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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

從傳統化工產業進入電子特用化學品的4C行銷競爭策略分析¬-以D公司為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis for the Electronic Chemical Business-The Case of D company

王興嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
電子產業為台灣主流產業,相關化學品使用量很大,過去多仰賴國外進口,是台灣傳統化學化工產業可用以轉型並切入的利基點。但台灣電子產業製造廠對本土化學材料供應商卻信心不足,有時根本連上線測試的機會都沒有。D公司是作者曾經任職的電子化學材料公司,也是A光電公司(LCD面板製造商)與E化學公司合資的公司,A公司的策略考量為掌握面板的上游原物料,E公司之策略則為穩定下游產品出海口。A光電公司知道要做什麼樣的產品,E化學公司則在過去累積了許多特用化學品的專業知識,所以D公司事實上是所謂know-what and know-how的結合,是電子化學材料公司轉型成功的一個案例。 本研究為導入邱志聖(2014)的4C架構,並分析D公司如何以產業的後進者,卻能克服日本競爭者的先行者優勢,而成功的關鍵點,並以此作為後續其他進入此領域或相類似產業公司的參考。藉由D公司與此產業主要競爭對手日本化學材料公司的4C比較分析可以看出,外顯單位效益成本涵蓋範圍廣,大家各有勝負,很難點出問題的核心及思考解決的策略;又日本化學材料公司的道德危機成本低於D公司,很難立即改變;但D公司的資訊交易成本比日本競爭者低(因為客戶A公司是同集團公司)。這也許是一個很好的切入點,所以D材料公司的行銷策略方向與順序為先利用降低交易成本的方式(與客戶建立合資公司),進而提升技術與成本降低等外顯單位效益成本的競爭力,並藉著產品導入的機會與實績,逐漸提升與建立聲譽(降低道德危機成本),再利用時機點的掌握與對手的可能犯錯,有策略的解決及導入有高替換成本的產品,最後再以此更強化道德危機成本。 本研究案例可提供傳統化工公司轉型之行銷策略參考,亦可適用於其他行銷門檻較高的產業。 / The electronic industry is one of the major industries in Taiwan. The chemicals consumption in this industry are huge and most imported from abroad. This could be the right industry or relative new area that the traditional chemical company in Taiwan can transform to. “D” company is a joint venture of “A” optoelectronic company (LCD panel maker) and “E” chemical company. “A” company knows the electronic products and technology trend, while “E” chemical has experience and professional knowhow in specialty chemical domain. “D” company possesses the knowledge of “know-what” and “know-how”, and is a successful chemical company in electronic industry. This study introduced the “4C Framework of Strategic Marketing Analysis” (Chiou 2014) and analyzed the key points that how the “D” company can succeed as a latecomer in the electronic chemical industry. By means of 4C analysis, it is clear to identify that the C2 (cost of information search) in “D” company is much lower than competitors due to belonging to the same group with major customer. By this, “D” company has the platform and advantages to further reduce the cost of utilities, such as technology learning curve and cost structure. By successfully introducing the products to customer one by one and build-up the credibility and reputation step by step, this can reduce the cost of moral hazard. However, the cost of asset specific is difficult to overcome. Sometime it needs to wait for the opportunity and/or the mistakes made by the competitors. With the overcome of cost of asset specific can bring more credit and reputation to further reduce the cost of moral hazard. This case study can be applied as the reference of strategic marketing analysis for transformation of traditional chemical company to electronic chemical company. It is also suitable in the area with high marketing barrier.

以諾貝爾物理學獎得主著作為例比較商業資料庫與開放取用系統之研究 / A Webometric Study on Comparing Commercial Databases and Open Access Systems: The Nobel Laureates in Physics

吳岱欒, Wu, Tai Luan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2001年至2013年諾貝爾物理學獎得主之著作為研究樣本,比較八個商業資料庫(Scopus和Web of Science)與開放取用系統(搜尋引擎:Google Scholar、Microsoft Academic;匯集式機構典藏系統:OpenDOAR、OAIster;學科性開放取用系統:arXiv.org和Astrophysics Data System),於物理學文獻收錄之正確性、完整性、重複性(包含內部重複與外部重複性)和獨特性,並評析各資料庫與系統之檢索功能、資料呈現等面向。期望能對圖書館資料庫選購以及使用者檢索資料庫與系統提供建議,並為各資料庫與系統之未來發展提出建議。 研究結果顯示:(一)諾貝爾物理學獎得主之個人著作揭露情形尚未普遍;(二)商業資料庫檢索功能較為多元,搜尋引擎容錯機制較強;(三)開放取用系統Astrophysics Data System和Microsoft Academic改版上線後,檢索功能Google化,重視全文鏈結、圖像化資訊呈現與語意網連結資訊;(四)各資料庫與系統普遍出現書目著錄格式不統一之問題,影響書目品質與檢索效率;(五)一般而言搜尋引擎資料完整性高於商業資料庫,商業資料庫高於機構典藏系統,但學科性開放取用系統Astrophysics Data System之資料收錄完整性僅低於Google Scholar;(六) arXiv內部重複性最低,Google Scholar和OpenDOAR內部重複性最高;(七)開放取用系統彼此重複性高,且與搜尋引擎Google Scholar和Astrophysics Data System重複性達100%。由於各資料庫與系統之收錄範圍各不相同,不同資料庫與系統亦提供不同的功能,使用者應依個人資訊需求與目的選擇資料庫與系統使用,如欲檢索物理學文獻,使用搜尋引擎與開放取用系統Astrophysics Data System可獲得較完整之文獻:若使用者欲取得引文分析之相關資訊,則以選擇商業資料庫Scopus和Web of Science為佳,亦可選擇Astrophysics Data System。 / In this study, scholarly communication system of commercial services and open access will be examined through comprehensiveness, overlap and database variation of coverage via field operations of commercial citation index databases (Web of Science and Scopus) and open access citation system (search engine: Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic; disciplinary of physics: arXiv.org and Astrophysics Data System; prestigious institutional repository: OAIster and OpenDOAR). Retrievals will be conducted in the two commercial databases, two search engines, and four open access systems stated above to analyze and compare their retrieval interfaces, and evaluations of each system will be made as well according to presentation and output of retrieval results. Noble laureates in physics sciences from 2001 to 2013 are selected as samples in this study. Records of their publications over time will be retrieved and downloaded from each system, and a computer program will be developed to perform the analytical tasks of sorting, comparison, elimination, aggregation and statistics. Bibliographic records retrieved from the two databases and six systems will undertake quantitative analyses and cross references to determine the comprehensiveness and uniqueness of their system coverage. The results of the study may provide better references for libraries to acquire citation index databases, to build institutional repositories, or to create citation index systems on their own in the future. Suggestions on indices and tools for academic assessment will be presented based on the comprehensiveness assessment of each system as well.


莊素珍, ZHUANG, SU-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
交易過程之所以會發生,源於顧客對某種需求或慾望產生了認知。需求未被喚起或認 知,就不會產生購買。然在過去的文獻中,對這決策過程的最初階段,卻少有探討。 本研究的目的即主在了解,消費者間是否存在著不同的問題認知風格,以及其對資訊 搜尋活動各層面的影響。 有關外部資訊搜尋方面的文獻相當豐富,較常被提及的構面有:(1)資訊的類型、 (2)資訊的來源及其相對重要性(3)資訊搜尋的程度。此亦為本研究的三組因變 數。至於在問題認知風格方面的文獻,理論部份以Engel, Kollat 及Blackwekll和H- awkins, Coney 及Best有較詳盡的描述。實證部分則僅有Sirgy 及Bruner分別從社會 認知及重覆購買的觀點加以討論。本研究採用Bruner的觀點,嘗試依消費者的需求認 知,主要是因理想狀況改變而激發,或因實際狀況改變而激發,將消費者分為DS型 與AS型兩種風格,並研究其對外部資訊搜尋各構面的影響。另外並加入產品重要性 、市場信念、過去購買經驗與常識、性別、及所得等為中介變數,以了解問題認知風 格是否對資訊搜尋產生直接的影響。 本研究以眼鏡為標的物,以政大企管系學生為樣本,問卷則分為:(1)問題認知量 表,(2)市場信念,(3)資訊來源及(4)人口統計變數四部分。研究方法有因 素分析與多變項變異數分析。 據相關文獻,預期研究結果,將可發現DS型比AS型重視所有的資訊來源,特別是 非人際來源。而由於DS型平時即對資訊較敏感,因此在購買當時,資訊搜尋的量較 少。

住宅市場之價格搜尋行為-定錨效果、仲介服務與市場機制選擇之影響 / Housing Price Search Bebavior: The Effects of Anchoring, Brokerage Service, and Market Mechanism Choice

廖仲仁, Liao,Chung-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
住宅市場是典型的不完全訊息市場,每個市場參與者並不知道潛在交易對象的所在位置、偏好,與保留價格。不完全訊息意涵著,交易者必須透過搜尋才能找到交易對象,因而必須支付搜尋成本,也會形成搜尋市場。不論是住宅交易的買方或者賣方,都可以選擇是自行搜尋交易對象,或者透過仲介業者來協助交易的達成。然而,仲介業者對於住宅搜尋市場之影響,目前仍存在著許多問題是尚待釐清的,而拍賣市場在台灣所扮演的重要性愈來愈高,其市場機制的價格效果也是值得關注的問題: 一、跨區購屋、定錨行為與仲介服務效果 買賣房屋幾乎必然會有議價過程,雙方的議價能力除了受到市場條件的影響外,賣方對於本身所蓋或者所擁有的房屋及附近地區市場等資訊都較買方為多,因此賣方處於較有利的地位。因此,本研究的第一個研究問題即是:就購屋者彼此之間,在地購屋者是否比跨區購屋者具有訊息優勢?參考價格偏誤是否存在?具有訊息優勢的仲介服務能否改善購屋者的搜尋成本與參考價格偏誤?本研究實證結果顯示,基於搜尋成本較高的原因,跨鄉鎮市區的跨區購屋者相對於未跨區者需要多支付3.8%的價格貼水。其次,參考價格愈高的地區,其購屋者會因為定錨效果或參考點偏誤而多支付1%的價格貼水,此外,高價格分配信念的購屋者,平均會支付4.9%的價格貼水。第三,地價上漲率較高地區的購屋者,會誤用自身地區的外推性預期,以為遷入地區也有同等的價格增值空間,而多支付約11.4%的價格貼水。最後,購屋者若尋求仲介服務亦能改善其出價能力,約可降低2.9%的價格貼水,然而,仲介服務在改善搜尋成本與定錨的效果方面則不顯著。 二、仲介服務對於價格分散之影響 本研究利用搜尋成本與價格分散的觀點,檢視具有訊息優勢的仲介服務業者是否真能提高住宅市場的價格搜尋效率。以台北地區的住宅市場資料,指出仲介服務的存在的確可以提高購屋者的搜尋能力。價格分散的估計與檢定結果則顯示:第一,購屋者成交價價格分散小於訂價價格分散;第二,透過仲介服務搜尋者訂價價格分散未顯著異於自行搜尋者的訂價價格分散,可是透過仲介服務搜尋者的成交價價格分散則顯著小於自行搜尋者的成交價價格分散,同時透過仲介服務的價格收斂比率較高。此乃表示,仲介服務業者並未運用其訊息優勢協助賣方進行較有效率的訂價,但是能有效地協助買賣雙方透過配對與議價活動,大幅地降低成交價的價格分散程度。此外,進一步比較國內相關研究結果,目前台北市的住宅市場訊息效率已較過去有顯著的改善,特別是透過仲介服務的改善效果更為明顯。 三、不對稱的仲介服務價格效果 過去有關仲介服務對於交易價格影響的實證結果卻出現許多分歧而不一致的現象,本研究認為過去相關文獻的差異,可能源自以普通最小平方迴歸的方式來估計仲介服務的價格效果時,會忽略住宅價格條件分配的差異。以分量迴歸估計後發現,仲介服務係數在各價格分量呈現很大的差異且顯著,仲介服務的價格效果,在0.10分量約有4.4%的溢價,而 0.75分量以上則約有-5.6%的折價現象。因此,本研究嘗試以高低價格分量的不對稱訂價策略,作為仲介服務價格效果不一致的現象的檢視觀點,並得到實證上的支持。 四、搜尋與拍賣市場機制選擇及拍賣市場績效之再檢視 拍賣市場為購屋者的重要次級市場之一,因此拍賣市場的績效就顯得愈來愈重要。本研究考慮了購屋者的搜尋成本對於市場機制自我選擇偏誤的影響,重新檢視拍賣市場的績效。本研究實證結果顯示,在未考慮自我選擇偏誤下,拍賣市場機制的估計係數為-22.6%,且達1%統計顯著水準。但是,在控制買方與物件的自我選擇偏誤後,我國拍賣市場與搜尋市場間並無顯著的價格差異存在,因而本研究對於過去國內相關文獻認為拍賣市場一定比搜尋市場折價較多的說法,提出了相當的質疑。惟此三年間我國北部地區拍賣市場的拍定率從10%快速成長到30%,而市場條件的快速變化,很可能會造成較大的拍賣價格變異。因此在後續研究上,可以比較拍定率差異較大的時間進行比較研究,以了解本研究結果之穩定度。 / This dissertation employs search theory and behavior theory to study four relative essays. The first essay is to test three questions using a unique data base in the viewpoint of search cost and Anchoring behavior: First, is there anchoring effect or reference price bias on home-purchasing behavior? Second, is there any extrapolative expectation effect of reference price change on homebuyers? Third, can homebuyers reduce price premium from their high search cost or perceived bias? Those answers can help us understand if we can get alternative interpretation to housing price dispersion and if government should provide housing information service. Empirically, we find that out-of-town/district buyers pay a statistically significant price premium in the Taipei area. We also find some evidence consistent with the price premium being driven by high search costs, anchoring effect and extrapolative expectation from heuristics. Finally, homebuyers can lower price premium through real estate brokers in the market. The second essay is to examine the efficiency of housing and brokerage markets in view of price dispersion. We find brokerage service enhance the search ability of homebuyers. We use listing price prices as the prices before search and the actual transaction prices as the price after search, and we also separate the sample into search by homebuyers and search by broker. We find that search by broker decreases the price dispersion compared to search by homebuyers. The third essay is try to explain a number of past and recent studies provided conflicting empirical answers to the effect of real estate brokerage service on housing price. We employ quantile regression to capture the behavior at each quantile of conditional house price distribution and to test the asymmetric effects of brokerage service. An important findings of this paper is that the price effects of real estate brokerage service are significant heterogeneous across the conditional price distribution. The contribution of this paper to the prior literature is to provide empirical evidence by showing that broker might have a positive, negative, or zero impact on the housing prices. The final essay is to discuss the decision making behavior of housing markets mechanism choice. Real estate auction market has been one of main market mechanisms of home purchase. Therefore, the performance of real estate auctions is a very important issue. This article reviews the price premium or discount of real estate auctions by correcting the self-selectivity bias in a view of homebuyers’ search cost. The empirical result shows that the availability of an auction as an alternative has the result of high search cost buyers attending auctions. Next, after accounting for the endogenous nature of this choice and controlling for property and buyer characteristics, prices of properties sold at auction were not lower than those of comparable properties sold in a search market. It is questionable to say the performance of real estate auctions is inferior to that of negotiated sales at Taiwan.


張宏斌, Chang , Hung Pin Unknown Date (has links)
由於網際網路的興起,改變了使用者的消費習慣,顧客可以透過網路使用金融服務,也使得越來越多的金融機構投入發展網路銀行,提供顧客一次購足服務(One-Stop-Service/Shopping)、多樣化金融服務通道(Service Channel)及24小時全年無休服務等金融交易方式。但是,使用者對於網路銀行仍有安全上的考慮,擔心網站業者盜用其帳號或駭客入侵等問題。另一方面,由於各家銀行的帳戶資料與其它家銀行不相同,資料標準不一致,以致難以動態整合帳戶,遲遲無法提供整合帳戶的報表。 本研究目的在解決上述問題,透過建立服務導向架構的網路服務平台,整合使用者的資產帳戶。金融機構將網路服務發佈到註冊中心(UDDI),透過本研究的共通平台針對帳戶欄位名稱合併,由顧客取得實際帳戶明細資料對應成彙整報表。此設計架構能確保帳戶資訊是金融機構直接傳遞給客戶端,無須經過任何第三者之介入,又能解決各家銀行欄位名稱不一致的問題。 歸納本研究成果在於:(1)透過XML和網路服務等相關技術,達成金融機構資訊交換。(2)採用服務導向架構,動態搜尋服務與動態配置帳戶欄位,達到金融跨行帳戶彙整。(3)提供整合性客戶端帳戶整合報表。 / The rising of the Internet has changed user-consuming behaviors, and the customers could use the financial services with the Internet. Therefore, more and more financial institutions develop their banking websites to provide their customers One-Stop-Service/Shopping, Service Channels, and service around the year. Still the customers take the website security into consideration, such as account misappropriation by the website broker, hacker invasion, and so on. Besides, account data of a bank are different from the others, so that it is hard to integrate their account to provide entire aggregate account reports. This thesis applies the Services Oriented Architecture of Web Service and integrates customers’ asset account to resolve the above problems. The financial institutions publish their web services into Universal, Description, Discovery and Integration, and the customers can receive their account financial data to present aggregate account report through the combination of the account attributes name within the common platform. This design framework can ensure that the financial institutions will transfer account financial data to the end clients without other brokers. The contributions of this thesis are (1) the accomplishment of the data exchange in financial institutions through XML, Web Services, etc., (2) the adoption of Services Orient Architecture to dynamically search services and allocate account attributes in order to integrate the cross banking accounts, and (3) the supply of the aggregate accounts for end clients.


金惟中 Unknown Date (has links)
數位家庭的風潮帶動消費者更重視生活娛樂以及家庭氣氛的營造,影音設備隨之提升與增加。這說明了現代家庭中家電遙控器數目勢必不斷增加,相對刺激消費者對整合型遙控器的需求。 市面上的整合型遙控器,往往因技術、品質問題,無法達到完全的整合功效,也無法達到消費者的需求。而頂級的、功能強大的整合型遙控器,又礙於通路及專業知識,多半是影音設備玩家才能知曉,不但知道有這樣的產品、也知道去哪購買及如何操作。對於大多數消費者來說,他們不知道這樣產品的好處,自然也無法體會目前在操作眾多影音設備時,有多麼的麻煩、有多麼的沒有效率。 此次研究希望針對國內整合學習型遙控器產品,透過市場問卷調查方式,企圖找到目標客戶及了解消費者未被滿足之需求。同時瞭解整合學習型遙控器設計在消費者心目中的重要性,進而發展出它的外顯單位效益及產品概念。藉由交易成本分析從4C的角度分析行銷策略,以清楚檢視外顯單位效益,以便確定產品的競爭力,從內隱單位效益更進一步訂出行銷通路,解決消費者知曉的方式及如何使消費者產生專屬陷入的長期策略。透過產品市調及交易成本分析,以期整合學習型遙控器產品能迅速進入目標市場。


陳志強 Unknown Date (has links)
協同規劃、預測與補貨﹙Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment; CPFR﹚是協同商務中的一個應用實務,主要強調供應鏈上買賣雙方協同合作流程的概念,以提升供應鏈上流程的處理效率。未來企業的競爭將是產品背後整體供應鏈的激烈競爭,能對於不斷變化的市場需求作出有效預測,進而快速反應的企業將脫穎而出。對於庫存與補貨的掌控能力更將是企業決勝的關鍵因素之一。 CPFR 中的補貨模型是根據銷售預測、訂單預測、存貨策略與供給面資訊來做實際訂單,以作為補貨之用。補貨模式的準確性可以使賣方針對不同的需求來有效分配未來訂單預測的需求量,並降低安全庫存;買方則可根據訂單預測來調整庫存策略與採購數量。 現今廣用的供應商管理存貨(Vendor Managed Inventory, VMI)並沒有像CPFR加入更多的協同項目與精神,因此比較VMI與CPFR的補貨流程的差異性與優劣性,進而提供企業導入CPFR的補貨流程是相當重要的。 本研究以補貨階段為主題,除了探討協同補貨模式所需具備的屬性與輸入變數外,更將建構一個整合供應鏈上、下游協同資訊與符合協同訂單預測特性之預測模型,以提升補貨準確度,進而堆砌出整個CPFR 協同補貨模式,並加以與現今企業廣為採用的供應商管理存貨(Vendor Managed Inventory, VMI)的補貨模式進行比較,證明CPFR優於VMI,進而可供欲導入CPFR 流程下協同補貨模式或一般補貨模式的相關人員之參考。 / CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment) is one of the applications of collaborative business. The stressed concept is the cooperation process of sellers and buyers on the supply chain in order to increase the handling efficiency. In the future, the industries would compete on the whole supply chains behind products—only the industry that is capable of making accurate predictions according to the constantly changing market and reacts immediately has the chance of winning. Being able to control the inventory and supply effectively would be one of the key factors leading to an industry’s success. The replenishment model of CPFR is to fill out the order according to the sales prediction, order prediction, inventory strategy, and supply information. The precision of the replenishment model could affect both suppliers and customers. The former can distribute products properly and meet the different demands from the upcoming orders so as to reduce inventory; the latter are able to revise the inventory strategy and amount of order according to the order prediction. A few research papers aimed at the replenishment model, though, most still focus on the management issues like the process framework of CPFR and the implementation benefit. Hence, establishing both an information system that coordinates customer demand with suppliers and a collaborative replenishment model that increases the accuracy of predictions is fairly important. The phase of replenishment, as the subject of this study, will approach on parameters the collaborative replenishment model needs to input and combine evolution strategies with tabu search to establish a replenishment model under the process of CPFR.


鍾豐謙 Unknown Date (has links)
近十年內網際網路迅速興起並蓬勃發展,對我們生活的各個層面造成劇烈的影響,並掀起電子商務的熱潮。目前最引人注目的焦點是B2B,利用網路的特性來降低成本,縮短供應鏈,加速產品生命週期。產業已注意到協同商務中之供應網絡管理,並探討企業問之商務管理所需之方法與資訊技術,以尋求新的企業營運模式。在相關發展中,WWW上之商務資料交換,更是目前發展之重點,我們的終極目標是一個跨產業且進入門檻小的全球性交易平台,ebXML因其可能帶來跨產業協同商務之平台架構逐成為產業矚目之對象。 另一個網路所帶來的問題是資訊爆炸。當人們才剛開始享受網路世界的多采多姿,馬上卻又得面臨資訊氾濫的夢魘。如何利用智慧型的方法,提昇搜尋的效率與提高資訊的效果,是我們所關心的。搜尋引擎的演算法發展已到極致,但在搜尋策略的輔助上仍有發展的空間。 本研究回顧電子商務的緣由與發展,提出web service輿ebMXL應用的跨產業網路交易平台,並設計以5W1H的方式儲存專家經驗與策略,透過查詢擴充的機制,達成搜尋策略與結果的改善,並在這個電子商務架構平台的註冊機制與儲存庫(registry/repository)上運作,讓代理人理解企業之需求與期望,進而完成企業間交易夥伴的尋找,以達成動態供應鏈之實現。 關鍵字:XML,ebXML,web service,UDDI,註冊機制與儲存庫,資訊檢索,搜尋策略,5W1H,後設資料 / Starting from the concept of B2B e-commerce in general, the aim of this thesis is to propose and test a method for supporting trading partners' matching, in particulars those who follows ebXML. In the first place, this research presents a study of the areas where XML may have significant contributions. To avoid falling into pitfalls that works in e-commerce have experienced, we ought to understand the evolution of e-commerce so that the target supports can be derived from learned lessons. With these caveats in mind, the next step is to clarify the characteristics and requirements of a generic B2B framework. Base on the aforementioned survey, the framework of ebXML can be clarified, which is considered as the State-of-Art e-business technology. To reach this, this research is to address not only the problem domain and original concepts but also technology requirements. The ebXML architecture as well as relevant initiatives, viz. SOAP, WSDL and UDDI are then examined to search for potential ebXML-based solutions. In a comparison to RosettaNet, ebXML can provide more efficient and effective searches and matches of trading partners on electronic market place. Among others, the author emphasizes the research into a hybrid of ebXML and so-called web based service technologies. To realize this concept, a searching and matching mechanism with aids of expert's strategies based on 5WIH knowledge schema is carried out in this research. Last but not least, 5W1H knowledge schema is applied, another word serves as metadata, to organize and store expert's heuristic and intelligence in so-called strategy base, so that this work can use the expert's strategy for expanding the keywords to refine user queries in the run-time and thus provide a more efficient and effective matching results. Keyword: XML, ebXML, web service, UDDI, registry/repository, information retrieval, searching strategy, 5W1H, metadata

從著作權法探討學術圖書館參與Google Book Search 計畫之研究 / Study on Academic Libraries Join the Google Book Search Project under Copyright Law

陳泓翔, Chen, Hong Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在從著作權法探討國外大學圖書館參與GBS計畫之動機、內涵與著作權法問題,藉以瞭解數位圖書館相關的數位著作權法;並以深度訪談方式探究我國學術圖書館對GBS計畫之意義與價值,以及合理性與問題。本研究以文獻分析瞭解相關數位著作權議題,從個案研究中瞭解國外大學圖書館的觀點與做法,最後以深度訪談瞭解我國學術圖書館對其看法與意願。 本研究結論可歸納以下:(1)數位圖書館計畫相關之著作權主要在於有無授權、重製、公開傳輸與合理使用的議題上;(2)英美圖書館參與GBS計畫具有相當理由與動機;(3)英美圖書館參與GBS計畫採取全部、部分混合與無著作權模式;(4)英美圖書館考量著作權,而採取合理使用限制措施;(5)英美圖書館參與GBS計畫有制定其數位化程序與責任;(6)國外作者與出版社對於GBS計畫所侵犯的權利為重製、散布與展示;(7)我國學術圖書館對於參與GBS計畫看法兩極;(8)我國學術圖書館參與GBS計畫擔憂涉及著作權問題;(9)我國圖書館認為參與GBS計畫部分合法性不足;(10)我國學術圖書館對參與GBS計畫傾向採取無著作權保護之著作模式。 最後建議為:(1)政府宜制訂法定數位送存制度;(2)大學或圖書館應設置有關著作權管理權責中心以利處理智慧財產權問題;(3)Google應強化安全保護措施機制與保證,以維護其形象;(4)Google應積極與作家與出版社協商對談以及取得授權來降低爭議;(5)對著作權權利人之建議應勇於嘗試新的商業模式。 / The purpose of this study is to analyze the reasons that why foreign university libraries join the Google Book Search Library Project and copyright issues, so that conclude the issues related digital copyright law in digital library. Furthermore, the study used interviews for investigating the meaning, value, and legitimate issues of GBS Library Project from the viewpoint of academic libraries in Taiwan. According to the literature review, the study clarified digital copyright issues. In addition, the study obtained the views of foreign university libraries toward GBS Library Project by case studies. Finally, the study used interviews to understand the opinions of GBS Library Project from academic libraries in Taiwan. The results of the study are summarized below: (1)The key copyright issues that related to related to Digital Library Project are copyright authorization, reproduction, the fair use, and the right to public transmission. (2)There are legitimacies and motivations for UK and USA libraries participate in GBS Library Project. (3)There are three models that adopted by UK and USA libraries for participating in GBS: all collection or part of collection and no copyright works to scan. (4)Considering copyright issues, UK and USA libraries take reasonable measures to restrict the use of digital copies. (5)UK and USA libraries contract with Google for its procedures and responsibility. (6)Foreign authors and publishers consider that GBS is accused of violating for their rights of the reproduce, distribute and display. (7)The academic libraries in Taiwan have bipolar view for joining GBS. (8)The academic libraries in Taiwan worry about copyright issues for joining GBS. (9)The academic libraries in Taiwan consider that the GBS project is lack of legitimacy to join it. (10)If the academic libraries in Taiwan join the GBS project, they would be inclined to put in out-of-copyright works. Based on the final results of this study, several suggestions are as follow:(1)Government should establish a legal policy of digital deposit, (2)University or library should set up a copyright management center which has right and responsibility to deal with intellectual property rights issues; (3)Google should strengthen safety measures and guarantee mechanisms to protect it’s image. (4)In order to reduce the controversy, Google should consult with the authors and publishers actively to obtain authorization (5)The copyright owners should be willing to try a new business model.

網頁地理關聯性之分析與研究 / The Analysis of Geographic Relations of Internet Information

黃建達, Huang, Jian Da Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,有關地理資訊的網頁搜尋越來越受到重視。傳統的網頁搜尋引擎無法反應使用者查詢和網頁文件之間的地理關聯性。在一些情況下,我們希望網路搜尋引擎能夠考慮使用者查詢與網頁文件間的地理相關性,以提升搜尋的準確度。 我們的研究透過包圍矩形模型(Bounding Rectangle Model;BR Model)以搜尋與使用者查詢之地理相關程度較高的網頁文件。 使用者僅需輪入文字的查詢,即能得到相符結果的網頁文件。首先,我們建立一個地名辭典以找出使用者查詢與網頁文件內出現的地名及空間資料,接著我們利用空間資料建立空間索引項(spatial index term)集合,用來表示使用者查詢與網頁文件內的地理範圍,最後再透過使用者查詢與網頁文件的空間索引項集合計算兩者之間的地理相似程度,以找出與使用者查詢有較高地理關聯性的網頁文件。 此篇論文的貢獻在於我們提一套完整資訊檢索模型架構的方法,分析使用者查詢與網頁文件之間的地理關聯性,使用者藉由輸入文字查詢即能得到相符地理關聯性的網頁文件。 / Geographic web search becomes increasingly popular in recent years. Traditional web search engine, such as Google and Yahoo, can not accommodate geographic relevance between user queries and internet documents. Hence, they can not retrieve geographic related information from user queries. However, in many cases, the geographic relevance between user queries and internet documents could enhance the accuracy of this type of searches. In this thesis, we propose a mechanism that uses the Bounding Rectangle Model (BR Model) to retrieve geographic relevant internet documents in response to user queries. Users provide only the conventional input queries (keywords) and our search engine will return the geographic relevant results. Our method can be classified into the following three steps. In the first step, we create a gazetteer and use it to relate the user query’s geographic terms in internet documents. In the next step, we use the spatial data to build a set of spatial index terms that represents the geographic scope of user query and internet documents. And then we use these spatial index terms to calculate degree of geographic similarity between user query and internet documents to identify highly relevant geographic internet documents. We implemented a prototype search engine using our approach. The experiment results show that we can successfully retrieve geographic relevant data through this mechanism and provide more accurate search results.

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