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台灣生物科技公司創新行為之研究劉昱岑 Unknown Date (has links)
全球趨勢大師戴維斯(Stan Davis)曾預言說:「未來二十年將是生物科技的時代!」,也有人說:「二十一世紀是生物科技的世紀。」事實上過去幾年來,我國也將生物科技產業列為國家級重點發展科技之ㄧ,並投入相當大的金額輔助產業之發展,生物科技產業是技術與知識密集的產業,而知識是整個產業與企業發展最重要的元素,但由於生技產業在我國屬發展初期且創新能力尚嫌不足,因此,由技術知識本質來探討我國生物科技公司之創新行為便對產業會有所貢獻。
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我國遊戲軟體開發模式之知識創造與智慧財產權管理張家祥 Unknown Date (has links)
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知識互補建構過程分析-以技術知識與顧客知識為例 / An examination of the process of knowledge complementarity between technological knowledge and customer knowledge姚成彥, Yao, Chen Yen Unknown Date (has links)
在快速變動的環境下,全球企業致力於持續創新以維持競爭優勢。創新是不同知識重組的過程。技術知識與顧客知識成為建構知識互補,達到創新的重要因素。過去的研究著重於測試互補效果的存在以及對於結果的影響。然而,針對知識互補的過程缺乏詳細的瞭解。本研究的目的即希望經由瞭解技術知識與顧客知識如何互補達到創新的過程,對於知識互補建構完整的概念。本研究包含兩個研究問題: (1) 如何定義兩種組織知識(技術知識與顧客知識)的知識互補?(2) 組織如何管理知識互補(技術知識與顧客知識)以達到創新?
本研究利用動態觀點分析研發及業務部門知識互動情形,進而瞭解組織建構知識互補的過程。這種過程導向的研究不僅發現知識互補的存在,更進一步解釋知識互補的建構過程。組織可藉由動態管理知識互動以建構知識互補的過程,來達到持續創新的目的。本研究著重於知識本身,知識互補的概念、流程及型態對於創新及知識管理提供未來進一步研究的基礎。 / Global enterprises are currently engaged in continuous innovation to compete and sustain themselves in the dynamic changing market. The development of innovation is a process of novel combination of different kinds of knowledge. Both technological and customer knowledge have been identified as crucial for building knowledge complementarity for delivery of innovation. Researches have examined the existence of complementarity between inputs and the effect of output. Nevertheless, detailed understanding of the process of knowledge complementarity development is still lacking. The objective of this study is to develop a complete concept of knowledge complementarity with a thorough understanding of how technological knowledge complements customer knowledge in the process of adaptation and innovation. There are two research questions, as follows. (1) How can we define knowledge complementarity between the two kinds of organizational knowledge (technological knowledge and customer knowledge)? (2) How do organizations manage knowledge complementarity between technological knowledge and customer knowledge for innovation?
Through iterative analyses of the existing literature and examination of empirical data, this study clarifies the definition of knowledge complementarity as a situation in which one source supplies knowledge that another source lacks, thus increasing the total value for achieving a specific purpose through knowledge interaction.
The process of building knowledge complementarity starts with sensing the insufficiency of knowledge for a specific goal and identifying sources that can satisfy the deficiency. Then, through knowledge interactions, the scope and depth of the knowledge of the interactive parties are increased and evolved, resulting in an increased innovative value for the specific purpose.
Based on the literature review and observation of case studies of T Probe Card and Cyber Software, five propositions were formulated. These propositions concern the sequences of the process of knowledge complementarity and different types of knowledge interaction for knowledge complementarity. The three types of knowledge complementarity identified are: infrastructural complementarity, emergent complementarity, and opportunity complementarity.
In different to the static view to examine the relationship between knowledge management variables, this study uses a dynamic view to understand knowledge interaction between R&D and sales department in the process of building knowledge complementarity. This process-oriented study not only examines the existence of complementarity but also provides the explanation for "how" something happened and the sequence of events leading to the outcome. Rather than placing focus on the interactive activities, the underlying point of this study is on the knowledge itself. Operationalizable indexes of the scope and depth of knowledge interaction have been clearly developed for the purpose of examining knowledge interaction and their interplay in different types of knowledge complementarity. The concept, process and distinctive types of knowledge complementarity provide essential input to innovation and knowledge management. Organizations intent to build sustained innovation capability could benefit from this study by dynamically managing knowledge interactions for complementarity of different purposes.
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台灣軟體產業技術知識網路和組織動態能耐研究:以趨勢科技公司為例 / A Study on Technical Knowledge Network and Organizational Dynamic Capability of Taiwan's Software Industry : Using Trend Micro, Inc. as an Example賴義龍, Lai, Yi-Lung Unknown Date (has links)
六、在Internet時代,因應科技變化,發展網際網路化(Weblization)技術知識,融合擴張以建構專屬核心能力。讓顧客能力成為組織技術知識的來源。並能乘科技興起之勢(Free Energy),創新商業模式,發揮善用組織知識,創造企業全新價值。
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台灣軟體產業創新平台之研究王緯中 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論 1-2
第一節 研究動機 1-2
第二節 研究目的與問題 1-3
第二章 文獻探討 2-1
第一節 軟體產品開發相關文獻 2-1
壹、 國內學者研究 2-1
貳、 國外學者研究 2-3
參、 小結 2-8
第二節 組織知識創造 2-9
壹、 Nonaka & Takeuchi(1995)的研究 2-9
貳、 Leonard-Barton(1995)的研究 2-16
參、 Clark & Wheelwright(1993)的研究 2-25
第三節 技術知識特質 2-34
壹、 技術知識內隱程度 2-34
貳、 技術知識複雜性 2-36
參、 小結 2-37
第四節 技術知識特質與組織知識創造之關連 2-39
壹、 技術知識內隱程度與組織知識創造 2-39
貳、 技術知識複雜程度與組織知識創造 2-40
參、 小結 2-42
第三章 研究方法 3-1
第一節 研究架構 3-1
第二節 研究變項說明 3-2
壹、 技術知識特質 3-2
貳、 多媒體軟體廠商之創新平台 3-4
第三節 研究設計 3-6
壹、 研究方法 3-6
貳、 研究對象 3-6
參、 資料蒐集 3-9
肆、 研究限制 3-12
第四章 研究個案彙總 4-1
第一節 U公司影像處理軟體開發個案 4-1
壹、 公司背景 4-1
貳、 “PhotoImpact 4”開發專案 4-5
第二節 S公司遊戲軟體開發個案 4-17
壹、 公司背景 4-17
貳、 “仙劍奇俠傳”開發專案 4-21
第三節 B公司幼教軟體開發個案 4-35
壹、 公司背景 4-35
貳、 互動媒體部簡介 4-39
參、 “未來EQ小領袖”開發專案 4-40
第四節 B公司3D影像工具軟體開發個案 4-51
壹、 公司背景 4-51
貳、 國際產品研發中心簡介 4-51
參、 “Chart3D”開發專案 4-52
第五節 I公司幼教軟體開發個案 4-63
壹、 公司背景 4-63
貳、 “阿毛的ABC新樂園4”開發專案 4-65
第六節 I公司遊戲軟體開發個案 4-76
壹、 公司背景 4-76
貳、 “幻影特攻”開發專案 4-76
第七節 N公司影像辨識軟體開發個案 4-91
壹、 公司背景 4-91
貳、 “丹青黃金版 4.0”開發專案 4-94
第八節 Y公司幼教軟體開發個案 4-103
壹、 公司背景 4-103
貳、 “十二生肖多媒體魔法屋”開發專案 4-104
第五章 個案分析與研究發現 5-1
第一節 多媒體軟體廠商技術知識特質分析 5-1
第二節 技術知識特質與多媒體軟體廠商創新平台 5-6
第三節 其他研究發現 5-41
第六章 結論與建議 6-1
第一節 研究結論 6-1
第二節 研究建議 6-5
壹、 多媒體軟體公司之管理意涵 6-5
貳、 後續研究建議 6-6
參考文獻 參考文獻-1
一、 中文部分 參考文獻-1
二、 英文部分 參考文獻-5
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探討知識互動衡量指標之研究- 模型建立,建構發展與實證驗證 / The impact of knowledge interaction on innovation performance - model building, constructs developing and empirical validation劉大銘, Liou, Da Ming Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to develop a comprehensive concept of knowledge interaction offering a robust understanding of how technological knowledge interacts with customer knowledge. There are three research questions: (1) How can we define the knowledge interaction between the two kinds of organizational knowledge (customer knowledge and technological knowledge)? (2) What are the indexes shaping the quality of knowledge interaction between customer knowledge and technological knowledge for innovation? (3) How do organizations develop innovation under the different forces driving the knowledge interaction? Through analysis of existing literature and examination of empirical data, this study will apply a theoretical framework and hypotheses to measuring the knowledge interaction between customer knowledge and technological knowledge.
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區域技術知識網絡與創新之研究 / The study of the typology of regional technology knowledge network and innovation許秋惠, Hsu,Chiu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,生技醫藥廠商跨區域合作互動情形愈高,對於創新績效愈有顯著性差異;傳統製藥產業則不論是區域內的合作或是跨區域的合作,皆能帶給其創新的能力,另外,不同的合作關係亦會影響其創新績效之表現,區域內的網絡較著重於直接網絡所帶來的系統性知識,而跨區域的網絡則著重於間接網絡中多樣化的知識。 / As a knowledge intensive industry, pharmaceutical industry cultivates highly active networks among firms and relative actors. Because of technology revolution, Pharmaceutical is divided into two forms: traditional Pharmaceutical and Pharmaceutical biotechnology. This paper aims to advance our understanding of the technology knowledge and innovation capacity of the pharmaceutical industry in Taiwan. We begin by reviewing literatures regarding network and network position. Using the UCINET, a useful method to describe and measure firms’ centralities in a social network, we find out the key players in Taiwan Pharmaceutical industry and offers an emprical examination by examining the geography of technology knowledge associated with innovation in Taiwan Pharmaceutical industry.
The empirical results indicate that there is a significant relationship between intra-regional knowledge and innovation performance in Pharmaceutical biotechnology industry, and both intra-regional knowledge and regional knowledge determine the innovation performance of the pharmaceutical industry. Furthermore, Results of this study indicate that a firm that occupies a central position in regional network of direct ties is more accessible to useful knowledge; in the other hand, firms can innovate successfully in intra-regional network both directly and indirectly.
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技術知識特質與團隊運作之探討-以台灣新藥研發專案為例蔡宗儒 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 新藥研發專案各階段中,技術知識路徑相依程度與技術知識系統複雜程度呈現負相關,當路徑相依程度越高時,系統複雜程度則越低。
2. 新藥研發專案隨著階段的推進,專案團隊的組成與結構也會隨之產生變化,臨床前與臨床試驗皆有不同的團隊組成與結構。
3. 技術知識系統複雜程度會影響新藥研發團隊組成的異質/多元程度:技術知識系統複雜程度越高,其團隊組成的異質/多元程度越高。
4. 技術知識路徑相依程度會影響團隊採取何種團隊運作策略:(1)路徑相依程度愈「高」或是愈「低」,專案團隊會傾向採取「自行發展」的團隊運作模式;(2)路徑相依程度為「中」時,專案團隊會傾向採取先執行「初步研發」活動之後,再與外部廠商進行「合作研發」。
5. 技術知識路徑相依程度會影響新藥研發專案各階段的團隊類型:(1)技術知識路徑相依程度愈低,專案團隊會傾向採用「重量級」、「自主型」的團隊運作模式;(2)技術知識路徑相依程度愈高會傾向採用「功能型」、「輕量級」的團隊運作模式。
6. 技術知識內隱化程度愈高,該專案在團隊運作上愈容易將外部成員視為內部團隊,甚至在團隊組成上直接將外部成員納入內部團隊之中。
7. 在臨床試驗階段,試驗主持人的過往經驗為成功關鍵之一。
8. 新藥研發廠商若擁有先導研發的能力,可以減短研發時程與成本。 / Most of previous the studies on pharmaceutical industry have been focused on the development strategy, environmental analysis and intellectual property. Very few of them emphasize the stage of new drug development concerning the project team management.
This study uses technological knowledge characteristics (path dependence, complexity, and explicitness) and drug development process (drug discovery, non-clinical, pre-clinical, and clinical ) to explore the effect upon project team management.
The result of this study:
1. In every stage of new drug development, the path dependence and the complexity of technological knowledge have significantly negative correlation.
2. When the new drug development project evolves into the clinical stage, the structure of project team will be different.
3. The complexity of technological knowledge can affect the composition of team members. If the complexity of technological knowledge is higher, the complexity of members is higher.
4. The path dependence of technological knowledge can affect the development strategy. If the path dependence is higher or lower, the team members prefer “inner development”. If the path dependence is medium degree, the team members prefer “primary inner development” and then “cooperative research and development”.
5. The path dependence of technological knowledge can affect the team structure. If the path dependence is higher, the enterprise prefers “Heavyweight team structure” or “Autonomous team structure”. If the path dependence is lower, the enterprise prefers “Lightweight team structure” or “Functional team structure”.
6. If the explicitness of technological knowledge is higher, the enterprise intends to recruit team member from outside.
7. In clinical stage, the practice investigator can be key person of the success.
8. If the enterprise has the ability of “primary inner development”, the time and the cost of the new drug development can be reduced.
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從技術知識特性的觀點探討太陽能技術領域之知識創新管理 / Innovation management of knowledge in solar industry--From the view of characteristics of technology knowledge龔明德, Kung, Ming De Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所選取的研究對象是太陽能技術領域中的相關研究單位,之所以選擇太陽能產業主要有幾點原因:1. 全球可利用能源有限,各界紛紛發展相關再生能源技術,而太陽能技術領域為目前最被看好的方向,所以太陽能技術之議題研究實為刻不容緩。2. 以往探討太陽能相關文獻,大都從太陽能的產業面及發展商機等做一探討,而鮮以從專案層次的技術管理層面切入,本研究認為欲探求太陽能領域之技術發展,必須從技術知識的基本特性著眼,並深入研討其技術管理過程為何,另外,技術也是知識的一種,故而技術管理自然會牽涉到知識管理。3. 一般技術在發展歷程中,會依循特定軌跡來累積成長,這個特性在太陽能產業尤其明顯,而國內卻一直沒有專門研究太陽能技術的系所,所以,有關太陽能產業中其技術來源及發展軌跡,實為一有趣而值得探究的議題。
1. 太陽能技術領域中,關鍵的技術知識特性為何?
2. 太陽能研究單位在技術發展過程中,其知識創新的管理活動為何?這些活動又如何受到技術知識特性的影響?
1、 技術知識的創新程度會影響知識創造活動的團隊型態
2、 技術知識的變動程度會影響知識創造活動的外部網路關係
3、 技術知識的複雜度會影響團隊成員的多元化程度
4、 技術知識的專質性會影響知識創造活動的新工具/程序之產生方式
5、 不同的技術生命週期會影響知識創造活動的實驗或原型試製的方式
1、 太陽能領域的技術研究單位會依循特定路徑累積其動態能耐
2、 依技術研究單位願景與定位的不同,其技術策略發展也有所不同 / This thesis focuses on the photovoltaic industry in Taiwan, especially for the research unit of solar tech. The reasons are several aspects listed. 1. The energy in the world is limited, and more and more firms start to find the way to new kind of energy. Among lots of renewable energy technologies, solar tech. is most emphasized. To find more details about the solar tech. is important. 2. Most of formal thesis focused on the opportunities about the solar market, but few discussed about the technology characteristics and management of solar tech. But as we know, technology is one kind of knowledge, and tech. management is certainly related to knowledge management. 3. The technologies in many fields always follow the special trajectory, and the solar tech. is no exception. So it’s interesting to find the sources of solar tech. and to find how the solar technologies make further progress.
The solar industry in Taiwan mainly includes technologies of wafer, cell, module, and system application. The main goal of this thesis focuses on the research units that deal in solar technology, and the thesis has two principal questions for discussion as followed:
1. What are the key characteristics of technology in solar field?
2. What are the activities of knowledge management in solar field?
And the thesis has structural frame consists of two elements: the characteristics of tech. knowledge and the knowledge management. By interviewing the related research units in solar field and other data for assists, the research has discovered some interesting results:
1. The degree of tech. innovation would affect the team type.
2. The degree of tech. variation would affect the connection to external units.
3. The degree of tech. complexities would affect the diversification of team numbers.
4. The degree of tech. exclusion would affect whether the research units make new tools/procedures by oneself or directly buy in.
5. Different stage of tech. life cycle would affect the experiment ways or different prototype.
Besides, by the analyses of the cases, the thesis also finds other two results about the characteristics of solar industry. They are listed as followed:
1. The research units of solar field would follow specialized trajectories to build their core competence.
2. Depending on different vision in the solar field, the research units have different development strategies.
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台灣IC設計業者與Fab廠間技術知識連結關係之研究-以系統單晶片(SoC)為例蔡博文, Michael Tsai, Po-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
三、技術知識路徑相依度不同之產品開發專案,不會影響IC設計業者在設計初期搭便車搭便車(Shuttle Bus),其在驗證最新的設計,例如:個案A公司、個案B公司、個案C公司、個案D公司、個案E公司。
二、本研究發現當IC設計業者在設計初期時搭便車(Shuttle Bus)時,有助於IC設計業者建立知識創造上的原型,例如:個案A公司、個案B公司、個案C公司、個案D公司、個案E公司。
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