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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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探索企業導入服務導向架構(SOA)影響因素之研究 / Factors affecting the adoption of Service Oriented Architecture in enterprises: an exploratory study

李盈儒, Lee, Ying-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
(略) / Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm is an emerging architectural blueprint which enables flexible process-oriented application systems. While more and more enterprises plan to adopt SOA to increase reusability and flexibility of their business processes, the readiness of this technology becomes important to enterprises. However, previous SOA studies focus mainly on the technical issues but ignore the organizational or managerial issues. To fill this gap, this research aims to explore the factors of adopting SOA. Developed upon institutional theory and diffusion of innovation theory, we not only consider the technical factors with SOA adoption, but also pay attention to factors related with organizations and IT innovations. Furthermore, a content analysis of online Webs, blogs, and forums is taken to verify our research framework, and research findings indicate the relative advantage of SOA, compatibility of SOA, the characteristics of decision makers, culture, IT capability, and SOA socioeconomic characteristics are the most important drivers for SOA adoption. The contribution is summarized in two folds: (1) enterprises can use this framework as a reference to diagnose their organization conditions and then make a decision to adopting SOA; and (2) researchers can develop their study upon the constructs of this framework.

應用消費價值理論分析小筆電的消費者行為 / Applying consumption value theory to analysis consumer behavior of the netbook

潘彥廷 Unknown Date (has links)
自2007年Eee PC刮出一陣小筆電的旋風,由07年一直紅到09年,這段過程中爭議不斷,很多廠商當作是金融海嘯下的神兵利器,也有很多廠商認為是讓筆電產業變紅海的致命毒藥;而眼前看到的事實包括07連續兩年亞馬遜網路賣場的熱賣,與華碩在08年第四季因庫存過多導致的首次虧損等,這些狀況更讓人覺得是霧裡看花,究竟小筆電的產業趨勢會如何發展,廠商又該如何制定競爭策略與規劃產品發展呢?本研究的目的就是要藉由研究小筆電的消費者行為,進而發掘小筆電的產業趨勢,並協助廠商制定競爭策略並規劃產品發展。 本研究以Sheth的消費價值(Consumption Value)模式為基礎,再配合消費者行為區隔(Segmentation)與Kotler產品屬性理論中的核心利益(Core Benefit)與基本產品(Basic Product)發展為本研究的研究架構,調查方式是以線上問卷的便利取樣法調查小筆電的潛在顧客,研究方法則先由因素分析找出樣本的消費價值,再藉由多變量分析以了解消費者的購買行為間消費價值的差異,藉以判斷不同購買時期、不同購買行為的消費者在數量與消費價值的趨勢,最後再檢定消費價值與產品屬性的相關系數來判斷該如何根據消費價值調整核心利益的發展方向與基本產品的規格,並配合檢定結果和敘述統計來分析小筆電的產業趨勢。 本研究透過實證分析得到以下的發現: 1. 四項消費行為在性別、年齡層、職業類型、年收入間至少有一項具有差異。 2. 消費者整體而言,較認同小筆電帶來的功能性價值與情境性價值 3. 四項市場區隔至少有一項消費價值具有顯著差異 4. 以調查的時間點來說,不同時期的已購者與未購者間的情境性價值有顯著差異,代表已購者受情境性因素決定購買小筆電。 5. 以調查的時間點來說,有意願在未來不同時期購買小筆電的消費者與沒有意願的消費者在社會性、情感性、情境性價值有顯著差異,代表未來影響消費者購買小筆電的因素以非功能性價值居多。 6. 已購者占有意願購買者的增加與已購者有六成比例不願意再次購買都意味著小筆電市場有可能逐漸成熟甚至衰退,廠商須重視情境性與情感性價值。 7. 有意願消費者的購買預算中位數落在一萬到一萬五千元之間,此價位購買者的新奇性價值顯著較高,而更高價位消費者的玩家專業性價值顯著較高。 8. 消費價值在消費者的各品牌偏好間無顯著差異。 9. 各消費價值與核心利益間至少有一項顯著相關,有意願購買的消費者最期待的核心利益是輕便可攜與價廉物美。 10. 各消費價值僅三項跟基本產品的升級意願有顯著相關,有意願購買的消費者最願意付費的產品屬性是品牌、處理器與電池。 / After Eee PC announced in 2007, the netbook blow a tornado until now. In this period, many people applauded and believe the netbook will be hot continuously. But, many people thought the netbook will fades gradually. The manufacturers had two different opinion, too. Many of them regarded the netbooks are sharp weapon under the financial crisis. Another though the netbooks were fatal toxicant and made the notebook industry became red sea. These opinions were confused. Beside these opinions, many facts made forecasting the trend of the netbook more difficult. We knew the netbook won the 2007 and 2008 best-sellings in Amazon online store. But we knew ASUS showed the first loss in 2008 Q4 because of excessively stock of netbook, either. All facts were just like fog, let us cannot figure out the netbook industry tendency. Therefore this research is to discover the netbook industry tendency and to help the manufacturer plan competition strategy and the product development. This research is based on the conceptual framework composed by the Sheth(1991) consumption value pattern as foundation, the consumer behavior segmentation theory and Koteler(2006) product attribute theory. We adopt on-line questionnaire to survey potential customer by convenient sampling method in this research. We use the factor analysis to find out consumption value, use MANOVA, ANOVA, Scheffe and Tamhan analysis to understand market trendancy among different periods and different consumer behaviors. Finally, we examine correlation coefficient between the consumption value and the product attribute to find the clue of product roadmap. This research obtains following findings: 1. Four consumer behaviors show at least one difference among sex, age, job and salary. 2. As for the whole, the consumers agree the functional value and the conditional value of the netbook. 3. Four segment approachs show at least one difference among seven consumer values. 4. The consumers who buy the netbook in the different period show remarkable difference in the conditional value. 5. The consumers who will purchase the netbooks in the future different time and those who won’t buy show remarkable difference among the social value, the emotional value and the conditional value. 6. Repeat buyer will become the majority of buyers in the future. And 60% buyer won’t purchase the netbook again. That mean the netbook market has the possibility become mature market even to decline gradually in the future. The manufacturers must focus on the conditional value and the emotional value. 7. The budget of the consumers who are willing to purchase fall on NT 10,000 to 14,999 dollars , whose epistemic value is remarkablly higher than others. The higher budget (NT$15,000 ~ NT$24,999) consumers’ player and perfessional value is remarkablly higher than others. 8. These consumers who perfer different brands show no difference among consumption values. 9. Consumer prefer convenient and cheap among six core benefits of the netbook. Each consumption value has at least a remarkable correlation with a core benefit. 10. Consumers prefer better brand, CPU and battery among ten basic product attributes of the netbook. Only three consumption values show the remarkable correlation with the basic product. Keywords: netbook, consumption value, consumer behavior, product attribute, segmentation, product life cycle, industrial tendency, innovation diffusion


陳友梅 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以歐盟防制人口販運之實踐做為實例,驗證全球治理下聯合國及歐盟等領導性的國際行為者,對於國際人權發展與人權保障除正面的發展外,亦可能造成負面之影響,國際人權規範擴散面臨一定之侷限性與挑戰。全球治理下之國際人權規範擴散,對於人權的保障有時是種助力也是種阻力。 歐盟雖然倡導針對防制人口販運議題之合作應當採取一個包括查緝起訴、保護以及預防三大面向的全面性解決途徑,但實際上,歐盟防制人口販運之合作制度架構初期仍是以維持境內安全的安全途徑為主軸,而非關注受害者人權之保障;幸而歐盟於2011年通過「預防及打擊人口販運與保護受害者指令」後,防制人口販運的政策更加強調必須以人口販運受害者為核心。然而,在將以受害者為核心的人權規範擴散至成員國方面,卻仍受到極大的挑戰,蓋歐盟成員國多將人口販運視為非法移民議題,故其防制人口販運之作為實仍環繞著以打擊犯罪為主的思維,人口販運受害者時常被視為非法移民而使其人權遭到侵害。 全球治理下,歐盟等人權法律規範相對完備之國際行為者,其人權規範與建制的推廣與擴散,確實有其值得肯定的正面意義。然而,當歐盟等全球治理行為者不能有效地實現其宗旨,或是其行為違背其理當服膺之價值而削弱其公正、客觀及道德性角色時,其規範性權威亦會受到挑戰。


林永達 Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於大部分知識管理對技術移轉的研究傾向於以高科技產業及其技術的移入為素材,又傳統產業整廠外移大陸已蔚成趨勢,本研究乃選擇探討台商機械製造業外移大陸的技術移轉過程及子公司如何將移入的技術知識儲存蓄積、擴散等整理整合以形成核心能耐的過程為內容。研究內容涵蓋「跨疆域的組織間(母子公司間)之技術移轉」與「接受者(子公司)組織內部技術知識的整合」兩個程序,並導引出「移轉的標的」、「移轉的過程」與「知識整合的程序」三個研究主體,而分別與「知識流通理論」、「知識移轉理論」、「知識整合理論」相印證。 本研究採用「個案研究法」,只選擇台灣鑫昌機械、上海鑫水機械一個母子公司的個案以深度訪談與實地觀察的方式,深入地報導該母子公司的實際做法並將完整知識流通的過程結合理論文獻分析發展相關的命題。共計發展有十七個命題,而主要的結論為:技術知識的特質為「技術知識的複雜性內隱性與學習的累加性特質會影響技術移轉學習的難易度」;技術移轉機制之設計為「以師徒制為基礎,採階梯技術移轉的模式,由簡而繁逐步累積學習成果與能力,因應了技術知識高度的複雜性與內隱性」、「建構了由依附於文件的知識→依附於實體的知識→依附於人的知識,之移轉程序,循序漸進克服了技術移轉障礙」、「為消弭高度內隱帶來的遺轉難度,推動了中介者設置,使技術知識在移轉者、接受者、中介者間的知識流更順暢」;技術吸收與內化之做法為「以實做為技術吸收之基礎,透過展示與觀摩、共同實做、接受者獨做,三項過程反覆循環運作,落實了接受者技術的吸收」、「三代同堂教學相長的技術移轉機制,有利於技術接受者知識的內化與移轉者知識之精進」;知識整合與組織學習的做法為「同時建構單向、雙向及多向的多層次溝通方式,有利於組織的技術知識分享與擴散」、「技術接受者在實做過程後,再檢視移轉者原提供的各項文件知識,並加以補充修正,可提升知識的外顯化與知識整理之效果」、「技術跨疆域的移轉,其技術知識須經歷調適與零件本土化,方能完成技術的儲存蓄積」。 最後,本研究對實務提出一些建議:「對外合作投資時,應評估技術知識特質的不同再研儗雙方合作模式」、「技術移轉過程,尤其是跨疆域,應設置中介者以強化知識流通過程的溝通」、「採用三代同堂教學相長的技術移轉機制,讓技術接受者在學會某項技能時教導新的接受者,既可確定這項技能會真正深入接受者的記憶而成為個人知識的一部分,對於知識之擴散與移轉者技術之精進亦有所助益」、「技術移轉應結合資料庫的管理知識移轉」。

台灣行動電子產品之市場擴散模式—由產業角度探討 / The Diffusion model of Mobile Electronic Product in Taiwan -To Discuss on Industry

林義強, Lin, Yi-Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要在探討台灣行動電子產品的市場擴散模式,以行動電話、筆記型電腦與PDA為例,來探討個別行動電子產品的產業發展概況。 ■ 行動電子產品的擴散模式,有以下的特性: 1. 在運用技術採用生命週期理論前,需要先注意本身產品的特性,如「易攜性與方便使用」、「具個人隨身資訊管理功能」、「具傳輸資料的通訊功能」、「具智慧型處理能力」,以瞭解會吸引何種潛在使用者。 2. 行動電子產品本身的可攜性、資料處理功能,皆吸引了第一區隔族群的早期使用者購買,因此行動電子產品的初期銷售皆呈現了一波看好。 3. 行動電子產品面臨的成長不連續,是由於產品本身的功能性已吸引第一區隔族群的早期使用者,因此可呈現一波成長。但因為產品的「可靠性」、「便利性」以及「價格」因素的問題,無法吸引早期大眾的青睞,讓產品本身的市場發展出現不連續的狀態。 4. 行動電話、筆記型電腦、PDA等,其在產品的功能性上皆可吸引早期使用者的購買,但在吸引早期大眾的購買上,還是以改良其操作介面、提高產品的穩定度來做著手。因此真正影響到潛在使用者購買產品的,決定性因素還是在於產品本身的特性,若產品的價格功能比達到潛在顧客的標準,以及其操作便利性容易,則會吸引潛在顧客的購買。外部環境的影響以及資訊擴散對於提升潛在使用者購買動機的影響較小,而是以將非潛在使用者進而轉變成為潛在使用者較有所幫助。而除了外部環境與資訊擴散外,產品本身功能的延伸也可以擴展潛在使用者的數量與族群。 5. 行動電子產品的主要兩個區隔族群:「商業人士」、「非商業人士」,早期使用者主要存在於商業人士中,而非商業人士則是以早期大眾、晚期大眾為主,因此要提升產品的銷售,可由鴻溝出現前的顧客需求與非商業人士的需求差異,作一比較,針對其中的產品特性差別作改善。 ■ 資料處理取向的筆記型電腦與通訊導向的行動電話在族群擴散時,不同點為: 1. 資料處理取向的筆記型電腦與PDA,由於其潛在顧客數量與族群本身就被資料處理、數位助理限制住,因此容易讓潛在顧客陷入成長的困境中。因此若要讓潛在顧客群的數量有大量的提升,則需要靠電腦教育的普及,以及網際網路的助益,才有辦法讓電腦使用人口提升,進而增加潛在使用者的數量。 2. 相較於通訊導向的行動電話,由於行動電話本身的通訊功能是大眾不可或缺的,因此其潛在顧客群規模本就比較大,發展的潛力也大了很多。 3. 除了潛在使用者的問題,筆記型電腦與行動電話本身的使用障礙也有很大的差異,筆記型電腦本身的視窗系統雖然越來越人性化,但其問題與安裝仍有進入障礙,不像行動電話的軟體系統上使用便利,因此其成長曲線呈現快速的成長。 4. 在資料處理與通訊功能結合下,將會產生無線數據傳輸的功能,而在這兩功能的族群交集下,由於於資料處理的族群數量有限,因此其潛在使用者可能不是無線通訊的使用者,而較可能為是同時使用兩種功能下的使用者,因此可考慮在此前提下進行族群的探討與發展。 / Since 1997, the mobile electronic products became more and more popular, including mobile phone, notebook computer, and PDA. Because of the revising of communication law in 1997, the wartime of the mobile phone industry came. More and more people in Taiwan started to pay attention to mobile phone, and cheaper and cheaper the price of mobile phone is. In this way, the mobile market in Taiwan grows very fast. The rate of popularity of mobile grew to 80+% in 2000. Since the price of notebook computer down in 1997, the sales of notebook became better. Beside the price down, the popular of Internet and Win95 system are the main reason of the growth of notebook market. Another mobile electronic product: PDA, will be the next star of mobile electronic product. That is why this thesis trys to discuess these three mobile electronic products. <Objectives> This thesis trys to investigate the growth of the market of mobile electronic product, including mobile phone, notebook computer and PDA. This thesis will discuss the diffusion model of mobile electronic product in Taiwan, including the diffusion of distinguish of customers, the model of each different product the same or not. The furthermore, this thesis still try to establish the common diffusion model of mobile electronic product. The main object of this thesis is: 1. The characteristic of mobile electronic product. 2. The develop model of each mobile electronic product market before the growth of discontinuity. 3. The reason of the discontinuous growth of each mobile electronic product. 4. The influence of product reformation, diffusion channels and environment on the diffusion of divisive customers. 5. To develop the common diffusion model of mobile electronic product by the characteristic. <Research Structure> This thesis is based on diffusion of innovation as the core and supported by the industry report. According the diffusion reports and book, a diffusion model should include four elements—environment, product characteristic, diffusion channel and divisive customers. The research structure is as follows: In this diffusion model, including four main elements—environment, product characteristic, diffusion channel and divisive customers, each one element effect on another one. The environment would affect the characteristic of product and diffusion channel and customer behavior. The characterisic of product will affect on the customer’s purchase desire. The diffusion channel will decide how many customers knowing the product, and the diffusion channel include two kinds of channel—production diffusion and information diffusion. <Case Choice> This thesis choose three mobile electionic product: 1. mobile phone 2. notebook computer 3. PDA <Research Methodology> This theris adopts the case study using industry report and in-depth managers and customers interviews. Before interviewing, the author has collected related data and the under-practicing data of every industry. <Case Analysis and Conclusions> 1. Before using ‘Technology Adoption Life Cycle’, we have to understand the characteristic of the mobile electronic product, in order to understand what kind of customer will be attracted. 2. The property of carrying and data processing of mobile electronic product will attract the early adopters of first division customers. 3. The discontinuous growth of the product is because of the incomplete of reliability, convenience and price, so the early majority don’t want to purchase the product. 4. To make the customer to purchase the product, the critical factor is the characteristic of the product. If the product has complete capability, the customers will have willing to buy. 5. The main two divisive customers is ‘business people’ and ‘not business people’. The most of the early adopters is included in first division, and the second division is mainly formed of early majority and later majority. If we want to know the difference between the demand of early adopters and early majoritys, we can know it by comparing the demand of first division with second division.

從創新擴散模型分析台灣能源技術服務業(ESCO)的發展 / Using "Diffusion of Innovation" theory to analyze the development of ESCO business in Taiwan

林恭平, Lin, Kung Ping Unknown Date (has links)
在當前全球受到全球暖化所帶來許許多多氣候異常現象,造成人類生命財產安全的嚴重影響,世界各國莫不致力於節能減碳,開發再生能源來取代目前的石化燃料。 美國在1970年代能源危機期間所提出的ESCO(Energy Service Company) 的概念,如今又獲得各國的青睞。 台灣於引進此一新的概念也有十年之久,在業界也一直不斷有專家,技術人員不斷的投入努力,經濟部能源局近年來也不斷的倡導節能服務的好處,甚至還推動一些補貼措施。 本研究主要是以Everett M. Rogers的創新擴散模型為理論基礎,研究台灣ESCO產業為何無法如高科技消費性電子產品般很快速的擴散到社會每一個角落,有哪些因素阻礙了台灣ESCO產業的發展。 本研究主要得到的結論如下,阻礙台灣ESCO產業擴散的因素可從三個構面來分析,第一個構面為創新擴散構面,Rogers所提出的五種創新認知屬性對於台灣ESCO產業的擴散都有一定程度的影響。另外在溝通管道上所採用的B2B行銷方式對於客戶決策也會影響擴散的速度。至於時間因素,本研究認為五年是比較恰當的觀察台灣ESCO產業發展的觀察期間。第二個構面可以從台灣獨特的經濟特質來說明,台灣以中小企業為主的經濟環境無法如歐美般有Super-ESCO規模的公司,這也導致了客戶信賴度以及未能產生以服務為導向的ESCO能源服務,台灣若還是以設備買賣為主要ESCO產業的商業模式,是會阻礙此產業的發展。第三個構面為政府的角色,台灣政府在投入ESCO產業的資源及推動此產業發展的企圖心不若美國政府。 本研究經研究結論後,提出具體的建議: 一、 要加速此產業的創新擴散就必須加強 Rogers創新擴散模型中的可觀察性屬性。 二、 跨越產業鴻溝的重點在於讓早期採用者滿意ESCO的方案。運用保齡球道理論,讓早期採用者所形成的利基市場對於ESCO節能服務能夠滿意,產生具示範效果的成功案例,才能伺機擴張至其他的利基市場,最後形成龍捲風暴,順利跨越此產業的鴻溝。。 三、 本研究對於台灣ESCO產業的發展的看法是審慎保守的。台灣ESCO產業的發展絕不是短短幾年就可以看到成效,本研究建議以五年為一個觀察期。目前以中小企業為主的ESCO業者必須要儘快的建立自己的優勢,儘早建立口碑,未來才有機會生存。 / Global warming is the most seriously problem we are facing in 21th century. All the countries devoted to reduce the carbon emission in order to minimize the impact of climate change. The business model of ESCO (Energy Service Company), which has been created in US during 1970 energy crisis, now has been advocated worldwide. The ESCO business model has been introduced into Taiwan for more than 10 years. There are many talent people, specialist engaged in this business. Taiwan government has also promoted ESCO some subsidies. However, even the society put a lot of efforts to develop ESCO business, why this business cannot spread out as consumer electronics? This thesis adopts the theory of “Diffusion of innovation” from Everett M. Rogers, 1962. The main purpose of this study is to find out why ESCO service business model cannot diffuse like other high-tech products. Are there any obstacles slow down the development of this industry? This thesis comes to the conclusion of three faces, which can significantly influence the development of ESCO business in Taiwan. The first face based on the diffusion of innovation theory, the five attributes of innovation defined by Rogers will affect the development of ESCO industry in Taiwan. Of course, the B2B marketing approach will delay the propagation of the ESCO industry. Moreover, this study suggest that 5 years watching window should be appropriate to monitor the development of the ESCO industry in Taiwan. The second face is the Taiwan unique economics environment. The ESCO industry in Taiwan is formed mostly by Middle-small size enterprises. In comparison with US, there is no Super-ESCO company exists in Taiwan. This study found out the truth that the client is not confident on middle-small size company to provide ESCO service. The common business model of ESCO industry in Taiwan is still focusing on selling the energy efficient product instead of providing energy service to the client. The study believes that this kind of business model will severely impact the development of this industry. The third face of the conclusion is the government role in Taiwan. The study found out that Taiwan government didn’t allocate enough resources to assist developing ESCO business. This thesis not only indicated the obstacles to slow down the ESCO business in Taiwan but also provide some constructive initiatives. 1. We have to concentrate on the visible attributes in diffusion of innovation theory for ESCO industry. 2. In order to cross the chasm, ESCO has to satisfy the early adapters in the beginning. They can also build up the bowling pin model to keep the existing niche market and explore the adjacent niche market when the opportunity comes. Thus, ESCO can create tornado period and cross the chasm in the industry. 3. The study is conservative about the development of Taiwan ESCO industry. We suggest that 5 years watching window should be proper to monitor the development of Taiwan ESCO industry. The ESCO companies in Taiwan should establish their strengths the sooner the better in order to survive for the future severe market competition.

消費性耐久財創新擴散決定因素之研究-以蘋果iPad為例 / A study on consumer durables innovation diffusion dominant factors - based on Apple iPad

呂政霖 Unknown Date (has links)
現代科技產業發達,「消費性耐久財」,也就是所謂的科技產品日新月異,新產品推出後開始其創新擴散與為大眾所接受的過程。在科技產品相同品項中,常存在著代表標準的主流技術或產品,而該主流品牌易成為上下游廠商競相合作的對象,這樣的地位也保證著高度的消費者採用意願。個人自我創新特質可決定是否採用新技術產品,不可忽略的是來自週遭人群採用的網路外部性影響,越多人採用能降低使用上的風險與不確定性,並提高生活與工作上的效率;互補性產品推出亦會因多人採用而越發完善,如此便能更確立其產品或技術在市場中的主流地位。 本研究以2010年初上市的蘋果電腦iPad為主要被接受科技,至今已帶動許多科技大廠投入平板電腦市場,其中不乏電腦與智慧型手機業者,甚或是電信業者亦欲加入此新世代多點觸控風氣盛行的平板電腦產業,蘋果電腦iPad的銷售量居高不下,顯示其儼然已位居主流產品地位。為了能探究其活化已瀕臨死亡的平板電腦市場之因,本研究認為應以創新擴散理論、科技接受模型與網路外部性的組合做為研究探討基礎理論,並採用品牌形象、涉入程度與資訊構面來輔佐加強,以達到與過去國內科技產品創新接受模型的差異化的目的,提供不同方向的切入點。本研究盼能在以問卷量化設計的構面採用中,將蘋果iPad此等消費性耐久財的廠商面與消費面間策略取得平衡探討,提供給平板電腦廠商思考行銷與聯盟策略上的參考依據,而本研究結果發現如下: (一) 個人內在創新特質與兩種外部因素代表的網路外部性,會正面影響採用者對於蘋果iPad的正面創新知覺特質,形成正面的採用態度;在採用者部份負面創新知覺特質上,也有負面效果存在。 (二) 尚未購買者的採用意願較不受負面創新知覺特質影響,正面知覺特質有助於增加已購買者的未來繼續採用意願。 (三) 有形與無形品牌形象中,唯有無形者對於繼續採用意願的增強無效。 (四) 加入對於蘋果iPad產品涉入程度考量後的廠商與消費資訊,並不完全提升對繼續採用意願的影響效果,且對於採用意願無顯著影響。 故整體而言,平板電腦廠商,應能由廠商與消費面切入思考產品研發與行銷策略,由目標市場的需求做基礎考量新產品功能,並善用品牌、銷售與廠商策略聯盟資訊,增強採用者的好印象,才能真正擴散其創新科技以達永續經營。 關鍵字:創新擴散、科技接受、網路外部性、涉入程度、品牌形象 / Global technical industry booms, especially the “consuming durable,” or the so-called “technical products” evolves fast. After new products are launched, the innovation diffusing and generally accepted procedure starts. Among the same technical items, there is always a mainstream technology or product which could play the role as a referred standard. And the mainstream brand would easily become the one that up and downstream manufacturers long to cooperate with. The position will also present the highly consumer accepting intention. Self-innovation could be an important dominant factor deciding whether to accept product with new technology. However the external network effect from the acceptance of people around is indispensible as well. As a rule of thumb, more acceptances could reduce the risk and uncertainty when using the targeted product or technology. Meanwhile, this will also increase the efficiency in daily life or at work. Complementary goods would develop more completely because of mass acceptance and this way it will help ensure the mainstream role of product or technology in the market. The research would take Apple iPad which was launched in the early of 2010 as the main accepted technology. It has encouraged many famous technical firms to join the new generation tablet PC market, including not only the originally computer and cell phone but also telecommunication firms. The highest sales among the tablet PC market showed iPad’s role as the mainstream product and technology. This research would take innovation diffusion theory, technology acceptance model and network externality as the basic theoretical combination to discuss the phenomenon that iPad helped excite tablet PC market. Besides, we add brand image, involvement, and information factors to our research framework so as to distinguish from and hope could provide more perspectives to the past theories discussing consuming durables’ innovation diffusion. And we expect to design ideal questionnaires including all the factors discussed, strike a discussing balance between firm and consumer strategies, and providing the consequence for Tablet PC firms’ considering marketing and cooperation strategies as supporting references. The following points are main conclusions of this research: 1. Internal self innovation and two kinds of network externality have positive effects on consumers’ positive innovative perceptions when accepting iPad; negative effects on negative innovation perceptions. 2. Potential buyers’ accepting intentions are less affected by negative innovative perceptions, but positive innovative perceptions would positively affect buyers’ continuing accepting intentions. 3. Only intangible brand image has no effect on buyers’ continuing accepting intentions. 4. After taking iPad product involvement into consideration, we found that the effects of information on accepting intentions will not be enhanced but will have partial effect on continuing accepting intentions. Considering everything, Tablet PC firms should do the product R&D and marketing plan on the basis of firm and consumer, launch the new function by taking consumer’s demand into consideration, and take full advantage of brand, sales and firm cooperation information to leave good impression on consumers. This way, they could really diffuse innovation and fulfill the goal of eternal operation. Keywords: Innovation Diffusion, Technology Acceptance, Network Externality, Brand Image, Involvement.


劉卓皓 Unknown Date (has links)
保險業及再保險業以往對於巨災危險的風險管理方式大部份都佼給全世界的再保險承保能量去承擔。然而從1995年開始,美國芝加哥交易所(CBOT)與產物損失部門(PCS)共同推出巨災保險選擇權,提供保險人以及再保險人利用國際金融市場移轉核保業務上所承擔之巨災危險的管道。此種業務上的巨災危險提供保險業處理巨災損失的新管道,例如產險業因為天然災害或是人為疏失所導致的鉅額核保損失以及壽險業的團體保險和健康保險的鉅額損失。巨災保險選擇權是一種新的衍生性金融商品,其交易標的物是專門針對保險業所承保的業務(尤其是巨災),因此如果運用得當,除了能有效的分散核保風險之外,更可以避免傳統的再保險契約所衍生的問題。 本研究在第一章首先說明台灣地區是地震、颱風以及水患等天然災害頗為集中的地區,因為傳統再保險的分散風險方式有其成本較高以及資訊不對稱的問題,所以保業以及再保險業應該考慮其他類型的危險管理策略。第二章以巨災保險選擇權評價的相關基礎理論為主要的架構,並且探討美國PCS所開發的巨災保險選擇權,並說明如何利用此種金融工具移轉保險與再保險人因地理上的核保因素所產生的風險。 第三章以及第四章討論模擬方法與分析模擬所得的結果,我們並利用情境分析的方式,探討在單位時間內,平均跳躍次數對於每一個模型中假設,交易標的物為損失指數時的影響,以及依此損失指數所得對於巨災保險選擇權價格之變化幅度。第五章則是歸納本研究所得的結果並且提出後續研究的建議。 / The insurance and reinsurance industries traditionally transfer their insurance risk of catastrophe disasters through the international reinsurance market. Since the capacity of the international reinsurance market is not always available to cover the entire risks. In 1995, CBOT (Chicago Board of Trade) and PCS (Property Claims Service) have begun trading the PCS catastrophe options Through the catastrophe options, the insures and reinsures could hedging their operating risks in the international financial market. These risks consist of large amount of underwriting losses from the natural disasters, personal default in property insurance, inflation of claims amount and the large claims in group insurance and health insurance. The loss ratios of the insured business are trading through the catastrophe options. Hedging the operating risks of the insures and reinsures in the financial market could effectively reduce the costs and avoid the complexity from the reinsurance contracts. In this study, we have reviewed the development of the catastrophe option. Asian style call options are illustrated to monitor the process of option pricing. The trading loss ratios are modeled through lognormal distribution based on the claim experience collected from 1970-1996. The methodology of pricing the modified options based on pure jump model proposed by Cox, et al (1976) and the jump diffusion model proposed by Merton (1976) are discussed. Computer simulations and scenario analysis are performed to investigate the pricing of Asian style catastrophe option under various proposed models. Sensitivity analysis is also completed at various parameters in the jump process. Finally, comments on future works and the limitation of the proposed risk-transfer mechanism using catastrophe options are discussed.

反武器擴散:資料採礦技術於我國戰略性高科技貨品出口管制之應用 / Counter proliferation: the application of data mining technologies in Taiwan strategic high-tech commodities export control management

邱建凱, Chiou, Chien Kai Unknown Date (has links)
WMD (weapons of mass destruction) proliferation and nuclear terrorism are the gravest dangers that the world faces. The international society established counter proliferation regimes and export control systems to prevent the proliferators from acquiring WMD and the related commodities that can be used in producing the weapons. However, there are limitations in export control systems. The trade security and facilitation should be both considered, while the proliferators attempt to establish procurement networks to circumvent export control systems and globalization has introduced challenges from the emergence of increasing number of global corpora¬tions and increasing volume of dual-use trade. By using the data mining tool of link analysis, the thesis attempts to develop a methodology to increase the coerciveness and accuracy of detecting problematic shipments from ordinary export activities in order to improve the export control management. From the research, it suggests that data mining is a feasible solution to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of export control. It can be used for discovering entities with not only explicit but also implicit proliferation concerns from a large quantity of datasets and increase the cost and difficulties of circumventing export control so that the proliferation activities are to be contained or hindered. Based on the findings, the thesis established an export control management model with data-mining solutions.


許榮洲 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路的發展與普及,有愈來愈多人選擇使用網路來進行日常活動,而網路銀行就是一例。網路銀行具有多種的好處:對於使用者而言,它提供隨時、隨地處理財務的通道;對銀行而言,它可以降低營運成本、減輕臨櫃負擔、增加收續費收入、吸引客戶、減少客戶流失的成本與提供網路宣傳的廣告。參考美國的發展經驗,若能有效提昇網路銀行使用人口,那麼銀行將會增加可觀的獲利,因此本研究藉由探討、解釋使用者為何願意再次使用網路銀行的行為來了解現行台灣網路銀行的使用率偏低的可能原因,以利於網路銀行的推擴及策略的制定。   網路銀行同電子商務,表徵是科技,本質是商業。接受使用網路銀行的行為,相當於代表同時接受使用新科技與信任它-科技接受模式(TAM, Technology Acceptance Model)與信任理論需整合性探討,由於台灣過去中並沒有此類研究,因此本研究藉由移植Gefen, Karahanna et al. (2003)的整合模型至網路銀行的議題上,俾希望能夠清楚而完整地陳述與解釋使用者願意再次使用網路銀行的行為,最終有助於提高網路銀行的使用量。   信任理論部份採用McKnight, Larry et al. (1998)對於信任的看法,一方面是因為它整合了了各種不同學派(心理學、社會學、社會心理學、經濟學等)對於形成信任關係的解釋,另一面它以理性行為模式(TRA, Theory of Reasoned Action)的順序結構形成模式-信念、態度、意圖、行為的順序架構。而正由於科技接受模式源自於理性行為模式,因此在做適度的必要調整後,Gefen, Karahanna et al. (2003)。將之集結成一整合模式。而模式中,「信念」整合了各種「因素」的影響再對「行為意圖」造成影響,其中形成信任的因素有:計算原則的信任、體制結構的保障、境遇的正常性與熟悉性因素;而信念有:信任、認知易用與認知有用信念。由於本研究探討的議題是台灣的網路銀行,不同於探討新網路商店的被接受使用行為,因此本研究在模型移植過程中以創新擴散理論(DOI, Diffusion of Innovation)的配適性(Compatibility)來取代境遇正常性因素。   為驗證移植模式,本研究採網路問卷的方式進行資料的收集與分析,問卷的問項設計主要是來自於文獻所提供的問項,在經過適當的中文化、調整語意與試問後,最後得到9個構念共29個問項。網路問卷的訊息曝光主要有兩個管道,其一是委由優仕網獎勵其會員填答,另一則是本研究將問卷訊息公布在各大bbs站與各大入口網站的金融討論區當中。在扣除隨意作答與無效問卷後,本研究最後得有效問卷217份。而資料分析部分,除了分析人口統計資料的敘述統計量外,由於結構方程模式(SEM, Structural Equation Modeling)進行分析,能夠同時進行因素分析與路徑分析的特性,因此本研究選擇作為主要的分析方法。 在經過一系列結構方程模式的操作流程包含了模型界定、辨識、參數估計、模型契合度估計與模型修飾後,本研究得僅進行小部份的修飾的模型,由於評估問卷測量品質的測量模型的指數當中,不論信度[內部一致性信度(Chronbach’s α)亦或是建構信度]或效度[建構效度]上都表現相當優良,因此結構模型的各路徑係數的可信度與有效度相當高。 本研究在經過了各路徑的分析之後,做出了以下幾個結論: 1. 商業面的〝信任〞議題影響使用者有意願繼續使用網路銀行的影響力,較科技面的〝科技接受〞議題來得大。 2. 現行影響網路銀行使用者信任的因素,主要為計算原則的信任因素、其次為熟悉性因素;而體制結構的保障因素對信任的影響力非常小,至於配適性因素則無影響力。 3. 科技接受議題也受信任議題的影響。因此認知易用與認知有用皆受計算原則的信任與熟悉性因素間接影響。而除此之外,認知有用尚受配適性因素的直接影響,在影響力上,信任的因素所帶來的間接整體影響力上,略大於適配性因素。

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