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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

人口統計、心理層面及市場環境對消費者所願意付出最大交通時間及消費行為之影響─以美髮店為例 / The Effects of Demographic, Psychographic and Geographic Factors on Consumers’ Transportation and Consumption to Beauty Salon

郭曉文 Unknown Date (has links)
實體店面的腹地大小一直是每個開店業者所關切的議題,本研究主要目的是探討哪些因素會影響消費者至實體店面時所願意花交通時間的長短,並進而規劃出腹地範圍。這些影響消費者交通時間的因素包括「人口統計變數」、「心理層面變數」及「環境變數」三大變數。在人口統計變數上,分為性別、年齡、教育程度、可支配所得、騎機車習慣的有無、開汽車習慣的有無;心理層面變數包括產品涉入度、忠誠度、合理價格認知、時間壓力、財務壓力;市場環境變數包括居住地家庭式、連鎖式及高級式美髮店店數,以及對居住地此三類型美髮店消費滿意度。 本研究以東區美髮店消費者做為問卷發放對象,共計434份,透過多變量回歸分析,驗證出在探討影響消費者花費交通時間及其他行為的因素時,三種類變數共同考量可使整體解釋力提高,若三類變數個別討論時,只能解釋一小部分原因。 研究顯果顯示以下幾點:第一,影響消費者至美髮店交通時間的變數為「可支配所得」、「機車有無」及「涉入度」,意指當可支配所得愈高、有騎幾車的習慣或產品涉入度愈高者,將花愈久的交通時間。第二,影響消費者至美髮店頻率的變數為「可支配所得」及「美髮店種類」,意指可支配所得愈高者至美髮店頻率愈低,而高級式美髮店消費者比連鎖式美髮店消費者消費頻次更高。第三,影響消費者更換髮型頻率的變數為「年齡」,即年齡愈高,更換髮型頻率愈高。第四,影響消費者美髮花費佔每月可支配所得比例的變數為「年齡」及「涉入度」,意指年齡愈小、產品涉入度愈高者,花費支出佔比將愈高。此外,對於「外地消費」有幾點特別發現,第一,在性別上,離東區愈遠的都市消費族群中,男性消費比例愈高;第二,在年齡上,離東區愈遠的都市,年輕族群比例愈大,但忠誠度卻會因離消費地點愈遠而愈低。第三,住在遠距區的消費者,當決定要去外地消費時,七成以上會以高級式美髮店為主。 最後,從研究實證中,勾勒出台北市東區美髮店的腹地範圍,並從研究結論中對東區高級式及連鎖式美髮店提出行銷策略方案上的建議。 / Every company considers the potential of marketplace. The purpose of this research is to know the effects of Demographic, psychographic and Geographic factors on consumer’s transportation and consumption to Beauty Salon. Demographic variables include gender, age, education, motorcycle and car. Psychographic variables include product involvement, loyalty, reasonable price sensation, time pressure, and money pressure. Geographic variables include high level, chain and beauty salon store number near consumer’s house and the satisfaction for the beauty salon. The findings of this study illustrated three points. First, people who are of higher income group, or have motorcycle, or have higher product involvement will spend more transportation time. Second, people visit to beauty salon more often if they have higher income or visit elite level beauty salon. Third, older people change their hair style quickly than younger people. Fourth, people with younger or have higher involvement will spend less percentage of income on beauty salon. In addition, there are some special findings for out shopping consumer behaviors. First, the percentage of male population is higher where their houses are far from eastern area. Second, the percentage of young people is higher if their houses are far from eastern area. Finally, people with far from eastern area, seventy percent people decide high level beauty salon rather than chain beauty salon. This research provides some implications for marketing, including the potential of the marketplace and whom they could target.


江嘉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
根據過去的研究發現,有效的員工心理擁有感導致員工感到自己如同組織的擁有者,這種心理狀態不僅使勞資關係更加堅固,更使員工願意表現出一種不在組織正式體系下之自願性的角色外行為,有助於提升員工脈絡性績效。事實上,員工與組織契合及員工與工作契合有助於員工產生心理擁有感,然而,鮮少研究探討員工與組織契合、員工與工作契合與心理擁有感之間的關係。 近年來,許多學者越來越注重員工與組織之間的緊密連結,以瞭解影響勞資關係的重要原因,心理擁有感在此關係中扮演重要的角色。然而無論是促成心理擁有感的作法,或是心理擁有感所產生之結果,仍未得到廣泛的驗證。 本研究整合過去理論研究的觀點與實證研究的不足,提出一個完整的模式,著重於探討員工與組織契合、員工與工作契合、心理擁有感與脈絡性績效之關係。由於同一時期之資料會產生共同方法變異的問題,因此本研究採用階段性問卷方法蒐集資料,使驗證結果更具可靠性。在競爭的環境下,探討心理擁有感的前因及後果對學術研究以及實務管理都有一定重要性。

銀行投資決策之行為偏誤 / The Behavioral Biases of Banks’ Investment Decisions.

李綺文 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在研究我國銀行長期投資行為和短期投資行為是否會因其過去投資績效所影響,而有賭資效應、過度自信及心理帳戶假說所預期不理性之現象。另外,更進一步探究此三種心理偏誤對投資行為之影響,是否依銀行業務性質的不同而有所差異,因此,也將討論商業銀行和工業銀行之長、短期投資行為。使用1994至2007年的追蹤資料進行迴歸分析,其結果發現茲臚列於下。 1.在控制資金來源(負債)、資產獲利能力(資產報酬率和存放款利差)、股市榮枯以及過去持有的投資存量這些會影響銀行投資行為的因素後,發現前一季長期和短期投資績效愈好,當季銀行長期和短期投資行為就會承擔過多的風險而有賭資效應之現象;在投資績效分為利得和損失的設定下,銀行長期投資行為有賭資效應之傾向,而短期投資行為則否。再者,當銀行面對過去兩季長期投資績效皆為利得時,當季的長期投資風險態度更顯積極,因而銀行長期投資行為有過度自信的現象,而短期投資行為則否。最後,銀行在進行短期投資決策時,無法將前一季長期投資績效納入考量,表示銀行將短期投資視為一獨立帳戶,忽略長期投資的情況,不能綜觀全局,因此短期投資行為有心理帳戶所述現象,而長期投資行為則否。 2.為了釐清賭資效應、過度自信與心理帳戶這些心理偏誤對投資行為的影響,是否依銀行業務性質的不同而有所差異。因此,就銀行類別而言,本文發現商業銀行長、短期投資行為皆有賭資效應與心理帳戶偏誤;工業銀行長期投資行為有賭資效應及過度自信偏誤,短期行為則無任何心理偏誤。

不同災害經驗下,心理資源變化對風險知覺及身心狀態的影響 / The impact of psychological resources changed on risk perception and mental state under different disaster experiences

謝嘉怡, Che, Ka I Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用2013年度台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫數據進行分析,旨在探討在不同災害經驗下,心理資源變化、災害風險知覺與身心狀態的關係,並探討資源獲得是否能作為災後的保護因子,從而降低災害經驗對身心狀態的影響。研究結果發現:(1)資源的流失能部分中介災害經驗(財產損失、心理創傷)下的身心狀態,結果支持Hobfoll的資源保留理論;(2)資源的獲得能降低災害經驗(財產損失)下的無法控制感;(3)對於身心狀態,地震經歷頻率與資源獲得的交互作用能調節身心狀態,即不論經歷頻率多寡,資源的獲得愈多,身心狀態便愈好。控制災害經驗與心理資源獲得的情況下,個體覺得地震發生可能性愈高,身心狀態就愈差。上述結果僅出現在地震災害樣本中,淹水災害則無上述發現。詳細討論見內文。 / The aim of the study is to examine the relationships between change in psychological resources, risk perception and psychological adjustment under different disaster experiences. Using the data from Taiwan Social Change Survey 2013 to test the hypnosis: whether psychological resources gain can directly influenced one’s psychological adjustment, or the resources gain can indirectly reduce the impact of disaster by altering the risk perception. Results showed that: 1) Resources loss can partially mediate the effect between the disaster experiences and psychological adjustment. 2) Resources gain can moderate the effect between disaster loss experiences to risk perception, victims who gain more resources, their controllability of future disaster is higher. 3) Resources gain can moderate the effect between frequency of experiencing disaster and psychological adjustment. After controlling the disaster experience and resources gain, the likelihood of Earthquake recurrence that one believes, can predict his/her psychological adjustment. The above results only found in case of the earthquake disaster, but not in flooding.


陳雅汝 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


許道然 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討組織信任和組織公民行為之間的關係。所謂組織信任乃組織成員對其主管和服務機關所抱持的一種認知和信念系統。它包括組織成員對主管工作能力的評價、對主管之行為舉止是否可靠或前後一致的認知,以及對組織中成員互動是否真誠、可靠的瞭解。至於組織公民行為則為組織成員自發性的一種對組織長期績效有益的利社會行為,這種行為除與組織的正式規範無關外,也不受組織中獎懲機制的約束。根據國內外零星的研究,組織信任和組織公民行為之間確有正相關存在。惟多數之實證調查均係以私部門為對象,甚少及於政府機關。且使用之量表亦以私部門之運作現況為基礎編製而成,因此無法完全顯現公部門組織運作的實況。 本研究在整理和歸納國內外理論性和實證性文獻之後,除分別對組織信任和組織公民行為提出整合性及分析性的概念架構外,並進一 步編製公部門組織公民行為量表。最後並以此新編量表作為測量工具 ,檢驗我國行政院所屬一級部會非主管級公務員在組織信任和組織公民行為之間的關連性。在經由因素分析之後,組織信任得到「主管信任」和「機構信任」兩個因素,組織公民行為則得到「敬業」、「樂群」、「守分」、「忠誠」和「熱心」五個因素。而研究的結果則發現,組織信任和組織公民行為有顯著之中度正相關。另在組織信任各構面和組織公民行為各構面之間的關聯性分析方面,則發現除「機構信任」和「敬業」兩者為極弱度正相關,且缺乏顯著性外,其他變項之間都能達到顯著的正相關。 此外,本研究亦探討七項人口變項(性別、年齡、教育程度、官等、擔任公職年資、在服務機關任職年資和薪資水準)和組織信任以及組織公民行為之間的關連性,結果發現此七項人口變項在整體組織信任和組織公民行為的表現上,均無顯著性差異存在。 最後,本研究並根據研究發現提出討論,並分別從組織信任和組織公民行為兩個面向探討研究結果對公部門管理的涵義。同時,並從理論模式、研究方法和研究主題三方面提供後續研究之建議。 第一章 緒論•••••••••••••••1 第一節 研究動機與目的•••••••••••••••01 第二節 研究方法••••••••••••••••••09 第三節 研究範圍、研究流程與研究限制••••••••11 第二章 文獻探討••••••••••••16 第一節 組織信任之理論與實務之研究•••••••••16 第二節 組織公民行為之理論與實務之研究•••••••56 第三節 組織信任與組織公民行為關係文獻之探討••••97 第三章 研究設計••••••••••••103 第一節 研究架構與研究變項說明•••••••••••103 第二節 研究問題與研究假設•••••••••••••107 第三節 問卷設計••••••••••••••••••115 第四節 研究調查過程••••••••••••••••128 第四章 資料分析與結果討論•••••••133 第一節 資料初步分析••••••••••••••••133 第二節 組織信任與組織公民行為之關聯性分析•••••140 第三節 人口變項與組織信任之關聯性分析•••••••152 第四節 人口變項與組織公民行為之關聯性分析•••••160 第五章 結論與建議••••••••••172 第一節 結論••••••••••••••••••••173 第二節 研究貢獻及對管理實務的涵義•••••••••190 第三節 對後續研究之建議••••••••••••••201 參考文獻•••••••••••••••204 附錄:本研究所使用之問卷•••••••224

女性經理人成功典範之探討--已婚者與單身者的迷思 / The female executives' psychological adaptation process of getting balance between work and family lives-some myths about the married and single ones.

蘇鈺婷, Yu-ting Su Unknown Date (has links)
一般社會大眾的刻板印象為:女性事業成就高,一定還沒結婚,或家庭不幸福;本研究即據此導出研究問題:「有婚姻家庭與無婚姻家庭之高成就女性主管,其事業發展與家庭生活的種種面向為何,其自我評價是否會因為婚姻家庭的有無而有所不同?」研究者採用質性研究方法,藉由訪問四位四十歲以上的高階女性經理人(已婚者與單身者各半),來了解女性經理人面對家庭與事業的心理調適歷程與自我評價狀況。 研究結果如下: 1. 已婚受訪者積極主動、勇於面對和解決問題的人格特質,對於其工作與家庭生活的適應具有決定性的影響,且處於不同的家庭發展階段,其適應的狀況也不同,無法單純以「資源有限假說」或「資源擴張假說」來解釋。 2. 已婚女性受訪者的家庭與工作生活是處於同一個系統當中,彼此會相互影響、扶持。 3. 無論結婚與否,受訪者都或多或少能從家庭中獲得社會支持,如單身者因為與父母同住,所以能得到原生家庭的支持。 4. 單身受訪者因為沒有婚姻的負擔,所以初期對工作的承諾感和企圖心很高,往往因過度投入工作而忽略了其他生活面向的平衡發展。 5. 對於本研究的受訪者而言,結婚與否對其目前的自我評價並無影響。 最後,研究者根據研究過程與結果提出建議。 第一章 研究動機 ……………………………….1 第二章 文獻探討…………………………………5 第一節 工作生活的適應 ……………………7 一、 學習男性典範……………………7 二、 高階女性主管的適應……………9 第二節 家庭生活的適應 ………………12 一、已婚者 …………………………12 1. 資源有限假說 ……………13 2. 資源擴張假說 ……………17 二、單身者 ………………………19 第三節 女性主管的生涯曲線 …………22 第三章 研究問題 ……………………………27 第四章 研究方法 ………………………………28 第五章 結果與討論 …………………………36 第一節 女性經理人的工作歷程 ……36 第二節 已婚女性經理人的家庭生活歷程 51 第三節 單身女性經理人的生活 ……66 第四節 女性經理人的生涯特徵 ………74 第六章 結論 …………………………………81 第七章 研究限制與建議 …………………85 參考文獻 ……………………………………87 附錄一:研究參與同意書 附錄二:訪談大綱 / Managers are often stereotyped as a man’s job in the public eye. Thus, female managers usually have to conceal their feminine characteristics and imitate their male colleagues’ behaviors in order to fit in the existing managerial culture. This may cause high pressure for them and make them lose their flexibility and energy. At the same time, married female managers are expected to be good wives and mothers. As for single females, although they can devote all their efforts to their work, the social support they have is less than married female managers. Many negative impressions are put upon them, such as people regarding them as too ambitious to be good women. To sum up, female managers are faced with many difficulties both in their work and family lives. This study would focus on how they deal with their demanding lives and how they evaluate themselves under traditional value system of our society. Four female executives- two of them are married, and the others are single- were interviewed in depth. Due to high pressures in the working environment, all four interviewees reported they tried to act like men in the beginning of being managers. Two of them (one is married, and the other is single) had a very difficult period in their careers. They felt extremely tired and anxious all the time. They were irritated because they were so worried about their performance that they became burnt out. Fortunately, they both left their work temporary and found ways of releasing the pressures so that they could get rid of the ‘ burn out’ syndromes and promote their quality of lives. The married interviewees’ life qualities depended on which family stages they were in. When the interviewees’ children were very young, they needed to spend lots of time and energy on being mothers. They reported that they were exhausted then, and could not handle so many requirements of different roles at the same time. But as their children grew up, the load of being mothers decreased. Meanwhile, as a manager for several years, they learned many problem-solving skills in their jobs, so they could take active strategies to solve the problems in their families. They felt they could manage these roles well now. It was also reported that the married interviewees’ family and work lives interacted with each other. Their work experiences could diffuse into their family lives. What they learned from the families could also help them deal with business. Different from the married interviewees, the single female managers mainly concentrated on their works. They still lived with their original family so they could get support from their parents and siblings. But they indeed got involved in their work too much that they started to ignore other aspects of their lives. One interviewee discovered that she was completely sensible and could not feel the emotions in her mind. She lost her feelings due to putting on professional mask for a long time. The other felt really unhappy in her thirties because of exhaustion. Now they both try to enrich their lives with things other than work. The four interviewees were not satisfied with themselves before. However, after reflecting the meanings of their lives in the middle age, they gained new insights about themselves. They all said they were satisfied with themselves now, despite being married or single, and all believed they would be better in the future.

成年期女性從原生家庭到婚姻家庭之的心理依附與分離歷程之探討 / Adult female's attachment and psychologycal-separation via the process of transition when females leaves their original family for married family.

陳燕錚, Chen,Yen-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的是希望透過女性從原生家庭進入婚姻家庭的歷程,瞭解當前台灣社會中成年期女性的心理依附與分離概況,由於東西方社會家庭結構的差異,在中西方思潮融合交接的此刻,希望能透過研究瞭解文化因素對依附與心理分離的影響性,以及此一歷程中心理依附與分離的關係。   研究者以文獻分析所得的理論架構為參考點,採用質性研究方法進行非結構式的深度訪談。受訪對像是十五位成年期女性,年齡在二十五歲到三十四歲之間,為顧及受訪者的口語表達能力,因此選擇專科以上學歷的訪談對象;也因為此研究是一個歷程性的探討,因此訪談了不同婚姻階段的受訪者,婚齡最長不超過六年。   綜合研究所得,發現女性在婚姻歷程中心理依附與分離的現象是一個辯證循環的過程,關係會在不斷的變動發展。而就理論的層面來探討,可以發現女性的依附關係雖有西方文獻中所指涉的的內涵和類型,卻也存在著本土的特殊性,可以看到『依附反轉』的現象;另外,若要以西方理論的角度來探討『心理分離』,將會出現窘迫不足之憾;本文提出女性在婚姻歷程的四個困境,透過探討文化對親子關係、夫妻關係、和自我造成的影響,來瞭解當前女性依附與心理分離的概況。   另外,也提出一些影響歷程發展的因素,也發現女性在此一歷程中,依附與心理分離的現象具有持續發展和系統性的特色。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate adult females' attachment (or emotional connection) and psychological-separation (or separation-individual; differentiation), via the process of transition from their original families to married families, in current Taiwan society. The researcher hopes to learn more about the females' attachment and psychological-separation in this process of relationships between. Besides, the influence of culture on this process would be discussed. The thesis has the theoretical basis established by reviewing western literature. Moreover, samples including 15 adult females are chosen and qualitatively studied, according to the theory, by a non-constructional interviewing-in-depth method. The samples, ranging from 25- to 34-year-old, are all graduated from college or above. In order to have a longitudinal examination of the transition process, the samples are chosen to distribute in different married stages. None of the samples has married for longer than 6 years.   Results show that the attachment of females has some characteristics consistent with those in western literature, while some features reveal the influence of cultural traits. One of the special features absent in western literature is 'reverse-attachment' in the relationship between females and their original families. Thus, the related research results in western literature seem insufficient to explain adult females' psychological-separation in Taiwan. The thesis therefore provides four dilemma in relationship transition.   The thesis suggests that the females' attachment and psychological-separation have several developmental characteristics: consistency, mendability, dialectic process, and systematism. In addition, the finding in this study is consistent with family-system theory. That is, the transition process changes continuously and is influenced by the culture and the environment.

二專學生的心理分離、依附關係與其生涯定向之關係 / Psychological separation, attachment, and career indecision in college students.

江捷如, Jiang, Jye-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討二專學生的心理分離,依附關係與其生涯定向之關係。研究以全國分北、中、南三區共九所專科學校之日間部二專一、二年級之學生為研究對象,共計797名。本研究使用之研究工具包括「心理分離量表」、「父母依附量表」、及「生涯定向問卷」。所得之資料以描述統計、變異數分析、相關分析、多元迴歸分析及典型相關分析等統計方法進行處理。研究的主要發現如下: 二專學生在與父母的心理分離程度中等,其中「互動衝突獨立」較好,「情緒獨立」較差;與父母多為安全依附關係;對自己生涯方向的確定及滿意略低於中等程度;較可能遇到影響其生涯定向的問題為「生涯決策焦慮」及「認識不足」。 其次,與父母越有安全依附關係者,其衝突獨立方面越好,但在功能、情緒及態度方面則較依賴父母。 而互動衝突獨立較差、功能越依賴父母、及與父母無安全依附關係的二專男生,對其生涯目標越不滿意,且較多生涯不確定之問題。和父母越為衝突獨立、功能及情緒上較不依賴父母之二專女生,較滿意於其生涯目標,且較少生涯不確定之問題。 針對本研究結果建議父母能在支持的關係裡,鼓勵青少年發展獨立自主,以協助二專學生之發展,以及學校在生涯定向輔導策略上,可加強學生生涯決策能力和由與父母之關係來了解其生涯定向之問題,並且在生涯定向的問題上,不同性別之學生可考慮以不同的方向加以輔導。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships amongpsychological separation, attachment, and career indecision. The samples consisted of 797 students from nine colleges in Taiwan. Instruments usedin this study were "Psychological Separation Inventory", "Inventory ofParent and Peer Attachment", "Career Development Questionnaire". Datain this study were analyzed by analysis of variance, correlation, multiplestepwise regression analysis, and canonical correlation analysis. Themain findings were as follow: The score in PSI for college students are moderated, in which "conflictual independence" is better, but "emotional independence" is worse. The relationship with their parents is security attachment. Their assuranceand satisfaction toward career setting are lower than averages. The possibleproblem affecting their career indecision are "anxity of career decision making" and "incompehension of career". Secondary, the students who got stronger patent attachment exhibitedbetter in conflictual independence, but they are more depend on parentsin function, emotion, and attitude. The college male students who exhibited more conflictual dependence, functional dependence, in conjoint with worse parent attachment wereexperienced more career indecision problems. For female students, whoexhibited better conflictual independence, functional independence and emotional independence were better in career decision. The suggestion from this study to the parents is to encouragethe adolescent to develop independence with a supporting relationshipwith their children. Also, the suggestion to the school counselors areto strength students' abilities in career decision making and to helpstudents who with career indecision problem by understanding of relationshipwith their parents.

個人取向、集體取向與心理健康的關係 / The relation of individualism, collectivism and psychological well-being.

翁慧娟, Weng, Huei Jiuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究不將個人主義與集體主義視為單一向度的兩極端,而從多向度的觀點,兼顧學者們談論個人取向及集體取向時所涵蓋的正面及負面意義,以釐清個人取向、集體取向與心理健康的複雜關係,並探討那些態度相互補充之後,對心理健康有最正面的影響。   本研究以政大、台大、文化、高雄醫學院、台南師範學院等五所大學的學生共454人為樣本,運用自編的個人取向量表、集體取向量表、心理健康量表及馬康二氏社會讚許性量表等研究工具搜集所需資料,再以典型相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析、淨相關、共變數分析、變異數分析等方法進行統計分析。   研究結果發現:個人取向與集體取向不僅只有對立的關係,亦有不排斥而能互補的關係。若將個人取向視為孤立的意義,則與心理健康有負相關,若將個人取向視為獨立自主與自我表達的意義,則與心理健康有正相關。若將集體取向視為他人導向的意義,亦與心理健康有負相關,但若將集體取向視為家族認同與人際和諧的意義,則與心理健康有正相關。當一個人能夠同時具有個人取向和集體取向的優點時,其心理健康程度最佳。   本研究建議:將個人取向與集體取向視為多元化的觀點是可行的研究方向。學校教育中宜提供民主的溝通氣氛,提供不同的論點,協助學生澄清自己的價值觀,在溝通過程中尋求共識,促使學生發展出具有自主性又能認同群體的統整式人生觀,以利學生的心理健康。

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