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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中等學校輔導教師對師生諮商雙重關係的經驗探究 / A study on the teacher-student dual relationships of middle school counselors

康家華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討中等學校輔導教師在校園中同時擔任個案的任課教師和諮商員的雙重關係經驗,以訪談法蒐集資料,經由立意取樣邀請四名任教國中、高中且面臨師生諮商雙重關係的新手和資深輔導教師參與研究訪談,呈現其工作樣貌,並輔以生態系統觀點探討面對雙重關係一事的考量。  四名輔導教師皆曾聽過師生諮商雙重關係一詞且理解其意涵,但在何時聽聞以及考量原因等則印象不一。受訪教師認為雙重關係的優點包含提供學生觀察老師的機會、較易建立關係,可看到學生不同面向的表現並滿足教師本身對親近感的需求,此外亦可連結資源改善學生環境並推廣輔導工作;而其困擾多為內在感受,如擔心個人身為教師的價值觀介入或需要不時思考此議題的煩惱,至於其他負面影響則因皆可處理而未感困擾。 在師生諮商雙重關係的經驗中,受訪者因學校制度而進入雙重關係,並提及同事期待輔導教師協助個案輔導所給予的壓力,然而受訪者也利用自身教師角色連結校內資源提供學生協助。在外圍系統的決策考量上,因受訪老師選擇接受校園中輔導教師同時授課和個案輔導的限制且忘記當初的矛盾,故無法探究各老師的思考過程。在鉅視系統層面,受訪教師認同自身教師角色,皆有責任崇高或需要更主動付出的自我期待屬之。   整體而言,受訪教師接受師生諮商雙重關係的存在,然則不受限制而在此情況下依各自期許盡力而為是其主要因應方式。 / / / To explore the teacher-student dual relationships of middle school counselors, four study participants facing dual-relationships in junior and senior high schools including novice and veteran teachers were interviewed through purposive sampling. The results show their work appearances, assist with the discussion of the consideration facing dual relationships in eco-systems perspective.   The four participants all have heard the teacher-student dual relationships and understand its meaning, but have different impressions of when they heard, and the reasons of consideration. Interviewed teachers think the advantages of dual relationships include providing students the opportunity to observe the teachers, being able to build relationships easier, understanding students’ different performance, and meeting the teachers’ own needs of the close feelings, they also can link resources in order to improve the students’ environment, and promote counseling works. However, the distresses are their inner feelings, such as teachers worry about the personal values involving, or the need for thinking of this topic from time to time. Otherwise, they aren’t troubled with the solvable negative effects.   From the interviewees’ experiences, their duel relationship with students resulted from the system of school environment. They were under the pressure of student individual counseling from their colleagues’ expectations. However, they were able to provide more resources in the school under their role as a teacher. In terms of the decision making of exosystem, how the interviewees processed their conflicts of duel relationship is hard to explore since they have already accepted the reality of teaching and counseling in the same time as guidance counselor (guidance teacher), and forgot about their first thought. When we look at the macrosystem, interviewees’ identified their roles as teachers, and considered it as a high responsibility career, and expected themselves devoted to their career more.   Generally speaking, the interviewees accept the teacher-student dual relationships. Their way to deal with this inner conflict is trying their best according to their own expectation without other limitation.


陳意文 Unknown Date (has links)
新產品開發是一個資源組合的過程。創新產品的設計與推出,不僅攸關廠商參與市場競爭的機會,更影響其未來生存發展的空間。在過去相關研究中,較側重於探討市場面的商品效果,強調功能、介面設計,以及樣式美觀等因素,也因此忽略了開發過程中資源取用的「成本」問題。雖有部分研究試圖以資源基礎觀點探討廠商能耐與產品開發績效之間的關係,卻僅圍繞在檢視資源的「組合效率」與「組合效果」,如加速開發流程、提升生產速度,以及提高產品的品質與績效。 然而,創新產品具有「推陳出新」的特質,即強調資源的重組與新組合的實現(Schumpeter, 1912)。不過,關於資源的組合論述,卻過於籠統,並未觸及組合的建構內涵,也甚少探討投入組合的單一素材,其多重應用的可能性,亦即「資源發明」的議題。因此,本研究以人類學家Lévi-Strauss(1966)提出的拼湊(bricolage)概念,探討開發創新商品的資源拼湊與價值實現,以填補資源基礎觀點的不足。 本研究採取質性與量化並行的研究策略。針對創新產品的發展歷程實施以敘述生命故事、回溯創作史為核心的敘事研究,透過先導個案澄清分析架構,爾後進行驗證式個案研究及量化研究,使變數的衡量與關係的驗證,得以在第二階段實施。 研究發現,資源在創新商品的開發活動中扮演關鍵角色,廠商若取用成本較低的一般性資源,不僅有助於降低「資源組合成本」,也較能快速啟動資源重組活動。此外,較為豐厚的資源初始狀態,也可在開發創新商品時,增加重複進行多次實驗的機會,透過不斷地資源重組、摸索元素之間的連結關係,以促進學習效果,並累積「工多藝熟」的能耐,進而堅實組合的結構與秩序。 另一方面,一般性資源通常被視為無用或毫無價值,因此必須能賦予資源新生命,進而與其他元素重新組合,才能創造「無中生有」、超越資源既有價值水準的創新商品。而發現資源多重應用的基礎,即為拼湊能力的建立,代表對資源特質的觀察力、區辨性、重新連結能力、實作以及學習能力。 從理論上而言,本研究探討萌芽階段的創意團隊,藉由拼湊一般性資源而點燃創新能量並實現價值的關鍵因素,不僅擴展資源基礎觀點的適用性,亦開啟「新資源基礎觀點」之理論面向。在實務上,本研究透過系統性地觀察及分析小型創新商品的開發活動,彰顯拼湊能力的重要性。而對於有意願投入或開發創新商品的團隊,本研究亦提供一個資源取用的整體性架構與創意思考的空間。

山中百合花:原住民生涯復元之敘事研究 / A narrative research for indigenous people who made a recovery from career traumas

吳健瑋, Wu, Chien Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採以「復元」概念,試圖瞭解原住民在經歷到生涯發展中的阻礙與創傷後,如何進行調適與重新得力的經驗。研究設計採取敘事研究法對四位布農族原住民的生涯故事進行蒐集與分析,並有四點發現:首先,原住民的生涯發展可區分為「家庭生活」與「自我實現」兩條軸線,且均呈現螺旋攀升的形式發展;其次,原住民在生涯故事中的敘說風格採以「開拓家」、「悲劇英雄」、「幸運份子」與「被犧牲者」四種建構位置的交替,並在單一生涯主題上,會隨時間與情境而有位置的改變,或因為不同的生涯主題,而同時擁有複數的位置;第三,原住民生涯故事中的創傷主題具有族群的特殊性,共包括「貧窮」、「父係社會下的角色規範」、「學校與部落價值觀的脫節」、「原漢關係的衝突」、「酗酒問題」、「家庭暴力」,以及「其他生涯議題」等七項;最後,促進原住民從生涯創傷中復元的因子,則可歸納出「個人優勢」、「人際關係」、「環境資源」與「文化與靈性」四類,而類別當中的個別復元促進因子會隨情境而被激發或發揮不同功能,且單一因子即可能觸發不同類別間因子的連鎖反應。作者根據研究結果,對原住民族助人工作提出實務上和政策上的建議。 / This research takes “Recovery” concept to describe and understand experiences of Taiwanese indigenous people who made a recovery from career barriers and traumas. Research design takes narrative research to collect and analyze four indigenous Bunun persons’ career development stories. And main findings are as follows. First, axes of indigenous persons’ career development stories could be generalized to “Family life” and “self-fulfillment” two topics, and both development forms tend to spiral upward. Second, interviewees take four narrative positions to construct self in their stories, including “Pioneer”, “Tragedy hero”, “Lucky guy” and “Scapegoat”, but these positions are often shifted because of the time or situations changes, and one person could have plural positions on different topics at the same time. Third, career traumas in stories include “Poverty”, “Role norms under the patriarchal society ”, “Values disconnection between the schools and the tribes”, “Relationship conflict between the Hans and indigenous peoples”, “Alcoholism”, “Domestic violence” and “Other issues”, the specific effects from ethic group background are appeared on all of these trauma issues. Fourth, the conducive factors to recovery from career traumas are widely distributed over “Personal strengths”, “Interpersonal relationships”, “Environmental resources” and “Culture and Spirituality” areas, each factor could be aroused or created by situations, and every single factor can leads others to make chain reaction. Base on above findings, author gives advice on policy making and practice work for indigenous people’ career development.

初探情感性精神病患身為疾病照顧者之家庭生活適應歷程 / An exploratory study on the process of family-life adjustment among caregivers who have affective disorder.

龔千逢 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖針對目前或曾經有過照顧罹病家人之情感性精神病患進行深度訪談,以了解其家庭生活適應整體歷程中,所遇之壓力負荷議題、照顧議題及生活適應影響議題為何。研究設計採取敘事研究法,針對四位情感性精神病患的照顧故事進行資料蒐集與分析。   本研究共有三大部份的發現,在壓力負荷層面中,照顧者主要經驗「情緒困頓」、「責任壓力」、「束縛感受」、「被隔離或排斥的感受」、「對未來的恐懼」、「刻板印象、歧視或烙印」、「家庭功能和關係之變化」等七項主觀或客觀議題;在照顧層面中,照顧者主要面臨了「疾病復發引發負面情緒,影響照顧的能量」、「資源和支持系統之運用」、「生理健康」、「心理健康」、「情感需求支持」等五項議題;在生活適應影響層面中,照顧者面臨「角色轉變」、「相關支持」、「照顧信念」、「照顧需求」等四個面向的議題。   在了解情感性精神病患身為疾病照顧者之家庭生活適應歷程中,影響其家庭生活適應之相關因素和議題之後,研究者根據研究結果的整理,提出具體建議與結論,提供助人實務工作和政策方案設計在協助情感性精神病患執行照顧角色之參考。 / This research aims to caregivers who have affective disorder had or having the experience of taking care of his or her sick families. With in-depth interview, author try to understand what issues will face during their process of family-life adjustment, like stress and burden issues, care issues, and live adjustment issues. Research design takes narrative research to collect and analyze from four caregivers who have affective disorder. This research has three parts of finding. First, in "Stress and burden issues", caregivers face seven subjective and objective issues, such as "emotional suffering", "responsibility stress", "feeling of restrain", "feeling of being separated or rejected", "fear of the future", "stereotype, prejudice, and stigma", and "changes of family function and relationship". Second, in "Care issues", caregivers face five issues, such as "symptoms cause negative feelings", "using the resources and supportive system", "mental health", "physical health", and "support of emotional needs". Third, in "Life adjustment issues", caregivers face four issues, such as "role change", "supports", "care belief", "care needs". After discovering those issues and relative factors that influence the process of family-life of caregivers who have affective disorder. Base on above findings, author gives suggestions on policy making and practice work for caregivers who have affective disorder.

由外語學習歷程與信念探討職前華語文教師之教學信念 / A case study on pre-service TCSL teachers’ teaching beliefs: from being a foreign language learner to a TCSL teacher

邵佩欣, Siaw, Pey Shin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解職前華語文教師學習外語的歷程、語言學習信念與教學信念,屬質性個案研究。對象為華語文教學研究所四位台籍研究生,聚焦於外語學習歷程、外語學習信念、外語教學信念三大主軸,以深度訪談作為資料收集方法。訪談內容及範圍主要參考了Horwitz(1985)語言學習信念研究的BALLI 模式以及Johnson(1992)與張碧玲(2000)設計的語言教師教學信念問卷。研究發現包括:(一)不同時期的外語學習經歷對個案職前教師的學習及教學信念起了「學徒式的觀察」、信念的轉變及「濾鏡」等作用。(二)透過對個案的學習及教學信念探討,可以看到信念具有多層次的特質。而其中較整體面向的信念與較個別層次的信念,呈現了相互支持、矛盾等關係。(三)教學信念隨著背後所隱藏的動機不同,不能以因果關係作解釋。(四)個案教師基於不同的學習經歷、學習信念及教學信念,在教學上建構了與社會文化情境相關,同時也具有個人意義的教學理論。最後建議華語文師資教育應提供機會讓職前教師了解自我語言學習及教學信念,以及更多教學實務的機會,以讓他們在教學行動中反思,也在反思中進行教學。華語文教師本身亦可以利用自我的外語學習經驗作為反思的工具,時時保持成長的動機與內省的能力。此外,華語文教師也應對教學現場及環境文化等因素有所知覺,這樣才能促進有效的教學。 / This qualitative case study aims to understand the TCSL ( Teaching Chinese as a Second language ) pre-service teachers’ foreign language learning experience, language learning beliefs, and teaching beliefs. The participants are four Taiwanese postgraduate students from the department of TCSL in a university in northern Taiwan. The study focus on three aspects: foreign language learning experience, language learning beliefs, and teaching beliefs. In-depth interviews are conducted as the data collection method, informed by Horwitz’s (1985) BALLI model as well as Johnson (1992) and Zhang (2000). The findings include that (1) the four pre-service TCSL teachers’ foreign language learning experiences, serving as a filter, afford “apprenticeship of observation” which leads to changes in beliefs, and (2)beliefs are multilayered, involving both supportive and contradictory relationships. (3) Teaching beliefs are not necessarily consistent with each other because of different intentions lying behind. It is difficult to regard them as having a simple cause-and-effect relation. (4) Based on different learning experiences, learning and teaching beliefs, the four pre-service teachers construct their own personal theories toward teaching, which are not only socially relevant but also personally meaningful. Finally, the study suggests that language teacher education needs to provide sufficient opportunities for pre-service teachers to understand their own learning and teaching beliefs. It is also necessary to provide opportunities to engage them in authentic teaching contexts so that they could reflect on their teaching beliefs in real-world pratice. TCSL teachers need to be encouraged to use their own learning experiences as a reflective tool to sustain their passions for teaching.

兩位華語老師談二語學習歷程:視覺化分析敘事流程、學習自主與觀眾反應之互動關係 / Two Chinese Teachers Narrating Their L2 Learning Journeys: Visual Analysis on the Interaction of Narrating Flow, Language Learning Agency, and Audience Response

李晏禎, Li, Yan Zhen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究延續Coffey (2013)的研究,將社會學的理論「自主概念」應用至華語教學研究的領域當中,採用的是敘事資料、個案研究方法。本研究中,有兩位敘事風格與學習行動迥異的華語老師,一位平穩的將自己的故事娓娓道來;另一位則關注觀眾的感受,使得說故事的過程趣味橫生。本研究以兩位老師回顧二語學習過程的音檔及書面資料為分析樣本,並依照他們敘事的時間繪製曲線圖,這兩張曲線圖包含了敘事場域中的三個不同面向,包括:兩位老師學習過程中的各個事件和人生轉捩點(二語學習自主)、說話者是否在乎觀眾反應而改變原先的說話方式或內容(說話者展現之言談自主)以及觀眾的反應。研究人員依話語給予相應不同分數,並利用Holistic-Form(整體形式)的方式繪出三面向之間的交會與變化,從中分析學習者如何敘說自己生命歷程以及自我概念的變化。 本研究之貢獻在於敘事研究的分析方法上,使用三條曲線視覺化學習者自我與時空連結與敘事現場氣氛的流動,更全面的檢視團體互動細節。並發現這種「依附/不依附」觀眾為中心的敘事模式,顯示說故事者的自我揭露程度不同。以此提出建議,當說話者展現之言談自主高、情節多且短時,要注意對方可能避重就輕、迴避了感受的真實性。同時,言談自主高起的區段可能是當事人比較痛苦或負面的經驗,可以多加留意。研究的場域與在場的觀眾會對說故事者的敘事產生影響,如採一對一訪談,應能降低前述情況的發生。並建議將之納入日後研究方法的範疇中。 / Drawing on theories of identity and agency (particularly, Coffey, 2013), this qualitative case study scrutinizes how language learner identities and agencies are performed in group storytelling sections. The participants involved are two Chinese teachers with distinct narrative styles: one tells her stories quite uneventfully; while the other intentionally shaped her stories according to audience response, making the storytelling section full of laughter. Both oral and written narratives were gathered for holistic-form analysis which resulted in two matrix displays of running time, response intensity, and levels of learner agency as the participants narrated critical events in their language learning trajectories. These matrixes helped reveal how the three intersected and changed and how the participants narrated the changing identities and agency in the L2 stories that they lived through. This study contributes to the approach of data analysis in narrative study by utilizing graphical presentations to facilitate visualization and analysis of the interaction between and among the storytelling time/context, the participants’ language learner agency, and audience response. It also pays close attention to details in how the learner story is told and in what kind of group dynamics as well as reveals different possible levels of self-exposure: that is, audience-centered and non-audience-centered narrative styles. In addition, the study alerts narrative researchers of the possibility that true emotions will be hidden and important details will be avoided when the narrator performs high agency in discourse, particularly with too many short plots in their stories. It is also clear that when there is high intensity in changing discourse it is often involved emotionally charged negative episodes that deserve careful scrutiny. Since context and audience could affect the form, flow, and content of narratives, one-on-one interview is suggested for future study to avoid limitations introduced by group storytelling sections.

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