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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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探討Beacon在台灣的創新擴散歷程 - 以燦坤作為創新先鋒為例 / The Study of Implementing Beacon From the Perspective of Innovation Diffusion - A Case Study of Tsann Kuen Enterprise

彭怡翔 Unknown Date (has links)
在行動寬頻、雲端及網際網路等產業的帶動下,全球行動裝置如智慧型手機及平板電腦蓬勃發展,其衍生之行動經濟及應用更為全球經濟成長帶來高度動能。在連網裝置逐年成長之下,物聯網產業應運而生,而其中感測器技術更為物聯網基礎建設中最為核心的關鍵項目。繼蘋果於西元2013年WWDC大會發佈iBeacon技術後,全球零售業掀起微定位熱潮,而Forbes更預估企業利用Beacon搭配APP蒐集消費者資訊為未來物聯網重要趨勢之一。在實體零售店逐漸「展示店化」趨勢下,如何藉由ICT科技、物聯網技術、行動裝置應用來加強與消費者間的連結及提升購物體驗,為實體零售業者急需面對的課題。 本論文研究主要的目的在於探討Beacon於台灣零售業者燦坤的創新擴散歷程,以及使Beacon能夠於燦坤導入每階段快速擴散的關鍵因素,而其中以創新擴散模型之認知、說服、決策、實行、確認五階段構面進行研究與分析。此外,更探討燦坤如何運用Beacon進行O2O虛實整合。 本研究所得到的主要結論包括:(1)在創新擴散的流程中,擁有與導入科技相關的組織團隊背景以及根據創新需求調整組織架構,為Beacon於燦坤之認知階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(2)在創新擴散的流程中,鼓勵創新的企業文化為Beacon於燦坤之說服階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(3)在創新擴散的流程中,將非核心能力專案外包以及對於外包廠商的選擇,為Beacon於燦坤之決策階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(4)在創新擴散的流程中,高階主管對於專案的參與支持以及選擇場域面積、營業額、人流數較大的門市進行首波產品曝光測試,為Beacon於燦坤之實行階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(5)在創新擴散的流程中,進行產品的成效評估和顧客滿意度調查,以及尋求產品穩定的獲利模式來源,為Beacon於燦坤之確認階段中能夠快速擴散的關鍵因素。(6)燦坤以Beacon為技術核心打造燦坤黃金傳說APP,以門市尋寶及APP推播的方式,連結燦坤3C實體門市及快3網路商城,使虛實能夠結合及互利。本文最後並提出對於實務上及後續研究的建議。


鄧維鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
我國生物技術產業之上游產業政策係由國科會主導,中游主要如生技中心、藥劑中心、國家衛生研究院…等,共有12個執行單位,而這些執行單位常為配合政策而承接、執行上級交付的研究計畫,與民間企業期以市場導向的做法大相逕庭。發展生物技術產業之關鍵在於人才、資金、技術與市場等四個層面,台灣在「經濟奇蹟」之後,資金已不成問題,現階段最為迫切的應屬技術引進及下游廠商之人才培訓,以提昇整體產業水準。本研究透過實務訪談及產業分析的方式,期獲致下列四個目的: 一、了解我國生物技術產業所面臨的問題。 二、以知識管理觀點,為我國生物技術產業作有系統之分析。 三、提供欲進入生物技術產業領域之企業,有關人力資源策略的方向。 四、提供政府對我國生物技術產業政策發展方向之建議。 生物技術產業之核心能力在研發與製程放大,就生技產業之價值鏈而言,皆屬於前段之實驗室階段,實驗室的研發非個別成員封閉的自我創造,必須透過團隊的組織學習才能實現;組織學習是一點一滴漸進累積的,亦是企業競爭力的象徵,組織學習活動內容即為知識創造、取得、擴散、儲存的過程。人力(知識載運者)在研發階段知識的產生、擴散、儲存過程中,扮演決定性角色,亦是生技產品能否成功的關鍵。故第二章文獻探討內容為學習型組織、知識管理、智慧資本(知識應用所產生高價值資產)及專業技術人員之人力資源四個部分。 第三章研究架構部分針對生技產業價值鏈(發現、研發、測試/法規、製造、臨床測試/審核)前段發現與研發之知識取得、學習、擴散、儲存等做為探討架構。 第四章研究分析之實務訪談部分,就生物技術產業上、中、下游進行實務訪談,其中上游國科會部分僅將蒐集之資料加以整理;中游部分訪問國家衛生研究院生物技術與藥物研究組研究助理張先生,及生物技術開發中心生物化學組陳專員;下游則訪問永信製藥公司研發部田主任及台鹽實業公司通霄精鹽廠研化課劉課長。研究分析部分就生技產業之產品線廣度與特色、目標市場之區隔方式與選擇、垂直整合程度之取決、相對規模與規模經濟、地理涵蓋範圍、競爭武器等六個策略形態與價值鏈展開形成之矩陣,就訪談生技產業現狀予以分析。 第五章結論與建議部分係將研究結果以第二章之研究目的做一整理,並對後續研究者提出建議。就生技產業知識管理未來應加強方向摘述如下: (一)組織學習部分:1.建立共同願景。2.外部學習。3.團隊學習。4.實驗新方法。5.學習別人經驗。 (二)知識管理部分:1.核心能力。2.知識來源:(1)非正式網路組織。(2)融合。(3)重複。(4)供應商、顧客、競爭者。3.知識擴散:(1)下游建立資料庫。(2)使用電子科技及視訊工具。(3)建立知識分享的文化。4.儲存:(1)建立資料庫。(2)建立維持方式。 本研究在第二章文獻探討提出知識球(Knowledge Ball)的概念,及第四章研究分析提出知識共振(Kowledge Resonance)及跨領域培育(Cross Fertilize)的構想,為本研究過程之心得,尚未加以實務驗證及理論分析,僅供參考。 近年來台灣小生技廠商:如,得聖興生物科技公司致力於微生物科技研發;由生化教授沈燕士成立之五鼎生技公司以生物感測技術研發血糖儀(主要產品為血糖測試機與血糖試片,將於89年上櫃);和桐與統一集團合作導入美國生化科技公司賽雷拉(Celera)的基因解讀技術;另基因解密工程的工具-生物晶片(亦稱基因晶片),台灣廠商微晶科技、晶宇科技、台灣基因科技公司等亦積極投入研發,小生技廠商以技術起家,亦能在生技產業之高階領域佔有一席之地,使我國生技產業燃起一線生機。 期待10年、20年後,台灣生技產業亦能如目前之電子、資訊產業蓬勃發展,則台灣「經濟奇蹟」將持續下去,永不褪色!

金融創新產品之創新擴散研究-以連動式債券為例 / Innovation diffusion of financial innovation products- a case study of structured note

馬濟生, Ma, Chi Shen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著企業籌資需求上升、金融機構避險需求增加、以及一般民眾投資理財意識抬頭,各式金融創新產品因應而生。這些金融創新產品可以滿足不同客戶之需求,提升企業競爭力,或是協助一般民眾達到投資理財之目標…等目的,而以上都是傳統金融商品所無法提供的功能,因此金融創新之重要性不言而喻。然而,在目前相關文獻中,鮮少研究探討金融創新與其創新擴散相關議題。 基於上述動機,本研究旨在利用以往用於科技技術創新之「創新擴散」與「行銷鴻溝」模型,探討「金融創新」當中最具代表性之創新產品「連動式債券」,是否也擁有類似科技技術創新之創新擴散與行銷鴻溝現象。 本研究以台灣地區2002 年以後主管機關核准連動式債券銷售業務開始,到2008 年雷曼兄弟倒閉事件爆發為止,做為研究期間範圍。首先,根據創新擴散與行銷鴻溝理論建構出研究架構,提出探索性假設。接著,透過先導個案之方式針對銀行與壽險業者進行訪談,得出對應探索性假設的初步答案,形成研究假設。最後,再將研究假設設計成問卷,針對所有連動式債券第一線銷售人員進行發放與回收,以進行假設檢定量化分析。 經由本研究結果發現:(一) 金融創新產品存在與科技技術創新相同之創新擴散模式; (二) 金融創新產品擴散過程中,先後採用之不同族群存在不同特性,包括風險承受度、投資預備金額、投資連動債之專業知識程度皆隨時間遞減;(三)金融創新產品擴散過程中,也存在科技技術創新所面臨難以跨越的鴻溝,其中產品單位金額大小是最關鍵之成因。然而,由於金融創新技術相較於科技創新技術較不需要時間與金錢成本去進步改良,因此金融業者僅須透過調整產品單位金額大小,便可輕易跨越鴻溝。也由於金融創新產品此種技術特性,業者其實是有能力同時向不同族群區隔進行銷售,但是礙於主流市場消費者一定要在看到可參考之成功經驗後才敢購買,因此業者仍然會先從早期市場開始銷售,形成與科技技術創新擴散模型相同之模式;(四) 有別於科技技術創新擴散模式當中,早期市場消費者之接受行為擁有降低創新不確定之象徵意義,在金融創新產品擴散過程當中,早期市場消費者之採用行為,並不能代表產品風險已經縮小至一定程度,因為金融市場之風險並不會隨技術進步而消失。然而,主流市場消費者卻存有科技技術創新擴散模型之習性,誤以為早期市場消費者之接受行為代表著金融創新產品之風險已縮小而積極跟進購買,因而承擔了超過原本所能容忍之風險程度,導致最後往往面臨虧損。 / In recent years, many kinds of financial innovation products have been invented in response to the rising demands of corporate financing, financial institutions’ hedging, and personal financial management of general public. These financial innovation products can meet different needs of different customers, bring competitiveness to enterprises, or even help the general public to manage their money more efficiently, while these are which the traditional financial products cannot achieve. As a result, the importance of financial innovation goes without saying. However, in the existing literatures, there are only a few studies concentrated on this issue. This study took 2002 to 2008 as the research period, which was from the Taiwan government first approved the business of selling structured notes to the outbreak of bankruptcy of Lehman Brother. This study first constructed the research framework and exploratory hypotheses based on the innovation diffusion theory, then explored the corresponding answers to the initial exploratory hypotheses through interviewing workers in banks and insurance companies and formed the research hypotheses, and finally conducted a questionnaire survey among those first-line sales of structured notes to test the research hypotheses statistically. This study found that: (a) financial innovation had the same pattern with the technological innovation diffusion process, but it was because general customers needed to see a successful example to pursue themselves to accept that financial innovation; (b) different groups in the innovation diffusion process had different features, including the level of risk tolerance, the amount of money used to invest, and the knowledge of investing structured notes, and the level of these features will gradually decrease as the time point of their acceptance; (c) there also existed a chasm in the financial innovation diffusion process as the technological innovation diffusion, and the key to cross the chasm was the price of each product; (d) the acceptance of earlier customers in the process of financial innovation diffusion did not mean that the risk of the products had reduced, which was quite different from the technological innovation diffusion process, and later customers usually perceive lower risk than it actually was and borne more risk than they actually can afford without knowing the above difference.

從創新擴散的觀點探討企業在Inbound Marketing的導入 / Adopting inbound marketing:the perspective of innovation diffusion

陳治平, Chen, Chih Ping Unknown Date (has links)
有關科技創新在擴散上的研究已行之有年,且有不少有關的研究發現及案例。但是創新的層面不只侷限於科技,在近年來服務創新、行銷創新等概念的興起,產生了創新領域內新的研究目標。而這些類型的創新擴散研究更是相當稀少,故本研究希望從此一方向進行探索性研究,期望同時有助於實務與學術的發展。 社會與科技的快速發展,促使網際網路的使用普及化,也影響到公司與消費者間的溝通及行銷模式。行銷創新:Inbound Marketing也是在這樣的情境下誕生。而近來台灣大量公司也採行Inbound Marketing作為重要的行銷手段時。讓公司不斷採納Inbound Marketing的理由及想法應該有可解釋的背後因素,所以本研究期望藉由研究的結果回答三點研究問題:(1) 影響行銷創新採用的重要關鍵因素為何?(2) 行銷創新擴散主要因素為何?(3) 不同產業在採用行銷創新上的異同為何? 本研究藉由文獻與學理的回顧,進一步探討Inbound Marketing行銷創新。以創新擴散、科技接受模式及兩階段理論作為基礎,發展出個案研究的基礎架構。研究架構將創新採用的過程,以創新決策流程作為基礎,區分為動機、啟發、執行及常規化等四個階段,並結合科技接受模式及兩階段理論中所討論的要素,進一步發展出構面。動機構面中含括創新、環境及組織等要素,啟發構面則包含設定標的及尋求創新等項目,執行構面則有重新定義及釐清兩個步驟,最後的構面則是常規化階段。本研究採用多重個案研究法,依前述的架構構面與變項進入深入的探討。 本研究所得到的初步結論包括:(1) 資源、環境及競爭要素是影響行銷創新採用的重要關鍵因素。(2) Inbound Marketing的高創新可近性是行銷創新擴散的主要因素。(3) 消費性電子及連鎖餐飲業在Inbound Marketing行銷創新採用的比較中,產業差異並不顯著。本論文最後進一步提出實務上及後續研究上的建議。 / Studies in innovation distribution and diffusion field have been researched for decades, but most innovation target will focus on technology innovation. Marketing innovation is still a new issue in innovation diffusion field. The study wants to be a base for following research in this topic. Internet quickly developing has totally changed communication tools between customers and companies, and forced new marketing method (or “marketing innovation”) “Inbound Marketing” was generated. And in these years, more and more companies adopt inbound marketing as a regular marketing tool. This study tries to explain the factors and motivation of company adopts marketing innovations, main reason of marketing innovation diffusion and differences of marketing innovation adoption between different industries. This study review innovation, marketing innovation related research, and make sure study target” Inbound Marketing” as a marketing innovation. And the study frame combines innovation diffusion, technology adoption model and two stage theory to analyze all study cases. The study structure is divided into four stages: Motivation, Inspiration, Execution and Routinization. Motivation contains “Innovation”,” Environment” and “Organization” factors. Inspiration includes “setting targets” and “seeking innovation”. Execution has ” Re-define” and “clarify” two stages. Finally companies adopt innovation and “Routinization”. The study finds “Resources”, “Environment” and “Competition” would be the main reason of marketing innovation adoption. And the high accessibility of inbound marketing with “Environment ” and “Competition” is the main factor of marketing innovation diffusion. Finally ,comparing “ Consumer Electronics Industry” and “ Chain restaurants” two industries, the difference in marketing innovation adoption is not obvious.

台灣自費儲存臍帶血之創新擴散研究 / Diffusion of innovations: a study of banking umbilical cord blood in Taiwan.

林錦泉 Unknown Date (has links)
臍帶血幹細胞移植自1988年首次被應用在異體的臨床治療至今,在各國衍生出許多以「利他」為目的的公捐臍帶血庫,以及鼓吹「自存自用」的私人臍帶血銀行。類似的情況也在台灣發生,第一家私人公益臍帶血庫在1997年底成立,第一家私人臍帶血銀行在2000年8月成立。然而,有關臍帶血儲存在台灣的發展歷史,卻甚少被討論。本論文嘗試以「創新的擴散」的四大因素—創新、溝通管道、時間及社會體系,詮釋自費儲存臍帶血在台灣的擴散過程和實質的內涵。 藉由中國時報報系和聯合報系有關臍帶血儲存的相關報導,估算出台灣自費儲存臍帶血的接受率在時間軸上的變化,發現台灣自費儲存臍帶血的接受率從2000年到2004年快速地成長,2004年以後成長趨緩。另外,從資料蒐集、文獻整理,以及台灣最大的親子社群網站”Babyhome”(寶貝家庭親子網)中有關臍帶血儲存的相關議題討論,觀察到台灣社會體系中的主管機關、私人臍帶血銀行、醫界和學界、公捐血庫、媒體等各成員之間的互動,直接或間接地影響潛在接受者對自費儲存臍帶血的意願和認知。在創新和溝通管道的探討中,則利用初探性質的網路問卷調查,探索台灣的接受者對於自費儲存臍帶血的創新認知屬性和資訊來源的溝通管道,並歸納出台灣的接受者對於自費儲存臍帶血的主要認知為:相容於「保險」的概念,以及代表「心安」的相對優勢。 是否應該自費儲存臍帶血實為一爭議性的話題,本研究也透過以上的分析,探討自費儲存臍帶血在台灣擴散所造成的後果並提出相關建議,期望台灣社會體系能夠從自費儲存臍帶血的擴散中,獲得創新的最大的利益又不至於造成社會體系的瓦解。 / Since the first umbilical cord blood transplant was performed in 1988 for allogeneic transplantation, many cord blood banks came out in countries, including public cord blood banks for an altruistic purpose and private blood banks which claim to bank umbilical cord blood for autologous use. Similar cases happened in Taiwan, the first public cord blood bank run by a private organization was founded in the end of 1997, then the first private cord blood bank was founded in August 2000. The history about banking umbilical cord blood in Taiwan, however, is rarely discussed. Based on the four main elements of “Diffusion of Innovations”, innovation, communication channels, time and social system, this study attempts to interpret the diffusion and substantial content of banking umbilical cord blood for autologous use in Taiwan. I estimated the adoption rate of banking umbilical cord blood for autologous use in Taiwan in the course of time by searching news reports from the databases of China Times Inc. and United Daily News Group. The adoption rate grown rapidly from 2000 to 2004 and the growth became slowly after 2004. By data collection, the survey of literatures and searching the relevant topics about storing umbilical cord blood from BabyHome, the biggest social networking website for parent-child relationship in Taiwan, I also found that the interaction among authority body, private cord blood bank, medical professional bodies, public cord blood bank and media, which are the members of Taiwan social system would affect the cognition and willingness of potential adopters directly or indirectly. In addition, I used a pilot online- questionnaire to explore the characteristics of innovation and communication channels of banking umbilical cord blood in Taiwan, which concludes that, the main characteristics of innovation sensed by the adopter who banking umbilical cord blood in Taiwan are compatibility with the concept of insurance and the relative advantage of feeling at ease. To store or not to store umbilical cord blood in private cord blood bank is actually a controversial issue. Through the analysis described above, the consequence of banking umbilical cord blood diffused in Taiwan is studied. I also make some suggestions and hope that Taiwan social system could gain the maximum social benefit from the diffusion of banking umbilical cord blood, and would not collapse by it.

新產品擴散模式之探討-以時尚精品為例 / Exploring new product diffusion models — The case of luxury goods

張筱祺, Chang, Hsiao Chi Unknown Date (has links)
以往高級精品只有貴族階級才有權利配帶。時至今日,中產階級消費者如一般上班族亦開始購買精品,使得人們對於精品的消費投入逐年增加。法國的精品產業靠著出口高級時裝、首飾、化妝品等精品,每年為法國政府帶來豐沛的外匯收入。除此之外,精品產業與其他同為景氣循環產業相比,復甦力道實為有過之而無不及;因此,精品產業之高獲利成長力與強勁復甦力道成為許多其他產業所探究及效法的對象。 現存精品相關文獻鮮少文獻探討精品創新相關議題,而在探討精品消費行為的研究中,除了探討精品消費動機與知覺價值外,並未進一步探討精品新產品隨著時間的擴散,消費者購買精品之動機與消費者特性是否產生變化。因此,本研究擬採用過往多半用於高科技產業之創新擴散理論,並以精品產業龍頭A精品公司為例,試圖探討精品新產品之擴散模式為何;另外,本研究除了探討客觀時間之擴散模式,亦針對精品具有較強烈之社會影響特性,亦加入同儕情境,更深入了解主觀時間的擴散模式。最後,本研究也會針對早期精品消費者與晚期精品消費者所注重的精品知覺價值是否有所不同的現象進行研究。 由量化問卷調查與質化深度訪談之綜合分析,本研究發現:(1)精品新產品擴散模式屬於Bass模型,所有潛在的精品消費者皆可分為受到廣告影響的創新者或口碑影響模仿者兩類;(2)精品新產品擴散模式由客觀因素與主觀因素共同建構而成,除了將採用者依客觀時間分為早期與晚期,本研究另外提出客觀早期的模仿者(即主觀落後者)與客觀晚期的創新者(即主觀創新者);(3)精品知覺價值類型與客觀購買時間的先後並無顯著差異;(4)「撞包」顧慮是由於挑剔心態與跟隨心態並存的現象,對消費者的購買決策並無實際影響力。 / Before long, only blue blood has the right to possess luxury goods. Nowadays, middle class also starts to buy luxury goods, which increases the yearly consumption of luxury goods. By exporting high class garments, accessories, make-ups and so on, luxury good industry in France yields immeasurable foreign exchange income to French goverment. Besides, the strength of recovery in luxury goods industry is much stronger than other business-cycle industries. Therefore, with high-profit and strong recovery, luxury goods industry become the benchmark of other industries. Among the existing literatures of luxury goods, few literatures discuss issues related to the innovation of luxury goods. And in the researches of luxury-goods consumer behaviors, in addition to exploring the consumer motivations and perceived values, the changes or not of consumer characteristics and motivations with time-spreading lacks further probes. Thus, based on the theory of diffusion of innovations that mostly applied to high-technology industry, this study tries to explore the new product diffusion model of luxury goods in the case of a leading luxury brand A. Moreover, owing to stronger social influencs that luxury goods characteristic of, this study not only discussing the real time periods, but also deeply look into peer sithations in order to understand the diffusion model in subjective time periods. At last, this study will explore the differences of perceived values between early adoptors and late adoptors. Under comprehensively analysis from qnantative Questionnaire surveys and in-depth interviews, findings are as followed. (1)The new product diffusion model of luxury goods is highly close to Bass model. All potential luxury-goods customers can be divided to advertisement-influenced innovators and word-of-mouth-influenced imitators. (2)New product diffusion model of luxury goods is constructed by objective factor and subjective factors. In addition to classifying adoptors into early and late according the real time period, this study proposes other classifications: objectively early imitators (subjective followers) and objectlvely late innovators (subjective innovators). (3)Perceived value of luxury goods would not significantly sway with the objective doption time. (4)The fear of having the same bag with others results from the coexisting of Snob effect and Bandwagon effect, which has no actual influences on consumption decisions.

設計思考(Design Thinking) 於創新擴散之體現 / Design Thinking in Diffusion of Innovations

林雅軒, Lin, Ya Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
設計思考是強調以人為本的創新,透過同理心之觀察、研究,全盤發想整體的創新對策來解決最根本的議題,並以原型製作輔助闡述,創造出新組合和跨領域解決方案,最終達到策略商業設計的目的(Strategic business design)。 現在,純粹以製造為導向、科技為導向的能力與觀念已不足以因應台灣當前所處之市場競爭環境,設計思考闡述回歸人性、回歸關懷顧客的根本需求,「以人為本」,援引社會學家、人類學家的田野調查方法,及開放的動腦會議,提供創新思考模式開發產品、服務甚至是流程或組織變革。 本研究以創新的擴散為研究架構,結合台灣企業實務導入之經驗,與相關領域專家訪談,希望能對台灣企業面臨之挑戰提供建議。 / What is “Design Thinking”? Design thinking is the human-centered innovation that focuses on the issues of observation, accurate definition and early test. Through these processes with empathy base, we are able to come up with a total innovation strategy which solves the fundamental problems. With the help of prototyping, design thinking creates a whole new interdisciplinary innovation achieving the ambition of strategic business design. This system which includes manufacture- oriented abilities and tech-oriented concepts is inadequate for the fierce competition what we live in. Design thinking makes us return to human nature by methodologies of sociology and anthropology. In addition, open brainstorming provides an innovative way for new product development, new service or even organization reforms. This research bases on the “Diffusion of Innovations” written by Everett M. Rogers, and the experiences gained from practical execution of industry and experts, hoping it would give some advice on dealing with nowadays challenges.


趙怡傑 Unknown Date (has links)
亞馬遜(Amazon) 宣布自有電子閱讀器Kindle在2010年的出貨量達800 萬台,不僅遠超出市場預期的500 萬台,也打破Kindle 銷售會受iPad上市而被瓜分的流言。根據國外市調機構Displaybank 統計,亞馬遜(Amazon)的Kindle 電子書上市3 年以來,美國暢銷電子書銷售量已超越紙本書的2 倍,預估2015 年的美國電子書閱讀器市場規模將達5,400 萬台、2018 年有機會成長到8,800 萬台。由上述的資料可見,電子書產品實為一個有潛力的市場。 研究試圖以創新擴散理論(Rogers,1983)為基礎,探討在電子書問世時,消費者從得知電子書存在到採用此產品過程並持續採用之意願,輔以科技接受模式(Davis,1989)來解釋影響電子書使用者的態度、意圖及行為,在此綜合模型中添加了涉入類型的種類(Vaughn,1980)做為影響消費者知覺特性的變數,加入了廠商面的資訊來探討策略結盟對於消費者的意義及影響,除了以電子書本身所具備的功能特性來探討利益面影響因子,更希望能加入風險成本來探討成本面的影響因素,並探討電子書的網路外部性效果(Katz & Shapiro,1986)如何影響消費者的採用意願。 研究結果顯示消費者知覺特性中的認知有用性、認知易用性及相容性會顯著受到消費者涉入程度高低的影響;知覺特性中的認知有用性、相容性和直接網路外部性會顯著影響消費者對於電子書的採用意願;而除了知覺特性中的相容性對於繼續採用意願有顯著影響之外,其餘的變數皆不顯著,這與探討採用意願的結果不盡相同。 依據研究結果,總結出消費者採用電子書意願的相關建議:一、廠商異業結盟行為對於消費者的意義不大,消費者並不關心電子書是由甚麼廠商聯盟所組成,只關心此產品是否能滿足自身的期待及需求,廠商該著重的應是消費者使用習慣的舒適度以及產品功能的有效性。加強技術方面的整合及研發才是吸引消費者注意力並獲得青睞的策略行為。二、實體店鋪的設立能增加電子書產品的能見度,現今國內的電子書廠商百家爭鳴,但使消費者喊得出名字或是聽過的品牌卻沒幾家,這表示廠商所釋放出的產品訊息不夠完整,因此電子書廠商若要提升自家產品的能見度,除了基本的研發工作之外,與媒體之間的配合及實體通路店鋪的設置也是相當重要的,透過通路消費者能夠明確知曉電子書產品的功能特性,根據試用的狀況使消費者更能掌握產品的資訊,進而影響最終的採用意願。


方文玉 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

俄羅斯防擴散政策:伊朗核危機的戰略和經濟因素析 (2002-2010) / Russian non-proliferation policy: strategic and economic considerations in Iran’s Nuclear Crisis (2002-2010)

白嘉娜, Pastukhova, Galina Unknown Date (has links)
俄羅斯防擴散政策:伊朗核危機的戰略和經濟因素析 (2002-2010) The goal for this master thesis is to estimate the effectiveness of Russian non-proliferation policy during the nuclear crisis of Iran and explore the main factors (economic or strategic), that influence Russian policy in this dimension.

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