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品牌概念地圖:結構化與非結構化方法比較研究 / Brand concept maps: comparative research of structured and unstructured凌筠婷 Unknown Date (has links)
在產品充斥市場的時代,追求獨特的產品功能已經不是各品牌最重要的目標,建立正確的品牌形象已經是目前最重要的議題,一個明確的品牌形象能建立長期的品牌價值,進而影響消費者的品牌滿意度、忠誠度與購買行為(Bhat & Reddy, 1998)。一般品牌形象研究者多用量化的問卷調查法來進行研究,部分研究者也使用質化的研究方法如自由聯想法、深度訪談法等,概念地圖此種研究方法在心理學領域早已開始使用,源自於激發擴散理論,認為人們腦子中對事物的概念彼此之間互相連結成一個網狀系統,若一個概念被觸動,其它的概念便會連動產生。這種圖像式的方法近年被用在品牌行銷方面,用來了解人們記憶中的品牌形象聯想結構(Henderson, Iacobucci, & Calder, 1998)。
本研究挑選與大學生較為相關的牛仔褲品類進行研究,以網路問卷方式尋找出熟悉度居中的品牌「Blue way/鬼洗」牛仔褲做為研究品牌。本研究發現,不論是結構化或非結構化方法皆無法穩定且有效地測量「Blue way/鬼洗」牛仔褲的品牌形象,但這並非代表品牌概念地圖是一個不具有信效度的研究方法,可能是因為本研究所選擇的產品品類屬於低涉入且高體驗性產品,一般消費者若沒有實際購買或使用過此類產品,較難留下深刻印象,且一般大學生在購買此類產品時品牌忠誠度不高,對品牌的印象也不深。
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臺灣地區國民小學校長科技領導對智慧教室創新擴散影響之研究 / Research on the Effect of Principals’ Technology Leadership on the Diffusion of Innovations in Smarter Classroomsin Elementary Schools in Taiwan何寶妍, Ho, Pao Yen Unknown Date (has links)
為達到研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺灣地區46所設置有智慧教室的公立國民小學,以校內的教師兼主任、教師兼組長、級任老師與科任教師為研究對象,共寄發問卷364份,回收有效問卷298份,有效回收率為81.87 %。本研究使用SPSS for Windows 20.0 、社會網絡分析軟體(Ucinet 6)及LISREL為資料分析軟體,獲得以下結論 :
關鍵詞:校長科技領導、智慧教室、創新擴散、社會網絡 / Research on the Effect of Principals’ Technology Leadership
on the Diffusion of Innovations in Smarter Classrooms
in Elementary Schools in Taiwan
This study investigated the current status of principals’ technology leadership and the diffusion of innovations in smarter classrooms in elementary schools in Taiwan. It also analyzed the difference of elementary school teachers’ perceptions toward their principals’ technology leadership and the diffusion of innovations in smarter classrooms under different background and environmental variables. Moreover, it probed into the relationship of principals’ technology leadership on the diffusion of innovations in smarter classrooms. According to the research results, suggestions are given to relevant units for reference.
For the above research purposes, this study conducted a questionnaire survey on teachers who are concurrently directors, teachers who are concurrently supervisors, homeroom teachers, and subject teachers, of 46 elementary schools in Taiwan provided with smarter classrooms. A total of 364 questionnaires were distributed, and 298 valid samples were retrieved, with a valid return rate of 81.87%. The data were analyzed using SPSS for Windows 20.0, social network analysis software Ucinet 6, and LISREL. The findings are as follows:
1. In Taiwan, the elementary school teachers’ perceptions towards the elementary school principals’ technology leadership and the diffusion of innovations in smarter classrooms are above average as a whole. Its overall performance meets the standard.
2. For elementary school teachers of different genders, ages, teaching years and school history, their perceptions towards the principals’ technology leadership and the diffusion of innovations in smarter classrooms have no obvious difference.
3. For elementary school teachers of different educational backgrounds, duties, school sizes, school locations, number of smarter classrooms, number of weekly uses in the smarter classrooms, their perceptions towards the principals’ technology leadership and the diffusion of innovations in smarter classrooms are obviously different.
4. There is a significant correlation between the elementary school principals’ technology leadership and the diffusion of innovations in smarter classrooms.
5. Elementary school principals’ technology leadership has predictive power on the diffusion of innovations in smarter classrooms; among them, the predictive power on vision, planning, and management is the highest.
6. The constructed modeling of this research was tested and supported by the Structural Equation Modeling, that elementary school principals’ technology leadership has a positive effect on the diffusion of innovations in smarter classrooms.
Finally, based on the above conclusions, specific suggestions are offered to educational authorities and elementary schools for reference.
Keywords: Principals' Technology Leadership, Smarter Classrooms, Diffusion of Innovations, Social Network
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從創新擴散觀點探討行動行銷─台灣綜合廣告代理商多重個案 / Research on Mobile Marketing from the Perspective of Innovation Diffusion: Multiple cases of Taiwan Advertising Agencies鄭茹憶 Unknown Date (has links)
行動行銷將為行銷的未來(Rick, 2005),透過無線科技的應用,消費者可以以隨時隨地接收到廣告主所發送的行銷活動訊息,並產生即時的互動,研究也顯示此科技應用的有效性,雖這群使用者目前正在增加,但仍為少數,在台灣更是如此。本研究主要目的從創新擴散觀點探討台灣行動行銷為何擴散如此緩慢,此解釋性個案研究將對同件事件提出對立的解釋,並指出如何應用此解釋到其他的創新擴散過程中;以組織層級為主,針對行銷部門,本研究將以多重及嵌入式個案研究,藉由主要影響科技採用與擴散的四因素,包括高階主管的支持、採用單位的專業程度、外界資訊的來源與外部環境所致的壓力,加上與該組織內部與外部環境(包括組織給予的資源與預算、科技廠商給予的專業知識支援、科技廠商對科技環境的教育與訓練,及組織的外部環境對組織策略的影響)來瞭解行動行銷在台灣綜合廣告代理產業的型態。 / Mobile marketing would be the future of marketing. (Rick, 2005). Consumers can receive messages of marketing campaigns from advertisers anywhere and anytime, and make interactions instantly. Studies also show the effectiveness of this new marketing mix tool. The adopters have continually emerged, though there are still few, Taiwan, in particular. The aim of this study is to explain why mobile marketing in Taiwan diffuse slowly from the perspective of innovation diffusion. The research is an explanatory case study, which would pose competing explanations for the same set of events and to indicate how such explanations may apply to other innovation diffusion processes. Conducted at entire organization level, marketing department in particular, an embedded, multiple case study would be used to describe the pattern of mobile marketing diffusion in Taiwan advertising agencies by utilizing four important facilitating factors(including Top management support, Professionalism of adopting unit, External information sources, and External pressure), and a diffusion circuit(including Resources and budget, Expertise from the professional unit, Education and training to the host environment, and Strategic impact to the host organization).
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影響民眾使用行動銀行之關鍵因素探討 / A Study of Key Factors Affecting Consumers’ Intention to Use Mobile Banking譚嘉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究目的為找出影響民眾使用行動銀行使用意願的關鍵因素。本研究之研究模型以創新擴散理論為基礎架構,同時納入加值服務、移轉障礙、品牌熟悉度、信任以及服務品質,用以探討民眾使用行動銀行的態度以及意願。本研究並將所提出之研究模型進行實證分析,研究對象為台灣地區的民眾,包括實際以及具高度潛力的行動銀行未來使用者,共回收730份有效問卷,其中446份有行動銀行使用經驗,另外284份則無。本研究模型變數包含相對優越性、複雜性、相容性、加值服務、人際關係、轉換成本、替代方案吸引力、品牌熟悉度、信任、服務品質、態度、使用意願以及正向口碑。本研究使用LISREL 8.7進行結構方程模式分析,將回收之樣本依照行動銀行使用經驗的有無個別分析其結果,分析結果顯示,針對有行動銀行使用經驗的民眾,相對優越性、加值服務、信任、服務品質與民眾對於行動銀行的態度呈現顯著正相關;而轉換成本則對民眾對於行動銀行的態度呈現顯著負相關;此外,民眾對於行動銀行之態度也與其使用意願有顯著正相關,民眾的使用意願更與其正向口碑有顯著正相關。針對沒有行動銀行使用經驗的民眾,相容性、加值服務與民眾對於行動銀行的態度呈現顯著正相關;而人際關係與替代方案吸引力則對民眾對於行動銀行的態度呈現顯著負相關;此外,民眾對於行動銀行之態度也與其使用意願有顯著正相關。 不同於以往的研究,本研究針對台灣地區之行動銀行應用程式進行討論,並且納入了許多從未被應用在行動銀行的因素,包含加值服務、移轉障礙、正向口碑等變數,是一篇十分創新的研究。本研究之研究結果可作為日後學術研究之參考,亦可作為銀行推廣行動銀行時的實務參考。
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從社會網絡看組織創新-以台灣電視產業為例 / The Study of Organizational Innovation Based on Social Network Theory in Taiwan Television Industry王雅君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的關切焦點集中在媒體產業的「創新擴散」,其原因在於數位匯流(digital Convergence )趨勢對媒體產業造成的衝擊,在「質」與「量」的層面上,相較於其他產業所面臨的變革壓力,都是有過之而無不及。
所謂「數位匯流」,源於近年來數位傳輸與壓縮技術快速發展,帶動了影視產業數位化(Digital)的趨勢。而各類型影音內容載具(PC、手機、平板電腦)數位傳輸的能力不斷強化的結果,造成數位影音內容均可在不同載具上傳輸播放,也因而原本在電視、電信、網際網路等不同訊息載台傳輸的內容,因為一同趨向數位化的演變,使得這些不同傳輸管道的內容形成匯流化(convergence)的結果,因而過去壁壘分明的產業,以模糊分隔界線,快速的整合一個全新的生態系統(eco system)。以多元性的內容製作,結合多樣化的傳播與接收載具,顛覆以往的電視傳播產業的生態與收視市場。
本研究延伸Whelan等人的理論(Whelan, E., Parise, S., Jasper de Valk and Rick Aalbers, 2011),形成組織創新傳遞流程,並以此檢視目前台灣電視台創新無法落實的原因,從組織結構,資源分配流程與內部連結溝通機制,來了解創新無法落實的原因,是否缺乏這兩種機制。
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從複雜理論觀點探討MOOCs創新擴散之動態歷程 / Exploring the Dynamic Diffusion Process of MOOCs From a Complexity Theory Perspective許映庭 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,MOOCs的擴散事實上是一個自我組織的過程。在MOOCs擴散過程中,以「創新者的網路位置」與「理解創新的難易程度」兩項變數的影響尤其顯著。而各項變數之間不僅擁有正向回饋效果,亦存在著負向回饋效果,進而影響MOOCs的擴散與演化。 / MOOCs successfully brought global students, educators, and related organization into a global network, forming a platform for global diffusion of knowledge. Started by top universities around the globe, MOOCs’ forces have swept around the globe in a short amount of time, creating ripples in the higher education web. The New York Times describes MOOCs as a “Campus Tsunami,” sweeping through the sectors of higher education.
How did this “Campus Tsunami” sweep around the globe? What are the factors that affect its dynamic diffusion process? In order to clarify these questions, this study employs the systematic and dynamic point of view of the complex theory to analyze how the factors influence each of MOOCs diffusion stages and what effects the factors create after interaction.
This study employs the historical study method and Mei Ya, Wang’s (2005) dynamic innovation diffusion model as the fundamental structure to explore the initial conditions, evolution and positive reinforcements, and self-organization of each diffusion stage.
The results demonstrate that MOOCs’ diffusion is based on self-organization. Within the seven factors, innovator networks and the difficulties in understanding innovation are the foremost influential factors. During MOOCs diffusion stages, the different factors interact with each other, producing both positive reinforcements and negative reinforcements, thus influencing MOOCs continuous diffusion and development.
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歐式能源期貨選擇權評價: 以WTI原油為例 / Valuation of European Energy Futures Option: A Case Study of WTI Oil鄧怡婷, Deng, I Ting Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,能源商品的價格隨著國際政治情勢、國際金融環境以及景氣循環的影響產生劇烈波動,基於避險的需求,衍生性商品交易量也逐漸增加。然而,在評價能源衍生性商品的過程中,即期價格動態模型的選擇對於訂價與避險的結果有著顯著的影響,如何選擇一個適當的動態模型以評價能源商品便成為本文研究的目標。在指數與股價選擇權的評價模型中,大多以Black and Scholes (1973)提出的選擇權評價模型作為基礎,但Black-Scholes模型是否適用於評價能源市場的選擇權價格卻是有待商榷。Schwartz (1997)提出以均數回歸模型 (Mean Reversion Model)描述能源即期價格,發現比Black-Scholes模型中所假設的即期價格動態模型更能描述能源市場即期價格的波動。本研究也考慮能源市場遇到重大事件而造成即期價格產生劇烈波動的情況,因此在模型中加入跳躍項以捕捉價格跳躍的現象。另外,能源商品的需求與季節變化有高度相關性,因此本文亦考量即期價格的變動會受到季節性的變動影響,在模型中加入季節性函數,以補捉季節性的價格變化。基於前述模型考量,本研究在各種描述能源商品即期價格特性的動態模型之下,推導各個模型的期貨選擇權定價公式,進一步測試各模型在金融風暴與非金融風暴期間的訂價誤差與避險誤差,以提供投資人或避險需求者於原油期貨選擇權模型選用上之參考。 / In recent years, the price of energy commodities has fluctuated with the international political situation and the international financial environment. For the sake of hedging demands, the trading volume of derivatives has been gradually increasing. In the process of valuation of energy derivatives, choices of the spot price dynamics model have a significant impact on pricing and hedging. Therefore, how to choose an appropriate dynamic model to evaluate the energy commodities has been main purpose of this study. Two main models are tested in this paper. One is the option pricing model supposed by Black and Scholes (1973), and another is the mean reversion model supposed by Schwartz (1997). This study also considered the volatility of the spot price in the energy market in case of major events, so the researcher adds the jump to explore the mean reversion model. In addition, the demand for energy commodities is highly correlated with seasonal variations. The vibration of spot price often affected by the seasonal variations is considered in the research. Therefore, the researchers also take the seasonal function into the research to capture the seasonal price changes. Based on considerations described above, the pricing formula for each model of futures option is evaluated in the research. The researcher further tests the pricing errors and hedging errors of each model during the financial crises and non-financial crises in order to provide the investors and hedging demanders with some suggestions about selecting oil futures option models.
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臺北都會區1999專線之研究:創新擴散的觀點 / The Study Of Hotline1999 in Taipei Metropolitan Aare:Perspective of Innovations Diffusion林詩兒, Lin,Shih Erh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著創新時代來臨,政府透過創新的政策推動藉以滿足民眾最新的需求或與民眾產生更好的互動方式,政府部門的創新力近年來亦成提升政府服務品質的關鍵,同時透過政府間對創新政策的相互仿效,形成E.M.Rogers所提出的「創新擴散」(diffusion of innovations)效應。
本研究結果發現:(1)創新性分數較高多為直轄市或與創新先驅者鄰近之都會區、擴散型態呈現各式曲線分佈;(2)變遷代理人於擴散各階段扮演不同角色;(3)臺北都會區具有實施動機較高、相對優勢較高、政府網絡關係較高、組織內部資源與規模較高等創新優勢;(4)影響民眾知曉度主要為意見領袖;影響民眾滿意度主要因素為是否能滿足民眾的需求。本研究建議如下:(1)建置地方政府創新政策知識庫;(2)建立縣市創新政策交流機制;(3)建議中央鼓勵我國縣市全面實施。 / As the age of innovation comes, the government satisfies the public’s latest needs and builds a better way to interact with the public by carrying out innovative policies. Besides, innovation had played a key role in increasing governmental service quality for the past few years. Meanwhile, through mutual imitation of innovation between governments, the diffusion of innovations, pointed out by E.M.Rogers, was formed.
Based on New York City’s Hotline 133, Hotline 1999 was launched in Taipei by Taipei City Government in 2005, and was then adopted by totally 17 cities and counties one after another until January 2014, including Kaohsiung and New Taipei City, which showed the effect of Hotline 1999’s policy diffusion, and the significant impact to the relation between local governments and among governments and the public. Thus Hotline 1999 project was analyzed by 4 aspects in this study: 1. The diffusion condition of Hotline 1999 on local governments, 2. The roles played by Change agent of Taipei City government, as an innovation pioneer, in each stage of diffusion, 3. Innovation policy decision process in the metropolitan areas of Taipei, and 4. The consequences of the above said diffusion. To discuss the whole process of Hotline 1999 from the very beginning to implementing, the data will be complied and analyzed though document analysis, secondary data analysis, and In-Depth Interviews. Besides, through Innovation Diffusion Theory as the framework, we discuss the learning effect of local governments and the process of innovation policy decision that influenced organizations for the further reference to other cities and counties.
The research findings include the following: 1. Directly Controlled Cities and the metropolis that neighbor on innovators score higher in innovativeness, 2. Change Agent played different roles as problem locators and innovation satisfaction, etc, 3. Taipei’s metropolitan areas have several innovation advantages: incentive to implement, relative advantage, stronger network among governments, and abundant resources and bigger scope, and 4. Public’s awareness was raised mainly by opinion leader, and degree of satisfaction depends on whether public needs are met. The suggestions are as follows : 1. Build a knowledge base for local government innovation policies, 2. Provide a mechanism for exchange of innovation policies, and 3. Central government should encourage the entire nation to implement the project.
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擴散性思考、數學問題發現與學業成就的關係 / The Relationships Between Divergent Thinking, Mathematical Problem Finding, and Mathematical Achievement邵惠靖, Shao, Hui-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究最後針對數學教育以及未來研究提出若干具體建議。 / First, this study probed into the contents of divergent thinking, mathematical problem finding, and mathematical achievement by literature review. Then the researcher made hypotheses of the relationships between divergent thinking, mathematical problem finding, and mathematical achievement based on the contents of them and the views of learning and problem solving, and designed survey research to examine these hypotheses. The subjects were 318 9th grade students from five junior high schools in Taipei county and Taipei city. The data- collection instruments included:(a) New Creativity Test; (b) Mathematical Problem Finding Test; (c) Basic Educational Indicator Tests of Mathematics. After utilizing frequency, cluster analysis, correlation analysis, ANOVA, and stepwise regression, the main results of this investigation are:(a) Students can find problems of all kinds of intellectual products and mathematics. Among them, problems of relations and problems to find were found most and problems of units and classes and problems to prove were found least ; (b) There are individual differences between mathematical problem finding styles; (c) The correlations between divergent thinking and mathematical problem finding are significantly positive; (d) Most of the correlations between divergent thinking and mathematical achievement are significantly positive; (e) The correlations between mathematical problem finding and mathematical achievement are significantly positive; (f) Students who can finds many high-level problems have higher mathematical achievement than those who can not; (g) Fluency of divergent thinking, mathematical achievement, and flexibility of divergent thinking can be used to predict the number of problems of mathematical problem finding effectively; (h) Fluency of divergent thinking, mathematical achievement, and flexibility of divergent thinking can be used to predict the rarity of problems of mathematical problem finding effectively; (i) Mathematical achievement and fluency of divergent thinking can be used to predict the quality of problems of mathematical problem finding effectively; (j) The quality of problems and the number of problems can be used to predict mathematical achievement effectively. Finally, the researcher brings up some suggestions on mathematical education and the future research.
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銷售子彈以阻止飛彈?中-歐合作於反核武擴散與武器禁運 / Selling the bullet to stop the bomb?EU-China cooperation on non-proliferation and the arms embargo宋凱樂, Carla Boggs Unknown Date (has links)
In the last decade, the EU-China partnership has become increasingly important, translating to the strategic issues of the twenty-first century, which include the problem of non-proliferation. As two of the world's visible international players, China and the EU both have a lot at stake in these matters. Non-proliferation also touches upon one of the bones of contention between the two : the EU embargo on arms sales to China.
This paper examines the current state of cooperation on non-proliferation between the EU and China, and the impacts this cooperation may have, notably on the EU arms embargo.
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