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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳輝發 Unknown Date (has links)
由於我國勞動派遣尚未法制化,政府對於派遣業缺乏明確規範下,造成許多問題,諸如,雇主責任、不當剝削、差別待遇、團結協商、雇用不安定及懲戒權行使等問題,甚至出現不少偽裝承攬或假承攬、假派遣之情形,此種現象亦存在於公部門。而公部門運用勞動派遣與民間企業最大不同者在於,公部門不論是政府機關、公立學校、公營事業必須依據政府採購法所規定之採購程序辦理採購,再與得標之派遣公司(廠商)締結契約。是以,如何建構政府採購程序與勞動派遣之勞務契約間之關係,亦即,政府採購法所規範之相關招標、投標、審標、履約及驗收、爭議處理等程序,與締結勞動派遣契約(要派契約)之關聯性為何?我國勞動派遣法制化之探討過程中,是否可以從公部門運用勞動派遣的觀點出發,提出建議? 因此,本文對於勞動派遣相關法律問題之研究,主要以公部門政府勞務採購為中心。其第一章,在敘眀本文之動機、目的及方法與限制。其第二章,主要由勞動派遣制度形成之原因與造成之問題出發,探討勞動派遣之意義並釐清與勞動派遣相類似之概念,然後對勞動派遣之法律關係加以論述,最後對目前實務看法的回顧與整理,俾作為後面章節探討之參考依據。其第三章,先對政府勞務採購契約之性質探討,再釐清政府採購勞務供給契約之勞雇法律關係,並試圖就常見的政府勞務採購契約之型態找尋其在法律上之歸類,以探討政府勞務採購契約與勞動派遣之關係。其第四章,先行探討政府採購程序與締結勞動派遣契約之關聯問題,再針對公部門勞動派遣相關法律問題分別加以探討並提出解決方法。其第五章,彙整前面各章作出結論及提出建議,提供未來勞動派遣立法時能兼顧公部門的運作情形,以保障勞雇雙方應有的權益。

臺北市政府採購人員主管領導型態與工作滿足感之研究 / A Study of Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction for the Procurement Personnel in Taipei City Government.

侯姵如, Hou, Pei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
政府機關各項採購案,從前期採購投標須知之制定、上網公告資訊之登錄、契約稿之草擬;中段之領投標作業、開標作業、決標公告之登錄與傳輸;至後期簽約、驗收作業等,流程複雜且環環相扣,均有賴機關內部秘書(總務)單位之採購人員從頭至尾包辦,故政府採購執行順利與否,與採購人員之工作滿足感有密切之相關。政府採購之採購效率,除了採購人員本身因素外,其直屬主管之領導型態亦是一重要之影響因素,成功的領導型態或方式可以增加部屬之工作滿足,進而提升工作績效。 本研究旨在探討「政府採購法」暨相關法令實施後,採購人員之個人屬性及其直屬主管領導型態等變項,對於採購人員本身工作滿足感之影響,以臺北市政府所屬各機關學校內總務秘書單位實際從事採購工作之人員為研究對象,運用問卷調查之研究方法進行實證研究,並根據研究結果,提出建議,以供有關機關參考。本研究採問卷調查法收集初級資料,問卷內容計有「工作滿足量表」、「領導型態量表」及「個人基本資料」等三大部分。針對研究回收所得之問卷,以 SPSS 10.0 統計套裝軟體程式,採用信度與效度分析、描述性統計、相關分析、獨立樣本T檢定及變異數分析等方法,進行資料分析。 由本研究獲得以下發現: 一、臺北市政府採購人員工作滿足感之情況,在工作滿足各構面以對工作伙伴的滿足感最高,其次依序為對上司、整體工作滿足感、薪資福利及工作本身的滿足感,而對升遷的滿足感最低。 二、個人屬性變項與工作滿足感之關係: (一)採購人員職位不同,對其工作滿足感各個構面及整體滿足感有顯著差異。 (二)採購人員官職等不同,對其工作滿足感各個構面及整體滿足感有顯著差異。 三、主管領導型態與工作滿足感之關係: (一)採購人員直屬主管之領導型態不同,對其工作滿足感各個構面及整體滿足感有顯著之差異。 (二)在「統合型管理(9,9型)」之直屬主管領導型態下,採購人員在工作本身、薪資福利、升遷、上司、整體工作滿足等構面的滿足感較高。 根據研究發現,提出建議如下: 一、對採購主管機關及各機關學校之建議 (一)健全人事升遷管道 (二)建立採購人員專業加給之獎勵制度 (三)適當配置各機關學校內採購人員之員額 (四)鼓勵採購人員直屬主管多採用「統合型管理(9,9型)」的領導型態 (五)強化採購人員專業訓練課程 (六)建構和諧的工作環境 二、對後續研究建議 (一)研究變項方面 影響工作滿足感的因素很多,建議後續研究者可就不同變項中,選取適合研究之主題,更深入的探討其與工作滿足感之間的關係。 (二)研究對象方面 後續研究者可將研究對象擴及至中央及其他縣市政府之採購人員,以進行研究及比較。或可反向探討何種人格特質類型之個人較適合從事採購工作,透過適才適所的人力資源配置,以提高機關學校採購人員的工作滿足感。 / All types of government procurements are a complex series of correlated procedures which are single handedly taken care of by procurement personnel who work at general administration departments. The success of the procedures, such as the establishment of procurement bidding information, the announcing of events on the Internet, or the drafting of contracts at the early stage; bid application, opening of the bid, the announcement and transaction of the bid during the mid-stage; to the signing of contracts and inspection during the latter stage are very closely related to the job satisfaction of the procurement personnel. The procurement efficiency of the government is not only affected by the procurement personnel, the leadership style of their direct executives is also an important factor. Successful leadership styles or methods will increase the job satisfaction of their staff and consequently their work performance. This research reviews the attributes of the procurement personnel and their executives and other related variants after the ”Government Procurement Act” and regulations are employed. The effects it has on the job satisfaction of the procurement personnel are also discussed. Our research subjects are procurement personnel working at general administration departments of schools that are under the jurisdiction of the Taipei City government. We used questionnaire investigation research methods and made suggestions to the related institutes for their reference according to our results. The questionnaires collected the initial data, which is divided into three parts:”Job Satisfaction Measurement” , “Leadership Style Measurement”, and ”Personal Information”. SPSS 10.0 statistic software was used to conduct reliability and validity analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, independent sample t test, and ANOVA on the data of the effective samples. The following are the discoveries of this research: 1. In regards to the job satisfaction of the procurement personnel in Taipei City government, we see that the subjects are most satisfied with their colleagues, followed by their executives, the overall job satisfaction, their salary, and the job itself. The least satisfactory factor is the promotion system. 2. The relationship between the personal attribute variant and job satisfaction (1)Procurement personnel of different titles had major differences in terms of job satisfaction and overall satisfaction. (2)Procurement personnel of different ranks had major differences in terms of job satisfaction and overall satisfaction. 3. The relationship between the leadership style of executives and job satisfaction. (1) Different leadership styles of the executives leading the procurement personnel caused major differences in terms of job satisfaction and overall satisfaction. (2)The procurement personnel that were lead by the「Integrated management (type 9,9)」leadership style were more satisfactory in their work, salary, benefits, promotion, executives, and overall job compared to others. According to the results, we suggest the following to: 1. Procurement personnel executives and schools: (1)To have an integral promotion system (2)To establish a reward system for the procurement personnel. (3)Appropriately select, distribute, and control the number of procurement personnel. (4)Encourage executives of the procurement personnel to use the「Integrated management(9,9 type)」leadership style. (5)Reinforce procurement personnel professional training programs (6)Construct a harmonious working environment 2. Future researches: (1) Research variant Several factors influence job satisfaction; we recommend future researchers to select suitable themes from various variants to further review their relationship with job satisfaction. (2) Research subject Future researchers can expand their scope of research subjects to the procurement personnel of central governments and other city or county governments to make comparisons. They may also think in retrospect and find out which personal characteristics are most suitable for procurement work, which will increase the job satisfaction of the procurement personnel at schools or institutes via appropriate distribution of human resources.

採購流程分析-以某機殼組裝公司為例 / The procurement process analysis - A case study

姜琦 Unknown Date (has links)
採購部門之功能角色從企業中被動及支援者,逐步轉變成為今日具有影響企業策略之決策者。面對激烈的市場競爭,企業轉型時需以策略採購思維著手,將企業與採購策略相互配合方能創造客戶價值,增加企業競爭力。 本研究採取個案研究方法,經由蒐集個案公司及產業相關資料,並與管理階層訪談,瞭解個案公司面臨之管理議題。個案公司為大陸東莞之台資企業,產品為專業五金製品製造。為配合環境變遷面臨轉型,將生產重心由業電腦機殼轉移至大型遊戲機台組裝。遊戲機組裝市場特性為少量多樣與客製化,與原產品工業電腦型態相異,造成過往供應商物料短缺與新供應商開發困難。爾後與個案公司採購部門及相關部門多次深度訪談及焦點訪談,採用PWIO(Process Wide Information Organism)分析方法,詳實描繪企業採購及付款循環流程,將流程拆解成為請購、供應商管理、採購、驗收及應付款項處理作業向下延展至十一項作業功能並展開實作表,再將各作業流程細分為內、外向聯絡管道及接觸點並具體詳實描述。 透過PWIO描述及分析採購作業流程,找出造成個案公司管理議題之採購流程缺失,包含隨機篩選新供應商、新承認供應商直接成為合格供應商、供應商管理策略與企業策略未結合、供應商評鑑缺乏客觀衡量標準、及供應商評鑑作業未與執行面配合。經由產業專家訪談、產業相關資訊之蒐集,及層級分析法(AHP)之應用,針對五項流程缺失給予改善建議方案,包含建立供應商初步媒合流程、配合企業策略設計新供應商評量表、建立新舊供應商分流管理制度、以企業策略著眼設計供應商評鑑表、及加強變革成效,促進新制度落實與執行五面向。以上建議方案可加強企業及採購策略之配合度,透過新舊供應商評鑑與管理篩選適當合作之供應商,將採購流程制度化,進而改善目前採購流程之問題。 / Strategic procurement is crucial to strengthen a company’s core competence in the competition among enterprises. Procurement function has evolved from being supporters to decision makers that can impact the company’s strategies. The main purpose of this research is to improve the procurement process which is related to the case company’s management issues. The case company is a metal case assembly manufacturer located in Dong-guan which has been specialized in Industrial computer products. To increase its share and profit, the company developed new business chances by entering the gaming market that requires high degree of customization and specialization. The switch had caused supplier cooperating and material shortage issues. By focus-group and in-depth interviews with its procurement team members, using PWIO (Process Wide Information Organism) as a description tool to record every single step of the procurement operation process, and finally analyzing all the steps, five crucial gaps are found. The five gaps include the lack of an organized process of new supplier selection, unfair new supplier management process, disconnection between supplier management and company’s strategy, non-objective methods for supplier evaluation, and not executing the evaluation results in practice. By interviews with experts in the industry, questionnaires for procurement members in the case company, and AHP, the research provides five solutions for to improve its procurement operation process. The five solutions include establishing new supplier searching scanning process, designing a new supplier evaluation sheet based on company strategy, practicing a dual management method for original and new suppliers, designing objective evaluation criteria for supplier management, and to strengthening the execution of the evaluation results. The five solutions can improve the procurement operation process, maximize procurement efficiency, and build up core competence while the case company enters the new gaming market.

我國共同供應契約採購制度之研究-以中央信託局辦理之共同供應契約為對象 / A Study on the Procurement System "Inter-entity Supply Contract" of the Republic of China--Limited to the Contracts Conducted by Central Trust of China

閻建民 Unknown Date (has links)
自從民國八十八年政府採購法實施之後,依照該法第九十三條規定:「各機關得就具有共通需求特性之財物或勞務,與廠商簽訂共同供應契約。」我國政府部門於焉開始推行共同供應契約此一採購制度。依據經濟學的相關理論與採購實務的經驗,該採購制度具有集中各政府機關共通需求的特性,可以擴大採購的規模,俾以量制價,降低政府的採購成本;此外,該採購制度也具有減少政府重複辦理相同標的之採購作業的功能,可以節省人力,降低行政成本。   本研究係利用文獻探討、專家訪談與問卷調查諸研究方法,針對我國共同供應契約採購制度實施以後的情況(例如共同供應契約產品的供應價格是否低廉等)做一調查與研究,藉以驗證此一採購制度確實具有降低採購成本與行政成本的功能,可以減少政府財政支出;此外,本研究亦針對此一採購制度自實施以後所產生的問題進行探討並提出建議,冀做為主管機關修改政策與執行機關實際作業之參考。 / Since the Government Procurement Law (abbreviated as “GPL” hereinafter) entered into effect in 1999, the Republic of China endeavors herself to implement a procurement system named “Inter-entity Supply Contract” (referred to as “the system” hereinafter) in accordance with the Article 93 of GPL. Based on relevant theories of the Economics and experience of procurement practice, the system should provide an advantage in reducing the government procurement cost by collecting the amount of common needs of different entities and in reducing the government administration cost by avoiding procuring same objectives repeatedly.   By means of reviewing literature, interviewing experts and questionnaire, this thesis aims at evaluating the actual performance of the system, such as whether the prices of the supplies are advantageous, and verifying that the system indeed has a effect in reducing government procurement and administration costs. Furthermore, this thesis also explores the problems emerged due to the implementation of the system and offers some practical solutions in eliminating these problems. The suggested solutions are in a hope to be referred to by the GPL Responsible Entity during amending policies and by the conducting entities during operation.

餐飲採購平台商業模式探討-以眾美聯集團為例 / A Case Study on the Business Models of Restaurant Procurement Platform

張郡綸 Unknown Date (has links)
著眼於小型餐飲店家在進貨成本上的劣勢,本文認為透過餐飲採購平台的建立,可協助累積各餐飲業者之採購量作為該平台的談判權,迫使供應商拿出具吸引力的低廉價格,從而減少中小型商家餐飲採購的搜尋成本與進貨成本。 然而,鑒於台灣市場之平台概念仍處於起步階段,對於平台的商業模式與關鍵策略亦處於摸索期。因此本文希望透過研究中國較俱代表性的餐飲採購平台一眾美聯集團,協助台灣同質性平台的創建與運營,從而縮小小規模業者與大型連鎖企業的成本差距,以延長餐飲業之經營年數、減緩產業汰換的頻率。 本文主要藉由文獻研究與理論架構,來瞭解平台的本質與發展關鍵;再以(Osterwterwalder & Pigneur, 2012)所提出的商業模式圖作為分析眾美聯集團商業模式的主要工具,試圖窺探餐飲採購平台商業模式的經營元素與內涵、可能之獲利模式與成功發展的關鍵策略。 研究發現,餐飲採購平台可透過集結知名餐飲企業的龐大採購量,吸引主流供應商的加入,藉以觸動跨邊網路效應,成功建立餐飲採購平台的生態圈;餐飲採購平台可能不易產生單一平台獨大之局面,因此各平台業者應積極培養自身的成本優勢或差異化優勢,增加平台持續發展的關鍵競爭力。

陸資在臺投資事業中間財採購來源的決定因素 / The Determinants of Sources of Intermediate Goods Purchased by Mainland China Enterprises in Taiwan

陳靜怡, Chen, Ching I Unknown Date (has links)
在中國大陸積極發展對外投資與國際貿易全球化的趨勢下,兩岸經濟貿易交流也加速展開。經濟部自2009年起正式核准陸資來臺投資,期望能為臺灣企業開啟國際競爭的大門,並透過海外資金挹注帶動產業成長。過去相關文獻主要以臺商赴大陸投資為研究對象,反之,探討陸資來臺議題者尚且不多,本研究以經濟部2013年陸資在臺投資事業營運狀況問卷調查資料中,實際從事中間財採購活動之陸資廠商為對象,運用Multinomial logistic模型,分別由廠商特性、動機特性及產業特性等三大構面,探討影響陸資在臺投資事業選擇「在臺灣當地採購」、「自中國大陸進口」及「同時自臺灣與大陸採購」的決定因素。 經由實證研究發現,相較於僅自中國大陸進口中間財而言,「廠商規模」、「技術來源」及「資源追求型」、「市場追求型」、「效率追求型」投資動機等五項變數為影響在臺陸資廠商選擇自臺灣採購中間財的重要決定因素;其次,在臺陸資廠商是否選擇同時自臺灣與中國大陸兩地採購,或僅自中國大陸進口中間財,則主要受「廠商規模」、「技術來源」及「效率追求型」投資動機等三項變數影響。


古如毓 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討我國政府採購法實施後對國民中小學總務行政影響之情形,並瞭解學校採購人員對影響國民中小學執行採購因素的看法上之差異情形,依統計分析結果進行綜合討論,以進一步對目前國民中小學總務行政執行政府採購法之相關缺失提出改善之道。 本研究主要採用調查研究法,研究對象包括台北市、台北縣、桃園縣、新竹市、新竹縣等五縣市國民中小學之校長、會計、總務主任與事務組長為母群體,抽取1340學校採購人員為樣本,以自編之「政府採購法對國中小總務行政影響之調查問卷」進行問卷調查,有效問卷共計1173份。所得資料以SPSS 10.0 for Windows統計套裝軟體進行統計分析,並以t檢定與單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)進行假設考驗。達顯著之研究假設則進一步以薛費法(Scheffé method)進行事後比較,以了解各組之差異情形。本研究之主要發現如下: 一、就專業知能方面 (一)男性採購人員對「專業知能」的要求程度明顯高於女性採購人員。 (二)準備退休期(51歲以上)之採購人員對「專業知能」的要求程度顯著高於資深期(41-50歲)之採購人員。 (三)「總務主任」對「專業知能」的要求程度明顯高於「會計主任」。 (四)於民國88年8月1日前擔任總務工作職務者的採購人員對「專業知能」的要求程度顯著高於民國88年8月1日前沒有擔任總務工作職務者。 (五)服務於城市之學校採購人員對「專業知能」的要求程度顯著高於偏遠地區之學校採購人員。 (六)新竹市之學校採購人員對「專業知能」的要求程度顯著高於其他縣市之學校採購人員。 二、就採購效率方面 (一)於民國88年8月1日前擔任總務工作職務者的採購人員認為政府採購的「採購效率」高於民國88年8月1日前沒有擔任總務工作職務者的採購人員的看法。 (二)學校規模為「27-35班」之採購人員認為政府採購的「採購效率」顯著高於「54-62班」之採購人員的看法。 (三)新竹市之學校採購人員認為政府採購的「採購效率」明顯高於其他縣市之學校採購人員的看法。 三、就採購公平性方面 (一)男性採購人員認為政府採購的「採購公平性」顯著高於女性採購人員的看法。 (二)「總務主任」認為政府採購的「採購公平性」顯著高於「會計主任」。 (三)「師大、師院或教育學院」畢業者之採購人員認為政府採購的「採購公平性」顯著高於「研究所(含)以上」畢業者之採購人員的看法,同時也高於「一般大專院校」畢業者。 (四)於民國88年8月1日前擔任總務工作職務者的採購人員認為政府採購的「採購公平性」顯著高於在民國88年8月1日前沒有擔任總務工作職務者的採購人員的看法。 (五)新竹市之學校採購人員認為學校的「採購公平性」顯著高於其他縣市之學校採購人員的看法。 四、就採購人員壓力方面 (一)投入期與紮根期(31-41歲)之採購人員認為政府採購法實施後學校的「採購人員壓力」顯著高於資深期(41-50歲)採購人員的看法。 (二)「總務主任」認為政府採購法實施後學校的「採購人員壓力」顯著高於「校長」、「會計主任」與「事務組長」的看法。 (三)台北市之學校採購人員認為政府採購法實施後學校的「採購人員壓力」顯著高於台北縣之學校採購人員的看法。 本研究依研究發現對主管機關、上級機關、學校採購人員與未來研究方向提出下列建議,以供參考: 一、對主管機關的建議: (一)學校應增加專業採購人員的員額編制以避免由非相關專業人員來進行採購作業; (二)應統一培訓採購專業人員以避免縣市間採購人員專業知能上的差異; (三)應深入瞭解學校採購人員之實際需求並滿足它; (四)應提高學校採購人員的薪酬或減少其授課時數; (五)應將政府採購法納入大學教育行政課程或教師養成之相關課程中。 二、對上級機關的建議: (一)應建立聯合發包中心以避免學校採購作業人力與物力之浪費; (二)應建構良好的資訊網站; (三)應建立縣內專業採購人員網絡。 三、對學校採購人員的建議: (一)應積極參與各類研習活動以增進專業執行能力; (二)應暢通採購諮網絡以增進彼此意見交流; (三)應瞭解各種壓力調適的方法以調解採購執行過程的壓力。 四、對未來研究的建議: (一)就研究對象方面,可將員額配置之變項納入背景變項進行分析; (二)就研究方法方面,可兼採質性研究以更深入瞭解問題; (三)就研究內容方面,可擴大影響採購作業相關因素之探討。 / The present study aims at the impact of the enforcement of the Government Procurement Law on the general & administrative affairs of junior high schools and primary schools. The study is intended to look into the school procurement officers’ viewpoints and the differences in factors related to the procurement of junior high schools and primary schools. Based on the outcome of the statistical analysis, it will launch a comprehensive discussion to further work out the correct actions against the shortcomings found in the enforcement of the Government Procurement Law by the schools’ general & administrative functions. The present study mainly adopts a survey study method aiming at the targets including the principals, accountants, heads of the general affairs and general affair sections in the junior high schools and primary schools in Taipei City, Taipei County, Taoyuan County and Hsinchu City and Hsinchu County, taking 1,340 school procurement officers as the samples. Using the “Questionnaire on the Influence of the General and Administrative Affairs in Junior High Schools and Primary Schools” compiled by the Researcher, the questionnaire survey was conducted to receive a total of 1,173 effective questionnaires which were analyzed through SPSS 10.0 for Windows software packages, further analyzed through t-test and one-way ANOVA for assumption and test. Those up to the significant research hypothesis were further taken into comparison through the Schefféémethod to look into various divergences. The study yielded the findings notably including the following: I. In terms of expertise: (I) Male procurement personnel are significantly higher than female counterparts in the demand of “expertise”. (II) The procurement personnel ready to retire (age over 51) are significantly higher than counterparts at senior ages (age 41~50) in the demand of “expertise”. (III) The “heads of general affairs” are significantly higher than the “heads of accounting” in the demand of “expertise”. (IV) The procurement personnel joining the general affairs before August 1, 1999 are significantly higher than the counterparts joining the general affairs after August 1, 1999 in the demand of “expertise”. (V) The procurement personnel serving in the urban areas are significantly higher than the counterparts serving in the rural areas in the demand of “expertise”. (VI) The procurement personnel serving in Hsinchu City are significantly higher than the counterparts serving elsewhere in the demand of “expertise”. II. In terms of procurement efficiency: (I) The procurement personnel joining the general affairs before August 1, 1999 are significantly higher than counterparts joining the general affairs after August 1, 1999 in the belief of the “procurement efficiency” by the government. (II) The procurement personnel serving in schools with the scale of “27-35 classes” are significantly higher than counterparts serving in schools with the scale of “54~62 classes” in the belief of the “procurement efficiency” by the government. (III) The procurement personnel serving in Hsinchu City are significantly higher than counterparts serving elsewhere in the belief of the “procurement efficiency” by the government. III. In terms of “impartial practice in procurement practice”: (I) Male procurement personnel are significantly higher than female counterparts in terms of the “impartiality in procurement” by the government. (II) The “heads of general affairs” are significantly higher than the “heads of accounting” in terms of the “impartiality in procurement” by the government. (III) The procurement personnel graduated from National Taiwan Normal University, Normal College or Educational College are significantly higher than the counterparts graduated from “Graduate School (inclusive) and higher institutions”, and higher than counterparts graduated from other general universities and colleges as well in terms of the “impartiality in procurement” by the government. (IV) The procurement personnel joining the general affairs before August 1, 1999 are significantly higher than counterparts joining the general affairs after August 1, 1999 in terms of the “impartiality in procurement” by the government. (V) The procurement personnel serving in Hsinchu City are significantly higher than the counterparts serving elsewhere in terms of the “impartiality in procurement” by the government. IV. In terms of pressure upon the procurement personnel: (I) The procurement personnel at rooting ages (age 31~41) are significantly higher than the counterparts at senior ages (age 41~50) in terms of the pressure of the procurement by the government. (II) The “heads of general affairs” are significantly higher than the “principals”, “heads of accounting” and “general affairs section chiefs” in terms of the pressure of the procurement by the government. (III) The procurement personnel serving in Taipei City are significantly higher than the counterparts serving in schools in Taipei County in terms of the pressure of the procurement by the government. Based on the findings yielded in the present study, proposals will be offered to the competent authorities of the government, superior authorities, the procurement personnel at schools as well as future researchers: I. Proposals to the competent authorities of the government: (I) That schools should staff themselves with more professional procurement personnel and should prevent assigning non-professionals to launch procurement; (II) That procurement professionals should be trained and groomed through package efforts to prevent the professional expertise deviation between those in urban and those in rural areas; (III) That they should make in-depth awareness of the substantial needs of the procurement personnel at school and try to satisfy them; (IV) That the remuneration should be raised, and the teaching hours should be reduced to procurement personnel at school; and (V) That the Government Procurement Law should be covered in the Educational Administration or Faculty Development Programs in universities. II. Proposals to superior authorities: (I) That a concerted contract awarding center should be established to prevent unnecessary waste in the resources and procurement personnel; (II) That sound information websites should be established; and (III) That professional procurement personnel websites should be established inside the county. III. Proposals to the procurement personnel at schools: (I) That the procurement personnel should vigorously participate in a variety of research and practice programs to enhance their expertise; (II) That they should set up barrier-free procurement information websites to enhance sound interchanges of their opinions; (III) That they should probe into the methods to soothe pressure so as to ease up pressure in the procurement process. IV. Proposals to the future researchers: (I) That they should put the variables in the personnel lineups into the background variables for analysis. (II) That in terms of research method, they should adopt qualitative studies to make possible more in-depth awareness of the issues; and (III) That in terms of the contents of study, they should expand the range of probes into the procurement related factors.

政府採購電子化成效評估指標建立 / Study of Establishing Evaluation Indices for the Performance of Government Electronic Procurement.

紀人瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要目的係以採購電子化對行政機關或企業的影響來建立政府推動採購電子化後所帶來的成效評估指標,並透過次級資料進行分析。近年來由於資訊科技的進步、網際網路的快速成長及電子商務的蓬勃發展,改變了許多行銷、管理、服務及商業行為的型態,各國政府如美國、加拿大、澳洲和日本等國,以及國際性組織無不重視此一趨勢,均積極推動政府服務電子化與網路化的工作,我國在推動電子化政府的政策下,舊有政府採購作業流程再造,運用資訊及通訊科技建置電子採購系統也成為主要推展方案之一,以期建構一個所謂公開透明化、公平競爭、有效率的政府採購作業環境。 本文先透過文獻整理與專家訪談來建立採購電子化成效評估初步架構,並以專家德菲法問卷方式來確認架構與指標的重要性,建立最終評估架構。而後依照德菲法專家群體的特性進行分群探討瞭解對指標重要性看法的分歧。並依據行政院研考會 2009 年度委託研究案「電子治理成效指標與評估:G2C與G2B期末報告」為次級資料。探討專家群體與廠商使用者對於採購電子化成效看法之落差。 透過德菲法方式建立的採購電子化評估最終架構,包括3個構面(立即可見效益、非立即可見效益及使用行為)、8個面向(時間、成本、價格、透明、課責、整合、使用滿意度及服務使用)與18個指標。綜合德菲法專家分群比較與次級資料分析所整理結果,發現政府機關德菲法專家指標的重要性評判比起學者專家分布較高,可能原因是政府機關組織較為保守,且對採購電子化的效益比起學者專家較為直接與強烈。而中央政府專家對成本面向的指標重視程度較地方政府專家高,可能是中央政府採購電子化程度較高,對其帶來的成本減少感受較為強烈。而對應本論文所建立的採購電子化成效指標,次級資料顯示廠商使用者對採購電子化是否帶來其成效同意程度不高。顯然政府未來在制定採購電子化相關機制或系統,除了持續減少使用者採購相關成本及時間,努力改善採購環境的透明及課責程度,更應提供客製化或整合性服務,來滿足使用者的需求,以提升政府採購電子化成效。


符明中, Fwu, Ming-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
國內黃豆、玉米與小麥等原料均自國外進口,而進口業者主要面臨採購風險包括價格風險與匯率風險兩類,現存的避險工具除了遠期契約外,期貨工具也早已成為國際間有效的避險工具,故本研究以國內大宗物資業為研究對象,探討其在開放自由進口後,所採取的避險方式與期貨工具使用狀況與目的。   本研究之主要發現如下:   1. 大宗物資業者並未採取規避價格風險的動作   目前國內大宗物資業者基於經營者的心態、國內外市場價格的相關性低、國內下游業者的交易習慣及交易成本的等因素考量,並未考慮採用與現貨部位相反方向的期貨操作來規避價格波動的風險。此外,由於業者是利用期貨工具決定穀物本身的成本,因此在期貨上是採只買不賣的交易方式,若是在買進期貨同時,另外再買進一個賣權(Put Option),將可避免期貨價格下跌的風險。但國內業者基於經營者心態與交易成本提高等因素,並未考慮使用期貨與選擇權搭配避險的作法。   2. 經營者的心態將影響廠商使用期貨、選擇權等交易工具的目的   使用期貨與選擇權工具的目的包括避險與投機兩部份。目前國內業者並未考慮使用此工具來從事避險的動作,但有部份業者基於本身經營者的心態與本身的人才與經驗,使用此工具從事投機的動作,其目的主要是培養採購人員對市場的敏感度與臨場感,若是業者對本身人才與經驗極具信心,經營者與組織文化的認同,將會考慮操作期貨或選擇權工具來賺取利潤。   3. 大宗物資業者對於期貨投機操作,採取控制交易量的風險控管方式   期貨交易本身只須支付少量的保證金即可進場操作,本身為具有相當高槓桿效果的交易,價格波動將立刻反應到保證金要求,若是保證金低於維持保證金,期貨經紀商將有權進行砍倉的動作。國內從事期貨投機操作的廠商,對於公司內部的風險控管,採取控制交易量或控制金額的方式將本身風險鎖定,以避免發生失控的狀況。   4. 人才與經驗將是影響廠商是否採取規避匯率風險的動作之主因   雖然大宗物資業者在採購時將同時面對價格與匯率波動風險,但目前業者的付款方式是請銀行開信用狀給美國穀物供應商,從開匯、押狀到還款共有180天的還款期限,因此廠商可參考銀行的意見,決定還款的時機與金額。此外,由於缺乏相關人才與經驗,使得廠商並未使用遠期美金或期貨操作來規避匯率波動的風險。

美日採購系統之比較研究 / A Comparative Study on Procurement System in the U.S.A. and Japan

洪村明, Horng, Tsun Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究動機乃著眼於一般製造業自外界購入材料的金額,佔銷貨收 入的一半以上,所以採購活動對企業經營盈虧有甚大的影響,且採購活動 因下列三項因素日愈重要:一、公司所銷售的產品採購而來的比重愈來愈 高。 二、零組件工業的專業化。 三、產品生命週期的縮短有鑑於此,故 以美、日兩工業先進國家在採購系統方面的作法,作為探討對象。 透過 此項研究,瞭解美、日的作法異同,並期望可供作企業界實施的參考。 本研究以工業採購的七大步驟為研究架構, 即物料的需求、尋找供應商 、徵求供應商報價、選擇供應商、正式訂購、進料管理、及供應商績效考 核及輔導等, 並以汽車業及電工器材業, 每個產業美系廠商一家,日系 廠商二家,共六家作為研究探討的對象。 經由分析整理相關資料後,得 到下列結論:一、在決定外包的考量因素上,美、日無顯著差異,但產業 別有顯著不同, 汽車業為盡可能國內採購, 以提高自製率,使能符合政 府的規定,電工器材業主要考量為外包成本較低。 二、美、日廠商在尋 找供應商的方式上相同,現有產品的新設計發包時, 都是利用現有合格 供應商,全新產品的發包則以供應商業務代表介紹為主。 三、在供應商 的遴選準則上,美、日廠商首要考量因素皆是產品品質, 但次要考量因 素有顯著不同,美系廠商強調工程╱設計能力,日系廠商則重視交貨能力 。 四、在同一零組件承製供應商的家數上,美、日無顯著差異, 但產業 別卻有不同,汽車業以一家為原則,電工器材業則傾向二家左右。 五、 採購合約長度的比較上,美系廠商以一年期的短期性質合約為主,日系廠 商強調長期性質的合作關係。 六、在進料檢驗的方式上,美、日廠商無 明顯差異,都致力於免檢制度的推行, 期望透過供應商的自主檢查,可 不必經由檢驗,而直接送至裝配線上。 七、平時(月或季)的績效考核 上, 美系廠商為品質及交期,日系廠商則較多元化,除品質、交期外, 尚評核成本降低,擴大輸出,配合性或協調性等。 八、在供應商的獎懲 實施上,美、日無明顯差異,但若生產穩定, 內部作業因素影響到供應 商績效較小者,則獎懲方式較具實質性,否則較弱。 九、供應商的輔導 作法上,美、日無明顯不同,大都傾向消極性的輔導。 十、美、日廠商 都以實施 JIT 採購為目標,但生產平穩性較高的廠商, 實施 JIT 採購 的成效較高。

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