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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

家族企業的傳承挑戰與世代交替 / The Development and Succession of Family Business

奚仲豪 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣,乃至於全球,家族企業都佔有一個舉足輕重的地位。但在這個數字的背後卻隱藏著一個令人驚訝的事實:絕大部份的企業並沒有任何的接班計劃。天下雜誌也發表了一篇調查,調查中指出,當時領導人年齡逾60歲、但仍無明確接班計畫者有超過6成。 台灣以及絕大多數的亞洲家族企業都有著相同的特性:股權結構集中以及以血緣為主的股權傳承。因此造成許多公司面臨『強人創業、無人接班』的現實困境,也大幅降低了公司的存活能力和很難達成永續經營的目標。 在以血緣為主要的股權轉移前提下,台灣的家族企業正面臨著極大的危機。希望能找出克服這些危機的重要因素,以及進一步的協助這良好的家族治理,來自於完整、完善、合時宜的家族憲法。些企業達到永續經營的終極目的。當家族與企業放在一起時,很容易就會讓參與決策的成員們面對到兩難,甚至是三難或是多難的困境,是家族企業中的主事者每天都需要面對的問題。 深入並清楚理解家族成員-經營者-公司股東這三個面向在整個家族企業中存在的意義以及扮演的角色跟責任,是實踐永續經營的第一步。而位於這些因素中的主軸,就是家族的核心價值,其同時也是三圓架構中不同面向嘗試去達成共識的中心思想。良好的家族治理,來自於完整、完善、合時宜的家族憲法。

政黨提名之挑戰者競選策略之研究 :以2014年台北市議員第六選區為例 / The Campaign Strategies of Party-nominated Challengers: a Case Study of 2014 Taipei City Councilor sixth constituency election

顏辰州, Yen, Chen Chou Unknown Date (has links)
選舉研究中,當前文獻多數指向挑戰者在競選過程中的不利之處,本研究以此為出發點,思考「具政黨提名資格的挑戰者該如何選舉」的問題,並以選前、選後的深度訪談,以及為期一個半月的觀察,了解2014年台北市議員選舉,第六選區的市議員挑戰者的競選過程與結果。 在單記不可讓渡投票制(SNTV)的制度因素與選區環境之下,本文透過政治經驗和開拓繼承兩個變數提出挑戰者競選的分析架構,也就是挑戰者是否有繼承選票,以及挑戰者是否有不同的政治經驗可以運用在選舉中,是影響挑戰者競選成敗的重要因素。 由本文四個比較研究的案當中可以發現,挑戰者如果具有明顯的政治繼承特性,對其競選組織的運作,選民的動員等,都有事半功倍的效果。另一方面,當挑戰者擁有一定程度的政治經驗時,在競選過程中的組織資源、策略靈活度、曝光度、競選熟練度,也都有所助益,間接導致競選的勝負關鍵。同樣地,雖然不同政黨的候選人在選戰策略的制訂上有所不同,但是此兩種特性同樣也讓挑戰者更有效率地處理來自單記不可讓渡投票制之下的黨內競爭問題。 另外,在此選制特性下,導致黨內高度競爭,國民黨長期以劃分責任里、民進黨以聯合競選、配票的兩種競選模式,意在減少同黨候選人間的衝突,因此本文亦聚焦挑戰者在不同的政黨角色下,如何因應政黨的競選模式,和同黨連任者、挑戰者之間的競合,如何影響選舉結果。 研究發現,面對不同的競選模式,由於國民黨責任里模式直接牽涉到地方里長是否支持、以及應對同黨連任者的進攻,國民黨挑戰者較民進黨挑戰者須花更多心力,固守責任里;而民進黨的配票策略,有賴於資深、現任議員的態度,黨部也必須適時介入協調,以降低配票或聯合競選破局的可能性。

5G電信產業報告 / Industry report of 5G (telecom)

王子, Paranthaman, Raja Unknown Date (has links)
Currently the telecom world is moving towards next generation 5G (5th Generation) technology. Previous generations of mobile networks addressed human communications predominantly for voice & data but apart from human to human communications 5G brings machine to machine communication in a broader way. The possibilities of use cases are endless and 5G is a system of system. The vision for 5G is creating an ultra-connected society. 5G will be the general-purpose technology and 5G will act as a catalyst for the industry disruption. By interconnecting industries using the 5G technology will make them to be cost effective, efficient and more productive by optimally utilizing the infrastructure. It is expected that globally 5G value chain itself will contribute $3.5 trillion in output and provides 22million jobs in 2035. It is expected that 1 Trillion IoT devices by 2035 and will be worthy of $5 trillion. In Taiwan, 5G is expected to create 510,000 Taiwanese jobs and to unleash $134 billion economic value in gross output of goods and services. Apart from monetary benefits 5G is expected to bring social benefits to the human life too in enormous ways. To tap that potential many countries, governments encourage and push the mobile ecosystem to start to build the 5G networks and to launch it. 5G is coming earlier than expected and society needs to adopt to the upcoming disruption.

大學生依附風格與創造力情意之研究 / The research of Attachment Style and Creativity among college students

夏媺婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討大學生不同依附風格與不同性別,對創造力情意之影響。研究過程採問卷調查法,研究對象為台北縣市八間大學的一到四年級學生,總共回收問卷370份。研究工具採用「依附風格量表」與自編之「創造力情意量表」,並將所得資料以SPSS統計軟體雙因子共變數分析進行分析處理。 本研究結果有以下五點:(一)新編「創造力情意量表」總共37題,整體信度為.893;(二)在性別與依附型態的分佈中,男大學生較多矛盾依附型,女大學生則有較多逃避依附型;(三)在「情意整體」與「好奇心」中,安全依附型與矛盾依附型的得分皆顯著高於逃避依附型,「想像力」之中三者並無差異,在「冒險性」與「挑戰性」中則是安全依附型高於非安全依附型;(四)不同性別只有在「好奇心」中有所差異,男大學生自認其好奇心高於女大學生。(五)依附風格與性別的交互作用並不會對創造力情意產生影響。 本研究根據上述結果提出建議,以供未來研究或教育心理及諮商輔導之參考。 / The purpose of this research was to assess the influence of attachment style and sex to creative affective among college students. In this research , questionnaire survey was adopted. The subjects consisted 370 valid sampling from eight Universities in Taipei. The tools adopted included Attachment Styles, Creative Affective Scale. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics method,two-way Anova by SPSS. The major findings were as follows: 1.The new Creative Affective Scale had 37 items, and the reliability of this scale was .893 2.Among attachment style and sex, male students had much more ambivalent the female, and female had more avoidance attachment than male. 3.(1) The scores in secure and ambivalent attachment were remarkable higher than avoidance attachment in total creative affective scores and curiosity. (2) There was no remarkable differences between attachment style on “imaginative”. (3) The scores in secure attachment was remarkable higher than non-secure attachment in ”adventure”and “challenge”. 4.There were remarkable differences between different gender students only on “curiosity”. Male think they were more curious than female. 5.The interaction of attachment style and sex had no remarkable influence in creative affective. According to the findings, the study made suggestions to be referred to in the academic researches and the educational counseling in the futher.

公共外交的挑戰:以羅馬尼亞為例 / Challenges of Public Diplomacy: the case of Romania

韋妲, Vaida Daniela Unknown Date (has links)
論文的目的是想要了解羅馬尼亞自2007年成為歐盟成員後,在公共外交面對的主要挑戰。作者試圖從2007年以後,找出羅馬尼亞公共外交元素,理解該國在建立國家品牌的努力。   共產主義解體之後,羅馬尼亞不能夠建立自己的認同,無力面對歐洲聯盟的高期望。這兩個情況共同導致羅馬尼亞2007年之前的困境,加入歐盟之後這個困境更甚。看歐洲的環境及挑戰,羅馬尼亞爲克服挑戰努力以赴,但步履艱辛。 本論文參考資料主要是二手資料(例如:參考書,研究論文,報告,期刊文章等),但作者自信這些資料價值不容懷疑。 / The purpose of this thesis is to gain understanding of the main challenges of public diplomacy in the case of Romania after the 2007 European Union membership acceptance. The situation that presents itself after 2007 was only looked at in correlation to the country’s past attempts to create a national brand that includes elements of public diplomacy. Not being able to create an identity after the fall of communism and high expectations from the European community, together create the situation in which Romania finds itself not only before 2007 but more visible after the European Union membership. Looking at the European context and examples of the connectivity between challenges a set of possible recommendations are constructed to overcome the challenges. Both challenges are present before and after 2007 but once the European Union membership was granted they became even more visible. The information is based on secondary sources (e.g. reference books, research papers, reports, journals’ articles, etc.) from organizations, publishers, universities, research institutes, media outlets, individuals, etc.

資深駐外經理人員工作挑戰之研究-以臺商資訊電子業在西歐、北美子公司為例 / The Challenges of Senior Expatriates-The Case of Taiwanese Information Technology Firms in West Europe and North America

李彝三, LEE, Yi-San Unknown Date (has links)
現代化企業的經營模式已轉變成國際化、全球化經營,而外派人才之培養與訓練是維繫海外據點戰力持續的要素。本研究探討資深駐外經理人員在工作上的現實挑戰,補充學術上的理論探討;欲探討下列的主要問題: (一)駐外經理人員如何因應工作上的挑戰? (二)駐外經理人員如何與總公司互動? (三)駐外經理人員如何適應駐在地的工作與生活? 透過多國企業策略、國際人力資源管理、海外派遣與海外適應的文獻探討,採用個案研究法作為研究方法,對於訪談對象(六位資深的駐歐、駐美經理人員)進行深度訪談,輔以八家個案公司的次級資料,利用實務訪談進行個案對象的深入研究探討。 本研究的主要發現是: (一)駐外經理人員其人際關係網絡(在駐在地、以及在總公司)與工作績效的關係緊密。 (二)駐外經理人員必須與總公司建立有效的互動平臺。 (三)駐外經理人員要能充分融入當地文化,並且先找到對的人(部屬、工作夥伴),再決定做甚麼;要使員工認同總公司的企業文化,以收長治久安之效。 (四)駐外經理人員在領導、管理當地員工時,要視情境而靈活運用不同的作風。 (五)管理當地的員工,要按部就班將其塑造成為高績效團隊,依次展開任務;遇到狀況,深思熟慮後就要明快行事。 (六)資深駐外經理人員的中長期生涯規劃,要未雨綢繆、自立自強。 本研究的結論是: (一)外派人員隨時面對全球資源整合及地方回應的雙重壓力,必須要有敏銳的洞察力、深謀遠慮的遠見與憂患意識;任務的細部展開包括:駐在地的領導管理以及母公司的溝通協調。善於利用周遭可及的資源,特別是當地的人際網絡關係,以及總公司專業團隊的支援。 (二)外派人員與總公司的關係,平日即要積極培養經營,以塑造良好的合作氛圍,包括:事務性質的各功能別對應窗口,和策略層級的主管討論議題。與日常作業的連絡對象要建立默契和勤於互動-“朝中有人好辦事”,正式與非正式的資訊管道交織,以全盤瞭解情勢。 (三)跨文化適應是外派人員的關鍵要件,個人面會自我調整心理面與生理面,積極適應海外不同環境的工作與生活;配偶與子女則是最大的甜蜜負擔,要以家庭凝聚的力量,支持每一個成員順利適應新環境、新挑戰;瞭解以及尊重當地文化,並且盡快融入當地的情境,進入當地的社群。

組織中的建言行為:員工目標導向與主管建言行為之探討 / The Voice Behavior in Organization: The Study of Employee’s Goal Orientation and Supervisor’s Voice Behavior

張宣苹 Unknown Date (has links)
在現今高度競爭的商業環境,員工建言行為的展現對於組織而言日顯重要。過往許多文獻即顯示員工建言行為對於組織有許多益處,包含增進組織決策品質、組織創新與提升團體績效表現。為了全面性瞭解組織中的建言行為,本研究目的為四:(1)了解不同目標導向員工對於建言行為之影響、(2)從主管、同儕與個體本身之角度,了解建言行為對個體之影響、(3)探討建言行為在不同目標導向與結果間所扮演之中介角色,以及(4)探討主管建言行為對員工建言行為之影響。 本研究採對偶的問卷調查,共蒐集157位主管與242位部屬資料,並透過階層迴歸進行資料分析。研究結果顯示:(1)證明目標導向及逃避目標導向皆與挑戰型建言及支持型建言有顯著正向關係、(2)挑戰型建言與支持型建言分別在證明目標導向與組織導向自尊具有部分中介效果、然而兩種建言對於目標導向與主管評價及目標導向與知覺職場排擠皆無中介效果,以及(3)主管建言行為對於目標導向與建言行為間並無調節效果。 根據研究結果,本研究證實目標導向與建言行為之間的關係,以及建言行為對證明目標導向與組織導向自尊的中介效果。最後,研究者進一步提出本研究之理論貢獻、管理實務意涵、研究限制與未來研究方向,以供業界及組織行為領域之學者參考。 / In today’s hypercompetitive business environment, employees’ voice behavior has become even more important to organizations. Many references also showed that employees’ voice behavior can bring benefits to organizations, such as improved organizational decision quality, innovation, and enhancing team performance. To build toward a comprehensive understanding of voice behavior in organizations, the purpose of this research are as follows: (1) to demonstrate how different goal orientations predict employees’ voice behavior, (2) to explore the results of employees’ voice behavior from the perspectives of the supervisor, co-worker, and individual, (3) to demonstrate the mediator role between different goal orientation and outcome variables, and (4) to demonstrate the influence of supervisors’ voice behavior on employees’ voice behavior. With data collected from 157 supervisors and 242 employees to examine the hypothesized relationships, the present study also utilizes the dyad approach. The results showed that (1) both prove goal orientation and avoid goal orientation are positively related to challenge voice and supportive voice, (2) both challenge voice and supportive voice mediated prove goal orientation and organizational based self-esteem respectively, but didn’t play mediators role neither on goal orientation and employee’s performance from supervisor’s view nor on goal orientation and workplace ostracism, and (3) supervisors’ voice behavior has no moderating effect on goal orientation and employee’s voice behavior. In conclusion, the present study showed that goal orientation have the influence on voice behavior, and both challenge voice and supportive voice mediated prove goal orientation and organizational based self-esteem respectively. Finally, theoretical implications, practical implications, limitations and future directions are discussed for managers’ and researchers’ reference.

國小新移民學童英語學習成就、學習態度及學習挑戰之研究 / A study on new immigrant children's English learning achievement, learning attitude and learning challenge in elementary school

陳薇文, Chen, Wei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
由於國小新移民學童的逐年增加,研究新移民學童的學習情況有其必要性。本研究主旨在專門調查中台灣一所國民小學新移民學童的英語學習狀況。研究主要在探討:(1)新移民學童的英語學習成就;(2)新移民學童的英語學習態度;(3)新移民學童的英語學習成就與其英語學習態度之關係;(4)新移民學童學習英語所面臨的挑戰;(5)新移民學童對自己英語學習的看法;以及(6)教學現場的英語教師對新移民學童英語學習的看法。 本研究的研究對象為十四名五、六年級的新移民學童,並以六十名台灣學童做為比照。研究比較七十四名學童的英語成績,且所有七十四名學童完成一份英語學習態度量表。十四名新移民學童則參與一次訪談,兩名教學現場的英語教師也經歷一次訪談。研究所收集的資料經統計分析及質性分析後,所得的結果如下:(1)大部分新移民學童的英語學習成就不佳;(2)大部分新移民學童英語學習態度是正面的;(3) 新移民學童的英語學習成就與其英語學習態度並無相關性;(4)新移民學童面臨的英語學習挑戰不少,包括他們對不同英語老師的教學風格的適應能力、他們上英語課時產生的焦慮感及緊張感、他們不易牢記英語生字、他們不會寫英語作業、他們沒有辦法去上英語補習班等;(5)新移民學童大部分對自己的英語學習持樂觀看法;(6)英語教師對新移民學童的英語學習則持較悲觀看法。 根據本研究的發現,研究者在本研究報告最後提出數點建議及未來相關研究的研究方向。 / With the increasing of New Immigrant Children in elementary schools, studies to understand New Immigrant Children’s learning conditions become imperative. The purpose of this study was to investigate New Immigrant Children’s English learning conditions in an elementary school in central Taiwan. The study focused on exploring: (1) New Immigrant Children’s English learning achievement; (2) New Immigrant Children’s English learning attitudes; (3) The relationship between New Immigrant Children’s English learning achievement and their learning attitudes; (4) New Immigrant Children’s English learning challenges; (5) New Immigrant Children’s own perspectives about their English learning; (6) English teachers’ perspectives about New Immigrant Children’s English learning. The participants in this study included 14 New Immigrant Children in fifth and sixth grades, with 60 Taiwanese Children working as comparison. These 74 children’s English scores were compared, and they all responded to an English learning attitude scale. The 14 New Immigrant Children then underwent a group interview. Two English teachers were also interviewed. The data collected were then analyzed with statistical and qualitative analyses. The following results were drawn: (1) Most New Immigrant Children were English low-achievers; (2) New Immigrant Children’s English learning attitudes were generally positive; (3) No correlation was found between New Immigrant Children’s English learning achievement and their learning attitudes; (4) New Immigrant Children faced several challenges in learning English, including their adaption to different English teachers’ teaching styles, their feelings of anxiety and nervosity during English classes, their problems to memorize new words and do English homework, their not being able to go to English cram-schools, etc.; (5) New Immigrant Children in general were optimistic about their English learning; (6) English teachers in general were pessimistic about New Immigrant Children’s English learning. Based on the findings of this study, some implications were provided and several suggestions for further studies were offered at the end of the report.


鄭筑家 Unknown Date (has links)
為了讓求職者對工作或公司產生好印象,招募廣告中往往只呈現正向訊息,過去有關真實工作預告 (Realistic Job Preview) 的研究顯示,在廣告中呈現負向訊息其實可讓求職者對工作產生正確的期望,進而降低離職率。先前探討負向訊息的研究大多只探討其與離職率等的關連,因此本研究希望瞭解,在企業網站的招募廣告中呈現負向訊息對求職者的組織吸引力的影響。另外,國內求才網頁多以「官方說法」的形式呈現招募廣告,只有少數網頁會以「在職同仁經驗分享」的形式呈現,本研究亦欲驗證招募廣告呈現形式是否對組織吸引力有所影響。   簡而言之,本研究採實驗法,採2×2雙因子受試者間實驗設計,所操弄的獨變項為「負向訊息呈現與否」及「招募訊息呈現形式」,依變項為組織吸引力,「知覺工作挑戰性」及「知覺訊息來源相似性」則分別為上述兩獨變項對依變項之中介變項,此外,本研究也希望探討性格在其中扮演的調節角色。透過模擬網路求職的情境,研究者在虛擬的企業求才網頁上操弄兩個獨變項,受試者共825人,其中男性346人,女性479人,受試來源主要為學生(佔59.8%),在職者則佔28.4%,本研究以共變數分析和迴歸分析檢定兩獨變項之主要效果及交互作用。研究結果顯示,「負向訊息呈現與否」及「訊息呈現形式」對組織吸引力之影響在全體受試未達顯著,但在女性受試則有顯著影響,兩者之交互作用則皆未達顯著,本研究預期之「知覺工作挑戰性」及「知覺訊息來源相似性」並無顯著中介效果。性格部分,成就動機對「知覺工作挑戰性」和組織吸引力間有顯著調節效果。

兩岸新聞交流之模式與挑戰:以東森電視公司為例 / Modes of and challenges to the cross-strait news exchanges: A Case study of the eastern broadcasting company

祝仲康, Zhu, Zhong Kang Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸新聞交流密切且頻繁,但是總因政治之故而蒙上陰影並益顯複雜,因此不失為一研究之好題材。學界與坊間不乏與此有關之文獻,惜乎大抵以報紙間之交流為主,至於電視台之交流則僅聊備一格。為補遺珠之憾兼鼓勵來者,本作者嚐試一探究竟,並尋求改善交流之道與化解挑戰之方。 本研究係以東森電視公司之新聞部為研究單位。方法則為深度訪談,資料蒐集與分析以及文獻回顧。 文分五章,計為:緒論,文獻回顧,交流模式,交流挑戰,結論與建議。 東森與大陸之間的新聞交流密切、多樣且規律。惟其品質與內容深受政治影響,尤以大陸之影響為最。 展望未來,台灣媒體需“寄希望於大陸當局”,則兩岸新聞交流之正常化庶幾有望。 / Though close and frequent, the cross-strait news exchanges are shrouded and made complicated by politics, which makes it a good topic for scholars to research. Articles and papers related to it are many. However, exchanges in newspaper sector are what people are interested in, those in TV sector are largely ignored. To make the picture more complete and encourage potential researchers, this writer tries to explore the modes of and challenges to the cross-strait news exchanges in TV outlets, and to find ways to better the exchanges and ease those challenges. Methodology for conducting this research comprises 3 measures: the in-depth interview, data analysis and literature review. This thesis consists of five chapters: introduction, literature review, modes of news exchanges, challenges to news exchanges and conclusion. News exchanges between EBC and the mainland are close, diverse and regular. However, the quality and contents of the exchanges are heavily influenced by political consideration coming largely from the mainland side. Looking into the future, Taiwan media should “rest hopes upon CPC” to normalize the cross-strait news exchanges.

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