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伊朗核武問題之研究 / The Study of Iran's Nuclear Development張力夫, Chang, Li-fu Unknown Date (has links)
本文分析的重點,在於伊朗發展核科技的背景、動機、經過,還有各國對伊朗核計畫的態度,以及伊朗核武化之後對國際安全的衝擊。 / The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the major powers in the Middle East. Since 1957, when nuclear energy program received technical assistance from the U.S., its successive leaders have eagerly pursued the policy for developing nuclear technology. The only exception took place during the early years of the Ayatollah Khomeni government when all nuclear program was temporarily suspended. Recent disclosures show that Iran has been conducting several covert nuclear programs, which is considered by the international community as a possible step toward nuclear weapons.
This thesis first analyzes the background of Iran’s nuclear development, its motives, and the evolution of its nuclear development. The U.S., Russia, the PRC, and other related powers’ attitude toward Iran’s nuclear programs will be analyzed latter. Once Iran gets nuclear weapons, its impact on the security in the Middle East as well as on the nuclear non-proliferation regime will also be examined finally.
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從創新擴散理論分階段探討國家寬頻發展影響因素 / Identifying Key Determinants of Broadband Diffusion by Stage Based on Innovation Diffusion Theory林茂雄, Lin, Mao Shong Unknown Date (has links)
寬頻擴散可促進國家之生產力、就業、經濟成長及國家競爭力等,若能精準找出促進寬頻擴散之關鍵影響因素,將有利於政府集中資源有效率地推動寬頻發展。本研究提出研究問題與假說,以Rogers (2003)及Hall (2006)所提出影響創新擴散速率之社經因素、採用成本、採用效益、網路效應、資訊及不確定性及產業環境等6大因素面向為基礎,蒐集OECD國家及台灣等31國家相關資料,挑選Gompertz模型進行固定寬頻擴散Panel資料迴歸分析,發現各因素在全期及不同擴散階段有不同之顯著性與影響程度,表示分階段分析有其必要性。擴散初期之關鍵影響因素為收入、教育水準、平台競爭程度、人口密度及實施LLU累積年度等5項,而擴散後期之關鍵影響因素為寬頻價格、網際網路內容、決定採用時固定寬頻用戶比例、撥接用戶比例及擁有PC家庭比例等5項,可作為政府及業者於不同擴散階段精準投入資源以有效推動寬頻擴散之參考。
總之,本研究不同於過去文獻,以創新擴散理論為基礎,以國家層級資料量化分析與探討寬頻擴散之關鍵影響因素,除分別提供政策及管理建議供政府及業者參考外,亦補強Rogers (2003)及Hall (2006)所提出創新擴散理論未釐清與比較創新擴散影響因素在不同擴散階段影響之不足。 / Broadband diffusion may enhance innovation, productivity, employment, economic growth, and, ultimately, national competitiveness. If key determinants for broadband diffusion are identified, governments can align its resources with them to effectively promote the diffusion. Based on the determinants of the diffusion rate identified by Rogers (2003) and Hall (2006), this research compiled data available about OECD countries as well as Taiwan to implement overall and staged panel regressions on fixed broadband diffusion by adopting Gompertz model. The findings indicate that the significance of the determinants varies between overall and staged analysis, which consequently justifies the necessity of a staged analysis. The key determinants in the early stage are income, education level, platform competition, population density, and the accumulated years of implementing LLU policy; however, in the late stage they are broadband price, Internet content, network effect, the penetration of dial-up users, and percentage of household with computer. Governments may more accurately promote broadband diffusion according to different key determinants in different stages.
This research further compared the real fixed broadband diffusion of Japan, South Korea, USA, Denmark, Switzerland, and Taiwan based on the previous analysis results. The findings generally justify the choice of key determinants in the previous analysis. In the early stage, Taiwan had the advantage of high population density. If the government could have promoted fixed broad banded services and market competition earlier, the penetration would have grown much faster. In the late stage, since the broadband price was too high in Taiwan, its international ranking of fixed broadband penetration declined. Therefore, in order to further promote the diffusion of fixed broadband, the government should have ensured that the price was low enough to convince the potential adoptors to purchase broadband services.
Finally, this research adopted the same approach as that of previous fixed broadband to analyze the diffusion of FTTX and mobile broadband, respectively. Education level, broadband price, network effect of FTTX, network effect of mobile broadband, Internet content, population density, percentage of household with computer, and the penetration of fixed VOIP users have significant effect on FTTX diffusion. However, income, broadband price, network effect of mobile broadband, Internet content, population density, and percentage of household with computer have significant effect on mobile broadband diffusion. Therefore, governments or operators should tailor their policies or strategies for specific services. The effects of broadband price, Internet content, network effect, and percentage of household with computer are similar in both FTTX and mobile broadband, and they are also similar to the key determinants of fixed broadband diffusion in the late stage. Therefore, even though a new service with better quality or function is introduced in an existing market, its key determinants are more similar to those of the existing service depending on its diffusion stage.
In conclusion, different from previous research, this one applied national-level data to quantatively analyzed and explore the key determinants of broadband diffusion based on innovation diffusion theory. The research findings not only propose policy and management suggestions to governments and service providers, but also supplement the the theory proposed by Rogers (2003) and Hall (2006), which did not identify and compare the determinants of innovation in different diffusion stages.
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人物誌洞見:使用者行為如何激發新聞媒體的商業模式創新 / Insights from Persona: How User Behaviors Inspire Business Model Innovation in News Media鄭家宜, Cheng, Chia I Unknown Date (has links)
企業越來越意識到使用者的重要性,知道產品設計必須以使用者為中心。但面對網路興起、讀者大量流失的報紙新聞媒體,該如何從使用者察覺出商業模式創新的機會,是當前文獻亟欲探索的主題。本論文因此提出兩大分析重點。第一,分析使用者的行為脈絡,由早期大眾的角色中找出使用者對資訊需求,理解創新擴散的關鍵。第二,透過使用者行為分析形成商業模式的各種可能性,了解如何能改變商業營運邏輯。本文以聯合報系旗下之《Upaper》捷運報做為個案,分析捷運族的移動行為與資訊需求,藉此鎖定十個新聞主題來分析使用者行為、資訊需求、設計洞見、設計方案等環環相扣的四個步驟。本研究歸納出三種人物誌:需要優先性資訊的懶人、喜愛連貫性資訊的達人、偏好比較性資訊的商人。這三種人物誌指引出三種可能的新商業模式:從新聞到情報、從廣告到商研、從紙媒到串媒。學理上,本研究提出使用者導向商業模式的形成過程及創新原則。實務上,新聞媒體組織可以理解分析使用者的微觀行為的步驟及策略。 / Enterprises are increasingly aware of the importance of users and know their product design must be user-centered. Now newspaper media is losing their readers due to the rising of Internet, so how to develop an innovative business model from users became one of hot topic of literature review. This thesis could be divided into two parts. Firstly, analyze the user behavior context in order to identify the information needs from the role of the early majority, and to realize the key point of innovation diffusion. Secondly, find the possibilities of business models through the user behavior analysis and learn how to change the business logic. In this paper, we use the United Daily News Group's "Upaper" as a case study of the mobile behavior and information needs of the commuters, thereby focusing the top ten news topics to analyze user behavior, information needs, design insights, design plan, these four steps which is closely connected and inseparable. This study identifies three Personas: lazy people who need priority information, Maven who like coherent information, businessman who prefer comparative information. These three personas point out three possible new business models: from news to intelligence, from advertising to business research, from newspaper media to the transmedia. Academically, this study presents the formation process and the innovative principles of the user-oriented business model. In practice, the media organization can understand the steps and strategies about how to analyze the user microscopic behavior.
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市場流動性風險下或有償權之評價 / Contingent Claim Valuation in the Presence of Market Illiquidity何奕嘉, Ho, Yi Chia Unknown Date (has links)
欲透過流動性調整模型來探討流動性風險對或有償權的影響,但本篇研究著重於選擇權的分析。根據Feng (2014),流動性折現因子由市場流動性與股價對市場流動性敏感度所構成,而且此流動性之動態過程具有均數復歸的特性。根據本篇研究結果,價內選擇權和價平選擇權的評價表現比傳統Black-Scholes好,如果進一步將流動性之跳躍性質引入模型,除了價內選擇權和價平選擇權之外,價外選擇權的評價表現亦呈現大幅度的改善。於探討模型評價表現優劣之餘,本篇文章欲更進一步探究市場不流動性對選擇權避險參數的影響。 / This study uses a liquidity-adjusted pricing model to discuss the impact of the liquidity risk on Contingent Claim. However, we focus on the analysis of option. The liquidity discount factor consists of market liquidity and the sensitivity of stock prices to market illiquidity. The dynamic process of market liquidity possesses mean-reversion. Our empirical results show the liquidity model will improve pricing performance for ITM and ATM options. After incorporating diffusive jumps in liquidity, marked improvements in pricing performance for OTM options are observed. In addition, we discuss the impacts of liquidity risk on hedging parameters.
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醫院品質報告卡指標之篩選及以結構方程模式分析住院病人對其創新特性之知覺、態度與使用意願 / Selection of Indicators of Hospital Report Cards and using Structural Equation Modeling to Analyze Inpatient’s Perception toward the Innovation, Attitudes, and willingness to use Hospital Report Cards陳楚杰, Chu-Chieh Chen January 1993 (has links)
目標:本研究旨在由民眾觀點篩選醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡的指標項目,及採用創新擴散理論(innovation diffusion theory),以結構方程模式(structural equation model)探討住院病人對醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡創新特性的知覺、態度及使用意願。
方法:本研究首先以推動社會福利、關心民眾健康權益及病人團體的30位專家為研究對象,進行二回合的德菲法(Delphi method )問卷調查篩選醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡的指標項目。其次以台北縣市不同層級及權屬別的八家醫院內、外科共500位住院病人為研究對象進行面訪問卷調查,探討住院病人創新接受度、對醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡創新特性的認知、態度及使用意願,並以結構方程模式進行研究假說與架構的驗證。
結論:住院病人認為醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡對選擇醫院是有價值的,因此,建議行政院衛生署可考慮主導,整合醫院評鑑、全民健康保險申報及病人滿意度調查的資料,分區分醫院等級,評比其在高適用性且高重視度的九項指標項目之表現,以星號及百分比的形式呈現,再以小手冊及網際網路查詢的方式對外公佈,並加強對民眾的宣導教育,讓民眾可以將品質資訊運用在就醫選擇決策上,使民眾成為明智的醫療服務消費者及醫療與服務品質的共同監督者,以提升醫療體系的運作效能。 / There exists information asymmetry between providers and consumers in healthcare market due to the highly specialized knowledge in this market. Consumers were asked to bear more responsibility on their own health and to participate in the formulation of healthcare strategies and the inventions of new technology as the uprising in the movement of consumer right protection. These would result in the reduction in costs related to the medical services and information collection. Therefore, western countries have aggressively established the medical information system and developed hospital report cards in order to protect consumers’ right, to improve quality of medical services, and to increase the efficiency of healthcare market by providing service information to consumers.
Taiwan initiated the National Health Insurance since 1995 with the facility contract rate reaching over 90%. This provides consumers great access to healthcare institutions. However, few service data have been provided to consumers as a reference for the choice of providers to date. In addition, previous studies showed that consumers were interested in obtaining available service information and these information have a great influence on consumers’ decision of providers.
The purposes of this study were to select indicators of hospital report cards from public’s perspective and to adopt the innovation diffusion theory and structural equation modeling to explore inpatients’ perception characteristics of innovation, attitudes toward, and willingness to use hospital report card.
Materials and Methods:
Firstly, we selected 30 subjects who were experts in social welfare or consumer right to participate in two rounds of Delphi investigation to select appropriate indicators of hospital report card. Secondly, we purposely ask for the permission from eight hospitals representing different accreditation levels and ownerships to allow us to select 500 medical and surgical inpatients to conduct a face-to-face interview regarding their innovativeness, perception characteristics of innovation, attitudes toward, and willingness to use hospital report cards. Finally, we used structural equation modeling (SEM) to test research hypotheses by way of.
We found that (1) from publics’ perspective the most applicable and important indicators include nosocomial infection rate, postoperative infection rate, inpatient’s satisfaction toward physician’s explanation, and outpatient’s satisfaction toward physician’s service attitudes; (2) only 17.2% of surveyed sample heard the term “hospital report card” before; (3) a total of 80.2% of inpatients considered hospital report cards to be very valuable or valuable for the selection of providers; (4) inpatients understood more in service indicators than clinic indicators; (5) the order of inpatients’ preference in presentation of hospital report cards was to use stars, percentages, and bar charts; (6) those who had higher education and higher monthly incomes, and were younger were more likely to understand the information provided by hospital report cards after adjusting for other factors; (7) among inpatients’ characteristics of innovation toward hospital report card, ”compatibility” and “result demonstrability” had significant positive influence on ”inpatients’ attitude toward hospital report card”; (8)”perceived usefulness”, “inpatients’ attitude toward hospital report card”, and “inpatients’ innovativeness” had significant positive influence on ”inpatients’ willingness to use hospital report card”;(9)”compatibility” had significant positive influence on “inpatients’ attitude toward hospital report card”;(10)“inpatients’ attitude toward hospital report card” had significant positive influence on ”inpatients’ willingness to use hospital report card”;(11)finally it is worth emphasize that this study had a new finding that ”perceived usefulness”, “perceived ease to use ”, “compatibility”, “result demonstrability ”,and “inpatients’ innovativeness” had significant positive correlation between each other.
We concluded that inpatients considered hospital report cards to be valuable for the selection of hospitals. Therefore, it is recommended that hospital report cards be initiated by the Department of Health by integrating the information from hospital accreditation, medical claims data from the National Health Insurance, and survey of patient satisfactions. The rankings of hospital shown on report cards can be presented in stars or percentages, and these pieces of information can be released through booklet or Internet. In addition, consumers should be educated to use hospital information in order to monitor hospital performance and improve the efficiency of healthcare delivery system. / 目 錄
誌謝……………………………………………………………… Ⅰ
摘要……………………………………………………………… Ⅲ
Abstract………………………………………………………… Ⅴ
目錄……………………………………………………………… Ⅶ
表目錄……………………………………………………………… Ⅹ
圖目錄……………………………………………………………… Ⅻ
第一章 前言……………………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………… 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題…………………………… 5
第三節 研究的重要性與預期貢獻……………………… 6
第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………… 8
第一節 醫院品質報告卡的沿革……………………………… 8
第二節 醫院品質報告卡的指標項目………………………… 15
第三節 醫院品質報告卡的影響與推行障礙………………… 27
第四節 醫療品質指標系統及品質報告卡的發展步驟……… 32
第五節 創新擴散理論………………………………………… 37
第六節 結構方程模式………………………………………… 43
第七節 國內外相關實證研究之結果………………………… 48
第八節 綜合討論……………………………………………… 76
第三章 以德菲法篩選醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡之指標項目. 79
壹、研究方法……………………………………………………… 79
第一節 研究設計與流程………………………………………… 79
第二節 研究對象………………………………………………… 79
第三節 研究工具………………………………………………… 81
第四節 資料處理與分析………………………………………… 95
貳、研究結果……………………………………………………… 95
第一節 問卷回收情形…………………………………………… 95
第二節 描述性統計分析………………………………………… 96
第三節 第一回合與第二回合問卷調查結果差異分析…………105
第一節 重要研究結果討論………………………………………106
第二節 研究限制…………………………………………………108
第四章 住院病人對醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡的認知、態度
與使用意願……………………………………………… 110
第一節 研究架構、目的與假說…………………………………110
第二節 研究對象…………………………………………………118
第三節 研究變項之操作型定義…………………………………121
第四節 研究工具…………………………………………………124
第五節 資料處理與分析…………………………………………126
第一節 問卷信度及效度的檢定…………………………………129
第二節 樣本基本特質與研究變項的統計分析…………………130
第三節 研究假說與架構的驗證…………………………………170
第一節 重要研究結果討論………………………………………178
第二節 研究限制…………………………………………………187
第五章 結論與建議………………………………………………188
第一節 結論………………………………………………………188
第二節 建議………………………………………………………191
附錄三、醫院品質報告卡指標項目適用性及重要性評分問卷 212
(第二回合) ………………………………………………224
表2-1品質報告卡的種類及指標項目…………………………… 20
表2-2台灣有關醫療品質指標的實證研究……………………… 50
表2-3台灣用來評估醫院醫療品質的指標彙總表……………… 56
表2-4有關民眾(病人)選擇醫院(醫師)考量因素的實證研究… 58
關研究 ……………………………………………………… 66
表3-5適用性前十名指標項目及其平均值 ………………………103
表3-6重視度前十名指標項目及其平均值 ………………………104
表3-7適用性與重視度交叉分析矩陣表 …………………………104
表3-8高適用性且高重視度指標項目 ……………………………105
表3-9Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test 檢定結果………………… 109
表4-1研究對象分配表—依層級別、權屬別及性別分 …………120
表4-2預試問卷各成份信度結果 …………………………………125
表4-3有效樣本分佈情形—依醫院別 ……………………………131
表4-4樣本個人基本特質與就醫選擇資訊搜尋及需求狀況 ……133
表4-5對醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡的認知 ……………………137
程度…… ……………………………………………………139
表4-7醫院醫療與服務品質報告卡創新特性之描述性分析 ……140
分析………………………………………………………… 144
表4-9創新接受度量表之描述性分析 ……………………………145
素的雙變項分析 …………………………………………163
歸分析…… ………………………………………………169
表4-23整體模式之多元相關平方(SMC) …………………………171
圖4-1研究架構 ……………………………………………………111
圖4-2本研究之結構方程模式關係路徑圖 ………………………177
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客語母語者使用國音/ɕ/的狀況:社會語言學分析 / Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Phonetic Variation of Mandarin /ɕ/ by Hakka Speakers鄧碩敦, Teng, Shou Tun Unknown Date (has links)
本篇主要的發現為: (1)在語言內部因素中,字頻,鄰近音,以及音節結構對於語音變異皆有影響。(2)語音變異的確有擴散的現象。(3)在語言外部的因素中,年齡以及地理區域的影響比場合正式性及性別來得大,但教育程度的影響則很微弱。整體而言:(1)本篇調查的語音透過語言內部,場合正式性,社會以及地理空間擴散 (2)語言內部以及語言外部皆對與音變異有影響,但語言外部的因素的影響比內部因素來得大。 / Most Hakka speakers in Taiwan, if not all, speak Mandarin Chinese. Among them, many leave some traces of their Hakka background in their Mandarin pronunciation. This thesis aims at analyzing the linguistic, situational, geographical, and social causes of the emergence of [s] as a phonetic variant of /ɕ/ in Mandarin by Hakka speakers.
In this study, both quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted to locate the internal and the external constraints on the target phonetic variation. Those data for quantitative analyses were collected from the linguistic production by 32 native speakers of Hakka in casual conversation, reading passage, and reading characters. Subjects of this study are equally distributed to two genders, two education levels, two age groups, and two geographical areas (namely, in Taoyuan City and Chungli City, two cities in which a large proportion of Hakka speakers reside) . As for data for qualitative analyses collected from 29 of the 32 subjects of the quantitative tests, only those parts of the qualitative design that were implemented correctly were analyzed.
The major findings of this study are (1) among the internal factors, word frequency, preceding vowels, and syllable structure were found to be influential to the target phonetic variation; (2) the target phonetic variation does expands through lexical diffusion; and (3) among the external factors, age and geographical area are more influential than situational formality and gender, but the impact of education level is weak. General conclusion of this study include (1) this target phonetic variation is expanding gradually through linguistic, situational, and
social/geographical spaces; and (2) both internal and external factors are effective, with external factors being more influential than internal factors.
Key words: phonetic variation, lexical diffusion, formality, Hakka dialect, sociolinguistic variation, ethnic identity
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網路購物平台商業模式探討 / A Case Study on the Business Models of E-commerce Platforms廖鴻銘, Liao, Hung Ming Unknown Date (has links)
平台商業模式廣泛出現在各種產業中,受限於研究資源限制,本研究僅以電子商務為研究範圍,本研究選擇國內四家電子商務領導企業為個案研究對象,研究其成功的平台策略,及如何以平台為營運模式持續成長。另外,本研究也以商業模式圖(Business Model Canvas)來分析個案公司,探討其如何建立目標客戶群?如何建立營收模式?如何持續成長?最後,整合與分析其平台策略與商業模式的優劣,歸結出發展成功平台商業模式所應具備的資源與方法。本研究彙整結論如下:
關鍵字:商業模式,平台策略,電子商務,創新擴散,價值網,網路效應,賽局理論。 / The theme of this research is to study the platform business model. The main motivation is the recent study whether counseling in each industry from the SAP global enterprise customers or EMBA explored in countless cases. The finding is that a successful business has one common element which they have a good business model. And further to examine these companies, most of the researches show that more and more successful companies have a significant and fast growth through platform business model that they build up a platform to connect multi-group. They break the boundaries of competition, so lots of the traditional linear chain companies have been defeated.
Since the researcher used to start-up a company in earlier career stage. Also, although working in the global company has very good compensation compared with the local company. But always felt that work for others without profiting return and global vendor is pure performance driven with heavy pressure and dynamic change. So the researcher plans to re-start up the new business in the future. Besides, at the moment that all the Taiwan manufacture oriented companies are facing business transformation. Therefore want to take advantage of this thesis to investigate success of these platform companies. To conclude with best practice recommendations for reference once start-up a new company in the future. Also, provide reference for Taiwan companies that want to turn business transformation into platform business or start-up a new platform business.
Platform business model is widely present in a variety of industries, subject to the limitations of research resources, this study only focus on the scope of E-commerce. This study chose four domestic leading E-commerce enterprise as a case study. Aim to study its successful platform strategy, and how to continue to grow with platform business model. In addition, this study also adopt the business model canvas to analyze the cases of companies that explore how to establish the target audience?How to build up revenue stream?How to continue to grow?Finally, consolidate and analyze the merits of its platform strategy and business model. And came out the must have resources and methods to develop a successful platform business model. This study aggregated the following conclusions:
1. To find out the unmet needs between the groups, take advantage of the interactive platform to connect groups and establish mechanisms to provide value to meet the demand and create revenue.
2. To establish an complete platform ecosystem with solid mechanisms. Let the platform itself and each side of the groups become the key resource.
3. To form a growth strategy, continue to equip innovation and creativity to create new core competence for a platform to overcome the threat of competition and coverage.
Key Words:Business Model, Platform Strategy, E-Commerce, Innovation Diffusion, Value Net, Network Effect, Game Theory.
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行動電話擴散研究之模型選用及驅動因子分析 / Model selection and driving forces for mobile telephony diffusion朱文伶, Chu, Wen Lin Unknown Date (has links)
惟成長模型之選取尚無原理原則可供遵循而具隨機性(ad hoc basis)。為找出模型選用之可能規律,以降低模型選用之隨機性並提高成長預測之準確度,本研究以十二個代表性國家(巴、中、法、德、印、日、韓、俄、星、台、英、美)至2007年之資料以比較三個最常用之成長模型之績效,即Gompertz、Logistic及Bass模型。模型績效逐年比較標準係採用rmse值,並輔以Friedman test檢測模型績效差異之顯著性,再對照模型之機制意涵,以進一步了解最適模型之選用原則。
台灣及中國行動電話擴散之驅動因子研究發現(1)價格下降及(2)預付卡之推行對加速擴散具顯著性,兩者均對低階市場之採用具影響力。鑑於高階市場將先飽和,爰未來加速行動電話擴散之關鍵驅動因子應係與推動低階市場採用具密切相關性。以中國為例,未來市場開放競爭造成價格再度大幅下降,將進一步促低階市場採用,加速中國行動電話之普及。 / The number of mobile telephone subscriptions reached 1.2 billion globally in 2002, exceeding fixed-line telephony subscriptions (1.1 billion) for the first time. The number of mobile telephone subscriptions reached 4.1 billion globally in 2008, over three times the number of fixed-line telephone subscriptions (1.3 billion). The main advantages of mobile telephony over fixed-line are low cost and rapid facility deployment. The rapid diffusion of mobile telephony has become an important topic in innovation diffusion.
The conventional approach to studying mobile telephony diffusion is to analogize a single growth model, such as the Gompertz, Logistic or Bass model, and calculate the model parameters, for example growth rate. The significance of certain selected driving forces, such as technology innovation or market competition, to the studied parameters, such as growth rate, is then estimated. The diffusion growth can also be forecast by extrapolating the diffusion curve.
Utilizing the growth model analogy is the first step in analyzing mobile telephony diffusion. However, no principles or rules exit for selecting a growth model. To identify rules for model selection to reduce randomness and increase forecast accuracy, this work uses 12 sample countries, namely Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, the UK and the USA, employing data prior to 2008 to compare the performance of three most commonly used models, namely the Gompertz, Logistic and Bass models. The root mean square error (rmse) is chosen as the criterion for measuring annual model performance. The work uses the Friedman test to examine the significance of differences in performance between models. The implications of model mechanisms are emphasized to investigate the selection rule for the most appropriate model.
The penetration of mobile telephony in Taiwan was 108% in 2002, ranking first in the world. Furthermore, in 2001 the number of mobile telephony in China replaced the United States as number one in the world. Both Taiwan and China are important examples for mobile telephony diffusion. However, no empirical investigation has been performed in these two cases. To fill this gap, this work estimated the driving forces for mobile telephony diffusion in Taiwan and China to learn about the critical drivers of the mobile telephony diffusion.
Empirical results indicate that due to improvements in statistical software, providing good fitness for all three models, namely the Gompertz, Logistic and Bass models, distinguishing which has the best fitness is difficult. However, the performance of the three models is distinguishable when forecasting based on extrapolating the diffusion curve. In eight of the 12 examples, namely Brazil, China, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, the UK and the USA, the Gompertz model is the most appropriate model for forecasting. The mechanism of the Gompertz model means that during the initial stage the diffusion is correlated with network externalities (namely word of mouth), however, this correlation reduces during the later stages (such as pass one half of the maximum potential). Moreover, the cases of Taiwan and Russia demonstrated that the Logistic model performs well provided some significant driver of the diffusion exists. The mechanism of the Logistic model means that the diffusion is correlated with network externalities throughout the whole diffusion. Furthermore, using Chinese data, when the Bass model is applied, because of its low innovation coefficient, it performs similarly to the Logistic model, which is a special case of the Bass model in which the innovation coefficient equals zero.
Empirical results for the critical driving forces of mobile telephony diffusion in Taiwan and China indicate that (1) reducing prices and (2) the launch of pre-paid services are crucial to mobile telephony diffusion. Both factors are essential to mobile telephony adoption in low-end markets. The high-end market is the first to be saturated by mobile telephony adoption, future drivers of the mobile telephony diffusion should be highly correlated with low-end market demand. Taking China as an example, the opening of the market to further reduce tariffs will attract mobile telephony adoption in the low-end market, facilitating the mobile telephony diffusion.
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跳躍擴散模型下之短期利率期貨與結構型債券評價邵智羚 Unknown Date (has links)
經由愈來愈多的實證研究發現,的確在利率的變動過程中,除了包含連續性行為,即遵循”擴散”模式(diffusion process),亦包含了不連續性行為,也就是有著跳躍(jump)的情形發生。因此顯示出假設利率隨機過程僅為連續性的擴散模型已是不足夠的,跳躍-擴散模型(Jump-diffusion model)顯然會比純粹擴散模型有著更好的解釋能力。而市場模型(LIBOR market model)的提出,則說明了遠期LIBOR利率模型較能描述市場實際的利率型態,並且可方便使用市場資訊,進行模型參數校準。
所以本研究旨在以LIBOR market model 加上跳躍過程,即遠期LIBOR利率的跳躍-擴散模型,分別針對歐洲美元期貨與利率結構型債券中的滾雪球式累息債券建立評價方法。由於所選用動態模型的複雜度,使得封閉解的求出不易,因此在文中,最後是採用蒙地卡羅模擬法,求兩商品的數值解。在後續研究上,本文還挑出了幾個最直接影響商品價值的因素,如殖利率、波動度、跳躍幅度等,進行各種情境下商品價值的敏感度分析,以提供投資人與發行商在考量風險因子所在時的一個參考。
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生育率模型與台灣各縣市生育率之實證研究賴思帆 Unknown Date (has links)
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