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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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論唯物消除論 / A Critique of Elimanative Materialism

邱盛揚, Chiu, Sen Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文的主要目的是要藉由批判Paul Churchland版本的唯物消除論當中的論證之相關蘊含以及前提,來分析其立場的缺失與不足之處。而為了要達到這個目的,我便將本論文的構成主軸分成兩個部分:第一個部分是由第一章以及第二章所構成,其主要談論過去Churchland (1981)所宣稱的消除論立場以及其論證架構,在這裡除了整理過去眾多哲學家對於他的論證的一些批判與反駁的觀點之外,我也提出自己對於過去消除論之三個主要困境的主張。第二個部分則是由第三章以及第四章所構成,其主要是針對Churchland (2007)現在的唯物消除論之新進觀點來展開論述。當中除了分析他消除論立場的一致性之外,同時也去分析並討論他所提供之支持消除論的新論證,我將之稱作為「動物認知論證」(animal cognition argument) 。我將指出,由於Churchland在該論證當中隱含了一個重要的預設,因而使得該新論證的途徑未必可以合理地推得出其原有的消除論立場。


周慕姿 Unknown Date (has links)
《神隱少女》是宮崎駿少數以日本本地為背景的故事,極富日本文化色彩,且連連獲獎,文化獨特性似乎成為它致勝的元素之一。宮崎駿曾提到:「《神隱少女》與其說是一般描寫異世界的故事,還不如說是日本『昔話』中出現的『麻雀之家』(雀の家) 或是『老鼠的宮殿』(鼠の御殿) 的『直系子孫』」。日本「昔話」乃為日本文化重要的一環,以日本「昔話」為參考文本的《神隱少女》,必然包含了豐富的日本昔話與日本文化元素。此外,日本學者間宮史子曾提到,日本昔話中的主角出發前往的地方,最常見的就是「異界」;而《神隱少女》即是一段人類踏上「異界」所發展的故事。因此本文將以日本民間故事的「異界」作為分析項目,分析《神隱少女》動畫文本中的「異界」形象意義,以及與日本民間故事的連結關係。

從梅洛龐蒂的身體知覺談抓拍的原初經驗 / On Primordial Experience of snapshot----from Merleu-Ponty's view on bodily perception

曾雅惠 Unknown Date (has links)
我們透過梅洛龐蒂對身體知覺的探究,如何直指並恢復與現象世界的聯繫,去問引發我們身體呼應周遭世界的因素為何。 什麼是原初經驗?提出這個問題是為了呈現「自身與世界的不可分」,重新看待理性判斷劃分的範疇,對事物的「已知」規定的客觀基礎,在實際可見卻無法立即說明與判斷的模糊期待中,它的感覺經驗如何安立成為我們依賴的約定俗成,差距在於判斷的預設始終未對現象世界的直接經驗提供嘗試性的描繪。 梅洛龐蒂企圖恢復知覺世界而朝向真理的知覺領域,他所要恢復的,是「我們和我們的身體、以及和相關知覺到的事物之間的模糊關係。」 知覺經驗的歷程是為了探求,原初經驗就是對事物有一個想要了解的動機,後續的知覺歷程是為了想要圓滿這個動機,在這個過程中,身體一直扮演著提問者以及答覆者的角色, 當你不斷地跨越自我認識的設限,這才是真正地認識事物,而不是固守自我概念的內容,自我也成為一個與知覺經驗不斷相應的知覺心靈,身體行動符應知覺心靈,內在世界與外在世界的融合,也就是知覺心靈與身體行動一致,與周遭世界互動而按下快門的瞬間。

臺北市國民小學教師心理契約、教師幸福感與學校創新經營關係之研究 / The Study of the Relationships among Teachers' Psychological contract, Teachers’ Well-being and School Innovative management in Elementary schools in Taipei City

黃韻如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北市國民小學教師心理契約、教師幸福感與學校創新經營之關係,採用問卷調查法,以臺北市國民小學教師作為研究對象,共發出600份問卷,回收421份有效問卷,問卷回收可用率為70.17%。資料處理統計方法採用描述性統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)、Pearson積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析。本研究分析結果分述如下: 一、臺北市國民小學教師心理契約屬中高程度,以「體察教師使命」最高,「接受學校期望」最低。 二、臺北市國民小學教師幸福感屬中高程度,以「樂觀表現」最高,「身心健康」最低。 三、臺北市國民小學學校創新經營屬中高程度,以「課程與教學活動創新」最高,「行政管理與環境創新」最低。 四、不同「年齡」、「服務年資」之教師知覺心理契約的整體或分層面上有顯著差異。 五、不同「性別」、「年齡」與「學校規模」之教師知覺教師幸福感的整體或分層面上有顯著差異。 六、不同「性別」、「年齡」、「年資」與「學校規模」之教師知覺學校創新經營的整體或分層面有顯著差異。 七、臺北市國民小學教師心理契約、教師幸福感與學校創新經營呈現中度正相關。 八、臺北市國民小學教師心理契約、教師幸福感對學校創新經營具有預測作用。 / The purposes of this study was to explore the relationships among teachers’ psychological contract, teachers’ well-being and school innovative management in elementary schools in Taipei City. The questionnaire survey method was applied. Elementary School teachers in Taipei City were adopted as the research objects.600 questionnaires were sent out. Valid questionnaires of 421 were collected. The validity of the responded questionnaires was 70.17%. The data was analyzed by using statistic method of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.Elementary schools teachers’ perception of teachers’ psychological contract is above average, in which the item “observe the teacher mission” was the highest, and “accept school expectations” was the lowest. 2.Elementary schools teachers’ perception of teachers’ well-being is above average, in which the item “positive cognition” was the highest, and “Physical and mental health” was the lowest. 3.Elementary schools teachers’ perception of school innovative management, in which the item “innovation of curriculum and teaching activities” was the highest, and “administrative management and environmental innovation” was the lowest. 4.There are significant differences in the elementary schools teachers’ perception of teachers’ psychological contract in terms of age and the length of service of school. 5.There are significant differences in the elementary schools teachers’ perception of teachers’ well-being in terms of gender, age and the scale of the schools. 6.There are significant differences in the elementary schools teachers’ perception of school innovative management in terms of gender, age, length of service of school and the scale of the schools. 7.There is a positive correlation among the teachers’ psychological contract, teachers’ well-being, and school innovative management. 8.Teachers’ psychological contract and teachers’ well-being have a predictive effect on school innovative management.


許靜怡, Xu, Jing Yi Unknown Date (has links)
盛氣是個體遭遇到引發生氣的刺激後,經過個體的感受、認知處理,以不同的方式表達出情緒的連續性歷程。本研究以「雙重控制歷程—生氣反應/表達」模式,嘗試說明個體因應生氣引發事件時所採取的控制歷程,對於生氣的反應/表達方有所影響。 根據對於「控制」一概念的探討,發現日常生活中的控制行為有不同的目標向度,因此在預備研究的第一階段,以晤談法訪問政大心理系28名學生,搜集大學生日常生活的「個人」、「人際」、「社會政治」三個向度中,可能遭遇到的生氣引發事件,並與李瑞玲(民82)之研究得到的「大學生生氣前置情境」合併整理,得到個人事件8項、人際關係30項、社會政治事件18項。 預備研究的第二階段,以政大二、三四年級學生共112人為樣本,將第一階段預備研究所得的生氣引發刺激事件作量化分析,找出大學生日常生活中經常遭遇到、又很令人生氣的事件情境,再以因素分析加以分類,結果得到「個人與人際事件」與「社會政治事件」兩大生氣引發事件向度,篩選出15個個人與人際事件、16個社會政治事件作為正式研究的生氣引發刺激。此外,第二階段的預備研究並根據Rothbaum、Weisz and Snyder(1982)提出的「雙重控制歷程」,編製成「雙重控制歷程量表」,正式研究中並再度分析此量表,也得到良好的內部一致性,驗證了「初級控制歷程」與「次級控制歷程」為兩種獨立的控制機制。 正式研究以政大學生409人為樣本,除了驗證本研究的「雙重控制歷程—生氣反應/表達模式」,也探索「自尊」與「內外控」兩項人格因素對控制歷程、生氣表達的影響。結果「雙重控制歷程—生氣反應/表達模式」中,「次級控制歷程會導致向內表達生氣」的假設獲得了印證。整體而言,本研究發現人格因素對於個體因應事件時的控制歷程及生氣表達均有強烈的影響,其中對於控制歷程的影響是直接,對於生氣表達方式則可能是透過控制歷程而間接影響。另一方面,個體遭遇的事件性質也會影響個體採用不同的控制歷程、生氣表達方式:就個人與人記關係而言,個體雖然傾向採用初級控制歷程改變外在環境,卻會控制住生氣或向內表達生氣;在面臨社會政治事件當時,個體較傾向向外表達生氣,在事後才努力進行初級控制歷程。高自尊者在面臨個人與人際事件時,傾向採用初級控制歷程、向內表達生氣;但在社會政治情境中,雖亦採用初級控制歷程,卻向外表達生氣。低自尊者在因應兩類事件時,均採用次級控制歷程、向內表達生氣。內控者採用的控制歷程與生氣表現方式與高自尊者類似;外控者雖傾向次級控制歷程、向內生氣,卻仍可能向外生氣。本文的討論部分對這些現象也提出了一些可能的解釋。 本研究的另一項發現是:憂鬱的形成原因與個體採用次級控制歷程來因應事件有關,而非因為向內生氣所致,向內生氣與憂鬱可能同是「次級控制歷程」的產物。低自尊與外控性格亦與憂鬱有關。


莊登山, Chuang, Teng Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於: 一、了解不同背景變項之教師兼職行政人員在心理契約各構面差異情形 二、探討不同背景變項之教師兼職行政人員在情緒勞務各構面差異情形 三、探討不同背景變項之教師兼職行政人員在辭卸兼職傾向之差異分析 四、探討教師兼職行政人員心理契約、情緒勞務與辭卸兼職傾向三者間 的關係 最後根據研究結果分析、討論、提出建議,最為主管機關、學校領導者、教師兼職行政人員及後續研究者之參考。 依研究需要,本研究使「心理契約實踐量表」、「情緒勞務負擔量表」、「辭卸兼職傾向量表」等三種研究工具。以大台北區公立國民中學教師兼職行政人員為問卷調查對象。共抽取57所公立國民中學818名教師兼職行政人員為施測樣本,自99年11月18日發出問卷818份,至99年12月3日止,共回收612份,可用問卷596份,問卷回收率為74.8%,可用率為72.9%。正式問卷回收後,以描述統計、獨立樣本t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson 積差相關、及逐步多元迴歸等統計方法分析資料。 經研究結果發現: 一、教師兼職行政人員的「心理契約」在擔任職務方面有顯著的差異。 二、教師兼職行政人員的「情緒勞務」在擔任職務及學歷方面有顯著的差異。三、教師兼職行政人員的「辭卸兼職傾向」在不同行政年資上有顯著差異。四、心理契約對辭卸兼職傾向無直接影響力 五、心理契約透過情緒勞務,可預測辭卸兼職傾向 六、情緒勞務對辭卸兼職傾向之預測力主要來自表層的情緒控制 關鍵詞:心理契約、情緒勞務、辭卸兼職傾向 / The main purposes of the research are: 1.To understand the differences of the teachers that serve the administrative work concurrently with various background factors in psychological contract. 2.To investigate the differences of the teachers that serve the administrative work concurrently with various background factors in emotional labor. 3.To explore the differences of the teachers that serve the administrative work concurrently with various background factors in turnover intention. 4.To probe into the relationship among psychological contract, emotional labor and turnover intention of the teachers that serve the administrative work concurrently. Finally, the analysis and the discussion will be given as suggestions to the controlling organization, school leaders, administrators and the future researchers. Based on the need of the research, three kinds of research tools are established: psychological contract fulfillment questionnaire, emotional labor questionnaire and turnover intention questionnaire. The survey focuses on Taipei junior high school teachers that serve the administrative work concurrently. Among the teachers, 818 teachers were sampled from 57 schools. On November 18, 2010, 818 questionnaires were issued and 612 questionnaires were collected on December 3. There were 596 available questionnaires. The questionnaire returns-ratio is 74.8% and the availability is 72.9%. The data is statistically analyzed by descriptive statistics, T-test, Pearson product-moment Correlations, one-way ANOVA and regression analysis. The findings of this research are as follows: 1.Psychological contract of the teachers that serve the administrative work concurrently is positively correlated with their positions. 2.Emotional labor of the teachers that serve the administrative work concurrently is positively correlated with their positions and academic degrees. 3.Turnover intention of the teachers that serve the administrative work concurrently is positively correlated with administrative seniority. 4.Psychological contract has vaguely direct influence on turnover intention. 5.Turnover intention can be predictable by psychological contract via emotional labor. 6.The prediction of turnover intention via emotional labor is attributed to surface emotional control. Keywords: psychological contract;emotional labor; turnover intention

政黨認同與施政評價對選民投票行為的影響:「情義相挺」還是「拂袖而去」? / The impacts of party identification and government performance on voting behavior

吳皇昇 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主旨乃研究政黨認同與施政評價如何影響選民的投票行為。密西根學派認為政黨認同情感是決定選民投票行為的主要變數,而理性選擇學派認為短期的施政評價對選民投票行為也有影響。那麼若政黨認同與施政評價出現衝突,例如執政黨認同者若不滿意執政黨的施政表現,他們會「情義相挺」地繼續投給本黨的候選人?還是選擇「拂袖而去」不去投票?或是「大義滅親」轉投其他政黨呢?而政黨認同的黨性強弱度又如何影響選民的投票行為?除了政黨認同者之外,為數不少的獨立選民,施政評價對他們投票的影響力也必須探討;此外,自變數的影響力在陳水扁執政四年(2004年)和執政八年(2008年)兩時間點,伴隨著許多重大事件發生的情況下,以及有沒有現任者參選的選舉情境之時空結構不同,是否存有影響差異,也值得我們探索。   筆者運用卡方檢定、二元勝算對數,以及相關統計圖表來分析2004與2008年的總統選舉。研究結果發現,當執政黨認同者(本文資料乃為民進黨認同者)不滿意執政者的施政表現時,這種政黨認同與施政評價所產生的衝突將嚴重影響他們的投票意願,並在民進黨執政近八年的2008年總統選舉中較為突顯,影響許多民進黨認同者選擇不去投票,特別是黨性弱的民進黨選民更有此種現象,民進黨認同但黨性偏弱的選民,若對民進黨的執政者施政愈不滿意,不去投票的可能性就愈高。而政黨認同者與獨立選民兩類選民在投票行為特徵上亦有所差異,政黨認同者受到施政評價與重大事件的影響,會在投給本黨候選人還是不去投票兩者中做抉擇,他們很難跨黨投票,頂多不去投票;但獨立選民若去投票則會根據短期施政評價、重大事件來決定投票對象,投票行為的變動幅度相對較大。

回避的な自己愛傾向の生徒との面接事例 : 教育現場における支持的アプローチを中心として

高橋, 美知子, Takahashi, Michiko, 伊藤, 義美, Ito, Yoshimi 25 March 2003 (has links)
No description available.

重大勝利是否能增加職業男網選手之信心 / Can a Major Win Enhance a Professional Tennis Player’s Confidence?

林俊佑, Lin, Chun Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲比較網球技術與心理素質與網球比賽勝率之關聯性,以及不同天分之男網選手的差異,並檢驗重大勝利能否影響選手之生涯。實證結果顯示,大多數的網球技術都和比賽勝率顯著地正相關,而有天分的選手於大多數網球技術之表現優於天分較差的選手。另外也發現選手得到ATP之賽事冠軍後,可以提升網球技術與心理素質;但在得到大滿貫(Grand Slam)賽事冠軍之後卻會退步。本研究結果亦顯示雖然攻擊、防守與心理素質對選手的比賽結果都有很大影響,但在贏得ATP級冠軍之前攻擊技術是影響比賽勝率最大的因素;而贏得大滿貫賽事冠軍之後防守技術則成為最重要的勝率影響因素。研究結果顯示獲得重大勝利之後確實會增加職業男網選手之信心。 / This study tries to examine the tennis skills and mental toughness associated with winning percentages, compare the performance difference between talent players and less talent players, and find out how a major win can affect players career. The empirical results suggest that most of the tennis skills and mental toughness are positively and significantly associated with winning percentage. Talent players have better performance than those less talent players in most of tennis skills. The study also finds that players can improve offensive and defensive skills and mental toughness through winning an ATP title, but get worse after winning a Grand Slam title. The research findings suggest that before winning an ATP title offensive skill is as important as defensive skill for a player to gain more winning percentage, however, after winning a Grand Slam title defensive skill is the most important skill to win more winning percentage, although defensive skill and mental toughness are still play an important role for winning more percentage. The research concludes that a major win does enhance a player’s confidence.

聾人自我的深化探索:現象學心理學觀點 / An exploration into the perceptive experiences of the “Deaf-Self” : From phenomenological psychology perspectives

吳雅琴, Wu, Ya Chin Unknown Date (has links)
目的:聾人以手語、口語、口手語三種方式作為溝通管道並以視覺體察世界,本研究回顧特教、心理、輔具三方面近幾年研究上對聾人的描述,試圖從中整理出各專業領域對聾人的觀點,以及尚未回應到的面向。三個領域由不同方向描述聾人樣貌,卻也帶出一般社會對健康的預設,且過去所使用的研究方法大部分透過問卷調查或與聽人比較之下得來的結果。聾人自我內涵受限於語言的隔閡,自我的默存現象在問卷架構的框架中並未獲得開展,故本研究嘗試以現象學心理學質性訪談的方式,嘗試揭露其寓居於世的自我樣貌。本研究目的有二:一是藉由研究者與聾人進行手語質性晤談,探索聾人自我認同形成過程期間會經歷過什麼樣的生命經驗,而聾人又是如何看待這些經驗並從中反思此我在世的意義;二是聾人對現今自我的現象描述,探索其目前寓居於世的樣貌,並跳脫既有特教與輔具看待聾人的觀點,重新論述沉默對聾人存有的意涵。 方法:本研究於為聾人服務的協會,徵求慣用自然手語的聾人共六位。資料蒐集後,以李維倫與賴憶嫺(2009)的現象學分析方法進行分析,呈現六位聾人的置身結構。 結果與討論:一、聾人經由配戴輔具以及與聽人相處的域外經驗,意識到內在憂懼情緒與不安全感,但也讓聾人開始思考此我的本真,並在屬己與陷溺間做出決斷。而聾人經由各種以退為進的「離席」形式,漸漸退居聽人社會的邊緣,讓此有在沉默中仍能保留位格,這是「去中心」的策略,離開喧囂而在沉默中開展本真自我。二、眼睛的凝視象徵聾人對世界的「參與」以及「我在」,手語為穿越象徵符號的「真實界」,是聾人寓居於世立命的根基,而手語具有一種情感性理解的視覺圖像的對比,而不僅是語言聽覺層次的撫慰或宣稱,能與他人建立起緊密深刻的連結。三、聾人自我「聽不見」的匱乏造就了寂靜之聲的決斷,逐步抵達聾人自我的存有本體性,聾人有其置身所在的自我,其與聽人自我為質性上的不同,而非聽損程度量上的差異。 結語:本研究避開過往將聾人視為缺損者的語境所塑造的小寫文化(deaf culture)的論述,語意學轉向大寫文化(Deaf Culture)重構理解聾人的置身所在,指出將聽力喪失(hearing loss)轉化為能力獲得(ability gaining),進而提出臨床實務的反思。 / Purpose: Deaf people have different ways to contact with people, that is, sign language, learn speaking, or use both ways to communicate. In order to criticize the current views about the deaf from the ableism in past decades, critical reviews of the related domains are articulated, including “deaf children’s special education,” “psychological health” and “hearing aid/ cochlear implant.” The accomplished goal among the three domains is all to try to improve the deficiency from the adaptive view and expect deaf people to adjust their life in the hearing-like way. A few of studies under the ableism used the questionnaires to collect data to understand the deaf. However, it is the outsider view and the state of mind of the deaf is restricted by the questionnaire design. Methods: The phenomenological psychology approach is adopted to explore the experiences of the “Deaf-Self” to avoid the ableism trap; it is the Epoch attitude to understand who they are and their modes of existences. Six deaf participants were interviewed through sign language. The data analysis procedures of carrying out phenomenological psychology were based on six steps: data collection, empathic immersion, meaning units, constituent themes, situated structure, and general structure. Results and discussion: First, deaf people feel alien to life word in the ontological insecurity meaning when they use the hearing-aid devices. To preserve their authentic life world, deaf people community is built in silence beyond the hearing world that is designed under the normative adaptive views. The Deaf did not think they are disabling so it is not necessary to adjust to live into the “normal” world. Second, the way they express the sign language through focusing their eyes is meant “presence” and “engaging,” they always gaze at everything carefully and attentively. Sign language is the root of the deaf-identity. When deaf people use sign language, it means they can give their voices to the world from the authentic self. Sign language is not only a skill which makes deaf people to communicate with each other smoothly, but also is the affection and vitality in itself; it is beyond the symbolic meaning to reach the close relationships to each other. Third, ‘hearing-loss’ is not equivalent to ‘disability’, it means different modes of existences. Conclusion: We turn the deficiency conceptualization to the “ability gaining” perspective to construct the ‘Deaf Culture’ to propose the Deaf and hearing people are different from their cultures and habitus; it is not the severity of hearing impairments to distinguish them. They present the ability diversity and unique way of being-in-the-world. The clinical practice is discussed from the outcome implications.

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