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參合模式下第P 百分位數的研究劉惠美, Liu, Hui-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
對一個母體F(x)來講,第P百分位數 就是使得F(Xp)=P的點,而 的信
賴上、下限就對應到母體的容忍上、下限(Tolerance Limit Lower or Upper)r=
P(U Xp)or =P(L Xr)。古期的無母數作法是根據一個秩統計量(Or
der Sta-& Koopman及Proschan分別提出不同的無母數方法,二者均是以秩統計量的
1-F)is convex),ΨL={F:─log F is convex );B&P的容忍下限作法
僅適是IFR(Increasing Failure Rate) 而且F(0)=0的族群。本論文以負
Hanson & Koopman的方法;第四章:參合模式下Barlow & Proschan 的方法;第五章
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多重市場競爭與價格離散之關聯 : 以美國境內航空市場為例 / Does multimarket contact matter for price dispersion in the airline industry?劉亭彣, Liou, Ting-Wun Unknown Date (has links)
本文以美國境內航空市場為例,探討多重市場接觸與價格離散的關聯,並研究大型航空公司併購案前後多重市場接觸對航空公司競爭策略的影響。本研究發現:(一) 相互容忍說於併購案發生前後皆成立。(二) 相較於考量擴大市場的市佔率,航空公司更應該關注與競爭者間的競爭關係。(三) 併購案發生前後,航空公司的訂價行為都深受競爭對手的競爭策略影響。(四) 併購案發生前,因競爭者多,市場上航空公司平均市佔率的大小是航空公司可採取競爭手段重要因素之一。在最大的1000 個市場中,雖然每家航空公司的市場力量不大,航空公司仍可採取價格競爭,然若是對手間聯合懲罰,則航空公司不敢採取激進手段,且多重市場接觸越多,價格離散程度越大。而在次要競爭的市場中,則因航空公司的平均市占率是最大的1000 個市場的兩倍,因此航空公司並未有明顯競爭行為。但若考量競爭對手間的碰面次數,則多重市場接觸與不同分位價格關係為正,且多重市場接觸越多,價格離散程度越低。併購案發生後,因航空公司間彼此箝制力量大,與競爭對手間的碰面次數越多,越傾向隱性勾結,且高價位的價格上升較低價位價格多,使價格離散程度越大。 / In this paper, we discuss whether multimarket contact matters for price dispersion in the U.S. airline industry, and compare the influence of multimarket
contact on airlines’ competition strategies before and after airline mergers and acquisitions. We find that: (a) Before and after the mergers, mutual forbearance exists. (b) In contrast to an airline‘s market share, the relationship between airlines and itself plays a more important role in its pricing strategy.(c) Before and
after the mergers, airline companies’pricing strategies are significantly affected by their competitors’strategies. (d) Before the mergers, because of the intense competition, it is the size of the competitors‘ market share that the company decide whether to take aggressive strategies. In the top 1000 competitive markets,airline companies will take aggressive actions to get more passengers for the punishment from its competitor is an incredible threat, however, if competitors collude together, airline companies will hardly dare to cut price. And the
effect of an increase in multimarket contact on price dispersion is positive and significant. In the second competitive markets, since the average market share
is twice bigger than in the top 1000 markets, airlines prefer not to participate in cut-throat competition. However, if competitors collude, then airline companies
will cooperate together, and the effect of an increase in multimarket contact on price dispersion is negative and significant. After the mergers, increase in contacts
with competitors would facilitate mutual forbearance and increase price dispersion and higher-percentile prices will increase more than lower-percentile prices.
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後形式思考的發展及其與人際關係之容忍性、同理心、自我揭露、自主性之關係 / The Development of Postformal Thinking and the Relationships Between Postformal Thinking and the Tolerance、Empathy、Self-disclosure、Autonomy of Interpersonal Relations邱文彬, Wen-Bin Chiou Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在探討後形式思考的發展,以及後形式思考與人際關係之容忍性、同理心、自我揭露、自主性之關係。受試為644位分佈於青年期後期至成人期(18至80歲)的受試,以問卷法進行研究。資料分析採用百分比差異性考驗與單因子變異數分析。結果發現:1. 在後形式思考的發展方面,青年期後期屬於形式性思考組的百分比高於早成人期與中、老年期屬於於形式性思考組的百分比。早成人期屬於相對性思考組的百分比高於中、老年期屬於相對性思考組的百分比。中、老年期屬於辯証性思考組的百分比高於青年期後期與早成人期屬於辯証性思考組的百分比。綜合三個認知思考組與各年齡組之關係,相對性思考的發展時機比形式性思考要晚,辯証性思考的發展時機比相對性思考要晚。2. 在後形式思考與人際關係之「容忍性」、「同理心」、「自我揭露」、「自主性」之關係方面:(1)後形式思考組的「容忍性」高於形式性思考組的「容忍性」;辯証性思考組的「容忍性」高於相對性思考組的「容忍性」;相對性思考組的「容忍性」高於形式性思考組的「容忍性」。辯証性思考組在容忍性之「統整差異」得分高於形式性思考組與相對性思考組的得分;(2)後形式思考組的「同理心」高於形式性思考組的「同理心」;辯証性思考組的「同理心」高於相對性思考組的「同理心」;相對性思考組的「同理心」高於形式性思考組的「同理心」;(3)後形式思考組的「自我揭露」高於形式性思考組的「自我揭露」;辯証性思考組的「自我揭露」高於形式性思考組與相對性思考組的「自我揭露」;相對性思考組與形式性思考組的「自我揭露」沒有顯著差異;(4)後形式思考組的「自主性」高於形式性思考組的「自主性」;辯証性思考組的「自主性」高於形式性思考組與相對性思考組的「自主性」;相對性思考組與形式性思考組的「自主性」沒有顯著差異。辯証性思考組在「自主性」之相互依賴性高於形式性思考組與相對性思考組的相互依賴性。
壹、緒論 01
一、 研究動機 01
二、 研究目的 10
三、 名詞釋義 11
(一) 認知發展範疇 11
(二) 人際關係範疇 12
貳、文獻探討 15
一、 後形式思考的本質 15
(一) 後形式思考的特徵 15
(二) 相對性思考 22
(三) 辯証性思考 28
(四) 相對性思考與辯証性思考的比較 34
二、 後形式思考的發展 38
三、人際關係的發展 45
(一) 人際關係的重要性 45
(二) 人際關係發展的重要向度 46
四、 後形式運思與人際關係之容忍性、同理心、自我揭露、自主性
之關係 53
(一) 後形式思考與人際關係的本質 53
之關係 55
參、研究方法 73
一、 研究架構 73
二、 研究問題與假設 74
三、 研究樣本 76
四、 研究工具 78
(一) 後形式思考的測量 78
(二) 「容忍性」的測量 91
(三) 「同理心」的測量 93
(四) 「自我揭露」的測量 97
(五) 「自主性」的測量 104
五、資料蒐集與樣本來源 111
肆、研究結果 114
一、後形式思考的發展 118
之關係 125
(一)形式性思考與後形式思考在「容忍性」的差異 126
(二)形式性思考與後形式思考在「同理心」的差異 129
(三)形式性思考與後形式思考在「自我揭露」的差異 131
(四)形式性思考與後形式思考在「自主性」的差異 133
伍、結果、討論與建議 107
一、結果 107
(一)後形式思考的發展 142
「自主性」之關係 142
二、討論 143
(一)後形式思考的發展 143
「自主性」之關係 114
(三)整體性發展觀的綜合討論 153
三、建議 157
(一)研究的測量工具 157
(二)研究設計的限制與建議 167
(三)未來的研究方向 168
(四)實際應用的啟示 174
參考文獻 181
附錄 197
附錄一:信念量表 197
附錄二:人際關係問卷(A) 205
附錄三:人際關係與信念問卷(A) 215 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of postformal thinking and the relationships between postformal thinking and the tolerance、empathy、self-disclosure、autonomy of interpersonal relations. Subjects were 644, ranging from late adolescence to adulthood (age from 18 to 80 years). Questionnaire was used as the research method. The testing of differences between two percentages and one-way ANOVA were used for data analysis. The results were : 1. In the development of postformal thinking, the percentage of formalistic thinker in late adolescence group (18-23 years) was higher than early adulthood groups' (24-40 years) and middle、late adulthood groups' (41-80 years), the percentage of relativistic thinker in early adulthood group was higher than middle、late adulthood groups', the percentage of dialectical thinker in middle、late adulthood group was higher than late adolescence group's and early adulthood group's. According to the findings of the relationships between the cognitive thinking groups and age groups, the developmental timing of relativistic thinking was later than the timing of formalistic thinking, the developmental timing of dialectical thinking was later than the timing of relativistic thinking. 2. In the findings of the relationships between the postformal thinking and the tolerance、empathy、self-disclosure、autonomy of interpersonal relations: (1) The tolerance of the postformal thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group's, the tolerance of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group's, the tolerance of the relativistic thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group's. The score of integration differences of tolerance of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group's and the formalistic thinking group's. (2) The empathy of the postformal thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group's, the empathy of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group's, the empathy of the relativistic thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group's. (3) The self-disclosure of the postformal thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group's, the self-disclosure of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group's and the formalistic thinking group's. (4) The autonomy of the the postformal thinking group was higher than the formalistic thinking group's, the autonomy of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group's and the formalistic thinking group's. The interdependence of the dialectical thinking group was higher than the relativistic thinking group's and the formalistic thinking group's.
The possible reasons of the above findings were discussed in the paper. According to these findings, suggestions of future research about postformal thinking and implications of practical applications in interpersonal relations were mentioned.
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取徑亞當.史密斯:伊恩.麥克尤恩小說中的同情與想像力 / Through the Lens of Adam Smith: Sympathy and Imagination in Ian McEwan’s Novels張秀芳, Chang, Hsiu-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究伊恩.麥克尤恩的《贖罪》、《愛無可忍》及《星期六》這三部小說中的同情與想像力。第一章仔細爬梳亞當.史密斯的哲學文本《道德情感論》,並闡述幾個重要概念如同情與想像力、公正觀察者的角色、同情與戲劇性質、及同情與敘事。第二章運用史密斯的同情與想像力的概念來檢視《贖罪》這部小說,並指出布萊妮最初反映了史密斯式的同情概念,但在她贖罪的過程中,她實踐了自我反省及自我批判的另一層次的同情。第三章從演化、利他主義及同情的觀點來閱讀《愛無可忍》這部小說。敘述者喬.羅斯所面臨的拯救小孩及保存自己性命的道德兩難彰顯出利他行動與利己行為間的衝突。本章以史密斯的同情概念來解釋小說中約翰.羅根的利他主義,並呈現出同情與利他行為的關連性。本章指出同情並非完全是利他的情感展現,同情實際上包含了利己與利他的動機。第四章檢視《星期六》中同情與敘事的關係,並闡述貝羅安對其病人泰勒伯的同情與泰勒伯透過口述去敘述其在伊拉克所遭遇的苦難具有關連性。本章並分析貝羅安在聆聽黛絲朗誦馬修.阿諾的多佛海灘詩集時所展現的同情與想像力。本章最後聚焦在貝羅安對巴克斯特的同情,並指出貝羅安對巴克斯特的仁慈實際上強化了同情者與被同情者之間微妙的權力關係。 / The dissertation aims to study the concept of sympathy and imagination in Ian McEwan’s three novels Atonement, Enduring Love and Saturday. In the first chapter, Adam Smith’s philosophical text, Theory of Moral Sentiments, is carefully scrutinized. The chapter includes several key ideas such as sympathy and imagination, the role of the impartial spectator, sympathy and its theatrical quality, and sympathy and narratives. In the second chapter, I use Smith’s concept of sympathy and imagination to examine McEwan’s Atonement and propose that Briony’s sympathy at first reflect Smith’s model of sympathy, but in the process of her atoning for her crime, Briony achieves a new level of sympathy which is more self-reflected and self-critical. Chapter Three reads Enduring Love from the perspective of evolution, altruism and sympathy. The narrator Joe Rose’s moral dilemma between saving the child and preserving his own life dramatizes the conflict between altruistic actions and self-interested behaviors. Smith’s idea of sympathy is employed to account for John Logan’s altruism and the connection between sympathy and altruistic acts is then presented. The chapter shows that sympathy is not an other-oriented emotion but a sentiment that contains both self-interested and other-interested motives. Chapter Four looks at the relation between sympathy and narratives, and demonstrates how Perowne’s sympathy to his patient Taleb is related to Taleb’s oral report of suffering in Iraq. It then analyzes Perowne’s sympathy and imagination during Daisy’s recitation of Matthew Arnold’s Dover Beach. The final section focuses on Perowne’s sympathetic sentiments to Baxter, arguing that Perowne’s benevolence to Baxter only highlights the subtle power relationship between the sympathizer and the sympathized.
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現代台湾における対外経済政策を巡る政治過程 / ゲンダイ タイワン ニオケル タイガイ ケイザイ セイサク オ メグル セイジ カテイ吉田 知史, Tomofumi Yoshida 19 September 2020 (has links)
本研究では李登輝政権以降の台湾における対外経済政策の変化メカニズムを検討した。構造レベルからの入力である米国の台湾政策と台湾企業は、台湾政府に対して対中投資規制の緩和と直航便の開設を求めてきた。これに対して台湾政府は、強固な抵抗・不安定な抵抗・構造への順応という3つの反応をしてきた。これを決定付けるのは、政権基盤の強弱・政権の重心・政権基盤の強化策というユニットレベルの3つの変数であることを明らかにした。 / This study examines the mechanism of changing foreign economic policy of Taiwan. The U.S. Taiwan policy and Taiwanese businesses, which were the inputs from the structure level, had demanded Taiwanese government to ease restrictions regarding investment to PRC and to introduce direct cross-strait link. Taiwanese government's reactions can be divided into three, which are 'Strict Resistance,' 'Partial Resistance,' and 'Accommodation to Structure.' This study shows that 'Strangeness of Administration's Political Power Base,' 'Administration's Direction,' and 'Way of Enforcing Administration's Political Power Base,' which are unit level variables, had determined which reaction the government would take. / 博士(政治学) / Doctor of Political Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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