramarital affairs. The results of this study are summarized as follows:
I. In traditional Chinese families where family structure is hierarchical, the husband generally has more authorities over the wife, which creates a variety of issues for the wife when the husband is having an extramarital affair.
II. Many wives would sacrifice themselves by giving up their pursuit of careers for the good of their families. These women may find themselves later faced with the difficult task of trying to begin or revive their lives
III. Although many wives have full time jobs and are financially independent, they are still emotionally dependent on their husbands.
VI. Influenced by traditional views, many wives would simply concentrate on taking care of their husbands and children and placing their hope fully on their husbands.
V. In a case where the husband has an extramarital affair, the wife would question her own competence as a wife and force herself to keep the matter undisclosed to save her husband’s reputation and for the fear that her intolerance would threaten their marriage.
VI. When the wife feels deeply disappointed about her marriage, she would start to realize her true values and fulfill her needs.
VII. When the wife discovers that her marriage can not be saved, she would replace herself in the priority.
VIII. Wives who suffered from extramarital affairs should seek help from other people. Proper psychological consultancy can serve as an effective way towards good mental health.
I. It is important for the wife to understand that she is not alone and she is still a valuable person even though this has happened to her.
II. The wife should learn through time to forgive the husband and do what is best for the family.
III. The wife should learn how to deal with the resentments caused by extramarital affair and replace the negative thinking with positive affirmations
IV. Intimacy is one of the most essential forces that binds the spouses together. Both spouses should understand that making love is as important as love itself.
V. Both spouses should understand that divorce is not the only solution for extramarital affairs. The wife should take into consideration to rework on the marriage and save it for a better tomorrow.
VI. The wife should seek a counselor for psychological and emotional assistance. Once the trouble spots in the relationship are found, both can begin to take actions and try to resolve the issues.
VII. Both spouses need to understand that their children need both parents to develop at various stages of their lives.
VIII. The husband should stop seeing the lover and understand that affection and companionship may be some of the most important emotional supports the wife needs to recover from his affair.
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臺北市國民中學校長轉型領導與心理契約實踐關係之研究 / A study on the relationship between the ransformational leadership and the psychological contract of teaching staff in junior high schools of Taipei city吳順來, Wu, Shun-Lai Unknown Date (has links)
八、校長轉型領導各層面「建立願景」、「個人魅力」、「鼓舞激勵」、「激發潛能」、「個別關懷」具有預測教職人員知覺心理契約實踐之功能。 / The purpose of this study is to make a thorough inquiry into the relationship between the transformational leadership and the psychological contract of teaching staff in junior high schools. The purposes of the study are as follows:
1. To understand the current situation of the transformational leadership in junior high schools after the selecting system has been implemented.
2. To explore the effect of the various personal background variable and the teaching staff’s school background variable on principal’s leading behavioral differences.
3. To research into the current situation of the psychological contract of teaching staff in junior high schools.
4. To study the influence that the teaching staff’s background has on the perceptive difference of the psychological contract.
5. To make a thorough inquiry into the relationship between the transformational leadership and the psychological contract of teaching staff in junior high schools.
This study uses survey method. The survey instrument is revised from 「The psychological contract of teaching staff in junior high schools scales」and 「The transformational leadership in junior high schools scales」. The survey samples are 512 teaching staffs from 26 junior high schools in Taipei city. There are 448 returns, and there are 386 valid responses which are analyzed by statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson r, and multiple regression using SPSS/PC12.0 program.
The conclusions obtained from this study are summarized as follows:
1. The principals’ behavior in junior high schools of Taipei city belongs to high intensity. This situation displays in the perspectives of 「prospect formation」,「idealized influence」,「inspirational motivation」,「intellectual stimulation」, and 「individualized consideration」.
2. The administrators can perceive much transformational leadership than the teachers. And the directors consider that the principal has higher extent of the transformational leadership than the teachers.
3. The seniority staffs sense higher extent in the aspect of 「inspirational motivation」, 「intellectual stimulation」, and 「individualized consideration」 than the junior staffs, which also happens in the aspect of perception of transformational leadership.
4. There are obviously differences between the administrators and teachers in perception the implement of psychological contract. The directors consider higher implement of psychological contract than the teachers.
5. There are obviously differences between the staffs in different school scale. The staffs in the small school consider higher implement of psychological contract than the staffs in the big school.
6. There is obviously correlation between transformational leadership and psychological contract of teaching staffs.
7. The highest correlation coefficient between transformational leadership and psychological contract of teaching staffs is 「showing consideration for staffs」. The lowest correlation coefficient is 「building up consideration」
8. The various perspectives of the transformational leadership have the function of predicting the psychological contract of teaching staffs.
( Keywords: transformational leadership, psychological contract .)
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輔導原理與實務課程對教育系學生輔導概念及心理資本影響之個案研究 / Effects of a “ Guidance Theories and Practices “ course preservice Teacher’s Guidance knowledge and Psychology capital : A case study吳志鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:輔導概念、心理資本 / The purpose of this research was to investigate the changes of undergraduate students in their perceptions of guidance knowledge and psychology capital after they took the course of Guidance Theories and Practices. Participants were 44 freshman students, 13 males and 31 females, who took the course of Guidance Theories and Practices for 18 weeks. Quantitative data were collected and analyzed based on the “Psychology Capital Questionnaire (PCQ),” which was given to the students before and after the one-semester-long class in order to evaluate their changes in psychology capital. Qualitative data included (1) interviews with 6 participants who had significant differences between the pre-test and post-test results of the PCQ, and (2) student weekly class journals. Both of the qualitative data were analyzed for understanding student changes in guidance knowledge and psychology capital and their views regarding the course. No significance was found in quantitative data, but the qualitative data (i.e., the interviews and weekly class journals) indicated that students’ guidance knowledge and psychology capital were enhanced obviously. The findings indicated that student guidance knowledge and psychology capital could be enhanced through the course. Moreover, 7 characteristics of the course that were likely to enhance student guidance knowledge and psychology capital were identified: (1) Students proposed questions before class would help their learning and reflection. (2) Multiple pedagogies and practical contents increased student interests. (3) Discussion would deepen student impression. (4) Learning by doing would increase knowledge attainability. (5) Group learning inspired student creativity. (6) Teacher’s and peers’ feedback enhanced students’ confidence and inspired their thoughts. (7) Learning process records helped student reflection. Finally, suggestions for teachers and future research were made attempting to benefit teacher education in the future.
Keywords: guidance knowledge, psychology capital
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中國大學生情緖體驗和表達性的探索性硏究 = An exploratory study on emotional experience and expressivity of university students in China蘇細淸, 01 January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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自閉的なクライエントの心理療法における自他の分離に関する研究-ボールのやり取りに着目して-髙橋, 悟 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(教育学) / 乙第13311号 / 論教博第171号 / 新制||教||195(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院教育学研究科臨床教育学専攻 / (主査)教授 桑原 知子, 准教授 田中 康裕, 准教授 松下 姫歌 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Education) / Kyoto University / DGAM
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